#i agree w landlady tho i see what her problem is
beauzos · 2 years
watching that fucking cat art discourse go down on my dash is giving me a headache
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loveisbananananas · 5 years
some thoughts on Babylon Berlin Season 3
it’s spoiler-y for all 12 episodes ok 
what I liked
the return of Doris aka my favourite secretary... give her a storyline please I love her
redemption for Frau Behnke!!! I’m so happy she got more to do this season; as much as I found her boring as the constantly complaining Landlady I love her now as a badass spy in training. Slightly worried that they’ll kill her off next season (as they do with helpful/decent people) and unsure how I feel about her and Katelbach -- knowing this show next time we’ll see the both of them it will be together in bed lol (you know how they just drop the fact that people bone)
I really like how they slowly introduced us to Nazis - in Season 1, they  focus on the nationalist movement apart from the NSDAP and now they slowly shift that focus and I think that mirrors the public perception of politics in the late 20s as you have so. many. different. parties. Jesus Lord
ugh the intro is GORGEOUS this time around
I also really liked the first scene! It felt so disorienting yet thrilling to be dropped in this huge fancy building and people just start killing themselves and it took me like... half the first episode to realise that it was supposed to be a flash forward to Black Thursday/Friday anyway I really like how they structure the first/last episodes 
“Love is the Drug” as the soundtrack for the same scene at the end of the last episode? chills. poetic cinema. I’m ready to be sad about the Great Depression next season lol
it’s so interesting how minor characters (the neighbour woman) get backstories/how they just show glimpses of their lives? more of that please
the introduction of the world of film and the press; we haven’t seen a lot of those in the first two seasons and when I think of the 20s and Weimar Germany in particular those cultural influences usually are what I think of first
yes! let Lotte find out about her past! maybe don’t give her a deadbeat dad tho lmao
Gräf is my son and I’m glad he survived this season (I wasn’t sure tbh) and ALSO I thought they were gonna make him crush on Gereon and I’m relieved to see they didn’t -- please just keep him and his bf safe and happy
Henning, Czerwinski and Lotte (and Gereon) are my favourite family of choice and I loved their interactions and I want them to solve 10000 crimes together 
soft Gennat is soft and now father to all gay characters on this show // what I meant to say is that the party at Gräf’s seemed lit and I want to go there
oh speaking about that party: the kiss 
as much as I am worried about how her character is going to work, I am also already in love with Marie-Luise and will seriously riot if they really pair her of with fucking WENDT
what I didn’t like
Vera was my daughter and deserved so much better, how dare they fridge the WLW
Greta deserved better but I think we all agree on that
Wendt is a BITCH 
ugh I cannot believe they really went in that direction with Toni -- I get that it is supposed to mirror Lotte’s adolescence (literally taking her coat) and that it’s inevitable blah blah but it was SO frustrating to watch. also I hope Tom Tykwer doesn’t think he’s slick just because they had Toni read from Bambi by Felix Salten whose other famous work was an anonymously published tale of a young child abuse victim turned sex worker ugh ugh ugh
the revelation who the Tagschläfer was seemed kinda obvious but lame at the same time? idk
Böhm and Helga are the most unlikeable characters on the “good” side fight me
I like the whodunnit structure of the season but I hate the reveal in ep 11 I am sorry it felt cheap af
the Armenian, his wife and Walter W should just solve their problem with a threesome
Gereon’s neglect of Helga felt a bit sudden and I feel like they could have focused on him and his brother a bit more since it was the big reveal of the end of season 2.... frustrating (when are Helga and Anno gonna meet tho I need that D R A M A)
I fucking hate the gory porn elements... like Charlotte doing that performance for money and Gräf being raped by the archive dude. I mean if you have to show us please also show the consequences because they just seem FINE after being abused and that feels so fundamentally wrong
I swear if they try to make Seegers seem reasonable or sympathic that’s a big NO from me
the last episode felt a bit too slow tbh I expected more action and drama
everything else
quite chilling to have Gereon pick up Mein Kampf from Moritz’s desk and have Emil and the Detectives lying underneath it - that’s he kind of smol detail I live for
I’m excited to see how far the timeline will take us. I originally thought they were going to stretch the show to the Machtergreifung in 1933 but as we are still in 1929 maybe they will just cover everything up until the end of the Great Coalition? I mean they already introduced Brüning, Papen and Schleicher so why not make use of them lmao. anyway seems like at least three more seasons are neccessary but on the other hand I have no idea what timeframe the books cover so don’t quote me on this
a poem by Theobald Tiger... please let Tucholsky show up and cast Kästner for the next season please do it for me personally
so in a nutshell: it was a fun but slightly incoherent and sometimes frustrating ride... Babylon Berlin works as a political thriller but not as a crime story imo
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