#i accidentally named dreamwalker the same as the stud he's from whoops!
bone-wolves · 3 years
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The Rebels within the Pack of Golden Light, while technically all of the Bound are part of the Rebellion, these are the ones who will actively instigate it. Szron. Wrzos, and Ziolo, who are among the bound, have taken the role of protecting the older members of the Bound (Exo and Lentica) and the youngest members who are unable to fight (Grus's pup, who is only 3 months old, and Exo's youngest, who is blind).
Cerbera - daughter of Damat and Caligo, an excellent hunter but farm more excellent spier with her hazy form and many-heads. She has used her near-invisibility to sneak up on Golden Light sentries to spy and her many ears have caught valuable information.
Czar - son of Eridani and a wolf from outside the pack, who is probably the most feared/begrudgingly respected of the Bound wolves by the Pack of Golden Light members, due to his many toothed maws and his absolute control over them.
Dreamwalker - Son of Lentica and a wolf from outside the pack, he can pass into the Dreamlands even outside of full-moon time, though he cannot interact with them. It was using this power that he met with Planeshifter, who shared his ability, and began to formulate a plan to save the Bound wolves.
Drift - daughter of Arcturus and Srokacz, who was born in the Pack of Golden Light but didn't follower her mom's opinions towards her old pack and wanted to see the verdant, watery lands for herself.
Dune - daughter of Luceo and a wolf from outside the pack, she was raised on tales of Rowan's Shade Pack from a tiny thing and is ready to do what must be done to return what remains of the pack to their rightful home.
Grus - daughter of Enit and Pietro, who suffers abuse and name-calling from Aurelius's supporters as a symbol of the Rowan's Shade Pack, but is stoic and firm against all of it. She knows the time is coming when the Bound will rise up and Rowan's Shade Pack will run strong again.
Halcyon - wolf from outside the pack who meets the Rebels in secret, she met Szron while he was hunting one day and sympathized with his plight.
Keir - wolf from outside the pack who joined the Pack of Golden Light but soon rejected their beliefs. He kept his position as a PoGL member while working in secret to aid the Bound wolves when he could.
Oort - daughter of Exo and a wolf from outside the pack who resents Aurelius's methods
Opik - daughter of Exo and a wolf from outside the pack who, who may be the second wolf after Czar who is begrudgingly respected by PoGL wolves
Planeshifter - daughter of Pulsa and a wolf from outside the pack, who rejected the PoGL's beliefs that her Mother clung to and worked to assist the Bound wolves
Sandflower - daughter of Arcturus and Aurelius, who denies her father's beliefs and resents her mother (now passed) who had been bitter about her old pack and who tried to force her daughter to follow the PoGL's beliefs
Shinefur - a young adolescent wolf who Halcyon had found wandering as a pup and began to take care of, he supports Halcyon in her work with the Rebels, and often carries messages for them as he is quite adept at sneaking about
Sterla - daughter of Theta and Esterlin who was raised on the tales of Rowan's Shade Pack told by her mother, and the strength of her father, Esterlin, who realized what a mistake he had made and had made it his mission to resolutely and stoicly defy Aurelius whenever he could.
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