#i also acknowledge i cut my teeth in the speakeasy where team ny fans were a tight-knit group
meyerlansky · 4 days
i do get really discouraged by the numbers game when it comes to writing, both my own numbers [word count, speed, etc] and by interaction numbers [hits, kudos, comments]. it does bug me that my fic/snippet posts on here don't get as many reblogs as other people's writing, because i'd like to find more people who are interested in what i'm interested in and to hear people's thoughts in tags and stuff
but comparison is the theft of joy etc etc and i'm also aware i tend to gravitate towards less popular ships/characters or less common reads on main characters, and i try to write things i'd want to read, and usually imo they come out pretty good! i put in a lot of research and a lot of effort into the actual writing, and it slows me down but nine times out of ten i'm pleased with the result of things i put that time and care into
and i'm also very, VERY grateful that the people that do interact with my stuff are enthusiastic about it! that's really the most important thing, and i would rather make three fandom friends from writing a fic than get 300 kudos on it
it's tough to not get bogged down in the numbers game, but i do really value the interaction and friendships that come out of the things i put time and effort into creating, and that's what ultimately matters
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