#i also found a new problem entry lol. my mother called to renew my meds 5 years after we stopped talking according to my files....
saintedbythestorm ยท 5 months
Finally remembered to screenshot the bullshit story my doctor wrote when I got burned out... it sure is a read.
I can't get over the school nurse asking for a blood sample part. Like that is totally normal. Or the magically appearing doctor halfway through the story. Or how she clearly pushed me for information that wasn't related to the case and how she spins it to confirm I'm super depressed (when I actually had just stopped being suicidal after 9 years but ok sure). Like it did not happen in the order she writes it - but that wouldn't confirm what she wants, now would it?
Or how she wasn't even supposed to set a diagnosis in the first place??? Yeah that is probably the best part. She was just supposed to take a bloodtest for another doctor.
She is famous locally for being a shit doctor. Can't imagine why ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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