#i also struggle w like. keys. and typing took forever to learn
mell0bee · 2 years
greetings tumblr followers. i am outsourcing this question to u. if any of u happen to use any cheap/free digital art programs pls lmk if u would recommend them (to me a littol baby who has never done digital art before)
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blackpaperwritings · 5 years
You're all mine
Chapter 1 ~ Found You
Conner was surprised, happy yes, but surprised. He had finally found Karl, a long lost friend of his from back in the park, when they were both still animated objects. It's been about a month since finding him, he was in the same city too luckily. Conner was currently preparing to go knab him. He had chloroform on him and a rag, stowed away in his satchel. He also had rope, a blindfold, and two cloths laying beside the chair in the middle of his room, for when he got back with the blonde. He quickly went out to his car and hopped in, having to take a moment to calm himself from the giddy feeling he had. He had lost Karl twice, and now he'll make sure he never loses him again. He pushed the key into the ignition and turned it, starting up the engine. He sat for a minute or two before pulling out of the driveway and driving down the street, keeping his eyes on the road. He had to drive all the way across town to get to Karl, which was fine. He didn't mind much. It felt like time was dragging on forever though, god he just wanted Karl in his arms right at this very moment, clinging onto him in his sleep... Conner couldn't help but blush a little bit, smiling softly.
"Beautiful..." He subconsciously muttered, licking his lips softly. He was getting rather impatient, and was thinking of speeding, but decided against that. If he got caught it would just take longer to get to his beloved. About ten minutes later, he reached the area that Karl lived in. It was one of the upper class neighborhoods, where the rich people lived. That made sense though, as Karl was the leader of an assassination organization. Conner dug pretty deep to figure that out. He parked his car behind Karl's home, a large three story house with a pool in the backyard. It was dark out so nobody would see him in these clothes. What about his eyes though?... He forgot about that, but remembered when he looked in the rearview mirror that they had a soft glow in the night. He thought it was probably just one of the side affects of Big Bad's magic, but it still was annoying. He pulled his hood over his head and pulled it tight, then grabbed his sunglasses from the glasses container thing on the ceiling of the car and put them on, then looked in the mirror. The sunglasses hid the glow of his eyes well enough, that should be good.
Conner got out of his car and quietly shut the door, trying not to be too loud. He made sure he had everything he needed; chloroform and a rag. He didn't need any restraints, as it wasn't like he was driving four hours away, no it was just half an hour. Plus it was less suspicious if anyone saw him carrying Karl without him being tied up. He picked the lock on the back gate and quickly entered, closing the gate behind him. He started towards the house, humming softly. He knew which room was Karl's. He knew pretty much everything about Karl, as he had dug up as much as he could about the blonde. He went over to the backdoor and started picking the lock, soon getting inside. He smiled and looked around, making his way to the stairwell. The hardest part was passing by the living room door without being seen, as Karl was sat on the couch, staring at the TV. He managed though and made his way to Karl's room, quietly getting inside. He went to one of the corners and hid, getting his chloroform rag ready. He had to sit there a while, but eventually he heard the door open and got into position, ready to grab Karl. He took his sunglasses off so he could see easier, although it made it more probable that he'd be noticed. Karl was changing at the moment, humming softly was he pulled his sweat pants on, singing softly to himself. He turned towards the mirror and started brushing out his hair, which is what he did every night to prevent knots.
"Undo my sad, undo what hurts so bad, undo my pain, gotta get out, through the-" Karl cut himself off with a gasp as he spotted Conner's eyes in the mirror, he started towards his nightstand, but Conner was quicker, he grabbed Karl and pulled him close, pressing the cloth up against his face. Karl started clawing at his hand, struggling against him, he managed to get free, but stumbled and fell to his knees, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" He yelled, turning and looking at Conner.
"I didn't think you'd recognize me.." Conner quickly pinned Karl to the ground, sitting on his torso and trapping his arms to his sides.
"GET OFF OF ME YOU PSYCHO!! I DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU-" Karl was cut off by the rag being shoved against his face. Try as he might, he couldn't wriggle free.
"Awe... Do you seriously not remember your old friend Climber?..." Conner said in a mock sadness, just like Karl. Karl's eyes widened a bit in realization and he gasped a bit, before his eyes slowly closed as he passed out. Conner slowly pulled the rag away, then made sure Karl was actually passed out. He got up and walked over to where he had set his sunglasses, grabbed them, and walked back over. He picked the smaller male up bridal style and quickly exited the house, humming softly. He put Karl in the back of his car and then hopped in the driver seat, starting the car and driving home, "Well, that was surprisingly successful.." he was expecting the blonde to put up way more of a fight, "Oh well, I've got him now, and that's all that matters.."
