#i also think he has a collection of socks all mix and matched (im just too lazy to think of a desing lmao)
sofiaruelle · 9 months
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Me when I see your very accurate chubby stv Shane art (I’ve seems way to many people make him skinny or with abs and I’m tearing out my beautiful, silky hair rn)
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Listen…Shane in every shape is totally valid!!! So dont tear out your goregeous locks. We all just need to agree this man wears crocs with socks and khakis hahahhha
i referenced this photo for the shane with the abs just incase anyone is wondering. hahhaha
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
first of all, i want to say that I LOVE YOUR HCS SO MUCH!!! in fact, they're so good that every single time i read what you post i get the most dopey smile on my face 💝 you never fail to make my day so much better :///) (also, if you have a lot going on right now please don't feel pressured to answer this!)
secondly, as someone who has a quite impressive (if i do say so myself!) silly sock collection, im really curious: what socks would each merc wear? ive got these really cute fuzzy pink unicorn socks that remind me of pyro, and thats what inspired me asking this!
—🧦 sock anon (can i be called that? if so, he/she! (#^.^#) )
you can absolutely be Sock!
Scout: traditional baseball socks. he wears nothing else, no matter what the weather or the occasion or what else he's wearing. he does own several pairs of socks with obvious misprints on them but he doesn't wear them
Soldier: plain, white-and-gray socks. the catch is he likes to draw faces on them with marker that'll be washed off when he does laundry so then he can draw new ones on after. it's the only way he can make sure they stayed paired up
Pyro: doesn't matter. they'll mix and match and wear all different kinds. all of their socks are just in one drawer and whatever first two they grab is what they wear that day
Demoman: whatever's comfortable. he doesn't like wearing socks and will only tolerate it as long as they cushioned on the bottom and not made of any sort of itchy material. it's hard finding socks he likes, so he tends to wear his socks down to the threads
Heavy: plain, single-color socks. he only keeps one pair of a color at any given time to make sure they don't get mixed up. most may think it's boring but he likes the organization in his sock drawer
Engineer: very thick socks, color or design doesn't matter. he's dropped one too many wrenches on his feet and the added cushion helps. his feet are always unbearably hot but it's a small price to pay
Medic: plaid patterened socks. they look tacky as hell and he loves it. no one ever sees them but he knows they're there. he also has a pair of socks with bird faces on the top that he wears only in his off time. sometimes Archimedes still tries attacking them and he things it's hysterical
Sniper: he has one pair of thick socks he wears around the base because his feet get cold real easy. other than that, he doesn't care. he buys whatever is cheapest but has the most and sure they end up falling apart really fast but he'll probably still wear them
Spy: black socks, various materials and thickness so he is able to wear them year-round. but he always wears sock garters to keep them up. and they're also equipped with an arsenal of miniature knives and guns
it also makes me really, really happy to hear that! I'm glad people still really love this blog, I know it's lost a lot of traction as of late and so seeing people still check in and find this and even still wanna see my takes on the Mercs (outside of my sideblog ofc) still just makes me really happy
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inumaki-roll · 4 years
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that gif isn’t mine !! if anyone knows who made it please lmk so i can credit them !! these are some random hcs and some platonic ones !!
- he 100% has a rock collection
- this is kinda an ick ?? but when his hands are sticky or dirty he’d wipe his hands on the closest person to him
- he’s a horrible cook and has burned food so many times
- he has a giant blanket hoard and likes making forts
- his favorite season is winter
- the reason why he likes winter so much is so that he can throw snow at people
- when he’s walking on a sidewalk he purposefully steps on all the cracks like just jumps from sidewalk crack to sidewalk crack
- he eats kit-kats the wrong way. just takes a big bite down the middle of the kit-kats
- his favorite holiday is halloween
- if y’all were besties, he’d randomly run up from behind you and yell in your ear
- all of his socks are mix-matching. dude has no matching socks.
- ik a lot of people say kokichi would make fun of you if you were shorter than him but i honestly don’t think he’d even pay attention that much
- he spends almost no time doing his hair. it’s just almost naturally like that.
- i think he’d be a pretty picky eater
- when he’s sitting in a chair, sometimes his feet dont touch the ground so he‘d swing his feet back and forth just above the ground
- he’d probably be horrible at braiding hair. i’m sorry.
- he constantly cracks his knuckles just to bother people
- i feel like he would have a hard time falling asleep ?? like itd take him HOURS bye
- most of his energy is at night. like he just gets a random burst of energy
- he’s probably has had like 14 cavities in his entire life
- why can i see him playing with nerf guns.
- i feel like if someone was annoying you or being rude he’d threaten to send “his secret evil organization“ after them and would growl and bark and chase them away
- when he knocks or rings on a door/doorbell he does it repeatedly
- if he’s not running up to you and scaring you, he’d run up to you and pull you into a hug
- i feel like when he hugs people he literally suffocates them
- hed be such a good friend bye
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- mod chihiro <3 !!!
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angel; do you have a nickname? yea
awe; how old are you? 20
baby; favorite color? blue
bloop; spirit animal? cat
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
breeze; most precious childhood memory? i think my parents teaching me how to ride a bike.
bright; mermaids or fairies? fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend? no
buttercup; showers or baths? baths!
butterfly; dream destination? idk what that means
buttons; are you religious or spiritual? no
calm; favorite scent? laundry and also honeysuckle
candlelight; what did you dream about last night? i was in charge of some event and i kept stressing over it? also my roommate kept coming into my room and i kept getting mad kxkddkkd
charming; have you ever been in love? no
cozy; eye/hair color? black black
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period? like. ever? honestly now is fine. although if i lived in like the 1800s would my brain be this smart if i felt less fear ghen like that era
cupcake; favorite flower/plant? jasmine is nice too
cute; what did you get on your last birthday? i bought myself perfume
cutie pie; most precious item you own? my guitar&desk&bed
cutsie; what makes you happy? sleep.
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free. every time i go to a concert? although when they shove cameras in my face i still have to perform.
daydream; how do you want to be remembered? bubbly, funny, but also wise? not vapid.
daylight; favorite album of all time? no idea
dear; zodiac sign? virgo
delightful; concerts or museums? concerts
dimples; have you ever written a letter? yes
dobby; dream job? i don’t know any more
doll; how do you like to dress? i kind of wear whatever i want. lately i have been dressing to match weather and to not have my nips out. although i shouldn’t care i do. also one of my group mates seems to be looking at my chest a lot when we speak so i can’t tell if it’s like That bad or if he is just weird.
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences? no i mean. psychotic maybe
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos? yes
drizzle; do you believe in aliens? yes
euphoric; talk about someone you love. im sure i love my siblings. i want to provide for them both financially and emotionally but i can only stay detatched. they are the only people who have dealt with all of my years until now and one has told me she didn’t really know who i was when i was in middle school, which is kind of an interesting point of view. i am usually a bit more open to my siblings than i am my parents even though they were usually who just got the butt of my anger and angst lol. huh. interesting. basically i want to die quietly but it is impossible with family and i don’t want them to be affected as heavily as it would but honestly it’s just inevitable
fairy; do you have a pet? no
fluffy; ocean or mountain? mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop? my room
froglet; are you a good plant owner? no...
garden; how many languages do you know? 4?
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice? ?
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not? sure
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself. i think a lot. i am considerate. i am able to be alone. i am funny. i am amiable.
heart; silk or lace? lace
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it? both and it depends
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why? bird watching. people watching makes me uncomfortable
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep? anything really, mostly people speaking in a low voice
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather? sunny breezy
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends? sleep and drink
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more? i cackle
kinky; do you blush easily? i think so
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most? fwb to lovers
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day? morning
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad? the 1975 yeah i know
love; what is your favorite season and why? summer bc its not real
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream? ummmm idk
magic; what are five flaws you have? i let my flaws affect my relationships. i let my flaws affect my work .. everything. i think too much. i give up too easily. i don’t know how to express myself.
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks? cool dark
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other? funny and cute
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date? idk
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself? lay around.
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life? your appearance, being beautiful, being skinny does not matter. it is impossible to achieve that arbitrary standard and it does not matter.
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more? bake
prince; how would you describe your handwriting? a mix of print and cursive
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play? guitar
prinky; how do you relieve stress? jack off. drink.. sleep
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable? ones that smell nice
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far? probably entering college or my summers spent abroad
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you? rape, feminism, nihilism
shine; art or music? music
shimmer; do animals tend to like you? i think so?
smitten; do you collect anything? bracelets and socks
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with? right now 2
snuggle; what is your favourite candy? i don’t like candy
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind? no
sparkle; do you wear jewelry? no
spooky; sunrise or sunset? sunset
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones? both
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child? idk
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house. my bed
soothe; digital or vinyl? digital
squeezed; who do you miss right now? my friends from last semester
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends? if i am only looking for people to hang out with and i do not care about them much as people, then they need to be able to have a (fun) conversation with me and want to hang out and do whatever i/we want. if it is a real friend then similar political alignment is sadly pretty important to me. we need to be similar in general probably, you need to understand my background.
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing? practical
sweet; do you find it easy to open up? no
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any? sure but no
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they? no
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself? my chart . just kidding i think i have a philosophy that will cause a... bad revolution but i am also probably a narcissist
tootsie; what kind of friend are you? go with the flow kinda person, if you want to talk about something serious i can try. i usually match the vibe of the other person
treasure; what was something that made you smile today? videos
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl? night owl
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be? i would be able to get any resource necessary Or i would be able to slow down time
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out? both
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup? halfhalf
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person? mssy
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?no
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star? probably
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ronansparrishes · 8 years
I was tagged to answer all of these questions!!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
yes i don’t like to be super warm ever 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
usually sticky notes that i write things on about the book or like lists of stuff that i have due that week
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
i take tea with nothing in it and coffee with lots of sugar and cream 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
yeah my teeth are a little weird
6: do you keep plants?
yep! i have two cacti, richie and nini
7: do you name your plants?
see above lmao 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
i’m a writer
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
i literally never stop singing lmao but yeah i do
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
back or stomach
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
“I have to microwave this” anytime anything is awkward 
12: what's your favorite planet?
13: what's something that made you smile today?
i had a nice talk with a girl from my history class and this guy from my shakespeare class last semester, like we sat on the benches outside of this building for an hour and a half
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
plants and paper everywhere lmao 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
space is... big
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
alfredo which im eating right now
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
like a reddish color
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
calling the musical oklahoma ‘kansas’ 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
i have one but i barely write in it lmao
20: what's your favorite eye color?
i don’t have one
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
my like briefcase bag thing that i used for like 3+ years and the strap was broken but i kept using it
22: are you a morning person?
yeah i guess, like i get up early every day for class and im usually pretty awake and functioning 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
read fanfiction and watch musicals
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
b, corinne
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
i dont think i ever have 
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
my black knock off vans from target
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
anything fruity
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
b always leaves me sticky notes and they’re always so cute
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
yeah probably
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
i have so many socks and i never wear matching ones and my dad gets mad when i buy more socks
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
idk me and b used to stay up real late with JM and send each other dumb memes
33: what's your fave pastry?
anything with peanut butter
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
violet, she was like a tiny purple weasel thing...
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
the front bottoms
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
i clean my room every sunday usually
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
everything my stupid roommate does
39: what color do you wear the most?
black or red
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
i don’t wear jewelry
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
the raven cycle series!
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
we live right next door to a coffeehouse, it’s not my fave but i spend a lot of time there. it’s student run so it’s kinda shitty lol
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
probably b
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
right now, sitting in the kitchen with my friends
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
im too lazy, ask ali
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
clowns, probably
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i buy kpop CDs lol u, i gotm lemonade for christmas from my friend
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
b - hey thanks by the wonder years
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
the one making fun of student athletes 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
all of them but pulp fiction, i like rocky horror and heathers a lot
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
i don’t.... know...
