#i also apologize for any spelling errors I am atrocious when it comes to catching them
glitchviper · 3 years
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wow look whos ages late to a trend, its me!
So here it is the Tsumi friendship teir list! Explantations under the cut and if you wanna discuss/potentially change just where your oc lays feel free to message me! My dms are always open and I'm always happy to talk ocs :)
So without further ado here's all the explantions
I would die for you: Tsumi has never really had any friends so when she got to UA and started hanging out with these four she didn't know what to do. She had never had friends, especially one as good as them before so now she's loyal to them to the end.
Jetsam is just such a kind and gentle person and despite his own anxieties, he helps Tsumi feel more relaxed. Taking things easy is always a breeze when they hang out, probably because their dynamic is just Shane and Ryans.
Tsutsumi actually sees a bit of her younger self in Rin, perhaps that's what drew her to help the quiet girl out. But from the initial interaction, their friendship grew. They both have such an intense drive when it comes to training and Tsumi loves that she has a friend who has that same level of drive. She helps Rin out with her problems and she knows that Rin will be there to help with hers.
Suyime, one of the few extroverts that Tsumi regularly associates with. Suyime helps Tsumi relax a bit and be a teenager and even though she complains about it Suyimes efforts are something that she treasures more than she can express. While Tsumi is a big sister to everyone she needs someone to be a big sister to her and that person is Suyime.
Jiro and Tsumi's friendship isn't a very complex or deep one at all. It's just vibes. They go out and learn how to skateboard cause its fun and why not. Vibes all around. She swears that one day she'll get Jiro on a surfboard.
Close-ish friends: These are people who Tsumi has interacted with a fair bit but isn't like close with ya know
Tsutsumi gained her respect for Kiyoko during thier match at the sports festival. They're very similar people and Tsumi is glad that they get along, even if they haven't interacted really at all outside of the sports festival.
Similar to Kiyoko, Tsumi considers herself a friend of Burai's due to all the training they've done together. Most people would say that training fights aren't really enough to form a friendship but screw those people.
Haru, Tai, and Amor are all similar cases, she's had a few interactions but those were enough for her to consider them friends. She really does hope that they can become better friends in the future though. But she is happy about the few interactions she's had with each of them thus far.
I would love to talk to you and be your friend (aka probably the longest explanations lol): These are people that Tsumi has seen around that she thinks are cool and that she wants to be friends with. However, Tsumi is awful at taking the initiative with social situations so for the time being she just hope that they approach first.
Kiku, Ayume, Akihiko, and Doku are all in the same boat. Friends of Tsumi's best friends that she thinks are really cool. For some reason, though they just haven't talked yet. She thinks all four of them are really chill and would love to talk to them, especially based off of the things her friends say about them.
Jimin is a cool lizard person that Tsumi thinks is super badass and wants to befriend. Not really that complex, she just thinks that they're cool! Definitely sees a training buddy in Jimin!
Konekomaru! Cat boy beloved, he seems like such a nice and cool person and Tsumi would love to be his friend. She hasn't really seen him that much either since they're in different classes but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to be his friend. Although she is a bit afraid that he might be scared of her, like more so than others. She doesn't know why she has that feeling though.
Yori, a fellow haver of a scary amount of scars. She looks cool and they have something in common. There also isn't a lot to this one. She just thinks that Yori is super tough, cause if you have that many scars you gotta be. Plus she just seems like a cool person!
Sheep girl Moa, terrifying to most but not to Tsumi. She does agree that she does have a temper issue and the ego can be turned down. However those issues aren't enough to make Tsumi overlook just how strong and hardworking Moa is.
Lastly for this category is Mao, who is just a person that radiates fun to Tsumi. Out of everyone on here Tsumi is the least sure about why it is that she wants to be Mao's friend, she just does. Simple as that.
Thems my classmates!: None of the students on here have any specific reason. They're just her classmates, she likes all of them. Even if they haven't interacted.
You confuse me but I appreciate the vibe: These three confuse Tsumi so much, she does not know what their deal is but she does appreciate that they vibe.
Tokiya and Hoshi are the same, she doesn't know how exactly they go about viewing the world, and often times the way they act confuses her beyond ebelief. But they appear to be really chill people who just go about to the beat of their own drum
Tsumi occasionally sees Evan out of the corner of her eye then a second later sees him bolting away, which just leaves her with so many questions. She doesn't know if he's just trying to talk to her or if he has an issue with her. She is pretty dam sure that he doesn't cause he really doesn't appear to have an issue. He's just a weird little monster boy to her.
The vibes here are questionable: Tsumi doesn't actively dislike anyone, mostly because no one has actively given her something that she would consider grounds to dislike. However there are three students who she has weird gut feelings about for one reason or another, but since she doesn't have an actual reason so she just ends up feeling like they're a little off.
However, and this is a big however, if Tsutsumi were to find out what Aito said to her during the sports festival, then Aito would very quickly be a part of a new category called: there are very few things on this planet that can keep me from beating the ever loving shit out of you at any given second. Because what Aito said during the sports festival was way beyond not cool and more than enough reason for Tsumi to actively want to kick Aito's shit in. So if I were you Aito, I'd put a considerable amount of energy into making sure that Tsumi doesn't find out what you said to her. Because I fear for your continued safety if she ever did.
Was this extremely long? Yes. Does this mean that I've gotten all my thoughts about this out? God no, I have many more thoughts. If you wanna hear them like I said my dms are open. I always love making new friends and talking ocs, especially if you wanna expand upon our ocs bonds with one another.
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