#i PROMISE i’ll sit down and write proper fics for each of these monsters but for now. bits and pieces
vgilantee · 4 months
fuck it!!! right from the dm’s, more of my planning!!
werebeast price - hunts his mate but it’s all a game to him. he’s flirting and courting her the way werebeast instincts and culture tell him. Prey is an apothecarist’s apprentice and exploring the woods when the hunt begins (i cannot express how down bad price is for prey)
demon gaz - met her centuries ago in a different language, in a country renamed then destroyed. now he sees Soul supervising a class. it’s small, only a handful of the town’s families can spare their children to learn to read and write, but she doesn’t mind at all.
when she sees him she recognises him. thinking it’s from a dream. but your brain can’t come up with new faces, only recycle ones it knows. so maybe she does know him? or did know him? so when he introduces himself and takes her hand, pressing her knuckles to his lips, she isn’t surprised that she feels the familiarity, the comfort. her soul knows him, after all (reincarnationnnnnnn!!!!!)
merfolk johnny - saves his mate when her small fishing boat capsizes in a sudden, horrific storm. he has never cared for humans much before but he can’t let one as beautiful as you - one who sang to herself while drawing in nets despite how the melody may scare away the catch - drown before learning your song
i have nothing for minotaur simon’s mate yet, and i haven’t got a name for his or johnny’s (taking a page from @ghouljams and naming them) but! i have quite a bit of worldbuilding done if y’all are curious
(souls are real in this au, and it’s set vaguely 18th century. but i’m playing in the sandpit with my toys so it’s very loosely based in a real time but i get to pick and choose my favourite bits)
(also i am so nervous about tagging ghoul in this they’re so so cool 🫣🫣)
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fangirlshrewt97 · 4 years
Doctor Who (2005) Fic - The Goldilocks Vacation Conundrum
Title: The Goldilocks Vacation Conundrum
Author(s): Fangirlshrewt97
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Pairing: None
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz Khan, Ryan, Graham
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Banned Together Bingo Prompt: Alien Weatherman
Additional Tags: Crack-ish, Prompt: Alien Weatherman, Banned Together Bingo 2020, Humor, The Doctor does not know how to pick human appropriate vacation spots, Poor Graham keeps falling because of the Doctor’s poor TARDIS parking skills, Post Season 10
Summary: Essentially, a semi-crack-ish fic where the Doctor tries to suggest vacation spots to her companions, and misses the mark. Until she gets it right.
After all, third time is the charm.
The Doctor swiped through a few more potential vacation spots, this time, Ryan joining them. There were several that caught the eyes of the crew, but each time that Graham asked for the dangers, there was always one.
Tentacle monsters, giant crabs, Multiple-headed monsters, noxious gas, acid-spitting monsters, poisonous fruits, monsters with giant horns, unfriendly natives, evil tyrannical rulers that were wary of tourists. What was with all the monsters, honestly?
By the end, Ryan and Yaz had joined back on the steps with the Doctor standing in front of them.
 Link to A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25314952
The TARDIS fam were sitting on the steps next to the central console waiting for the Doctor to return. She had said she would only be a moment and for them to stay.
“I just need to grab this one thing from a friend, I’ll be back before you know it. No need for you to follow me!” she had said, bouncing around the console as the TARDIS landed on another planet, nearly sending Graham to the floor from the abrupt stop.
“But doc-” Graham had started to protest only for her to already be halfway out the door, coat in one hand, and an extremely long rainbow scarf in the other.
“Five minutes at most. Just wait here!” was all the humans heard before the door swung shut.
Graham sighed. “Well that is not going to happen.”
“Who wants to bet she will get stuck on an adventure?” Ryan had asked, mischievous glint in his eyes.
Yaz barked a laugh. “What kind of a naive idiot do you take me for Ryan? The bet should be the kind of adventure she goes on. My guess is tentacle monster.”
“You’re on, I think it is alien species that wants to conquer the planet.”
“Ohhhh, good one, damn I want to change my bet.”
“No way too late!”
“Graham, what about you?”
“I don’t know about the doctor, but personally, I am going for an adventure to the kitchen. I want tea.” Graham had said, waiving off the groans from the other two. He did press the pedal to get a creamy custard biscuit as he walked by though.
