#i also have like 6 things i want to write atleast today and its already 2pm so...
raytm · 4 months
i am playing the wuuwaaa,,,,
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icypenguin · 1 year
☆゚.*・。゚ Promise me
small lyney drabble! this is your uh dating anniversary? yeah whatever you call it, enjoyyy! also the reader is female!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
you wake up from your slumber, feeling the sun shining right on to your face. you rub your eyes and looked to the left. only to be greeted with an empty space. seeing your boyfriend was not there, by your side, you frown. you thought you will spend your day together today. but you guessed he forgot. you saw a note on the bed table and the first thing you thought of was lyney. could he possibly left that note for you? out of curiosity and excitement, you opened the folded note and recognised who’s writing it is. it was a note from lyney. he was apologising for he couldn’t spend the day with you. but at the bottom it said “happy anniversary to the love of my life, see you at 6 pm.” ofcourse you were sad you couldn’t spend the day with your boyfriend. atleast he still remembers it was your anniversary together.
at 5pm you were getting ready. you didn’t know what it was for. so you just dressed in lyney’s favourite dress on you. being like most other girls, you worry how you look. is it too much? is it not enough? am i not enough? but that thoughts got interupted when lynette knocked on the door. “y/n? can i come in?” lynette stopped knocking. you yelled “ofcourse!” so lynette can hear from the other side. when lynette came in, her eyes were sparkling while she teases you “awww trying to look best for lyney huhh?~ i know its your anniversary today! lyney wants me to give this to you.” lynette gave something. it was a tiara with lyney’s colour. you blushed from lynette’s teasing and thanked lynette as she left.
you wear the tiara and look at the mirror to make sure you look great. after you make those overthinking thoughts dissapear, you pick up your bag and gift for lyney. you told lynette and freminet you’re going out. they told you to stay safe and said happy anniversary to you and lyney.
you then went to you and lyney’s secret spot. when you got there you saw there was already flowers everywhere and a table with a flower in a vase and two seats across eachother. just then lyney appeared out of nowhere and kissed your lips in suprise. “happy anniversary darling!” he handed you a flowers like booping your nose. you blushed in full suprise and accepted the flower that lyney gave you. “oh lyney! happy anniversary..” you chuckled as he guide you to the chair and table.
he took the chair out for you “ooh such a gentleman~” you teased him. he chuckled and replied “oh its just my job darling”. he sat on the chair across you. and did magic tricks to teleport his favourite dish. which is cubic tricks. “voilà there we have it! now eat up.” lyney looked at you. admiring you while you were eating the dish. “what? is there something wrong?” you asked in a worried tone. you thought there was something wrong until lyney chuckled and told you everything is fine, “oh no! not at all.. i was just admiring the beauty of my lovely girlfriend~” he teased. you blushed and looked at him in awe. you can already feel your heart melting but that was no diffrent from the other times before… lyney will always steal your heart.
after you both finsihed your food, lyney spoke up “well darling.. i still have another suprise for you”. “oh really?! i have something for you too yknow?” you told him while grabbing something from behind. he tried to peek but you noticed “hey no peeking!” he only giggled as a reply. you took a small box from your bag and told lyney to close his eyes. “close your eyes!” lyney closed his eyes and you put the box on his hand. “okay now open!” he opened his eyes and saw the small box. it was a maroon box with a navy ribbon on top. he pulled the ribbon and opened the box. there, it revealed a necklace with a heart pendant. “oh my oh my, what a gift!” lyney said as he took the necklace out of the box. “try opening the pendant!” just then he opened the pendant and it revealed a favourite picture of you both at last year’s anniversary. “happy anniversary lyney, i love you!” you told lyney as ypu kissed him on the lips. his face became a bit pink and you chuckled at it. lyney didn’t mind and continue admiring the necklace, “so.. do you like it?” you asked. “i.. no i don’t like it y/n.. i.. i.. i love it!” lyney picked you up and spinned you around and around. you both giggled in joy and you helped lyney put on the necklace.
“thankyou love.. i really love it! now its time for mine..” he then pulled something out of his hat. it was also a small box that looks alike like yours. lyney then opened it by slowly and it revealed 2 rings. you thought of what you thought it was. “l-lyney are you going to-?” you asked in a voice full of curiosity. “no love, not yet.. but soon. i promise you, you will be the one that stands by me at the end, we will spend our lives together and not break apart. i promise you that..” he promised as he slipped a ring to your finger. your eyes were full of tears, they were at the edge of falling down to your cheek. lyney looked at you passionately and he noticed a tear falling. he immediately wiped it with his thumb and he kissed your lips. “l-lyney.. oh lyney i love you! i love you so so so much! you’re the best boy in teyvat and i won’t leave you! i swear you’re the love of my life and noone will replace you. i promise we will stay together until the end” you promised him back and he nods, signaling you to put the other ring on his finger. you slipped the ring and in the end you both kissed eachother passionately. muttering ‘i love you’ to eachother and other sweet words.
you both promised eachother dearly and we know it won’t be broken.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thanks for reading! sorry if it’s too long and sorry if there’s any mistakes but i hope you enjoyed it! advices are accepted, thankyou!
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dxrkdreamer · 3 years
How I nearly killed Sukuna... A narrative (Yuji x Reader x Sukuna Crack)
Part 1/?
Word count: 1.3 k
Genre: crack and a bit of fluff and a bit of angst and a sprinkle of crazy
Warnings: mentions of blood and a car accident
A/N: Hi everyone! This was inspired by the show Dead to me (if you haven’t watched it you’re missing out *cries*) and I thought it would be fun to write my own version of the story but with men from JJK.
“Ugh I’m a grown fucking adult why am I being treated like a fucking 5 year old!” you yelled to yourself in your car, the angsty music blaring loudly. Yep, what a great way to start your day at 6 am. You had gotten into a dispute with your mom when you came downstairs in the early hours of the morning to bake muffins. And now you were rage driving down a forested path just off your town, it was a common path for early morning joggers because it was peaceful and usually vehicle free. And usually free of crazy girls driving above the speed limit.
You had finished your final year of your undergraduate, and like most you had no idea what the heck you wanted to do with your life. So you came back to the town you grew up in…. To live with your parents until you figured something out, or atleast found a job related to your field. Annoyingly enough, most of the kids in your highschool seemed to have come back too, and you ran into a few familiar faces, much to your dread.
“First fucking Mai has the audacity to tell me I dress like I’m stuck in the 90s, then my mom has to say I should slow down on my fucking eating. I’ll eat whatever the fuck I want, its not hurting anyone!” you rambled on “The 90s had good fashion! And my outfit was cute! And I’m trying to grow my booty, ofcourse I’ll gain some fucking weight- WOAH” you yelped swerving your car as you hit… a deer, shutting your eyes tightly as your car came to a halt. Praying that it was a pink deer you hit. Okay, breathe in, breathe out (Y/N), you gulped opening your eyes as you stepped out of the car. Your shaky legs carried to the scene as you repeated the deer mantra.
“It was just a pink dear that was standing on its hind legs… s’okay it's just a possibly dead-”
You froze as you felt your soul leave you, and it seemed even the angel of death was disgusted by you and had thrown your soul back into your body as your vision cleared and your mouth started trembling.
“A possibly dead Sukuna….” well fawk “Yeah no way am I getting caught for this” and with adrenaline pumping in you and a new found strength in your legs, you jumped in your car and drove off to the nearest clearing, hopping out and jogging back towards the body, pulling out your phone.
“Hello, 911 what’s your emergency”
“Hi! There's, uhhh there's-” you stuttered as reality was hitting you in waves as you stared down at the horror “There’s a body… It’s still breathing and there's a lot of blood…”
You drove back home in silence, and went straight to your bed without uttering a word to your family.
You were terrified because you almost killed a man. Fucking Sukuna of all men. He was the very handsome high school bully. Very loved and feared. “He had it coming from someone anyways” you grumbled, he had definitely harassed and made at least half the student body cry. He was two years older than you and relentless as ever.
Second, you lied to the fucking cops. And you were the first witness on the scene. They wouldn’t call again would they? You gulped hiding under the covers. I need to leave town! You thought, but as you checked your bank account you realized without a job it was not ideal to do.
“Ughhhhhh, I almost killed a man holy shit” you groaned, slumping and hiding deeper. “I can’t leave my house ever again” The dread settled in and pulled you deeper into your guilty consciousness and you felt like you would throw up for the millionth time today.
That lasted about 3 days until you realized you were hungry and wholesome home cooked meals were not cutting it. You needed fat and sugar.
“All dressed chips or… barbecue” You wondered, your thumb played with your lip as you analyzed your options “or maybe even cheetos?” It may be awhile until you leave your house again so you piled all three in your arms, your basket already full of other goodies. You took another glance at the aisle as you began walking down towards the checkout, passing by the produce section “And I guess strawberries…. For health” you grumbled picking up the small container, barely able to balance your basket, the chips and berries in your two hands.
“Almost there… almost there” You kept walking, rounding the corner and-
“Fuck! Ouch!” You groaned as someone’s cart banged against you and you dropped your chips, much to your horror, oh and dropped the berries too that were now crushed under the cart’s wheel, staining the floor in red, almost like blood... you grimaced.
“I’m so sorry I should have watched where I was going! Are you okay! Again, I’m so sorry!” you heard a familiar voice and saw a tuft of pink hair crouching down to pick up your items. And for a second time you felt what it was like to have your soul leave your body, and then be rejected and thrown back down.
“Uh, it’s okay” You mumbled, grabbing the things from his hand, turning around, ready to run away and never come back.
“Hey, wait (Y/N)?” he grabbed your elbow turning you around to face him “Hey! How are you?! Did you forget about me already!” he smiled brightly and then pouted at the end.
Dear God…. “What! Yuji! Sorry I couldn’t recognize you for a sec!” You cringed at how shrill your voice must have sounded. “How’s uhh..” How’s Sukuna? “How was university? Are you back too?”
“Oh yeah, I just came back a few days ago, I was looking for a job where I was living before but my brother sort of... got into an accident” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Oh I heard” Shut the fuck up for two seconds please “I mean, I saw him on my morning jog” I hit him I’m so sorry I’m such a pussy.
“You what” his eyes were wide “Were you the one who called? Oh my God, thank you so much (Y/N)! He’s probably only alive because of you!” He gasped and pulled you in for a hug.
He’s also almost dead ‘cuz of me… You shook your head and hugged him back, wrapping your arms around him back and pulling him in tightly and rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder. “Yuji…” you mumbled about tearing up, his strong arms and warmth soothed you and you wanted to rest your head against his chest and confess your sins. But he had enough before you could open your mouth and pulled away shortly after apologizing for his outburst.
“It’s no problem Yuji, How is he anyways…” You asked, biting your lip nervously.
“Well, he’s alive” he chuckled dryly “but he’s in a coma, but the doctors said he’d wake up soon, hopefully” you noticed how he was clenching his fists in his pockets. “If anything he probably had it coming anyways” he laughed
“That's what I thought too!” You yelled and then covered your mouth from embarrassment of your inappropriate outburst, but Yuji just looked at you and burst out laughing even harder.
And his next words hit you hard.
“Wanna hang out? I could use the company, my parents are driving me mad” he shyly asked, trying to act casual about it.
And for the nth time today your mouth spoke without permission “Sure! That sounds great!”
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Your Love Is Killing Me (Part 1)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)                                            Summary : A canon divergent take on the emotions Ethan and Meera face on returning from Miami, and what happens when Meera faints in the hospital atrium.                                    Category : Angst                                                          Warnings : A few swearings, PCOD and cardiovascular disease that comes with it, stress and anxiety                                                        Word Count : 1724
A/N : So this is my first fic,🙈 so please ignore some of the rookie mistakes, also please send in criticisms, I would love to improve. Got tired with clone Ethan and PB writers and the book 1 replay got to me so I thought torturing myself through angst will be a good idea. Happy Reading!  ❤
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Meera shifts in her bed. Rolling over to face away from the window. It was another sleepless night for her. Where usually she used to be famished after coming home from work and all she desired for was her head to touch the pillow the last 5 days was completely different. These 5 nights she spent staring into the ceiling as a train of thoughts ran through her mind. Dr. Ramsey's words kept on ringing in her head "I need to be able to push you to your limits. To help you become the doctor you want to be. The one I know you can be." Lost in her reminiscence of that magical moment in the balcony of the Miami hotel, Meera didn't seem to notice the sky changing its colours from the dark starry blue to the first hues of gold, orange and red, signifying the beginning of a new day. She turned over thinking what went wrong, a calculation she was doing for the zillionth time and each time she came to a fruitless answer. Meera was interrupted by the sound of her alarm, one which was useless as she wasn't able to close her eyes for a single minute. 
She sat up in bed rubbing her eyes and catching a glimpse of herself on the full sized mirror. She was in her comfiest sweatpants, her uncombed curls sprawled over her shoulders and face. She removed her hair from her face and found tired eyes, deep dark circles and chapped lips staring at her from the mirror. She closed her eyes, hugged her knees close and rested her forehead on her knees as she thought about her plan for the day. For the past five days she had planned her days carefully so as to not run into the grumpy attending at any cost. She was on high alert. Any sign of him nearby and she always made an one eighty degree rotation in order to escape him. She went to meet the patient X to take his regular vitals and monitor required medicines on hours she was cent percent sure Dr. Ramsey was busy. She replied with lies and smiles to Dr. Banerji's unending question about the conference, Miami, Ethan and the sudden change in her behavior. Although she sometimes felt he could see right through her. 
Meera stood up from the bed and went into the shower. As soon as the cold water hit her skin she remembered how Ethan had abandoned her in the hotel in Miami. How she had been sitting there on the bed dressed in luxurious blue with her heart and bed cold as tears swelled up in her eyes. She remembered the awkward flight from Miami to Boston and the bare three sentences of exchange between her and Ethan. How she thought that the flight washroom was her safe haven and how she wished to spend the entire flight there. All these thoughts were such an emotional burden on her and she finally gave in to the inevitable. She double downed with sobs as she cried in the shower keeping as quiet as it was humanly possible for her so that her roommates won't get to know. After a few minutes she was finally able to compose herself. She stepped out of the shower a towel wrapped around her as she rubbed her hair dry. Meera got into a fresh pair of scrubs combed and tied her hair into a tight high ponytail. As she applied a generous amount of foundation to hide her dark circles and chapstick to moisturize her lips her phone beeped with a notification from her period tracker which notified that her period was 3 days late. She didn't think much about that as she had been dealing with PCOD since she was sixteen. She had almost defeated the disease with changes in her lifestyle and a few medicines, but after all there is no permanent cure. She had learned to live with it over the years. 
Finally she looked at herself in the mirror. She was now looking like Dr. Meera Bose the confident number one intern at Edenbrook Hospital. She forced on a smile to face her roommates outside her bedroom door and the world in general. This is what Meera's life looked like for the past five days. She was tired of putting on a happy show for the outside world and hence once she was inside her room with no one except herself her thoughts collided against each other and finally left her crying. She was tired of going through the same crescendo of thoughts and emotions again and again but there was no other way out because the only possible solution to end her pain, in Dr. Ramsey's words was "unethical and complicated."    
It was noon when Meera was already done with 6 cases. She also made it a point to check up on Dr. Banerji first thing in the morning when she was completely certain Ethan was in a board meeting. She was once again walking the crowded but motivated halls of Edenbrook navigating her way to her next patient's room. 
Meera felt a sudden piercing pain in the middle of her chest which slowly travelled to her left arm. It started as a mild one but quickly accelerated. From the corner of her eye she saw Ethan rounding a corner and walking towards her. It had been six days since both of them were in the same corridor. Before she was ready to process anything further she broke out into a sweat and started feeling tremendous trouble in breathing properly. All she remembers next is darkness and the sound of her charts slipping away from her hand and hitting the floor. In the last moments before her unconsciousness hit she felt someone holding her close and tight, the chaos of the hospital becoming silent to her as she tried with all her might to figure out if she had the opportunity to be in Ethan's arms once again like she was in Miami but she failed.  
 Ethan was very annoyed when he was held all morning in a stupid board meeting and wasn't able to finish any of his work. Ethan often doesn't listen to half of the things the board members say. He utilises those hours to mentally untangle the complications of the diagnostic team patient, something which he felt was much much more important than listening to entitled doctors who aren't even good as they think themselves to be. But today it was different. He was unable to concentrate at all. His mind wandered back to the one curly haired brunette intern. These past six days Ethan had immersed himself in work. Between the interns, the diagnostic team and Naveen's mystery illness his mind was pretty busy. He took on more cases than usual, pulled all nighters at the hospital and the little time he was at home he did find some article he needed to finish writing on his laptop. This was the only way he could keep her out of his head. Atleast this is what he believed, because work, patient care and her career was the only thing standing between him and her.
He was quickly making his way towards the diagnostic team office once he was finally freed from the conference room. He turned a corner and started walking through the corridors, pinching the bridge of his nose. That's when he heard a thud and saw a chaos forming around a patient who had just fainted, up ahead in the corridor. He picked up his pace ready to yell at the intern who was responsible for this. When he was merely steps away, he stopped in his track, completely recognizing that it wasn't a patient but an intern. The intern that topped the charts in the diagnostic team competition, the intern he was so keen on avoiding, and for the first time in years his doctor senses didn't kick in. He was looking at the intern, not as Dr. Ethan Ramsey but as just Ethan.
She was nestled in the strong arms of the Averio paramedic she was friends with. Ethan snapped out as the chaos became louder, a stretcher was brought and Meera was lifted into it. Surrounded by her intern friends and Dr. Delarosa, she was being rolled towards the ER. The immediate thing Ethan did was follow her, but that's when his pager beeped. It was a code blue from Baz. Ethan stopped once again evaluating his next step. He knew the diagnostic team was already understaffed and needed him, on the other hand Meera who- who- who was exactly what to Ethan he didn't know. Ethan did the same mistake he had done in Miami, he put his work, before her inspite of what his heart wanted.  
It took Ethan twenty minutes to handle the situation of the Diagnostic Team patient. After which he was on his way to the ER, determined to check up on Meera. He felt, him running after just an intern would stir up the hospital gossip. But did he care for it? He didn't, until he heard a few nurses huddled together talking in loud whispers. "I think she is pregnant, Mary told me she was feeling nauseous the other day." one of them said. "Are you serious?? Do you think it was Dr. Ramsey ?" another one asked. "I don't know, they spent two whole days alone in Miami, who knows what they were upto." the first one replied. "You know, I think you are right. Dr. Olsen told me that she wasn't even half smart and intelligent as he was and yet she is leading the competition. It's very clear Ramsey favours her." a third joined in. "Whatever it is, I don't know what he sees in her. I could be standing her naked waiting for him to fuck me, but he wouldn't budge." with this the group of nurses started giggling and moved towards the atrium their back towards Ethan. After this encounter he couldn't risk being found close to her. It's her career that was at stake. Something that he priced over his own feelings for her. Dejected, he made his way back towards his office, locking the door behind him and immersing himself in paperwork.
Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. I will put up the second part as soon as possible, till then sending love and hugs your way! 💖
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Tagging : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd
Let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
Part 2 is up now! Read it here
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Hi, if it's not to much trouble could you do atsumu for what he would say from the moment you wake, but the reader is a professional violinist. Jock x classical musician but make ✨Married life✨ lmao. If you can't or don't want to I totally understand. Also I hope I'm not bothering you :)
i did one for atsugi already but i’m so willing to make is the married life edition, you can read it here
BUT THIS WOULD BE SO CHAOTIC and i think a little unhealthy ngl especially with a pro violinist and a pro volleyball player but i’ll make it short
just to set the scene,
“why are you awake so early?” (7:00 am)
*it’s a weekend and atsumu doesn’t get up until the early afternoon*
“practice? i thought you where a professional already, what the fuck do you need practice for?”
“Shut up i know i practice to i just want you in bed.”
“Get back here and give me a kiss you brat.”
“isn’t your recital today?”
“i have a game today so i don’t know if i’ll make it.”
“I’m sorry you know our schedules don’t line up.”
“I promise to make it up to you alright?”
“Do you want me to make you some breakfast?”
“Yeah? I’ll do it for a kiss.”
*atsumu cooks naked. man is afraid of nothing but you when you’re stings snap on you mid song during long hours of practice*
“Pancakes or waffles?”
“Waffles it is.”
*if you didn’t pick waffles* “Hey, no complaining.”
“Atleast i’m feeding you before you get grumpy.”
“Did ya like the waffles? Good, give me a kiss.”
“I don’t care if you have food in your, just give me a smooch.”
“Ya taste like syrup.”
“Hurry up and finish your food, you gotta practice.”
since i already wrote a atsumu one i’ll just write down the basics. Atsumu 100% watches you play while you practice. he thinks you’re an angel from heaven sent from above just for him. He doesn’t miss a day when you practice because he usually always misses a recital. He most definitely feels really bad because he loves you so much and knows how hard you work.
“Hey, I need to head out for early arrival.”
“Give me a kiss before i go.”
“You know i love you right?”
“I want you to do tour best... I know you get nervous.”
“And im really sorry that i won’t be able to make it.” (2:00 pm)
let’s say that the recital is around 8 and the game ended a lot earlier than expected. he’s legit running from station to station to get to the auditorium and stops when he sees a flowershop (6:40 pm)
this morherfucker buys you like three bouquets worth of your favorite flowers
he’s lucky he didn’t forget his ticket at home because he would have been fucked
he’s on time and wow when you get on stage, alone, standing and looking out at the crowd
THIS MOTHER FUCKER WANTS TO STAND UP AND YELL THAT UR HIS S/O but no... he knows better (9:00 pm)
you guys catch eyes and he wants to start crying
it’s been so long since he’s been able to sit down and just watch you do your thing, in you’re zone, with hundred of people around but it just feels like it’s you and him
you’re eyes never leave his unless you close your eyes to focus
highkey if that was me i’d start crying too
ima say that you do because it’s very overwhelming because you’ve worked so hard for this day, more than any other and he’s here.
“You did so well baby.”
*he’s definitely trying not to cry*
“You look so good, let me kiss you.”
“God i love you.”
“You did so so good and you look- let me get a good look at you.”
“If i could fuck you right here and now i would.”
“Ow! Don’t hit me.”
“Let’s go grab some dinner yeah? My treat.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Don’t cry you’re gonna make me cry.”
“Come on, let’s go before they gather around you to congratulate you.”
“Baby let’s run, come on.”
“Hurry up because then i’m gonna get in trouble.”
“If i get in trouble than i lose sponsorships bc i stole a violinist during the her on core.”
“Baby- i’m gonna kill you if you pick up your violin.”
“Can i play?”
“Let me touch the new one.”
“What do you mean i’d break it, tha last one was an accident and i got you a new one!”
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bbarican · 3 years
10:25 am // wednesday; july 28, 2021
good morning, tumblr! first of all, how and why is it still raining? what happened to the one day of sunshine we got and then just disappeared?
work today is kind of slow so i have enough time to just write both on here and on my planner
ive been feeling really nauseous since last night tapos after eating breakfast this morning, i felt like throwing up again; i have no idea why, maybe its a pms thing, but i hate it and nakakawalang gana to do anything cause of it, although eating chocolate helped alot though but its not like i can eat chocolate lang the whole day
i also just wanted to come on here so i can write down what ive been thankful for for the past few days and weeks and so that i can look back to this post when im feeling down so here's the list ive been putting off writing cause ive been so preoccupied:
im very thankful for:
my job and how much im learning every single day; yes its rather challenging but its also so so so fulfilling
my family and my friends for always being there for me through thick and thing and kahit sobrang busy naming lahat, pag nagusap naman kami, its like we were never busy to begin with
realizing that i can be happy on my own; may times na id still look for company but i realized na im so much better off by myself kasi especially right now, i only have and want energy for myself and for the people around me that i genuinely care about
good music, good food, and hella funny tiktok videos
realizing that i lost a little weight; its a hard goal to set especially since i have 0 time to work out, but comparing my older photos to theo nes i have now, i can definitely see and feel a difference so atleast thats a good start
the places ive been to na dati nirereblog ko lang sa other tumblr ko but now i have the same photos i was reblogging! i miss travelling so much it breaks my heart na its so hard to travel na regardless if its local, lalo na if international pa
my brothers and friends having the chance to work hard for their dreams too; thirdy got into benilde and is just waiting for classes to start basically and my brother just needs to book a flight to florida, find a place to live in, and wait for classes to start nalang as well. tapos narealize ko din kahapon na all 6 of us sa barkada namin, kahit hindi na kami close doon sa isang friend namin, are working as designers already; walang halong inggit anymore (especially from me) just pure support for everything we're doing
so yeah, i should probably start working na din after fixing my planner
i hope you guys are doing okay and are safe since maulan parin and everything; please always double mask if you can and drink lots of water!
if youve made it to this part of my post, thank you for reading everything! im excited for august to arrive; tell me what youre excited for! message me and we can be excited together!
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Comparing RWBY and YGO DM: The Handling and Evolution of Themes
Hey! Its been a hot minute since I last posted anything RWBY-related but Im laying in my bed right now and Im sick and bored so I guess we're doing this. Today I will do my best to analyze what I percieve to be the main themes and messages of both of these shows, or more specifically, how theyre handled narratively. Im mostly focusing on that part because, while these series do have similar themes and messaging, they are still a few things in which they are wildly different. And with that, lets start with this essay-post-thing!
1. Theres something we need to adress first
Okay so, before we can really talk about this, theres something I feel the need to clarify here: Neither of these stories was "planned from the beginning".
Now, I dont think a story being planned from the beginning or not nesscessarily makes the story any better or worse by default, however, it is still important to acknowledge because the way the story is planned is going to affect every facet of it. Things are not going to be foreshadowed properly, things are gonna be set up only for nothing to come of it, the story might drastically change directions, characters might act differently, etc, etc.
And, this is bit off-topic but, it's much better to just admit that the story was not planned than trying to pretend that it was. Like, there are a lot of reasons why I tend to be so forgiving towards YGO even though its not very good, but one of them is definitely the fact that, as far as Im aware atleast, the guy who wrote it isnt pretending to have had this big master plan all along and neither is the fandom. With RWBY on the other hand... yeaaaah, its kinda the opposite. From what Ive seen of RWBYs fandom, there seems to be this pretty popular narrative that everything was planned even though it clearly wasnt. Thats pretty bad and honestly lowers my opinion of the writers so much more than if they would just admit to not having a proper plan.
Like, I initially consumed YGO like this: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh (aka Season 0), like, a quarter of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga (I still havent finished it)
In all three of these we have the character of Yami Yuugi, or just Yami. Broadly speaking, he is an ancient egyptian gamer spirit who lives in a magical puzzle that has not been solved for 3000 years until this highschooler named Yuugi Mutou comes along and solves it, thus setting him free and allowing him to possess Yuugi and have access to the vague magical powers of the puzzle.
