#i also haven't made an original post on tumblr in ages so that might be part of it
beachbears · 28 days
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Greetings rockafire fans...can I offer you a low quality Beach Bear in these trying times?
Original ref under the cut
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therentyoupay · 15 days
Hi Kris! I just wanted to say that after reading chapter 7 you and Callie have left me in utter SHAMBLES and AWE with how devastatingly gorgeous the pictures you can paint with literature are. I’m desperately excited to see how you two will be continuing the story although I do have a question that I’m unsure if you’ve answered before. After this broadway oscar winning fanfic has been completed are you and Callie thinking of possibly doing more collaborations or simply just yourself doing more collaborations with other artists and bringing more delicious stories to life?👀👀💞💞
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thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely message in my askbox, for saying SUCH NICE AND LOVELY THINGS, and for sharing with us the impact this story has had on you!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 calli and i have been working so hard on this project for two months, and it really means a lot to hear how much you're enjoying it. 💕💕💕
future kriscallicollabs??? we haven't answered this question before, and it's a lovely question!! currently, calli and i are 1000% focused on finishing more than you know and getting part ii of the jelsa video ready to post (SO MANY GIFS), so we haven't actively started planning any other collabs! however, when this idea was first planted back in the summer of 2023 or whatever, we braindumped SEVERAL ideas into the original majestic KrisCalliCollab google doc... (more than you know was actually only one of several ideas! 🤣)
there's a jelsa!wildward collab that we really wanted to do but didn't have time to do fully, so we made a bunch of LORE, and i made a baby fic, and some edits: one of our other ideas that we really wanted to do was a jelsa!prequel to her wildward series and establish some lore for the first aegis users! we definitely did not have time to create a full-fledged fic, but LORE WAS HAD (pages and pages on the google doc), and in the end, i made two edits and wrote a little micro-fic for it! in the time of the first keeper... maybe one day we'll expand? 🤣
when?? oof, not anytime soon, because life is upon us 🤣🤣🤣 BUT, calli and i are creative counterparts for life (TWIN FLAMES), so who's to say??? maybe sometime within the next five years?? FIFTY YEARS?? to be determined, but i do not doubt that it shall happen eventually! calli has also been pushing for a zelda/link!jelsa AU for ages and i have not forgotten 🤣🤣 in the meantime, we'll just keep supporting and devouring each other's other projects!!
(also, not sure how many people know this, but i beta-read for wildward! i have been beta-ing the series since its early chapters!!)
other collabs? i've been super lucky to be able to collab with @knightsquall (my name twin) for our kris/xris edit+fic soulmate!AU creation, not in so many words! we made it for the prompt: “the first words your soulmate will say to you will appear as a tattoo on your body at a certain age.” that two-shot is still one of my favorites. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
i haven't done any other collabs, though!! i feel like both collabs just happened organically because i was already friends with both xris and calli before we actually started working on our projects! collabs definitely require a lot of trust, for me, and so while it's possible that other future collabs might happen, i'm not actively seeking any out. 💕💕💕 there are SO MANY TALENTED fanartists out here!! so it's definitely not for lack of good company, haha, but rather just that i'd already gotten to know both people really well, so doing a collab was just, like, the natural thing to do, once we had time for it. 🤣 fic fanart? i am, however, so so so fortunate that so many fanartists have been inspired by my stories 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i am really lucky and grateful to have been gifted so many gorgeous fanarts, fanvideos/AMVs, gifs, and doujinshi comics across multiple fics and fandoms.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕 you can find (most of) them here, or on my tumblr tag (therentyoupay fic fanart) but BE WARNED, there are massive spoilers. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 proceed with caution, haha! i also desperately need to update the fic fanart page with all the new mtyk art, too!
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank you so much for this ask!!! we hope you enjoy the final installments of more than you know and part ii of the jelsa video!! 🥹🥹🥹 thank you!!! 😭💕💕
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mask131 · 3 months
Can you someday do a post about a very important question that always deeply fascinated me: How technologically advanced is Oz?
Wicked as a stage show puzzles me because it implies Oz has electricity, a broadcast radio system, and trains.
How much tech is present in Oz in the books?
Oh boy that's one COMPLICATED question... Now, before I start saying anything, I will point out that I am not an Oz expert by any means. I have not read all of the Oz books. However I do know an Oz expert that tackled the subject! He is here on Tumblr somewhere, but I know his Oz analysis and lore-exploration by his blogs. He started doing them more than a dozen year ago on vovat.livejournal.com ; and then he continued his Oz posts to vovatia.wordpress.com ; I know they have very, VERY helpful when it comes to my own knowledge of Oz, and he tackled several times the topic of technology in Oz and Baum's work, with quite fascinating analyses! So go check out these blogs, you might find some interesting info!
That being said, what can I tell you?
Since I haven't read all the Oz books I will stick to Baum's novels only - but before doing that I want to point out something... It is something I said in my previous Oz post (So you want to know about Oz 5), but the Wicked stage musical is part of a pretty big wave of 2000s-onward Oz adaptations that decided Oz was a steampunk world. I know you entertained yourself a pretty similar project of a Gilded Age Oz, if I recall correctly? And when you look at Oz adaptations, you have this wave of SyFy's Tin Man, and the Amazon series "Lost in Oz", and the graphic novel/animated movie "The Steam Engines of Oz", and more recently the show "Emerald City". Even "Dorothy and the Witches of Oz" had a steampunk-vibe to their Oz. It is kind of the modern direction to go.
Now back to traditional Baum's Oz... Does it have electricity? I don't think so. The Oz created by Baum is... it is something between a fantasy version of the late 19th century American countryside, and your archetypal fantasy land. The Land of Oz is mostly a huge countryside to be honest. Its lots of forests with woodsmen and wild animals ; it is lot of fields and orchards because most of Oz's economy relies apparently on farming ; the only other big industry seems to be metal-working (Winkies, the guy who made the Tin Man) and stone/gem-working (due to the huge presence of precious stones, though no mine or miner is ever descrbed in the Oz books) ; it is a lot of small villages scattered around the one big city that is Emerald City (or around big castles like the Tin Man/Wicked Witch castle) ; this all gives it a very medieval/feudal feel in structure... Though Baum really tried to give Oz originally a "fairytale feel" and thus you have the same historical madness typical fairytales have. For example, just like your typical Renaissance fairytales (a la Charles Perrault), you have mirrors and candies and porcelaine in Oz ; and yet, just like your also typical 19th century fairytales (a la brothers Grimm) you also have guns in Oz! Mind you the guns are rare and rarely used, they seem mostly to belong to the military cast (they are always wielded by soldiers or royalty bodyguards), and they are usually useless against the monsters and magical threats... But they do exist! But Oz seems to lack things like electricity of petrol or even steam machinery. At least in the beginning!
