#i actually know all the best places to eat in florence now (aka one place where they had this seafood risotto 🤤
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daisychainsandbowties · 1 year ago
I must admit I was slightly out of it when I sent that message, but I would still love you and your obsession with assassins’s creed even if you were a shoe even when I’m with it. I would love to go to Florence with you regardless 😘
- kiss anon
don’t worry i’m permanently acting like an enormous sea creature just spat me onto the deck of a ship, covered in barnacles so the ship’s surgeon (who is cute) has to gently chip them away from my skin leaving raw wounds behind that they wrap in seaweed for purely aesthetic purposes. and then i become a rigging monkey and sleep tangled up in the sails. the girl in the crow’s nest falls in love with me but so does the cute surgeon but it’s okay i have two hands
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narrators-journal · 4 years ago
Hanging around
Aka Xeno is in denial about his crush.
This was kinda inspired by a story I found on Archive of our own, I think it’s called ‘Swayed the two as they fell asleep’ by EndlessFangirl. Mostly I just took the idea of a hammock, because it was adorable, so I suggest you go read their little fic!
Sometimes, Xeno absolutely hated being in charge of the new world. He loved science, adored the power it gave him, but bringing back humanity from the stone age was hell. When America is back on its feet, I swear I'm going to vanish into my home for fifteen years and not touch a pipette or Florence flask. He thought on his third night in a row of being in his lab without leaving beyond the bare necessities, but now it was beginning to eat at him. To be fair, it wasn't that Xeno was a super social man to begin with. Most people annoyed him, he found them stupid, a lot of the people who'd revived were loud, and rude, so he usually kept his distance from them in or out of his duties, so he could go a long time with minimal interactions. But, there was at least one person he actually liked in the stone world, Stanley Snyder, his childhood best friend. Stan was his favorite person in the world. Tall, well-built, with hair so blonde it was nearly a white-gold and eyes the color of ice. In Xeno's mind, his childhood friend was the perfect example as to why humans were the apex predators for earth, no question. Stanley was disciplined, intelligent, with muscles earned through military training and years of high school football, and a keen predatory elegance. It was no wonder why every girl in high school melted for his childhood best friend, he was okay to look at. Xeno shook his head so hard that he needed to run his pale, slender hand through his snowy hair to put it back into place, trying to loosen the thoughts of his best friend, I can't be thinking about Stan, he chided himself, turning his attention back to his latest project, squashing any lingering memories of Stan whenever they went swimming together as teens, or the times Xeno'd fallen asleep on Stan's bed and woke up to find his friend laying with him. Reminiscing on the comforts and advancements of the long dead past would have to wait. Instead of thinking back to the past, Xeno worked on moving forward, doing his best to make as much progress as he could in the night before exhaustion set in and he completely lost hold of his thoughts. When he reached that point, the pale man sighed and got up, stretching once again before heading out of the lab.             "Make it twenty years," he muttered to himself as he walked out into the darkened, drafty base. Most, if not all, of his men were asleep for sure, but when Xeno caught a whiff of cigarette smoke on the breeze that leaked in from a still unlocated gap in the walls, doors, or windows, he knew at least one person was awake at such an unhealthy hour. After a small search through the base, Xeno found the smoking soldier outside, lounging in a hammock someone had made between two sturdy metal pipes in the corn field, in a stubborn patch of dead dirt where they couldn't yet grow any plants.            "What the hell is this," Xeno spat, glaring at the offending lawn decoration, Stan sitting up slightly to look over at him, a cigarette between his dark-painted lips,            "Maya thought it'd be nice to have some sort of creature comfort, a way to destress. So, she set this up." he explained, shrugging, "it's pretty comfortable."            "It's a waste of materials and space is what it is. We've got beds, a hammock is not needed." The scientist huffed, the soldier just laying back in the thing and dangling his arm out to flick the cherry of his cigarette onto the dirt, "And you're going to like the whole field on fire! Some comfort it'll be after that," He just snorted while the other stomped the ember out,             "Let it go, Xeno. They've all worked hard and done all that you asked, let them have a hammock. It's not hurting anyone, we can easily make more metal and cloth, this patch of dirt isn't yeildin' shit, and besides, I think once you actually lay in the thing, you'll grow fond of it." Stanley hummed, looking up at the smaller grouch when he moved to stand over him in the swing. Stan did at least look comfortable, lounging in the embrace of the sheet, wearing a white t-shirt and loose pants that acted as his pajamas or casual-wear with one arm hanging out and cigarette drifting out of his partially opened mouth. As always, he had his gun with him, so Xeno knew that at least his best friend wasn't recklessly lazing about without any forethought to any potential attacks.               "If I want to lay down, I have a bed to do it in. I do not need a tablecloth." he huffed, keeping his dark eyes stern while Stan rolled his,              "Then why are you out here?" The question smacked the little dictator upside the head, Fuck, why AM I out here? I should be going to bed, not hiking through the damned corn. He mentally groaned, putting a swift halt to his momentary floundering under the question and thinking on his feet to answer,              "I smelled smoke, I came to investigate." It wasn't a lie, he had smelled smoke on the air, and that's what had led him to looking for Stan. He just wanted to make sure his friend didn't doom them to burn in a fire with his disgusting need to smoke. Stan stared up at him for a moment, taking another lazy drag of his cigarette to finish it off before flicking it to the dirt for Xeno to stomp out. Then, he hooked his arm around Xeno's waist, pulling him forward so that he fell into the hammock with him. Despite the scientist's best efforts to scramble back to his feet, and his hissed curses and threats, he was manhandled into the swing with the soldier and trapped there by the man throwing his free arm around him, holding him to his side in a far too intimate position.               "Stanley Snyder, let me go! I do not want to lay in a damned bed sheet!" he snarled, his cheeks suddenly as hot as his Bunsen burner, but his friend ignored his complaints, easily overpowering his attempts to get up.               "Maybe not, but you wanted to lay with me," he hummed, unphased by Xeno's hostility, or the sputtering and verbal scramble he fell into to try and formulate an argument. In the end, the man was silenced with a simple half-lidded, knowing look from those icy blue eyes. He hated that the soldier could read him so easily, able to tell when he needed physical contact but his pride was in the way of asking for it. It was humiliating. But, he was still right, the pale dictator had been in need of some human interaction after so long cooped up in his lab, so it felt shamefully nice to wriggle, red-faced, between his warm body and the side of the hammock, throw his leg over him, and lay his head on his chest so he didn't suffocate or overheat. In return, Stan simply loosened his hold on him and lit up another cigarette.
The warmth of his spot, the sorely needed contact, the comforting smell of cigarette smoke and nature that clung to Stan's clothes, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and the way Stan moved to lazily rub at Xeno's back and shoulders, wordlessly working the tension from him. It all came together to lull him into a familiar relaxed state that exhaustion was quick to drag at.            "I hate you." Was the last sleepy mutter Xeno could manage, and before he completely gave in to his need for sleep, he heard a pleased hum of            "I know, Doll."
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chronicalanxiety · 5 years ago
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[here are their cutie marks and a sketch of their human forms that nobody asked for]
Now here’s a huge ass description for the kids™ if anyone is interested
Zap Apple
Rainbow and Applejack's first-born child and Lil' Cheese's best mate. Zap is a daydreamer and has a gentle soul, he's that one ripped nerd that likes writing and drawing things just for the sake of it. Exploring and discovering new things and places is what really makes his eyes glow (history and geography hoe), so he can be usually seen carrying his saddlebag around all the time (you never know when you're gonna need sketching and exploring supplies). Zap also loves puzzles and is a huge fanboy of Daring Do Books like Dash (and adventure books in general. AJ swears it's because Rainbow used to read so many Daring Doo adventures to her belly when she was pregnant). While he can be smart, he tends to over-thinks things, Zap has a wide imagination and is easily one of the most compassionate ponies around, though he used to be easily coaxed into fights or manipulated by his feelings. Like a good apple family member, the boy loves farm life and has a strong fraternal instinct, but his nature just doesn't allow him to settle there, though he still finds some peace whenever he's back in the environment he grew up in.
Random facts:
- Zap loved wearing his Ma's hat so much that she gave one for him as a gift in a Hearts Warming;
- He lost part of his his right ear to a bad fall when he and some friends went exploring one of his first off-limits area;
- Loves collecting comic books and stamps;
- AJ entered labor right during a Zap Apple harvest (Yep, that's exactly how he got his name);
- Inherited AJ's stare and lie detector;
- Upon noticing Zap's resemblance to his great grandmother, Rainbow nicknamed him Baby Smith.