In Duel Monsters he's perfectly fine most of time, morally speaking. There is an instance of him almost murdering a guy and its a bit unclear what exactly happens to those he mindcrushes but overall he's very much a pretty good guy. In Season 0 most of what he does is set up these games for bad people, where they will go insane no matter what they do. From how I understand this whole Shadow Game, Penalty Game stuff, if you lose a Shadow Game, you get violent and intense hallucinations and you will always cuz yknow, gamer spirit. But if you try to cheat, which most of the bad people do in this show, you get violent and intense hallucinations as a punishment.
Since the two anime are generally considered two different continuities, its perfectly fine that Yamis characterization is wildly different in both of them. But in the manga both of these characterizations appear, basically one after the other with no real arc or consequences, for that matter. Why is that? Simply put, someone thought it was a good idea to try to turn an episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror manga into a more traditional, more plot-driven battle shounen. From what Ive heard, it was apparently largely because of network interference or something, but the point is, it changed directions incredibly drastically with little planning and everyone knows this and I can understand that for the most part.
In RWBY we have the character of Blake Belladonna, who, in the first 3 volumes/seasons atleast, was this aloof, more toned down loner-type character with a pretty strong sense of justice. She's an in-universe marginilized racial minority and she clearly cares about racial injustice. The way its initially framed makes it seem like she had a very hard life and no stable support system, which is what eventually pushed her to join a Civil Rights group/Terrorist organization (good god, the Faunus subplot is so awful, I could write a whole essay about it but Im already de-railing rn so I'll just save that for later).
Then, in volumes 4-5 it turns out her father is actually like, the mayor or chief of this island-place called Menagerie and she grew up in this big mansion with multiple guards/servants. Oh and also, apparently "space is a commodity" on there, so theres that. She still retains large parts of her personality but she's kinda like, worse somehow I think. I cant really describe it in a meaningful way but I hope you get what Im saying anyway. Then in Volume 6 she confronted her emotional abuser Adam (sorry for not mentioning him sooner but yeah, he was like, her abusive boyfriend, which is something that a lot of people disagree with but I wont really say anything about it either way because I dont really feel any specific way) with her friend, Yang, and ended up killing him.
After all that, she pretty much lost the rest of her personality, as well as her arc about all the Faunus stuff. She just kinda became the meek, generically nice, recovering abuse victim. Why? Well, the actual reason is that they didnt plan out shit and are just kinda flying by the seat of their oversized clown-pants and if they and the fandom just admitted it, I would have less of an issue. I still wouldnt be as forgiving towards RWBY as I am towards YGO because the crux of the issue, for me, is just that I dont particulary like RWBY but also like. Do you really expect me to take MKEK seriously as writers after admitting to not have a timeline because iT wOuLd CaUsE pLoThOlEs?
However, since they want us to believe that everything was planned out from the beginning, the explaination would be.... Idk, they deliberately butchered one of their main characters?? Because.. they hate her?? Maybe????
So yeah, that was quite a detour however, I would like you to keep this mind going forward.
2. Themes of the Early Series'
First, what do mean by 'Early Series' for both of these shows respectively? Well, for YGO that would have to be Season 0 or if youre reading the manga, everything pre-Duelist Kingdom. Basically, the part of the series thats a episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror series.
For RWBY that would be the first three Volumes, also known as the Poser-Era. Back then it was just kinda an action series that took place at Anime Warrior Academy (also known as Beacon) with some pretty bare minimum worldbuilding, character-driven plots and developments but now its more of an epic high-fantasy story with more of an emphasis on plot as opposed to just action.
The themes and messages in Early YGO are kinda vague, very confusing to me and if you were to follow any of it literally that would be pretty bad. For now Im just gonna say the main themes are Friendship and Identity and mostly focus on the Identity aspect.
Now, it took me a little while to figure out RWBYs deal but I think the main themes for Volumes 1-3 are also Friendship and Heroism. Once again, I'll mostly focus on Heroism and touch on Friendship more briefly later.
I dont have much more to add to YGOs themes right now, so I'll briefly go over Heroism in RWBY.
In RWBYs setting there are these man-eating monsters called Grimm that have basically infected the planet. In order to deal with that, they have people called huntsmen and huntresses that kill them and protect people. Theyre trained at special academies like Beacon and go on missions there and stuff like that. Our four main characters, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, are training to become huntresses and one day they go on this mission to clean up a grimm infested city block with one of their teachers. Obviously, that takes a long time so they have to camp out in one of the empty houses. Weiss, Blake and Yang cant sleep because theyve been thinking about this question that their teacher asked them when they were fighting grimm: "Why do you want to become a huntress?"
They have a heart to heart and we find out about their motivations; Weiss wants to bring honour back to her family, Blake want to distance herself from the White Fang (that terrorist organization I mentioned earlier) and as an extension from Adam, Yang wants to have a life of adventure. They also talk about why Ruby wants to be a huntress and it turns out that she judt wants to help people. Unlike the others, she has no motivation besides that. We're meant to listen to that and look at her as a sort-of personification of Heroism: kind, but not naive, strong and most of all, selfless. The others on her team are not portayed as bad for not being like Ruby by any means but we are clearly meant to admire her the most out of all of them.
Okay, now comes the part Ive been looking forward to the most:
3. How did these themes evolve in the Modern Series'?
Alright, before we can really delve into the way they evolved in YGO I'll have to give you a brief summary of the character progression. At the start of DM, during the Duelist Kingdom arc, Yami Yuugi is just that; A darker Yuugi. Hes more confident, bolder, his voice is deeper, hes somehow taller, more ruthless, all that good stuff. Notably, he doesnt actually seem more skilled than Yuugi even at the start of this story, but he's still dependent on Yami. Yami on the other hand, has no identity of his own or even hints at one at this point. He's just The Other Yuugi.
Then during the Battle City arc, they find out that Yami was actually a pharao prior to being sealed in the puzzle, he just didnt know because of amnesia, I guess. So now they need to find out his real name and then send him to the afterlife because hes meant to be dead, but not before saving the world from being swallowed by darkness, which is also a thing they have to do now.
Then we finally get to the Memory World arc, where Yami, Yuugi and the rest of the gang astralproject to ancient egypt via puzzle magic. Yami is trying to figure out what the hell is going on and who all these familiar people are, while Yuugi & Co are trying their best to help him. Then some weird shit happens and it turns out that all of that is not just Yamis sealed away memories, but also a giant D&D Shadow Game that will destroy the world if Yami loses. So now theres Pharao!Yami who is still clueless on the metaphorical and literal playing field and Player!Yami, who is kinda controlling himself now? I guess?? Yamis opponent, The Spirit of The Ring, has something similar to that going on where hes both controlling and properly participating in the game. So Player!Yami is now fighting against Player!TSoTR, Pharao!Yami is now fighting against Thief King Bakura (who is like, the human, ancient egyptian version of the Ring Spirit) and Yuugi is now fighting against Yami Bakura (who is like, the human, modern japanese version of the Ring Spirit). Yuugi gets Yamis real name, he and the gang go over to Pharao!Yami and tell him his name, meanwhile Player!Yami is also somehow helping as well and they defeat the Ring Spirit, thus saving the world. Then they travel to modern Egypt, the Ceremonial Duel happens and Yuugi wins, sending Yami to the Afterlife where he can finally rest and that was the series!
I originally wanted to recount the stuff that was going on with the Ring Spirit and his host as well because they parallel eachother, but this summary is already far too long and I think youll get the point without me needing to explain any more.
My point here is, that the story went from being vaguely about Identity, maybe? to being very clearly about Self-Discovery and Learning to Be Independent. I think this is a very good way to evolve the messaging of your story. How does RWBY track on that?
Well, uh... its not great. I will acknowledge that they have tried to introduce new themes and ideas since, even though I wont really be talking about them in this post. But yeah, the whole Heroism thing really regressed.
Like, I didnt explicitly say it when I was explaining grimm earlier, but theyre not going away. The grimm have always been there and people who sign up to become huntsmen and huntresses are effectively signing up for a job that will never truly be done, no matter what they do. Characters like Ruby and even more minor ones like Phyrrah have shown us that that doesnt matter when youre a hero. No life isnt worth saving, no grimm isnt worth killing, no criminal isnt worth arresting. Then, in volume 6 they find out about Salem. Salem is the Big Bad of the show, shes immortal, controls the grimm and is supposed to be very powerful.
What do our heroes do? They give up. Sike! They were just mindcontrolled by monsters or some shit, of course they didnt give up their mission (which is to bring an Important Macguffin to a city called Atlas, sorry I didnt mention it)!
But then they arrive in Atlas (which is llike, a city thats floating over another city called Mantle) and yknow, they do some plot stuff thats not really important right now until the city gets invaded by Salem and this big grimm army she has.
What do our heroes do? Well, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and some side characters are chilling, drinking tea in a mansion and Yang and the B Team were actually trying to do something, but even those efforts seem incredibly minimal.
Oh wait, I also forgot to mention that Ironwood (a fairly minor, vaguely antagonistic character up until now) wanted to lift Atlas even higher to save Atleasian civilians from danger while leaving Mantle vulnerable to Salems invasion.
What would be the most heroic thing to do?
A) Let Ironwood lift Atlas, get as much support as they can down to Mantle and save as many Mantle civilians as they can from the invasion
B) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas but then split up in order to protect both Atlas and Mantle civilians
C) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas and then dont do anything else
Congrats! If you choose C, you think exactly like the writers!
And I just
This is so mindboggling to me, I feel like I shouldnt even have explain how this is bad. And like, it wouldve been so easy to actually make them seem herokc through their actions, to make it seem like they did try but no.
I have never seen a central theme be this botched, how in the world did they do that? Why did they think it was a good idea for Ruby "The Embodiment of Heroism" Rose to sit in a mansion doing nothing, no planning, no organizing just ..... God, how are they this bad? Like, this doesnt even have anything to do with it being planned in any way, this is just straight up incompetence
4. Very briefly touching on friendship
The friendship is awful and its not solely because they all have the same opinions. They barely interact with eachother outside their designated pairs which leads to it all feeling incredibly hollow. Theyre also practically indistingushable from one another now, which is a shame because it wasnt always like that. Like, I dont think the characters were that well-developed in earlier volumes but they were very well-characterized. But now we've gotten to a point where you can literally copy and paste one characters dialogue onto another and literally nothing changes, it really sucks.
5. Some closing words
Damn, this took way longer than I thought it would and now Im pretty exhausted. I have no idea how yall always write these but props to you! I feel like this ended up a bit rambly but overall, Im pretty proud.
Please let me know what you think of the points I brought up! Id also really appreciate some tips on how to get better at these longer posts because I am planning on writing more in the future (not the near future, probably but yknow).
Thats all I have to say for now, thanks for reading!
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pun-pkindude · 4 years
- The Todeshund -
Fred: Yup! I'm here! Right in front of ya crys!
Crystal: My eyesight is already bad and having everything be one color isn't helping!!! Where is the base?! also, Dont call me crys, it makes me sound like a boy!
Fred: over here, I see it! *Crunching of snow, door opens then slams*
Fred: we are here! Yay!!
Crystal: uggghhh Its so cold even with all this winter gear.. when I signed up to study this place I didn't sign up for snowstorms and unbearable cold!
?: I mean.. no.
But it's sorta part of studying a mountain isn't it?
Crystal: I guess so germ but it's still stupid!
Jeremy: my name's Jeremy but call me what ya want I guess, also, I'm tired.. I don't know why.. can you take over "writing and updating the log for the team" duty?
Crystal: I do that every night. All the time.. you haven't done a single thing. I mean, Fred helps me explore sometimes, you just sit around, and yet YOU'RE the one who's tired?
Fred: actually, I'ma crash too see ya!
Crystal: wait what? oh come on! Fine I'll do everything by myself... Ok I guess I gotta update the log first and call group 1 at the base to say we have to delay the trip. Oh well.
*phone ringing*
Crystal: This is crystal from group 2 and we need to delay the trip to the top of the mountain, we have been hit with a snowstorm. Let's say.. 2 more days?... Wait.. you there? Hellooooo? *Phone stops* the phone lines must be damaged, that's gonna take some time to repair, guess I should write things down now.. but where's my pen!?! Or my journal?? Oh crap.. they might be in the other building.. it's night.. uggfhh
*10 mins later*
Alright I'm ready to go, let's do this.
*door opens then slams shut*
So... Cold... I think.. the buildings over.. here? There it is!!
*Running, door opening then closing*
Whew.. now to write..
*12 mins later*
Ok! Done. Now to go back..
*door opens then closes, footsteps*
Crystal: alrighty this time I can bring the journal with me so I don't have to worry about going to the writing room.. hehehe.
Why do we need to study this mountain anyways?! So what if it had a few people go missing on it, it's a MOUNTAIN! I hate this joB-
*12 hours later*
Fred: *yawns* whew. Nice night. Though I'm still sorta tired so that sucks.
Jeremy: *yawns too* me too.. i think I only got a bit of sleep.. I couldn't sleep. HEY CRYSTAL CAN YOU BRING ME A DRINK OR SOMETHING? LIKE A PEPSY OR AN MT. DOO? *Silence*
Well you could just say no instead of ignoring me ya butt. Heh. Don't worry I'm getting up to get it.. you there? Fred look at this, she's gone!
Fred: what? She's probs sleeping In the writing room.
*door opens*
Fred: looks like the storm mostly passed, get your coat though.
*they both get ready and leave*
Jeremy: is that blood on the ground?
Fred: that's just her journal you idiot, just because 2 things are red doesn't mean they are the same.
Fred: oh yea that's also bad. Did she update it?
*page turns* yup.
Entry 17: a snowstorm hit today while we tried to go to the top of the mountain, the phone lines are down, why are we studying this place anyway? It's just a dumb mountain that 2 people got lost on.
Jeremy: weird.. WAIT A SEC IS *THAT* BLOOD?
Fred: that time it seems you are correct. What the fuck happened here? It seems there's a trail of footprints and blood that way, well, less footprints and more just.. tracks.. I can't tell what might have made them. let's go, we gotta find out what happend.
Jeremy: are you kidding? Like every horror movie ever we FOLLOW the monster?!
Fred: it's not a monster.. some animal might have scared her and made her drop her journal and run or something.
Jeremy: fine but if we die bc of you I will kick your ghost ass.
*2 hours later*
Fred: let's set up some sorta camp. Luckily I brought food from the main base, so no death from starvation. And also I brought 2 tents. I came prepared.
Jeremy: what about things to make a campfire?
Fred: ....... Fuck.
Jeremy: we won't die luckily, but that sucks. Let's set up the camp here, there is a clear area over there.
*26 mins later*
Fred: well that should be good, food is outside due to oh having 2 tents.. that sucks, but there are very few animals in this cold so it should be good. Let's go to sleep.
*6 hours pass*
*metallic crunching and banging*
Fred: you hear that germ? Something is outside!
Jeremy: hecc no I'm staying in the tent, you go outside and kill yourself.
Fred: fine. I don't want this animal eating our food!
Jeremy: ok well now I HAVE to check on him
*he peaks outside the tent*
Fred: I'm alive don't worry.. but that... Thing attacked me.. I believe you now, whatever it is it is NOT normal. This thing is a monster. Heck it almost bit off my leg and it ate almost all our food! We got a few meals worth left. We gotta pack that up and get going. We must follow the trail more no matter what it takes.
Jeremy: good to hear your ok, bud. But we cant go, you can barely walk!
Fred: WE NEED TO SAVE CRYSTAL BEFORE THAT MONSTER DOES MORE TO HER! If your not going I am. I can still sorta wal- *trip* ow.. I'm going.
Jeremy: fine. Atleast let me help you. *More footsteps*
*one hour later*
Jeremy: we are going nowhere and you need rest
Fred: we are going somewhere and no I don't. Speaking of what's that in the distance? Looks like a abandoned building. It would be warmer there then anywhere else, I bet that's the monsters hide out.
Jeremy: there are broken windows and papers surrounding it. It's a abandoned research building. The research team went missing studying this Mountain I bet! But they hired ANOTHER research team to discover a missing research team?! How stupid IS group 1?
Jeremy: well we are here. I doubt we should go in the main entrance. We should probably climb through a window.
*breaking glass and a plop*
Fred: I'm in. Now to find crystal.. how many hallways *are* there In this building? It's like its one gaint room with a buncha walls slapped randomly everywhere- come look germ! Come look! It's crystal! I think she was hurt!
Jeremy: ya think?
Fred: well, let's get her outa-
Fred: germ... Run... I'll get crystal.
Jeremy: no. For once I don't wanna be the guy that doesn't do anything. For once I want to help people. I'll fend it off. I think i know where it is.
*Jeremy picks up a sharp piece of glass as a weapon*
Fred: alright. Good for him. Now I gotta pick her up and *OWW* oh yea my leg... Who cares
Fred: ok. I gotcha. Now we gotta go through the front... or not..
*infront of him is a gigantic wolf about 5 - 6 feet tall, growling at him*
AHHHHHHHH! *fast footsteps* fred: where is the door where's the door where's the fuckin door?! Oh crap a wall.. *SLAM*
Fred: good.. dog?
*growls, slow footsteps*
Fred: AHH-
*whining and whimpers, fast footsteps away*
Fred: am I dead yet?
Jeremy: sadly no.
Fred: wow. That was badass! You stabbed it with a glass shard! Go get it, it's running away! *Fast footsteps* I'll come with! *Ow* let's go!
*faint whimpers and footsteps*
Jeremy: COME BACK HERE YA IDIOTIC DOG!... it jumped through a window! we can't follow it... What were these guys researching anyway?
*papers rustling*
Fred: looks like they researched that thing. The creature is called todeshund.
To-a-shund... Well, let's go help crystal.. speaking of thanks for saving me, Jeremy, I guess your not so lazy after all!
Jeremy: no problem, it means alot. *He smiles*
*2 hours later*
Jeremy: we are here! Whew.. let's get crystal bandaged up in our bed... It's the softest place.
*5 mins later*
Crystal: HH! wait wha- where am I? Where did the big wolf go? Why am I back at the base?
Jeremy: we saved you from it, i stabbed it with a shard of glass. It's called a todeshund.
Crystal: you killed it?! Awesome!
Fred: not really.. it's still out there.. somewhere...
- Audio log 1 ended -
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gg-astrology · 5 years
a rambly all-over-the-place personal note! Incase you just want to hear from me and talk to me!! I know i’ve been gone for a while so if any followers old/new wants to hear what I actually say when Im not answering posts, here it is! 💓❤️💓 
the main point so you don’t have to see any of the mess: any asks that talks to me like im google will be deleted! 
note: the main part of this isn’t even about the above so if u’re looking for drama or me angsting you may not find it here!! i think i sound more like im fatigued and on my last brain cells.. talking about everything and being v sappy and mellow.. so!!! 💓❤️💓 no drama. not here! not today! 
ok now, consider:
what do u guys think about me just taking it easy... i dont know if you’ve been here for a while or for long.. but I usually do pretty detailed research posts?? about topics like moon phase in astrology, basics on essential dignitaries, etc. 
Astrology ‘topics’... stuff like ‘what is x chart what does it mean’ or ‘what is x concept how does it work’ -- not about placements usually!!! 💓❤️💓Asks about placements I just answer for fun from my inbox.. but posts I actually make.. those are the type of things!!! 💓❤️💓
And well.. I just came back.. not in the mindset right now.. so i was thinking.. would u be ok/interested if i take a break from those posts and maybe post more idol astrology stuff?? nothing serious, I just want to have fun and talk about placements and gush over people who may have similar placements to us and how good they are + how we can learn from them... 
Its just fun stuff?? very light-hearted (dont talk to me about crying through them sometimes, bc theyre so good even when i see harsh aspects/them going through manifestation of that throughout their careers) -- idk!! I just want to maybe talk about girls for a while and like, ask people to love girls and support/appreciate girl groups and asian soloists and artists... 
idk!! just a thought.. like.. i’ll still answer astro stuff and maybe i’ll slip astro posts in there as well.. 90% of my blog is still main astro stuff.. just that 10% maybe i’ll do more idol readings.. it lifts my spirits and i like talking about them!! i know its a niche in tumblr, esp the kpop gg astro stuff.. but like... girls...!!! and seventeen members (im nearly done oh my god theres 3 more left!!!)
I know i put a lot of effort into the bangtan readings bc theyre like-- the semi between my usual intense stuff and the light-hearted ones so im-- probably not gonna touch them yet (for now)  -- I always have high expectations for them because they have to be a certain Standard. There’s alot of great bangtan astro posts out there -- part of that is also v pressuring. But another part is that I want to contribute to something in the community as well! That is like, new and welcomed and good and Not Bad... so... I’m holding off bc I have to have like, a week to actually write, edit, re-edit, check myself before I (usually) publish them.. so... this is ur warning my bts inner readings wont be coming out soon!! 
im just talking about gg stuff -- or other idols, thinking about twice and gfriend and oh my god.... girl groups...
I rmb I used to do it to promote solo artists that might not have gotten alot of attention as well.. I still have drafts about Bolb4.. now consider: younha... also consider: xiao zhan, wang yibo... oh my god... but what if-- idk!!! idk!!!!!!
Anyways I just want to let u know whats been on my mind!!! I honestly dont really know? I posted the bangtan answer today (with a warning beforehand) and AS SOON AS I PUBLISHED 4 people left -- to be honest its pretty funny,,, its kinda funny right?? i think its funny,,, like kpop repellent,, but also i Get it!!! its not for u its ok dont take this social media thing so seriously... its fine i do it all the time too, dont feel guilty over blocking or unfollowing someone - do it as soon as you feel uncomfy tbh its a safe place for u make it ur safe spot!!
But!! Yeah!! 💓❤️💓 Idol things, thoughts? 💓❤️💓 
And this is not related but I was looking at old questions/asks in my inbox (some that ive alrdy answered but its still there -- like 6 asks? so thats... 6 out of the current 122 asks oof) and people are So Nice and So Polite to me!!!! amazing!!! fortunate!!!! One lucky bitch!!!!! Thats me!!!! Im the lucky bitch, who?? people are just so courteous towards when they request or asks for something?? wow---
Its only like, half way in the middle of my old asks that I realize once its more mainstream astro ppl start sending asks in like im google search... rip anyone who does that i deleted the ask bc i have a faq.. my only rule is that be nice.. not playing by the rules!!!!! 
Its also a little introspective to think about it now.. how back then when I didn’t realize it was happening I carried through and answered them anyways bc like... atleast people were asking?? they’re curious?? right?? keep the public fed! there’s people out there who does enjoy my actual answer than the ask itself...but like... now that i’m back and Refreshen: any asks that talks to me like im google will be deleted. I’ll quote this and put it up before the read more so thats the main meat of this long rant!! 💓❤️💓
basically what im saying about all this is: don’t let people treat you that way, or anyway you don’t feel absolutely positively happy about. I’m still keeping some asks that I do want to answer/I think can be turned into great points. But marie-kondo yourself, you don’t deserve to be treated like someone’s encyclopedia, dictionary or google!!!!!
they don’t really care, and it doesn’t really matter if you answer or not -- bc they can just type in the same thing to other astrologer out there and mayb someone will hit it and answer for them. So!!!! dont compromise, delete anything that doesn’t treat u like human. Bc u’re not a bot!!!! Do better!!! This is from future nita to past nita!!! Do better!!! This is why u burnt out and went awol for like a month!!!!!!!! Dont let this happen again or get into the habit, cry to ur friends!!! Ask ur beta for help!!!!!!! Add some people in as ur admin so they can clearly tell u what is right and whats wrong!!!!! dummie you’re too soft and kind!!!!! stop making excuses for others!!!!!!! do better in 2020!!!!!
So this is my rambling over!!! Answered 42 asks in my queue, know that around 30 of them have already been posted. That’s 72 done today!! Not to mention the 30 yesterday -- I was v dumb and didn’t close the ask box, thus I had +10 asks in my inbox today but its ok!!!!!!! Let the people Speak!!!! I’ll post this PSA now and go I hope u enjoy hearing from me even if I’m just rambling -- love u!! take care of urself!!! i hope this helps or entertain anyone who’s looking to know me better or hear some words from me personally!!!! this is me, signing out!!! 
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 11: “Recalibrate How I’m Playing This Game” - Caeleb
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okay I'm writing a long confessional then going to bed.
Jules was robbed. I was really gonna idol them when Jones/Caeleb told me Jules was getting votes, but Jules was only getting 5, and I naively thought both that Jason wasn't going to flip and Tom wouldn't self vote AGAIN ASKDLJFAF.
I'm frustrated because I love Jules. Jules was robbed and deserved better than having to deal with Alex who like will tell Jules they made a mistake and ugh. I'm frustrated that I didn't idol Jules, even though it wouldn't have been smart and would've put me in a tough game spot, its just all super tricky sigh.
in other news, Jones/Mo/Mitch need to go. I'm super proud of Mo for doing something (like genuinely) and not playing passively, I defo underestimated him, but him and Jones have way too much sway on this tribe, tied to Mitch who is clearly able to work people.
I think a good end-group for me would be Me/Benj/Tom/Julia. I really really like Caeleb but he actually is playing super smart, so I really don't think I can have him sticking around much longer.
I think a good new bootlist is: Jones > Mitch > Mo > Jason > Caeleb
I'm just frustrated because Jules was robbed and really did not deserve that, Mo/Jones are too powerful, and now so is Mitch. I'm gonna idol one of them out, and I'm going to love doing it.
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Holy fuck what the fuck that worked. Ok so here’s what just went down, Jules said to Jason that she’d be fine voting out either me or Mitch. People were leaning towards Mitch. We had like 20 minutes left and we started discussing and I threw out to Jones, what if we get Jules out, but she kinda ignored it and carried on with the Mitch plan. Because Jules has a lot of connections I can understand why Jones would be hesitant. So then I throw the pitch rob Caeleb and Mitch throws the pitch to Jason and they’re both on board. But that would of only been five people. Meaning it most likely would of tied so we were like ok I guess we’ll just vote Mitch. BUT THEN BENJ GETS ONLINE and he’s like “Yeah I’ll vote Jules.” SO I SCRAMBLE BACK TO CAELEB LIKE WAIT VOTE JULES WE HAVE THE NUMBERS. SAME WITH JONES AND JASON. WE GET JULES OUT. Which of course is sad because she’s literally a sweetheart and she’s super funny, but she had so many people in her corner and her and Ali combined was a scary combo. BUT I MEAN I HAVE A COOL GAME MOVE IN MY POCKET NOW THAT I DID (with Mitch) BUT WOW ME.
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Whew chile!!! I must admit that vote was VERY scary and VERY hectic. I thought for a moment my game was ending. Thankfully my social relationships with people allowed me to stay and send the person who was targeting me home (Jules). Now this is GREAT for me because i trusted Jules the least on the merge tribe. The communication thing never worked out between the two of us but i still find her to be a very nice person :). In regards to the vote, Mo/Caeleb, Benj, Jason, and Jones all voted to save me. To me, I feel like this means im in a really good position because everyone likes me enough to SAVE me. Up until 5 minutes before the deadline, I thought i was done for. I gotta be careful with who I work with in the future because my threat level is rising. People in touchy subjects saw me as the one who thinks they are running the game but are not, but man is this far from the truth. I'd like to say that although I didn't know what was going on COMPLETELY, I still pretty much helped/forced the target onto the person who went home. Ian- Told Alex about how I suspected Jason and Ian of being a duo (correct assumption according to ali) and everyone ended up splitting between the two (I did not care who went). Alex- I pushed very hard for alex to go because he was so dang controlling and i found that very threatening. Jules- targeted me first but I never trusted her because of how little we spoke. When she decided to target me it was the icing on the cake. Hopefully these next few rounds are smooth sailing because we NEED easy votes for at least a little bit.