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
spent 5 days not talking to any of my friends
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
when they’re funny 
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
i’m not going to but if i did i would dramatically reenact it
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
im both. bet
59: what's your favorite myth?
anything greek
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
yeah, i like bukowski
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
everything i give is dumb, also one time veronica got me a slinky for christmas and i was so mad
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
i organize by letter 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
black, it’s night
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
corinne or my friend mason
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
like kind of at peace and calm
68: what's winter like where you live?
cold as fuck and lots of snow
69: what are your favorite board games?
clue!!!! idk a bunch 
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
fuck no i dont fuck with that
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
no i have a really good memory
73: what are some of your worst habits?
biting my nails, being generally awful 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
75: tell us about your pets!
i have none :(
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
sleeping lol i have to be up at 5:30
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
yellow lemonade
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
make me a mix CD
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
at school and at home they’re both white, but they’re covered in posters of things i like, like monsta x and the x files
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
82: are/were you good in school?
yeah i usually get all A’s, school/academics are super important to me and i’ve always been good at them
83: what's some of your favorite album art?
any front bottom’s cover
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
yes! the phrase “a miracle of moving parts” 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
nah but i watch daredevil
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
yeah, lemonade. and so many others
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
ferris bueller’s day off, all the LOTR, les mis
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
dadaism lmao
89: are you close to your parents?
not my mom but i’ve live with my dad since i was 15, he’s like my best friend probably 
90: talk about your one of your favorite cities.
i really love Nuremberg when i was there. it was so nice and beautiful yet still modern?? but there were furries everywhere lmao
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
around PA and maybe jersey and new york, nowhere major tho
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
so much
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
hair down, pin straight bc that’s how it drys 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
ummmmmmmmmm idk im bad at this lmao
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
newspaper layout
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
no i like never do
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INFJ, cancer, gryffindor
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
with dallas last spring break probably lmao no i hate hiking 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
we don’t eat by james vincent mcmorrow or something like that
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
future. forget the past lmao
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T-Shirt Quotes
Official Website: T-Shirt Quotes
• A clothing company is making T-shirts inspired by Bernie Sanders with messages like ‘Feel the Bern.’ They were gonna make them for Lincoln Chafee too, but no one wants to wear a shirt that says ‘Feel the Chafee.’ – Jimmy Fallon • Alice was scrutinizing my boring jeans-and-a-T-shirt outfit in a way that made me self-conscious. Probably plotting another makeover. I sighed. My indifferent attitude to fashion was a constant thorn in her side. If I’d allow it, she’d love to dress me everyday―perhaps several times a day―like some oversized three-dimensional paper doll. – Stephenie Meyer • All fashion brands are about looking good. Being Human is also about doing good. And you can do good by the simple act of slipping into a t-shirt or a pair of jeans. – Salman Khan • All of my life, actually, I had a real strong relationship with God, but I was always in the closet about it. The only distance out of the closet I really want to come there is having my tattoo or wearing my t-shirt. – Sinead O’Connor • All true wisdom is found on T-shirts. – Abraham Lincoln • And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • And, the sets that they built are just so beautiful. It’s like going to a completely foreign country and experiencing a new culture that you’ve never seen before, especially at Camelot. It’s just so magical. Personally, it’s just so much more interesting than wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and walking around somebody else’s house. – Tamsin Egerton • Anormal day looks like, you know, shower, put on the same jeans, the same tattered Gucci loafers I got at the thrift store, white socks, and my t-shirt and my very beat-up Helmut Lang blazer. Im in the exact same outfit every day. – Natasha Lyonne • Antarctica, one of the things that was so remarkable about it was that the ice itself is a kind of pure geometry, so say, for example, if I was facing someone wearing I don’t know, a Joy Division t-shirt with the mountains on it or something like that. – DJ Spooky • At home, a T-shirt and something loose like harem pants would do. If I’m stepping out, a pair of blue jeans and a white tee are just fine. – Genelia D’Souza • At the beginning of my career I was going through a really weird phase of dressing in boys clothes. I would only wear one American Apparel T-shirt and shorts and brogues the whole year round. Not the same T-shirt, obviously, but one style of American Apparel T-shirt. I think I was going through a tomboy stage. – Florence Welch (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Shirt', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_shirt').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_shirt img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
• Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. – Steig Larsson • Being a good Hans Haacke student, part of his influence on me is that there’s no difference between a gallery show and a film – or even an ad and a T-shirt-in terms of cultural legitimacy. They’re just different contexts in which to have some sort of communication. – Mike Mills • Britney Spears became my talisman. I became obsessed with wearing Britney T-shirts. I felt it would bring me luck. And it did. – Madonna Ciccone • But in some ways, I’m like an old woman – lived it, seen it, done it, been there, have the T-shirt. – Drew Barrymore Cassandra Clare • Christian stretched out beside her and pulled her close. ʺBut for what itʹs worth, I think youʹd be a great queen too, Princess Dragomir.ʺ ʺYouʹre going to get dirty,ʺ she warned. ʺAlready am. Oh, you mean from your clothes?ʺ He wrapped his arms around her, heedless of her damp and muddy state. ʺI spent most of my childhood hiding in a dusty attic and own exactly one dress shirt. You really think I care about this T-shirt?ʺ – Richelle Mead • Come on, Ella. Sleep green.’ Ignoring him, I got into bed wearing a T-shirt and boxer shorts printed with penguins. I reached over to the nightstand and flipped off the lamp. A moment of silence, and then I heard a lecherous murmur. ‘I like your penguins. – Lisa Kleypas • Dammit, Michael, get out of my room, you pervert!” Could you even be a pervert if you were dead? She supposed you could, if you had a working body half the time. “I swear, I’m going to start taking my clothes off!” The cold spot stayed resolutely put until she got the hem of her T-shirt all the way up to her bra line, and then faded away. “Chicken,” she said, and paced the room, back and forth. – Rachel Caine • Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt. – Donatella Versace • Europe has memories, America has t-shirts. – Jean-Luc Godard • Even though I’m resting I’m accomplishing something by sewing that shirt that I’ve been meaning to sew for weeks. And it’s relaxing. It’s so very meditative and quiet and enjoyable. But at least I’m producing something. I’m being productive in some way. I have a very hard time being completely idle. – Evangeline Lilly • Every band sells t-shirts and plays certain auditoriums, but I’m sick of being like everyone else, because I’m not. – Justin Vernon • First there was a young guy sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother, then there was an older fatter person sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother. – William S. Burroughs • For Christmas one year I bought my son a BB gun. He bought me a t-shirt with a bulls eye on the back. – Rodney Dangerfield • Forget trendy designer labels. Jeans, a sweater or a t-shirt worn under a jacket that seems welded to you. When it’s just right, when you don’t see the effort, it’s irresistible. – Emmanuelle Alt • From the season I did the butterfly faux tattoos on the models on the runway, every collection we do has to have a butterfly t-shirt or trim or print. People come to me for butterflies! – Anna Sui • Generally speaking, I’m a jeans, T-shirt and boots man but I do own an Armani suit, which gets a regular outing. It’s nothing fancy – just a classic, well-cut suit with clean lines and beautiful tailoring. It’s timeless and you can mix and match it with anything to dress up or dress down. – Matthew Rhys • Green business is not about tie-dyed T-shirts. It’s about transforming the industrial system itself into one that looks at all the connections. – Paul Hawken • He also knows what king of protein I like, what T-shirts I like, how I like my dry cleaning to be done. He also knows how I like my stuff folded and put away into drawers. – The Miz • He’d changed since the last summer. Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and leather loafers. His sandy hair, which used to be so unruly, was now clipped short. He look like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year. – Rick Riordan • Here’s a newsflash from the only High Preistess you have left at this dang school: Zoey isn’t dead. And believe me, I know dead. I’ve been there, done that, and got the frickin’ T-shirt.” – Stevie Rae – P. C. Cast • I also was a huge ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ fan. I used to have T-shirts that said ‘Dierks of Hazzard’ custom-made.- Dierks Bentley • I always find it difficult to dress in between seasons, but I quite like putting T-shirts on with a vest over the top and another layer so you can peel them back as the day goes on. – Poppy Delevingne • I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometime it’s a pair of eyes or flowing gorgeous hair, other times it’s the sky or a sunset. I’ve been inspired by supple skin or the texture of a soft shirt. – Nadine Velazquez • I am of the generation of segregation. Black Lives Matter is post. I said today, and I will say all the time, “If Nina [Simone] were here, she’d have her Black Lives Matter [T-shirt] on.” I think they’re great kids. They don’t need me or anybody else to tell them what to do. – Nikki Giovanni • I borrowed this from Kyle. My other shirt was pretty filthy.” “Wow, you’re wearing each other’s clothes now. That’s, like, best friend stuff.” “Feeling left out?” said Kyle. “I suppose you want to borrow a black T-shirt too.” “As long as everyone’s wearing their own pants.” “I see have come in on a fascinating moment in the conversation.” Eric poked his head through the curtain. – Cassandra Clare • I could get a T-shirt that says ‘All in for Week 4 of the Preseason.’ That’s not quite as catchy, and I don’t have an endorsement deal with an apparel company. Maybe someone will sign me now. I don’t make enough money to get fined. Maybe I’ll get a deal with some off-brand or something that sells at Walmart or something. – Kirk Cousins • I didn’t really play dress up when I was a kid, and I’m really T-shirt and jeans-y. – Ellen Page • I do California casual a little bit better than really small European cut, tight apparel But I can rock some Gucci when I need to. I say this as I’m wearing Adidas sweatpants and a ten-year-old Chrome Hearts T-shirt. – Carson Daly • I do not mean to suggest for a moment that all it takes to be a top executive is a custom-tailored European suit. You also need the correct shirt and tie. – Dave Barry • I do think there is a completely different notion to glamour today. I think modern glamour is more effortless, easy, and real. Moreover, I think it’s about constantly challenging classical ideas by bringing in unexpected and different elements; for example a long, elegant evening skirt paired with a simple t-shirt on the red carpet. I think this approach is the future. – Roksanda Ilincic • I don’t believe in cancer walks. Well, I believe in them because they exist but I’d rather just give money straight up and save my Saturday afternoon. I can make my own t-shirt, that’s not incentive. Plus I don’t think cancer responds to how far people walk. I don’t think cancer’s sitting at home, ‘What? How many people walked how far? How many people walked how far wearing the same shirt? That’s crazy! I’m out of here!’ Remission. – Hannibal Buress • I don’t want to be carried out of a club wearing a tie-dye T-shirt and a cap on the wrong way around when I am 70, but I would like to settle down a bit. Maybe with a partner. – Rupert Everett • I even like when girls wear printed Minnie Mouse T-shirts with a cool ball gown skirt, or a ripped up pair of jeans – it’s all about how you style it. – Christian Siriano • I feel like I need to start wearing a T-shirt saying ‘This is not a photo opportunity’. People are so lovely but you do find that when you’re out you spend 40% of your time posing for photographs. – Chris O’Dowd • I go from a full working day to making sure I am home for dinner with my kids. I couldn’t do that in a 10cm mini skirt but I am not going to resort to sweatpants and an old t-shirt. – Donatella Versace • I go outside, and I’m wearing a funky T-shirt and my hair is dirty, and people say, ‘What’s wrong with her? She needs to invest in a hairbrush.’ – Kristen Stewart • I got into music by happenchance and luck and wearing a t-shirt with “I hate Pink Floyd” on it. The irony has never failed to amuse me ever since because I didn’t hate Pink Floyd at all! And yet you have an entire range of people out there believing that the best thing you can do in life is to hate Pink Floyd. Come on, It’s because it’s the world I live in! – John Lydon • I hate formal stuff. I love looking like a doll and all that stuff and playing dress up, but when I’m home, sweat pants, t-shirt. When I’m in the studio, sweat pants, t-shirt. – Nicki Minaj • I hate ready-made suits, button-down collars, and sports shirts. – Bobby Fischer • I hate short hair on men – the ‘real’ man is something I don’t know. My dad was always playing with hairbands, making rings, while the women were wearing jeans, white T-shirts and Converse. That was the uniform at home. – Lou Doillon • I have a few girlfriends, but nearly all my friends are guys. I don’t think I ever wore girl clothes. I wore baggy jeans, baggy T-shirts, sweaters, just to avoid the looks that everyone gives you when you’re a young female in the world. – Katharine Isabelle • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. – Garance Dore • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. And then I love great coats, and I pay a lot of attention to them and own a lot of them. I think a great piece of outerwear can really make you stand out. – Garance Dore • I have been doing merch’ since I was 15 and in bands when I was a teenager – silk-screening shirts, making the emulsion in my mom’s closet I converted into a dark room, through college. That’s essentially how us bands survived was selling homemade t-shirts. – Steve Aoki • I have so much freedom to put whatever I want on a t-shirt, and it’s cool because I get a lot of fan feedback so I like to see what kids like to wear and I like to use some of their ideas to make t-shirts. – Jack Barakat • I have to be honest, I am a true jeans and t-shirt girl. – Emmanuelle Chriqui • I have to wear a new T-shirt every night. I throw them into the audience. One day I’m going to go around the world and reclaim all my T-shirts – Damon Albarn • I know dead. I’ve been there, done that and got the freakin’ T-shirt. – P. C. Cast • I know that’s an endorsement I’ve been waiting for,” Skye added. “Perfectly adequate in bed. They should make that into a T-shirt – Susan Mallery • I like fashion because it’s sort of my job, so I’m into it when I have to be. But when I’m not working, I wear jeans and T-shirts. I go to vintage stores all the time to find funky T-shirts. – Kristen Stewart • I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers – I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut. – Georgia Salpa • I like rock and roll t-shirts, tight jeans, and sneakers or boots. Really just laid back, sort of rock and roll. I’m a sneaker person. I don’t really like to wear high heels. I’m always really paranoid when I’m on stage playing guitar that I’m going to trip over one of the cords when I’m prancing around so I have on wedges or shoes that are not too high. – Orianthi • I live in jeans and own a lot of them. I’m much more comfortable in trousers and T-shirts, and I don’t often wear dresses. – Hayley Mills • I love challenging the notion that, in order to be a tech founder, you have to be holed up in a dark room wearing a T-shirt and baggy jeans. – Kevin Systrom • I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes. – Ashley Benson • I love shopping; I’m a jeans and a T-shirt kind of girl, but I go classy when I dress up – with a little bit of sexy. – Adrianne Palicki • I love sportswear in my own weird way. Fashion is such a personal journey for me. I’m much more of a girl that’s a T-shirt, legging, layering kind of thing, and outerwear. – Vera Wang • I might not wear chains or I may just wear a watch or I may not wear any jewelry at all or I may just go all out on an outfit or just rock some basic s*** just a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and ones. But, I still standout more than a lot of people in the room so I can’t really describe it but I know from the outside looking in people can explain better than I can. – Lil Herb • I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You’d be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts. – Diablo Cody • I noticed that difference early on, like if you were successful in rock ‘n’ roll, that was a really bad thing, you almost had to hide it. You had these guys selling 200 million records with dirty T-shirts on. I was like, ‘Come on, man. Come on. We know you’re successful.’ Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don’t even have to like your music. If you’re big enough, people are drawn to you. – Jay-Z • I really like the idea of being utilitarian. My dream is to edit down my wardrobe and be very Japanese, where you have one rolling rack and it’s like your four T-shirts, your five dresses, your two pairs of jeans. – Erin Wasson • I remember from when I use to be a dancer, there is an expression among dancers, I had a T-shirt that said: SHUT UP AND DANCE. – Christopher Walken • I remember getting a Phoenix Suns T-shirt. I had that Phoenix Suns T-shirt forever. It’s the funny things you remember as a kid, but it was a blast. – Jonathan Lipnicki • I remember going foraging for breakfast in St. Louis once. I saw this one girl sitting in front of the venue, and she made this pink T-shirt with a big heart in the middle of it and a misty picture of our guitarist Mark [Potter]. She was so embarrassed when she saw me. And I was trying desperately not to laugh. – Guy Garvey • I remember watching Mike [Michael Jordan]. I remember him having a royal blue blazer and all black t-shirt and he came out of a blue Corvette. That was dope to us. We were like, ‘Yo, Michael killed today.’ He didn’t even talk to the media and walked straight into the arena. Everyday’s like Mike. – Iman Shumpert • I sat up in bed. My T-shirt was soaking wet. My pillow was wet. My hair was wet. And my room was sticky and humid. – Kami Garcia • I saw a transvestite wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Guess’. – Demetri Martin • I saw School of Rock, and I was like, why haven’t I worked with Richard Linklater already? Then by the time I got him I was like, I’m really pissed off I feel like you owe me some retroactive swag. He gave me the 10-year anniversary “Dazed and Confused” T-shirt, which I still wear with relish. – Robert Downey, Jr. • I simply adore ‘The Simpsons.’ I go to bed in a ‘Simpsons’ T-shirt. – Steven Spielberg • I stop writing the poem to fold the clothes. No matter who lives or who dies, I’m still a woman. I’ll always have plenty to do. I bring the arms of his shirt together. Nothing can stop our tenderness. I’ll get back to the poem. I’ll get back to being a woman. But for now there’s a shirt, a giant shirt in my hands, and somewhere a small girl standing next to her mother watching to see how it’s done. – Tess Gallagher • I tend not to wear ties very often. I’m usually in old stuff: Hermes or Marc Jacobs boots and jeans and a T-shirt and a leather jacket or a jean jacket. – Nate Berkus • I think for a lot of people, bowling is sort of a joke. But I love it, and it means a lot to me, so any chance to help promote it or celebrate it or not make the hackiest jokes – ‘Bowlers are like plumbers and they wear the craziest shirts!’ – I’m way into. – Chris Hardwick • I think somebody like Wes [Anderson] has a very good sense of style and is original. I think my sense of style got a little bit better after I was exposed to you guys at Valentino. Because I’m just in Hawaii and Malibu; it’s just kind of T-shirts and surfing-type stuff. – Owen Wilson • I think someone’s biggest competition is themselves. I stand out as a ‘fashion’ designer and not to be confused with, (people who call themselves ‘clothing’ designers, who just print designs or logos on pre-existing t-shirts), because what I have created is custom fashions that are a personal extension of myself and my personality. It’s pretty unique since there is only one of me. – Ashley Purdy • I think the first thing we need to talk about is you not running around in tight T-shirts and yoga pants.” “Fine. I’ll stop doing that as soon as you shave.” Jack ran his hand along his jaw and grinned. “You like the scruff, huh?” Did she ever. – Julie James • I think the worst professional advice I’ve received… I feel I’ve been lucky in that I’ve gotten a lot of wonderful guidance, but I remember – and I would never do this to someone – I remember going into a manager’s office, the manager I had in New York, and this was way back when. And she said to me, immediately, “You should never wear striped T-shirts. You look much bigger than you are.” – June Diane Raphael • I think there’s a percentage [of the audience] that don’t realize, that don’t know that [standup] is how everything began. We planned it, we work hard, rehearsals to get this. It’s more of a … it’s not just coming in there in a T-shirt and holding a microphone. – Tim Allen • I think we were promoting New Moon just as I was finishing The Runaways, and I remember going to Comic-Con with a Minor Threat T-shirt on. I was really happy and excited to be there, but I was so defensive and crazy. – Kristen Stewart • I used to wear sleeveless T-shirts all the time on court, but now I’ve got a brand new look – I’ve moved on to polo shirts. Sleeveless T-shirts give you real freedom of movement and they keep you cooler in matches, but I just thought it was time for a change. – Rafael Nadal • I want to prove that he’s wrong – he’s wearing a t-shirt that says he won the last two fights. – Manny Pacquiao • I want young people to be able to buy into what I design. When I was young, I wanted to buy designer brands even if all I could afford was the cheapest wallet, the cheapest pen, the cheapest T-shirt because I wanted to be a part of it. – Nicola Formichetti • I wanted to go on the red carpet with a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans. And I still do. Because that’s really who I am. – Missy Peregrym • I wanted to start a menswear line of slim-fitting, luxury cashmere jumpers in a range of great colors. I know these jumpers will become season-less staples in my own wardrobe. Cashmere and silk printed scarves and hand-beaded T-shirts compliment the line and form a solid foundation for the collection to grow next season. – Matthew Williamson • I was in New York last Christmas – it’s snowing; there’s a guy in a t-shirt. I’m like, ‘Dude, aren’t you cold?’ ‘No, I’m from New York. I don’t get cold.’ Just ’cause you’re from a cold place doesn’t mean you’re genetically predisposed to not feeling cold. You’re not a penguin. I was like, ‘In fact, sir, you’re Puerto Rican, so if anything, you should be more cold. – Iliza Shlesinger • I was so involved in my boy-rhythms that I never came to grips with the fact that I was a girl. I was twelve years old when my mother took me inside and said, “You can’t be outside wrestling without a T-shirt on.” It was a trauma. – Patti Smith • I watched him pull his t-shirt over his head. I could put hin on replay doing that and watch it all day. – Tammara Webber • I wear jeans and a T-shirt sometimes. I just like clothes – since the first time I can remember, like age ten or eleven; I was just obsessed with music and clothes. Just like a lot of people in England from my generation. – Paul Weller • I wear my Peggy Fleming T-shirt when I go to sleep every night before I compete, and for the past four years, it’s brought me incredible good luck. – Sarah Hughes • I would never talk to a girl in a bar, like a pick-up thing. But I could talk to anyone if they wore a t-shirt of a band I like. – Craig Finn • If I ever wear a Chelsea shirt, you have permission to kill me. – Cesc Fabregas • If I haven’t put that on a T-shirt, I’m going to. Actually, I really don’t want to write anything that can’t be put on a T-shirt. Actually I’d like to write only on T-shirts. Actually, I’d like to write whole novels on T-shirts. So you guys could say, ‘I’m wearing chapter 8 of Lestat’s new book, that’s my favorite; oh I see you’re wearing chapter 6- – Anne Rice • If I was left to my own devices, you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans – but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together, I just don’t have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that. – Daniel Radcliffe • If I were Osama, and the United States government were actually looking for me, I’d be clean-shaven by now, crewcutted, wearing jeans and a ZZ Top T-shirt, and living in a nice little house in Lincoln, Nebraska. – L. Neil Smith • If life hands you lemons,keep them. Because, hey, free lemons.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • If you have a counterculture band, you put a name on it, you call them beatniks, and you can sell something – books or bebop. Or you label them as hippies and you can sell tie-dyed T-shirts. – Jim Jarmusch • If you two were going to be that obvious about it, why didn’t you guys come down in your Team Daniel and Team Miles T-shirts?” “We should order those,” Shelby said. “Mine’s in the laundry,” Arriane said. – Lauren Kate • If you want to write what the world is about, you have to write details…real life is in the dishes. Real life is pushing strollers up the street, folding T-shirts, the alarm clock going off early and you dropping into bed exhausted every night. That’s real life. – Anna Quindlen • If you’re a man and you have big tits, don’t wear a tight T-shirt, okay? It confuses the children! – Dennis Miller • If you’ve got a bloodstain on your T-shirt, maybe dirty laundry isn’t your biggest problem. – Jerry Seinfeld • I’ll look through ‘Us Weekly’ and I’ll see a picture of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. And I’m like, ‘Wow, they just… they look so good. Even if they’re like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, they still look great.’ – Moby • I’ll wear little dresses for a look and then it’ll become only shorts for a while or only t-shirts for a while. So I go through different phases but I combine different things. I don’t like things that draw too much attention. It’s usually just things that complement me and aren’t too loud. – Odeya Rush • Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour’s faded – ugh. – Joanne Froggatt • I’m a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. – Cameron Diaz • I’m a jeans and t-shirt type of girl. – Nicole Richie • I’m a T-shirt-and-jeans-with-combat-boots guy. And if I don’t have to shave, I don’t. – Gabriel Macht • I’m a T-shirt-and-Levi’s type of a guy. – Norman Reedus • I’m a T-shirts, sweatpants and jeans kind of gal, I dress really simply and comfortably. – Sutton Foster • I’m an athlete, so I can dress down with the best of them. I can throw on t-shirts and sweats with the best of them. – Dwyane Wade • I’m into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts – everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I’ve got a Chicago one worth $100. – Michael Rosenbaum • I’m just saying, ‘Hey, throw me a bone. How about a smile, cute t-shirt? Look at me.’ Nothing – unless it’s a turn to their friends to go, ‘Hey, why is that weird guy looking at us?’ – Marc Maron • I’m most comfortable in T-shirts, but they have to have some style to them. – Giada De Laurentiis • I’m not going to be able to make things that I can call Kanye West just by making T-shirts. – Kanye West • I’m not interested in thinking up the name of a band and a logo and all that. Been there, done that, sold a million T-shirts. – Sebastian Bach • I’m pretty low-key; you’ll often find me in jeans, a T-shirt and sweatshirt. – Olivia Wilde • I’m quite tactile, so I like fabrics that feel good. I try to avoid fabrics that crease – especially with my son. When you have a child, that’s important. A great pair of a jeans, a t-shirt and some loafers, that’s what I always wear. – Miranda Kerr • I’m really more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of a girl. – Katharine McPhee • I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect’ on my T-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your T-shirt; it’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.’ – John Cena • I’m tight with Zack Ryder so I’ve had a Zack Ryder t-shirt for quite some time. – Josh Mathews • I’m usually all about the tight jeans and little T-shirt, but sometimes I want to put on a black, sequined dress and be a freaking girl – Britney Spears • Imagine what our culture would be like if Americans sold ideas, words, and books with the same creativity we use to sell designer jeans, shampoo, and rock stars. Why, we might end up with people whos attention span for the printed word is longer than the time it takes to read a T-shirt. – Jim Trelease • In 2056, I think you’ll be able to buy T-shirts on which are printed equations describing the unified laws of our universe. – Max Tegmark • In a relationship, it’s so important that a man knows how much you physically desire him. When he wears that shirt that makes him look sexy, tell him he’s sexy! If he wears a cologne you like, say “I can’t resist that smell on you”. – Matthew Hussey • In retrospect, I think a lot of ’80s fashion shoots are the ones that look the most modern. The fitness-based ones that are really minimal. It’s clean, healthy, t-shirt, beach hair… it’s athleisure. – Christy Turlington • Is it to be imagined … that women were made for no other purpose than to fabricate sweetmeats and gingerbread, construct shirts, darn stockings, and become mothers of possible presidents? Assuredly not. Should the women of America ever discover what their power might be, and compare it with what it is, much improvement might be hoped for. – Frances Trollope • It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We’re the ones under the microscope. We’re expected to sound perfect. We’re expected to look perfect all the time. We’re expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps. – Carrie Underwood • It sounds like something on a very trite T-shirt, but life is what happens. – Nigella Lawson • It’s an honour to wear the shirt and the badge, and to be part of such an illustrious club is gonna be exciting, and putting that shirt on will be pretty special. Well, my message to Chelsea fans is that I can promise that I’ll work hard and give my all for this club. Hopefully we can build up a good relationship over the next few years. And I’m just excited to be part of this whole club and organisation and bringing as much success to it as possible. – Asmir Begovic • It’s true, I don’t like the whole cutoff-shorts-and-T-shirt look, but I think you can look fantastic in casual clothes. – Catherine Zeta-Jones • I’ve always been someone who’s extremely relaxed in my everyday life. I’m not the girl who can wear awful seven-inch heels all night. I keep it simple – I consider myself to be a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl who just accessorizes a lot. – Nicole Richie • Jay-Z’s a guy that wears the Che Guevara t-shirt and he doesn’t realize Che Guevara was a racist. Che Guevara was a murderer and a killer. So look, he’s an entertainer, obviously. He’s not in the middle of any public discourse here. But I think it’s important to point out when people take stances like this that are absurd. – Marco Rubio • Jesus said that they will know we are Christians – not by our bumper stickers and T-shirts – but by our love. – Shane Claiborne • Kate Moss. She looks good in anything. She would look good in one of your t-shirts, in her t-shirt, in a man’s suit, in a huge gown. She looks amazing naked. She even makes nude look stylish. That, to me, is a style icon. She could put a barrel on and it would be some sort of statement. – Justin Timberlake • Let us find the dam snack bar, Zoe said. “We should eat while we can.” Grover cracked a smile. “The dam snack bar?” Zoe blinked. “Yes. What is funny?” “Nothing,” Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. “I could use some dam French fries.” Even Thalia smiled at that. “And I need to use the dam restroom.”