Rainbow and Applejack's middle child. Applejoy doesn't take her name for granted, she's a total sunshine and bringing people happiness is what really makes her happy. She tends to be famous for getting a bunch of bruises all the time and being a little too reckless, so much so she lost two of her teeth out of pure clumsiness when she was little and had to wait until they began to grow to get them back (still has the best smile), and she also used to break her flying goggles at least once a week. The girl is also very outspoken and sincere, though it can end up being a problem sometimes. Applejoy is the family's Poly Athlete and has strong and fast wings (as well as legs, the girl is speed itself), she doesn't do very well in school but makes for it in sports and is very disciplined when it comes to it (Rainbow is her personal coach for every occasion). She hates losing, but tries her best to be a good sport and not to show she's upset most of the time. It was also awfully difficult for Applejack to handle her being all over the place when she learned how to use her wings (no need to say she was very grateful when her next child was born an earth pony).
Random facts: - Inherited Rainbow's habit of napping on trees (Applejack didn't like the idea, she was always concerned her children were gonna fall and hurt themselves for being too cloud-headed);
- Loves to indulge in her mother's sugary treats;- Rainbow started calling her junior (or AJJ) because her name abbreviation is the same as her ma's. No need to say the nickname was a success;
- Sleepwalker;
- The bandana she uses around her neck is a part of the fabric of an old sheet she used to nap with;
- Likes a bunch of crafts, specially wood-carving, but isn't really gifted at most of them (doesn't matter because she always tries her best every time).
Cider Splash
Rainbow and Applejack's youngest child and Tank's best buddy. Cider Splash a performer at heart, he's a innate dancer and plays multiple instruments very decently, he's the loudest of the bunch in every way and talks everyone's ears off (some conversations can also turn into musical numbers for no apparent reason). He's the most headstrong and stubborn out of the three, so he'll almost always get really deep into a project (or anything, really) when he sets his mind in it. He has blessed hoofs like AJ and is by far the one who ends up helping with the applebucking stuff the most, though he has a natural charm with the farm animals and prefers playing with them (his love for animal plushies wasn't taken for granted). He also indulges in cooking (mostly by Big Sugar's influence). Cider was always jealous of his sibling's ability to fly, so RD tries to compensate by taking him for a ride every once in a while and making sure he's the first one to get Wonderbolts tickets whenever they perform.
Random facts: - His love for music started when Applejack bought him a toy guitar to get him out of his tantrums when he was little. Later, his grandpa Bow Hothoof gave him a mini drum set as a birthday gift. AJ and RD weren't very happy when he started playing it all the time and making a bunch of noise, but they eventually saw potential in it and started investing in his inate talent;
- No need to say cider is his favorite drink ever;
- His bandana was a handmade gift from his Aunt Applebloom.
Fluttershy's big baby and Agate's older step-sister. Florence is a very resourceful and hard-working young mare, though she tends to spends way too much energy worrying about results and is almost constantly on the verge of outright panic (she's usually seen gritting her teeth or generally flipping out, no need to say she does not fare well under stress, specially when she is given a task to complete). Florence is known to be very sensible and intelligent, and even though she sometimes puts her own paranoia before common sense, she usually manages to find logical solutions to problems. She learned how to deal with stress by canalizing it into something productive, thanks to Rarimom (which ended up being another source of anxiety, ironically). She also has very strong beliefs, and when forced to question them, she becomes very upset. Despite that, Florence is extremely loyal and kind and will go out of her way to help other ponies.
Random facts: - Her scarf was given by Rarity, it made her feel safe when she was little, and she still uses it until this day (Her moms had to bribe with her in order to get her to let them clean and wash it after months of using it non-stop);
- Probably has OCD;
- She has also been known to retreat into her imagination when under extreme stress, often picturing peaceful, grassy fields or tranquil landscapes to calm herself down.
- Florence loves her coffee, tea and Fluttermum's pets more than her life (She loved growing up around pets, they still give her a sense of calm and relaxation. Her mom used to use them to calm her down when she was crying or couldn't sleep, she would almost always fall asleep after caressing some pet's ear for a while)
Rarity’s most precious gem and Florence’s little step-sister. Agate has been a very independent gal since she was little, she has been described as curious, monotone and sarcastic, and also appears to be more logical and mature than some of her peers, typically being the one to call them out on their ignorance, she’s inclined to remain passive and stoical to most things that happen around her. She has a fuckton control over her emotions and wears a neutral expression about 80% of the time, but is actually a pretty chill gal and has a very good (and weird) sense of humor. Agate has a great eye for photography (specially Avant-garde stuff) and turns out working as a professional photographer in the future.