That had been almost four hours ago. In the meantime, Graham had had his tea and biscuits, finished his book, taken a small nap, and wound up back in the console room, playing poker with Yaz and Ryan. The younger two members of the ship had tried to venture out of the ship, only to find they were parked at the top of a very steep cliff with no houses or identifiable signs of civilization in sight. And rather than risking getting lost, had ventured back into the ship.
Graham was chuckling as he won the hand for the fifth time in the row, collecting the candy they were using as betting markers when the Doctor burst into the room, tracking mud throughout the entrance as loud bird screeching followed her. She quickly barricaded the door with the bar she kept next to the door and ventured inside.
“Well fam, sorry for the delay, but I see you kept yourselves entertained.”
“Say doc, have you ever actually run an errand where things didn’t go tits up?” Graham asked as he opened one of the mints from his winnings. From the corner of his eye, he saw Yaz passing some money to Ryan.
“I resent the implications Graham, I will have you know I have had plenty of successful errands where nothing went wrong.”
At the silence from the three humans, she looked up from she was fiddling with the console controls again. “I have!”
Graham scoffed as Yaz made an empathetic noise and Ryan rolled his eyes fondly.
“Sure you have Doctor.” Ryan said as he stood up.
The Doctor’s comeback was interrupted by a piercing cry and the distinct sound of claws (or talons) against wood.
“Whoopsie, looks like we have overstayed our welcome!” The Doctor said before pulling down the lever. The trio of humans just managed to brace themselves before the ship took off, shaking like a teacup during an earthquake.
After a couple more minutes, the wheezing sound faded as the ship managed to land somewhere.
“Hey Doctor, where are we?” Yaz as as she peered into one of the monitors on the console. It was still displaying that odd (but beautiful) circular writing the Doctor had called Gallifreyan, but she could also make out a landscape. It was a flat field, with what looked like medium height grasses (green), under a clear sky (purple, which weird but cool), and a scattering of trees that almost resembled pine trees but had normal leaves.
“Ah, thanks for asking Yaz! Welcome to Brosha, in the Aresa galaxy. I figured I owed you guys a proper vacation, and this place has the best food this side of the Andromeda galaxy made from corn. Well, it is actually eir but tastes very similar to Earth’s corn. Looks similar too!”
The three humans were not looking at her as impressed as she was hoping. Her smiled dimmed a bit. “No?”
Ryan answered. “Doctor, that is really nice of you, but none of us are really big fans of corn. Also you are hiding something from us.”
“No I am not.”
Yaz chuckled. “Yes you are. You have a tell.”
“I do not!”
“You do too!”
“I do not!”
“You do too!”
Graham cut off the childish squabbling. Honestly one was an officer of the law, and the other was a two thousand year old alien. It was undignified. “Alright enough. Doc, this sounds nice, but what’s the catch?”
“There are, rarely, every once in a while, stampedes of these huge moose like things. But honestly the chances of that happening while we are there are-”
“Sky high. Doc, we tend to always be around for the once in a blue moon situations. How about elsewhere?” Yaz said gently.
The Doctor pouted, but turned and fiddled with her monitor before brightening.
“Oh, I got one. What about Brakem in the Uccas galaxy? Hot springs filled with healing crystals, soaps and scents from around the universe. Never really rains, two suns, three moons. Gorgeous orange skies.”
“And?” Ryan asked, a wicked smirk on his face.
“Doc, this would be easier if you just mentioned the catch too.” Graham added.
“Average temperatures outside of the resorts are about 40℃.”
No way in hell. Mainly cause it sounded to be about the same temperature. “Next option Doc.”
The Doctor whined but looked at her monitor again. Graham went to sit on the stairs, he had a feeling they’d be there for a while.
“Ok, fine. How about, um, no not that one, ooh that would be, no nevermind, oh! No.” The Doctor muttered as she swiped at her monitor. Yaz went to stand beside her, watching her flick past some amazing landscapes. One in particular caught her eye, and she must have a sound because the Doctor looked at her. “Yaz?”
“What’s that?”
“This one? This is Chebara.” On the screen was a massive lake, extending seemingly to the horizon. The sky was so purple, but so clear she could almost make out stars and other planets in the photo. To one side of the lake she could see a massive hill rising from the ground, clouds covering it from about midway. In the middle of the lake, giant trees that seemed to be floating?