… I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us “I do not understand.” “I want to use the dam water fountain,” Grover said. “And…” Thalia tried to catch her breath. “I want to buy a dam T-shirt.” – Rick Riordan • Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be. – Rick Riordan • Men always look smart in a well-fitted, tailored suit. Conversely, they can be incredibly handsome in jeans combined with a cashmere jumper or a beaten-up leather jacket or even just a cotton T-shirt. – Tamara Mellon • Modernized by tin roofs and T-shirts, Third World poverty is no longer picturesque. – Mason Cooley • Most nights I end up wearing a wife beater T-shirt and boxers. – Jessica Alba • My dad has totally taken my Cat Stevens T-shirt, but it’s OK; I have his Black Flag one, and that’s amazing. – Zoe Kravitz • My daughter made me a Jerry Springer-watching kit, with crackers, Cheez Whiz, polyester stretch pants and a T-shirt with two fat women fighting over a skinny guy. – Roseanne Barr • My label is just “good farming”, which isn’t something you can put on a t-shirt. – Wendell Berry • My style during the day is very casual – boyfriend jeans, T-shirts, Converse, Uggs, whatever. At night, I love heels and thigh-highs, I like something fresh and new, and I’m not afraid to push the envelope. – Katie Cassidy • My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me. – Michelle Branch • My uniform is sweatpants, so crusted over with dried paint that they’re as hard as a table. I wear T-shirts that are also covered in paint, and Crocs. – Caio Fonseca • My wildest tipping point moment came when I was introduced to Clint Eastwood. He was sitting there, typical Clint Eastwood, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, holding a Budweiser. He looks at me and says, “I watch your show from time to time.” I just stopped. I was like, “I can’t even think about that. I’m not even sure if I’m happy about that.” – Chris Harrison • NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts – we wear those a lot – and NASA T-shirts. – Sally Ride • Never knock on death’s door. Ring the doorbell then run. He totally hates that. – T-shirt – Darynda Jones • Next thing you know she’ll be on the bus and selling T-shirts in the parking lot, showing off her boobs to get in the stage door.” “At least she has boobs to show,” Jess said. “I have boobs,” Chloe said, pointing to her chest. “Just because they’re not weighing me down doesn’t mean they’re not substantial.” “Okay, B cup,” Jess said, taking a sip of her drink. “I have boobs!” Chloe said again, a bit too loudly–she’d already had a couple of minibottles at the Spot. “My boobs are great, goddammit. You know that? They’re fantastic! My boobs are amazing. – Sarah Dessen • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. -T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • Oh my God, you’re serious. Honey, I am a six time Women’s Champion, if you get into the ring with me it will not be for a Lingerie Pillow Fight, it will not be to shoot t-shirts. If you get into the ring with me I will end your career just like that. Are you sure that’s what you want? – Trish Stratus • Oh yeah, the heartbreak diet…. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. – Alexandra Potter • On a daily basis, jeans and t-shirt is still sexy, but it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard. – Tila Tequila • On the board was a list of words and phrases which her mother considered not suitable for use in college T-shirt design. She had been asked about them so often that in the end she had started a blacklist of banned words to which everyone could refer. Every time someone thought of a new one, she unflinchingly wrote it down… Rose read through the list, and turned back to her letter. These are the words I learned to spell in Mummy’s art class today, she wrote, and sighed a little as she began the tedious job of copying from the board. – Hilary McKay • On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time. – John Green • One of my favorite facts about Jason [Benjamin] is that he collects shirts from tattoo parlors. He has a bunch of tattoo parlor T-shirts, but no tattoos. And then he wears, like, vans and jeans. My boyfriend said he looks like a modern Bruce Springsteen, which is a pretty high compliment. – Lena Dunham • One of the coolest things to me about going to a show is you look over, and the guy next to you is sitting there drinking a beer and he’s wearing a Donkeys t-shirt. And you’re like, “Dude, I love The Donkeys.” – Craig Finn • One time, the homie Venus[-X] read me; we were on the phone and she was like, “Girl, you keep wearing jeans and t-shirts at your shows, but the music doesn’t give that.” I was like, “You’re right, I need to be the person that I am at school, making dance and choreography. I should think about the whole performance.” That’s when I put the 1 in my name and started dressing for the occasion. – Le1f • Only Jace, Clary thought, could look cool in pajama bottoms and an old T-shirt, but he pulled it off, probably through sheer force of will. -pg. 329- – Cassandra Clare • Piper rushed to get dressed. By the time she got up on deck, the others had already gathered—all hastily dressed except for Coach Hedge, who had pulled the night watch. Frank’s Vancouver Winter Olympics shirt was inside out. Percy wore pajama pants and a bronze breastplate, which was an interesting fashion statement. Hazel’s hair was all blown to one side as though she’d walked through a cyclone; and Leo had accidentally set himself on fire. His T-shirt was in charred tatters. His arms were smoking. – Rick Riordan • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev can no longer attend concerts by his favorite group Deep Purple without having to fear that the musicians will wear T-shirts with Pussy Riot written on them. – Alexei Navalny • ‘Princess’ is a good word, as is ‘girlish’, ‘pixie-like’ and all these other things. I personally find it a bit boring, it’s all been done before. The amount of times you read reviews of bands and it’s an all-girl four-piece, and they talk about what the women are wearing… you’ll never read a review that’s like: “Male singer Thom Yorke, who was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans…” You would never read that about a man. – Lauren Mayberry • Rae burned me. She has matches or something. Look, look…” Tori pulled down the collar of her T-shirt. “Leave your cloths on, Tori,” Simon said, raising his hands to his eyes. “Please. – Kelley Armstrong • Rowdy, hopped-up college kids pass us in an endless, noisy blur like they’re being mass produced or squeezed out of a tube – guys skulking in their T-shirts and cargo shorts, girls in low-slung jeans and flip-flops, pimples and breasts and tattoos and lipstick and legs and bra straps, and cigarettes; a colorful, sexy melange. I feel old and tired and I just want to be them again, want to be young and stupid, filled with angst and attitude and unbridled lust. Can I have a do-over, please? I swear to God I’ll make a real go of it this time. – Jonathan Tropper • Rule number one of anime,” Simon said. He sat propped up against a pile of pillows at the foot of his bed, a bag of potato chips in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He was wearing a black T-shirt that said I BLOGGED YOUR MOM and a pair of jeans that were ripped in one knee. “Never screw with a blind monk. • Sailing is the closest I can get to nature – it’s adrenaline, fear, a constant challenge and learning experience, an adventure into the unknown. And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • Sejal had not thought of her home, or of India as a whole, as cool. She was dimly aware, however, of a white Westerner habit of wearing other cultures like T-shirts—the sticker bindis on club kids, sindoor in the hair of an unmarried pop star, Hindi characters inked carelessly on tight tank tops and pale flesh. She knew Americans liked to flash a little Indian or Japanese or African. They were always looking for a little pepper to put in their dish. – Adam Rex • Shirt collars are very important to me. Putting a very soft shirt collar with a formal suit doesn’t work for me at all. – Ozwald Boateng • Shrugging out of the damaged shirt, Jake said roughly, “I still dream about you.” “I have nightmares about you.” I dragged my T-shirt over my head, threw it aside. – Josh Lanyon • So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts? – Gerard Way • So, what did you get for me?” Angeline paused for a beat. “Jeans.” “What?” croaked Artemis. “And a T-shirt. – Eoin Colfer • Sometimes I feel like putting on a blazer with just a T-shirt. – Big Sean • Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘T-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night.’ – Rebecca Romijn • Speaking of stage freight. I was terrified! It was in NOLA at an all ages show. I was wearing Jeans, a Van Halen t-shirt, and a bandana on my neck. Once I gripped that microphone stand, I did not let go! I plugged my microphone into a guitar FX pedal. Then at the end of the a Black Sabbath song we were covering, I hit the guitar pedal. It was horrific! – Phil Anselmo • Start your own revolution, cut out the middleman In a perfect world we’d all sing in tune But this is reality so give me some room So join the struggle while you may The Revolution is just a t-shirt away – Billy Bragg • Tailored jackets with jeans is a great look for all ages. Dress up with a heel and pretty shirt, or just wear a smart T-shirt under the jacket. – Twiggy • The Army, as usual, are without pay; and a great part of the soldiery without shirts; and though the patience of them is equally threadbare, the States seem perfectly indifferent to their cries. – George Washington • The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne. – Richard Rodriguez • The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me. – George Harrison • The biggest enemy of an artist is apathy… A kid gets killed by the police and I buy a T-shirt and before I can wear that one, there’s another kid (killed) and I’m running out of closet space. – Dave Chappelle • The comma, if it’s left out, sometimes can be a problem. There’s a slogan on a T-shirt going around that “Let’s Eat, Grandma,” and “Let’s Eat Grandma.” – Mary Norris • The Confederate flag is one of those things that should only be seen on t-shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers to help the rest of us identify the worst people in the world. – John Oliver • The door opened, and we were met by a fifty-something man with a grizzled blond beard. He was wearing Bermuda shorts and a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt. Also, he had an eye patch. “This is incredible,” I heard Adrian murmur. “Beyond my wildest dreams. – Richelle Mead • The last time I wore an animal hide; but this time I settled for this.” Eric had been wearing a long trench coat. Now he threw it off dramatically, and I could only stand and stare. Normally, Eric was a blue-jeans-and-T-shirt kind of guy. Tonight, he wore a pink tank top and Lycra leggings[…]They were pink and aqua, like the swirls down the side of Jason’s truck. – Charlaine Harris • The paparazzi were outside the theatre every single night, but we came up with a cunning ruse. I would wear the same outfit every time – a different T-shirt underneath, but I’d wear the same jacket and zip it up so they couldn’t see what I was wearing underneath, and the same hat. So they could take pictures for six months, but it would look like the same day, so they became unpublishable. Which was hilarious, because there’s nothing better than seeing paparazzi getting really frustrated. – Daniel Radcliffe • The photoshoot glitz and TV studio make-up isn’t the real me. I spend most days at home in Bristol in jeans and a T-shirt running around after the kids or shopping in the Co-op. – Carol Vorderman • The police never find it as funny as you do.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • The way I see it, life is a jelly doughnut. You don’t really know what it’s about until you bite into it. And then, just when you decided it’s good, you drop a big glob of jelly on your best T-shirt. – Janet Evanovich • The weirdest moments for me are in Los Angeles when I go to a mall that I’ve shopped at since I was 12, and now there’s like, massive pictures of our faces everywhere, at my local coffee shops now there’s these billboards of people wearing the T-shirts and stuff. It’s very strange, but it’s really exciting. – Lily Collins • The world expected girls to pluck and primp and put on heels. Meanwhile, boys dressed in rumpled T-shirts and baggy pants and misplace their combs, and yet you were suppose to fall at their feet? Unacceptable. – Libba Bray • The worst is when men try too hard, because it’s not very masculine. Your outfit has to look like ‘Oh, I just grabbed that.’ Not too calculated. Jeans, a t-shirt: the simpler the better. – Eva Green • Theatrically, you are aware of every part of you in acting; every component of your surroundings, including the clothes you wear. Eh…in voiceover, shorts and a t-shirt and badaboom…done. – Atticus Shaffer • There are times when you need to step back and realize that movie studios today are not necessarily the same things that they were many years ago. Many movie studios are international conglomerates now. They own everything from theme parks to toy companies to T-shirt companies to video companies. There’s a lot of different wheels to be greased. – Michael Uslan • There comes a moment when you know you just aren’t going to do anything esle productive for the rest of the day.