Random facts: - Lowkey a huge mystery fan and computer nerd;
- Has a huge soft spot for Fluttermom's pets since she first came in contact with one, she can’t help but to smile the whole time she’s around them;
- Discord's favorite gal right next to Fluttershy.
Lil' Cheese
So let's get this out of the way, the script says Lil' Cheese is a colt, but many people see them as a filly, so they ended up being non-binary in my headcanon because I couldn't decide their gender (but go with whatever suits you better).
"Don't worry, Zap and Cheese got another infallible plan". Cheesecake, AKA "Lil' Cheese", is first and foremost known for the ability to talk their ass off anytime of the day for whatever reason (they used to spend most of their time besides their mom, so no need to mention that they practically picked up all her goofiness and energy by osmosis), they're also an excellent actor and are known as "The God of Puns". They’re generally a popular and gifted student, however, they're foul-mouthed and kind of competitive (but despite that, they are generally well liked and always looking after their friends). Lil' Cheese uses their innate talent for comedy and natural charm and charisma to help attract attention to their mum's bakery. Cheese had pretty deep random conversations with Pinkie since very little, so they turned out to be a pretty good conversationalist and improviser.
Big Sugar/Little Mac
I don't really have a very elaborate description for him (sorry peeps), but I imagine Sugar as a very sweet (pun intended) Big Baker Boy that loves cooking (and eating, most of all). He has that big bro energy and always gives the best hugs, but can also have with no mercy when messing around with his peers. He's very well liked around Ponyville and known for his extroverted and warm nature, though he may care way to much about other's opinions and tends to take a lot of them personally. Being a proud member of the Apple Family, he's the embodiment hard-work and loves working on the farm, but his heart always feel in the right place whenever he's preparing meals for other ponies.
Okay, so quick backstory time about how Flarity happened in this canon.
Fluttershy was going through a very rough time with her previous marefriend, she always wanted to have a child of her own, and seeing her friends having some of their own made her even more eager to have one, so she found a sperm donor and conceived Florence with the consent of her partner at the time. Their relationship didn't get any less toxic even after Florence was born, so as a good friend, Discord felt the obligation to intervene (along with the rest of the elements of harmony) and convince Fluttershy to just end it and let go, as it wasn't doing any good for both her and the kid. When she finally got out of it, Discord and Rarity were the ones who helped Flutters to heal the most.
Meanwhile, Agate was the product of Rarity's previous marriage with Fancy Pants and was conceived as the last hope for their doomed marriage. Turns out having a child didn't save their relationship and they ended up divorcing, both going their separate ways with their own lives and businesses, however, it was a healthy separation and they remained in good terms with each other. Rarity took this separation as a way to get to know more about herself and to spend more time bonding with her daughter, having a break from her business life and letting Sassy Saddles and some other employees take the wheel for a little while, though she didn't stop playing her part on the creative side. During the time Fluttershy was going through her healing process, she and Rarity reconnected and some gay stuff happened. By the time the series ended they were probably on the dating phase and close to engagement. They eventually marry and join their families together.
Also Discord's still a very close friend of the couple and helps them and the kids whenever and in whatever way he's able to. He loves spending time with the kids, specially Agate, who finds his chaotic energy specially amusing.
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fragiledewdrop · 5 years ago
I love Italy and finally convinced my family to go there next summer! Any advice for whre to go???
Hello anon! Here I am. I am very excited for you and your vacation!
This is a million dollar question, really. I love my country and I have been lucky enough to travel quite a lot, so I could talk about this for hours. I have decided to stick to the places I know best and that I know turists tend to enjoy. It will not be a comprehensive list by any means, but it should suffice for a first time in Italy. If you need to know more don’t hesitate to ask. Please also consider that it all depends on how long you are going to stay, what you are interested in and what your budget is.
-If you love italy and you are coming here for the fist time the destination that immediately comes to mind is Rome. I would suggest that if you decide to go there you stay for at least four days, or better yet a week. Just think about the fact that I have lived near Rome for 23 years, I have been there countless times, I have moved there for a few months and still every time I go I discover something new. It’s one of those cities like Paris or Berlin: you can spend an entire holiday there and you won’t be disappointed. You will be able to see ancient roman ruins, museums, beautiful squares and baroque fountains, churches that hide treasures like Caravaggio’s three St Mathew’s paintings or Michelangelo’s Moses, Keat’s and Shelley’s tombs (and a museum about them), a monks’crypt made entirely of human bones and SO.MUCH.MORE.