(In fact I had a chat with @artmakerproductions recently about fireworks in Oz. He wondered if the Oz The Great and Powerful idea of using fireworks as something non-existent in Oz could work with Baum's canon, and indeed, while the presence of guns implies gunpowder is a thing in Oz, there are to my memory no mention of fireworks anywhere in Oz... Maybe they appear at one of Ozma's birthday parties, but I couldn't find which one. Fireworks are evoked in his non-Oz/Oz-crossovered work "The Magical Monarch of Mo" but only as a comparison to how lightning appears in this country...)
Is there radio in Oz? Actually there is! In the opening of book 7, to get out of how he had written his way out of Oz in book 6, Baum explained his return to the series by "Oh yeah, Ozians got hold of the radio and now they send me radio messages about what is going on in Oz". So Oz DOES have some sort of radio equivalent. How, since there's no electricity or batteries in Oz? That's beyond me, but here's why it is difficult to say for certain what Oz's technology level is: Baum, as I said, started not giving a fuck anymore about continuity. As I explained the first two-three books are kind of solid in terms of continuity because they were designed as their own closed novels, but book 4 onward Baum just gave up any concrete effort at "solid" worldbuilding and went the "Fuck it, I'll add whatever I want" road. As such, don't expect any serious effort at making a cohesive technological system - Baum isn't Tolkien. He's the anti-Tolkien. That being said, another very interesting point when it comes to Baum's work is that, as you go through his fourteen Oz books, you realize how modern technology slowly creeps onto Oz. Baum was writing Oz book between 1900 and 1920 - and the technological evolution of these two decades quite influenced Baum. The addition of the radio element was one case of Oz "evolving"; in later Oz books there are also magical equivalents of television popping up. But if you want to see a concrete comparison, you can compare the first Oz book, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", with the last Oz book Baum wrote, "Glinda of Oz". The first shows an Oz so technology-lacking people are easily fooled by stage tricks ; while the last book is heavy on technology, with for example evocations of submarines, but it is a technology presented as a form of magic. Which leads me to my last point...
Does Oz have trains? Not by the time Baum wrote them ; though modern day adaptations and authors did add a handful of them to the Oz world (and you can also find things such as ray guns or time-travelling machines in modern Oz books so you know, it evolves with its time). But Baum did wrote about a carriage that did the entire tour of Oz for touristic purpose: that's one of the subplots of "The Emerald City of Oz", and how Dorothy shows her aunt and uncle all about the fantasy land. It is not a train, but you have already here the idea/potential for a train-like system here (even though it is rather a carriage/wagon drawn by a wooden horse that can never tire and doesn't eat). And here's my point: the reason technology is so weird in Oz, and why it is also lacking in many way, is due to Oz being filled with magic.
Most Ozian equivalent to our world's technology is, in Baum, powered by magic. There is no camera or surveillance system, but there are the Magic Picture or Glinda's big magical "spy on everyone" book. There are no lie detectors, but there is Glinda's pearl. The magic eye of the Wicked Witch of the West was explicitely compared to a telescope. Etc etc. Magic replaces most advanced technology around the Land. Advanced technology and mechanism do exist, and Baum was very fond of the idea of the... "magical mechanic" if I can say so. What he does is basically take an actual real-world technology, but take it to fantasy extremes - which notably is why the Oz books are considered early sci-fi. There's how the Tin Man came to be: Baum took the workings of actual real-life prosthetics for missing limbs, but pushed it to the extremes by making a "vintage android". There is how the Woggle-Bug came to be: a great scholar used a machine to project an enlarged image of a small bug on the wall. Quite ordinary right? But turns out the machine literaly enlarged the bug to a greater size - which is a very common sci-fi tropes (all those rays that shrink or enlarge things or objects). And while it is not an Oz example per say, Baum gave us the most blatant example of "magical technology" with the realm of Ev, where lived Smith and Tinker, the inventors of many fantastical automatons, first of which being Tik-Tok, a sentient automat that is considered one of the first robots of modern literature!
So... On one side, Baum tried to show a land that would not advance technologically because magic was there and much more powerful. It is the line by the Good Witch of the North, about how Oz still has magic because it is not "civilized", and one of the traits of "civilization" is advanced technology. Take how guns are treated in Oz: they exist but they are not made a big deal out of, and in fact prove quite useless among the many magical items and beings. And yet, on the other side, Baum's Oz is the literal proof of the law "Any advanced technology is magic" ; or rather a whacky incarnation of this principle, because indeed, the most advanced form of technology in Ozian lands work by fantasy and extravagant sci-fi rules (Tin Man, Tik-Tok), while most of the great spells and magic items of Oz are fantasy equivalents to our real-world technology (the Magic Picture, or even the Gump which works as a fantasy equivalent of flying machines).
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nocturnal-desolation · 7 months
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Would you look at that… I have a prime example of how to spot a scam in my asks. It's not very well done, just well enough that some people might fall for it - and some have even reblogged it. You've been redirected to the Fraud Detection Unit, which will take it from here. (actually it's still just me, I'm the fraud detection unit, we have "Fachkräftemangel" in Germany, sorry, jk)
Seriously though… First of all, I'd like to address the fact that it's incredibly sad to play with people's emotions like this. You should be ashamed of yourself, but I'm sure you're not. It's the same with scams asking for help and donations for people and families in Gaza, which has come up a lot recently and is even more despicable because there are actual fundraisers going on (which are official) and these people are in a terrible situation. So to exploit that worldwide sympathy or solidarity and use the inhumane circumstances of these or other people for your scams is disgusting to the core.
But back to this particular ask and blog… The text itself makes no sense. Like, not at all. For example, a " freezing nose" is not a typical symptom of asthma. I've never had asthma, but I'm pretty sure your nose doesn't freeze up when you have asthma. What are you trying to tell me? That you got asthma in the middle of a blizzard? Sorry, I can't help you with that. "Get out of the blizzard!" is all I can tell you. And what is the "maximum level" of asthma? Is that some kind of asthma end boss? Sounds more like you need an ambulance, not money...
