#i also want to weave eah's themes in as well
spontaneousful · 2 months
Guess That AU!
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soundwavereporting · 5 years
Writer's Meme: 34,37,38
fic writer meme
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Oh man. I love all the reviews I get, but especially the ones with details? And of every single review I’ve ever recieved, the ones I get for prowlcoswave fics are always held really close to my heart, because it’s my made-up OT3 that I’m really passionate about.
Aaaaaand all the rest of these will be Under A Cut (because I have Opinions and because I’m gonna ramble about my WIPs). I am hoping, so, so hard that the readmore on this works.
34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
I am prefacing this with the fact that I’ve written both of those (not published on ao3 or anything, just in google docs).
this post more or less sums up my thoughts on the matter.
That being said, I haven’t come across a fic with those themes/subjects (specifically non con) that I’ve actually enjoyed? Usually because I want it to be handled in a very specific way. And, I want a genuinely happy ending.
That being said, I find dubcon to be interesting just because there’s such a huge spectrum of it. Like, I think I posted here about a dream I had where Prowl and Soundwave decided to get married or something–they didn’t want to, but were willing to do it For The Cause. So that, to me, is dubcon–even if it ended up being a genuine romance eventually (which, I think it did? I don’t actually remember, but I’d like to think dream!me believes in happy endings just as much as awake!me), it started out as something very different.
But then you have Character A willing to sleep with someone to get intel, or to get back at someone, or for other reasons that aren’t about Character B except what they can get out of it, that, to me, is also dubcon, because in an Ideal World, they certainly wouldn’t be sleeping together.
I find dubcon interesting to think about from a character perspective: what are they willing to do in order to accomplish X objective? Are they willing to accept the consequences? Do they even think about the consequences? And when those consequences happen–no matter what they are–what then? What about the other characters that care about them? How do they handle it?
37. Talk about your current wips.
AW YEAH something fun :D
I do have an overarching storyline for the prowlcoswave series, which involves plenty of angst and (sigh) plot. I also know exactly how it’s going to end. The current issue I’m running into is…writing Soundwave and Prowl is hard, because how I think is so antithetical to how they think. Cosmos is #relatable, and also easy for me to write. But I love these three characters so much and I really want to do all of them justice and give them all equal POV ‘screentime’. Another issue I’m running into is that I just don’t know how they sound. You know, since I’m not writing characters based on a voice that I can actually hear, and go back and listen to when I get lost? Y eah. But I love the idea, and the feedback/kudos I got from the last fic was very invigorating, so I might start just posting oneshots (and possibly really, really long oneshots) instead of multichapter fics.
I really really really want to update Scorecards but I don’t want it to turn into the prowlcoswave prequel. I’d like that one to just be coswave? So I’m struggling to differentiate the two (very similar) AUs.
Uhh. I’m gonna continue:
TFP shattered glass
IDW megawave
In the Name of Science
heading home in reverse
No idea when. But it’ll happen!
 Not planning to write a sequel to the prowl/soundwave cyberverse fic, because their actual characters turned out so differently from what I wrote. And, uhm. Also not really planning to update the RID15 fic, since I ended up not liking RID15 because they did my boy dirty!
Finally! Cyberverse spoilers below!
Deadceptor time!
I just. I have not fixated on anything as intensely as I have on those few pre-wake up Quintesson arc episodes of Cyberverse in years.
Prrrrobably not since Triage aired? Which. Yeesh. Eight years! Anyway.
I’m absolutely awed by how quickly I’m churning out content without going totally off the rails and writing myself into a hole–I’m wholly attributing this to the fact that I bothered to outline the fic first.
I really really want to know things: how did Perceptor know it was Dead End that had gotten out of the loop? Why didn’t he end up getting his optics fixed? Why is he the bartender now? Did he retire? What’s up with Dead End and Astrotrain’s relationship? Why did Dead End actually go to Megatron about the multiverse?
I also want to read other people’s fics. I want to hear their headcanons! I feel like I’m yelling into a (very receptive and agreeable) void. But I want the void to yell back! I want the void to disagree with me!
I really, really hope that when the fic diverges from canon, it’ll go over well–that it won’t just be a weird retelling of IDW1P2, that it won’t just be Dead End Whump Hour, and that I can grab these plot threads and weave them into something coherent and moreover, enjoyable. I’d love to have someone to bounce ideas off of, But. Most people haven’t seen the show yet. So. If you, the person reading this, has seen season 3 of cyberverse and are also interested in me talking at/to you about this fic, please let me know.
So. Yeah. If you’re looking for writing prompts, anon, please give me some cybertronian resistance found family. it doesn’t have to be deadceptor. just. found family. interfaction found family.
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