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • There’s this unspoken thing that you have to wear a tux and some kind of nice dress. There are all these ethical rules, but I’m sure if you came to the Oscars in ripped jeans and a t-shirt they wouldn’t throw you out. You would just look like a fool. – Glen Hansard • This is very much part of my style, I work a lot on the back ¬ – I love the back of clothes for men. I love even T-shirts printed behind. I think, “Why do you want to show only the front?” – Riccardo Tisci • T-shirt and jeans style now is where I’m at. Maybe a little rock ‘n’ roll T-shirt and jeans. – Josh Hutcherson • T-shirts and long pants make me easier to find in a crowd, but also easy to disappear in a crowd because if I am wearing this and suddenly I am not, it’s like a Harry Potter invisibility cloak. – Kevin Smith • T-shirts create a sense of “We”. Food says, “We don’t mind spending money on you.” – Andy Stanley • Two primary ways to keep volunteers motivated – Food and T-shirts. – Andy Stanley • Usually you’d do the summer scenes in the winter. So you’re out there with a T-shirt and hope nobody sees your air that you’re breathing out. We put ice cubes in our mouth to stop that from happening. – Jamie Farr • Vaclav Havel was a really popular leader. He couldn’t believe that he was really there. I mean, he still dressed in black T-shirts and jeans and was very kind of ’60s. And he began to realize the seriousness of it. And he knew how to strategize. And he had a very keen political sense, but he didn’t want to be like the old communist leaders. – Judy Woodruff • Very quietly, I heard a voice in my ear.It said, in a weird, cheesy, right-out-of-one-of-my-mother’s-novels way, “Ah. Wemeet again.” I turned my head, just slightly, and right there, practically on top of me, was theguy from the car dealership. He was wearing a red Mountain Fresh Detergent T-shirt – not just fresh: mountain fresh! – it proclaimed, and was smiling at me. “Oh,God,” I said. “No, it’s Dexter. – Sarah Dessen • Virtually the second I get home, I change into my “home” clothes – yoga pants and a T-shirt. – Karen Walker • Was I wearing my ‘I’m done with my virginity, please get rid of it for me’ T-shirt? – Rachel Vincent • We always need to have a smart black blazer in our closets. It’s just a nice clean way to dress up even something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt. And something I always have in my closet, I always have a vintage headscarf with me, to tie around my bag or protect my hair from the sun, it depends but I always find a use for it. – Nicole Richie • We don’t have any changes in the movie [Pineapple Express] and so picking the right outfit was fairly important. So I wasn’t a fan of the Guatemalan pants, but I was convinced that I should wear that. Then the T-shirt is a special creation by David Gordon Green. It’s a kitten sitting in a shark’s mouth, but he’s happy about it. – Seth Rogen • We having nothing to fear but fear itself. That, and maybe getting mugged by someone wearing a “No Fear” t-shirt. – Lev L. Spiro • We stink more of the world than we stink of sack cloth and ashes. A lot of contemporary churches today would feel more at home in a movie house rather than in a house of prayer, more afraid of holy living than of sinning, know more about money than magnifying Christ in our bodies. It is so compromised that holiness and living a sin-free life is heresy to the modern church. The modern church is, quite simply, just the world with a Christian T-shirt on! – Nicky Cruz • We want to keep extending our brand into different places, into movies and soundtracks and our music will live on through licensing and our brand lives on through merchandise and new generations will get to wear our clothing and our T-shirts and stuff that’s associated with us. – Nikki Sixx • We’re the ones causing global warming. In fact, what we ought to be saying is population growth is a major cause of it, so I hope to have a T-shirt out very, very soon: Stop global warming, use condoms. – Mechai Viravaidya • What exactly did you find in Atlanta?” Frank unzipped his backpack and started bringing out souvenirs. “Some peach preserves. A couple of T-shirts. A snow globe. And, um, these not-really-Chinese handcuffs.” Annabeth forced herself to stay calm. “How about you start from the top—of the story, not the backpack. – Rick Riordan • What I’ve always loved to do is build a brand that’s so cool that you want to wear their T-shirt. – Lee Clow • What was Dionysus going to go? Send him back to his hellish isolation? He’d been there, done that, and had the Ozzy T-shirt to prove it.’ (Styxx) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • What, are you like Buffy or something? A vampire slayer?” I wish. “No, but my sister is. And my boyfriend’s a vampire so I know a lot about their kind.” Jayden shrinks back from me, wide-eyed. “No, no. He’s one of the good ones. Not all vampires are evil,” I assure him. “So…you’re dating…Edward Cullen.” “Sure, if you have to relate it all to a Stephenie Meyer book,” I grudgingly agree. “But don’t say that to Magnus’s face. He’s a card-carrying member of Team Jacob. Even has the T-shirt. – Mari Mancusi • When a pastor continually makes light of the character of our Lord by speaking in scatological tones about the Son of Man’s bodily functions in incarnation or wearing T-Shirts that rather mock the King of Righteousness rather than glorify Him, then something is terribly awry. – Steve Camp • When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago. – Kristen Stewart • When I say ‘Clean water was only served to the fairer skin,’ what I’m saying is we’re making product with chitlins. T-shirts! That’s the most we can make. – Kanye West • When I see hipsters wearing Mao hats or Lenin T-shirts, I’m grateful. It’s like truth-in-labeling. For now I know you are: Woefully ignorant, morally stunted, purposively asinine, or all three. – Jonah Goldberg • When I started in the league, I went to a tailor and told him I wanted long t-shirts. But they were like, “You know, you don’t know what the trend is.” I was like, “Look dog, I don’t care about trends or your fashion sense. If I’m going to pay you money, this is where the shirt is going to end.” – Iman Shumpert • When I was fourteen and first started going out, I always wanted to be the opposite of everyone else. So I would go to the club in a polo T-shirt and pants and sneakers and a hat on backward, just so I would not be dressed like other girls. – Rihanna • When I’m wandering around the Himalayas, most of the people that I see are Westerners from Germany, California, or the Netherlands, who are wearing sandals, Indian smocks, and are in search of enlightenment, antiquity, peace, and all the things they can’t get in the west. Most of the people they meet are Nepali villagers in Lee jeans, Reeboks, and Madonna T-shirts who are looking for the paradise that they associate with Los Angeles – a paradise of material prosperity and abundance. – Pico Iyer • When our mothers are alive and healthy, they do extraordinary things… like the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, who marched in Argentinean plazas, defying the military junta dictatorship and demanding the whereabouts of their abducted children… or the Liberian mothers who faced down civil war armed only with T-shirts and courage. – Liya Kebede • Whenever I go to Germany I find that my readers have T-shirts with my book covers printed on them. They come to all the events, they have gifts and they come with their families. They are always very open to sharing their personal stories. – Cecelia Ahern • Willow nestled against him. He smoothed her long hair down the back of her T-shirt, feeling its softness. In a few moments she fell asleep again, her breathing warm and regular against his chest. Alex kissed her head, his arms tightening around her. As he drifted back to sleep himself, he saw a brief flash of the thousands of angels streaming in, but right then it seemed distant, almost unimportant. The only thing that mattered was that he was lying in a bed holding Willow, their bare legs entwined. It was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. – L.A. Weatherly • With the first kid, you micromanage it, making sure there’s no hair out of place when it goes off to school. But by the third kid, it’s more like, “Oh, you want to wear a splatter-painted, Hard Rock Café T-shirt for seven days in a row and not brush your hair? Go for it. Be who you want to be.” – Annie E. Clark • Women show off their personality and character through accessories more than with low-cut shirts and skirts with huge slits. – Sarah Lafleur • Worldwide, most people dress more casually these days, don’t they? They have done for the last 20 or 30 years, I suppose. So, every place that I go to, the majority of people really wear jeans, trainers, T-shirt – everybody seems to dress more for comfort. Whereas, even in my lifetime, even up to the early-’70s, there was still that thing of dressing up. – Paul Weller • You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans – it’s up to you. – Karl Lagerfeld • You can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it was a 2 by 4.–T-SHIRT • You can’t take life for granted. I am lucky to have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a job I’ve always dreamed of…and my face on my own t-shirts. – Kevin Harvick • You could have the best suit in the world, but if you haven’t got the right shirt and tie with it you could look like a bag of rubbish. I think the shirt is the most important thing – you need a nice collar with it so that you can make it look good. – Jamie Redknapp • You do know it cost money to put a t-shirt on your back? You do know it cost money have a house? You do know it cost money to eat? Get money, don’t let these people fool you. – DJ Khaled • You know, being in a rock band, you can’t overdo the costume changes too much because everyone thinks, oh, that’s not a real rock band. Look how many times he changes costumes. That’s not rock. Rock’s about going on in a T-shirt and staying in it and getting it all dirty. But that’s not really my approach. – Mick Jagger • You might be a redneck if your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states. – Jeff Foxworthy • You should’ve gone to China, you know, ’cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events. – Ellen Page • You wouldn’t know a clue if it danced in front of you with a T-Shirt that read ‘I’m a clue – Eoin Colfer • Your best T-shirt should be like your bed, it just feels like you are home when you are in it. – Ashton Kutcher • You’re nothing but an apple, a silly t-shirt, a catchphrase and a stupid haircut. – Randy Orton • You’ve never told me about your love life, Scarlett. You’re a very pretty girl. You must have a boy shacked up somewhere for your personal delights. I’d bet it’s a booky one, overtones of Harry Potter and a lot of black T-shirts.- Maureen Johnson
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
T-Shirt Quotes
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• A clothing company is making T-shirts inspired by Bernie Sanders with messages like ‘Feel the Bern.’ They were gonna make them for Lincoln Chafee too, but no one wants to wear a shirt that says ‘Feel the Chafee.’ – Jimmy Fallon • Alice was scrutinizing my boring jeans-and-a-T-shirt outfit in a way that made me self-conscious. Probably plotting another makeover. I sighed. My indifferent attitude to fashion was a constant thorn in her side. If I’d allow it, she’d love to dress me everyday―perhaps several times a day―like some oversized three-dimensional paper doll. – Stephenie Meyer • All fashion brands are about looking good. Being Human is also about doing good. And you can do good by the simple act of slipping into a t-shirt or a pair of jeans. – Salman Khan • All of my life, actually, I had a real strong relationship with God, but I was always in the closet about it. The only distance out of the closet I really want to come there is having my tattoo or wearing my t-shirt. – Sinead O’Connor • All true wisdom is found on T-shirts. – Abraham Lincoln • And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • And, the sets that they built are just so beautiful. It’s like going to a completely foreign country and experiencing a new culture that you’ve never seen before, especially at Camelot. It’s just so magical. Personally, it’s just so much more interesting than wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and walking around somebody else’s house. – Tamsin Egerton • Anormal day looks like, you know, shower, put on the same jeans, the same tattered Gucci loafers I got at the thrift store, white socks, and my t-shirt and my very beat-up Helmut Lang blazer. Im in the exact same outfit every day. – Natasha Lyonne • Antarctica, one of the things that was so remarkable about it was that the ice itself is a kind of pure geometry, so say, for example, if I was facing someone wearing I don’t know, a Joy Division t-shirt with the mountains on it or something like that. – DJ Spooky • At home, a T-shirt and something loose like harem pants would do. If I’m stepping out, a pair of blue jeans and a white tee are just fine. – Genelia D’Souza • At the beginning of my career I was going through a really weird phase of dressing in boys clothes. I would only wear one American Apparel T-shirt and shorts and brogues the whole year round. Not the same T-shirt, obviously, but one style of American Apparel T-shirt. I think I was going through a tomboy stage. – Florence Welch (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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• Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. – Steig Larsson • Being a good Hans Haacke student, part of his influence on me is that there’s no difference between a gallery show and a film – or even an ad and a T-shirt-in terms of cultural legitimacy. They’re just different contexts in which to have some sort of communication. – Mike Mills • Britney Spears became my talisman. I became obsessed with wearing Britney T-shirts. I felt it would bring me luck. And it did. – Madonna Ciccone • But in some ways, I’m like an old woman – lived it, seen it, done it, been there, have the T-shirt. – Drew Barrymore Cassandra Clare • Christian stretched out beside her and pulled her close. ʺBut for what itʹs worth, I think youʹd be a great queen too, Princess Dragomir.ʺ ʺYouʹre going to get dirty,ʺ she warned. ʺAlready am. Oh, you mean from your clothes?ʺ He wrapped his arms around her, heedless of her damp and muddy state. ʺI spent most of my childhood hiding in a dusty attic and own exactly one dress shirt. You really think I care about this T-shirt?ʺ – Richelle Mead • Come on, Ella. Sleep green.’ Ignoring him, I got into bed wearing a T-shirt and boxer shorts printed with penguins. I reached over to the nightstand and flipped off the lamp. A moment of silence, and then I heard a lecherous murmur. ‘I like your penguins. – Lisa Kleypas • Dammit, Michael, get out of my room, you pervert!” Could you even be a pervert if you were dead? She supposed you could, if you had a working body half the time. “I swear, I’m going to start taking my clothes off!” The cold spot stayed resolutely put until she got the hem of her T-shirt all the way up to her bra line, and then faded away. “Chicken,” she said, and paced the room, back and forth. – Rachel Caine • Elegance is always in style for men. There are all different kinds of elegance. It can be silk, it can be a T-shirt. – Donatella Versace • Europe has memories, America has t-shirts. – Jean-Luc Godard • Even though I’m resting I’m accomplishing something by sewing that shirt that I’ve been meaning to sew for weeks. And it’s relaxing. It’s so very meditative and quiet and enjoyable. But at least I’m producing something. I’m being productive in some way. I have a very hard time being completely idle. – Evangeline Lilly • Every band sells t-shirts and plays certain auditoriums, but I’m sick of being like everyone else, because I’m not. – Justin Vernon • First there was a young guy sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother, then there was an older fatter person sitting in front of television in a T-shirt drinking beer with his mother. – William S. Burroughs • For Christmas one year I bought my son a BB gun. He bought me a t-shirt with a bulls eye on the back. – Rodney Dangerfield • Forget trendy designer labels. Jeans, a sweater or a t-shirt worn under a jacket that seems welded to you. When it’s just right, when you don’t see the effort, it’s irresistible. – Emmanuelle Alt • From the season I did the butterfly faux tattoos on the models on the runway, every collection we do has to have a butterfly t-shirt or trim or print. People come to me for butterflies! – Anna Sui • Generally speaking, I’m a jeans, T-shirt and boots man but I do own an Armani suit, which gets a regular outing. It’s nothing fancy – just a classic, well-cut suit with clean lines and beautiful tailoring. It’s timeless and you can mix and match it with anything to dress up or dress down. – Matthew Rhys • Green business is not about tie-dyed T-shirts. It’s about transforming the industrial system itself into one that looks at all the connections. – Paul Hawken • He also knows what king of protein I like, what T-shirts I like, how I like my dry cleaning to be done. He also knows how I like my stuff folded and put away into drawers. – The Miz • He’d changed since the last summer. Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and leather loafers. His sandy hair, which used to be so unruly, was now clipped short. He look like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year. – Rick Riordan • Here’s a newsflash from the only High Preistess you have left at this dang school: Zoey isn’t dead. And believe me, I know dead. I’ve been there, done that, and got the frickin’ T-shirt.” – Stevie Rae – P. C. Cast • I also was a huge ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ fan. I used to have T-shirts that said ‘Dierks of Hazzard’ custom-made.- Dierks Bentley • I always find it difficult to dress in between seasons, but I quite like putting T-shirts on with a vest over the top and another layer so you can peel them back as the day goes on. – Poppy Delevingne • I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometime it’s a pair of eyes or flowing gorgeous hair, other times it’s the sky or a sunset. I’ve been inspired by supple skin or the texture of a soft shirt. – Nadine Velazquez • I am of the generation of segregation. Black Lives Matter is post. I said today, and I will say all the time, “If Nina [Simone] were here, she’d have her Black Lives Matter [T-shirt] on.” I think they’re great kids. They don’t need me or anybody else to tell them what to do. – Nikki Giovanni • I borrowed this from Kyle. My other shirt was pretty filthy.” “Wow, you’re wearing each other’s clothes now. That’s, like, best friend stuff.” “Feeling left out?” said Kyle. “I suppose you want to borrow a black T-shirt too.” “As long as everyone’s wearing their own pants.” “I see have come in on a fascinating moment in the conversation.” Eric poked his head through the curtain. – Cassandra Clare • I could get a T-shirt that says ‘All in for Week 4 of the Preseason.’ That’s not quite as catchy, and I don’t have an endorsement deal with an apparel company. Maybe someone will sign me now. I don’t make enough money to get fined. Maybe I’ll get a deal with some off-brand or something that sells at Walmart or something. – Kirk Cousins • I didn’t really play dress up when I was a kid, and I’m really T-shirt and jeans-y. – Ellen Page • I do California casual a little bit better than really small European cut, tight apparel But I can rock some Gucci when I need to. I say this as I’m wearing Adidas sweatpants and a ten-year-old Chrome Hearts T-shirt. – Carson Daly • I do not mean to suggest for a moment that all it takes to be a top executive is a custom-tailored European suit. You also need the correct shirt and tie. – Dave Barry • I do think there is a completely different notion to glamour today. I think modern glamour is more effortless, easy, and real. Moreover, I think it’s about constantly challenging classical ideas by bringing in unexpected and different elements; for example a long, elegant evening skirt paired with a simple t-shirt on the red carpet. I think this approach is the future. – Roksanda Ilincic • I don’t believe in cancer walks. Well, I believe in them because they exist but I’d rather just give money straight up and save my Saturday afternoon. I can make my own t-shirt, that’s not incentive. Plus I don’t think cancer responds to how far people walk. I don’t think cancer’s sitting at home, ‘What? How many people walked how far? How many people walked how far wearing the same shirt? That’s crazy! I’m out of here!’ Remission. – Hannibal Buress • I don’t want to be carried out of a club wearing a tie-dye T-shirt and a cap on the wrong way around when I am 70, but I would like to settle down a bit. Maybe with a partner. – Rupert Everett • I even like when girls wear printed Minnie Mouse T-shirts with a cool ball gown skirt, or a ripped up pair of jeans – it’s all about how you style it. – Christian Siriano • I feel like I need to start wearing a T-shirt saying ‘This is not a photo opportunity’. People are so lovely but you do find that when you’re out you spend 40% of your time posing for photographs. – Chris O’Dowd • I go from a full working day to making sure I am home for dinner with my kids. I couldn’t do that in a 10cm mini skirt but I am not going to resort to sweatpants and an old t-shirt. – Donatella Versace • I go outside, and I’m wearing a funky T-shirt and my hair is dirty, and people say, ‘What’s wrong with her? She needs to invest in a hairbrush.’ – Kristen Stewart • I got into music by happenchance and luck and wearing a t-shirt with “I hate Pink Floyd” on it. The irony has never failed to amuse me ever since because I didn’t hate Pink Floyd at all! And yet you have an entire range of people out there believing that the best thing you can do in life is to hate Pink Floyd. Come on, It’s because it’s the world I live in! – John Lydon • I hate formal stuff. I love looking like a doll and all that stuff and playing dress up, but when I’m home, sweat pants, t-shirt. When I’m in the studio, sweat pants, t-shirt. – Nicki Minaj • I hate ready-made suits, button-down collars, and sports shirts. – Bobby Fischer • I hate short hair on men – the ‘real’ man is something I don’t know. My dad was always playing with hairbands, making rings, while the women were wearing jeans, white T-shirts and Converse. That was the uniform at home. – Lou Doillon • I have a few girlfriends, but nearly all my friends are guys. I don’t think I ever wore girl clothes. I wore baggy jeans, baggy T-shirts, sweaters, just to avoid the looks that everyone gives you when you’re a young female in the world. – Katharine Isabelle • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. – Garance Dore • I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. And then I love great coats, and I pay a lot of attention to them and own a lot of them. I think a great piece of outerwear can really make you stand out. – Garance Dore • I have been doing merch’ since I was 15 and in bands when I was a teenager – silk-screening shirts, making the emulsion in my mom’s closet I converted into a dark room, through college. That’s essentially how us bands survived was selling homemade t-shirts. – Steve Aoki • I have so much freedom to put whatever I want on a t-shirt, and it’s cool because I get a lot of fan feedback so I like to see what kids like to wear and I like to use some of their ideas to make t-shirts. – Jack Barakat • I have to be honest, I am a true jeans and t-shirt girl. – Emmanuelle Chriqui • I have to wear a new T-shirt every night. I throw them into the audience. One day I’m going to go around the world and reclaim all my T-shirts – Damon Albarn • I know dead. I’ve been there, done that and got the freakin’ T-shirt. – P. C. Cast • I know that’s an endorsement I’ve been waiting for,” Skye added. “Perfectly adequate in bed. They should make that into a T-shirt – Susan Mallery • I like fashion because it’s sort of my job, so I’m into it when I have to be. But when I’m not working, I wear jeans and T-shirts. I go to vintage stores all the time to find funky T-shirts. – Kristen Stewart • I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers – I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut. – Georgia Salpa • I like rock and roll t-shirts, tight jeans, and sneakers or boots. Really just laid back, sort of rock and roll. I’m a sneaker person. I don’t really like to wear high heels. I’m always really paranoid when I’m on stage playing guitar that I’m going to trip over one of the cords when I’m prancing around so I have on wedges or shoes that are not too high. – Orianthi • I live in jeans and own a lot of them. I’m much more comfortable in trousers and T-shirts, and I don’t often wear dresses. – Hayley Mills • I love challenging the notion that, in order to be a tech founder, you have to be holed up in a dark room wearing a T-shirt and baggy jeans. – Kevin Systrom • I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes. – Ashley Benson • I love shopping; I’m a jeans and a T-shirt kind of girl, but I go classy when I dress up – with a little bit of sexy. – Adrianne Palicki • I love sportswear in my own weird way. Fashion is such a personal journey for me. I’m much more of a girl that’s a T-shirt, legging, layering kind of thing, and outerwear. – Vera Wang • I might not wear chains or I may just wear a watch or I may not wear any jewelry at all or I may just go all out on an outfit or just rock some basic s*** just a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and ones. But, I still standout more than a lot of people in the room so I can’t really describe it but I know from the outside looking in people can explain better than I can. – Lil Herb • I myself identify as a recovering Blockhead. You’d be surprised how many twenty- and thirty-something hipster chicks have the NKOTB skeleton in their closet, albeit artfully concealed by stacks of Ksubi skinny jeans and ironic Judas Priest T-shirts. – Diablo Cody • I noticed that difference early on, like if you were successful in rock ‘n’ roll, that was a really bad thing, you almost had to hide it. You had these guys selling 200 million records with dirty T-shirts on. I was like, ‘Come on, man. Come on. We know you’re successful.’ Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don’t even have to like your music. If you’re big enough, people are drawn to you. – Jay-Z • I really like the idea of being utilitarian. My dream is to edit down my wardrobe and be very Japanese, where you have one rolling rack and it’s like your four T-shirts, your five dresses, your two pairs of jeans. – Erin Wasson • I remember from when I use to be a dancer, there is an expression among dancers, I had a T-shirt that said: SHUT UP AND DANCE. – Christopher Walken • I remember getting a Phoenix Suns T-shirt. I had that Phoenix Suns T-shirt forever. It’s the funny things you remember as a kid, but it was a blast. – Jonathan Lipnicki • I remember going foraging for breakfast in St. Louis once. I saw this one girl sitting in front of the venue, and she made this pink T-shirt with a big heart in the middle of it and a misty picture of our guitarist Mark [Potter]. She was so embarrassed when she saw me. And I was trying desperately not to laugh. – Guy Garvey • I remember watching Mike [Michael Jordan]. I remember him having a royal blue blazer and all black t-shirt and he came out of a blue Corvette. That was dope to us. We were like, ‘Yo, Michael killed today.’ He didn’t even talk to the media and walked straight into the arena. Everyday’s like Mike. – Iman Shumpert • I sat up in bed. My T-shirt was soaking wet. My pillow was wet. My hair was wet. And my room was sticky and humid. – Kami Garcia • I saw a transvestite wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Guess’. – Demetri Martin • I saw School of Rock, and I was like, why haven’t I worked with Richard Linklater already? Then by the time I got him I was like, I’m really pissed off I feel like you owe me some retroactive swag. He gave me the 10-year anniversary “Dazed and Confused” T-shirt, which I still wear with relish. – Robert Downey, Jr. • I simply adore ‘The Simpsons.’ I go to bed in a ‘Simpsons’ T-shirt. – Steven Spielberg • I stop writing the poem to fold the clothes. No matter who lives or who dies, I’m still a woman. I’ll always have plenty to do. I bring the arms of his shirt together. Nothing can stop our tenderness. I’ll get back to the poem. I’ll get back to being a woman. But for now there’s a shirt, a giant shirt in my hands, and somewhere a small girl standing next to her mother watching to see how it’s done. – Tess Gallagher • I tend not to wear ties very often. I’m usually in old stuff: Hermes or Marc Jacobs boots and jeans and a T-shirt and a leather jacket or a jean jacket. – Nate Berkus • I think for a lot of people, bowling is sort of a joke. But I love it, and it means a lot to me, so any chance to help promote it or celebrate it or not make the hackiest jokes – ‘Bowlers are like plumbers and they wear the craziest shirts!’ – I’m way into. – Chris Hardwick • I think somebody like Wes [Anderson] has a very good sense of style and is original. I think my sense of style got a little bit better after I was exposed to you guys at Valentino. Because I’m just in Hawaii and Malibu; it’s just kind of T-shirts and surfing-type stuff. – Owen Wilson • I think someone’s biggest competition is themselves. I stand out as a ‘fashion’ designer and not to be confused with, (people who call themselves ‘clothing’ designers, who just print designs or logos on pre-existing t-shirts), because what I have created is custom fashions that are a personal extension of myself and my personality. It’s pretty unique since there is only one of me. – Ashley Purdy • I think the first thing we need to talk about is you not running around in tight T-shirts and yoga pants.” “Fine. I’ll stop doing that as soon as you shave.” Jack ran his hand along his jaw and grinned. “You like the scruff, huh?” Did she ever. – Julie James • I think the worst professional advice I’ve received… I feel I’ve been lucky in that I’ve gotten a lot of wonderful guidance, but I remember – and I would never do this to someone – I remember going into a manager’s office, the manager I had in New York, and this was way back when. And she said to me, immediately, “You should never wear striped T-shirts. You look much bigger than you are.” – June Diane Raphael • I think there’s a percentage [of the audience] that don’t realize, that don’t know that [standup] is how everything began. We planned it, we work hard, rehearsals to get this. It’s more of a … it’s not just coming in there in a T-shirt and holding a microphone. – Tim Allen • I think we were promoting New Moon just as I was finishing The Runaways, and I remember going to Comic-Con with a Minor Threat T-shirt on. I was really happy and excited to be there, but I was so defensive and crazy. – Kristen Stewart • I used to wear sleeveless T-shirts all the time on court, but now I’ve got a brand new look – I’ve moved on to polo shirts. Sleeveless T-shirts give you real freedom of movement and they keep you cooler in matches, but I just thought it was time for a change. – Rafael Nadal • I want to prove that he’s wrong – he’s wearing a t-shirt that says he won the last two fights. – Manny Pacquiao • I want young people to be able to buy into what I design. When I was young, I wanted to buy designer brands even if all I could afford was the cheapest wallet, the cheapest pen, the cheapest T-shirt because I wanted to be a part of it. – Nicola Formichetti • I wanted to go on the red carpet with a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans. And I still do. Because that’s really who I am. – Missy Peregrym • I wanted to start a menswear line of slim-fitting, luxury cashmere jumpers in a range of great colors. I know these jumpers will become season-less staples in my own wardrobe. Cashmere and silk printed scarves and hand-beaded T-shirts compliment the line and form a solid foundation for the collection to grow next season. – Matthew Williamson • I was in New York last Christmas – it’s snowing; there’s a guy in a t-shirt. I’m like, ‘Dude, aren’t you cold?’ ‘No, I’m from New York. I don’t get cold.’ Just ’cause you’re from a cold place doesn’t mean you’re genetically predisposed to not feeling cold. You’re not a penguin. I was like, ‘In fact, sir, you’re Puerto Rican, so if anything, you should be more cold. – Iliza Shlesinger • I was so involved in my boy-rhythms that I never came to grips with the fact that I was a girl. I was twelve years old when my mother took me inside and said, “You can’t be outside wrestling without a T-shirt on.” It was a trauma. – Patti Smith • I watched him pull his t-shirt over his head. I could put hin on replay doing that and watch it all day. – Tammara Webber • I wear jeans and a T-shirt sometimes. I just like clothes – since the first time I can remember, like age ten or eleven; I was just obsessed with music and clothes. Just like a lot of people in England from my generation. – Paul Weller • I wear my Peggy Fleming T-shirt when I go to sleep every night before I compete, and for the past four years, it’s brought me incredible good luck. – Sarah Hughes • I would never talk to a girl in a bar, like a pick-up thing. But I could talk to anyone if they wore a t-shirt of a band I like. – Craig Finn • If I ever wear a Chelsea shirt, you have permission to kill me. – Cesc Fabregas • If I haven’t put that on a T-shirt, I’m going to. Actually, I really don’t want to write anything that can’t be put on a T-shirt. Actually I’d like to write only on T-shirts. Actually, I’d like to write whole novels on T-shirts. So you guys could say, ‘I’m wearing chapter 8 of Lestat’s new book, that’s my favorite; oh I see you’re wearing chapter 6- – Anne Rice • If I was left to my own devices, you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans – but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together, I just don’t have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that. – Daniel Radcliffe • If I were Osama, and the United States government were actually looking for me, I’d be clean-shaven by now, crewcutted, wearing jeans and a ZZ Top T-shirt, and living in a nice little house in Lincoln, Nebraska. – L. Neil Smith • If life hands you lemons,keep them. Because, hey, free lemons.