#i also love the contempo. every living building needs to be like the contempo
antimnemonic · 8 months
i cannot lie my honest desire is to live in an all-inclusive building like that buildingtown in alaska. go downstairs in my slippers and publix is there. maybe not PERMANENTLY bc i think i would get like dark sci fi inhabitant disease but i think it would be cool. i deadass had a dream that my building actually had a lil convenience store in the bottom floor hgsgfd
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todaysbiggesthits · 4 years
The Exam
Best Music Moment of 2020
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Bin: Re-discovering 1990s alt-rock and listening to some previously unknown and/or forgotten jams culminating with discovering that Cherub Rock is an all-time track
Chap: Dancing to Frank Sinatra with my kids on NYE
Bronco: Started jamming with John on Rocksmith.  He pointed out that there was a multiplayer mode, so I ordered another cable and, lo and behold, we were both able to play.  He's starting to learn the bass while I continue to tinker with the guitar.  Pretty awesome to jam out to some Alice in Chains or some Mastodon with my 10-year-old son. Only two more years and he should be able to tour with Korn!
Code: - climbed up to the roof for 4th of july and brought the big set outside to jam at an ear splitting volume. Arden and i danced until we got almost too drunk to descend the ladder. that was major fun. - broke quarantine (and my smoking cessation plan) in late april to ride my bike to the lake and listen to townes van zandt while thinking of bobcat the wheelie king. - listening to shadowplay while closing out each opponent in a summerlong match play tournament. - watching the sun rise through the fog on an october morning while crossing the mississippi river with elliott smith's XO
JD: July: Sitting by the window watching a rainstorm with the Barwick album on the day it came out. October: A big spin of The Big Ship. November: Blasting “House of Jealous Lovers” when they called the election and turning it into a 2.5 hour club mix. November: jj having a violently negative reaction to a song by that Muzz band that came on shuffle and saying it sounded like Jason Mraz.
BC: Haphazard attempt at The Music Game over Zoom in April with last partiers standing - JD, Maddy, and I  "Live Drugs" first listen
Larse: Probably  streaming through YouTube Music's Top Indie 2020 on my Chromecast TV and seeing all of the music videos for the songs on a lazy weekday afternoon whilst I wasn't working over the holidays
Best Shows Seent in 2020
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Code: pqc - 10th anniversary show (streamed) silver jews - final show (01/31/2009) a handful of live phish performances while facetiming with jonas, bc and geoff not a single in-person show attended
Nasty:"Dinner  and a Movie" series - Phish Youtube with BC, Code, and Dillon via facetime
JD: 1. Peel Dream Magazine at whatever they call Hi-Fi now on the day before lockdown 2. Real Estate busking on the sidewalk in front of closed record store locations in Manhattan 3. Parkay Boys’ 10th anniversary stream on my couch
Laser: Cirque du Soleil Michael Jackson One in Vegas in January…that was the only show even remotely related to music I saw all year
Bronco: Only seent one, and it was Cold War Kids with my wife.  Had a really good time.  It was nice to share some quality music time together, away from the kids for a night... basically the only time of this butthole of a year.
Chap: Ted Lasso
BC: Yeeeahhh right
Confession of 2020
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JD: I think I engaged with Aerosmith music videos more than any new albums.
BC: Listening to new music often feels like a chore
Rotty: I played over 75 rounds of golf this year…another ample opportunity to listen to new music and I found myself just listening to Classic Pop/Rock Hits!
Codem: - i didn't even listen to taylor swift's album. - i listened to bob marley - live! for the first time in 20 years while driving my dad's car and i sobbed and sang.
Nasty: I'm a phish fan now?
Bronco: I'm still reading the book I mentioned in last year's Resolution for 2019 Status...such a slow fucking reader and this book is 1000 pages.  Kindle app says I'm 63% of the way through.  Jesus.
Biggest Disappointment of 2020
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Nasty: Still Kanye...
NACK: Sufjan Stevens
Code: - no shows with my sweet one - no stones while waiting for the canons - i think i grew out of diet cig - i didn't put my heart into finding cool album art this year. 
Larson: JD's wedding being cancelled (editor’s note: sure hope you mean postponed)
JD: Don’t know if it was my advanced age, the lack of concerts, commuting, and hearing music in bars and restaurants, or the platform economy murdering my attention span and turning them all into yet more ephemeral ‘content,’ but the new albums really didn’t take this year.
Bronco: Kvelertak was okay, they changed lead singers and the new album was fine, but after their last offering that landed quite high on my list, this one was kind of a let down. Also, 2020.
BC: 2020
Most Overrated of 2020
Chap: Fiona
BC: I fully expect Fiona Apple to flood this answer.  But the correct answer is Waxahachee. 