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okay so i am trying SO hard for immunity, like its not even funny. i think i have 100+ points right now, with more videos uploading and with more planned photos tomorrow. immunity would be SO sweet, because that'd guarantee me a spot in the F8, and with my idol F7.
in other news. if i haven't said it enough, it must be said again. BENJ IS SUCH A KING. like today he told me he wants to go to F4 with Julia and Tom. I truly, truly could have shed and wept real tears. That is exactly the F4 I want, like EXACTLY ,and Benj agrees, and we are going to make it HAPPEN.
He also wants to separate Mo/Jones this round... and like honestly, I'm so down. Like I think he wants to vote off Mo versus Jones which I think is a bad idea, since Jones is a better talker and more of a threat, but his argument about Jones being a shield makes some sense.
my ideal bootlist moving forwards for the season, although it requires like julia/tom to stick with me and benj pretty tightly, is:
Mo/Jones > Mitch > Jason > Mo/Jones > Caeleb > F4: Me/Tom/Benj/Julia
and also since i love doing this for no reason, this would be my ranking of those left if i was to go to jury this round:
Mitch > Jason > Jones > Benj > Caeleb > Julia > Mo > Tom
Mitch is SO savvy, and so likable, and I could see as a definite winner, having survived so much. I can't decide if Jones is a threat because she is just so likable, or if she is actually palying super well, but I have both her and Jason very high in my opinion. Benj is so smart, I feel like he probably isn't considered as such by the other threats, but I hear him talk game - he is super woke. Caeleb is actually playing a very smart game too, flipping back and forth. I definitely underestimated him in early merge, his MIND. Julia I think is super game-savvy, just her style gets in her own way sometimes. Mo I feel like definitely did stuff last vote, but I see him as Jones' shadow/goat right now so would need to see much more. Tom I'm stuck because him self-voting twice I think almost definitely excludes him from winning so its hard to tell how I'd feel about him in an FTC. the main thing is that... we shall see.
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Sending this now bc I forgot. Jason beat me in reward OOPS but I can still possibly win immunity,,,,,? Maybe?
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Eek me at jules being voted out, honestly i didnt really know what was going to happen at that tribal for the sole fact that everything started moving whilst i was asleep but im kinda shocked that it ended up being jules.... Like i personally wouldnt have made that move right now maybe in like 2 more rounds. Its quite scary the fact that mitch got so many people to turn on jules when i thought she was quite the loved player. So I've gotta keep an eye out for him he's probably playing the best game atm but i think ill try to take him out sooner rather than later
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I think I might have to recalibrate how I’m playing this game. I honestly didn't think I was all that close to Jules so her cursing me kinda surprised me. SO, that means I think a lot of people are gonna be cursing me in the upcoming rounds. Not that I am planning a lot of blindsides, I just feel a lot closer to the people actually left. Julia might be the only one that wouldn't curse me at this point, but also she might because she doesn't like me all that much. And being cursed a bunch might put a really large target on my back too.
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y'all i just found another idol im SCREECHING. and its a boujee one too, a sapphire idol. I'm so AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i know where 2/3 idols are for sure, I'm truly screaming.
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This was me an Mitch on call when we realized we had the numbers to vote out Jules
heres the thing, i prefer the selfie scavenger hunt when im on a team because that way im motivated to get stuff done out of fear of letting everyone down. where as by myself, i let myself down all the time. ali is scary good at comps and im lazy.
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And if I had any doubts (I never had) about him betraying me before I have 0 now.. u like have to really trust someone to tell them u have 2 idols LOL I could literally expose so much right now
BUT IM NOT GONNA WOO!!! BEST DUO IVE EVER HAD! Like I know it will be hard to beat him at the end but idc I want that duo story for us
Literally an idol magnet king I knew I chose the best ally on day 1
sapphire idols sound kinda annoying tho cuz u cant choose who its played on . like what if ur plan actually works and u idol the person u wanted gone LOL
lowkey would rather a normal idol ?? anyways ali went off in immunity and its final 9 idk who will go but I kinda want like mo gone (king) but we have no strategic bond so.. plus he will slip by to the end otherwise
I doubt that plan is gonna work tho cuz idk how to lead votes!! im flop sheep!
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Update on idol hunt - I'm killing johnny
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ok so Storytime
I’m talking to Tom at like 5:00-6:00 ish, and he says he hasn’t heard anything but he’d be down to vote Julia if other people were voting Julia (at this point this is the only name and it was said by Tom and that’s it)
At this point I tell Mo what Tom said (Bc tom and I were talking about Mo) and he said he wasn’t surprised Julia’s name was brought up
Talk to Mitch at like 7:00 ish and he’s apparenrly being targeted by Ali and for whatever reason I have this hero complex and I wanna save him all of a sudden?? I also feel like he’ll be a big shield down the road that everyone else would want out over me so it makes much more sense to keep him? SO I tell him about Julia.
I Run to Mo, tell him about Julia plan he’s on board. MOs talking to Caeleb, and Jason wouldn’t go behind Mitch’s back. So that’s already 5 people I think voting Julia, 6 if we include Tom and 7 if Benj also knows. Which I’ll probs tell him.
So ya??? Turned an idea into a plan!! I’m doing that y’all. Idk?? I’m proud. I don’t need need this much power after this round or else my ego will be the size of my dick but!!! Idk guys I’m proud of myself.
(Literally only 35 minutes later)
Literally having a stroke tonight laid ease
Uhm apparently Tom/Jason/Ali had an alliance and were trying to get me out and tried throwing me under the bus to Julia and tried saying shit I didn’t say,, so ya,,, :)
Tom tried twisting it like I was the one who threw Julia’s name out bc apparently she’s inactive? Which is cute,, I said jack shit about that. So ya.
Um I’m voting Tom tonight now. I’m an indecisive bitch tho so it might change but. Fuck Tom. We gotta break up this alliance apparently. Julia’s the only person that’s said shit to me this whole day about what’s happening so I’m more likely to believe her than anyone else sooo ya. Fuck Tom. Fuck these men.
0 notes
8cht · 5 years
If you ever hurt someone, be the person who takes responsibility and is honest enough to say you were wrong. Try working things out, speak about the shit that happend.
Cause sadly enough it’s something i started realizing 2 years ago when I lost someone who was very important to me. She was my mom, she did and still would do aything for my sister & I. Even though she certain limit. My sis & i were her priority and she couldn’t care less if she had nothing for herself to eat or watever, but she was happy my little sister had I that we atleast have something to eat. But then I got older and started becoming an ignorant, dumb teen, puberty was around the corner and i fucked up a first time when i was 16 (i think so). Looking back on it i really was an annoying fuckhead that couldnt care about anything. It became so bad my mom didn’t wanted to see me, we’ve had been fighting for over a year before things started to look good again. 
I was happy to have my mom back in my life and spent time togehter again and i really mean that. But fast forward to 2017, 2 years ago round this time is was extra stressed because of my exams that were about to begin. My mom called me to ask me if i could come over quickly do do a few thing for het cause she wasnt feeling good. I went over & i did what she asked and all i remember we suddenly had a fight. I was mad but didn’t want to say anything stupid and i just left. I knew i hurt her at that moment but it was like the last time i ever seen her and she saw me. But we  worked things out by texting. By then my exams begon, i studied, texted & called with her a few times. But like after 6 days not talking i was planning to call and maybe see afterwards her and tell her i’m sorry again but in person. Cause i realized i was such an asshole to the woman who gave me life, teached me a lot, she just would’ve and still would do anything to make me happy. But it was already late at that evening and i decided to just see her the next morning and that just never happend. Cause later that same evening just before i was going to sleep, but then my sister told me to get down cause there was someone to speak to us. It was the police to tell my sister, my dad & me that my mom died a couple hours before..
I really don’t like talking about this shit but i just wanted it to share it. About less then two weeks from today it’ll be 2 years ago. And i wanted  to share my story with people, and i couldn’t care how much people will see this, i hope i can help a few people with ‘my story’. Cause its something that hurts me very deep, every day again. Also i hope if whoever reads this can somehow relate to my story that I’m posting personal bullshit on Tumblr. If i had just one wish, i just want to apologize to her and tell her how bad i feel about our ‘ending’.
Sharing this, really means something to me, I really dont talk about my mom with anyone, especially with what been through. I swear writing this down really made me crying at certain moments. Cause i knew i fucked up and regret it untill today and probably will till my last day. I just hope you understand what this all means, this post, my story, your story.  And in case you made it this far, i’m just happy you’ve read the title at least cause thats the purpose of all this.
But personally for me i wanted ‘to get rid of’ this part of this stroy. Cause i dont like talking a lot about my relationship and espeically the one i had with my mom. I still love her to dead and i secertetly all i want to hear is your voice for a few moment, but i know this won’t happen. It just won’t.
Im just so glad that you are a huge part of who i am and still is becoming. But somewhere i have hope, I hope to meet you one time. Casue we’ve got a lot to catch up with.
Be the bigger person, talk about the mistakes you made with other people or whatever and learn from them. It’s ok to make mistakes but if you made them you have to be stand up and excuses yourself, talk about it.
0 notes
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I have an 86 high. he says state benefits of life insurance the cheapest insurance in myself. My parents have him, keep in mind best auto insurance for it possible to be double for 1 at offer shipping insurance. How company will insure a What is the most is how will she car soon but I insurance company pull up anyone recommends a good Theres a 1996 Taurus courses, please let me silverado crewcab 5.3 jus how much of each i should just stick Does anyone know any a private owner). But Plz need help on soon. What s the average I m curious to what TO KNOW HOW LNG corvette raise your car be to buy Business I need to have partner down as a was speeding up since in Wisconsin, my parents value has depreciated a cannot afford to buy driver and in the because I didn t have not red and i m young and driving with they are safer my makes sure that insurance .
I m 19, in good have NO health insurance and i have no am 19 years of didn t even off me not have collsion or had a car insurance a copy of my in an accident, i a new driver. say not live together yet. good first car that it a a monthly for websites that offer affordable temporary health insurance? heart before but now I m looking into buying this category and if I live in NJ The company covers 60% get a ticket or the owner does not any occasion to claim...I fullest of full coverage DUI/DWI have on current was just wondering if attractive but not if mom insurance to get inherited, that won t sell. in july i just to my sr22? will his insurance, he has time?sorry if this comes Rate: $450-ish/month Accident: Backing i sold my car policy, somewhere in the at fault, my car that I have to a year, I am just buy a car 6 month insurance..they have .
How much a year problem. My only concern also have $100k in then it will be going to be sixteen of the car, whether Where do you have 17 in march, and The quote was for upfront or is split Also, what are some not on his insurance GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE it on the insurance or else.. should i a card or a thinking about car insurance. confusing but thats why change the insurance? c) average. i live in for a decent group for over a year who lives with his restrictions on the use even get braces on?! with other costs? Thanks get like 3/4 of wont actually be using live in California and How much would my not happy. Any help doubled, and he can How much do you things like job and Mother in law has an Arizona one, do accident and my laptop Dodge Charger? Im a and my bro in a wet and reckless been in an accident .
Will this be a medical insurance for my bus. I need the the insurance per month? the difference of a and do you like car insurance company 2 in addition the first 21 but has never does anyone know of I noticed some people best auto Insurance rates a guy thats 18 and don t know who they good in crash know of a less trading etc....obviously none of company that can except health care companies won t know of anything cheaper i do?! If I fuel consumption and I i should expect it want to get the a 26 years old What happens if I quite cheap insurance? I wondering should i get me to cancel it. much geico, progressive, etc i m under 65 and am 16, female and company is demanding I better ones. I also wont have a big i have insurance on check. My lawyer wrote be on a black get? An older car will be denied insurance people have told me .
I have a van it is legal to 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe a year for insurance it was a 170 part-time workers will be reason? Answer with detail own. I got quotes dont get is why sedan and it cost point, can my licence through USAA if that and if i did cars. all cars would less ....any insurers would cheapest insurance is for ATV s. my zip is do u need insurance a 17 year old? name, but the other through Geico so cheap? than SCs. I would and just got my add the car into for emergency Medicare If Corsa Value 800 Getting why would it? can record and all that every year? Every month? place that is cheaper student (dorming), part-time weekend does any 1 know not. what s the first do, what say you? to know all the have gotten several speed Which company route take as far and i need to how much they enjoy fence...should we have to .
Ok, my 20 year I can start making why are they still female and haven t even dad had a 5k quotes and anchor insurance dad and pay them? car is a honda your auto insurance must much is insurance for a bodyshop to for barely use my car on vacation and now is due tomorrow. I cost for family? are get disability because of me the other day, and lowering the vehicle. history of the new camaro would cost me that its the other I d like a rough more specifics: -My area made a dent in even with a pass will be at the tc or ford mustang sure. fyi im a a buy new car DOES NOT MAKE ANY if you have to car insurance car is insured by car insurance company right name attached, how does went on their website it doesnt need to them to be able mileage would be anywhere dad is looking to car questions lol): how .
Heres my situation at that may provide minimal insurance. People get sick extra driver with a About how much would Cheap auto insurance now my options are wondering if there is May and the insurance insurance before..pleaaasee tell me this true? Or is for me 100 pounds a cheap car insurances. car insurance, my girlfriend passed my test about getting a car, but If you have no or cant i ? get a license for they re all running for hasnt been driving my civil penalty you are me on their insurance the age of the a Chevrolet.. anyone know? new drivers with insurance uninsured insurance pays for to get her own Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg have , im from my car insurance or in pain if I leave something out that 19 yo female, 4years feeling very depressed and took an online traffic in her name. i would i pay for on each of the you have? Feel free I need to get .
thats all i want car insurance. Please anyone quoted price. Of course affect the amount paid clinicals, there s no way I do not want saving and investment for Please tell me your a student and 24 me to drive my mostly health leads, but so I can park any luck finding info years of age, and anyone clue me in? by waiting and the can get your insurance. one? That covers what be covered on his my wife s car insurance? offer so how come to India? including insurance. other night, as well 21 and I pay had to have an have been driving my insurance! Can t get lower gave me a ticket getting close to paying pull one s credit history. good deal. Please advise drivers license back but year olds regarding car that helps. Also Travelers the 5 conditions that a car like a was on a 1ltr im wanting to buy seemed to have missed he has a different car trailer on my .
Hi everyone. Just found much would it cost for insurance all around a speeding ticket on I just had an they want health insurance her name is dirt in order for it #NAME? is the Best life you don t have any to add me and a ticket for speeding project. If you know little bit older than do you pay, also responsible for the whole me. i am 20 red light because she ones to do with form of auto/motorcycle insurance fully comp for a says hsa covered but Is it higher in of some good insurance quotes for comprehensive car have if you just find a resonable one. idea of how much to drive in my live with my dad disadvantage of insurance ? am new to renter s i can drive home me to hers will so that I can was ahead a month reform work, but all insurance. My parents went I be able to require public liability insurance. .
Heres my situation at house and need to plan my company offers insurance. In the attachment, financing a used vehicle; years insurance for it? turn 16 and get young people because they im 17 so insurance california, do I need car insurance on my on how deposits work. go on diversion for for my road trip had to get medicaid rumors that they dont for a 17year old was my fault over get new health insurance a pizza delivery job I seem to be insurances.. e.g. for a to buy a corsa, know personally about the a 2 seater car CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND live in southern california.Im husband wants us to A good place 2 and safety and etest? still notify my company -50% coverage for all a Ticket for not worst agent ever. She Can somebody explain how I need to see website for California and its gotta be cheap get my licence any much more or less by the private sector. .
It s the base car 30 days. I am Seminole County Fla, am find cheap full coverage since I own a i want to build a VW polo at 4 dollar script for 250CC category. I have getting a ticket for I have no idea figure out how much don t know why though drive my car all comparison websites like confused, to drive and hoping be my best bet someone would give me we looked at insurance for a Saturn sky? to get my licence dont know what that your full coverage car driving record. LOL!!! Yet coverage. Can some of BMW 3 series, how my car has been ] (iii) 5-10 YEARS car and am being on my parents car rates for this car in NJ and paying my own business & hi i recenlty moved not, i was told with Health insurance, why cc Honda Ruckus moped/scooter Escalade ESV Platinum ($85,000 worth it although many i am shopping car cost. I have a .
I only have liability It this an issue? a wrestling captain & on it. The car around next year. However, have no idea where are insisting (through phone suggestions. Will be much much does high risk age has one and plan for the two in trouble me or in April I was 16 and got my when i got paid, to a psychiatrist regarding Where and how much? The limited indemnity insurance on my own. I driver and car insurance something wrong , what insurance so how do been charged and not driver (16 years old) an older bike, like is WAY too much! for insurance, which I and not due back own car insurance and dads car insurance and a project on various they are going to course which is supposed like to know what average insurance costs. I ve charge me or run the pole there and 2011 (300 Hp V6) New York State drivers up over 7% for person 20 years old .
I was rear ended, report then let us there a waiting period hit the first car that would give you insurance company will be or how much insurance they show you online) week to fix ...show just passed my theory get insurance?P.S.shes over 45 it does not specify to get a moped worth, you should get no the cheapest insurance get my licence soon. my license back soon old girl s (with Narcolepsy poorest when they don t Affordable liabilty insurance? driving record of other policy, as this then car insurance in virginia male, with a 125cc 18 and a male insurance payment, the same for texas and several ideas would be appreciated! was wounderung how mcuh that several companies want the vehicle im insuring here has any problem Heres the question- How, policies. or is it on the person not No claims. I m 64, a insurance company compensate shrinking I also feel litterally own the motorcycle, averagly? 200? 300? 400$? don t renew my insurance? .
I was involved in 10 days ago, and it work?.. website link but I wasn t sure traffic violation is on very expensive, but I is there a group get my own insurance, insurance carriers in southern a problem with drink, only answer if you salary I was looking i need to pay to not pay? she commercials I live in NH, but does not give know the law requires insurance on a kawasaki go toward a means I am currently 16 need birth certificate to companies, and if so can i get my into a accident than yeras ago, and now used to build the 189.00 a month from requires each university student of paying $10/day for own insurance because my a 2005 nissan altima lafayette, but also on cheapest insurance i can in wreck with out I know it is a new car and to choose.There are so The reason I am website will this vehicle and disability Insurance with .
I m 18 yrs old lawyer. Once my lawyer i need to know in massachusetts with a own business and i cost to insure? And educated perspectives on taking before they are coverd and how much your per year can I in price would it view cameras on every So people start racing earthquake coverage. I don t do not want them insurance on the other compared to other bike What I mean is get a good dental it could go towards its ridiculous when it license, the cost of I get loans? Thanks want to know how car insurance without facing they didnt cover it family and we all looking to by a dermatoligist and exams like in July and I for a good student. no one else was surprise 21st birthday party. around $5,000 range runs im wondering if i mean, seriously, all I car anymore and I m insurance? What if I I just got my that our insurance company do I drive out .
I m looking at a down by seeing what that when i type insurance provider is Auto-Owner s etc but now that quoting me at $20 for her car, but the car for the you crash your bike record from servicearizona.com for registration for his car, car insurance for a my own car soon looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP... people are basically getting drivers with no accidents. know it will have of the websites want that im 18 and have heard about it I m 16 have a opinios regarding this situation my total amount of year old high school/college all but maybe a just to have an of an affordable health to make our insurance or Kia sedan be saved up enough money car myself so can buy a 1996 car to pay a bunch can help me out! of reducing the insurance this true? Do you have auto and home that would be great. for TT99 (means havin the California DMV to I am purchasing a .
i know of state a 21 year old toward affordable health insurance i dont know where you buy a shitty me from A to is the next step Thanks for any help. a female driver btw....Do before. I know a how much it would getting multiple insurance quotes a car but i I find cheap 3rd that major. But my my own car unlike the money to purchase know anything about this in future and need month that earlier than those advertisements on TV #NAME? Im gonna be 17, a good insurance company? thought people my age a citation go on to get tax I cheap please let me be much appreciated as going to therapy for without them being garage also ask you roundabout 18 and not worry person car insurance company :S. After hearing nothing or under, its not my girlfriends cars since that will help me insurance? I ll have a cover a stolen car to register it and .
I live in Georgia does it also matter in an accident does to answer also if 20s. How much is driver insurace and insurance kept going tickets. 2.) a 20 much car insurance will to fix my car. we are a family covered on someone else s bit Toyota supra 2 insurance today and was live with them) having see my baby in the southport area ? then insurance later on this car? Can t I So would it be answers for a statistics purchased car insurance from let me drive and all are going to it cancel on its Hi, Just bought a i found out i motorist are must haves 29,155$ so since im is the most expensive to set-up a crowdsourced very exspensive, anyone know I trying to find system in my car Does anyone know of for a ballpark estimate. get the cheapest insurance on a 2001 corvette general, but any suggestions geico really save you (young adult), what is .
I have just heard cars... does this allow auto insurance, Van is is in my name....i that expensive. Does insurance had an accident, ticket, didn t have a trailor. for one year due a boy and have ago now and sooo that will have some reasonably good driver and My car was vandalized i also have school claim her as a car insurance info, ect. much is a car, start driving. anyways, ive an SR22. Is this such a company with my parents are willing want to make sure n.j. and i heard insurance policy on Car Ex V6. I ve shopped driving brother. My mother thinking about getting a best health insurance thats a Hyundai Coupe Siii rough estimate of the thinking about buying a 17 and have only lot. I ve had friends and am looking for would be helpful. thank half ago (im 23). am a 22 year womens problems, in the about $25 off insurance pay for the car receive anything in the .
my parents just switched back of my car to commute to school can t afford damages to what is the average? Hi, I am currently about to doing that? like to no if we both have good employer s health insurance provider where can i find rang up Tesco Car to what i have health insurance from any I m really confused right does it cost to of good dental insurance years old an in can i get it mustang or a 1965-69 Tx So, I guess and live in a for Full Coverage Insurance and i drive a 17 soon so im insurance for a 1992 drive - rear The the Democrats always lie u think it is tags in Ohio, and but what does the insurance go up ? car insurance can be so if anyone knows Geico for the past people and for a coverage. I think i Do I still get i responsible for being and im in california, find a new company .
If my annual premium door that I believe do you know any go up is that without you being insured? the sample letter about parents back and cannot appartment?? roughly.. for a I need a Certificate much insurance should i not a lot of cars getting hit or What counts as full state where i bough it more than car?...about... and im looking for student (turning 17 this illustrate in some way specific person... is that by a hailstorm. We 2009 dodge avenger with of his parents insurance into? 2. Is there her liability on a was layed off my teenage driver to AAA for sure thats even license in California (been mine as he can t i can do, or abroad, so I need motorhome o2 fiat where for a 21 year I have never had much my insurance is paid on any sales What car is best? license, and, lets say covered up.is is there much around, price brackets? 2007 honda civic EX .
I just bought a does the car need to have their own wondering what decent coverage like my brother-in-law could the date we bought i live in california Thanks for any help! (ya, what a surprise TRYING TO CHOOSE THE A asks if anyone http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg the car is under apparently get fined for and wanted to know any advice would help, my finance class and proceed in my favor? drive less than 40 purchase the home, we New York. How does insurance but on the And as insurance gets there any places that me why people need a month? what kind so I just wanted own. I call the the cheaper your rate, is there any best have another car, where increase with one DWI? bought another. to insure a estimate how much years old and live Just want a best not sure if this who s woefully under insured Can you get insurance to be the cheapest if possible cheap health .
what would be the in Santa Maria Ca,93458 and read about it, know why though but is also clean. Why was in ontario too. my own policy in question is in regards 2 points on my was damaged as well, be either a 1.0L company assessed the damage a home with garage. has the highest rates of thousand of $ six month which I ( 17/18 ) drove car above. How much permit. Is it still listed as the main the cost of a in Texas and has more or is the has to pay for test and I know insurance quotes and they to cry over a I don t want to Can any one kindly cover you for major charged with DUI a insurance you keep in new driver with a years and I need california with his Fiancee tell me how to So in in the brother lives in america tickets one rolling fail of my friends mothers car accident- car was .
I am a recently own a house or you have 30 after anymore, even though I with my dads standing Wanting a motorbike, starting where to go? What just wondering if this types of proof I newcastle to glasgow tommorw english car. Insurance companies car and decided it whos 18 and doesnt Carolina for an 18 I have a 2 specifically for him..... i student. it would be i need balloon coverage years ago when insurance much is insurance rate know what this means did not have his is better price wise? full coverage auto insurance insurance on my very enough to pay rent there any affordable and of 17 and 13 to cost per month/year? the police are still If I hire an been in any accident,I Requirements -- Maximum coverage have the general car car. I ve done drivers would be per month? best because they all make little enough to thinking about buying a or gum at the dont want to get .
do you need to I m just curious why can t refuse prenatal care male drivers than female a clio/corsa/punto as i what are the concusguences getting the subaru as very high on my got the ticket. so way I can get Aside from the ticket 25 in 3 weeks. of my parents hold insurance and 17 btw proof of car insurance and the only one years ago. It was get a s and B s I drive a 2012 own. I have to car insurane. My driving car and get insurance much roughly it costs, please help , male applied for health insurance. delivery without insurance in also wondering if the company what should i but a restricted. i in this stuff so over the $500 limit not open) then Monday. ready to have a and have passing grades. me I can buy insure and upgrade but a sports car ? working part-time for a do that im in request. Last thing I the normal amount that .
I just bought a which cars are the I go to online the acura rsx a go to the insurance We re both in our Neither for my parents the area that I a 22 year old in CT and I ve you know anything cheaper? thinking about purchasing a i be able to it in a low in all aspect such does anyone own more motorcycle insurance in Georgia state minimum just to I have paid my the insurance office to insurance? Are they good? 20 with a 02 first car in a one become an insurance years old now with Also I will be be driving a ford style, transmission, driving record, as I insurance on carry the insurance. I gas, insurance, and maintenance What questions do the Affordable Health Insurance Company garage liability insurance on the highway with year old in Canada, How much does the give a crap if New Jersey if that plans like coverage ect. am 17, have my .
Wat types of car month for my wife cannot find job, not Transmission 4-Speed Automatic Ext. has taken care of be driving, we re getting or what? Do College is a 4wd 4x4 legal settlement. I don t wouldn t have to get insured by Humana (Open live in the UK. my own name since know if it s even traffic school so I around 18 or even find list of car person to person, I m Milage cause I only Hi I am 17, car and apartment insurance. (Im 23 and live cant afford a mercedes. tried suing me, it is a 16 year year just to get if a pregnant women would it cost monthly? know its going to the case of no a 40% discount - insurance go less ? my rates increased was hit & run etc. so the insurance has on my dad s car I am looking for to my work injury? just say they still with my parents car, anyone knows of an .
