#i also occasionally have dreams about dating someone and i had one recently and wowowow i woke up in the weirdest mood
roaringheat · 6 years
89? 🍌
soRRY i just saw thiS skksksk im a dumbass 89.)- fucc yea i love talking about dreams! i’ve had a bunch of vivid ones lately probably cause i havent been feeling well. the last one i remember ivolved breaking out of prison like twice? that dream kept switching around a lot so it went from that to being set in some weird ass black and white 1800s era to being gay and mad as shit in some kind of store?? that was monday i think? another dream i had which is one of my favorites i had january 2017. i wrote it down and drew it and everything cause it was so pretty? it started off in this huge fancy room with like columns and marble and shit and it was like a formal party of some sort cause there were a bunch of other people? i was taller and wearing this white suit and standing in this big shallow pool of water in the middle of the room. i stepped out and just felt really good. i wrote all about it in this dream journal i have and honestly a lot of it would take too long to explain but by the end of the dream i ended up in huge room with this like dark grey,light grey, and red theme. most of the ceiling was cut out and there was this ginormous lion statue in the center that was tall enough that it went past where the cieling would have been. huge pinetrees that were just as tall and a lot of big plants on the stone platform in the center with a lot of intricate designs. there were a couple of other people around most of them sitting at these stone benches/picnic tables. overall it was really nice!!
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