That's why it's important to be fluent in English if you want to pretend to be a native speaker. I can't help you there either. I can barely speak my own language, let alone English.
Some other things everyone should notice or look for when getting messages like this:
blog was created fairly recently, no consistency, just reblogged some random things (like posts from 'tumblr staff' lol - no offense) to have something on it at all + obviously otherwise empty blogs that are just begging for money or reblogging other similar posts all the time are even more suspicious
something I haven't seen before either is "Black Lives Matter" being used as bait to appeal to those involved in the movement
randomly generated usernames (what is "toosaladgarden"? I've never had a salad that was too garden, so I don't know - not too important, but in this case it doesn't help to be convincing)
no bio, no age, no country (usually not important, but in this case it is)
non-transparent fundraiser, no one knows why this exact amount of money is needed (I think it even went from $1700 to $1900 since yesterday if I saw that correctly lol) and how the supposed current donations came about (you could put any number in there)
randomly contacted
scammers often use tactics such as emotional manipulation and urgency to evoke sympathy and to prompt a quick response
lack of details, very vague in general, limited information about specific circumstances
But that made me curious and I wanted to know more. You (the scammers) were "smart" enough to use a profile picture that can't be easily traced back to the original source, I'll give you that. But that's a problem for you, because it seems to be the only picture you have of this person with this child, so you had to use it everywhere…
And that's why I was able to trace your picture back to a Twitter / X account that goes by the name "Aska" and the handle askafarao… which also engages in very, very obviously fraudulent requests for money. Every few days or weeks since August 2023, this "X" account posts nothing but new "reasons" why the money is needed. And it's quite funny how little effort they put into it, because the reasons are not creative and half of them don't even add up. But most importantly, somehow there are a couple of different email addresses for different paypal accounts with different names on them. I think we can all agree that unless you're trying to hide something, you don't need more than one name… right? Unless Paypal is going to close your accounts all the time, or you're afraid they will because they're detecting fraudulent activity, you don't need more than one account, right?
TL:DR Let's make this part short and sweet: If you get a message like this, or see a similar post, be aware that it's a scam. Don't reblog it and don't be like, "But what if it's true…" It's obviously not, and when I saw the X account, I actually had a good laugh because this account is a complete mess, even for a scammer.
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curio-queries · 4 months
Hi I'm reaching out re. your post on the bts-polls blog, since you redirected people to contact you here. I'm not the same anon who sent the other ask. I understand your reasoning for personally choosing to continue engaging with HP fandom, that's your choice and it's fine as long as you don't contribute to JKR financially. I guess I'm just adding one more trans ARMY voice to say that seeing casual references to HP and other Rowling works immediately gives me a bad feeling and makes me feel unsafe and alienated in the community. I'm also Jewish, so JKR's recent holocaust denial and her support of neo-nazis like Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshul add to this feeling exponentially. This issue is related to so much trauma and ongoing abuse that it's honestly triggering to see 'fun' references to that material as if nothing's happening.
I know it's probably 'not that deep' to most people, but small things like this mean there's one more space where the majority can be comfortable, but I automatically can't take part... in the end it's your choice, but since that blog seems to be aiming to be somewhat of a 'community' space rather than a personal blog I thought it might be relevant for you to hear how people feel.
You seem like a thoughtful person, and I appreciate the arguments you made in your other post. I hope this doesn't come across as attacking you or trying to stir up drama, these are just my honest feelings. Also I'm not saying you should personally cut HP out of your life, I understand there are ways of engaging in a fandom that don't involve supporting the original creator. Thanks for listening!
Hello Anon,
I apologize that this has taken me ages to answer. I haven't been able to spend much time in tumblr-land recently but this topic deserves more than an off-the-cuff response.
For any of you that are not familiar, anon is referencing this post. I'll put the rest of my response below a cut so that anyone not up for further discussion on this topic can bypass:
First, I want to thank you for reaching out. The only way most of us learn how deeply affected by events is if we share, but I know it can be a very difficult thing to do. I don't know if I'm the right person to really do anything specifically on this topic, but I can absolutely share a little bit more about my thoughts.
So, professionally, I'm a technical systems subject matter expert. And it's impossible for me to hear about something without trying to narrow it down to the root cause to resolve there. Yes, there are also actions to be taken to fix the immediate problem, but if the source is left alone, it's going to continue happening.
So, if that won't resolve the problem, what will? In my mind there are two possibilities:
To me, the root cause of the issue isn't this specific woman, it's much bigger than that. Because if we were to remove her specifically as an issue, there would just be someone else spouting the same junk, maybe with less of a following, maybe more.
1. Not allowing people to form and share their own opinions on issues like this. After all, if we HAD to comply to a collective moral standing, then we'd all be on the same page and there wouldn't be all this suffering, right? Hopefully everyone reading this knows why that would be a BAD IDEA even if was possible. I'm not going to go into detail here but if anyone reading this has any doubts, we definitely can!
2. Stop giving power to the words of people that have no authority. This is honestly one of my biggest issues with celebrity culture. Period. Why on earth do the opinions of someone who has absolutely no expertise on an issue carry so much weight in our society?
I'll give y'all an example: Let's say BTS states that they enjoyed seeing the purple streetlights so now we should repave all roads everywhere in the world purple. Not only would this be a logistical nightmare there would be significant ramifications regarding safety and economically. BTS has no expertise in city planning or road safety. 'But they've been all over the world and seen how happy people are when they're surrounded by purple, we should listen to them!' No, we shouldn't correlation is not causation. If there is to be any benefit gained from such a change, it would need to be researched and trialed by actual subject matter experts. Idk, this example is pretty convoluted but hopefully you get my point?
Anyway, now that we've established that fame is not a good enough reason to give weight to someone's opinion, it just becomes a skill issue of recognizing when to listen/disregard and how to implement it on a large scale. Let's face it, both are difficult issues to tackle. The lines definitely get blurry about who has valuable contributions vs who is just the loudest voice. Especially with the ease that anyone can have access to a platform, there's very little threshold to finding countless individuals sharing 'facts' about issues of which they have absolutely no knowledge. I think all of us have seen that first hand in the BTS fandom so I won't list any examples.
So, the first challenge is how we discern the value from the noise. I am personally a huge believer in non-traditional education, so you can't just rely on the alphabet soup of degrees list after people's names either. The next hurdle is getting the majority to start doing this as well so that value is attributed to the correct people and not those who have no business with it. And that is what SHOULD be society's goal overall (in my opinion).