JD: It’s hard to say given the way ‘institutional’ narratives feel mostly guided by risk minimization, but I always keep this seat warm for Run the Jewels.
Bronco: Any and all death metal.  It's all so samey. I have a hard time trying to get in to any of it, so I don't bother...and then it bothers me when it ends up on end of year lists like it's some revelation of sound. It's literally all the same.
Code: podcasts
Bin: The human brain
Laser: my golf game!
Make it Stop 2020 
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Nasty: WOP (editor’s note: WAP?)
Larse: Having to talk about Politics
Code: "better off alone" - purity ring
JD: The impossibly grating contempo pop that’s always on the radio at the bodega down the street.
Chap: Covid? Trump? Celeb deaths? SNL? Murder Hornets? Talkin' tv models via email? Not enough exposure to pop culture to really get annoyed by anything.
BC: The raging pandemic. Seriously. 
Biggest TBH Regret of 2020
Laser: giving this the old college try and having just a shit list!
Chap: Only seeing one show in my 2.5 years in NYC
JD: Skipping Nap Eyes opening for Destroyer in February because I’d so obviously be able to catch Nap Eyes headlining a better venue later on.
Codem: i wanted that teenage halloween album to sound better because i loved the album artwork
Bin: Not buying Lilly stock
Bronco: No regrets to be had, couldn't do anything in this godforsaken year.
Detective Murtaugh of 2020
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BC: My back giving out upon bending over to change a light bulb
Chap: Trying to give Taylor Swift the ol' college try. 
Larson: This damn pandemic!
Bronco: I'm too old for being stuck in my house all day, every day, listening to the rest of my family non-stop. I need this shit to end. I can't listen to my kids anymore... not all day. It's crushing me.
Code: now that i own a car again, my favorite pastime has become zoning out to a good album on a long drive and seeing if i can reach an arbitrary mpg number for my trip.
JD: I remember browsing the racks at Media Play and getting mad at every magazine that ranked Love and Theft ahead of Is This It? in 2001 and 19 years later I came thisclose to doing it m’self.
Bin: Arizona,  Pennsylvania, and Nevada taking their sweet ass time counting ballots
Resolution for 2020 Status 
Larse: None How It Went: More than likely it was related to being better at this and this year was probably the worst of all time…
Code: i'm making it easier this year.  catch ovlov, washer, EMA and colleen green live this year.  bonus points: see dom's much anticipated return to the stage. How It Went: ain’t caught but a one!
Bronco: Build a vinyl collection. I know I dumped on Brendon for suggesting he press copies of Carpet Affair, but my kid's getting way into music and listening to it on his own (via Alexa in my bedroom which is super fucking annoying), so we're getting him his own record player and I think it's going to be a cool activity to go record store diving for whatever classics we can scrounge up. How It Went: Started the vinyl collection.  Went record store diving with John at the beginning of the year.  He picked up Ride the Lightening.  And I've got an original pressing of Back in Black on its way, didn't make it in time for Christmas.  I decided on purchasing that album, then a day or two later John said, "I think I know what I want my next record to be...Back in Black".  Sad it didn't make it in time, but psyched I was able to predict it.
Chap: Eh I'm cool How It Went: Ironically, reading back it contradicts what it says
Bren: See Phish in 2020 How It Went: Phish tickets purchased and ready
Bin: Send an email about music on the TBH! thread. How It Went:   Ha!  Set the bar low! Finally. Send an email about music? Check.... "can you  believe Trump plays Fortunate Son unironically at campaign events???"
JD: Get to more shows. Take more aimless strolls spinning tunes. How It Went: Turns out I did a lot of sitting around inside this year.
Resolution for 2021
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Bronc: Get vaccinated.
BC: Get vaxxed up and return to normalcy 
JD: - Massively reduce my ‘news’ consumption to free up more time to spin tunes and smell the roses. - Get vaxed and get partying.
Code: see a live music concert
Nasty: I'm going to be ambitious. See a show with JD. Coward move to shy away from this in 2020.
Nicky: To start earlier. It takes me longer to get into new stuff. I didn't even like my top 4 until at least late December, but now I feel like they could compete with most years.
Laser: Be better at this! If anything, the pandemic should have allowed me to listen to more music whilst at home working, but it seemed to have the opposite effect…
Most Anticipated of 2021
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Bronco: Mastodon, and live shows... not sure I even care which ones.
JD: Dry Cleaning, Park Hye Jin, Viagra Boys
Larse: No clue…
Chap: It's way too early!
Bin: Freedom of movement
Code: it seems like there should be a buncha new cool musical ideas to come out of this time indoors. something like this era's disco?  a big celebratory sound that makes us all smile and move.  in other words, the next dom album.
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