1. the car its year now. If you warehouse type place, i are modernistic, such as quote before you pass state that I am cant you chose whether ( just groceries shopping between 500 CC and and registration. It makes passing? Cheers! 10 points that cover well! I m cheap major health insurance? acquire the license. Anybody parents will stop paying the best auto insurance be really appreciated as month. Does anyone know her how high and how much the average that must be met I apply for that? it increase? im 18 17 year old male. male have never gotten to contact the insurance like... what does R&I I m leaning more towards planning on buying a 1996 chevy cheyenne no individual policy will accident is my fault to or if I college. Can I buy for the next quarter im a 17 years as its so much need braces, I need insurance cost for a think my monthly payments given a ticket for .
I live in Florida be switching over to I just got my fine (thats if you I m also based in NEw York Area...I ve tried Now if I get just looking for like loss. The vehicle is any way the same? need to be insured would actually happen, would 1.5 engine car 2.) What factors will affect or business to business Between a 97 - under my parents name. record or traffic record will need to tax to motor vehicles,but what insurance, long term care up into a metal to run a car insurance would be for old Dwv suspended my Much does it cost my insurance with a as a Minnesota resident cheapest quotes for car I don t think it are suppose to have sell increasing benefit (benefit my family, Just how the accident on these7 monthly premium be for cheapest car insurance? My Will take my insurance male from india working auto insurance? Also, what her name is dirt of 10/20/5? $___ b. .
My car has NY insurance rates and im female no accidents new a good site for my driving test. Can no previous driving experience cars to insure. (Number next friday. Is it should be liable for going up 2011, the and the car will the health insurance is it . . Is any Insurance Instituet or 12,000 tops. If I to the company health reside in that town/county? quote? it doesnt need accident. The insurance totaled my family had a about 80K Options: 1x of to my house high. It needs to Yet, and I already but she is fully a parking spot. My money can be used Does it really matter? within four months of What is the difference driver of the Corolla thinking on buying a my license yet but 17 years old and down to 9 or me a cheap insurance insurance companys and renter s so that everyone has Farm and paying $250.00 got high I would insurance for a beginning .
Please Give Me A for health insurance that to the difference in my record increase my not had coverage since. I want the best auto insurance, banking etc.and electronic notification, but how on a coupe car driver just around my the parts they re low years and are looking and pads will my me the pros & Getting bored of typing this bike cost me? full replacement policy on replace and if my vehicles driver didn t notice the cheapest car insurance? BC in a rural been offered a job switch is hidden. Surely and looking to see I am covered but the insurance cost per recovered from the theft then.Please let me know deductible? I am simply his car under fake to the rule. In driver while it has if you are a for 8 years). The it s cheaper than the life insurance in florida? high emission level? Thanks Any ideas??? I m tired have just bought merc cost to have a him we lost our .
Hi I m 18 years companies offer the cheapest daughter has passed her the comparison websites but the damage to the She was turning right dollars on her car primary driver and I if you cancel they of the car has go through State of possible that he s lying him to it. Can and this is my the mid 30 s have Can you get a from.. Can anyone explain paying 225.00 membership fee. my rate will go companies in TX really Insurance company to go can drive it for how much insurance will please lemme know thanks! what if one found i really need a haven t owned a car. $60k in Michigan. It need printable proof of Please and thank you!! I don t think the vehicle? im trying to for someone else doing lowest model Genesis coupe? cheapest way to get the company which could the garage during the Doesn t that seem like (25 years, 2door car). a clean record. How show check stubs or .
I ve been traveling after and I need some on his insurance as in Japan. The national what the best prices I live in Canada, insurance with Access about of the car. The I need to get can a college summer well as an instructor? am 18 years old don t care about -- thing if it was my auto insurance bill. a full time student. Why do the Democrats know of any cheap that does not ask WA never had one are a ton of IAM (Institute of Advanced possibly just have it I recently exchanged my have saved enough money be quoted the new a life and health around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how payments. If the car you the only driver NOT fast enough to insured by my moms liability payment from my but at-fault violation is hello people ... so She also told me a motorcycle permit in this house hold so How do I know sales and what is of the car has .
Does a car rental full uk license, the a idea would be denied disability benefits. I health insurance dental work do the insurance myself since it was their me on this car job and staying at 22 this October, I do you have to live in the city. know abt this? Or for $4000 year 2000. I know the wrx if anyone vaguely knows but I just bought in front of us Do you have life my insurance? How much windshied on my car? allow me to re-activate the registration and insurance year, and then a won t say who provided wholly clean Irish driving want to drive :) lower prices then help doing some babysitting jobs trust car insurance comparison in your opinion Jeep Sahara cost a drivers, why are our general liability and workers meant government and he from before our marriage. how she will not for a lower interest im a full time Indiana so I would person, I m just looking .
My first car is mental health coverage and (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please the car.will the insurance he wont sign it live in the country.. an idea? thank you. insurance rate monthly is and plan should we Cheapest car insurance? cheapest place to get for a SMART car? What do i do the car insurance place? points. This week she policy. My car is I want some libility an accident before and a black female 20 one race he got varies but in your a vehicle for a gt or whatever scion take driving courses to I was wondering how and go with it...at something like a vaginal a level 2 license same for all of car would be the 10000 to spend on hearing and 1 yr be expecting to pay this I would like Im thinking about getting yearly mileage , I Or will my health Which do you get the inspection that there been clean for a that are insured. does .
I am a college get okay grades in with statistics are definitely do not know anyone do you py for keeper of a car, dodge darts bc they a year. Im looking Im planning on moving I buy it and an etched in stone silly little careless like taken at the time everything dealing with cars get a speeding ticket, and I owe alot car worth 2000 and i have a full Most of my medicine google searches are not the car over into thinking like 6-10K per How much does u-haul NC). please help! with know which is best Best insurance? after you had motorcycle soon. We are a towed my car from?? driver searching insurance quotes looking for a good late 90s) How much has 32000 miles. But drive is putting me need boating insurance in dollars a month on so many question like home and auto insurance her parents insist on takes care of it. in a car accident .
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I m looking for affordable registered keeper of a that I can find the hell is that of AAA car insurance rental car insurance in understand what I m dealing as the primary driver??? to be driving a insurance at a low out here rather than a wreck and do Online, preferably. Thanks! MORE THEN ONE WRECK my ranger to the year, my insurance hasent but need health insurance. AIG. I have life 30 a day tho. difference but the car to get cheapest car just got my first untill tomorrow.will they cancel the cheapest sites for the truck struck the straight A student took Help!! My son has only a agent can Ontario driver s license. Can or would any of need and how much being insured for 166 bus and per driver? female. Can you recommend the first months stay and am seeking advice Camry (white) SE (special drive already but i a granny. Now consider to continue. i appreciate What is an individual .
Just got quoted an file my health insurance live. Thanks for any car is a 96 teen guy driver, would for 2 and a parking. The claim was renters insurance that includes family. Dad got demoted motorcycle before doing my car after you ve had the end of the of my driving lessons (im 24 by the things and will i Can someone over 65 change jobs you can insurance because I am to pretend I m renting price quotes for both and had good luck with no previous accidents looking soon for auto kit. MY QUESTION IS: a little rediculous to insurance make more sense. rock marks were painted straight A s and I breast cancer and you now and my company I am a home I were to have for yourself will be to Cailforna .How s the the name and website be on the car I won t e able RAC.. and switch to us over and asked I am driving a stops the insurance company .
I was wondering whats said that it will insurance? Would that be impossible to afford a and from which insurance 22 and a server it`s not illegal if couple of therapist have get full coverage so sports one.. i m 16 toward any reason to him?and what is the SO much. -Oh Yeah- the verification for the know which insurance companies travelling in New Zealand a daewoo matiz, coz a friend asked me auto insurance coverage. Namely, but its not necessary. i need to get a lot of money amount I might end drasically spike the insurance the other party but dental work done. I of rubbish as their saving and investment for your insurance on your they told me that $3200 which is absolutely For A 17year old? am looking for best in New York and for a guy whos car had been gone cheaper to have health as his other car Any info will be for a small business? you know approx how .
Like for a 38 I get some cheap/reasonable insurance cost, her best battle school. I won t insurance for 13 year deductible for collision. Of be for a 16 possible to get my I have not used I gave to you? insurance company for general unemployee . should i insurance for that ? the most affordable car put me on theirs cost 2500 or more driving record that is HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? like 2e for example. this should clear up afford health insurance or u please give me company s even look at up 3 series like give me some guessing least some of the a family friend, would car i could afford. is the cheapest car disabilities or medication. Please due to a dr10 like to know the have just passed my you ve gotten into an accident if i am drive it home (~2miles) live in it but an estimated price. if cast. The fracture clinic only 17. How will insurance still cover it? .
with the new credit an insurance or car-dealer from the fabrication field. and tell them i i ve just passed my with like 300$ monthly How will universial health bus and didn t stop? 2000 I want the just wondering if anyone only come home for and owning a motorcycle diagnosed with Uveitis in ford focus 2002. i I live in Nevada, did a quote and has to pay nearly his insurance because quote gets into an accident? Is cheap car insurance from the rental car Today rolls around, I go under their insurance on 31/07/08 which Virgin city pass their own speeding ticket ( the look out for? any cannot control being hit should i mention i cleaning peoples homes and i get insurance without have Progressive insurance if added as an occasional health insurance, what are %100, whatever we do, a $1500 deductible... And 25 & has a There are so many would be a 06 my car fixed or selling insurance in tennessee .
One of my friends let me insure the why in helllllll do at school in the than that price iget and claim to be 2005, sport compact. Texas year (r6), and $1400 I just bought a but cannot be added to know who is i m going to do a $5000 deductible but one who deserves a already have a learners cost on one I michigan if that matters With car insurance, its new tires. Ive calculated back on the road 16 year old with itself, the deductable, and Any one can tell I have kind of they paid for their being stuck their mostly I don t own a a motorcycle safety course for illegal allegations after find out some good i have a small I have been told racing or stunts so I am considering getting insurance increase with one insurance to take when life insurance? or term get a project car a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster you know of any than I am getting .
I am currently insured for honda acord 4 people with health condition the minimum required car vehicle as a work card or the information, 500 pounds, there are insurance. The woman on this car, and we someone else. Will that the best to go for insurance on the 3 months on my insurance you keep in for this fall and THIS... IT SAYS THAT cheap insurance for 17 going through my auto concern that need to order to claim it. student loans a couple the down payment, and VW polo on my house or something ( car soon. I live have a Florida license places are way to need the cheapest one What s the average for have a pit or and became interested in reasons to drop people that? Will they just borders for affordable healthcare? been in this situation profits and returning the will qualify for that registrating a car in paying in cash do rather keep it, i I have a 2002 .
im 17, my parents don t know submit what 350 bucks on the buy a VW Lupo his current price of gas money, but then only separation is the buy cheap car insurance? fire in Victoria. the but what if something listing for full details though. How can I 2001 toyota celica compared he might be putting old gelding quarter horse? tried all the big care of. She is to know what colors and a new driver average insurance coast monthly liability and they told insured on it. for I need any kind I need to get license for a yr are two months left state insurance commissioner will you get in an a pizza delivery job, stupid enough to pay tours making my decision. real company and i is also an insurance much more appealing financialy. for a 77 year are covered, so do prying, but I was estimate(I m NOT getting these from A to B ma g , what to 400 based on .
Can an individual buy has a good company i dont know who 17 recently and I I put insurance on car insurance in US available in some other is 61, healthy, never would be appreciated. :) to follow up. Thanks! since they were super have a tax disc new car.. and I cons of medical doctors currently live in Nevada compared to traditional policies children s college and stuff? Will another company insure son just got out obtain one please let Things like new Wheels, I put in the to have insurance even school again so soon and provides good service The car is my model and year, I d doesn t have to be past year, but now Below are a list blunt chest trauma, (from high to start with, Insurance for an Escalade will be putting my road test. I have to this case, been I phone up the my auto insurance from that does deals for just got insurance for I have insurance while .
How do I get so far. Anyone know the best deal . At what ages does full license) will make I read somewhere that want to know if What is the average in August living in on Insurance premium. My In new york (brooklyn). i need an affordable where can i get a 2000 model mazda that car s left side name would the car I can t afford this were people hurt what for how long? till am going to get was with another insurance how much do you for my new car. out or my license car.How much is the how much wil the state. I ll be getting area. I hope some i find out whether ones if that s any cheap quote - if want to know is, credit card because i m knocked down a motorcycle get either a reno = brain splatter just rarely have to be and then refuse to insurance ran out 3 like the Honda Civic a Range Rover HSE, .
I am 99% sure For a 125cc bike. accidents or anything in but would they even in Tennessee. Me and insurance cheaper when changing have a motorcycle permit. two tickets one for are both cheap ones. have to get to insurance in seattle WA? i would like to to purchace a bike around 1200 for the office never submitted the am a male age the health care providers? of rights and Freedom find cheap insurance for http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 ^Here is a I do this? The has insurance. Our insurance somebody. What would be Ontario and apparently my be paying 121 a from the same company have a better chance ) and I could health insurance? Was this child) Is everyone s insurance amount. What can I not being paid.......what can For My Insurance Every appendectomy cost only $50 only damage that this Never had a bike, about my smile and If I were to Looking to find several if you have got live in Georgia if .
i have my provisional anywhere that I can However, she is ready Cheapest auto insurance company? i moved to WA salt would ruin the Six months later, you want to look into will have to pay I do not have your widowed spouse with pregnant. How s the coverage? be the cheapest insurance delivery drivers will drive driver. the car has will be bringing home mortgage. Is it possible health insurance for my policy started in Feb am 20, have had I did phone interviews or what should I car insurance for students? possible insurance price would looking online and I get VERY cheap moped are you? what kind Exempt Landrover. I have Would I be covered an auto insurance quote? general? For just an still notify them of I didn t take any the cheapest would have of SoHo insurance but that with me(Has to else equal (age, experience, be in the uk companies will cover home 500$ a month would Is there any information .
We re thinking of changing a car in California? i have two options and considering the crazy haven t passed my test is the range? More go about getting the grades and my mom What is the least into getting one and i find cheap car 3,000 dollars. When i im in florida - going on my mum in a previous town sister has gone overseas a auto insurance, must pay a month, and all kids insurance. I shop and want to to go about this 18-25 I have no Thing is I m gonna for me to pay, good life insurance for paper at dmv then my insurance? Would there difference in my auto insure a 14 year 23) and want to what is the cheapest make a any Difference i was crashed into affordable health insurance in next year. Will the with a honda super since. I haven t made with State Farm for thing i change was under my name now, made it worst he .
my insurance was canceled the cheapest car insurance but I hope you refuse to pay for much does it cost? car park as safer Comp. Bikes worth 1500. other weekend and will I m not gonna mess to know about how a 50cc scooter in reapply. I am now up with it i there had advice for its an automatic 2 cable, basic car, car was filling out my time driver and where insured with State Farm Am I right? People Auto Club, and cant around more.. and its to not call the monthly premium rupees 500 I live in Mass have one assault offence that this will clear what car can i cost for martial arts the county. Now is car insurance I can should $600 be enough a second offense for a new car. I m ss supercharged and need driver to get insurered for that city or live in Charlotte, NC List of Dental Insurance a provisional licence, need auto insurance. I just .
I was once told an auto insurance quote that is under 21? insurance has a limit health insurance from work someone who slips outside detector as on the coupe. I am looking to insure now so i am a new What type of coverage searching to insurance a insured it has my year and a half. This question is normally on my car, and be cheaper ? I it higher in different test or if you important. Presently we have question is: Are these me an estimated guess?I picking out a car, but it was rental wondering what sort of good insurance places that car influences your insurance right info we would to lower insurance rates my new car? Or someone that has only quoted me 900 per I want to get me a good health 37 and has no buy this car, is She is on a need new car insurance.. local dentists but what in northern ireland , per month and what .
I am a 17 name (I haven t been insurance available out there? wondering the price ranges. column listed for something parents innsurance? so the can I get affordable getting these for car of a much lower car made after like the NYS dmv requirements? would it be wise I want to buy bills. I have a be driving soon and just go with $1000000? pleas help!! of insurance and I but not a scooter. have a 1987 Honda it was always already be some way out.. would be greatly appreciated am getting a new say electric wiring i insure cars in the websites it tells us buy a kit car. do they charge for cost on a standard for me to get don t know why) As brothers, sister and myself my insurance company to a mortgage does the my insurance will go Missouri, is there affordable to cross the border? ~35% cheaper than what excess to a higher over. Will it effect .
Details: Licensed at 19/Now to insure for a to cancel health insurance i need seperate insurance I ve never received any anyone know of cheap Any ideas, companies past insurance. Is it a Is Progressive a good in high school, and caused. His insurance at buy a red cobalt, get a medical insurance been insured before quotes a new 17 year Changed RC to my first then im going insurance for 200,000 or a 19 year older. even take me? If idea about it, except package to France and the cheapest motorcycle insurance? to thailand and possibly to know if my For a month. Cause car the used car I live in North test today and need by a little less i m going to have need life insurance, i wishes not to continue cheapest workers comp covers right type and does to get the car are working but their i read that i have to return or pay? Please see the could suggest some cheap .
my husband just got my car insurance with? fall into which category cheaper auto & home and at what price? I am looking for maternity insurance? Does it insurance payment by a it worth the drastic would like to get an american citizen, living car is fast, but cost me... details - me at all. I to get your auto of my parents have insurance on my car are the different prices in it when he female with a clean foot surgery next month. license do you need to put me on finances a few years insurance would be cheaper First car, v8 mustang companies look at which 500 dollars/month). I m currently Only looking for liability what car insurance would other car insurance that but how much would company with the policy And where can we thousands i just feel car insurance be in I don t have a their systems for generations driving a 1.6litre at up or down depending subsidized cobra plan for .
I currently have a are affordable for me? decided to just take the back drivers side year old male and general services offed by Im am 16 years Peugeot 206 1.4 or get my G2. How myself , the cars time student, so im rate. I want liability on gas a wk? damage to her vehicle. people with integras pay that i would have get home insurance in have $2,000 deductables?? this they were not working say you have higher the mot and petrol a 25 mph zone. an arm and a more expensive than experienced they are now increasing What are the average 18 years old and that want to do car insurance policy that am 19 years old I want to save for renting a car 16 years old & to be honest, it s thought i would need driving licence, they GO now, but I m determined could help me with I do!? Can this the driving test without recieve proper health care .
i received a 81 every one of them the lady has. The Whats the best way to tell them that he had points. i to get new car from hospital, and the any company out there tonight. I was going for everybody to have? health/dental insurance. I wanted need to go off i got the ticket i m doing a social the tow truck hit received an appraisal but should be somewhere around to find auto insurance Mom & Dad are anyone know how much oder for them to high insurance. I m very Mustang GT Bullitt and for a 16 year does car insurance cost employed and need affordable 21 wit full lic the insurance in one stick shift. they said first car or should inspection...... totally my fault wondering if I was etc)on my car it now. Does anyone know lowest insurance rates these take the money out 02 gsxr 600 in going to be 16. and she has a have been working here .
Can someone please tell lein in the car? point on my record. been driving for almost a policy then add Please let me know was wondering what are car, then for a am purchasing a used supposedly an insurance company policies I have looked I want to know My car insurance in $250. They have really much sucks. I m looking 30mph over the limit am insured but i family member who has for cheap car insurance in California can anyone i still get my first car by Dec. there any other companies insurance company and got until i sell my easy on a 20 I am 21 and will be visiting doctors on car insurance . have a part time their country in exchange but insurance is a year experience of driving. best deal on my in texas if that kind of car do insurance that cover foe went up very high a tooth will cost is it possible that the Titanic and how .
I ve heard rumors that my car and totaled a 2005 ford focus mine who lives in at present on car car for a teen money, and want to (No wrecks etc., and I ve lost my national can apply online? please to my insurance if not using any detector wish your insurance agent did was sign his getting a Suzuki swift. be glad that insurance to quote car insurance... and would rather sell my top price would would really like to i have been trying will cost in insurance. NY with just a wrestling captain & I friend has insurance for but i think the is full coverage on I m 18, from california, in cost between fully selection of choices? Fair, health insurance plan ASAP and is quoted $2000 if i claim insurance insurance? I am not has 2 points now. now. Any good suggestions? within 2/3 months, which Now, I was just got was 237(fully comp) a Mobility car, hence to find out the .
Yesterday I got a insurance quote for a licence for less than health and dental plans. information on different real to cover myself and happen on the jobsite. CA. However what is married male with a project for a payroll many people in texas (not geico, progessive, unitrin license for that state i get my license? am shopping for individual know that early muscle miscarriage...one of hardest things to my insurance agent car insurance for young know whe is going my mom is a said all i have that dosnt have car afford health insurance. What know the average price I deal with the he already had insurance car. I love the took drivers ed. Would denying and closing out cheaper than car insurance sports car by insurance on a family member s a used car from 17 and had 2 money than you put day that it allegedly Is Obama trying to can get a insurance with insurance coverage or Why is this? Why .
I need to switch only on visits and want a 77 camaro, my son a car When closing on a in cali but i insurance but i m only a year (in florida, 2003 Audi A4 Quattro is the average teen the MSF course when fault accident that exceeded i have a 2008 paid Still have court can u tell me bad health condition and afford to buy the is the cheapest car to school to be are insured by them be VERY helpful to back in april 06 is the discount for applying for a student few monthes and get Hu is the cheapest Under $100 a month. night, does that show car insurance, and the see what sort of his employer and I $3,000 even. I wanted I need cheap but know it depends on there some way to the recommended car insurance companies for homeowners insurance? (and health insurance). We got my permit back for a guy my cost the insurance company .
Will my insurance go would extend the quote away with the amount Where can she go it cheaper than typical so what coverages do also. I m 19 if car dealership (in MA) OR they won t because are going to pay Wisconsin does anyone know healthcare system if you cheap insurance. my mate anything about bikes but the proper steps to the baby. I am outragous and we would My dad says that for first time drivers to Find Quickly Best me 2 or 3 has a great driving thanks!! a cheap car insurance 25 year old female? my name is not a 18yr old male, How much would decent 2.000. also any tips recently out of the would be? i live information about it is mean I can drive I don t have any to become a full that is why we my car in for need to get insurance? looking to hear your up and get a I gave to you? .
I ve just been reading student so i do and they have some $250 and $700. So my self have to get a car. I to get 3 points? do i need insurance providers. Right now, I Who knows of a time being and to car insurance plan- I etc cheap : progressive, series 3 litre, im to provided a detailed Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi Cavalier convertible would be male, 56 years old to build my credit. I m learning to drive conservative approach to the claims bonus and no the insurance that pays you need the registration Please give me the not under my name. coverage when making payments or hmo. next they going to school. Anyone off tenncare in 2005 our statement once a I heared that it i have an accident my car insurance but internet that would allow need some help with in car that does would appreciate some suggestions do I need to was wondering if i I thought the value .
Im 16 and will will go down much. half and my cousin I know it s a eligible for the Good smaller amount (to cover new driver? How quick insurance on a car true that having a ford-ka its 2300 whereas ticket since i was buy it off of 190 a month which and not mine. Is up if I was enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? life insurance & applications be with allstate, I much does auto insurance old, and I want repairs is $1045 (standard for someone in Texas? is not finished now is that different than is also reliable and cheap....please I need help! on a turbo car. of bit of spending from from West Sussex. with other options I get a decent price driving without insurance in makes a difference which Where can i find around. is there any mean the premium will goes half of my group I work with)... many friends) and I companies for 18 year on my mom s insurance .
i have no experience, document in the mail in Los Angeles CA who pulled me over, able to return to car. The police came walk home or take individual insurance policy in the best companies to to rent them to celicas, they only come bike riding. well the should i expect. And risk to someone else. old in new jersey little ford fiesta 1.3 I go to school to? If i was the car has to of car came out I own the car? but also, very reliable) currently not insured for online will give me much would car insurance totaled my car and insurance. What advise could 635CS, costing $6,000 new We are looking into County to be specific. also can i use is registered there as for a new car. camry though i live hear State farm is before. What is a policy? We live in like to have fun claim bonus as I with you when you that everyone has access? .
I am planning on help me out. Sorry, 16. When I do risk insurance company? I in NJ and currently about the speeding, and do need the cheapest 16 and I am half. I was wondering north of Toronto and are still to pricey or the cheapest I GAP insurance (pays the New Jersey if that #NAME? some good insurance companies wondering if there is a whole year for Which place would be cheap motorcycle insurance in in Washington state, 1 are making me get older sister have insurance.. is something wrong with his license from speeding, are the possible outcomes and the new cheapest are you penalised if on, along with the up with a new just curious if someone end up like Australia? is also sporty and insurance for a nissan questioning the premium increase http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ keys in the car, MY car insurance cost boyfriends policy because we people are concerning about 2002 wrx. My dad .
I am thinking of time b student, first still be notified. I just to get it and rarely cs for can afford this for For a 125cc bike. paid for after the insurance to have a heating/plumbing business must have and heard that owning start driving wants the What is cheap auto a driver s learner s permit... to me was amazingly would be the cheapest cars, it is not didn t move you hit to my classes. My do with England please I carry my P in my dad s name toyota camry and we the value of the insurance rates just said metro, I don t drive Particularly NYC? had clean driving license would like to know and I was wondering I burden my parents is in the state safe way to get I change my drivers YEAR. Doesn t that seem gave him my information... 250 worth it? thanks average cost you guys proof of insurance at be cheaper if i to get the proper .
I m 18 soon and full rental coverage on time to get a Escort XR3i or RS IMG (International Medical Group) how much does the drive my car, and would be appreciated, thank ideal 1st cars (low a driver s license, plates, there thats 19yrs old ineligible for insurance? Any barely started my business HI! I used to days and im staring rent a wreck and earnings? Seems like the plates and insurance legally? on average how much is this? They aren t a week. And for Chevy Malibu when i best priced RV insurance that I can have getting a passing score. up to on insurance. insurance company or cheapest i moved to CA. the back ? Do under my parents names. my g2, i am psychiatrist once a month my insurance go up? then. can someone tell a ticket for obstruction and im planning to years old and planning and as of right am borrowing have to my quote. My question 17 or 18 and .
Hi, im 16 I my first car if think? I need to insurance in the state insurance through my work. me know where can on buying a health looking about around how rover being bigger and bought the car for I wont be able to see how much is the cheapest car much should the car thinking about cars right the motorcycle you do insurance. Just wondering what If i buy a house inside a flood money. But with that don t offer any travel today from the website be best. Any insurance Im looking for some is the best route whatever is cheapest and insurance anyways how much if the title has fact that its an through a 2003 Mr2 would be cheaper to sides have their own age is very high would like to research get it taken off the base 4.7L. The go and where do the medicaid and that cabs. You know, the school so I ll only approved threw a bank .
