#i also can't stalk people on instagram and so on bc i WILL have to hit the screen vv hard many times at random and that's how you get caugh
pickapea 3 months
i have rough, calloused fingers but not because i've been working the earth or have learned to play the guitar but bc i have very strong compulsions to hit really hard at random places on my phone screen or computer keyboard when the vibes under the surface of them feel off
#shady websites are my greatest enemy bc i have to slam down on the mouse very hard many many times per minute to find peace#and that's where the evil ads wait for me#i also can't stalk people on instagram and so on bc i WILL have to hit the screen vv hard many times at random and that's how you get caugh#my fingers hurt really bad if i've spent a whole day on the computer bc i have banged on it many many times every minute very very hard#this started months ago#it's also soo annoying when watching videos on my phone bc i keep pausing the video and skipping around accidentally#i once tried to not do it i watched a music video and the Feeling came over me that there is something wrong and imbalanced under the scree#and i said No. i will not slam hard at the screen. i am strong. i will simply watch the video and the feeling will go away. it doesnt matte#the feeling did not go away and i did not simply watch the video and i was not strong. i did slam hard at the screen#it felt HORRIBLE! i couldn't live like that. my whole body was goddamn screaming until i gave in. i couldn't even focus on the video#anyway. my fingers hurt and the pads of them are harder than they should be all things considered#i can't even describe the Feeling. it waits just under the surface of the phyical object. and i have to hit it#the only way to not his it. for example the computer keyboard. is to simply press on the button instead of slamming it#press on it for a really long time and in the exact right place so the energies become balanced again#lowkey it takes me longer to write anything bc i have to rub at my fingertips with my other fingers bc the vibes feel off inside the finger#bc they touch the evil keyboard with strange energies hiding under the keys#RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHH#i don't even have ocd. it's not like i have obsessive thoughts that i try to control by doing compulsions#there's no ''my parents will die and i will get a disease and i'll burn the house down''. it just feels. Bad. and Wrong. and i can't let it#can't let it be#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#pickapost
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clarqbcw 1 year
Paper rings { jack champion x f!reader }
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this <3
Synopsis: Jack and you have been friends for a little over a year . Paper rings were their inside jokes, but what if it wasn't just a joke but real.
Cw: NONE 馃き馃き just straight fluff, that's it bcs as much as I like angst I can't write it what so ever 鉁婏笍鉁婏笍
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It was the scream six premiere and I was going with my life long childhood best friend jack! Everyone looked amazing but I couldn't help but feel a tad out of place! I mean these are FAMOUS people!!!!
We watched the movie, and it was so weird seeing Jack evil and also getting stabbed. We were on our way to the after party when I started messing with my small paper ring jack had made me a year ago.
" y/n meet Jack! " my friends say high off their mind. I laugh and shake his hand! " hi I'm y/n sorry about our mutual friends they take having fun all night to the literal definition! " I say as he laughs at our friends.
The moon is high. Like your friends were the night that we first met
I left a little after that and immediately searched up " jack," and what popped up was " jack champion " on Instagram and everything else. My friend follows him, so he must be the one ( a/n : hehehe t.s )
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet. Now I've read all of the books beside your bed
" What are you thinking about y/n ? " I hear devyn ask with concern in her voice. " Oh, sorry ! Nothing important, don't worry !! " I say soothing her when Jenna pipes up," probably about jAaAaAcK, " she says in a sing-song voice. " Oh shut up, Jenna," I say, defending myself. But she wasn't wrong. I wanted to he his. He's the one I want, but I don't if I'm the one he wants.
I mean, sure, we played cat and mouse for a month or two or three, but I couldn't remove the thought that you just wanted to be friends. I wish I could just be next to him all the time.
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three. Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
I just want to kiss him one two three times, but I will hold off on that till we confess. " Oh yeah, she's definitely in love with Jack," Jasmine says, breaking my thoughts that were indeed about him. " Who's in love with me?" I hear that oddly familiar voice say. I jump and give Jasmine a look . That " Shut the fuck up before I murder you " look and the girls all giggle while jack looks at me confused. " anywyas y/n I actually need to tell you something real quick! " everyone does their 2nd grade " oooohs " at this.
Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night. Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright.Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life
" Okay now that we're alone I've been meaning to tell you something but I don't know how to say this so sorry if it's not the best but, I really like you and I wanted to know if you'd be willing to go out on a date and maybe perhaps be my girlfriend?" He says as fast as he could. I just squeal. Embarrassing, I know, but HELLO ??? The jack champion likes ME!!!! " Oh no, okay, I'm sorry about that -" he rambles. "Jack, just shut up and kiss me." And with that, he does :)
" is that a yes?" I laugh " jack I would marry you with paper rings of course it's a yes! "
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. You're the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this Uh huh Darling, you're the one I want
A/n : I LOOOOOVEEEE LOVEEERRR!!!! Also, I really enjoyed this one!!!!! I know it's not a lot, but I have zero motivation, so!!!
