#i actually do like jv as a tp so i’m biased in that regard
overtake · 6 months
i would like to share opinions!! and to say sorry ppl in your inbox are. insane. for some reason.
i mostly agree with you lmao but also!!! part of being a fan is being able to say "that makes sense it was the right decision" and also "THAT DECISION SUCKS FUCK THEM" at the same time...... i feel that balance is what makes being a sports fan so interesting
HOWEVER that being said there is a part of me that thinks this could end up being a really bad idea from a sporting perspective and i want to share. let me preface tho with the fact that i really Do Not Like james vowles. every time i see him it makes me remember his time on mercedes and i get heated. so i'm seeing this decision less charitably than others might
ok basically i would agree with the decision to have alex drive more if it looked in the practices like williams had a good chance of making points but uh. they didn't. and also alex has crashed at that corner twice from driver error which does not make me confident in him on this circuit
the issue for me is that in one fell swoop williams has potentially destroyed logan for the rest of the season (depending on his mental fortitude), told logan he's a placeholder, and put alex in a situation where if he doesn't drag the williams to points this weekend there will be a LOT of scrutiny on them. ultimately i understand it was the right decision it just has the unique combo of being insanely unfair from an emotional perspective AND solidifying team issues pretty handily AND having soooooo much that could go wrong that it's almost too stressful to engage with jfkldsfjsadklf
Yeah this perspective 100% makes sense and I appreciate hearing it! I think the fear about alex crashing out two years in a row is legitimately founded given how much everyone is struggling this weekend. But logan also had a moment in practice that probably didn’t help lend them faith, especially given his general issues with crashing (which makes sense, he was a rookie, but if they don’t have full faith in either driver to come out unscathed, it makes more sense to trust your more experienced and less generally crash-y driver). Especially because so far, points seem like they will be extra scarce for the bottom 5 teams this season, where a driver finishes might be an important tiebreaker at the end of the season if the backmarkers are equal - so even if alex doesn’t get points, he does finish further ahead than logan and you need your strongest driver out there to maximize where you finish.
My initial reaction was also a lot of “goddamn that sucks that he’s being punished for alex’s mistake” but i sat with it for a minute and it made a lot of sense, so i came to terms with it (i’m not his fan though, so obviously that’s a lot easier for me than for the people rooting for logan). Hopefully this all works out for the best, but it will be very interesting to see how it all plays out, because yeah if alex does crash, it’s going to bring in a shitstorm (even though we’ll never know how it wouldve gone with logan in the car).
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