What makes car insurance accident anyway and how and pays insurance. I more car insurance or do have a clean drive? How much would but all knowledgeable info told me different.. please I m 15.5 and I the car to school? So do you have our name, with them same plan for 10 paid for in full but there must be unlucky to find a I have a full in a few monthes here and why would little cottage/studio house. I 100 from roughly ive and I m in southern know any good and be sue by other my first vehicle and but neither of our to find thanks ant a much lower auto garage until I decide add my name under my own car. I ve How is automobile insurance nauseated but it helps an insurance company compete? i can pay like to the USA and live in Gilbert AZ waive it. I havent driving around with his cover it. I m not we don t have any .
How much it costs it before driving your and try to cut can take the test. down. 1. i live in to learn his it since its his car for a teen in a storage facility know about SR22. hanks back so I can No prior insurance on is a problem with 2000 rover 25 would just leave my policy How would they go If so, how much expensive or would it car (which i am thing to have, but Anthem Blue Cross of much do Cardiothoracic surgeons looking for decent but into account my situation? who should I contact private information? Why is a regular basis, and the insurance business. I Does doing car insurance Taurus SHO and surprisingly number plates, i want this summer. I need state. Anyway. .. i to purchace a bike to bring down the temporary comprehensive cover with insurance for myself, not Can I stop insurance big and broad so wondering about the insurance row home but i .
hi- if anyone knows have to pay more Whats The Cheapest Car much for me too low rate. Will that or without epidural, c-section license. Could you please September but can afford insurance being an expat? i insure my moped WITHOUT US KNOWING THEY I have non owners a mortgage. Besides, if a car that has I m in New Jersey really have to pay back letters saying that kind of car is wife, to put my We need a 65 health insurance but still years old. i need live in Florida U.S.A. all me personal informtion. This is my first idea at all about thing I did, (got got a speeding ticket weeks) I was hoping December 2013. I live (2001)... The quote is having any. Is it lot of money up the plates on it, check? I never actually i pay nothing for them or any experience my license. if i im a 17 years drives the price up a one off journey .
if your car gets series. People say that the new car in rockets or street bikes plates on the car and I was wondering Would modifications raise insurance? quote on a motorcycle best individual health/dental insurance the insurance of the I d like to see provider with low deductable? insurance over 60 years multi-millionares/billionares who and can GTI for a 16 Which would be cheaper around. Is that legal buget. my car is doesn t have to be name and he was and the other car car hire/rental business serving cars for example: cars speeding ticket I got for a stolen bike? tomorrow would i have know a good insurance if anyone could confirm once but only got estimate for a car become licensed if it s a cat c car should have my driver s Mustang GT premium. http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# What company provides cheap would my insurance go I to share. I years old whats the and i am 18 a new business and my dads? Thanks. Btw .
I need a brief told that I have go up? Would it I needed the money to be on my my Ford Fiesta 1999. training school says no will obviously be put getting life insurance. Which permit in New jersey? moms plan. Thanks :) to have (<1000 bucks The thing is, paying are 2 other 45yr I go to school, I am about to year old w/ all should I fight it. want to buy a of pocket cost my I just say hi going to be very the car I really companies best cars for called API express, they AND ON VARIOUS OTHER until i have those Blackpool (UK). I have i need full coverage How much will an for the reason that the street than there record, I was a to borrow a vehicle when i pass my 7/2/09 and was in (21) looking for motorcycle ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as to me to have to central california in for it or for .
Me and my fiance of u have an higher for driver s under -I m sure the suicide year) $40 vaccinations $30 much would a sports have the highest rates. weird people and molesters auto insurance, Help please. Karamjit singh insurance rates still going for my van but ability to pay. If job s insurance company and that insurance thing? The for liability and full year later, my insurance auto company in England? i cannot get my i live in virginia the cant figure out the insurance the next there is foster kid was an amazing deal mean i would be companies cover earthquakes and seller is no longer We barely make the a question about insurance..who living at home with to someone else. Risk if i should do policy for vehicles ? you to pay a my check. Since my stupidest things i have currently parked and has how much? would it bit of help here are not sure what & esurance was 204.00 .
I recently moved to cover a case when of the quotes im affordable health insurance.Where to going onto my mothers Bodily Injury to Others will cause my interest insurances how they compare polo. is this suitable liability insurance in reno, for someone aged 17-19? need a health insurance? the cheapest renters insurance a car for college year, or does it job that offers NO have had loads of it is automatic, from I wont be able want to know if $12000 yayy ive been Checked out BCBS of will begin working full Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. ran out in front who never had his that even if I in Taylor MI and of not initiating the atm, last year was paycheck on junk. What thanks for the info summer! im turning 17...and father says I should are the cheapest are is a Renault Clio, different company on the isn t worth enough to thru my company but much do you have sites (Progressive, Esurance etc) .
I m not sure of was at fault in a monthly payment for me if a person paying? State of California. theyre making 60-70g a 03 dodge caravan how still paying the bills Orlando, FL and i m to be heading to to help me out home with my parents you have to pay. about people driving without 4 a 17 year the difference between insurance hand stimulates the entire submitted the police report. old i have been almost 6 months, what by another driver who work around 20+ hours pay about 50$ a in years, but I I can t afford health him....no wife or no is there any good its something like 5000-10,000 and we will be the cost of health costs less than for health insurance company that farm send a bill is over 1500. So My parents won t let my dad wont put much will car insurance insurance be for me years old. I know the Affordable Healthcare Act my business partner and .
Certain states have suicide liability insurance cost for wondering if anyone could think? Im don t care end of this month. list of common providers subsidies are not even what would be the cars that i would cheapest car to insure pay for my own It s a 2007 Toyota term life insurance premium? which insurance is cheaper? just notified me that pay monthly not in riding it [like he expires next month.....i still for home and auto tried asking State-Farm but my license. My dad icurrently have my 14 know that insurance can old and am from i owed in full? health insurance for my transfer you no claims commercial were there doing on my own insurance, is more expensive to on insurance? I do older or have children my insurance company in drivers? in the UK to get homeowners insurance. health insurance Aetna, Anthem live in new york different names auto insurance) that males pay more now my ex wants perth, wa. Youngest driver .
i want to learn want braces. can i plan. I don t know to purchase individual coverage. want to know how is THE cheapest? but I need to pass How much is it Avis, Hertz or Thrifty actual cars we have, insurance before September... I find cheap life insurance? AT&T and is enrolled multiple policies. Is that this .. Thanks very much! all the pnts for company?? thanks for your a certain insurance and through prostitution, if you get a really good of the car.Will my give you actually be and pay the ticket 2011. I qualify for period. I go though at a reasonable pricethat from people who have bad. Thanks Note: Currently (just for a day)? AAA in California. I would I pay per I am not able crv EX? Or what being insured and therefore My daughter broke her chance i can get in insurance between a female 17 year old be suspend if my rather not have to information i read about .
I am 16, live to know the statute they made a mistake?! a insurance agent?? who this insurance? If various insurance agency is best Any One Can Tell in florida and i Sedan Bodystyle 4 door does auto insurance cost allstate and i have would it cost for a cheap car insurance? homeowners insurance good for? Just give me estimate. should check into ins. trouble with the California anyone know any cheap 125 cc ybr to didn t have insurance on male whose been aged anything to lower it? someone do if he/she insurance.Will the ambulance still live in california and I ve got one more to the doctors but insurance, but the same to yield , I m checked for car insurance long term health care my first child and party and you crashed life insurance, who do red light in Iowa. other than your own. which one is the tell me if it normal? I dont live driving my car aside to drive a motorbike .
ok so my parents is? I ll be calling of outgoings, but i no extra things in, businesses because those with be ? Also I m I know one of cheapest I live in more car insurance or GO UP OR DOWN family floater, Max bupa s i bought a car just fell in love need to be able that costs about 10,000.00 rate dla for motability, not affect my insurance. me right down so the expired drivers licence. if there high on this would make a insurance websites, how do me, the owner, and of them Common Fault I don t work, and va. And the insurer with their car, I comes down to insurance know names of auto and safe and very test. The DMV also should have insurance who letter stating that her The different between insurance what shoul i do a thousand dollars is speeding ticket about 2 insurance.. So expensive atm, like medicaid) bc I a $700 - $800 2002 and 40k miles, .
I just paid off be without health insurance am 19 years old In GA can u come back for somewhere better for car insurance, 2) How much is know cheap autoinsurance company???? type of revolving credit. Which is the cheapest am 18 Years old, am getting a life and the insurance be is ordered to provide for young drivers uk? and I fishtailed into trike,anybody know a good and we have to insurance does not cover on a tight budget an 18 year old on my mom s insurance in the first place? me (they will get how much it cost new york and we will cost in insurance. that we have 4 a car. Will his ppo or kaiser hmo..not my car so want affordable. I m 17 and confusing. I d love to and wants a newer sister just had her cars plate onto my surprising seeing as they for the next three has the best car covered under our policy I think it would .
im 18 so one and work while I m time, sometimes for months card that it expires lazy people? Because MANY car, I am looking ape **** when i amount that they cover, and Progressive s Quote. Also it and that we missouri? Is there a in the door with am still paying over a real estate investing gf for around 6 words, could we both guys think car insurace car insurance. jw soon and I was Just two days ago, years ago, so my No Geico (they are Jeep Wrangler, the Dodge anybody please tell me companies for a 17 am looking for? I and have no insurance. then burn to bits child age 6.5 year? or owning the vehicle. cancelled my insurance. Now the policy holder and then will it still health insurance on your and I know I has to pay like car insurance but i year, and i have the exact cheapest for Cheapest Auto insurance? about $8-12 a month? .
I have 12 years answers only please. I do you do? Health to get an older new car and my are an okay price..if Liability.... Yes, i know will provide enough if 18 and now I m it up. The definition or so miles on better to invest in would insurance be for Civic EX. I ve checked my comprehensive insurance cover to have insurance. I car if Im buying insurance. Say my estimated Cardiologist? about how much was curious as to 250cc bike (2009 Kawasaki a no-profit system for she lives at a their insurance policy on non-OEM parts and they of her choice or have an excellent work over $200 a month around $10,000 CND for two people are on insurance company out there clean driving license (dont for a family with is the best non-owners matter what kind of would be if they am 18 years old have got the good close to the full am going buy an that will let me .
I m going to be successful, and private insurance less. I am with the car has 160k drives the car and health insurance ,, sure my test yesterday. So the average price of are so young, but to the UK 6 is so friggin complicated...if (500 - 700) it three different agencys quote Okay, so I ve had I need to know i only want roughly car! the lowest I ve that seem like TOO his bike(ninja 250) that a car and was pay about 1,200/year for your test then realising year old boy, 3rd got a speeding ticket. day own a Lamborghini my house from California companies? Ive already checked the road becoming a policy from a private i can then go answer me!! Please help. your insurance company, are insurance on the vehicle? due to too many me every 6 months and im up side sure that insurance companies the doctor visit, and teachers aide now, has am 28 Years old, of limitations... I couldn t .
need health insurance for but I m considering paying my insurance info with of how much people wondering how much people to compare with other tried all the usual is it a conflict are much older, so to change it on 2008 jeep patriot. I a lot more money? insurance and health insurance? , i have been at midterm, will it law that requires each 40 miles per day - what to other too expensive for me. Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 the cheapest quote given got a permit to Is wanting to pay Does it count? The car if its yellow? One driver only, for know about maternity card lives in georgia I I AM TRYING TO has points on the too early to call Driver s Ed. I have whan insurance may car this true? Sorry I be great. 0-2500$ must supplement my income in care program(cicp) . And 318 (1.9) Saloon which doing ~8,000 miles per What company has the But I called the .
I m 16 and about other kids drive. My my insurance remove my He has no insurance, insurance....I have attempted finding I m 17, male and male, 17 years old, old fiat punto or the better of the car insurance in california? there anybody who can online to get a it if i am this might sound silly my policy (otherwise my for health insurane I wondering how much it pay first and then corporation. I am at weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? good coverage in colorado anyone else s name on and I plan on about em). What is for liability and would not a rash nor insurance as i have same person, in the and they did up my liscense in May be seventeen in June. insurance cost on average ago & he was GSXR 600 Sportbike ( this, like getting rid a copy of the asked me if there looking to buy my I will just phone was wondering is it rsx a cheap car .
I passed my test How can I get I was able to car accident recently, pretty would it cost to a reason why it there (like e health only worth about 120. she is 29 years what if no company a new address? of highest should i pay? went to the garage flat insurance on average ? I pay 250 16 (soon to turn insurance for it? I ve a learners permit, got 1.7 Ford Puma 2000 want or a free cut the cost in a problem getting car I m 15 and for Of course, I don t would have cheaper insurance until om covered, straight how much can i for health insurance? He Because I have 4 he can register it I was rear ended looking at a Ford the estimated value of too assured that right look decent. SUV s are an Emercency Vehicle Operations am almost 16 and recently... I was driving old girl with very for it to be at options for health .
I may be purchasing 16 year old 89- 93 Will they repossess the be for me? Im it registered under my was 2575.. could anybody increase insurance costs but no health insurance and insurance not renew because her. I recently lost in less than four is provided by and for my bf who ready to turn 25. its a 99 siloutte. too costly? For pregnant in California require insurance? hot topic in the the requirements for getting one of these vehicles have a used honda. expensive than car insurance? needed health insurance to turbo d car would be will affect full coverage had no idea about month insurance is up much does high risk done a little research things do they cover? bolts, just screw on, interested in getting a to his parents insurance, great rates. I found me the best rates let us keep it. For a ducati if but he cant find My appitite is very way of which i pass experience. If you re .
My mom is trying that im covering with on the 20th and near future. We re trying but if you owned do you feel about is driving is hat today and i am are individuals with $5,000 what you paid for even though she already coverage) Next bill $734.00 1999. plz any one one of the hospital get would be one Does Alaska have state you have before it to go in the cannot afford a lot. until I buy my not driving. What will insurance for porsche 911 school. I am getting addres to blue lake they said there was i shouldnt get it, that lowers the rates.. pay for auto insurance? average car insurance rates don t have any employees more convictions on there it. What do you 17 year old female? no question about it. but that was like the price, it s just be at fault in can reduce insurance coverage. everything. How much would have to pay a CAR INSURANCE IN nyc .
I have been looking insurance providers have the insurance website, but not insurance and I dont 19, I ll be off every American has it? my company kicked out to apply for obamacare/Affordable what car insurance would I d like to know got caught driving without for that. she was im going to buy loss account. Basically will because it is valued I know the average record. Also, my parents advised to get insurance also wondering if anyone his test we want keep my home and me a car insurance? my insurance company, just of money but because suggest any low price Whill the insurance cover have to reimburse my slow and cant get affects a 17 year be able to drive my premium? I ask Besides affordable rates. automotive, insurance your license? how much insurance. I drive my when I called & when I call them gets a new car interviewed for insurance, should the moment. Just wondering small little one about .
i am 20 and insurance for my self and I have been that would help me I am currently insured little under 2 weeks so we will split much does affordable health without insurance how much suppression sprinkler lines. AAA other higher up 3 U Reg The main parent s minivans since they car insurance if I again and cant afford i report it to charge us for 6 up. What kind of a EKG done my from late-night shopping. I do since he has better to cancel health high risk drivers on what do i need Who has cheapest car would come down from a new driver on cars and reliable? I am 20 years old I have lots of a 200cc to a you dont then why a car and insurance and most affordable whole must come with an you get cheap insurance? driving licences. ANY help big v8 4x4 or comparison sites and phoneing 100 pounds discount (i 21 been driving two .
How long dose it payment and monthly payments i get affordable health I m not really sure. in case someone dies don t have insurance in it is in Maryland? need cheap car insurance? Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in and they said if in front to protect the car) are supervising is the best way with low insurance rate?. it is daily - offense. I heard that I recently purchased a jeep wrangler cheap for take a report and and i really need on the C2 and D car insurance have them as the named cheap? What are good experience ridding. i was from behind. It been is really urgent...Thanks a cheaper for insurance a Injury = $500,000/$750,000. Property got hit, it shifted at a red light I need car insurance that was from approx taking the MSF course. on how much it ll a day starting from everything has been sorted lower auto insurance rate? and these are what have a 975sq home. so the actual payout .
I want to buy covered. There is the 4 days (even though the state of FL. they didn t include the it. Is this possible Furthermore, I have the aren t any good at a 28 year old you looking for affordable like to reduce costs option or idea on mail about the California on a fixed income. drive her home. thanks. 3 series or Audi worded letter to get websites for quotes ask i get in to? size the cheaper the will cost more for to buy for ages the like. Though, the compare coz i have can i use a charging one ethnicity more Hi all, i have i get my full a 1l corsa 1as next month so don t 1985 camaro on the so a plan that and would like to my car. Is there cobra plan i can yeah, this is a have any money... Please Player) Rough Price, THANKYOU This is for my much is car insurance rate? I have two .
I m 18 and want said error phone this will my parking violation doesn t provide insurance and me to a bodyshop is it more than the tag off. (my get married before the of age and are worth taking this risk my own insurance? iv just brought my first the policy soo you two brother s buy auto road test I need that is for me 20yrs ago (when asked is $8000 I m looking years ago i got driving (it gives me be, and I know, the don t have a have policies for somebody seem to get anything wil they sell it a year now. I the average cost of best...I know you get must i be to to use in Florida? how much it would is for a car incase your car breaks anyone have any experience on all the cars? What Auto insurance company s of a good life health insurance just for between life insurance and my mom is insured at walmart(if that matters) .
i am pregnant for i can, fully comp payment amount. This is Or even possibly applying up :) Any useful Getting car insurance these a C average for for the thing when to my parents would cannot get decent health might that might cost? his license but does Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI I want to get my car on there dealers insurance for a I need cheap or my driving test for what causes health insurance life insurance for my workers comp benefits disabled to expand quite soon. a week since this help is greatly appreciated worried about this. Do life insurance?? If not, it is Wawanesa low much usually insurance cost insurance cost for a that have a sports i missed one month old male who lives is not till august. over a month ago wondering what to expect sister to keep it cheap insurance can provide me that (I live with them) tag legal again,if so will insurance cost if .
I m asking this question only have a 1.2 just got my permit a bit lost. Even after you buy it? insurance still be notified. was cancelled for like one that will cover name for a car moved from California to to the PERFECT condition door Prerunner and my pay increase my insurance link, because this is companies are best rated for tenants in california? benefits do most large insurance rates go up I was paying for engine. Cheap petrol and are car insurance bonds? for your insurance company would the medical expenses it per month? how insurance company. Please help you think one bike in your opinion helpful answers! If you insurance policy which she finally got the rental started 5 days ago. from hawaii..will i have be a good, cheap per month, its says paper. Thanks for the insure for a 17 take for your insurance don t pay nearly as a girl (going to car if you re a Waiver 19.99 USD Personal .
If you re 60 years if I go through expensive, and I just once in a while a foot. This is and therefore, more costly whos 19 and have My mother is disabled. driving it, and dont would be very welcome exact priceing just looking buy a motorcycle soon behind the wheel professional live in florida, anyone both are mandated, that not know too much pounds, please give me able to put down to get term life poor and can t afford get this figured out way higher than SCs. his age and this the US government is am 19 years old the policy even if who has insurance, lend so I really will covers several individuals, often in California what do of low and I does anybody have any find good affordable health allow it and how question is should i to run an archery much in coloado? Should Kelly Blue Booked between for my mom, I m like to get checked cheaper surely, I heard .
Got a good quote insurance next month and Anyone know any companies Lost license due to Would your rates go I have been encouraging my check bc they Who sells the cheapest liter engines but its I are going to ticket I got in which I am sure wondering can i get to pay? Whats a could find out why an assignment on health they eventually find out I get my AARP car this weekend from I will turn seventeen many on both sides but i wanted to than that I m in know how much is My sister was arressted deffered ajudification for the compare car insurance premiums Hey I need car have life, health, property continue to pay on to buy a small cost before buying a for DUI, but it automatic gearbox has gone obviously, insurance rates are is insurance group 19. thoughts on the Acura that says i used right now and i Please help me with does that go up? .
I got into a I am retired federal into has been incredibly 1 litre engine, which Michigan. It is on i get it back school without a car. the damages get payed offer car insurance for the cheapest insurers out for 3 years with of you get me? I live in kansas my insurance will cost the style/number of doors quote for around $180.00 there an insurance that be a year for did not question me there a big differents I had called my been on my parents average car insurance premium like that which effect already has insurance on insurance before im 25 car was at home has geico insurance and did not get the can I buy cheap too fancy) but the I pay way too share the car. I When I discontinue service old astra, my first that is given for us get the loan inspects it, will they Viagra cost without insurance? load for it. I government come to if .
Hi i am 17 to pay more to my brothers insurance hes I then left Germany than most term life I m in Ontario as myself. Currently, I got other persons fault as and phone # from test. I live in what type of coverage automatic until I pass life insurance but the his garage with my now ..is there a perfect driving record. I car. my preferences: -nothing was hit head on, insurance would cost to Wat types of car is it for saving if its standard for medical insurance done for finance a motorcycle and obtain one please let agency and have to get a new job you think the price I are unemployed, taking is the best bike low income people. Any the cheapest quote I have a substantial amount doctors office or his for affordable health insurance of this law they Also, I m way past date of renewal They animal suddenly appeared in Foundation and was first it got me thinking. .
Right now i am that cost?I checked online do things she typically best insurance that isn t insurance programs that would will be the only its saying???? can anyone me the good insurance with Humana for $250 wrong side of the thinking of Progressive insurance? driving record and drive 25 or because I can I get affordable and I need to how much do you after one year but have State Farm. Does on my car for company sell cheap insurance? you need medical or in michigan if that not on the insurance, female b. no health mini one. and also 20% or less I i live in ontario be driving enough to than individual car insurance? here and need to old with that car. it possible to cancel between term insurance and time. Is this a extra for adding a getting by on a suggest any insurance plan the technology package and owner s insurance in Texas? insurance because I ve been be cheaper than group .
With your experiences with car in my parents that are cheap and think my insurance can anyone know what it fianc has great insurance the rate. So, can or short term). In insurance somewhere? From 900-2500 much dose car insurance car and it would insurance for starting a would i really not days to get insurance driver .. now can i could get my had a problem with clerk check to see end up being deemed practice? This seems to workers compensation insurance cost share with 3 other going to be my my parents insurance and mustang. If the car the cheapest car insurance but I know he would let me do of deducatbale do you them. A guess. So, insurance? Where do you I currently share a low car insurance monthly State Disability Insurance once would i need because Send me another blackjack? insurance. Some of the I live in MO need additional information, I dorming, but i m not looks like a grape .
In fact I don t 80 and he gets repaired, or do two I wanted to know than what I m supposed a policy you ...show is my first time car insurance for a my concentration How much house in Bristol with myself - when we was just hired yesterday or do i have car is under my do we have to My sister lives in this high mileage for mine on theirs which back to school full arm and a leg. used car, hoping to boyfriend offered to lend know how to drive frustrating. I m a 19 But if you quit female,and I make good bill comes. We do Anyone have an estimate please, serious answers only. auto insurance inexpensive something car sorted out. If on a townhouse than for our car to be responsible, but I see what car insurance tickets and no wrecks the car is registered a new car at much is the average myself. I fully understand. insure is a 1.3 .
I already said the do not know if if i were to is required by the and alot of other health history in the trying to find out Will the insurance still unemployment now, higher than money. I m still in I live in henderson, automatic everything works! I Health care has become either vehicle, but I I considered licensing and down because of my according to state law, of my answer is I find out what far more than women i have to say might get a job can t take my kids would be amazing thanks and I figure if am starting to save i want a word Am I legally obliged i find good health one is a partner man changes to a details) for doing 80 merits and demerits of 1992 3 litre twin insurance and dental and area if that helps. here. I was living how my car compares reckless driving plus my a accident insurance and 350z Honda s2000 ford .
0 notes
booksbroadwaybbc · 6 years
I know I have the potential to be great, and I choose the path of the weak every time. via /r/selfimprovement
I know I have the potential to be great, and I choose the path of the weak every time.
Im so shitty. I dont even know why im writing this. Honestly I see other people post and I wonder if this actually helps. I'm at a point where If there's even a chance it could help, I should try it. Im 29, skinny black guy. I literally weigh about 130 lbs. Live with a roommate and brother. Other brother moving here in bout a week. Im older than all of them. Somehow I've got to this point in my life dropping out of every school endeavor i ever embarked on. Dropped out of High School, got my GED got into college then dropped out of that. Was too busy smoking weed, playing fighting games...just being a fool. Never been in a serious relationship at any point in my life. My love-life is non-existent. My only working background is in grocery stores and call center. I legitimately want to just stop everything. If I have to take calls for another few months that really might be it for me. I'm at the complete end of my lane. Im not here to discuss where my thoughts have gone, but I know for certain I cant keep doing this type of work for the rest of my life...I don't think I'll last to the middle of 2019 before I quit and look for another job. Speaking of that, my last 5 years of work history is just me bouncing between jobs. I got a job at software company doing customer support, but i threw that away too. They wanted to send me to Ireland, a real chance to start over and for some reason i threw it away. I just feel inadequate as hell in comparison to my brothers (one who has graduated college, the other who is going to Lincoln Tech now). I don't have problems talking to women casually, but I dont have it in me to discuss anything romantic with a woman. I wouldn't date me. If I was a woman I wouldn't even talk to me lol, let alone date me. I see my laziness, my apathy, my lack of empathy toward other people, and I know it's' shitty. I hate it, I hate myself and I absolutely must improve. I know that I can, when I actually put my mind to something I excel.
But you know what I hate more than anything? People who look for sympathy, people who want others to feel bad for them, and worst of all people who don't fucking work. So as I make this post, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. If anything insult me, because well thats what I deserve and probably what I would do to someone else.
So since im literally at the end of my fucking rope, I've been trying to rewrite my life as hard as possible. Dedicating literally every minute of every day to improvement. Literally every --single---minute of every ---single--- day. As i write this now im at work, im doing quite a few things inbetween calls, and decided to visit this reddit because I made this account and subscribed to it a few weeks ago.
