#i also dont think anyone is owed an audience in fandom big or small
novemberthewriter · 4 months
my ADHD means I get so caught up in planning and planning and planning that I never finish shit so maybe I should force myself to make the fic video sooner cuz I rly am bursting w ideas.
that last post got me thinking abt how a lot of y'all don't know ppl would 'hold their fics hostage' until they deemed they had a sufficient enough amount of comments to post new chapters 😭 i remember plenty of lj ppl taking advantage of that locked journal feature to rly bar you bc unlike ao3, where you can circumvent the simple lockout by making an account, if an lj user locks their journal it's like having a password protected blog where you (as a layperson, im sure hackers can get past this obv) are not getting in w/out being added to that friends list. and fuck if you find a search result for a fic that is on an abandoned 'friends only' journal lolol
I rly don't have the spoons to type everything related to this subject out on my phone but I do wanna finish my fandom vid/essay outline and just make it more podcast-y so I can ramble abt this shit already the way God intended
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