I truly believe that everyone is entitled to have and share their views and opinions but that doesn't mean we have to continue to listen or give value to what they say once we've realized they don't align with what is actually good for us.
To finally circle back to this before-named woman and the hateful ideas she shares, I genuinely don't understand why anyone continues to listen to what she's spouting, with one exception. When a creator shares a viewpoint that is malicious of intent, I think the created work should be evaluated to determine if there is an ulterior influence that can be gleaned from new audiences. Like I said in my post before, personally the effect that the Harry Potter world has had on me and the people in my immediate circles has done far more to foster overall inclusion and understanding of marginalized groups than pretty much anything. It was one of the few things to get past the heavily conservative religious viewpoints in the community that became a gathering point for those of us who didn't conform to the norms.
The great irony in all of this is the parallel that can be drawn between the author and the main villain who literally went insane breaking his soul apart for the gain of power. Perhaps she should spend more time reading her own work?
Anyway anons, I hope both of you are able to find some healing from the trauma these issues keep bringing up. I'm grateful you've entrusted me to share your concerns. I do think it's important to keep learning and growing from each other's experiences in a positive way rather than the heavy handed 'how dare you not comply to my specific viewpoint and conclusions on a nuanced issue' approach.
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anderstrevelyan · 1 year
Checking in from my slight tumblr hiatus, 150 hours (?!?) of baldur's gate 3 later and I'm still not done—
(I'm considering whether to maybe start a side blog for bg3 posting in earnest once I'm not hiding from big story beat spoilers any more? Or maybe I'll just get better at tagging for fandoms here so people can filter out what they don't want to see? I always try to tag for characters but haven't been good at tagging "dragon age" when I had a one-track fandom mind. Didn't think I'd see the day so soon that something else would consume me just as completely)
ANYWAY Valas DeVir might be my favourite rpg character I've ever made
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I usually like playing fundamentally good-hearted characters flirting with what their setting considers corrupt and evil (Garrett Amell with blood magic, my irl dnd character and her obsession with necromancy) but I think I'm having so much fun with this because it's the opposite?
A once unrepentantly evil-aligned character finding a sliver of hope and trust and light, flirting with the idea of redemption and then trying desperately to hold onto it. (Feels not far off from getting attached to his mother Viconia's arc in my playthrough of the original games, actually.)
Anyway Dark Urge has been really fun, both on a roleplaying level and also weaving his backstory together to make this game's canon fit with my initial character concept. I'll talk more about it under a dark urge spoiler tag once I finish his act 3 arc, but it's horrifyingly tragic so far, I'm aslkjdfkldsghds BUT ALSO (slight spoiler under the cut that will only mean something to you if you've played the original games):
When I decided to play this game as Viconia DeVir's son I did not know she was going to show up (she's canonically dead in world states where she fell in love with Gorion's Ward and had a son with him)
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dxasomnias · 22 days
⌞ byf ⌝
↳ before you follow! Hi! I'm juno. Welcome! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა There is music on my blog if you open it on the website! if it bothers you, please just press the pause button at the top of the website!
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ABOUT ME! 。𖦹°‧
╰› I'm very new to this version of tumblr, so please be patient with me! My name is Juno, i'm 21, and my pronouns are she/her. I write and draw, hopefully i'll have the motivation to keep this blog alive for a while~
If you want to message me, my messages are currently: Open! feel free to drop in and chat! (please keep in mind that i do have autism. Social interaction is hard for me, so please be patient!)
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╰› minors, DNI with my nsfw side blog. I understand that it's in my bio/linked, but that isn't an open invitation to interact if you're underage. I don't want minors interacting with my adult content. Thank you. (This also applies to blank blogs and blogs w/o their age in bio.) ╰› basic DNI criteria applies here, if you're a bigot don't interact! ദ്ദി๑>؂•̀๑) ╰› Messaging me is fine, so is sending asks, but any hateful asks or messages will go straight in the trash and it'll result in a block. If you disagree with me on something you can tell me about it in a respectful way. ╰› DO NOT REPOST/COPY ANY OF MY ORIGINAL CONTENT. Inspiration is fine, but if someone can't tell the difference between my work and your own then it's an issue. ╰› some posts may be on a queue, if you see me post but i haven't responded to your message or ask, please don't assume i'm ignoring you. I might just be busy! ╰› asking me ⌞what happened to (user)?⌝ will get you ignored. I either most likely don't know or i don't want to be involved with drama. If its important, i would have made a post.
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╰› I write for all characters on this blog! i just don't do anything 18+ here. If you want 18+ content please go to my side blog! thank you. ╰› hyper specific asks will get you ignored. ex: "can you do malleus x fem reader with blonde hair, blue eyes, and (insert personality here)". Writing things like that isn't fun for me! Specific scenerios are fine, but if you just want me to write your oc i'll ignore you lol ╰› please tell me if you want a specific gender for your ask! if not, i'll automatically do GN!reader. ╰› I don't write anything but platonic asks for ortho and freshmen. I'm a fully grown woman, writing romance for 15-16 year olds makes me uncomfortable. ╰› If i don't respond to your ask right away, please don't get angry with me. This is for fun! sometimes it takes me a bit to write down a drabble. Be patient please!
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╰› DO NOT USE MY OCS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. Fan art is absolutely fine! i just don't feel comfortable with people using my oc in fics or their own oc's story or lore unless i know you personally. ╰› i don't do tutorials, i'm sorry. If you're curious, i have no problem linking resources i use, but i'm not confident enough in my skills to directly make tutorials. ╰› There's a difference between constructive and deconstructive criticism. I'm always open to constructive criticism, but being told "it sucks" isn't helpful, it's hurtful, and it will get you blocked. ╰› Like i said above, using my art as inspiration is fine. But please don't directly copy me, trace me, or use my art to train AI. ╰› im open for art trades! i love doing them! but please don't demand one from me, i'm a very slow artist auggh
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。𖦹°‧ masterlist linked here! | my 18+ sideblog linked here! 。𖦹°‧ (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) thank you for reading!
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sunsetstarving · 1 month
I'm sure you've already talked a lot about them but I'm curious, what are some fun facts about some of your ocs!!!!!