Karl slowly woke up, groaning softly. He raised his head a little bit, but soon realized that he was blindfolded. He tried to move his arms, which were restrained behind him, then his legs, which were restrained to the legs of the chair he was sitting in. He went to say 'what the fuck?!' but it came out severely muffled. He was gagged and whatever he tried to say came out sounding like mumbles. He started struggling against his restraints, attempting to scream or something, but the gag severally muffled it. The gag seemed to consist of a cloth shoved in his mouth and something holding it in place, it felt like another cloth but he couldn't be certain. He continued to struggle, trying to get free. The way he was tied up was no normal kidnapper's type of tying up, from what it felt like, his kidnapper put hard work into making sure he couldn't escape, especially with his arms. He continued to struggle though, cussing into his gag. Soon he heard the door open, which made him stop.
"Ah, I see you're awake! Good morning sleepy head! Well, technically good afternoon but eh, who cares?" The person said. He sounded familiar... The man from last night!! CLIMBER!!
"hnger?" Oh right, the gag. Karl sighed a bit in annoyance afterwards, pulling at the rope a bit. Climber walked over and pulled the first part of the gag off, then pulled out the cloth.
"There we go! Now, what were you saying?"
"Climber?? Is that you??"
"Why yes, it quite is! Though I prefer the name Conner now."
"Riight. Now. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KIDNAP ME?!" Karl struggled against his bindings, rocking the chair a little bit.
"Ask nicer and maybe I'll tell you." Conner said with a stoic expression, putting his hand on the chair to stop Karl from rocking it.
"Huuuuugh.... Fiiine.. Why did you kidnap me?" Karl asked in an almost mocking voice.
"I said nice, not mocking."
"You're a lot more angry than I remember.."
"And your a lot more psycho than I remember!"
"Calm down before you end up hurting yourself."
"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN WHE-" Karl was cut off when he felt a sudden stinging pain in his cheek and his head was thrown aside, "D-Did... Did you just slap me?"
"Yes, and I'll do it again unless you calm down."
"Damn you've changed a LOT."
"I'm gonna blame that on Big Bad..."
"Big who??"
"Ah, nobody important, at least not right now..."
"Okay?? Either way," Karl shook his head, "Why the hell did you kidnap me?!"
"Because I... love you.."
"Wh- huh???" Karl was extremely confused, "I thought you hated me!"
"No, I didn't.."
"You could've just talked to me, you didn't have to fuckin' kidnap me!"
"I didn't wanna lose you again.. I lost you twice already... You died.. came back.. and then left...."
"You still could've just talked to me.." Karl sighed a bit, "Can you take this blindfold off??"
"Oh, yeah sure." Conner reached behind Karl's head and pulled the blindfold off, discarding it beside the chair, "There. I'm gonna go make you some food, I'll be back soon." He pat Karl's head and went to the door.
"See ya Climber."
"It's Conner."
"I can call you cloth guy instead!"
"Mm, no. Call me Conner."
"I'll call you Conney."
"Good enough." Conner closed the door behind him, shaking his head and chuckling, "Just as silly as ever..." He smiled and headed downstairs.
Karl looked around a little bit, "Nice room.." he muttered, "Though a bit bland..." He looked down at the ropes across his torso, "That's rather intricate.." he craned his head to look at his arms, "He really didn't want me escaping... This seems more for aesthetic appeal though..." He pulled at the rope more, "I wonder..." A blush crept onto his face as a few not so family friendly thoughts came to mind, he quickly shook off the thought, he didn't even know if Conner was into that kind of stuff. Though with this kind of skill... How did he even learn to do this? Does he take some weird class or something?? He sighed softly and leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling tiredly, realizing he still felt drowsy from whatever the hell Conner used on him. He just wanted to close his eyes and drift off again.. Suddenly Karl was interrupted by the door opening, "That was fast Con." He said as he looked, but then realized, "Oh, long time no see Clarice." The brunette stared for a moment before shouting down the stairs.
"Stop yelling, Jesus... You'll give me a headache." Karl grumbled, yawning a small bit. Conner soon came up the stairs, looking between Clarice and Karl.
"You've seen my search history-"
"I didn't realize you were going to kidnap him!! I thought you were just trying to find him to get in touch again!!"
"Well uh-"
"Is this why you've been taking those shibari classes?!"
"No not entirely-"
"Clarice." Karl said, though was ignored.
"Conner this is a crime!! Do you realize how much trouble you could get in?!"
"Clarice!" Karl said a little louder.
"Y-Yes, b-bu-" Conner went to speak, only to get cut off again.
"CLARICE!!" Karl yelled in anger and frustration.
"FINE!! Fine! ... I'm going to my room." Clarice turned and walked away, arms crossed. Conner stood there in awkward silence, luckily having it soon being broken by Karl.
"So uh... How about that food?"
"Ah! Right! I'll be right back!" Conner closed the door again and quickly went downstairs to grab Karl something to eat.
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stridersister · 5 years
lol glad you like talking about it bc i love reading it! world building is my absolute favourite thing in the world so i love swapping ideas with people every now and then!! c: ohhh, i for sure thought elio would get the princess (u know how it always goes) :o neat!! love me some blue/red aesthetic. tell me about elios two friends!