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megbonney 1 year
some people have a lotta nerve. a lotta balls. a lotta..audacity. (lots of meanness under the cut, knock yourself out)
1. i didn't block you..i wasn't on tumblr much today and if i was i didn't get your notifs. not that deep 2. ofc it's about insta and not how you're doing exactly what makes me uncomfortable and stalking this which was always meant to be a safe space for myself and myself only. my paranoia didn't occur to you when you 'connected the dots' in my rage being because you blocked me on instagram, and it also didn't occur to you when you uh....read my msgs! no but you're sorry right? only sorry when i'm pissed at you for it? 3. duh doy You're not gonna remember any comments you made because it doesn't mean anything to you. that shit sticks with me tho. i remember that for once i felt confident in my sexuality and in response i was oversexualised for everything i did and my appearance, down to my art. down to the shit i create. that's crazy. 4. the nerve you have to outright just go "yeah i'm looking at your tumblr" when i said other people doing it freaked me out is crazy. bc ik when someone's doing it and you didn't hide it either. 5. in some capacity you want me to be doing shit so you can feel clarity in knowing i cared or w/e. call me a bad person or whatever makes you feel better about yourself but i'm putting myself first for once. sorry if you can't handle that. 5. did your therapist tell you to ask me out the minute i was open to dating again..or was that all you? because if he did, not really something i'm interested in. oh no, but YOU wanted me to be therapised, right? because i'm too weak for you? because i'm not emotional enough..FOR YOU? alr. 6. of course You can't handle to 'keep someone around' who thinks of you the way i do. as if i can handle being walking talking sex meat who plays video games sometimes. think of someone other than yourself, please. 7. good times? what good times? where you listened to me? but was it really because you wanted to know me, or was it because you didn't want me to leave you behind like i did everyone else? or was it an ulterior motive..something sexual..maybe? hmm. that's all that comes off the top'a my head rn. i suppose now i'm too obscene now that i speak my mind? wheyyy. get over it. ur boring.
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maximotts 2 years
Hope I didn鈥檛 offend you, now I鈥檓 genuinely curious (if you don鈥檛 mind) what makes you like it so much? Cause I鈥檝e watched it like 6 times and I just can鈥檛 deal with the secondhand embarrassment I get from it ahahahah I have to pause it, do something else and then get back to it multiple times lol
- still the same Ingrid Goes West anon 馃槆
oh my godohmygod it's happening!! someone is asking me about Ingrid Goes West!!! @wellsayhelloaagin finally I can bother someone else with my thoughts!!!
No no you didn't offend me at all and honestly, everyone that's said that they can't watch/won't rewatch that movie says the same thing about secondhand embarrassment so you're not alone! Idk why this movie doesn't affect me like that, but I'm okay with it because this movie just means so much to me ugh
Okay so, to break it down, I love IGW for two main reasons: the discussion of the dangers of parasocial relationships and the fakeness of social media/influencer culture.
I'm gonna put this under a cut bc I know everyone doesn't want all this analytical breakdown, I'm literally just so HYPED!! In this essay I will-
I swear I'm gonna try to keep this as short as possible because I'm sure you really don't care this much but uhhh here we go!
Parasocial Relationships: As a person who's been posting content on the internet since I was like, 13, I've been on both sides of this phenomenon; both the person idolizing someone who I don't know and thinking that I'm closer to them than I really am purely because they post themselves online and also the person receiving this type of attention, the one who people are overly familiar with, think they're close to me just because I'm publicly out here, etc. Neither side is good or healthy and they really, truly can be so dangerous.
Ingrid is the type of person who has an obsessive personality. Pair that with social media and the trend of influencers/public figures trying to be relatable and more of a friend, she's really susceptible to getting attached to people like Taylor who, at an outsider's perspective, is very open and friendly. Taylor's shallow and selfish, yeah, but she still has a right to privacy and doesn't deserve to be lied to and stalked like Ingrid does to her and I think it's extremely interesting that this movie doesn't shy away from the fact that people can indeed become extremely dangerous when their delusions are shattered. There's tons of movies that like to frame obsessive behavior as funny and laughable, but it really is scary and a violation of privacy and no one should have to go through that.