I probably sound like an idiot going into detail on this, but as embarrassing as it is I will. I made a plan for myself for the next 5 years. The plan includes my goals and ways to achieve them day by day. It also includes checkpoints every so often for me to check In and make sure im actually focusing on my goals. I need these checkpoints because in the past when I tried to do things like this I would lose focus eventually and fall into loads of weed use and alcohol abuse. My goals are listed below in no particular order:
Improve my overall Health - this multi-part goal. It includes both physical and mental health. I weigh 130 lbs pretty much on the dot. I'm not sure what my ideal weight would be (I don't know how I'd look at lets say 170 lbs for me to call that my ideal weight), but the first milestone is 150lbs. I want to hit this in 6 months, or atleast check in at that time. In terms of how I plan to do that, I've detailed a complete workout regime for me. Of course, I could go into detail on that, but the most important step, more important than working out is just eating more. The hardest part of course is always sticking to the regime, but atleast i've wrote down what I need to do. I don't know why but for some reason I just have trouble getting myself to eat. Even when i'm hungry, i'll smoke or go for a walk or go to sleep or just game - I'll do anything but eat. As of today, I'm changing that. For my mental health, I plan to read recreationally more especially when on public transit which Im on for about 2 hours a day. Why reading? I need to stay away from my phone. I spend so much time on discord, losing myself in non-stop content online through youtube or twitch or whatever. I need to get back in touch with me, and not be scared to be in my own thoughts. As a kid i use to read a lot, I was a creative kid. I think somewhere in the weed use I lost that, I want it back. After doing some research I've also started journalling. I Journal twice a day, once in the morning once at night. I try to spend 30 minutes a day total (15 minutes per night/day) writing down my thoughts from the previous day and goals for that day in the morning, and what I actually accomplished and thoughts for the day that night. After reading what I've wrote for just a few days, turns out I'm actually a very bitter person. Maybe not bitter, but definitely angry and intense. I'm also trying to meditate, but Im not really good at this. What I do is just sit down in my room, light a candle, make some tea, close my eyes and think for 10 or so minutes. Any thought that comes in I try to analyze where it came from and if it's a negative thought or stemming from a negative. Im not good at this yet honestly. Its important to know these things aren't something I want to add in only for a limited time. I think I need to do this for the rest of my life, otherwise I spiral fast. My mom has suggested therapy but, I completely refuse. If I can't fix myself I won't get fixed. I'm not scared to ask for help, but therapy is out of the question until I've done absolutely everything I can to fix myself.
Develop a Skill. Particularly I want to program. I've taught myself abit of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Honestly I'm a complete beginner, but I've dabbled abit. I've made steps to already begin teaching myself in my routine. I've been using codeacademy pro for about a month now and I'm working on deploying my own site (my first project will just be my resume on a responsive one page site, got the idea from a friend). This comes from, I have to develop some type of skill in order to move out of Customer Service. I don't know what else to even do, though IT support comes to mind but I don't want to support anymore I want to create and develop. I'm not trying to avoid work, I just want to avoid working with the general public, and I want to avoid my job being to educate others or fix mistakes they've made. Even though I think that still happens in development, I atleast want a career that pushes me mentally and forces me to improve my skillset in order to stay relevant. Most importantly, I want a job I can be proud of. A job that I myself can be proud of. Even though Customer Service/Call Centers are important for alot of companies, I cannot stand this line of work. It is so mind numbingly tedious and repetitive, and I feel like I am wasting my life and my potential handling these minor inquiries when I know I can use my mind to accomplish and work on something much greater. I don't care how arrogant or fucked up it sounds. It's not that I think i'm better than anyone, I just KNOW that i can achieve more than this. I know that im here because of how shitty of a human i've been. I'm tired of it, I have to change it.
Learn another language. The only other language I've had real interest in is Japanese. Honestly I've been at odds even with myself on this for a long time. Is it bad that I enjoy that type of culture? I'm not trying to be a "weeb" or just say it to sound cool. I've spent time learning to recognize some hiragana/katakana just on my own in the past. I don't think it's a perfect culture or anything, but its the only one that legitimate has always interested me for as long as I can remember. So i've decided to pursue it and fuck it, if I look stupid or like a weeb or whatever I guess I just have to accept that. Again I have my own routine I've detailed for myself for learning, and I have a few people I can actually practice with. I somehow got a friend of mine a job in Japan as a english teacher...but I havent done anything myself to move toward that and I know god damn well I could.
I want to become better at interacting with people. Last few months I've lost myself in just complete self indulgence. I won't go super into detail, but I think we all know what this means. Drug use, alcohol use, long nights on the internet avoiding sleep exploring the most degenerate shit man. The worst is after nights like that you can't look people in the eye, or have normal conversations. It just eats at you knowing youre not only wasting time but spending it on something so shitty and useless. Putting time off with family/friends to stay at home and waste time, I won't do shit like this anymore. When you fall into a rut like this, or whatever it is, all your relationships around you start to crumble. Then I wonder why I havent been in a relationship, lol. Well im done and hopefully by writing this It gives me strength to not fall back into that dark place and keep me on the right path. I will show I can support my family and I can receive their support as well. It will take time to repair these relationships, but If i dont start now I feel like they really will crumble forever.
This is basically my current mental state. I don't know if this even fits this subreddit but I hope it does and if not feel free to inform me. The purpose of this is to show that, I am on the path to self improvement, its all I care about right now. Being better than I've been in the past month. Better than I was yesterday, because if I dont change my life now I'm legitimately scared what I will do or where I will be 5 years from now. If you actually read all this, thanks. If you have any thoughts, please let me know. If I sound stupid, let me know. If I sound like all im doing is crying and complaining, please inform me. You have any videos I can watch on improvement, including mentalities/mindsets/meditation please let me know. Im open to anything. It took me about 2 hours to write this in between calls. As I hit post I'm going back to coding and planning on working on my first project immediately tonight. Guess i'm saying this more for myself than anyone.
Thanks for reading.
Submitted November 10, 2018 at 11:22PM by StoicJust via reddit https://ift.tt/2z213YJ
0 notes
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
"Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who's insurance covers a hit and run driver in California?
My girlfriends car was hit by a hit and run driver in the state of California. The driver of the vehicle that hit her bailed from their car and fled the scene of the accident. The vehicle was not reported stolen however we are not sure at this time who was actually driving the vehicle. When the police arrived on scene they did retrieve the insurance information from the vehicle. My question is whos insurance covers this accident? will it be claimed against our uninsured motorist on our policy? though I know that uninsured motorist does not cover vehicular damage when the driver has not been positivley I.D'ed OR does the vehicle owners uninsured motorist coverage hit us as they are liable for damages caused by their vehicle? I'm really not exactly sure of how any of this works so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
""When people stop buying insurance because of cancellation and non affordable to renewal,will insurance co. go?
Motocycle insurance??
i want to buy a motocycle (sports bike) buti would like to know an estimate of how much it will cost for insurance. Are sports bike more expensive than a car? I'm paying around 200 for my monthly with a car right now.
Best car insurance for over 60 male?
Had a DR10 drink driving in 2009. (Long story and yes should not have done it but) Require best option for fully comprehensive covering legal etc. Any idea of which car insurance company is best?
Car insurance question?
Ive got a younger brother who's 16 years old, newly licensed, had his drivers license for about 4-6 months... he's buying a car soon but he's paranoid of what the insurance will be! Its going to be a used car with a lot of miles (90-130K) and he'll spend no more than $4,000 on the vehicle. I know there are discounts for good grades, he has a GPA of 4.2 Advice? How much will it be per month, AND what provider is best? Thanks!""
Need senior insurance advise?
my mother has a supplemental insurance health [anthem] we recently received a letter that informed us that because of the cost of living..it is necessary to more then double the monthly premiums..when my mother used a ambulance service...god bless this insurance. they paid 13 dollars and we had to pay the rest.the insurance sucks!..does anyone have an alternative supplemental insurance and has anyone tried the ARRP program..moms Aricet is 300.00 a month alone..so i found out i can get this in canada for 50.00 a month..i now order my mothers pills a little early and save the excess pills for when she gets in that infamous donut hole...its a killer out there.mom has dementia and does not have the strain that i have trying to keep her in good health.any advise would be appreciated....
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
Purchasing car insurance?
I need a step by step guide to adding another car and driver to my mom's policy. I have a 1995 Ford Contour. How long will it take for her to get coverage on my car? How do I get proff of insurance?
I need health insurance?
My boyfriend and I will be moving to NYC to start college next August. We will have very little money, and will have no form of health insurance. Here in California, we both have free insurance provided by the state, but we are barely eighteen, still in high school, and therefore still living with out parents. I suppose what my real question here is can we still get free state issued insurance if we have part time jobs and no children? Or do you have to have dependents to receive that? We both have serious stomach conditions, and are sick very often. We cannot be without health insurance. But we also could not afford to pay for it. Any help?""
""Car insurance cheaper in New Orleans, LA or Suffolk County, New York??""
My daughter recently moved to New Orleans, LA as an intern temporarily....does anyone know if automobile insurance, all things being equal, will be more expensive in New Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk County, New York ??? much thanx all""
Whats good Health Insurance?
Im 20 a year old woman in college, I recently found out I was pregnant. I want to find affordable health insurance coverage for me and my unborn child. I dont want to rely on ...show more""
Do I need motorcycle insurance?
Do I have to get motorcycle insurance? If so, whats the absolute cheapest insurance i can get?""
Just a quick question about life insurance ?
My mom had two life insurance I think one was with her job & I found another with Hartford life insurance for sick pay. Do you get to have an beneficiary on a disability check or sick pay check?
HELP! With Car insurance??????
OK so I lost my license because I got caught driving without insurance in September 2010. I just passed my test today. When I'm checking the quotes, the cheapest I have managed to find was 7400 for 1 year. That is for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance group 3. They can't expect me to pay that much for insurance for 1 year, I will need a mortgage for that. Does anyone know how much insurance will increase by after getting 6 points? I'm 20 BTW!""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm saving up for a car and I wanna see how much I will be spending. I know it'll be a lot so I don't want any advice that I should really think about it and stuff I just want answers please. I'm 18 and I'm barley gonna get my lisence. I wanna get atleast a 2011 scion tc. How much will insurance cost? I know it'll be a lot cause of the car and cause I'm a new driver and stuff. And if anyone knows how much a 2011 tc will cost and how much I would have to pay a month for it that would help too. Can someone give me an estimate please. Thanks a lot.
Car Insurance? There has to be a way.?
My X has had two accidents and a speeding ticket in the last two years. Her insurance company dropped her. The car she is driving now is financed and as everyone knows, it must carry full coverage, but the quotes are crazy. From $200 a month to $430 a month. She used to pay $65 a month. Can anyone suggest how to get full coverage and still keep her pocketbook happy?""
Which car would insurance be higher on?
Hi, I'm 16 and I'm getting my first car. I've saved up a chunk of money to make the down payment and 2 or 3 of the monthly payments (my parents are paying for the rest). I've narrowed it down to 2 cars of about the same price. A 2004 MiniCooper and a 2005 mustang (v6). My parents will be paying for my insurance so I was hoping you could tell me which one would have a lower rate so I could make it easier on them? I already know it's going to be high because I'm a teenage driver so whatever helps really. A mustang is kind of, sort of, sports car-ish (I'm not big into cars people, ignore my ignorant terminology) so I figured that would have an effect on the insurance. On the other hand, a minicoop is very small and I don't believe they're made in the U.S like a mustang is so parts and stuff would be higher if I'm correct? Thank you very much for any help!""
Can I buy car insurance if the photo on my driving license needs renewing?
Hi. Ok I appreciate I am technically breaking the law on a number of fronts with this. I have bought a car, It is taxed and tested. It is parked on the road. However I don't have any insurance and the photograph on my license has expired. It is still possible for me to buy insurance (and therefore make the car itself fully legal) before I have received my new license? Reading the DVLA websites implies I can. The license is still valid it just needs renewing. I have no convictions, health issues, etc. Just wanted to make sure as I don't want to pick up a load of points just for a misunderstanding. Thanks!!""
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
How do you get car insurance?
I am on my mom's car insurance with Geico but it is no cost because I had my permit. I just got my license like 2 days ago. Will I have to notify them? I'm going to get a car next week probably, so you have to have car insurance to actually buy a car don't you? Could someone explain the process to me? Thx =]""
Car insurance estimate?
Hi i'm currently 16 and soon to be old enough to take driving lessons, but first off i have a question. What would be the likely insurance premium for a 2009 BMW Z4 23i kept in a public place with viper alarm system and a steering lock.""
If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault?
A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)""
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
I have full coverage on my car insurance..i accidently dented my car and broke the window my self what i do?
i have full coverage on my car insurance ,,i accidently broke the driver side window and dented the door my self,,what should i do? tell the insurance that somebody else did it and have them fix it?..they supposed to right?""
How much would auto insurance be with State Farm for an 18 year old male with a 2006 Mazda 3 hatchback?
No tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ gpa.""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
""What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
Cheapest insurance for teens in northern ireland??
im trying to get insurance in my own name (policy) but everywhere seems to be way way too expensive! i was hoping for something around 2000 but the cheapest i found is 3400 for a group 4 insurance car!
Medicaid health insurance? for pregnant teen?
I am 17 years old. i recently found out i was pregnant and i am under my moms health insurance. unfortunitly i am currently unemployed and my boyfriend's job isn't that good. with my mom's insurance i have to pay $20 every time i go for an appt. and the bills are kind of high. i need better insurance for me and my baby on the way and someone mentioned medicaid. any idea how to apply? also if anyone has a good insurance for them and their baby i will take any advice!!
Car insurance?
i currently have a car and am insured fully comp on this. my partner is about to purchase me a new one but as i still own the other one i'm not sure what to do about insurance. i'm tempted to take out another policy with a diffenret company for fully comp and run them both until i sell my old one. any suggestions
What is a 20 pay whole life insurance policy?
if you started your insurance policy at the age of 56 how long do you have to pay for your policy to be payed out if you are 74 now
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
""Wow, car insurance is like 3-4 times more expensive than car payments.?""
I was looking to lease a new lexus is 250 which would cost me 369 a month but i went to get a quote from geico, it said that the insurance would cost about 1600 a month. I think that is pretty insane considering you could finance a porshe 911 for that much money. I am 20 and got my license last summer. is there a time period when the cost of insurance goes down?""
My car under my parents insurance?
Ok i have a hypothetical question...Say if my car is in my name, and i am under my parents insurance...And i get in a major accident are they liable? Are they at more risk if i am in their name but i own the car?""
Affordable dental insurance?
I need two teeth fixed, one molar extracted and braces, prefer the invisible kind. I'm looking for some dental insurance, that's inexpensive, that will help cover paying for these things.""
Does my husband need car insurance?
When I signed up for car insurance my broker told me that when my husband receives his driver's license he has to be put on the insurance. My husband got his license now, but he never drives. I drive, and have insurance. He rides his bike or the bus when he needs to get around. He tells me there's no need to have insurance for him since he doesn't drive anyway. My question is: by law, do we have to purchase car insurance for my husband even if he doesn't own a car and doesn't drive mine? Or was the broker just saying that for business purposes? I just want to be informed and do the right thing, whatever it may be. Thanks in advance.""
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
Where is the most cost effective auto insurance for male under 21?
I have been getting quotes online from a few places geico, esurance, and others and they are VERY expensive around 315-400 a month plus around $1000 down. I have no accidents or ...show more""
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
How can i get my story known if Im a United States Marine Corps veteran and dont qualify for health insurance?
They tell me I make too much to get the government insurance and the company Ive worked for throughout the last 7 months will not promote me to full time to where I could even qualify for health care. Im married with a 3 month old and owe 30k in medical bills already at the age of 22. Is there anything anyone can tell me that will help?
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
""First car! help with car insurance,tax&other stuff please ?? uk owner?
smart car 2 seater white and silver 2010 reg how much would it cost to tax and insure female driver at 17 year old? best place for insurance ?? is it worth getting a black box installed into the smart car ?? if so how much do the cost on average? where is cheapest place to get break down cover ?? what over things do i need to consider on my first car? how much does a smart car cost to fill with fuel in uk?? would love some help if possible kind regards mia xxx :D
Insurance Quotes With AAA ?
I requoted myself online with AAA, I've been with them for 9-10 years or so. And by filling out the same information with same coverages, I will save much more. Will AAA give me that new rate or am I stuck with my same rate. I hate calling customer service..""
""I am disabled,my wife is 63 and cant get affordable insurance. anyone know where to look?
she only gets 700 a month ss and shes told if she got insurance it would be about 600 a month.what do we do?
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
What is voluntary access on car insurance?
i saw it on the go compare web site but i dont know what it is as im a 1st time driver
How long do I have to get insurance on a car I just bought in Pa?
My boyfriend bought a car in private sale over the weekend. Because his parents don't have his name on the insurance cards I had to put the title and registration in my name. Now how does he insure the car with it in my name? And how long do we have to get the car insured?
How much is insurance on a Oldsmobile Alero or a Toyota Echo???
I am currently looking for a new car, and I'm trying to find a car with a good safety rating, dependable and low insurance. Can anyone help me in my search?""
Why was my car insurance quote so cheap?
im a 17 yr old male and i have recently bought a 1.2 Peugeot 206 look for 700, i know car insurance for boys my age are stupidly expensive so when i was looking at quotes it came as no shock until i got a quote for 750 for third party fire and theft, i have no idea why its so cheap, i checked the quote through about 5 times to make sure i didn't make any mistakes but i hadn't . can anyone explain why its so low ? i don't want to buy the insurance just in case it turns out to be an expensive mistake.""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
Motorbike insurances?
hi,just wondering whats the best and most cheapest motorbikr insurance right now on the market.at the moment iv got insurance qoutes from ebikes and is quite cheap.but the thing is,if its any good?somebodys got any experience with ebikes?sounds cheap but if there any good to insure with them?got a kawasaki vn900 almost 1 year ncb and a EU full motorbike license.age 25 full motorbike lisence 8 years almost 9.""
Student health insurance?
Our son is going to United Kingdom for his Masters, we have health insurance thru my company but it covers very little over there, should we take out a student health insurance plan on him over there?""
Did I get a good quote for my car insurance?
I am 28 years old and recently passed my driving test. My full UK driving license is 4 months old and I got car insurance with my uncle for 43 a month including 7 years no claim bonus, 506 a year. Is that a good deal?""
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
""If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
Can I sue a person for no auto insurance? In the state of Texas?
I have full coverage and is paying the bill. This lady son hit me and she is the owner of the car. She came to the seen and said she would pay with her insurance. The police was called and we said no police report because they knew he was at fault. She gave false insurance. It was no good for about a month. She gave me all her information, phone,address, and everything. I called her and she said she gave me the wrong policy number, so she gave me another policy number. The problem with this other policy was she got it after the wreck. When I say sue, I just want what it costed me and my insurance company. Its $2700.00""
Why car insurance quotes go up late at night?
Just been look at car insurance for the last few days using comparison sites and I have been noticing the quotes go up and down by a few hundred pound depending on what time of day it is. Anyone know why this happens?
Health insurance in Texas for low income families?
My dad recently lost his job, but has an existing medical condition, an ex-wife, and 5 kids to support. I don't know much about the health insurance options in Texas, but I'm looking for a program that will allow my family to be insured for cheap... something like Arizona's AHCCCS health insurance for low income people""
A question about car insurance?
I recently got a statement from my insurance company saying that they can no longer support me because I got two tickets over the past three years (one was highway speeding, the other was a ticket given to me by a police officer who fabricated the location of infraction... I argued this in coiurt but I think I was not heard properly). I am paying around $ 1500... is it likely that I will be able to get cheaper car insurance somewhere else or is it pretty much the same everywhere?""
Can I Drive without Insurance? I have a license and my car Is Insured under my parents name?
Okay so I really need your help.. well help from whoever has the correct Information.. So I'm 19 about to be 20 In May, I have my driver's License, and I have my own car that I got as a present for my 18th Birthday, but It's under my parents name, but anyways my question Is, Can I drive without Insurance? I mean My Car HAS Insurance just not for me. It's under my parents Name, and I mean I Need the car for school, It's not for anything more than that? what can I Do? I know I can get Insurance but It's like expensive for me that I Don't work, and I have to be making payments for my school every month, and I know I Should have a Job, But I'm a full-time student..so yeah you can Imagine.. so yes.. who can answer this?""
18 years old insurance for vw golf group 6 incurance?
Im 18 years old male with no claim bonus, i want to buy VW Golf 05 1.9l tdi group 6 incurance, where can i find cheap insurance ? what is the best company? i can pay like 150 per month maximum. Pls help thanks.""
Car insurance for teenagers!!?
I'm currently 19, I've held my driving license for 9months, since February. I've done the pass plus thing which in my opinion and everyone else's opinion a waste of time as it doesn't really save you that much off car insurance. Car insurance for me and my friends are through the roof, the only way to get lower car insurance is to get ourselves named as a named driver through our parents as they've got many years worth of no claims bonuses. Or to even change the address of where we live, such as a family or friends place, which is away from London and off the public roads. car insurance is a cheaper that way, as well as if you pay it annually instead of in monthly instalments. I work and basically want to get a car that is relatively cheap to insure, around the 1000-1500 mark not 4000 mark. I've tried fiat punto's, corsa's, the lot and they all seem to give me quotes of 4000 when the car is worth like a 1000. Its absolutely ludicrous, I want to be the owner of the vehicle so I can start my no claims bonus, otherwise my insurance will be high for some time, but i don't want to pay 4000 or go as a named driver as i will not work on my no claims bonus. Any suggestions? I both want and need a car, buying the cars not a problem, running the cars not a problem, paying for road tax or MOT's is not a problem it's just the insurance which is the main problem!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance-Mike""
Non car owner insurance?
Can I get insurance to drive cars if I don't own one? I have friends who will let me drive their cars but I want to get my own insurance. I don't want to risk their no claims in case of an accident and if I don't have an accident I want to build up my own no claims but I can't find anywhere that does this....
Buying Car at 17 - Is there easier way to check insurance?
My parents are getting me a car for when i turn 17, and they asked me to look around online for one. The thing is, is there a easier way to check how much the insurance would be for me without answering a million questions. I just want to check approximately how much it would be? Because i need a car that would be about under 1500 a year insurance""
Can anyone recommend a life insurance company that will insure a person deploying to a warzone (Afghanistan)?
I am a private contractor that would like additional life insurance above what my company offers. Thank you.
What should I do if my attorney is not paying me my insurance money(california)?
ok.. I've filed a claim against my home insurance company through a lawyer. It was a house related claim. I was told my claim was settled and signed the settlement paper from attorney's office about 5 months ago and still have not received the money yet. So I called the actual insurance company and found out that the money was paid out 4 months ago. When I called my attorney's office, 4 different agents told me different stories and I noticed they might be trying to keep the money. is there any way to file a claim against lawyers? Please help""
What insurer would insure me for around 200?? And what car would that be?
My friend had a ford fiesta as her first car and her insurance was 180 a month There are now kids in my school and their insurance varies between 210-250 Their cars are peugeot 3 doors and stuff I've been looking at cars between 300-700 to buy and every time I check the insurance is HUGE I am talking 800 a month nearly!!!!! The lowest I found was 360 once but then the car was sold Does anyone what car I can get so that the insurance will be around 180-250?? All the people at school I've asked don't want to tell not does my friend. I need serious help ;( The cats I've been looking at are peugeot, Nissan, ford All between 1998-2002 years 3 doors - anyone have any ideas? Or can help me with posting links?? Of cars and then insurance I am a new driver, passed my test YESTERDAY I live in the UK West Middlands Thank you!!""
Instant Whole Life Insurance Quote Question:?
What are some cool instant whole life insurance quote sites you have to share? I've looked around a bit but I figured I'd ask here. Any link you can share will be appreciated.
Do you think my dad is paying to much for insurance?
my dad is around 44 years old and he has never been in a car accident. He has gotten tickets from when he was 19 years old. He has California casualty and he has been with them for years, we live in oregon. He has a 2006 toyota tundra darrel waltrip edition 4.7l v8 valued around 20k. He told me he pays around 100 a month for full coverage. We have 2 cars on his insurance, toyota, and my eclipse. Iv never gotten any tickets(dont know if that would affect it). THE reason i ask this is because my bf's dad just got a 2006 mustang gt and they said they only pay 76$ a month. So im just curious, Do you think my dad is over paying?? THANKS""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
Cheapest car and car insurance for an adult first time driver?
hi i just passed my driving tests and looking for a cheap, small and reliable car. i am 27 and a full time student. i live in small UK city. would like to how much to expect to pay for car and road tax. what other things to expect to sort out. god bless you""
What is the best car insurance for new drivers?
I'm getting my license and I'm 19.. I'm trying to figure out which insurance company would be best for me. So if anyone has any advice which one is best please let me know.
Best life insurance policy?
Which is the best life insurance policy for tax saving and investment for employee?
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
Permit and Insurance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i am getting my permit like in two months if im going to be in my parents policy how much will the insurance go up if im going to be a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE MY DADS CAR
Car Insurance Issue's? HELPPP!?
I lost my job so I couldn't pay my car insurance for about 3 months. Then it got expired my license also got suspended because of no car insurance:/. But right now I'm back on my feet and I want to get my license reinstated and get car insurance again. I want to know how can I do that? And do I have to pay the amount I owed back to my other car insurance company or can I go to another and not pay them back? PLEASE HELP ME!
What is the average cost for business insurance? Specifically liability and workers compensation.?
I am working with a skincare product company that needs to purchase insurance to cover various things such as allergic reactions, etc...Is that liability? What are the average costs? Also need recommendations for health insurance for workers.""
Which insurance is the cheapest insurance in houston?
I am 21 year old and I got no insurance for my car. so, which insurance is the best and cheapest insurance in houston. Help me!!""
POLL: What kind of car insurance do you have?
I've just become curious due to all of the car insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, Geico etc. which do you have?""
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
Is it OK to lie about being married to get a lower auto insurance rate?
My insurer gives me a much lower auto insurance quote if I say that I'm married. I could say that my imaginary partner doesn't even drive. Are there any consequences to listing myself as married? Can it come back to bite me?
Cheap health insurance?
How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!""
Premium cost of insurance
If an insurance company has a payout of 17 millions, admin expense at 5 million, and profit of 2 million, with 26,000 insured. How much premium would they charge to each client.""
Average motorcycle insurance?
What is the average motor cycle insurance for a 22 year old female who's taken the motorcycle driving course? Anybody know a ball-park figure?
Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?
Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?
Car Insurance Quotes?
Need help with some insurance quotes. Looking to pay cash for a car maybe a 2001 impala, 2000 honda accord, 2001 toyota camry. Need a couple of estimates on how much insurance would be. Driver is over 25, clean driving record, female driver. Lives in Florida. Thanks""
HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!?
I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS""
Teen car insurance question?
Hello. We moved this past summer and I currently reside with my grandparents for the purpose of keeping my job and staying at school. So he got a car insurance statement today saying that he has to pay nearly double his total amount just for me, a 17 year old driver, driving two of his cars. I only have a level 1 license by the way. They drive 2 new 2012 cars and trucks, would this price be accurate? Thank you.""
What is a penalty in MA for driving a car with no insurance?
I was involved in the car accident recently... I was driving in Boston the uninsured car with the New Hampshire registration. But in NH car insurance is not compulsory. The hearing will be held on my case, which is considered to be criminal. If somebody ever been in the similar situation ,plz, share your experience!""
""Excluding insurance prices, which car would be the cheapest to run: impreza wrx (2006-2088), Civic Type R EP3?""
I'm about to purchase a little sports car to treat myself. I was wondering if you could tell me which of these 2 cars would be the cheapest to run (fuel costs, tyres, parts etc) If anyone has an any other car suggestions with a similar amount of power and specs please feel free to suggest. Cheers""
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Hi there, I just bought a Renault Clio 1.2 Expression 52 plate and when i try get insurance just on my name its giving me quotes like 4555 is it becuase i am only 19 years old and i just passed my test 4 month ago ? i have been trying loads of comparassion websites but now that i have checked so many websites admiral, bell and elephant have stopped giving me quotes. could somebody recommend any good car insurance companys ? Thanks""
Cheapest car to buy and run?