If you prefer not to spend that much time in a single place, you’ll still be able to see the main turistic attractions in one or two days. I coud plan an itinerary for you. Let me know.
-Let’s move north: Venice. Now, first of all, you said you are travelling in the summer. I don’t know where you are from, but just in case: even though it’s in the northern part of the country, Venice in summer is HOT. Hot and humid, which is a deadly combination. I am in love with that city, but I have straight up cursed it in the summer. Be warned, wear a hat and stay hydrated (this goes for all of Italy in the summer, but a lot of people assume Venice would be colder, which is simply not true. )
That said, Venice is definitely worth visiting. I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s an open air museum where you can hear the echoes of a beautiful past that is now a forgotten dream. It can be almost surreal at times, when everything is shrouded in mist or when the sunlight is refracted by water everywhere. My advice is to get a map-Venice is labyrinthin, I got lost a few times when I was there on my own- and don't stick only to the main streets where the crowd of people will take you. Explore. Go to Santa Maria degli Orti, look for the Ponte dei Pugni, find the church of San Zaccaria with its crypt under sea level.
Another piece of advice: most churces in Italy have artwork inside, so in some cities (not Rome) you have to pay to enter. In Venice there are a lot of beautiful churches. I don’t remember exactly which ones are free and which aren’t, and anyway things may have changed since I was there last, but if you have to choose because of the price make sure to visit I Frari, S. Zaccaria, La Salute and S. Marco. About S. Marco in particular: last time I was there you could get into the church for free, but you had to pay 3 euros to see the church’s treasure and another three for the Pala d’Or. Go with the Pala d’Or, it will knock you off your feet. The Palazzo Ducale and the annexed prison are also incredible. There are art museums as well, and a beautiful theatre, and countless other things which, again, I will tell you about if you are interested.
Oh, maybe you know this, but just in case: there are no cars or busses or bikes in Venice. You either have to walk or take a ferry or a gondola.
 IF you go to Venice you might want to consider spending a day in Padua. It’s very close by train and you could see Giotto’s work in the Scrovegni’s chapel.
-Now, Florence.
If you like the Reinassance,you should go. Scratch that, if you like Beauty you should go. I am of the opinion that Piazza del Duomo alone is worth a trip from the other side of the world. And it’s not the only thing. I have walked from square to square to bridge with my mouth hanging open every time I have been there. It is smaller than Rome, though, so potentially you could also visit other cities in Tuscany: Arezzo, Siena, Pisa, all the smaller places in between.
Also, I always tell people who go to Florence to walk to the church of S. Miniato, which is on top of a hill that oversees the city.
Tuscany is a bit expensive, but the food is great- and so is the wine.
-Finally, I want to talk top you about the south. It is so underrated it’s criminal. You could go to Puglia or Sicily, and if you want I can expand on that, but I’d like to tell you about Naples and Campania.
I have seen so many people-Italians too- actually, literally SHUDDER at the thought of going there, when the truth is that Naples is beautiful. Yes, there are neighborhoods you shouldn’t go to, and yes, you have to watch your purse, but I do the same in Rome.There is an entire underground city to explore. There is the Cristo Velato, S. Chiara, three castles that I know of, markets, squares, and the best food you’ll find everywhere in Italy. Seriously, when I go to Naples I eat little the day before because I just know I won’t be able to resist the siren call of street food, pizza, sfogliatelle and babbà.
And not only is Naples beautiful, its surroundings are too. There are Pompeii and Ercolano; there is a place called Baia Sommersa where you can see the remnants of a roman palace under the sea; there is Cuma, with its ruins and the cave where the Sybil spoke to Aenea; there is Pestum with its Greek (actually Greek) temples; Capua with its anfitheatre that is only a bit smaller than the Colosseum; Pozzuoli with the solfatara, aka a little Yellowston that smells of sulfur and is home to geysers; the Vesuvio; the Costiera Amalfitana, which is an experience in and of itself (please google it)
If you are feeling adventurous you can take a ferry and go tu the islands: Capri (amazing but expensive); Ischia , which has thermal waters and hides in itself Nestor’s Cup, one of the earliest examples of writing in Greek; Procida.
-This is already very long. I can suggest a few combinations that might work:
You can do Rome- Venice but keep in mind that they are far from each other.