Influencer Culture: I swear I'm gonna keep this short. Basically, we're introduced to Taylor through her instagram and she's like this sweet and unique flower child almost with the perfect relaxing life and has a good group of friends with a nice husband and sweet dog. But then when we actually "meet" Taylor in the scene where they go to Joshua Tree, we see that the real Taylor does drugs and is not nearly as composed as she leads people to believe. She has business goals that she thinks are stupid, but she does have like.. thoughts that aren't "haha #couplegoals."
She shows this to Ingrid who then in turn thinks they're close which at that point we can't really fault Ingrid for, but we soon see that Taylor is the type of person who'll easily repress her real self to just hang around whoever is most beneficial to her. This reality doesn't match up with what Ingrid believes should be happening because again, parasocial relationship phenomena have led her to assume that her and Taylor are besties.
Influencers aren't "real," their public personas are not the real people they are and that's okay, it just shows in broad daylight that social media literally means NOTHING, you can be 100% yourself, but you can also be a complete persona and this movie shows that we shouldn't rely on what we see on the internet to be reality and I think that's so important!!
So!! Yeah I really love that this movie shows that and doesn't glorify or make light of Ingrid's behavior, nor does it paint Taylor as the antagonist because at the end of the day despite her faults, she isn't one. I know people say this movie is hard to watch, but I think that's the point? Reality is hard and cringey and people make mistakes that are so embarrassing you just want them to stop, but that's why it's important to look out for your friends, but also look out for yourself and keep your own online behavior in check for your own wellbeing and everyone elses!
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legionnaireslover 6 years
They got a LOT of GALL...
They have obviously got so BORED with the lack of news about Ben and Sophie, Haters have started HARASSING people in the periphery of Ben's life again. SHAME ON THEM!
From Gator's blog...
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First off, it sounds like Aeltri (or someone of that exact same ilk) is likely one of "our medical professional skeptics" who contacted "one of the UK nutriotionist[sic] registries" to ask about Chantelle Manners' qualifications.
But NOTE - the Haters DO NOT REPRODUCE THAT ENQUIRY... WHY IS THAT??? If you go on to read the answer (which IS shown) it is VERY easy to see by the reply, just how ALARMIST AND BIAS THE SKEPTICS ENQUIRY WAS.
Second, I'll stand corrected if I am wrong, but where exactly is it written anywhere by Chantelle Manners on her site that she is touting that "diet can cure autism"?? Because I looked pretty thoroughly on her website and through her Instagram site and I couldn't find that statement anywhere! And what is more, I did find all sorts of sites that said nutrition can be very helpful in the treatment of the symptoms of people on the autism spectrum.
But the real kicker is the LAST PARAGRAPH... with the plea from the Haters for no one on "the other side" (re: what she means is the reality based, SANE side!) to HARASS THE NUTRITIONIST ORGANIZATION!!! OMFG! Really?!? And don't you just LOVE THE LAST SENTENCE... "please use discretion and good judgment"
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That's rich! Coming from the people who built the proverbial STOREHOUSE of LACK OF DISCRETION AND TOTAL LACK OF GOOD JUDGMENT!! They are calling on the rest of us to use restraint and common sense... SMH! After one of their "kind" scribbled off a panic note to some unsuspecting organisation to try and get them to say something inflammatory about this woman whose only "crime" seems to be she cooks soups, makes shakes and puts together salads for Ben and Sophie!
BTW: if you read the reply you can see that all the organisations really said is - SORRY, WE CAN'T HARASS this person BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T CLAIM TO BE A CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST OR REGISTERED DIETITIAN.
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Again, it is clear from the text of the reply, that the enquiry wasn't just ASKING ABOUT INFORMATION... they were also DEMANDING some type of INTERVENTION OR CHALLENGE by this organisation against Chantelle Manners!
So in other words, the Haters wanted to get this organisation to harass this woman because she had the audacity to post a pix of a food order that, if you ZOOMED IN REAL CLOSE, you could read the LABELS and it was addressed to both Ben and Sophie.
Why would ANY PERSON want to harass a UK organisation about their reply?? And anyway, the ONLY people low enough to stalk and harass anyone are the Haters! They're bored right now so they just thought of a new way to stir up trouble and whinge about people associated with BC. Disgusting!
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itskangy 4 years
I got catfished--
Okay so it started 2015, I added this handsome lad on Facebook bc im a kid with imagination thinking I was going to get the boy somehow. I admire him so much bc he's good looking and also bc I think he might be kind or whatever. He was Onin Gonzales.
I would always try to talk to him even though I sounded dumb like always lol okay so here's how I tried before;
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Kdrama weightlifting kim bok joo was famous this time lol. You have no idea, I can't breathe that time bc a handsome man?! Is replying?! On my messages?! Can you believe that?! I'm just a potato.