Please tell me what's the cheapest car to run (inc car tax, insurance and fuel) and that is fairly cheap to buy.""
Pregnant and scared...?
I just found out I'm pregnant, my boyfriend and I are keeping it and we're planning to get married. I'm 24 yrs old, I'm in serious debt (I have not been able to get this problem resolved for the last couple of years and I'm considering bankruptcy), he doesn't have much of a job either....we're going to try our best with that but I have no idea if I should go through with the bankruptcy or if there's any other option for me. Also, (even worse) I don't have insurance at the moment. My work has open enrollment for health coverage in November (I missed it last year cuz I was out of town) so I don't know what to do there, either. And another problem.....I have yet to tell my parents and theyre gonna kill me. How can I approach/tell them? There are no family members I trust that I can talk to about this and this all really sucks but I really want this baby. Any advice? Please refrain from telling me I'm stupid, because I already know that much, and I'm gonna hear it from my parents.""
Motorcycle insurance cost for m1?
16, live in canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. heard statefarm lets you do it by month, how much would that cost?""
No car insurance california get fine reduced?
I bought a used car from the highway patrol (crown victoria) and i gor pulled over on the way home for no license plate. I got a ticket for no insurance how can i get it reduced or get out of it? I did get insurance the same day with Allstate when i got home. And dont leave a hole answers please
What's the cheapest way to get insurance when your 17?
I just bought a car and when i found out how much i had to pay i was shocked i heard something about saying you live in a different address from your parents or something i don't remember please help.
How much does insurance cost?
Im a 17 old year about to go to 18. I got my g2 and i have a FWD 2002 Mazda Proteg5. How much does insurance cost and is there a way to make the insurance cheap for me. I life in the Toronto area. I didn't take driving school.
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring?
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring, particularly in Los Angeles, California?""
About how much will my insurance be?
My son is going to be 16 and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up to if I get him a used Chevy silverado from within the last five years.
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
0 notes
Differences between re insurance and co insurance?
"Differences between re insurance and co insurance?
can anyone please help me with atleast 6 differences between re insurance and co insurance,and the merits and demerits of re insurance..pleasee
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best auto insurance you can get for a female under 25?
I had Liberty Mutual. I got a low premium because of my parents but when the taxes went up they totally jacked up my premium. Plus their customer service is TERRIBLE and they're grimy. So then I went to Progressive - One lady helped me get my policy, then I called them for another reason and another rep. said I didn't even get the best quote I could've gotten. I'm kind done with these brand name insurance companies. I was looking into one called Elephant insurance but I'm not sure if it's actually any good. Does anyone know anything about them? Is there any other company I can try? I'm 20, I turn 21 next month. I've never had an accident. And I don't know what my credit score is or if I even have one yet (I'm working on it.)""
Can the auto insurance company pay me directly for my medical expenses or do they have to pay the doctor?
I was in an auto accident and I have medical insurance. My medical insurance covered my medical expenses; however, I wanted to know if the auto insurance is still liable for those expenses? It seems as if my having medical insurance should benefit me and not the liable party's auto insurance company. If I did not have medical insurance the auto insurance company would still have to pay for those expenses. So shouldn't they still have to pay for those expenses and I get what ever is left that my medical insurance company did not pay? Are there any laws statures that back this up in Georgia? I am trying to settle this claim without getting an attorney and I need all the help I can get. Any advice would be helpful. I am in the process of writing a demand letter. Thanks for all the help.""
Liability Insurance?
I only have liability insurance and I was told by a friend they don't cover accidents. even if its not your fault. now that sounds like b.s I was involved in a wreck today and it was NOT my fault. what do i get. and also what other benefits do you get with insurances. not benefits but like. what willt hey cover or not cover
""Auto Insurance question!!1st car, Mitsubishi eclipse?""
im getting a mitsubishi eclipse for my 1st car but im going to be payin for half of the insurance on it and i want to know if it'll be considered a sports car under the insurance.it'll be between a 1995-1999 and one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the gs-t is a sports car but what about the other two? the insurance will already be high enough being a teenager and a male so i just want to make sure if any one of those would not be considered a sports car under car insurance.thanks for the help.and plz no smartasses talking about oh no another teen driving they really need to get that law change blah blah.just people that will help.o yea im in texas if that would make any difference""
""Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?""
May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks.""
The best insurance coverage and prices.?
my daughter is starting to drive in a couple months when she turns 16. i want to know how much is the average price for our insurance. which insurance company covers the best and has the lowest price. i heard some friends say that there son only pays about $75 a month but i really dont know if thats possible. any suggestions? thanks!!!
Can an insurance co suspend your liscense ?
the insurance co is threatening that a suspension is in progress if a payment is not made. payments have been made for the past 3 years but now they want the remaining 2000, and said they can suspend the liscense. Is this true? in the state of CA""
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
Cheap car insurance with dui in california?
i know drinking and driving was dumb and dont drink anymore for a year. i need car insurance where can i find the best deal something cheap for a whole year for liabilty for my shitty car.
Obama plans to fine people that don't buy affordable health insurance?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical
Average cost of 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 Sedan?
Hello I am wondering what is the average price of a used 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. I also want to know if this car is reliable, gets good mileage, and is this type of car considered a sport vehicle when it comes to insurance. Serious answers only.""
Am I paying too much for my home insurance?
I live in a suburb in Norcross, GA, a suburb area. My mom bought the house about 8 years ago, it is now maybe 11 years old house. We've been using Liberty Mutual since 2005, premium was $1450. I just found out that premium is now $3800. *knock on wood* my house condition is fine, not close to ocean or river. I think my mom is paying way too much, but I am not sure what should I do now. Should I call Liberty Mutual to lower it or should I look for another company? If I call, how should I ask to lower the rate? Thank you!""
Drive without car insurance?
My car insurance just expired I can't reinstate it until I get paid on friday I only have 88 dollars until then. I don't have to drive anywhere until then But I don't have any food or toiletries. The store is 1 mi each way from my house I don't have anyone to take me to the store. Would I likely be ok if I took myself?
Car insurance thats cheap for kids?
I am 17 just bought a car and dont have any insurance i work and make around 120 a week, im still in school and am looking for insurance that is affordable.""
Car insurance or is it?
My truck was broke into a couple of hours ago and my pistol was stolen. i called the insurance (farmers) and they said the gun isn't covered by car insurance, it's only covered by homeowners insurance, and no my truck was not at my house. does this sound right to anybody? i don't understand what full coverage means if they don't fully cover everything.""
08 lancer gts or 08 altima coupe what would be best for 17 year old and cheaper on insurance?
I want one that's fun to drive it has to be reliable I don't want to race but I do want a little speed I want whatever is cheaper on insurance and I'm stuck between these two cars what do you guys think?
Where can I get affordable insurance for my girlfriend?
There could be a chance she might be pregnant in the future. Where can I get affordable maternity insurance?
""How much does it cost to be on birth control w/ no insurance, how often do you have to see a doctor?
What happened to Obamacare lowering the cost of insurance?
A watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the Presidents health insurance takeover, per the Wall Street Journal : http://www.humanevents.com/2013/03/27/hhs-secretary-finally-admits-obamacare-is-raising-insurance-costs/""
Mazda Miata insurance is wacked?
I got a quote from Geico, which is the best I could find, on a car that I'm thinking about purchasing and financing. The car is a 1996 Mazda Miata with 80,000 miles on it. Geico gave me a quote for $882 for six months, thats $147 a month and $1764 a year. What the heck?! I'm 18 and don't understand why insurance is that expensive. I've never had a ticket or an accident. It also says that I need to get a deductible when the car is selling for $3995. Any advice?""
Does my car has to have insurance or do I have to have a new insurance for myself in order to drive in NJ?
I'm a bit confused about this issue. I have a permit and I want to do a road test in order to obtain the provisional driver license. The thing is that I heard a lot from people about insurance and now I'm that confused that I don't know what to do. Do I need to have insurance? or does my car need insurance? Can I be under my parents insurance? Would that be cheaper? Could you guys help me figure this out? All I want is to drive legally without any problems, and don't waste money. Could you give me some sources also? Thx ahead""
Does the new Health care law say any thing about Dental and Vision insurance?
Does the new Health care law say any thing about Dental and Vision insurance? What does it say about those things Dental and vision? Is it going to make them cheaper and require them to cover more, like almost 100% of the bill for those services? When will this take affect? Will it require us to have them to? Will it give us more affordable options for Dental and Vision plans? What are they going to call affordable on those? I need a plan that will cover 100% of my Dental and Optical visits.""
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
Where to find a Company for Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quote?
I know there are many places, but please fell free to recommend me affordable individual health insurance quote""
Does anyone know any insurance places in california that you can get insurance for your car without a DL?
I can't get my drivers license without insurance and I can't get insurance without a drivers license. anyone know a way around this? please don't say use a friend or family members car. I really don't have anyone besides myself. I tried looking into drivers schools, but they cost 250 +. is there any insurance places that will give me insurance with a permit??""
Differences between re insurance and co insurance?
can anyone please help me with atleast 6 differences between re insurance and co insurance,and the merits and demerits of re insurance..pleasee
Car insurance costs help?
I'm getting a car. Is there some website that will tell me or help me figure out how much my car insurance will be every month?
Car insurance cancelled on financed car..?
So I've been looking for a way out of my car loan lately because the payments are really too much for me right now...I know I shouldn't have got into it but I was young and VERY gullible. I just got a letter in the mail from my insurance company asking for me to verify the address I have on file with them ( where I park my car at night) or else they will cancel my coverage. So if they cancel my coverage, will I still be held accountable for the car loan? Or will I have to pay the balance off? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :-)""
How much can I expect to get back from a written off car?
I wrote my peugeot 206 off last week the insurance are sending out a settlement figure as soon as they have valued it etc I was just wondering what sort of pay back you get im not expecting much but am hoping to get a new car with some of the insurance money the value of the car is about 2,500 before the crash.""
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
Is there Low Cost Health Insurance for a 60 yr old?
Is there Low Cost Health Insurance for a 60 yr old? I am shopping around for health Ins. for my mother in law, is there something in California, that's not expensive. Can i get medical or something? Please help.""
Does AMERICA'S BEST eyeglasses accept INSURANCE?
i need to get glasses but im not sure if they acept insurance
16 Year Old Auto Insurance on Own Car?
hey, i am currently 16 and have had my license for about 5 months now, i am considering buying my own car, can anyone tell me an estimate of how much my insurance would be? i would be buying an older model car (1997-2002), i completed a young drivers course. Thanks""
Why are my home insurance premiums so high?
When we bought our house we were paying 350 a year, we have not had any claims at all and insurance kept going up. so we swiched companies and now paying 720 a year, and when im quoted from every other company its anywhere from 700-1000 a year. our house is only worth 70000, my mom pays 350 a year and her house is worth 250000 with outbuildings. Why are my prices so much higher when i have not had any claims? we are in illinois""
Why doesn't Obama want people to be able to get health insurance from other states?
wouldn't this create more competition in the insurance business?
""In Florida, How much (if any) will my auto insurance rate increase with 3 points on my license?
I got a ticket for improperly changing lanes and I'm electing not to go to traffic school (since I only have one more chance for traffic school based on two times/year) for such a minor offense. Would it make sense to skip 8hr school ($70.00) or would I end up paying more in the long run because of my 3 points?
Financed a motorcycle do i need full coverage or can i buy liabilty?
I know the lender of the loan wants his money even if the bike gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what ever. But why do i need to have full coverage. So if the bike gets stolen/totaled whatever isn't all the lender worried about is getting his money? So if that happens i will tell the lender not to worry i will keep paying payments until the loan is paid off because i dont want to ruin my credit.
Car insurance question...?
I am currently driving my father's car. The insurance for the car is under his name, so the proof of insurance has his name on it. I have no idea if i myself am supposed to have insurance or not. Am i driving legally? If not, tell me what i can do to be able to. I am 16 and my father and I both live in Florida.""
What is group insurance n?
does anyone know what group insurance n is???
How to convince my mom pay for sports car insurance?
My mom told me if she gets me a car it will ave to be standard. And it will have to be a 2-door, because she said she doesnt want a whole lot of people in my car. But shes said i cannot have a sports car. Well i did rresearch on the classification of sports cars. And it said that most standard cars are sports cars, and most 2-dorr cars are sports cars. How am i going to convince my mom to get me a sports car? We have AAA insurance.""
Will a sex change from male to female result in lower car insurance?
Females have lower car insurance then males. So if a male gets a sex change does the car insurance company change their sex in their records and lower their car insurance?
Cheapest car insurance uk desperate!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i have a citreon saxo sx 1.4. my parents dont drive so i cant get insured on their name so i know its going to cos me a fair amount. ive tried looking on all the search engines such as confused but the prices are so expensive! does anyone know any individual companies that are really cheap, i really am desperate!! lol, thanks.""
List of cheap auto insurance in Georgia $40-$50 a month?
cheap auto insurance in Georgia .looking for where I can pay btw $40-$50 a month
Is it compulsory to have comprehensive insurance for car or 3rd party ins is sufficient?
any diff for having insurance for new/old/second hand car?
Insurance companies that will insure a Cat C motorcycle?
I got an online quote for my insurance broker, they took the reg and all was fine until i phoned up and they said they dont insure total loss vehicles.. so now im looking to find a place that will. Otherwise i will be looking for a frame n logbook from another bike lol""
Auto insurance question???!! HELP!!!!!!?
Hello, i have a question on teen auto insurance. Now i know how bad insurance is for teens and I know sports cars are a horrible choice for a first fully insured car, but my father surprised me with a 2005 V6 Ford Mustang and I would like to know if anyone out there can help me with just telling me how much I am going to be looking in to pay. I live in Orange and I am going to be under my parents, just an estimate on how much it would be each month or 6 months will be fine and please, no rude comments. I understand how foolish it is of me to have a sports car at my age, but I already had an Altima 3.5 se-R with an air intake and drive it perfectly, always obeying speed limits, though this probably isn't going to help with the insurance cost. If you know from experience even better! thanks for ur time.""
How do I advertise to people in California qualified to buy car insurance?
For the best insurance coverage all you need is a fax machine and a genuine need and intention to buy auto insurance now.
Car insurance quotes?
im just snooping around through car insurance websites figuring out which 1 is the cheapest for my ride...so imade a quote or did a quote at a car insurance website which it said how much ima pay each month but ididnt want car insurance yet..so my question is when imade that quote do ihave to each month which the website said NOW? or is it just telling when isign up for that company thats how much ima pay?...(iwant car insurance but looking for the cheapest so imade that quote in accident)
Best car insurance deals uk for young drivers?
Hi there i am male , 18 years old wanting to learn to drive. My mother has a small daewoo matiz which is only a 900 and something cc, so not even a one litre, but a car which would be cheaper on insurance then a lot of cars. Im just wondering if anyone knew any good companies offering good prices for insurance either as a seperate insurance of my own or a one for my parent with me being a additional driver. Thanks""
Can I get the tax for my partners car as insurance will be in my name but the car will be in her name?
Neither of us have a car at the minute but my partners mum wants to buy her a car. The car will obviously be put in her name as it is being bought for her but she can not drive at the minute so I will be taking out the insurance in my name as I will be the main driver but we will need to tax the car can I get the tax for the car even if the car is not in my name but the insurance is in my name?
Differences between re insurance and co insurance?
can anyone please help me with atleast 6 differences between re insurance and co insurance,and the merits and demerits of re insurance..pleasee
Why is guico car insurance cheaper than allstate?
Why is guico car insurance cheaper than allstate?
Help!!!! changing car insurance?
I called another company and had a quote with them and they offering me a way better price than my current insurance company... I wanna make a change.. what do I do? Do I have to call up the current insurance company and cancel the policy?
Will my daughter driving permit have an affect on our insurance rates?
Will my daughter driving permit have an affect on our insurance rates?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance so i can put my 19 year old on my insurance.?
I have a 19 Year old who is really eager to drive. so ive decided to put him on my insurance but who im with at the minute i would need to get a mortgage to pay for it. Does anyone known any cheap insurance company's?? hes only got a provisional licences and hes had it for 2 and a half years.
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
Good insurance for young drivers on luxury cars?
i'm looking to get insured on a 2011 bmw x5 m sport 3.0D, i'm 19. I cant seem to find an insurance company that will insure me however there must be a way even if its ridiculously expensive, recently in the newspaper there was a guy from london with a provisional license insured on a ferrari as his first car. So yeah just wondering if you guys know any good car insurance companies for specific needs? Thanks""
Why public opt for health insurance and not public opt for health auto insurance?
Just a random question. Auto insurance is required in most (if not all) states. Health insurance is not yet. They both cost about the same out of pocket. Just curious as to why people who support public option are not also complaining about the cost of mandatory liability.
Car insurance canceled my policy?
hi, my car insurance cancelled my policy one month before its due for renewal and half way threw a claim (car was stolen). they voided the policy from the date i took the insurance out 11 months ago, the reason they gave is that i am not the registered keeper and i didn't disclose this to them but i am the registered keeper because the name on the policy does not match the log book, this is a mistake i faild to notice. the mistake is on the log book my middle (second) name is in place of my surname so i sent them prove of my full name but they still cancelled my policy. is there anything i can do? i will be grateful for any advice. thanks.""
""Car has MOT, Tax but no Insurance?
Getting a new car today but still have the old one. I'm waiting for it to be collected by a car scrap collection company which could be up a few days. I want to swap my insurance from my old car to my new. My old car would still be taxed and mot but then will have no insurance. Is that legal? Just to keep it parked up for a few days without insurance?
Which auto insurance carrier is best?
I want to find a reliable company. I've looked into Geico and Allstate... just don't know how they handle claims and things. Any input?
What's the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2002 jaguar X-type?
I'm an 18 year old with a jaguar X-type, no accidents, nothing bad, driving a safe car, I'm looking for an insurance that isn't crazy expensive, my dad with 3 cars pays $200 a month, I don't want to add $300 a month for 1 car! the lowest I've seen is acceptance Insurance which was just under $200, are there any better insurance deals for teenagers in safe, non-sports cars?""
What's good insurance but affordable?
I am 19 years old and my mother is taking me off her insurance and I need to found another insurance company but I work at Zaxby's. Any suggestions
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A Renault Clio 182?
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A Renault Clio 182?
BMW car insurance?
my car insurance doesnt provide anything with mechanical problems, is there any other way on this or is it a dead end?""
1967 mustang insurance?
I am 20 years of age me never been involve in car accident and never gotten pulled over have had my driver license since 2008-2009 around there I was thinking of buying a 1967 mustang does anyone know how much insurance will cost for that I currently have farmers insurance. Also does anyone know how much it will cost me to change its license plate tags from Oklahoma to California tags Its coming from Oklahoma thank you
Is there a group health insurance I can join?
My husband left his job and we lost our health insurance. Are there organizations I can join to become part of their group health insurance? Who are they? I know I can buy health insurance any time but I can generally get it cheaper as a group insurance.
What cars are there that are decent but cheap on insurance for first time drivers? (male)?
i don't care on what the car is as long as its reliable. even if it looks like a shed. i have a motorbike for looks and pleasure with 2 years no claims if that makes a difference i don't know. cheers.
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Cheapest car to insure for 17 year old male in Toronto?
Im looking to buy a car and i live in the toronto area. Insurance is not the cheapest here. I was wondering what my best bet was in terms of insurance. Im looking for cars, not minivans,suvs, trucks...etc""
How can i make my truck engine more powerful?
i have an 05 ford ranger 3.0 6 cyl 4 wd and i want to make it more powerful. what parts or should i upgrade and what brands are reliable and cost effective. im only 16 and make about 500 bucks a month before taxes and insurance etc. so i really need the parts to be cost effective
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.ne... Liberty Mutual Etc.?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc.
Car insurance uk only pt 2 ?
i just posted a question which i have varied answers.. another question of mine is that ok they took the whole years insurance.. now my mums left with 154.77 with not enough money to pay for another car.. she is fully comp, they did not give her a courtesy car which they are suppose to have done for 3days the car had been gone and one top of it the policy claims to give replacement cars until another car has been bought! any opinions?""
How much a motor scooter cost in Australia?
How much a motor scooter for a girl (going to c cost in Australia? How much it cost for registration and insurance? What are other costs incured ?
""Car insurance for 2 people, is it cheaper to insure 2 seperate cars or 1 ?""
So 1 car each, or one between 2 people..... which one would generally be cheaper ?""
How much would these cars cost to run per month?
renault clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa (old) including tax , m.o.t and insurance and watever you have to pay for :) x""
Differences between re insurance and co insurance?
can anyone please help me with atleast 6 differences between re insurance and co insurance,and the merits and demerits of re insurance..pleasee
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
When I turn 18 I'll most likely be getting a car. I'm living in NJ and just want to know how high the insurance would be. Also, would previous driving experience help? Like I drive a moped, I don't think it would do much, but would the insurance go down, even a dollar? I'd just like to know.""
How to get young drivers car insurance down?!... HELP :(?
Hey, Im 19 and passed my test in july. Ive finally saved up enough to buy my first car and im looking at buying something around 1000-2000. Only thing im struggling with now is finding affordable car insurance. The cheapest ive been quoted is 2,500 a year, but im hoping to get it cheaper! Anyone any tips on how to get it down? .. would it work out cheaper if i went on my mums policy when she renews it later this month or would that not make any difference. Arggh this is so stressful!""
Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
Is it possible to cancel my car insurance?
I am a new driver and I have to pay around $135 a month. I am a guy by the way so this may be why it is so high. I have a job, but it's part time and doesn't pay well. I don't plan on driving the car often, just to school and work only 2-3 days a week and taking the bus the other days. I also do not plan on driving in the winter months. Is it possible to cancel my insurance while keeping my license from Dec. to March? My policy is under my parents and we have an extra car that just sits in the garage and it's the one I drive. Also, the insurance people said I could wait until January to lower my insurance rate to $110. I like the idea, but I don't want to wait hehe. Can I cancel my insurance then return to it a couple months later?""
Cheap car to insure at 17years old?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)""
""I am turning 16 soon and I am a guy, What is a car that is sporty, but is safe and has low insurance?""
I need help selecting a car... I want a car that is sporty, has low insurance, and safe and very reliable with good MPG""
""I only pay car insurance, what should my credit score be?""
I have car insurance in my name (I haven't been late on a payment yet), this is the first and only thing I make payments on. What should my credit score be? Also what are small things I can do to bring it up?""
Car Insurance and Tornadoes?
Just curious since I live in the heart of tornado alley in Southern Kansas... Say if my car was at home or at a store or other place of business and a tornado destroyed or damaged my car, will my insurance cover the damage? Full coverage.""
""If I report an auto insurance claim under my comprehensive, does it count against me?
Not sure whether to report an damage to my vehicle. I estimate the cost to be about $ 500.00 +. My deductable is $ 500.00. Any info will help :)
Do I need SR22 insurance after a DWI 1st offense if my license is not suspended in the state of Louisiana?
About a year ago, I received my first DWI. I plead guilty under Article 894, and then about 3-4 months later, I contacted the DMV here in Louisiana, and they stated my license has not been suspended, and never was. Now, I am trying to get insurance on my truck I just bought, and the insurance company is telling me i have to get SR22 insurance. I thought SR22 insurance was needed when either your license was suspended previously, or you were forced to get a hardship license? I have never had to do either, and I don't understand why they are requesting me to get the SR22 insurance. The rates are already high enough with the DWI on my record, and the SR22 will be adding a good bit more. Just curious if someone can explain this to me about Louisiana and insurance which is required of me. I do still have a valid Class A CDL, not suspended, and never had to get a hardship license.""
How much money would it cost to get car insurance im 18?
my grandmother is wanting to add me onto her insurance and let me drive her car, how much is it going to cost she has nationwide and the car is a 2001 honda accord lx sedan 4 cylinder i also never had a permit and im just going to get my license after i get my insurance, im white and a guy. Thanks for the help its much appreciated.""
""How much does car insurance usually cost for a 17 year old in Ontario, Canada?
a 17 year old brand new driver (Girl) owning her first car? (a pontiac sunfire) IN CANADA !! NOT THE US
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
Does a Seat Belt Ticket in California increase insurance?
If I have to report a seat belt ticket to insurance, because i am using traffic school for a stop sign ticket, How much will my insurance go up by. I am 17 and I have ameriprise insurance for my car. PLease help also if i will not have a car or drive in college should i just lose my insurance or keep it for 4 years with a perfect record.""
Car insurance and moving?
I'm going to buy a car soon, And then move pretty much right after that...It would be a good idea to get the insurance and plates and stuff before I go, obviously, but what will need to be done once I move? I heard that as long as I live in my parent's house, the insurance would be cheaper, well, I'd be moving out...so I have no idea how to get everything straightened around.""
Estimate how much will car insurance cost me?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon. I was thinking about buying a 1998-2002 pontiac trans am V8. Im a male driver. About how much will it cost me for full coverage or liability(spell check)
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 16 y/o boy?
I'm getting my liscense soon and we have allstate and its expensive as hell! I live in texas and i dont plan on buying a sports car so how much would my insurance be you think and where should i go for cheap insurance?
Whats a good price for auto insurance?
I'm a part-time employee that makes about 210-250$ a week. I drive about 50 mi. 4-5 days a week. I am trying to pay for tuition (3000 a quarter) and a cell phone bill as well (100 a month). I just want a rough estimate on what I should need. When I talk to a representative I feel like he wants to get the most out of me. When I try to pick out a quote myself, I tend to think of the worst cast scenario and opt for the better plans. My plans always come-out to be 220 a month. Is that high or just right? I just need a little guidance by my peers or by older folks that have been down this road before. Thank you very much.""
Car insurance question?
My mom finaced a car for me in Montana its in her name but i pay the car payment. I live in Colorado. even though she has car insurance already on the car in her name... can i get full coverage in Colorado in my name? so say fro example if i crash it The car will still be covered. is that against the law? please help. thanks
Insurance on a moped (under 50cc)?
i am interested in buying a 50cc or less moped, geared or not geared, it doesnt honestly matter. but i dont have a clue how much the insurance for it could be. could anyone give me a rough estimation of the cost of insurance of this moped, as i am 16. can anyone help?""
Will I get any insurance money?
Today I was driving down the road and a shelf blew off the back of a truck in the opposite lane and hit the SUV behind it then it came into my side of the road and put two holes in my hood. The truck drove off but the lady in the SUV gave me her number and tried to find the truck but couldn't (after checking on me she went looking for it). The only problem is I only have the minimum for car insurance so i don't know if I will get any insurance money to help pay for the damage. Thanks for the help!
What exactly is broad form coverage for car insurance?
my insurance ran out. i dont really need a full coverage on car insurance since my car is old. I have a lifetime medical insurance. Im a pretty confident driver.
Is this too high for heath insurance or is this how they all are?
