#i adore kassi so much T_T looks ne is actually ng/cg
soulventure91 · 1 year
3, 4, and 5 for kassi? 👀
sunshine meets some edgy queries |
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw? Kassi has a few, but I think the big kicker is her big mouth combined with mostly-innocent and trusting outlook. Once she starts talking, especially when she reckons the person she's talking to is someone she can trust, her focus is completely locked on whatever thoughts happen to be in her head. This can lead to, and doesn't exclude, accidentally insulting the listener; discussing her necromantic powers and outlook thereof; and being led into a trap or imprisonment because of whatever she's talking about. Overall she means well but Kassi's propensity to chatter can, has, and will get her regularly into trouble she doesn't necessarily have the ability to handle.
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn? Obvious enemy? Fight, for sure - even if they outweigh her (which is. Pretty much by default yes), Kassi won't back down from a fight. That being said, if she's caught by surprise - say, surrounded by guards for running her mouth - Kassi will shift rapidly into fawn. She doesn't want to scrap with normal people, so if Kassi can manage talking her way out of people problems she'll just run her mouth even faster. I've discovered in some chardev work that her persuasion style is to just. Wend her way around a topic and ultimately get a question of her own answered all without providing any information she might know.
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want? Mm. Per a bit of 4 above, Kassi avoids directly going toe-to-toe with normal people if she can. She can stare down demons and hellspawn like nothin', and putting down undead she can handle in her sleep. But something about facing down living mortals, even if they mean her ill, Kassi has a hard time engaging in conflict. So putting her in a choice between saving innocent lives and her goal? Unless she's confident others can protect those lives and she doesn't need to fret over that loss of life, Kassi is always going to pick protecting life. It's the bedrock of her beliefs and despite her abilities so clearly and easily making her a target for the living Kassi won't compromise it for anything. That's the epitome of the balance she strives to protect.
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