“Are those trees floating?”
“Oh yes, they are Ubal trees, their fruits produce dyes that don’t fade even after a thousand years. Very valuable.” The Doctor explained, glee filling her eyes again.
“Is it safe?” Graham asked. He loved the Doctor, but safety somehow never made it into the woman’s priority list.
“Graham, where is the fun in that?” The Doctor asked, only to be met with a raised eyebrow that would not be swayed. She sighed. “There is a small chance we may encounter the giant alligator-hippos that inhabit the lake.”
“But Yaz wants to go!” the Doctor protested.
“Actually Doctor, I think just the photos might be enough. We have had so many adventures, and I would really like a vacation before we head back to the fray.” Yaz said, apologetic.
The Doctor’s shoulders slumped. “Back to the drawing board then.”
The Doctor swiped through a few more potential vacation spots, this time, Ryan joining them. There were several that caught the eyes of the crew, but each time that Graham asked for the dangers, there was always one.
Tentacle monsters, giant crabs, Multiple-headed monsters, noxious gas, acid-spitting monsters, poisonous fruits, monsters with giant horns, unfriendly natives, evil tyrannical rulers that were wary of tourists. What was with all the monsters, honestly?
By the end, Ryan and Yaz had joined back on the steps with the Doctor standing in front of them.
“Guys come on, I promise, the vacation will be fine, I’m sure the bad things won’t happen, they are all statistically very unlikely.”
Graham stood up and walked to the Doctor, laying a sympathetic hand on her forearm. “Doctor, I am sure you have noticed, but let me point it out again. We are kind of one-in-a-million central here. All I want is someplace to put my feet up, a nice cuppa, maybe a chance to tan.” Graham said. Beside him, Yaz and Ryan nodded in agreement.
The Doctor stood in front of the three humans, arms crossed, and cheeks puffed out like a squirrel. Yaz internally squealed at how adorable this couple thousand year old alien could be.
The Doctor tapped out a distracted pattern on her forearm before brightening. “I know the perfect place!” she said.
And then, without waiting for the companion’s response she went back to the console and pressed a few buttons before pulling the lever.
The TARDIS’s wheezing sound was heard before the ship rattled and transported. Graham, who had been standing on the stairs still fell hard on his butt. Ryan and Yaz managed to stumble forward and brace themselves on the console.
“Ow Doc, a couple more rough landings, and you are going to owe me a new hip!” Graham complained as he rubbed the small of his back. Ryan came to his side, helping his sit up against one of the columns around the console.
“Sorry about that Graham! I just thought of the perfect place for a lovely holiday, and wanted to get us there ASAP!”
Ryan and Yaz exchanged glances before looking at her hesitantly. “So…”
“Where are we?”
If possible, the Doctor’s grin got even wider, her eyes alight with delight. “My lovely fam, welcome to Earth, third planet in the solar system, in the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy. We are in present day Sheffield, the temperature is a pleasant 23℃, there is a humidity of 65%, and chance of rain is 7%!” The Doctor said as she clapped her hands once in delight. Ryan shook his head at the antics of the Time Lord and began to chuckle.Yaz started to giggle before the Doctor waggled her eyebrows at her, at which point she burst out laughing, using the console edge to keep from falling over. Even Graham had a grin on his face as he continued to rub his back. He used the column to brace himself and got up.
“How long will we be staying then doc?”
The Doctor swayed back and forth on her toes and heels. “Up to you guys. How long do you want to stay?”
“Wait, you are staying too right?” Yaz said, squinting at the Time Lord.
The Doctor brought up her hands in surrender. “I’ve got a whole universe Yaz!”
“And I’ve got a spare room with your name on it. Come on, just stay. I know we don’t have crystal pools or floating trees, but Charlie’s pub down the block serves some of the best falafels in the country.”
The Doctor bit her lip, but looking at the hopeful faces of her companions, she gave a single nod.
“Alright, why not.”
She turned and pressed a couple buttons, dimming the lights of the main area of the TARDIS. “There, she is in hibernation. Let’s go enjoy Sheffield.”
