#i adore him and he is extremely spoiled. his fur is shiny and the vet says he is in perfect health physically
natasha-in-space · 5 months
Y'know, I didn't talk about it that much when it first came out, but it is so sweet to see some more content of Yoosung enjoying his life as a vet.
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I think it's kind of understandable that it's often overlooked, since it wasn't as much of a focus on his route. By comparison, we do know a whole lot about hia love for cooking, and he actually shares this passion with us many times during the game. Therefore, seeing him suddenly become a vet can feel a bit out of pocket for the player. I wish we had a bit more content on that particular aspect of his. To expand on it a bit more than what we already have in canon. Even his previous birthday events and CG's didn't really mention it. The only content we do have is his Valentines dlc and his after ending. Which isn't all that much. Yoosung's image is probably one of a student, gamer, or adorable cook when you think of him. It'll be nice if his career choice as a vet fit into that category, too.
That said, I looove to think about all the potential details of this time in his life. It's also very sweet to see MC helping him out with some of his duties. After the events of his route, I always see his dynamic with his MC as very supportive and reliant on one another in things big and small. Like MC bringing him lunch to work, or Yoosung picking them up from their place of work/study in return. You're a team, and you work as a unit. So it is very cute to see it in action!
I like to think that Yoosung is the type of vet who tends to spoil his patients, sometimes to the extreme. Deciding to arrange a spa day for them was probably his idea too. Just because one of them just happened to need a bath on that say. So he figured, why not treat them all to new shiny coats and relaxing massages!? Participating in this chaos was only agreed upon by MC, of course. It's impossible to tell me otherwise - these two are a well-known power couple in the clinic.
Or, it's possible that this is their idea of a date on the weekend. It's easy for me to see that, particularly if his MC is a huge animal lover!
Being a vet can be a very stressful and demanding job. Yoosung has to deal with many unfortunate losses and pains caused to innocent animals who didn't do anything wrong and their loving owners. So it's probably such a huge source of positivity and motivation for him to just relax for a few hours and have fun with a bunch of furry patients. Focus on the lighthearted sound of laughter between him and his lover and happy noises of mischief from some rowdy pets. The sight of their wagging tails and slow blinks is a significant reminder of the reason behind his actions. And to have his partner there with him... Well, that's just a cherry on top of the cake!
They better not take any selfies after that, though, because with this many furry participants, they'd be covered in fur for sure. It won't make Zen and Jaehee very happy to see it in the chatroom.
Of course, they still do so anyways.
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jackgoodfellow · 2 years
'The world is his Juliet' 😭😭😭😭
Omg my first ever anon! Huzzah!!!
Yeh, Romeo is a very good boy and the world is indeed his Juliet!! 😄
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He truly embodies the energy of the character. In that he falls in love with everyone at first sight but also unfortunately is stupid and anxious enough that he WOULD fight Paris to the death in a crypt for no reason out of a wildly misguided desire to protect his loved ones.
He's actually a failed service dog! My little service school dropout! 😅 He failed because of his anxiety disorder and so now *I*, the disabled human, am HIS service animal. And so he has been trained to KNOW HE NEEDS TO LOOK AFTER ME but unfortunately HE NEVER DID LEARN HOW TO DO THAT CORRECTLY so mostly he just lets me know if my girlfriend does something scary like, say, speak to me, or laugh at the television, or - god forbid - not acknowledge how cool Romeo's toy is! Idk what I'd do without him. ❤
[ID: a black pitbull dog with white spots and brown eyes, laying on a dog bed on a porch and looking at the camera]
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