HI THIS IS LIKE. MANY WEEKS LATE I HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE CHANCE TO SIT DOWN AND TALK ABOUT THEM BUT I HAVE ALL THE NERVOUS ENERGY AND SO MANY WORDS RIGHT NOW!! okay so brief rundown on the magical girl ocs (the ones i post abt the most currently) is that all of it revolves around girlhood/childhood/coming of age and also there are five characters!! and all of THEIR arcs deal with different aspects of the coming of age thing. fun facts commencing in a bullet point list:
the origin of the mg characters is actually very similar to the origin of sailor moon's because i was reading about naoko takeuchi and in an interview i think she had said that the characters in sailor moon were the kind of friends she wished she had in middle school! so that's the same energy i took into all of them--friends who are attentive and loyal and take care of their friends and work to help each other grow! that is something that is very meaningful to me
MUCH shorter fun fact: they meet in a museum on a school trip :)
one of my friends compared these ocs' lore powers to be kind of like the avatar (the last airbender) bc of the significance of past selves
Death's messenger often takes the form of young gangster kids by default! oh hey points at you. you're cambodian american too you might get this on the same level (or not which is also fair) this is in reference to the amount that a lot of the khmer community is very involved in gangs. yeah. maybe this is a not so fun fact although it is very interesting to me and perhaps to you
the setting atm although not greatly fleshed out is a european city but in the Font of ghibli movies. or something. like idk i don't live in european cities. but also they live there!! idk i think it is sunny and has a lot of orange trees
nefise and dani's hair lengths switch over the course of the story--nefise's goes short and dani's goes long--although i'm not sure if i'll decide to switch them back yet or not! it is all purely thematic
a lot of who the main five are is also based on my friends that i have made over the course of the past four years on tumblr! whether that be in character or relationship dynamic or funky outfit ideas. mostly funky outfit ideas
uhh fully believe they operate out of one of their attics and it is not very spacious but it's soundproof and has a roof window and can fit a lot of couch cushions in it so it works <3
i think that is all i can come up with right now but this was INCREDIBLY fun thank you for the ask!!! i hope you're doing good <33
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georges-chambers · 4 months
1, 5, 7, 15, 20 and 30 for the ask game? :3
Oh hello and thank you, these are very intriguing.
1. "What are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are?"
If I really had to pick out specific things which happened and not just basic cultural/literal upbringing: The sort of breakdown I went through between 2022 and 2023 (time blended together so much it's hard to tell when and where one started and where one ended), getting really into Classic and some new Doctor Who when I was like 12 and never fully leaving (which also made me intrigued by those old men), and getting into the Terror and the people I've met through my interest in it (the culmination of wanting to fuck thode old men).
5. "What made you start your blog?'
Technically speaking, soon after I watched the Terror originally last July or so, I'd talk a lot to friends I had who didn't watch/weren't into it, and eventually one suggested I make this because, 'Ships boy as a gender sounds like something that'd do numbers on tumblr'. I eventually did, forgetting to post about exactly that until someone else already kind of had. Needless to say that I'm always glad I did that because I've met many incredible Terror fans through it.
7. What scares you the most and why?
Emotionally, practically? Probably abandonment or something. Literally, physically, and impractically (in that it's very unlikely)? Chimpanzees and gorillas and the thought of being stuck in a room with one. Chimps get alarmed very quickly at Nothing and very violent soon after. Gorillas don't necessarily but I find them hard to look at. So if this scenario somehow ever happened I'd just try to find the easiest, least painful way to lose consciousness possible. Somewhere in between is bugs and dogs. I've had a bit of a phobia of dogs from a young age but in an odd way. It's not a conscious fear, and if I could just force myself not to have it, knowing consciously a dog won't do anything to me, I would, but it hasn't worked. In all of my life. Despite how many people seem to think it will. Looking at them, in pictures or irl, is okay, it's the smell, feeling, and vicinity that does more. And the bigger the easier overwhelming. Similar is true of bugs but this is more 'common' so people certainly don't take it as a personal insult when I feel that way about bugs. And like. Consciously, emotionally? I love both, honestly. But I Do Not control that fear. Trust me when I say I've tried.
15. "What do you think of when you hear the word 'home'?"
A house. Almost suburban-looking. This is strange because I dont live in one. I haven't for most of my life, generally. And it's unclear, hazy, like an old child's drawing.
20. Favourite things about the night?
It's much quieter. I can actually feel like I'm not being watched and listened to by anyone. And I love to see the way it could be so dark, but it's not. The things humans can do have changed that, so completely, which, good or bad, amazes me to see and understand.
30. "What's one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?"
The Sea. In whatever form. Also of course many parts of the Terror and Moby Dick, but god. The Sea and seeing/hearing about it might not like. Fix everything, and make me permanently happier, but it Will sooth me. So much.
Once again, thank you for asking all of these, and I hope you enjoyed the answers.
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silvertsundere · 5 months
Meet Okita Celeritas!
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Design sheet by the wonderful wakameyogurt!
Okita won the poll so she's the first one to get a profile (other than Vivi). I put all the details under the cut to keep the post shorter.
Like I said in the poll she's both my FF14 chara and self insert. I created her when I started playing, and haven't changed her design a single time, which makes her my oldest OC by far going on 6 years now. She has her own backstory and is her own character in XIV, but I also use her as my self insert when getting art with characters from other series for not much more reason than me just loving how she looks so much. I also use her as my pngtuber when I stream (which I haven't done in a billion years but yknow).
I post her art here under the first tag of this post, but as you know tumblr doesn't allow certain content. If it looks good enough cropped I might post it like that but most of the time I don't bother. You can find all the art I've gotten so far (R18 included) in this folder
Race: Miqo'te | Job: Adventurer | Age: 27 Height: 172cm (5'65'') Weight: 66kg (145lbs)
Name Origin:
This one doesn't actually have a lot behind it. If you've known me for long enough you know I'm a HUGE fan of Okita Souji from FGO. When I was creating my character for FF14 I already knew I was going to main the samurai class. Coming up with names is one of the hardest things for me when it comes to creating characters, so I took inspiration from one of my favourites. In this case Okita being the first name and not the family name. The last name, Celeritas, is just latin meaning "speed" and other synonyms because I wanted to have something speed related and being on the NA server I figured most people wouldn't know immeditately what it meant.