Trying to do more than two big cities means seeing little of all of them, unless of course you have a lot of time at your disposal.
That’s all. I hope it was helpful, and seriously, you can ask me for more information anytime.
I am only one person, though, with one perspective. Do you want me to tag other italian people in here? your call.
Have a lovely day
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gelato-of-the-day-blog · 8 years ago
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February 3, 2017   
        Okay I already messed up this blog in so many ways. So here’s the deal. There’s no way for my followers (#famous) to get notifications when I post something new if you do not have a Tumblr account (because I know you all live and breathe to hear about my life). So if you want to know when I have a new post please contact me (if you are reading this and don’t have a way to do that kindly leave because I do not know you) and I will text/email/etc. you after I post. Second, there is no way for you to comment on my posts if you do not have a Tumblr account and I would like some feedback from time to time. If you want to help me with this, please contact me and let me know what you think. I know at this point you are probably thinking “Tumblr seems to suck, why are you using it?” and I asked myself the very same question. The answer is that I just spent the last hour trying to make a new blog on various different sites and it wasn’t working the way I wanted so I’m just sticking with this. Finally, third, I hate to admit that I did not have gelato today. Yes, I am feeling just fine but when you hear about my day you’ll see that it just did not fit in. I did however eat this very fine sandwich (”dope” as the young people would say), which I will also elaborate on later.
       So to start where I left off yesterday, we went to dinner at Zaza with Jackie, Olivia, and their 4 other roommates. It was honestly underwhelming. I got fettuccine Bolognese and it was basically pasta and meat. No sauce. It wasn’t bad but I like my Bolognese #saucin’. I also got my first bruschetta of the trip (PV friends you feel me). After dinner we once again raced home to get ready. Me, Sab, and Cart walked across the bridge to meet Courtney’s best friend Jordyn at her apartment. We got a little lost on the way but we figured it out (the numbering of the buildings makes zero sense. It’s not in any order). Jordyn is on a different program here and lives in an apartment of 10 people, all with very interesting personalities. Think my dorm room freshman year. Jordyn got in a fight with Shmarra (one of her roommates) about the noise level and it was very uncomfortable for everyone else there. But also very funny. Proud of Jard for holding her own! It was Ebony’s 21st birthday (another roommate) so we headed out to Yab to celebrate. That is in fact the name of a club. We left to go there at 12:30 and were still somehow like the first people there. The music seemed to be catering toward American college girls (Miley Cyrus, Drake, good throwbacks) so we liked it there right off the bat. We danced, had some fun, ran into a bunch of boys who go to Vanderbilt who are friends with Grant. I actually recognized a few because I had met them before. One asked me what my name was and then asked me where I was from. I said “New Jersey” and he said “No I mean where is your family from? Your last name sounds exotic.” I said “It’s not.” He asked me to spell it and when I did, he told me he thought it would’ve been like Gabeé. Maybe I’ll change it. Justin showed up again later and once again took me and Cart into the VIP section. So nice of him but I’m still waiting for the day I can get in on my own and be the one to say “They’re with me.” We left way too late and I was once again starving. When we got home I google “late night food in Florence” and found one place open til 4am. Going to have to try it sometime.
        Woke up and 8:30 for another orientation session. Just why? Got another chocolate nutella muffin on the way which was the highlight of the morning. We were freaking out about being 5 minutes late and then other people casually strolled in like 25 minutes late. Kk. They spent over an hour repeating everything they’ve been telling us for days while everyone around us was just talking to each other, not paying attention, and not even trying to whisper. The whole room was echoing and it was just so overwhelming. When Amy starting asking trivia questions again I was so done. When we were finally released we had to go to the post office to get a Permit of Stay. The post office was so beautiful and had a much more efficient system than post offices in the U.S. However, no one working there spoke English (except to tell me that my credit cards were freezing the computer) and they scheduled all of our follow up appointments (apparently you need to go to the police station to get finger-printed if you’re living in Italy) for May after we leave. So that’s good. Still need to figure out what to do about that. Then we were free for the afternoon! After some misguided directions we made it to Antico Vinaio, the famed sandwich shop. We got on line but it was like being at the Millburn Deli; they moved really fast and you had to know what you were doing. I, of course, did not. I was the person you hate at the deli asking a million questions, looking confused, and not being able to decide what to get. I held up the whole line asking what the different meats were (how was I supposed to know? I don’t eat many meats) and just chose ham to keep moving. I couldn’t stop again to ask what the cheeses were so I just told them to give me whatever went best with the ham. I got pecorino. Never would’ve chosen it but it was incredible. Best part of the sandwich. We then had the most ~abroad~ moment of the trip so far. We ate our sandwiches while walking by the side of the Arno river and then sat to finish them on a bench outside the Uffizi gallery. It was amazing. Everything was beautiful and the sandwiches were so good. It was the perfect Florence lunch. (Only downside: we struggled to escape the birds who were after our food and screamed in fear multiple times).
