#i also didn't realize how much Kiwi was essential to a lot of stuff happening at Kadic for Odd
I've been seeing all these CL AUs recently surrounding role-swaps (mainly involving Jeremie w/ Aelita or Laura) + some sprinkles of Xanafied!Odd and now I can't resist the idea of the role-swap happening between William and Odd
Gimme William and Ulrich instantly rooming the week that Jeremie turns on the supercomputer, set up a ton of threads mainly a) the love triangle being the Season 1 focus while materializing Aelita happens per usual; I'd want to have some conclusion to this before Season 2 so it doesn't drag on forever + b) Sissi not finding out about the supercomputer thanks to the lack of Kiwi, which means she and Ulrich are still friends (although dealing with XANA actively strains this sooo...)
There's a bit more events that swap around thinking about it but these two are the big ones to mention happening in S1. Meanwhile Odd comes to Kadic in season 2, tries way too hard at making friends for himself, only to worry that people like his dog more than him.
(right, the role-swap is triggered by one of Odd's siblings snitching that he's trying to bring Kiwi to school with him so Odd and his parents have a heart-to-heart and mend some issues there which delays the move; he does get to legally keep Kiwi with him at Kadic, so long as he maintains his grades and cares for him kinda being extremely loose with the concept of ESA pets etc... while William becomes a bit more strained with his parents given his old school talked with them about his worrying behavior and they decided to relocate him rather than letting him stay until he got expelled like canon)
I haven't thought too much more about how the events shift, but I do have a general idea on how Odd winds up possessed by XANA + the power upgrades and all that. I also give William a cloud power rather than instantly giving him supersmoke so there's that too.
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bisluthq · 2 months
I just read the rest of the ask you replied to and realized you addressed Gemma lol my bad. But she wasn't just a hook up. And Matty isn't the type of artist who just writes about what's been happening in his life most recently in a diaristic way like Taylor. But unlike her, I don't think he completely ignored her in his music until 2021, but I also don't think he wrote *full* songs about her (also I think the Maylors have a point about M&YTS - the title is just very suspicious and I think it's more him idealizing the public persona and it's not about a real events song or really very serious, just about how he thinks about her now (at the time) (it matches with how he once said he writes in his diary about dreaming with pop stars or smth like that while in a relationship lol)
I don't think Taylor is purely diaristic either though fwiw - this is an argument I've had with many people because like they're writers, who often (in Matty's case I think always? I think all the guys co-write on the songs at least a bit but I could be wrong because I am not a 75 expert) work with co-writers, and like a lot of what they write is obviously about vibes and feelings inspired by real experiences rather than play by play accounts.
I actually *don't* think there are any hints of Taylor on M&YTS at all though because for one that's not the title of the song, that's the abbreviation that fans have gone with like the song is called Me & You Together Song. I don't get the sense that he's after a public image - and certainly not Taylor's - in that song. In M&YTS he keeps saying stuff about how this very cool and very chill girl is brushing him off as just a pal essentially while he's dreaming about a life of domestic bliss with her. To me, M&YTS is pretty much straight up just about Twigs? Also like it literally opens with the girl character using the word "mates" which is a British thing (I guess also an Ozzie/Saffa/Kiwi thing but not really an American thing so it's an odd way to imagine Taylor talking). Also Twigs very literally wears see through clothing and super short crop tops so while I doubt she "didn't have a top on" at all like I can imagine when he first met her, he could see her titties.
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