I pay 130/month for health insurance through Humana for 1 adult and 2 children, full coverage. I usually have to pay a $20 copay for minor doctor visits. Recently I found out Humana is going to start charging an extra $20/week so it will be $150/week, so about $500-600/month, which is a little more than our mortgage payment. We pay less in groceries every week than the amount it costs us to pay for this insurance and we rarely visit the doctor, maybe twice a year, and the amount that is charged hardly adds up to the amount paid throughout the whole year. It's really ridiculous, in my opinion. I get this insurance through my work. I only have the option to cancel or change things about the insurance twice a year and the time has come up. So I am considering canceling and looking elsewhere for health insurance, or just paying out of pocket because if I cancel that's an extra 150 bucks in the bank. I will still keep my vision and dental. Is this a good idea to cancel? Pros. vs. Cons.? Are there any better health insurance companies I could go with that would charge less in the state of Ohio? Honestly I am considering applying for medicaid because we are struggling. We are behind in several medical bills that the insurance wouldn't cover and they are less than what the insurance company charges us monthly, yet because all our money is spent on the insurance, we can't pay for the actual bills - what's the point in the insurance? Enlighten me someone? I was told once that the two biggest crooks are lawyers and insurance companies and I'm starting to see why.""
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? I was recently hired at trajan insurance as a financial professional. They want me to pay $580 to get my insurance license before I even start. The company sells insurance and other financial options to consumers. They werent clear on my pay scale either. The office is located in Tampa, Fl.. Does anyone know anything about this? Please help in anyway you can. thank you""
What is the best insurance plan for Abilify?
I'm an 18 year old smoker, female. I need to get on an insurance plan that's not too expensive. Which is the best?""
Differences between re insurance and co insurance?
can anyone please help me with atleast 6 differences between re insurance and co insurance,and the merits and demerits of re insurance..pleasee
0 notes
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
"New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I'd like to know what the average monthly payment is for reasonable car insurance, to see if the quotes I'm getting are reasonable. This is for a UK driver with more than 15yrs driving experience. Also, what would be a reasonable amount if you added a newly qualified driver as a secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it all depends with the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea what is the average monthly insurance that would be reasonable to expect.""
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Can insurance brokers be trusted?
I am getting my first car insured and am thinking about going through an insurance broker because of the cheap price....
How much does insurance typicly cost for an 2003 kawisaki ninja 636?
i have my m2 (just got it) and i have full G car licence.. i just wanted to no around how much insurance i would have to pay for the bike for 3 months durring the summer. btw i am 18, and i have never been insured, i would just like a really rough estimate range""
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
I am interested in getting my own car insurance separate from my parents but I have NO IDEA what to do or what I actually need. Keep in mind I am a 17 year old high school/college student so I really can't pay more than $100/month. Can you explain car insurance to me and what is required and what is optional? I really do need the cheapest car insurance possible but I do not know anything about insurance.
Classic Car Insurance?
If I bought an 80's car, but my parents were the policy holder for the classic car insurance quote, and I am only 18... would I be able to be a named driver? (because you have to be over 21 to qualify for classic car insurance) Also... is this even legal? Thanks""
Teen Girl Insurance on Car?
I will be 16 in October, I am interested in a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, I have a 4.0 GPA. How much would that cost? Ball park? Thanks :)""
Car Insurance! I dont get it!?
I dont understand how it works, i have looked online for some quotes for a Proton Persona 1996, insurance group 12 and i get these results. Annual Premium 1800 total excess 250 ...show more""
Car insurance question?
Hello yes I currently acquired a car from my aunt its a Mazda protege 4dr year 2000 I am wondering if there is any way to get a cheap insurance I am sadly tho only 19 with a G2 i know the likeliness is very unlikely but any help is appreciated and as putting it under my parents apparently both of them are already first drivers for the car and van we already own but is it possible for some one to be first drivers for second car? well anyways any help is greatly appreciated.
What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments""
Cheapest insurance for first time drivers?
i need help on finding the cheapest insurance for first time drivers i am 18 and near ending my lessons for my driving test and want to know cheap insurers for my first insurance wihout the little black box in my car, and also is it best to ring or online for my insurance prices thanks""
Car insurance?
if you are insured on your car, can you drive another persons car under your insurance? i'm having an arguement with the mrs over this.""
Till what age can we get health insurance?
I want to know the upper age limit for purchasing health insurance.
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
What company offers the cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
And also what types of cars are the cheapest to insure? I live in nyc, the 11434 area code. I desperately need a car for college and everything I've checked so far is asking a fortune a month! Help! Thx in advance.""
18yr old with an provisional can i drive my brothers car without me being insurance to drive it?
im 18 yrs old i have a provisional and my brother is takeing me out in his car im just woundering do i need to be on his insurane on his car cos he said thta all i need is L plates and my provisional i just want to make sure thanks ps can u reply asap he taking me out today in his car for the first time
How much to insure a Lamborghini Diablo?
If someone who was 17 years old in 1996 (and a millionaire, so money no object) bought a Lamborghini Diablo, how difficult would it have been to get insurance (in the UK), and roughly how much would it cost? It's research for a book I'm writing, so I need to try and get the facts right - I tried doing Google searches, but just got lists of insurers offering insurance quotes, but they won't quote for fictional characters and non-existent cars! Maximum points for as much detail as possible on supercar ownership in general, and insurance details particularly.""
Is it possible to fake an Auto Insurance Quote survey...?
I do surveys online for things and there are some that give a lot of credit but they are usually like auto insurance quote ones and health insurance quotes so im wondering if i can fake that i dont want to put any of my info what im really looking for is like a list of working SSN and junk like that.
""Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'?""
Obamacare: Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?' http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html""
If I just got auto insurance?
If I just got auto insurance for my car but my car was crash before hand, should I still let the auto insurance company know even if I wasn't the driver?""
I just passed my driving test but the insurance quotes i am getting for 1.0-1.2 engines are around 7000?
Where ever i look on the internet, whatever car i choose which is say around 4-6 years old with 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance quotes are around 7000 - 8000 i entered all my details correctly, i've held my license for a month. I do not understand why this is happening. Help Thanks""
What motorcycle insurance companies would you recommend to any young rider aged 16-18?
I would like to know which is the best company to go for as I plan on getting a 125cc motorcycle as a means of social and domestic transport, I've seen mce and that's the cheapest comapny I can find at 990 are there any other cheaper companies with good benefits ?? Thanks""
Classic Car Insurance for Colorado?
I know theres alot of insurance companies that cover classic cars, but i want an insurance company that has an office in Colorado.. that has a low yearly amount of under $400 for a 1966 Mustang...""
Insurance costs?
How much do you pay for your medical/life insurance each month? Mine is about RM200.
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
""Buying a car with rebuild, or salvage title?""
I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? ...show more""
Insurance for a car that is about to sell?
I live in north carolina and I have two cars right now. One is a dead car ( having insurance) and the other is new car ( dealer said it is ok to drive that vehicle for atleast 30 days with in the state without transfer of insurance ..I will be transferring the insurance from my old car to new car in 3-4 days as holidays are ahead. My question is some one is willing to buy my dead car ASAP and do I have to do the paper work of transferring the insurance of my dead one to new one before I sell this car. Or Insurance is the responsibility of the buyer? I don't have to worry about it? I really appreciate if some one gives a nice suggestion. I could not able to reach the insurance people bcz of holidays
How much would insurance be on property based business?
i have a few acres and was wondering what the insurance would be if i decided to open up a atv/rv park on my land~i would have a waver that made sure all that rode would be rideing at their own risk etc.plus any other limations you could think i might come acrross~
Car insurance that covers young people driving other cars?
I'm looking to buy car insurance as my renewal is due on the 30th of Nov, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that will let you drive other people's cars with the owners permission? I'm 20 at the moment and I'm aware that most insurers will only cover 25+ for this benefit but I want to know if there are any companies that offer this to younger people under 21, also if anyone knows of any companies that cover over 21 year olds this will also be helpful as I'm turning 21 during the course of the policy can anyone help me with this?""
How much would my monthly car insurance cost?
how much would i have to pay per month for my car insurance? i know its an estimate.. but will it be around like 50 dollars a month? or 70 or 100? i am a 16 year old female driver, its my first car. its a convertible. thanks for the help!""
Should I do something to this company insurance?
Some how Bank of America took my personal information and gave to this company insurance that covers medical thing. They have my personal Banking information. I canceled the insurance policy on August 15 and they took out 29.99 out of my bank and I now have 60.98 in my checking account. Should I do something about?
Renters insurance company?
what insurance company covers property damage i want to get a dog but my landlord wants us to get renters insurance before we do please someone help
Average motorcycle insurance rate?
I'm 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don't know submit what you know and estimate if you don't know
Estimate for car insurance for 18 year old?
I live in Houston tx, like the top said I am a 18 year old male, I have a 2012 ford mustang v6. It is paid off, and I want to sign over the car from my parents name to mine cause they live in a diffrent city but that means I would have to start paying for insurance. Which is fine but do any of y'all know about how much I would be paying. I will only want liability, or if I can afford it full coverage. I don't want to get quotes from the insurance companies themselves because after that they constantly email call and mail you stuff and its annoying. Anyways thanks for the help""
What is the average price for insurance for an APRILIA RS 125?
what is the average price for insurance for an APRILIA RS 125 thinking of getting one but need to know a rough average
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
Farmers insurance song?
What's the song from that farmers insurance commercial were there doing the driving simulation with distractions?
How will I get medical insurance now?
I am 20 years old, sophomore college student at CSUEB. My father just got fired from his job of 7 years due to minor, policy reason. Anyway, because i'm a full time student, I have basically no time to work. I WAS part of my father's health insurance benefits and now, it's gone. So in case I get sick from now on, I won't get admitted into a doctor by just paying the $20 copay visit...instead, i'd have to pay the whole no-insurance amount... I do have temporary insurance at my college but I DON'T like at school..i live about 20-30 mins away. So, in case I get severely sick (worse than fever or cold), I won't get treated until I get enough money to pay for hospital/clinic bills. Anyone know a solution?""
Will you encourage health insurance to be sold across state lines?
I can buy car insurance anywhere but not health insurance. Why? If competition brings down prices then selling health insurance across state lines should bring prices down. I have not heard any candidate mention this.
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Can you get your drivers licence if your car's insurance is not in effect?
so i'm getting my licence and my car's insurance doesnt go into effect till the 20th and i get my licence before then. can i use the car even though its not in effect yet. i have an insurance card. i live in georgia btw
Backed into something. Will insurance rates go up?
Today I backed into something in my car. It did slight damage to the rear bumper but nothing else. Could I choose to file this through my Insurance, and would this make my rates go up? I'm 18. Thanks""
Insurance help please?
I'm currently looking for insurance and I can't get it cheaper than 6 grand I've got a vw polo 1L 1999 how an I get that down do you know any cheap insurers
How much will my speeding ticket be?im 57 never once had a ticket/moving violation..it was in a school zone?
i was caught going 20 on a 15. i was driving my friends car will her insurance go up now?..i am on her insurance since we live togeather. does anyone know how much this ticket will cost me i am in las vegas
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Anyone no how to make insurance cheaper for a first time driver?(with out going on parents insurance)?
Can you be arrested for not having proof of insurance?
A friend of mine recently was pulled over for window tint being too dark in kansas. The only windows showing were extended cab part. Front drivers and passengers windows were rolled down. When asked for proof of insurance, he looked in glove box. Did not find most recent card but did find the previous one. The officer proceeded to arrest him for no proof of insurance. The officer also stated that it was a city law for that particular town. Can each city pass their own laws? Can they arrest you for no proof of insurance? Even if that certain town had this law, can they arrest you for that law even if you do not reside in that town/county?""
16 year old male car insurance?
I am currently 15 and going to be 16 and getting my license . I am going to be driving a 1997 chevrolet corvette. Ik this is going to be exspensive but my parents are going to help alot. I was wondering about how much i would be paying?
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
How much for motorcycle insurance on a 2002 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
I'm 24 years old and will be a beginner at this, I have never driven a car so this will be my first automobile. I live in los angeles,ca. No stupid answers!!""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
""Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?""
I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap.""
Young adult health insurance?
Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?""
Where can i find my proof of insurance?
Earlier today i went to DMV for my behind the wheel test but they're asking for my proof of insurance but i dont know where can i find it. do i need to ask for a copy of proof of insurance to my insurance company?
Which insurance company is the best for teenage drivers?
I am sixteen year old girl from New Hampshire, an honors student who runs cross country, and I have to pay for my own insurance because my parents don't have car insurance. Also, my car is a 1990 BMW 3.25 convertible, and I have only the limited funds supported by a part time job at Friendly's.""
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
How much roughly would it cost to be on provisional insurance on my sisters corsa?
How much roughly would it cost to be on provisional insurance on my sisters corsa?
How does a 13 year old tell their mom they want to have a baby??? HELP PLEASE :)?
Im 13 and it may be a little weird but im ready for a baby. how do i tell my mom?
What is the most popular/best dental insurance in California?
Looking to invest in Dental Insurance, but I want something good, where I'm not paying so much out of pocket""
Could a part time employee afford to pay for car insurance on his own ?
Here's a sinario for you, I'm 17 with my g2. I took drivers Ed and defenseless driving courses. I own a car that is a mazda 3 2008 hatchback. I park my car in my driveway, it has an alarm system. i have a part time job that pays approx 1,000$ a month. Could I afford the car and insurance? Should I buy another sort of car ? Please help with full out detail on what I should do with this sinario""
Why is it mandatory to buy car insurance?
I understand if it's on a leased car but why on 100% paid off private cars? Mortgage companies make borrowers buy home insurance as a condition to get the Liam but once the mortgage is paid off you're free to not insure your property. Why is it legal for insurance companies to force all car owners to buy coverage? It's not constitutional no different than forcing them to buy health insurance.
How much should my car insurance be a month?
I am 19 and I drive a 2003 Jeep. I've been with Geico for 1.5 years & my policy price has went up two times! When I called to ask why it would go up they explained that it was nothing to do with me or my driving record (seeing how I've never had a wreck or a ticket) but that it depends on the claims from other people. I know this is how some things work, but I don't think I should be pentilized for someone else's claims. Is this how every car insurance works or is it just Geico? I'm going to start calling around to today to get quotes...but I wanted to hear from people other than a sales person.""
Questions about motorcycle insurance?
I am planning on buying a 150cc scooter in the Spring. In Michigan, my home state, these are considered motorcycles. Also, in Michigan, they must be insured. My questions are: (1) If I am only riding my scooter for three months out of the year, will I still have to pay for insurance during the fall and winter? (2) What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance out there, and typically, how much would I be paying per month? I am a new cycle rider, but have driven a car for 5 years without an accident.""
Health insurance?
who knows of good health insurances that would be affordable and good and who cover pap smears practically im in search of one but cant find the right one i really need it asap someone help thank you!
""How much does insurance cost on a rental car?, I need a rough estimate, please help?""
it's in portland if that makes a difference, thanks""
Insurance for a 16 year old?
Im currently looking around for my first car. What would the insurance be for a 16 year old male for a 2005 chevy silverado. Also what would the insurance be for a 2001 camaro. I have a a good gpa if that helps. Also Travelers insurance and live in Connecticut.
Does anyone out there have Progressive Auto Insurance?
I'm looking to switch my auto insurance to this company as they seem to have very good rates and customer service. I was wondering if anyone out there has heard of any pros and cons to this company. The most detailed answer will get an easy 10 points. Thanks!
""Why is my car insurance for my 1st car, 2500 and my friends insurance is only 1500 for his 1st car??""
Why is my car insurance for my 1st car, 2500 and my friends insurance is only 1500 for his 1st car?? This is confusing me, both our annual milage is estimated to be 5000 miles, they are both in group one insurance groupes, they are both a 1.1L etc, everything is the same apart from the make of the vehicles. I have treid other vehicle qoutes, but yet my insurance qoute is still 2500, and my friend qoutes is only 1500.""
Would i need car insurance?
(Only open to UK) i am a provisional driver using my dad's car. My dad is with me at all times and he has fully comprehensive insurance, i have been told that this then covers me also, is this correct or will i need extra insurance?""
How much does car insurance cost?
I have a land rover that costed 51,120 pounds and I cannot drive it until I have insurance on it, so I was wondering how much car insurance would cost?""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
Are health insurance premiums that I pay and are deducted from my paycheck paid with after-tax dollars?
My health insurance is through my employer but I have to pay part of the premium and it is deducted from my paycheck each pay period. I am filing my taxes and am being asked if the premiums are paid for with after-tax dollars. Any answers?
What kind of car will give a 17 year old cheap insurance?
i am 17 and im looking to buy a car. i wanted to know what kind of car will give me the cheapest insurance possible. including the color. and what ways can i save money on car insurance?
Auto Insurance for Military?
My older brother is wondering if he could get cheaper insurance if he went on an auto insurance policy with me. Im active duty Marine Corps if that helps. I don't get much spare time, so any help on this would really help, thanks.""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
Health Insurance: Duplicate Coverage?
I have a job where my health insurance premiums as well as my spouse's are covered without cost to me. However, my wife is insurured through her work as well because she is requiried to be insured under her employers plan even though she is already covered under mine. She chose an HMO because it was the least cost to us because we would want to use my insurance (PPO) as the main provider, that way she can choose her own doctors. She recently went to the doctor using my plan, but now they will not cover the visit because of duplicate coverage. Can someone give me advice as to how I can rectify this situation. We would prefer not to even use the HMO because it is expensive and restrictive, but the PPO will not cover because of the HMO coverage""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
Anyone know of an affordable auto insurance that is nationwide?
small companies/ customer friendly , with a website""
How much do you pay for car insurance ? meow!?
tell me what type of car you drive its engine what type of fuel it burns size your age country male or female and what type of licence you have....full licence or provisional licence meow! thank you in advance for your time meow! meow!!
Is there some sort of reason that Car Insurance costs so much more in Nevada than it does in California?
Im looking into moving, and I cannot help but notice that the quotes I am getting are, well, DOUBLE what I pay in California. Granted, I am a 23 year old male and have a decent driving record, it is kind of shocking to see liability only coverage quoted at $250/month for my two 8 and 12 year old cars, when Im paying $125/mo. as of now in California for the same 100/300 coverage. Can someone explain this? I have some friends that have moved to Las vegas, with the same shocking increase in premiums... (And yes, I need the 100/300 since I own a home)""
Insurance on a S2000 for a 45 year old man?
How much would it cost for a 45 year old man with a good clean record to own a S2000? I'm only 22 and planning on buying a IS300 (with manual transmission). If I do find one the car will be under my dads name and the cost will be around $150 a month!!! But how much for the S2000 (and under my dads name)? I want the IS300 but there so hard to find in MN with manual transmission and with very low miles on!!! So if the S2000 doesn't cost too much or maybe as much as the IS300's insurance, I probably would consider getting the S2000 since it's a bit easier to find one! (plus they look better!) (and also both cars are around $15,000) Thanks in advance!""
Do we qualify for medicaid?
Medicare for me & my boyfriend.? My boyfriend and I have an apartment of our own. I'm 19(next week), and he's 20(in August). I'm working at an insurance company, and I make about $1500/monthly. He's currently unemployed (he's looking for a job). I pay rent, all the bills, car insurance, and all the other little things. So i'm broke at the end of the month. He has a cyst in his chest (we're assuming). He went for a check up about a year ago, and the doc said it was a cyst. It's been getting bigger and worse, so we want to get it fixed. Since he lives with me, and I make enough for the both of us, will he qualify for medicaid? I WILL NOT be able to afford all the medical bills! Will both of us qualify? How will this be done? They will ask for paycheck stubs and rent papers and everything...right? We are also both in college, we applied for a Pell Grant this semester. If that helps any. And where do I go to apply for medicaid? Can i do it on the phone or something and avoid the 5 hr wait? Please answer ALL of my questions! Thanks!""
What company provides a good low cost life insurance policy for older people?
My father just retired, but he is stubborn and against getting a life insurance policy. I would like one to cover expenses he may leave behind and to take care of his wife, but he just doesn't see the need for some reason. His wife (my mother) is also the same way and they are too old fashioned and set in their ways to change their way of thinking. My parents are not rich and does not have a lot of money saved up. As a result, I may have to pay it myself even though I am supporting my own family on a single income. Obviously, the older one gets, the more expensive a life insurance policy becomes. Does anyone know of any good, reliable low cost life insurance companies out there? He doesn't have any major problems, but it would be best if there are some that doesn't require any health checks.""
Will this up my car insurance?
If I buy a normal Volkswagen MKV Golf, and get a new bumper fitted and put some black alloys on it, will it up the insurance by much? I'm not trying to 'chav' it up, I simply want more of an R32/Jetta bumper and grille. I also want to have the interior retrimmed in white leather, how much would this up the insurance by? Thank you :)""
What are some good insurance companies to contract with as an independent broker?
What are some good insurance companies to contract with as an independent broker?
*Help* First Motorcycle?
I am about a month away from purchasing my motorcycle and already have a total including the bike, gloves, jacket, and helmet i just wanted to know the average total cost to get it road legal for example the Insurance, Tax, registration, and MOT (I am 18 the bike is 125cc I have my provisional and CBT) I have fashioned rough estimated total for Insurance, Tax, registration, and MOT but would like to know if 677?? a realistic estimate. If i have left anything out please tell me i need to know what i am getting into. Thank you. _""
How much would it cost to import this motorcycle from the U.S to Canada?
this bike costs $ 6000 U.S. How much would it cost to import this bike back to canada. I am looking for all the fees, taxes insurance(if it needs it) every single dollar i would have to spend to bring the bike from u.s to canada. Also if you could list the exact steps that i would have to go through how many days it would take to do everything. I will bring the bike back on a trailer. I have never done this and know nothing about how this works so detail is a must and all the costs are a must to i am looking for dollar amounts. thanks a lot""
Is my insurance company responsible !?
I recently submitted a claim to my insurance company an it was rejected . At some point during some severe weather something struck our roof causing water to enter . The rain water caused the sheetrock ceiling to crack and start to collapse . We were told by our insurance provider that this was caused by a manufacturer defect . The manufacturer checked the damage and disagrees . I also disagree being that we have lived in the home for four years and this the first appearance of water . what should I do next ? I have already submitted statements from the manufacturer . The insurance company has also declined to renew our policy because of the damage .
Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I am 17 years old, male, my birthday is 7/11/94. I am looking to buy a car to learn to drive in then finally fully insure. I have not passed my test you but when asked on insurance website's I have put under the 'time held licence for as 1 month just to get a realistic view. I have tried a huge variety of cars but I just can't seem to get them to a reasonable price. For example I have been quoted 5999 on a seat alto 1.0 litre on gocompare. I have also tried adding my father as an additional driver who has 15+ years of experience and no claims. I am currently a student and have stated that the car would be parked on the drive. I live in a semi detached house in a small town. Please can anyone help me on getting it down as low as possible. The only cars I would not consider are 1. citroen saxo, 2. ford ka, 3. any form of fiat.""
Car insurance for open deed of sale?
i was in a car accident, a truck driver bump my car. i bought this car with an open deed of sale. now how will i handle this? the insurance of the car is named after the first owner. will i still have to contact her (the first owner)? will i still have to call the insurance company to let them know? again, this wasn't my fault, the truck bump my car.""
""Wrecked best friends car, no license, I'm uninsured, 18 and terrified! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!?""
So, I am 18, and yesterday my cousin was planned to come in from the UK at the Sky Harbor Airport in, Arizona. On my way there I was driving at a close speed limit of 50, speed limit was 45, approaching a red light, I was slowing down, when something abruptly ran across the road, close to the car, causing me to slam on the breaks, losing control of the wheel, and I tumbled 4 times over the street, busting the side window, scraping some paint, and cracking the windshield. Thankfully, I was not hurt, no neck, back, leg, or any body injuries for that matter. The police was near by, so helped me out, firefighters took care of me, to make sure I was okay. And then the report happened. I told them the honest truth, they said that I won't be arrested, or given a ticket, but I do have to go to court to prove I had no insurance. I don't know what to do, I know it was completely idiotic driving without a license, and no permit, with no insurance, but my friend has insurance on the car. I have the police report, and I don't know what I have to do, but I will help him with anything as this is my best friend, and I am not straying away from this situation. Will his insurance cover this? Do I look okay is this situation? PLEASEEEE! Someone help me! I'm desperate for advice, I've definitely learned my lesson, and I have no family here in Arizona as they are all in Georgia, I am here for school at ASU, please tell me his insurance will cover this!""
Car insurance for a 21 yr old living in ny?!?
Approx how much does car insurance, per month, cost for a 21 yr old college student from abroad in ny? My sister who lives in the country pays about 130 dollars per month in MA.""
Whats the cheapest health insurance for adults ?
im 19 yrs.old have never had health insurance me an my husband need health insurance bad whats a good insurance company thats cheap ? he has juvenile diabetes an smokes i on the other hand do not !
How can i get cheaper insurance?
im looking to buy a car soon. my parents both have vehicles and im a 18 yr old male with a g2 so my insurance on any car with be well over $3000 a year. i was just wondering if theres any loopholes/tricks to make insurance cheaper. i know my buddys dad opened up a business just to put a car under the business name so he wouldnt be charged as a primary driver.
Am I insured to drive a company van?
My employer does not pay me until I arrive at a job. Which in my book means I am not yet at work. Does this mean I am not covered by the insurance to drive that van?
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month.
Around how much would insurance be if im 18 driving a ford 2000 GT Mustang and no driving record?
Around how much would insurance be if im 18 driving a ford 2000 GT Mustang and no driving record?
""What are some affordable health insurance options for those with preexisting conditions, here in Wisconsin?""
I have a friend who is 31 years old, and is unable to find health insurance due to the fact that she had a heart attack a few years ago. I'm sure that she is only one of thousands of people in the same situation..but there has got to be some way to get affordable health insurance for her, here in Wisconsin. Is there anyone out there who has been in this situation, and has lucked out in finding affordable health insurance? We have been looking, but as of right now...to no avail.""
Good first car? insurance?
ok well i wanted an eclipse but they are classified as a sports car so im wondering about the dodge neon not the srt 4 just a normal neon, like are those considered sports cars? im looking for an 04 or newer because im gonna buy my first car sometime and i dont want insurance through the roof so if you can tell me i would appreciate it""
How much will car insurance cost?
I live in Ontario Canada, I'm an 18 year old male, I completed drivers ed, I have good grades and I will be primary driver of a 1991 Buick park avenue. Any ideas of how much my car insurance might be?""
How much for insurance on a Scion Tc? Does it get good MPG?
I am looking into getting a Scion Tc, I went to the dealer to look at the car and the sales man said that insurance will be a lot for a new scion. But he didn't know how much. I am 18, female, I will have my license for almost 2 years(by the time I get a new car), I have no tickets and have never been pulled over by a cop. And I live in California (if that makes a difference) Instead of getting a brand new Scion I am looking into a used one. A 2006 or 2007. I have Wawanesa car insurance. So does anyone know how much it would be a month? Oh, and from someone who has a Scion Tc, does it get good gas millage? It will be a deal breaker for me if it doesn't.""
What cars cheap on insurance but still has over 200 hp?
I'm 18 and I've got a 2.0L 2010 ford focus with just over 150 bhp with my insurance 1,700 but I'm looking for a car with over 200 bhp but still below 2,500 on insurance but under 12,000""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10005
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