I do too! that’s why this is one of my favorite stories that I’m writing/working on, even if I can’t have time to work on it at this very moment (hopefully that changes this summer! in like 2 days lmfao) I get to build a bunch of different planets/peoples
yes right that’s what I want people to think, and then Elio is just like nope I’m in love with this muscular woman with skin as dark as the night and a heart of gold, her name is Albora and she comes from Earth. Her sister is named Sona with pink/purple hair but otherwise similar look and she’s my space lesbian, can’t have enough of those. she falls in love with the enemy, they have a korrasami aesthetic goin on
so those are the 5 main characters lol there’s Elio, Rex Roer and Yala Qin Amaya being his childhood friends from the prison, they escape and get separated and in the process Elio meets Albora and Sona, and basically take back Earth, the first planet where the story takes place. So Rex is very bestial, hence his name. His people are ridiculed in the empire, they’re like Space Pirates with a Cause. His world is also inhabited by a dwarf species, they all live together in harmony and believe strongly in individual freedom to be who you are while still having a community to back you up. Rex has deeply tanned skin, reddish eyes and really red hair just like the rest of his peoples. They’re all rough and tumble & his home planet is basically one big mine that they defend the Empire from getting their Grubby Paws on and they like it that way. Rex’s family especially leads the rebellion, his mother being a particularly notorious figure, and because of that he’s hated by pretty much everyone when he first gets to Earth’s prison. Elio is just like nope, I’m adopting him. Ziad (Elio’s dad) is like ugh fucking fine u can keep him, and all the crooks know not to mess with Ziad. Rex is muscular, if a bit stocky, and his sense of smell is INSANE. he has two sisters and one brother (who is trans and their reunion is heartfelt and pure) who tease him relentlessly over his crush on the pretty blue princess, which is really comin to light around the time that he is able to reunite with his family!
Yala Qin, god where do I start. Ok first off she’s the REAL narrator of the story, and I always struggle b/w wanting to make the story 3rd person omniscient or just say fuck it and make it all from her pov. this story actually follows events in which she is the protag, a story that was literally originally just about her. Anyways, her name means Witness. She has blue skin, greenish eyes and thick, bluish green hair (I’m still debating between anything from royal blue to teal, it literally all looks good) that she grows out to go all the way past her waist and then lowkey be as tall as her. She has Asian features, as the Medorans all do. Her mother, Mikuzna, late Empress of the Medoran Empire, also had blue skin and is not of royal blood. It’s actually considered a Big Deal to the Medorans what color ur skin is, green being the most wealthy/noble class of Medorans. Yala Qin’s father, Garlo Ben, has green skin and red hair, as did his father before him, and as does Yala Qin’s older brother (ugh kff I can’t remember his name rn but all of their names are alien sounding intentionally bc when u think alien u think green skin and shit). Yala Qin and her younger brother, Phix Mik, took after her mother and got blue skin. The Medoran Nobility was NOT happy about Mikuzna becoming Empress but! Mikuzna is a key player even in death because she had the same powers as Yala Qin in life. She knew what she had to do and how to get the throne, just as well as she knew that the story had to unfold the way it was going to. Plus, she’s charming AF and no skin color can change that, Garlo Ben was SMITTEN ok. The third type of Medoran, and the far more common kind, as well as the lowest class, has purple skin and blondish hair (Phix Mik also has blondish hair too, almost white, to go with his blue skin. He’s soft. Smart boi, my fav. I lowkey ship him with Elio lmfao but I have some even better ships in mind.) 
So that’s Yala Qin’s whole backstory, and as u can see Blue is key to her whole lewk. Blue becomes the color of the rebellion because of how it was associated with the fall of the Medoran Empire, many taking it as a sign Mikuzna’s ascent to the throne was the sign of the apocalypse. She’s a princess, but she hasn’t been since she was young and landed on earth, so she’s bold and hard and mean. she bites. she fights with Rex a lot, naturally. She’s got layers and layers of thick skin because of who she is and she’s not backing down, and she goes through so much growth throughout the series, as they all do. Medorans can also breathe underwater and have webbed fingers and toes. Their home planet has red oceans and a pink sky, blue trees. or maybe the other way with the sky and trees idk whichever is prettier but def red oceans. Her powers, which she discovers once she gets back to her home planet, allow her to be two places at once, in a sense--the afterlife and the present timeline. There she is able to explore her past life, Sheva, and the lives of others through their souls. I would explain more but it’s very intricate and comes from the first story I was writing forever ago, so it’s a little hard to explain. basically Yala Qin, as her past life self Sheva, is able to interact with and see the souls of others in order to learn from the past and bring forward the correct future. Elio has faced off against his uncle in the past as their past lives, and have a primordial antagonism towards each other--up until now, Elio hasn’t been able to defeat him. Yala Qin is able to see all this and make corrections, but the only problem is that she doesn’t know whose soul belongs to who in real life. I’m not sure if this makes sense lol but I promise you I develop this arc over 7 whole books lmao. But so Yala Qin has these powers, she often goes between the two and that’s why Mikuzna knows she is the “Witness,” hence her name meaning in the Medoran language. 
ff wtf I didn’t realize how much I even wrote about them lmfao and I’m not even close to done but I’ve worked more on this than my paper, which just goes to show u where my heart is ugh
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