Okita was born and raised in Ala Mhigo during the unstable period of King Theodoric's rule. After his death, when things seemed to be getting better the city-state was invaded by the Garleans. When her family was trying to flee the country they were caught by the imperials but were saved by an adventurer from Kugane. He was escorting some merchants from the city and they had stopped in Ala Mhigo to ressuply before continuing to Limsa, not knowing of the invasion. With their lives uprooted suddenly and with no plans on where to go Okita's family decided to join the merchants and move to Kugane, which double as a way to repay them for saving their lives too. In Kugane, out of admiration for the adventurer that saved her family all those years ago, Okita started learning martial arts and swordsmanship wanting to be like them. At first she joined the Sekiseigumi as a way to further her study of the blade and also help the people of Kugane, but quickly realized the job wasn't what she thought. Some years after the Seventh Umbral Calamity, when travel to Eorzea started opening up again, she made the decision to become an adventurer leaving for the continent.
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 37 - Psychometry
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I missed manga-based psychometry for Mamoru in the Original Anime, so it makes me very happy that so many talented individuals have weaved it into their stories. Below are a few where it plays a bigger role in the outcomes, although quite a few others have made their way into the series already. Also a reminder that prompts for @usamamoweek2023 are up!
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Manganatomy - @idesofnovember
When I think of Psychometry and AU stories, this is one that is most top of mind for me. Usagi gets stuck with an assignment of getting a medical professional to look over some josei manga spreads for work. Except the person she has to see is less than helpful. Cue accidental bumping into Dr Chiba, who might just feel why this is so important to her. 
My Own Little Stage: A Collection of Prompts - Chapter 5: I thought you knew - @tinacentury
Every time Mamoru touches Usagi’s heart-shaped ring he gets glimpses of her memories while he wasn’t around (with Galaxia’s help). With Usagi taking a bath, he had more time than usual to hold it, getting to see more than he bargained for. 
The Reveal: Chapter 8: Touch - @kasienda
Mamoru learned from a young age to not let anyone know about his ability to know things through touch, having gotten burnt on more than one occasion, leaving him in a dark place. Maybe there is hope for him after meeting a blonde girl and "seeing" things he never knew were possible.
The Space Between: Chapter 13: Heal - @uglygreenjacket
With Usagi bailing on their date last minute because she is "sick", Mamoru tries to cheer her up the only way he knows how - with flowers and soup.  I honestly wish everyone had a Mamoru around to help with cramps. 
Becoming - @floraone
This drabble collection walks us through all the events that made Anime-inspired Mamoru who he was, with an addition of psychometry - both the ability to feel through touch and ability to heal. 
Little Moments: Chapter 1: Helpless - @floraone
Having gotten hurt in battle and an ugly bruise preventing her from doing something as routine as putting up her hair, Usagi begrudgingly heads to Mamoru's for assistance. 
That's it for this week. Next week we have "What if" stories - idea was courtesy of @areptiledysfunction1107!
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
Week 35 - Medical Assistance
Week 36 - Sex Pollen
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acromandus · 8 months
Finally getting around to doing this! Thank you @thelifeinmyshadesofgrey for tagging me ♥♥♥♥♥ I haven't done these in ages so it was fun to feel like we were back in the 'golden era' of tumblr xD
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties: I don't wanna pressure anyone to have to do this, so consider this a warm suggestion rather than a I-will-judge-you-if-you-don't kind of situation @heyitszev :) (and if anyone else reading this feels like it, go ahead, the more the merrier lmao)
Favourite colour: This is a tough one because it all just depends on context so much. I'd say typically I veer more towards darker tones in general: really like a nice dark green, or a dark red or crimson. Purple is lovely too :D
Last song: Two Knights and Maidens by Crash Test Dummies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NS2EcHzdYY
Say what you want about the lyrics, but the chord progression in this song is *chefs kiss*
Last movie: 9. A bit of a strange one perhaps, but an interesting take on a post-apocalyptic world brought to life in a style that reminds me of Tim Burton a little bit. Basically, the world has been destroyed in a war between humans and machines, and we're introduced to a group of sentient dolls, each with a number on their backs from 1 to 9, who have had to survive in this strange new world while figuring out why they were made in the first place. I don't wanna spoil this for anyone who hasn't seen it, so I'll leave it at that :)
Currently watching: I'm in-between series atm haha. Waiting for season 4 of the Boys, and just finished watching season 2 of 30 Coins. Might just do a rewatch of Andor or the Punisher to fill this void.
Other stuff I watched this year: Err… from what I remember (and yes, since we're only in January, I'm counting 2023 into this as well) I'd say Moon Knight, Andor, 30 coins, a rewatch of Supernatural (up to season 12), and the One Piece live action series. Out of all these Andor was perhaps my favourite, but I enjoyed all of them, and was pleasantly surprised at how well the One Piece adaptation remained loyal to the original works :D they obviously had to adjust some things but it still felt true to form. With Andor, I was hesitant to watch it at first because the last SW series I had watched had been declining in quality (weird writing, etc), however… Andor completely blew me away. The way it builds up to the climax was just so well done, the writing is superb, music fantastic, and it's one of those series I wish I could forget about completely so I could experience it for the first time again.
Shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: I haven't watched many series I've not finished since I usually watch them to the end anyway, but looks like that new Percy Jackson series may unfortunately fall into this category?
Currently reading: I've been powering through the Harry Potter books. Started during the Christams holidays and I'm now on book 6. So far so good, though I've had to slow down with holidays being over. Might need to reread the Robert Langdon series as well after this as it's still one of my personal favourites.
Currently listening to: This changes daily but I do find myself drifting back to Riot music very often. So, that's music made for League of Legends, Valorant, etc. Not the soundtracks, but songs like Worlds anthems like "GODS" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3GouGa0noM) and 2021's "Burn It All Down" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z6CHioIn3s). I also absolutely love "Breathe" from the official launch video for Legends of Runeterra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNhKAJwlj04). I also like this vid for it heavily featuring Darius, the only champ I ever played when I attempted to get into LoL before the toxicity got to me and I decided it's not for me :3 (didn't take long, but left me with a bit of a soft spot for him lmao)
I absolutely do not play any of these games but man… the music is on point imo. Something again about chord progression, don't ask what my obsession with that is lmao.
If I'm not listening to these and songs like them, I'm listening to heavy metal (industrial or symphonic), movie or game soundtacks, or oldies belonging to various genres from the 70s and 80s, occasionally 90s as well. Here's a couple examples:
Once You've Tasted Love by Take That
Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp
Evil Woman by Electric Light Orchestra
Misplaced by Sonata Arctica
And I will leave it at that as I've already included too many songs lmao
Currently working on: I'm currently making a backend for a gym app I'm working on. I somehow got the GraphQL elements working, now I need to get it saving to a database of somekind. I could do this locally or learn to save data to the cloud but I haven't yet decided which approach to take lmao. Overall, I'm just upskilling in the hopes of eventually landing a job as a full-stack developer. NO LUCK SO FAR aside a couple freelance frontend opportunities :/
Current obsession: Hmm….. good question. I'd say, despite me not playing it as much as I used to, I am slowly getting back to Elder Scrolls Online? Fire Emblem Fates is another, as well as Bleach.