There's this one time he posted on his Facebook that he was bored he needs someone to talk to and then he called me and I recorded it ofc it was cringey ohgod I really can't stand hearing my voice you know. But okay i recorded it and I don't remember the number anymore. I sent it to myself on Facebook. Yep I know so "2016"
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Okay fast forward to 2019 where we used to talk on Instagram. We talked about A LOT but there's picture limit on one post so I'm not posting it all
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Sweet huh? Okay okay I got excited to where this is going bc I was happy, he knows me! Finally after 5 years he remembered me (we had a conversation before and I asked him if he knew me or what and he said he did)
That's all I ever wanted. The person I admire for 5 years knows me and that's a big deal for me.
Ofcourse we aren't "always" talking bc he's "busy at work" or idk so I got bored last year December and I stalked his Twitter, nothing wrong it's just his pictures before and all his thoughts. And then I went to Facebook and I found a post of his friend's friend which is also my Facebook friend bc he's handsome too lol wtf Karen
Okay so the post was about Onin's Facebook account being turned down and I read the comments and it hit me, there's a dude saying "good for him bc he's a poser and here's the original account of the person who owns all the pictures." Something like that but this K.A. defended his friend's friend saying he's not a poser and all, I went to stalk this real account and shit, all photos being shared is the same, also the IG stories.
I DM'd him asking him for his name: (i can't remember the whole conversation im sorry this is what i can recall)
Me: diba your name is Onin Jake Louisse Manansala Gonzales
Him: yes why
Me: can I ask who is Neil R. Is?
And then he didn't replied to me for how many days. I was looking for answers and he wasn't giving it to me so that's kind of fucked up situation.
I knew there was something wrong. I just wanted the answer to come out from him whoever he is.
We had call signs ohmygod it was "babe" MY SACRED ENDEARMENT ok lol whatever
I don't wanna go to all the details bc im tired ugh fuck.
Okay so I talked to this K.A. and here's our conversation;
Me: kuya?
K.A: ?
Me: do you know Onin Gonzales?
K.A: yes
Me: do you know who Harold Neil R. Is?
K.A: yea, why, iisa lang yan
Me: oh really?
K.A: yes why?
Me: no one's "poser" or whatever?
K.A: tropa kasi yan ng tropa ko so familiar lang, ya
Me: :) but do you know why he's using 2 names?
K.A: hindi ko alam but long story yan
Me: oh okay
K.A: alam ko about fam nya yun
Me: okay po thank you
K.A: alrght
I was uh????? I don't know what's happening? It's messed up I can't understand why and I don't know what to believe. All that's left to do is to talk to Neil. Turns out this K.A is probably a catfish too. What the actual fuck I can't believe it.
I asked him if he knew who handles the account, he told me many people had been asking him about the other account and he said that he only owns one account and he was blocked from that Onin and he told me to not believe anything easily. He doesn't know who is the person behind this poser catfish account.
That was the very first time I really had to talk to him, for 5 YEARS I thought he already knew me, I thought he knew about my feelings for him but no, we just talked YESTERDAY, it was our first time talking EVER. He met me just yesterday (well online, i mean he saw my name on my account or whatever but I know he won't remember me this time anyway)
So I sent a DM to this catfish and I told him
I've known Onin Gonzales for 5 years, turns out he isn't even real. I can't believe it.
Please stop using other people's pictures and please stop pretending to be someone you're not, it's not good for the person you stole from and also not good for other people like me. Also ofcourse not good for you bc ur hiding from someone ur not.
I was wrecked dude. I didn't really fell in love with this person I just appreciated how MATURE our fling thing was lol what the fuck. I would always tell him that I understand if we don't talk like all the time I was like "dude it's okay you have a life and so do I, I'm busy studying and you're busy working and that's fine, I'm not this 16 year old anymore who gets mad if my boyfriend doesn't reply within a minute and then we're gonna fight or whatever"
It was also weird bc he was the one trying to flirt with me I mean it's fine yeah but I can't believe it's possible you know. Ofc to people who knows me, I got trust issues, like I tried not be annoying to this catfish one but I always ask him about himself.
P.S. to whoever the person handling that catfish account. Thanks for making me believe that the person I admired for 5 years knew what I felt about him. How I like him very much and how cute he was like all the time. He never knew that and he never knew me. Fuck ouch lol okay. Thanks for tuning in on my ted talk! Also Happy birthday to me! (Well tomorrow is my birthday okay whatever)
And that's how the story end, tragic right? I still admire the real person who owns the pictures, I still have a crush on him but I think it's time to stop bc he's not going to fall in love with me or whatever, we are not even gonna be friends. Fuck I'm so sad about this. 2020 really? For fuck sake? Thanks a lot!
The end.
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