        Then it was time to run errands. We probably went to 12 different stores and got maybe half of the things we needed to get. Apparently hangers don’t exist here. All of our feet were in so much pain we had to go home. Then it was time to prepare for my interview. I sent the roomies off to dinner and waited for the call. I think it went well. It was really quick. I met the roommates at dinner right next to our apartment where I ordered bruschetta and fried potatoes. The 2 most important food groups. The fried potatoes were actually French fries so we all had some. The waiter told us that pretty girls in Florence get free drinks so we took the limoncello even though we didn’t really want it. Can’t say no to free things! We finished at 10:30 so a lot of places were closed. I’ll have to try to get some gelato tomorrow. We are now just chillin in the apartment, even bordering on straight clowning with Courtney and her toothpaste fascination, and back to our roots reading horoscopes. Happy to not be going out. Need a night off and gotta get up early for our trip to Chianti. I hope it’s actually fun (aka worth it). I have to look trendy right? Like for wine vineyard/castle pictures in the Tuscan countryside? But I might still end up in leggings. We’ll see. I’ll let you know tomorrow! Night peeps
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gelato-of-the-day-blog · 8 years ago
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February 20, 2017
    Interlaken! That is where I spent my weekend! And I had a great time. So much better than Prague. We booked our trip through Bus2Alps which is a travel company so Thursday night we had to meet the group at the train station. Before we left we got dinner at the sandwich shop across the street. The man there is so nice and I told him I wanted pesto and just let him make me whatever he thought went best with that. Sabrina asked for a bowl of olives and he also gave us a cheese plate. Then we dragged our suitcases through the streets of Florence to the train station where lately we have been spending a lot of time. We found the group and that is where a phenomenon started that continued throughout the weekend. Now I’m just assuming but I would say that everyone there (all being study abroad students) has had at least some education in the past. So at some point in that education I would have guessed people would learn what a line is but evidently I was wrong. There was a very long line to check in and multiple times people showed up, saw the line, and then proceeded to walk directly to the front. When I was the next person up, I took a step forward towards the women with the check-in lists and as I opened my mouth to say my name, 2 boys stepped directly in front of me, squeezing into the tiny space between me and the women and just said their names. The women looked shocked but just let them go and apologized to me once they left but I told them it wasn’t their fault. I don’t know about you guys but I would never see a line and think, “Oh but I don’t need to wait in this right?” So many people here are just so entitled. The same thing happened at check-in at the hostel, check-out, and, now that I think about it, also happened a bunch in Prague. No wonder people hate Americans. Especially the obnoxious 20 year olds.
      After that experience, we got to get on a bus for 8 hours! So fun! The bus left at 8 p.m. and got to Balmer’s Hostel in Interlaken at around 4:30 a.m. The ride wasn’t awful. I did my best to sleep but most of you know me and know that there wasn’t a good chance that was going to happen. The annoying thing was that some Italian law required the bus to stop 2 separate times for 45 minutes so it just dragged out the drive. The last 30 minutes was especially terrible because there were so many curves in the road driving up into the mountains. I was nauseous and also scared the bus was going to fall off the edge of the mountain. But we made it! Our room was in Jungfrau which took us a few tries to find and then we realized (like always) our room was all the way at the top of all of the stairs. It was also like a giant Coca-Cola advertisement. Everything was red and said Coca-Cola and there were giant pictures of people drinking Coca-Cola all over the walls. Still very unclear why. We got into bed as quickly as possible. I was reunited with my old favorite spot: the top bunk. The beds weren’t totally uncomfortable. The only problem was that if you even breathed too hard they would creak. Everyone was scared to readjust themselves in the middle of the night because it was so loud. We were all asleep by 5:15.