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cleptomanicrow · 7 months
Hello! Hello! I came here to warn everyone who follows me here on Tumblr because of my Undertale au that some things are going to change.
I plan to focus more on original stories, not that I don't like Aus anymore, it's just that I wish I could focus more on the stories that I've been writing more dedicatedly, and that I'm most interested in (Not to mention I gave up on writing The End Tale because I haven't been able to write anything since that first post of mine, so I decided it would be better to leave Aus aside for a while, but I might write more later, and the drawing I posted was a drawing made by my friend who was helping me with the au at the time) and also stories that I've honestly been writing for a lot longer than The End Tale.
That's why I decided that this (almost dead) account will be used for other stories, stories that I know I'll be able to update and have fun writing, plus my mentality has changed a lot since my first post, so there are other things I wanted to change besides my content.
That's why I also think it would be better to do something that I haven't done in recent years here on Tumblr: Introduce myself!
Name: Cleptomaniacrow (Cleptomaníaco (Kleptomaniac in Portuguese)+ Crow)
Age: 19
Likes: Books and music
Pronouns: In Portuguese I go by Ela/Dela or Ele/Dele, in English I prefer They/Then
(My English isn't the best , but I understand perfectly, apart from a word or two, but my first language is Portuguese)
I love writing and I plan to publish a book one day, but for now I'm going to focus on improving my writing.
Well, that's it, I hope you like my new content that I plan to make.
Open Asks for questions and ideas! You can suggest whatever you want and I can try to write something, I love random suggestions, good for practicing improvisation.
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ittybittysugarplum · 7 months
Hello! My name is Plum :)
My soul is owned by the one and only Radio Demon. I mostly just help Niffty with cleaning and hang out at the bar with Husk, but lately I’ve also taken an interest in a certain tv overlord’s broadcast. Feel free to ask stuff about me if you want.
(Rules and character bio under the cut!)
//This is a blog I made for my Hazbin OC, I probably won’t be extremely active as far as posting, but I figured it would make things easier for interacting with ask/rp blogs! Plus I wanted to actually be able to show what she looks like.
Mod is 19 and goes by Mars, she/they
Usually I prefer to keep OCs a little mysterious but I realize that’s kind of boring for some people and that a bio might be preferred.
Plum originated as some poor soul that sold her soul to Alastor in exchange for protection, and that remains canon for her. However I do not currently have an Alastor because the one I was rping with has left tumblr… Aside from that she helps Niffty at the hotel as a sort of second maid, and basically does anything Alastor needs her to do. She also has a huge crush on Vox, whom she has been on one (secret) date with.
Alice died in the 2020s at the age of 25, and went to Hell for murdering her ex-boyfriend. Immediately following the murder, however, she drove her car off a cliff.
Her only special ability is to walk through walls, like in a fight or flight situation. She’s usually very friendly and outgoing, and she loves dancing and writing. She has some stalker-ish tendencies too. In most people’s eyes though, she’s a pretty average sinner.
And I will happily go outside of the canon for other roleplays, like working for the Vees instead of being at the hotel, for example! Or other ships. Seriously she’s like my main Hazbin OC, I’ve shipped her with like four different characters in my mind and when reading fanfics.
Canon blogs
Husk: @husk-not-whiskers
Nifty: @bad-boy-lover
Rosie: @rosies-emporium
Vox: @vox-no-longer-a-box-tek
And more to come! I either haven't interacted with other characters/rpers much, or I like multiple blogs for the same character and haven't chosen.
Pfp is by @green-uwu, thank you so much!
Favorite roleplays:
Husk’s Jazz Event—A new dance partner?
Flowers From the Television
Unexpected Complications
The TV Helped me Choose a Dress (matching outfit time)
I’m comfortable with some suggestive themes/mild nsfw, but nothing explicit please
Unless it’s a Valentino blog just being in character, I do not tolerate people sexualizing Plum —> but I HIGHLY encourage any Val to do whatever
No extreme violence or gore, mild stuff is fine, find the line
I am an anxious person who’s pretty new to tumblr, don’t get upset if it takes me a while to respond
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darkershining · 8 months
Hey everyone. Haven't been able to access tumblr in the past couple of weeks, which is why I haven't posted my thoughts on episodes 46, 47 and 48 of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure. So, guess I'll do it now.
Episode 46
The Christmas episode. The people of Skyland are still concerned after recent events, so Ellee decides the Cures should throw a party to cheer them up. Naturally, Skyland has their own holiday that's pretty similar to Christmas, but with a different name.
The Cures meet the Skyland equivalent of Santa, a bird named Tasan. They end up having to transform into their Cure forms in order to help Tasan get away from some annoying tornadoes.
The episode ends with a bit of a cliffhanger, with Ellee aging up into her teenaged form.
It's a sweet episode. Tasan getting just as excited upon realizing he had met the Cures as Sora and Tsubasa was when meeting him was kind of funny. Sora and Mashiro exchanging gifts, having gotten each other the same notebook (Sora remembering Mashiro had originally wanted one of her own, while Mashiro realized that Sora's was likely running out of pages) was really nice.
Episode 47
Ellee is woken up by the light of the Morning Star, which reveals itself to be the spirit of Elleelain, who also has a present for Ellee, allowing her to age up into her teenage form outside of Cure Majesty. We see later that Ellee will stay revert to baby form when low on energy, so I guess it's less a permanent age-up, and more giving her the ability to do it at will, along with a power-up for Cure Majesty.
The Cures talk to Elleelain, and learn a bit of what happened after Skyland and the Undergu Empire made peace. Unfortunately, Elleelain doesn't know what actually happened, aside from the Undergu Empire suddenly cutting off contact with Skyland.
Near the end of her life, we see that an old Elleelain decided to leave her power in the Majestic Chroniclon, as she suspected another threat might befall Skyland in the future. She later sent Ellee to Skyland, which essentially means that Elleelain is Ellee's mother.
Having given the rest of her power to Ellee, Elleelain moves on, putting her faith in the Cures to find a way to end the conflict with the Undergu Empire.