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • If you have a counterculture band, you put a name on it, you call them beatniks, and you can sell something – books or bebop. Or you label them as hippies and you can sell tie-dyed T-shirts. – Jim Jarmusch • If you two were going to be that obvious about it, why didn’t you guys come down in your Team Daniel and Team Miles T-shirts?” “We should order those,” Shelby said. “Mine’s in the laundry,” Arriane said. – Lauren Kate • If you want to write what the world is about, you have to write details…real life is in the dishes. Real life is pushing strollers up the street, folding T-shirts, the alarm clock going off early and you dropping into bed exhausted every night. That’s real life. – Anna Quindlen • If you’re a man and you have big tits, don’t wear a tight T-shirt, okay? It confuses the children! – Dennis Miller • If you’ve got a bloodstain on your T-shirt, maybe dirty laundry isn’t your biggest problem. – Jerry Seinfeld • I’ll look through ‘Us Weekly’ and I’ll see a picture of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. And I’m like, ‘Wow, they just… they look so good. Even if they’re like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, they still look great.’ – Moby • I’ll wear little dresses for a look and then it’ll become only shorts for a while or only t-shirts for a while. So I go through different phases but I combine different things. I don’t like things that draw too much attention. It’s usually just things that complement me and aren’t too loud. – Odeya Rush • Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour’s faded – ugh. – Joanne Froggatt • I’m a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. – Cameron Diaz • I’m a jeans and t-shirt type of girl. – Nicole Richie • I’m a T-shirt-and-jeans-with-combat-boots guy. And if I don’t have to shave, I don’t. – Gabriel Macht • I’m a T-shirt-and-Levi’s type of a guy. – Norman Reedus • I’m a T-shirts, sweatpants and jeans kind of gal, I dress really simply and comfortably. – Sutton Foster • I’m an athlete, so I can dress down with the best of them. I can throw on t-shirts and sweats with the best of them. – Dwyane Wade • I’m into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts – everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I’ve got a Chicago one worth $100. – Michael Rosenbaum • I’m just saying, ‘Hey, throw me a bone. How about a smile, cute t-shirt? Look at me.’ Nothing – unless it’s a turn to their friends to go, ‘Hey, why is that weird guy looking at us?’ – Marc Maron • I’m most comfortable in T-shirts, but they have to have some style to them. – Giada De Laurentiis • I’m not going to be able to make things that I can call Kanye West just by making T-shirts. – Kanye West • I’m not interested in thinking up the name of a band and a logo and all that. Been there, done that, sold a million T-shirts. – Sebastian Bach • I’m pretty low-key; you’ll often find me in jeans, a T-shirt and sweatshirt. – Olivia Wilde • I’m quite tactile, so I like fabrics that feel good. I try to avoid fabrics that crease – especially with my son. When you have a child, that’s important. A great pair of a jeans, a t-shirt and some loafers, that’s what I always wear. – Miranda Kerr • I’m really more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of a girl. – Katharine McPhee • I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect’ on my T-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your T-shirt; it’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.’ – John Cena • I’m tight with Zack Ryder so I’ve had a Zack Ryder t-shirt for quite some time. – Josh Mathews • I’m usually all about the tight jeans and little T-shirt, but sometimes I want to put on a black, sequined dress and be a freaking girl – Britney Spears • Imagine what our culture would be like if Americans sold ideas, words, and books with the same creativity we use to sell designer jeans, shampoo, and rock stars. Why, we might end up with people whos attention span for the printed word is longer than the time it takes to read a T-shirt. – Jim Trelease • In 2056, I think you’ll be able to buy T-shirts on which are printed equations describing the unified laws of our universe. – Max Tegmark • In a relationship, it’s so important that a man knows how much you physically desire him. When he wears that shirt that makes him look sexy, tell him he’s sexy! If he wears a cologne you like, say “I can’t resist that smell on you”. – Matthew Hussey • In retrospect, I think a lot of ’80s fashion shoots are the ones that look the most modern. The fitness-based ones that are really minimal. It’s clean, healthy, t-shirt, beach hair… it’s athleisure. – Christy Turlington • Is it to be imagined … that women were made for no other purpose than to fabricate sweetmeats and gingerbread, construct shirts, darn stockings, and become mothers of possible presidents? Assuredly not. Should the women of America ever discover what their power might be, and compare it with what it is, much improvement might be hoped for. – Frances Trollope • It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We’re the ones under the microscope. We’re expected to sound perfect. We’re expected to look perfect all the time. We’re expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps. – Carrie Underwood • It sounds like something on a very trite T-shirt, but life is what happens. – Nigella Lawson • It’s an honour to wear the shirt and the badge, and to be part of such an illustrious club is gonna be exciting, and putting that shirt on will be pretty special. Well, my message to Chelsea fans is that I can promise that I’ll work hard and give my all for this club. Hopefully we can build up a good relationship over the next few years. And I’m just excited to be part of this whole club and organisation and bringing as much success to it as possible. – Asmir Begovic • It’s true, I don’t like the whole cutoff-shorts-and-T-shirt look, but I think you can look fantastic in casual clothes. – Catherine Zeta-Jones • I’ve always been someone who’s extremely relaxed in my everyday life. I’m not the girl who can wear awful seven-inch heels all night. I keep it simple – I consider myself to be a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl who just accessorizes a lot. – Nicole Richie • Jay-Z’s a guy that wears the Che Guevara t-shirt and he doesn’t realize Che Guevara was a racist. Che Guevara was a murderer and a killer. So look, he’s an entertainer, obviously. He’s not in the middle of any public discourse here. But I think it’s important to point out when people take stances like this that are absurd. – Marco Rubio • Jesus said that they will know we are Christians – not by our bumper stickers and T-shirts – but by our love. – Shane Claiborne • Kate Moss. She looks good in anything. She would look good in one of your t-shirts, in her t-shirt, in a man’s suit, in a huge gown. She looks amazing naked. She even makes nude look stylish. That, to me, is a style icon. She could put a barrel on and it would be some sort of statement. – Justin Timberlake • Let us find the dam snack bar, Zoe said. “We should eat while we can.” Grover cracked a smile. “The dam snack bar?” Zoe blinked. “Yes. What is funny?” “Nothing,” Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. “I could use some dam French fries.” Even Thalia smiled at that. “And I need to use the dam restroom.”… I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us “I do not understand.” “I want to use the dam water fountain,” Grover said. “And…” Thalia tried to catch her breath. “I want to buy a dam T-shirt.” – Rick Riordan • Looking at the elementary schoolers in their colorful T-shirts from various day camps, Percy felt a twinge of sadness. He should be at Camp Half-Blood right now, settling into his cabin for the summer, teaching sword-fighting lessons in the arena, playing pranks on the other counselors. These kids had no idea just how crazy a summer camp could be. – Rick Riordan • Men always look smart in a well-fitted, tailored suit. Conversely, they can be incredibly handsome in jeans combined with a cashmere jumper or a beaten-up leather jacket or even just a cotton T-shirt. – Tamara Mellon • Modernized by tin roofs and T-shirts, Third World poverty is no longer picturesque. – Mason Cooley • Most nights I end up wearing a wife beater T-shirt and boxers. – Jessica Alba • My dad has totally taken my Cat Stevens T-shirt, but it’s OK; I have his Black Flag one, and that’s amazing. – Zoe Kravitz • My daughter made me a Jerry Springer-watching kit, with crackers, Cheez Whiz, polyester stretch pants and a T-shirt with two fat women fighting over a skinny guy. – Roseanne Barr • My label is just “good farming”, which isn’t something you can put on a t-shirt. – Wendell Berry • My style during the day is very casual – boyfriend jeans, T-shirts, Converse, Uggs, whatever. At night, I love heels and thigh-highs, I like something fresh and new, and I’m not afraid to push the envelope. – Katie Cassidy • My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me. – Michelle Branch • My uniform is sweatpants, so crusted over with dried paint that they’re as hard as a table. I wear T-shirts that are also covered in paint, and Crocs. – Caio Fonseca • My wildest tipping point moment came when I was introduced to Clint Eastwood. He was sitting there, typical Clint Eastwood, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, holding a Budweiser. He looks at me and says, “I watch your show from time to time.” I just stopped. I was like, “I can’t even think about that. I’m not even sure if I’m happy about that.” – Chris Harrison • NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts – we wear those a lot – and NASA T-shirts. – Sally Ride • Never knock on death’s door. Ring the doorbell then run. He totally hates that. – T-shirt – Darynda Jones • Next thing you know she’ll be on the bus and selling T-shirts in the parking lot, showing off her boobs to get in the stage door.” “At least she has boobs to show,” Jess said. “I have boobs,” Chloe said, pointing to her chest. “Just because they’re not weighing me down doesn’t mean they’re not substantial.” “Okay, B cup,” Jess said, taking a sip of her drink. “I have boobs!” Chloe said again, a bit too loudly–she’d already had a couple of minibottles at the Spot. “My boobs are great, goddammit. You know that? They’re fantastic! My boobs are amazing. – Sarah Dessen • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. -T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • Oh my God, you’re serious. Honey, I am a six time Women’s Champion, if you get into the ring with me it will not be for a Lingerie Pillow Fight, it will not be to shoot t-shirts. If you get into the ring with me I will end your career just like that. Are you sure that’s what you want? – Trish Stratus • Oh yeah, the heartbreak diet…. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. – Alexandra Potter • On a daily basis, jeans and t-shirt is still sexy, but it doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard. – Tila Tequila • On the board was a list of words and phrases which her mother considered not suitable for use in college T-shirt design. She had been asked about them so often that in the end she had started a blacklist of banned words to which everyone could refer. Every time someone thought of a new one, she unflinchingly wrote it down… Rose read through the list, and turned back to her letter. These are the words I learned to spell in Mummy’s art class today, she wrote, and sighed a little as she began the tedious job of copying from the board. – Hilary McKay • On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found this T-shirt at the time. – John Green • One of my favorite facts about Jason [Benjamin] is that he collects shirts from tattoo parlors. He has a bunch of tattoo parlor T-shirts, but no tattoos. And then he wears, like, vans and jeans. My boyfriend said he looks like a modern Bruce Springsteen, which is a pretty high compliment. – Lena Dunham • One of the coolest things to me about going to a show is you look over, and the guy next to you is sitting there drinking a beer and he’s wearing a Donkeys t-shirt. And you’re like, “Dude, I love The Donkeys.” – Craig Finn • One time, the homie Venus[-X] read me; we were on the phone and she was like, “Girl, you keep wearing jeans and t-shirts at your shows, but the music doesn’t give that.” I was like, “You’re right, I need to be the person that I am at school, making dance and choreography. I should think about the whole performance.” That’s when I put the 1 in my name and started dressing for the occasion. – Le1f • Only Jace, Clary thought, could look cool in pajama bottoms and an old T-shirt, but he pulled it off, probably through sheer force of will. -pg. 329- – Cassandra Clare • Piper rushed to get dressed. By the time she got up on deck, the others had already gathered—all hastily dressed except for Coach Hedge, who had pulled the night watch. Frank’s Vancouver Winter Olympics shirt was inside out. Percy wore pajama pants and a bronze breastplate, which was an interesting fashion statement. Hazel’s hair was all blown to one side as though she’d walked through a cyclone; and Leo had accidentally set himself on fire. His T-shirt was in charred tatters. His arms were smoking. – Rick Riordan • Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev can no longer attend concerts by his favorite group Deep Purple without having to fear that the musicians will wear T-shirts with Pussy Riot written on them. – Alexei Navalny • ‘Princess’ is a good word, as is ‘girlish’, ‘pixie-like’ and all these other things. I personally find it a bit boring, it’s all been done before. The amount of times you read reviews of bands and it’s an all-girl four-piece, and they talk about what the women are wearing… you’ll never read a review that’s like: “Male singer Thom Yorke, who was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans…” You would never read that about a man. – Lauren Mayberry • Rae burned me. She has matches or something. Look, look…” Tori pulled down the collar of her T-shirt. “Leave your cloths on, Tori,” Simon said, raising his hands to his eyes. “Please. – Kelley Armstrong • Rowdy, hopped-up college kids pass us in an endless, noisy blur like they’re being mass produced or squeezed out of a tube – guys skulking in their T-shirts and cargo shorts, girls in low-slung jeans and flip-flops, pimples and breasts and tattoos and lipstick and legs and bra straps, and cigarettes; a colorful, sexy melange. I feel old and tired and I just want to be them again, want to be young and stupid, filled with angst and attitude and unbridled lust. Can I have a do-over, please? I swear to God I’ll make a real go of it this time. – Jonathan Tropper • Rule number one of anime,” Simon said. He sat propped up against a pile of pillows at the foot of his bed, a bag of potato chips in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He was wearing a black T-shirt that said I BLOGGED YOUR MOM and a pair of jeans that were ripped in one knee. “Never screw with a blind monk. • Sailing is the closest I can get to nature – it’s adrenaline, fear, a constant challenge and learning experience, an adventure into the unknown. And of course there is nothing better than wearing the same T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair for weeks. – Daria Werbowy • Sejal had not thought of her home, or of India as a whole, as cool. She was dimly aware, however, of a white Westerner habit of wearing other cultures like T-shirts—the sticker bindis on club kids, sindoor in the hair of an unmarried pop star, Hindi characters inked carelessly on tight tank tops and pale flesh. She knew Americans liked to flash a little Indian or Japanese or African. They were always looking for a little pepper to put in their dish. – Adam Rex • Shirt collars are very important to me. Putting a very soft shirt collar with a formal suit doesn’t work for me at all. – Ozwald Boateng • Shrugging out of the damaged shirt, Jake said roughly, “I still dream about you.” “I have nightmares about you.” I dragged my T-shirt over my head, threw it aside. – Josh Lanyon • So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts? – Gerard Way • So, what did you get for me?” Angeline paused for a beat. “Jeans.” “What?” croaked Artemis. “And a T-shirt. – Eoin Colfer • Sometimes I feel like putting on a blazer with just a T-shirt. – Big Sean • Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘T-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night.’ – Rebecca Romijn • Speaking of stage freight. I was terrified! It was in NOLA at an all ages show. I was wearing Jeans, a Van Halen t-shirt, and a bandana on my neck. Once I gripped that microphone stand, I did not let go! I plugged my microphone into a guitar FX pedal. Then at the end of the a Black Sabbath song we were covering, I hit the guitar pedal. It was horrific! – Phil Anselmo • Start your own revolution, cut out the middleman In a perfect world we’d all sing in tune But this is reality so give me some room So join the struggle while you may The Revolution is just a t-shirt away – Billy Bragg • Tailored jackets with jeans is a great look for all ages. Dress up with a heel and pretty shirt, or just wear a smart T-shirt under the jacket. – Twiggy • The Army, as usual, are without pay; and a great part of the soldiery without shirts; and though the patience of them is equally threadbare, the States seem perfectly indifferent to their cries. – George Washington • The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne. – Richard Rodriguez • The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me. – George Harrison • The biggest enemy of an artist is apathy… A kid gets killed by the police and I buy a T-shirt and before I can wear that one, there’s another kid (killed) and I’m running out of closet space. – Dave Chappelle • The comma, if it’s left out, sometimes can be a problem. There’s a slogan on a T-shirt going around that “Let’s Eat, Grandma,” and “Let’s Eat Grandma.” – Mary Norris • The Confederate flag is one of those things that should only be seen on t-shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers to help the rest of us identify the worst people in the world. – John Oliver • The door opened, and we were met by a fifty-something man with a grizzled blond beard. He was wearing Bermuda shorts and a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt. Also, he had an eye patch. “This is incredible,” I heard Adrian murmur. “Beyond my wildest dreams. – Richelle Mead • The last time I wore an animal hide; but this time I settled for this.” Eric had been wearing a long trench coat. Now he threw it off dramatically, and I could only stand and stare. Normally, Eric was a blue-jeans-and-T-shirt kind of guy. Tonight, he wore a pink tank top and Lycra leggings[…]They were pink and aqua, like the swirls down the side of Jason’s truck. – Charlaine Harris • The paparazzi were outside the theatre every single night, but we came up with a cunning ruse. I would wear the same outfit every time – a different T-shirt underneath, but I’d wear the same jacket and zip it up so they couldn’t see what I was wearing underneath, and the same hat. So they could take pictures for six months, but it would look like the same day, so they became unpublishable. Which was hilarious, because there’s nothing better than seeing paparazzi getting really frustrated. – Daniel Radcliffe • The photoshoot glitz and TV studio make-up isn’t the real me. I spend most days at home in Bristol in jeans and a T-shirt running around after the kids or shopping in the Co-op. – Carol Vorderman • The police never find it as funny as you do.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • The way I see it, life is a jelly doughnut. You don’t really know what it’s about until you bite into it. And then, just when you decided it’s good, you drop a big glob of jelly on your best T-shirt. – Janet Evanovich • The weirdest moments for me are in Los Angeles when I go to a mall that I’ve shopped at since I was 12, and now there’s like, massive pictures of our faces everywhere, at my local coffee shops now there’s these billboards of people wearing the T-shirts and stuff. It’s very strange, but it’s really exciting. – Lily Collins • The world expected girls to pluck and primp and put on heels. Meanwhile, boys dressed in rumpled T-shirts and baggy pants and misplace their combs, and yet you were suppose to fall at their feet? Unacceptable. – Libba Bray • The worst is when men try too hard, because it’s not very masculine. Your outfit has to look like ‘Oh, I just grabbed that.’ Not too calculated. Jeans, a t-shirt: the simpler the better. – Eva Green • Theatrically, you are aware of every part of you in acting; every component of your surroundings, including the clothes you wear. Eh…in voiceover, shorts and a t-shirt and badaboom…done. – Atticus Shaffer • There are times when you need to step back and realize that movie studios today are not necessarily the same things that they were many years ago. Many movie studios are international conglomerates now. They own everything from theme parks to toy companies to T-shirt companies to video companies. There’s a lot of different wheels to be greased. – Michael Uslan • There comes a moment when you know you just aren’t going to do anything esle productive for the rest of the day.-T-Shirt – Darynda Jones • There’s this unspoken thing that you have to wear a tux and some kind of nice dress. There are all these ethical rules, but I’m sure if you came to the Oscars in ripped jeans and a t-shirt they wouldn’t throw you out. You would just look like a fool. – Glen Hansard • This is very much part of my style, I work a lot on the back ¬ – I love the back of clothes for men. I love even T-shirts printed behind. I think, “Why do you want to show only the front?” – Riccardo Tisci • T-shirt and jeans style now is where I’m at. Maybe a little rock ‘n’ roll T-shirt and jeans. – Josh Hutcherson • T-shirts and long pants make me easier to find in a crowd, but also easy to disappear in a crowd because if I am wearing this and suddenly I am not, it’s like a Harry Potter invisibility cloak. – Kevin Smith • T-shirts create a sense of “We”. Food says, “We don’t mind spending money on you.” – Andy Stanley • Two primary ways to keep volunteers motivated – Food and T-shirts. – Andy Stanley • Usually you’d do the summer scenes in the winter. So you’re out there with a T-shirt and hope nobody sees your air that you’re breathing out. We put ice cubes in our mouth to stop that from happening. – Jamie Farr • Vaclav Havel was a really popular leader. He couldn’t believe that he was really there. I mean, he still dressed in black T-shirts and jeans and was very kind of ’60s. And he began to realize the seriousness of it. And he knew how to strategize. And he had a very keen political sense, but he didn’t want to be like the old communist leaders. – Judy Woodruff • Very quietly, I heard a voice in my ear.It said, in a weird, cheesy, right-out-of-one-of-my-mother’s-novels way, “Ah. Wemeet again.” I turned my head, just slightly, and right there, practically on top of me, was theguy from the car dealership. He was wearing a red Mountain Fresh Detergent T-shirt – not just fresh: mountain fresh! – it proclaimed, and was smiling at me. “Oh,God,” I said. “No, it’s Dexter. – Sarah Dessen • Virtually the second I get home, I change into my “home” clothes – yoga pants and a T-shirt. – Karen Walker • Was I wearing my ‘I’m done with my virginity, please get rid of it for me’ T-shirt? – Rachel Vincent • We always need to have a smart black blazer in our closets. It’s just a nice clean way to dress up even something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt. And something I always have in my closet, I always have a vintage headscarf with me, to tie around my bag or protect my hair from the sun, it depends but I always find a use for it. – Nicole Richie • We don’t have any changes in the movie [Pineapple Express] and so picking the right outfit was fairly important. So I wasn’t a fan of the Guatemalan pants, but I was convinced that I should wear that. Then the T-shirt is a special creation by David Gordon Green. It’s a kitten sitting in a shark’s mouth, but he’s happy about it. – Seth Rogen • We having nothing to fear but fear itself. That, and maybe getting mugged by someone wearing a “No Fear” t-shirt. – Lev L. Spiro • We stink more of the world than we stink of sack cloth and ashes. A lot of contemporary churches today would feel more at home in a movie house rather than in a house of prayer, more afraid of holy living than of sinning, know more about money than magnifying Christ in our bodies. It is so compromised that holiness and living a sin-free life is heresy to the modern church. The modern church is, quite simply, just the world with a Christian T-shirt on! – Nicky Cruz • We want to keep extending our brand into different places, into movies and soundtracks and our music will live on through licensing and our brand lives on through merchandise and new generations will get to wear our clothing and our T-shirts and stuff that’s associated with us. – Nikki Sixx • We’re the ones causing global warming. In fact, what we ought to be saying is population growth is a major cause of it, so I hope to have a T-shirt out very, very soon: Stop global warming, use condoms. – Mechai Viravaidya • What exactly did you find in Atlanta?” Frank unzipped his backpack and started bringing out souvenirs. “Some peach preserves. A couple of T-shirts. A snow globe. And, um, these not-really-Chinese handcuffs.” Annabeth forced herself to stay calm. “How about you start from the top—of the story, not the backpack. – Rick Riordan • What I’ve always loved to do is build a brand that’s so cool that you want to wear their T-shirt. – Lee Clow • What was Dionysus going to go? Send him back to his hellish isolation? He’d been there, done that, and had the Ozzy T-shirt to prove it.’ (Styxx) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • What, are you like Buffy or something? A vampire slayer?” I wish. “No, but my sister is. And my boyfriend’s a vampire so I know a lot about their kind.” Jayden shrinks back from me, wide-eyed. “No, no. He’s one of the good ones. Not all vampires are evil,” I assure him. “So…you’re dating…Edward Cullen.” “Sure, if you have to relate it all to a Stephenie Meyer book,” I grudgingly agree. “But don’t say that to Magnus’s face. He’s a card-carrying member of Team Jacob. Even has the T-shirt. – Mari Mancusi • When a pastor continually makes light of the character of our Lord by speaking in scatological tones about the Son of Man’s bodily functions in incarnation or wearing T-Shirts that rather mock the King of Righteousness rather than glorify Him, then something is terribly awry. – Steve Camp • When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago. – Kristen Stewart • When I say ‘Clean water was only served to the fairer skin,’ what I’m saying is we’re making product with chitlins. T-shirts! That’s the most we can make. – Kanye West • When I see hipsters wearing Mao hats or Lenin T-shirts, I’m grateful. It’s like truth-in-labeling. For now I know you are: Woefully ignorant, morally stunted, purposively asinine, or all three. – Jonah Goldberg • When I started in the league, I went to a tailor and told him I wanted long t-shirts. But they were like, “You know, you don’t know what the trend is.” I was like, “Look dog, I don’t care about trends or your fashion sense. If I’m going to pay you money, this is where the shirt is going to end.” – Iman Shumpert • When I was fourteen and first started going out, I always wanted to be the opposite of everyone else. So I would go to the club in a polo T-shirt and pants and sneakers and a hat on backward, just so I would not be dressed like other girls. – Rihanna • When I’m wandering around the Himalayas, most of the people that I see are Westerners from Germany, California, or the Netherlands, who are wearing sandals, Indian smocks, and are in search of enlightenment, antiquity, peace, and all the things they can’t get in the west. Most of the people they meet are Nepali villagers in Lee jeans, Reeboks, and Madonna T-shirts who are looking for the paradise that they associate with Los Angeles – a paradise of material prosperity and abundance. – Pico Iyer • When our mothers are alive and healthy, they do extraordinary things… like the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, who marched in Argentinean plazas, defying the military junta dictatorship and demanding the whereabouts of their abducted children… or the Liberian mothers who faced down civil war armed only with T-shirts and courage. – Liya Kebede • Whenever I go to Germany I find that my readers have T-shirts with my book covers printed on them. They come to all the events, they have gifts and they come with their families. They are always very open to sharing their personal stories. – Cecelia Ahern • Willow nestled against him. He smoothed her long hair down the back of her T-shirt, feeling its softness. In a few moments she fell asleep again, her breathing warm and regular against his chest. Alex kissed her head, his arms tightening around her. As he drifted back to sleep himself, he saw a brief flash of the thousands of angels streaming in, but right then it seemed distant, almost unimportant. The only thing that mattered was that he was lying in a bed holding Willow, their bare legs entwined. It was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. – L.A. Weatherly • With the first kid, you micromanage it, making sure there’s no hair out of place when it goes off to school. But by the third kid, it’s more like, “Oh, you want to wear a splatter-painted, Hard Rock Café T-shirt for seven days in a row and not brush your hair? Go for it. Be who you want to be.” – Annie E. Clark • Women show off their personality and character through accessories more than with low-cut shirts and skirts with huge slits. – Sarah Lafleur • Worldwide, most people dress more casually these days, don’t they? They have done for the last 20 or 30 years, I suppose. So, every place that I go to, the majority of people really wear jeans, trainers, T-shirt – everybody seems to dress more for comfort. Whereas, even in my lifetime, even up to the early-’70s, there was still that thing of dressing up. – Paul Weller • You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans – it’s up to you. – Karl Lagerfeld • You can’t fix stupid, but you can numb it was a 2 by 4.–T-SHIRT • You can’t take life for granted. I am lucky to have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a job I’ve always dreamed of…and my face on my own t-shirts. – Kevin Harvick • You could have the best suit in the world, but if you haven’t got the right shirt and tie with it you could look like a bag of rubbish. I think the shirt is the most important thing – you need a nice collar with it so that you can make it look good. – Jamie Redknapp • You do know it cost money to put a t-shirt on your back? You do know it cost money have a house? You do know it cost money to eat? Get money, don’t let these people fool you. – DJ Khaled • You know, being in a rock band, you can’t overdo the costume changes too much because everyone thinks, oh, that’s not a real rock band. Look how many times he changes costumes. That’s not rock. Rock’s about going on in a T-shirt and staying in it and getting it all dirty. But that’s not really my approach. – Mick Jagger • You might be a redneck if your favorite T-shirt is offensive in thirteen states. – Jeff Foxworthy • You should’ve gone to China, you know, ’cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events. – Ellen Page • You wouldn’t know a clue if it danced in front of you with a T-Shirt that read ‘I’m a clue – Eoin Colfer • Your best T-shirt should be like your bed, it just feels like you are home when you are in it. – Ashton Kutcher • You’re nothing but an apple, a silly t-shirt, a catchphrase and a stupid haircut. – Randy Orton • You’ve never told me about your love life, Scarlett. You’re a very pretty girl. You must have a boy shacked up somewhere for your personal delights. I’d bet it’s a booky one, overtones of Harry Potter and a lot of black T-shirts.- Maureen Johnson
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