    The next morning it was rainy and gross so Sab and Courtney’s skydiving was rescheduled to Sunday. The three of us and Jaclyn walked into town to go to this rooftop restaurant we heard about. The view was pretty cool but you couldn’t see much because it was raining. Also, like absolutely everything in Switzerland, the food was ridiculously expensive so we got a small bottle of wine and 1 plate of garlic bread (6 small pieces) to share and paid around $8 each. We were obviously still hungry after that so we went to a dumpy Italian restaurant hoping for cheap food and ended up paying around $20 for mediocre pasta. We just hung out there until our chocolate making class at 4. The class was so much fun. We learned how to taste chocolate (like tasting wine) and got to sample a bunch of pieces. We even got to try eating a cocoa bean. It was terrible. So bitter. I liked the dark chocolate the best. I’m not a fan of white chocolate at all. Especially because we learned that it is not real chocolate. It doesn’t have any cocoa powder in it. Then we got to make our own! I chose dark but many people chose milk. We stirred the chocolate in a bowl and were told to stir until it got down to a certain temperature. A girl asked how we would know when it gets to that temperature and our teacher (?) Vlad said you put it on your nose and if it’s hot then it’s more than 98 degrees and if it’s cold it’s less. We all put chocolate on our noses before he told us that it was a joke and he had a thermometer. Vlad said mine was perfect and used it as a demonstration (because how could a lifetime of eating chocolate not pay off in some way?). Did you know that really hot chocolate, if you lift it up with a spoon, just falls in straight lines, but cooler chocolate falls in a helix shape? It’s actually the coolest thing. You can probably Google videos if you really want to see. We poured the chocolate out onto 3 templates to make chocolate bars and then got to decorate them. That part was not my best skill. Some people’s actually looked professional and mine looked like a 5 year old could’ve made them but you know what? It all tastes the same! I even put sea salt in one of them. That was the highlight of the day. The class was so much fun and we got cute pictures. Then we all went to dinner and went out at Balmer’s Club that night. Yes, Balmer’s is the name of both the hostel and the club. That is because the club is actually underneath the hostel! So convenient! Except it’s not really a club, it is basically a large frat basement. I had fun and we saw our bar friends from Prague (!!!) but we didn’t stay long.
    The next morning we got up and got bagels across the street from Balmer’s and then we went to pick up our chocolate (it had to cool overnight). While we were there I got hot chocolate that was incredible (pictured!). Then Sabrina, Courtney, and I walked to the lake where everyone goes to take pictures. The walk was about half an hour and smelled like horses the whole way but once we got there the view was spectacular. It looked fake it was so perfect. We took a bunch of pictures and then walked back. We met up with everyone else and then got on a bus (#publictransportation) for 30 minutes to Beatus. We bought day passes to the spa at this hotel there and it was actually the most incredible thing I have done in a long time. There was a large heated pool outside overlooking a lake and the mountains. We got there around 3:30 and stayed to watch the sunset. It was so gorgeous and perfect. It was even better that no one really knew about it. It was basically all locals there except for us. I would’ve taken a million pictures but we weren’t allowed to use our phones (we actually got yelled at) so we were forced to #liveinthemoment. It was actual bliss. The pool also had like a hunger games (the second book/movie) thing going on where different things would happen at different times. Like there would be a lazy river for a few minutes then it would stop and bubbles would start somewhere else in the pool. It was really fun. By the time we all showered and left it was close to 7 and it turned out that the buses to Interlaken stop running before then! Who knew? So we had to go into the hotel lobby and ask them to call us a cab. The woman was actually the nicest person we met (because everyone there and also in most of Europe is really rude) and called us a van that we managed to squeeze 11 people into. We got back in time for our 8:30 reservation at the Thai restaurant next to the hostel. We tried going out again that night but it was really not fun so we left after probably 30 minutes.
        Sunday morning by the time I woke up, Sabrina and Courtney had already jumped out of a plane. I’m very proud of them and cannot wait to see the videos. We had a very difficult time finding a place to have breakfast and then after we ate we went back to the chocolate place for more hot chocolate. We just tried to kill time until we had to get back on the bus at 3. The bus back was long and uneventful. Thankfully we only stopped once this time and were able to make it back to Florence by 10:15. It always feels good to be back in Florence. It really does feel homey and familiar. We’re already so comfortable here!
      Interlaken, while there was not much to do there for a person like me (aka unadventurous and scared of everything), I had such an amazing time. The town is beautiful and so cool to see. It is also really cool when you look up and see paragliders everywhere. It wasn’t totally relaxing but it was such a great weekend and I’m so happy I decided to go. Back in Florence for 3 days and then off the Amsterdam!
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