#i accidentally started on fwoopersongs and got too lazy to switch over lol
fwoopersongs · 3 years
七窍三秋钉 - Seven Times Impaled, Three Autumns Nailed
A fun facts and exploration post!
Something a little different this time because @tian-chuang​’s twitter thread on What is the meaning of Zhou Zi Shi’s seven nails? landed me in a sea of 经络图 | jīng luò tú (known in English as meridian diagrams). 
Disclaimer: Before this evening, all I knew of meridian pathways was that they exist, clearing meridian blockages and circulating Qi is a major part martial arts practice featured in many wuxia novels and also that 七窍 refers to our seven orifices.
Kindly excuse any over-analyzing. This is all very new and exciting for me :D!!!!
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The seven points in which those nails were driven also correspond to 穴位 | xué wèi - what we call 'acupuncture points' in English which are located along pathways of Qi flow called 经络 or meridians.
Note: The meridian system transports and supplies Qi, vital energy or life force, and blood throughout the body and connects the organs and different parts of the body. Different meridians serve different roles. Because there are meridians connected with specific organs, blockage would mean that the flow of Qi and blood to that organ is blocked. This often results in pain and other symptoms like stiffness or numbness. 
奇经八脉 | qí jīng bā mài, The Eight Extraordinary Qi Vessels and the 十二正| shí èr zhèng jīng, Twelve Primary Qi Channels (Meridians) comprise the main part of the meridian system. Most of the eight vessels branch out from the twelve primary channels and share the function of circulating Qi throughout the body. However, though the Eight Extraordinary Qi Vessels interact with the Twelve Primary Qi Channels, they do not affect the organs directly as the Twelve do.
From a screenshot of the entry points of Zhou Zishu’s seven nails, the following are the names of the approximate points (and their respective meridians) - Please take with a pinch of salt as I am just eyeballing this! Reference photos in the Appendix for your own comparison:
中庭 | zhōng tíng, Central Courtyard (任脉 | Conception Vessel)
云门 | yún mén Cloud Gate (手太阴肺经穴 | The Lung channel of Hand, Greater Yin)
期门 | qí mén Cyclic Gate (足厥阴肝经穴 | The Liver channel of Foot Jueyin)
腹哀  | fù āi  Abdomen Suffering (足太阴睥经穴 | The Spleen channel of Foot, Greater Yin)
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The Conception Vessel is one of the Eight Extraordinary Qi Vessels and occupies a major role in Qi circulation - Yin is expressed via the Conception Vessel as it is described as controlling all the Yin meridians, yin organs, and yin functions. The yin meridians are responsible for the production of Qi, and in union with the Conception Vessel, are responsible for the storage of Qi. 
Fun fact #1: Completely opening the 督脈 | Governing Vessel and the Conception Vessel (known as 任督二脉) will result in having harmonious Qi flow within the body and is the start of practicing the channeling of life force. This is a major step forward in internal energy cultivation and is also featured a moderate amount in wuxia novels. Once you have reached this point, you’d most likely be among the strongest - if not the strongest martial arts practitioner. A notable character who managed this is Zhang Wuji from Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre by Louis Cha. 
Fun fact #2: In Wuxia stories, there is this technique of tapping or pressing acupoints called 点穴 | diǎn xué which is usually done with the fingers. Its effects range from simple immobilization, to temporary speechlessness or unconsciousness and even death. There may also sometimes be unnoticeable permanent organ damage or long-lasting chronic pain.
From the above you can see how damaging it might be to both your health and  the practice of your martial arts to have a nail driven through an acupoint in any of your meridians, but also especially the Conception Vessel.
Each Meridian is believed to be most active during a certain time of the day. The Meridians (Twelve Primary Qi Channels) with their corresponding organ and active periods are shown below.
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Liver - 0100 to 0300 hrs Lung - 0300 to 0500 hrs Spleen - 0900 to 1100hrs The Conception Vessel is said to be more active during the night and early morning as well.
This might even be the reason we see Zhou Zishu struggling more with the effects of his nails beginning from 子时 | the hour of zi aka 2300 to 0100 hrs!
Appendix - Meridian Diagrams for Comparison
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