#i aint gonna turn like rabid fans and defend the shit Mehrab pulled
badedramay · 1 year
This has been bothering me for a while…….how do you stan Junaid Khan’s character in Ishq Tamasha? Dude was problematic af and while it’s been a minute since I’ve watched that drama, isn’t he the reason Rushna’s character died?
ngl, I am not surprised. in my heart i knew there'd come a day when my....fondness let's just say, for Ishq Tamasha will be questioned. valid, valid..totally valid.
khair, i think you are mistaking my enjoyment of the Mehrab x Mirha story for me stanning Mehrab. not toooo long ago I was rewatching their scenes (cuz i had nothing better to do) and i was tweeting alongside and I remember I was quite enthusiastically cursing Mehrab for being so problematic and downright stupid. there's hardly anything stan worthy about him. his one misunderstanding ruined Mirha's life, his limitless blind love for his brother took him on a revenge path that ultimately took Rushna's life, in fact argument can be made that it was his love for his brother that didn't allow him to have a more positive, healthy POV about himself.
i squarely blame Danish Nawaz for this. idk why but Junaid Khan is his muse. he gives Junaid some incredible scenes to act and directs them in a totally mesmerizing way. Mehrab falling for Mirha and literally stealing glances of her through mirrors..Mehrab's entire vision focusing on Mirha to the point he didn't even CONSIDER Rushna as something worth noticing..the apology in the rain, him defending Mirha..or bits of him getting restless for an entire night because his entire being was so attuned to Mirha's pain that he just KNEW when she was going through something rough. On a more toxic problematic front..Mehrab seeking revenge from Rushna by locking her out in the rain because he blamed Rushna's selfishness that played a part in Mirha's fall from grace in her Chachi's house..like I don't STAN this shit but i'd be lying if i say i don't enjoy it!
the drama is so aptly titled Ishq TAMASHA. yeh sab tamasha hi toh hai. some are blamed more than others but the blame was everyone's. with Mehrab..i guess i just enjoy well directed, well acted grey heroes with their larger than life passions. Mehrab was that. the one thing the narrative did well was not forgive him for his mistakes. Mirha was never forced become smaller to accommodate his magnanimous character. Mirha, till the end, retained her fire and self respect that had attracted Mehrab to her in the first place. and when all was said and done and these two ended up finding their way to each other with no more hurdles to cross, it was a happily ever after that I believe was earned. Mirha didn't need a man to save her but she had a right to be with someone who could devote his entire life into protecting her and giving her every possible comfort that she could have. even if he got it by getting his hands dirty. and Mehrab most definitely NEEDED someone mature and fearless like Mirha to be by his side to call off his bullshit and remind him of the limits he didn't bother keeping check on.
it's this story that i stan, if I stan anything. not the character.
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