Skearhead and the Empress sense that Cure Majesty has fully awakened, so Skearhead goes out to deal with it, despite the Empress' concerns.
Skearhead realizes he's outmatched against the Cures, and tries to at least take out Cure Sky and Cure Majesty with him. It fails, with Cure Majesty managing to protect herself and Sky. Skearhead seemingly perishes, enraging the Empress who goes to confront the Cures. She also reveals what she thinks happened to cause the conflict to start up again: Cure Noble killed her father.
Episode 48
The Cures realize something must be wrong when the Empress recalls how Cure Noble betrayed her, and killed her father.
The Empress powers up to destroy the barrier around the town, believing she has nothing more to lose.
Each of the Cures get some great moments throughout this episode, with Cure Wing and Cure Butterfly working to fix the barrier, Cure Sky and Majesty holding off the Empress and Cure Prism trying to gather up the power to purify the Empress the same way she saved Battamonda.
The Azure Guard is seen putting the equipment Tsubasa helped develop to use, helping purify Ranborgs attacking the city.
Kabaton, Battamonda and Minoton show up to aid the Cures, Kabaton and Minoton helping fight off Ranborgs while Battamonda assists with evacuating people, sending them through a Undergu portal to Sorashido after the Mirror Pad runs out of power for its own portal.
The Cures ultimately manage to get through to the Empress, but before they can talk things out to clear things up, the Empress is suddenly shot with an energy arrow from behind, with Skearhead revealing himself to have survived, and being disappointed in the Empress.
All right, I think these episodes were pretty solid, and I guess it's now confirmed that Skearhead is the true mastermind behind everything. I had my suspicions that he probably did something to restart the conflict, since unlike the Emperor and the Empress, we never got any indication that he'd go along with the two worlds making peace in the past. I'm guessing the next episode, which may also be the last if I'm remembering correctly, will answer the remaining the questions about what exactly Skearhead did.
I'll be looking forward to the next episode!
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bluestar22x · 9 months
BlueStar's Year In Review
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Thought I might make a blog review post of sorts this year cause it seemed fun.
It's been a very fun year for me on here. I joined tumblr for the gifs, and for fan talk, back in 2015. I mainly focused on the Dominion, 12 Monkeys, and Supernatural shows. All of which have been off air for a while now but I've continued to find fandoms to latch onto, the latest being the Pedro Pascal character fandom.
I've only had good experiences with this fandom since I joined in, starting around July 2022 after finally watching The Mandalorian. I'd seen Pedro in other shows before, but that was the first role I really noticed him in (shame on my younger self for not paying more attention to Marcus Pike before).
Finding out Pedro was going to play Joel Miller in an HBO show that same month, after having discovered/watched the TLOU games in May/June 2022 and being a newfound fan of game Joel, it kinda felt like fate. And then going through most of Pedro's major movies and shows before and during the time The Last of Us show aired solidified my want to be part of the fandom.
This year has seen a shift in my blog in major ways in large part to the Pedro Pascal characters and fandom. It's still very much for reblogging gifs of my favorite characters/shows/movies, but I've now shifted to also being a very fanfic heavy blog, where before I was only posting and reading fics on fanfiction net.
I started writing fanfic for the first time in years because of Din in 2022, but it wasn't until Pedro's version of Joel in January that I started reading fanfic again (since SPN ended) and eventually started writing for other Pedro Pascal characters.
Through reading fanfic about these characters and writing for them I've truly immersed myself in a fandom again and it's been a wonderful distraction, especially with how stressful real life has been in recent years trying to find a job I can live with, and dealing with not liking where I am in life (I thought I'd have more by this age - my own house, family, etc.).
I'm really grateful for those who have had discussions with me and who have read my fics; those who reblogged and left comments and reaction gifs that made me smile (reaction gifs are so fun). While I do write for myself first, every note has given me a serotonin boost, and it has lead to me having my first ever post with 100 notes! (And it's for one of my favorite fics I've written Sweet Summer). Notes aren't everything, but they're worth celebrating! They make me feel like I'm a part of something and not just in the background. I like contributing.
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Here's the link to my Tumblr Stats
Notable Stats:
I've posted so much more this year than the rest before; it's insane
Obviously the notes have gone up since I now write
I haven't even hit 400 original posts yet since 2015! lol
Top 5 Posts:
1. July - Ch2 of my Sweet Summer Series
2. Sweet Summer Masterlist
3. Colors - My Joel Miller x blind!reader oneshot (a surprise honestly, but it goes to show how much reblogs make a difference)
4. June - Ch1 of my Sweet Summer Series
5. The Rockford Files Masterlist
It makes me sooo happy Rockford's in the top 5 cause that fic was very demanding and challenging for me. Not only did it have more plot than my typical fics (which took ages to straighten out), but it also had very LONG chapters because of the case by case nature of the fic. I find it hard to commit to long chapters like that - I have a somewhat short attention span and I'm impatient. It's only 3 chapters yet has almost enough words to be a novel! (over 40,000 words)
My Favorite Fanfics I've Written:
The Rockford Files (the finished product was worth it)
Sweet Summer Series (including New Year's Promise!)
The Journey Series
Fanfics I Wish Got More Love:
Second Chances Series (Love underrated Marcus M)
The Writing Contest Series (it's still early though)
My Masterlist
My Fanfic Plans:
I've got a lot of WIPs written out in my drafts. Right now I'm going to be focusing on Baby Fever and The Writing Contest (the latter which will have the most chapters of any fic I've written in a long time) but I have several one shots I'm itching to write between their chapters, including another Sweet Summer oneshot sequel called The Weekend which will feature Steve, Connie, and Chucho - not sure how I've avoided writing them for so long when I loved them in show. It will also be based around one of my favorite things to write besides smut. Take a guess.
After Baby Fever is completed I'll be looking to start writing another series, this time for Dieter called Unknown which will share a bit of plot and humor with that Disney movie The Game Plan (hopefully - I don't write humor much) but Dieter-fied. It'll feature less sports and more romance and angst. My two greatest loves.
Tumblr Wishes For 2024:
That I catch up on my WIP list (unlikely)
That I don't run out of ideas for fics (I just don't want as much ha)
That I make close friends in the fandom - I've talked to some lovely people fairly often, but I don't have anyone yet that I talk to regularly as I did in previous fandoms
That I have more discussions about the characters/fics/ask games I'm interested in - my ask box is open!
Anyway, that's all for now. Happy New Year everyone! :)
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