With a cheer from the humans, the Doctor let herself be led outside by her fam. Yaz dragging her by the wrist as Ryan lightly pushed her from the back, with Graham closing the ship doors behind himself.
Sometimes, the best vacation from a life traveling was a little bit of home.
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blacknovelist · 7 years
and we are far, far from home (but we’re so happy) - Pyre fic
I signed up for the @sggsecretsanta this year, and I’ve finally got my gift finished! Merry (slightly late) Christmas @kuiji, I hope you like it! 
Actually, while this is a complete oneshot on its own, i’m working on a second part to your gift that includes the rest of the Nightwings that I didn’t have time to write into this one. Sorry about that, I hope you don’t mind.
Listen though, when I started replaying for the True Nightwing mode and Mae (the Stowaway) told me how she loves Jodariel and Rukey and Hedwyn and asks if she should tell hedwyn it was so cute, I loved it. The moment I saw it I knew it would work great for your gift since you said you love that found family fluff and all the awesome girls in Pyre! I’m a bit miffed at how the game had the reader assume Mae’s feelings were romantic when it was really obvious they weren’t (she says so herself), but I’ll try to be chill about that. I guess.
Title is from the song From Finner by Of Monsters and Men, because it’s a very “Mae” song, I think. Unfortunately, I couldn’t crosspost to ffnet due to some kind of technical error, but ah well. that’s how the turn tables, I guess.
In which Mae is Mae, and she loves her family very much.
(a handful of moments between Mae and the Nightwings, not necessarily in order.)
It's while they're in the Black Basin the first time, when Mae asks to help (not in so few words) with preparing their meal for the night. Hedwyn shows her how to peel the odd fruit they'd been told was safe to eat and she nearly pricks her fingers half a dozen times in the first minute alone, but she picks up the best way to hold it quickly and soon he stops worrying in favor of getting the rest of dinner ready.
"Thank you for the help today, Mae," Hedwyn says. "I appreciate it. While I can do it myself, it's nice to have a hand."
"You're welcome, you are very very welcome, mister Hedwyn!" Mae beams, and bobs her head. "I have been thinking, I've been thinking that you are always working so hard to look after all of us, and give us food to eat every single day and night. And I am always so thankful, to you and to the Nightwings, for giving me food and little brother and so much more, so I thought, I would like to help! I want to help, so as to ease your burdens even just a little, because, work is always much easier, much better to do together than alone."
He smiles. "That's true. Everyone here, we're all in this together. I'm glad to be able to cook food like this that's good enough for everyone. Ah..." Sheepishly, he holds one of the unpeeled fruits up, looking suspiciously squished and oozing a particularly unappetizing goo. "Even though the plants and animals down here really are something else."
They watch as a glob splats down onto one of the empty plates lying and share a laugh. Hedwyn sets the fruit down, trying to figure out what to do with it as Mae finishes slicing off the last of the thick yellow skins.
"I think that should be good, I can handle the rest from here," he says. "Thanks again for your help. Would you mind letting everyone know dinner should be ready soon?"
"Of course not, I will go tell everyone, and make sure Ti'zo has not put anything in his mouth that may spoil his appetite!" In a beat she is already throwing the door wide, bounding away. In another, she is back in the room, eyes shining. "Oh! mister Hedwyn, before I go there is something, something I wish to say to you!"
Hedwyn blinks. "Sure. What is it?"
Mae leaps, and Hedwyn barely has time to step back before she propels herself directly into him, thin arms wrapping around his waist.
"You all have done so much for me, so so so much, and I need to say thank you, for taking me into your family, for letting me stay, even though I could never thank any of you enough." She beams up at him. "You are very much my family, all of you, just like the Scribes were so long ago, and it makes me very happy! And I think it is important, it's important to always tell family how you feel, because it feels good to know people care about you, so I want to tell you before I go that I love you and you are important to me and I am very very happy you are here."
"I, oh." Hedwyn pauses (thinking of blue hair and siblings and a time when he was happy that someone so big and strong and amazing could still find the time to care and worry about little old him) and hugs her back, touched. "...Thank you, Mae. It does make me happy to hear how you feel. I love you too."
If her smile before could rival the stars, her entire countenance now could probably outshine the sun, and she gives one last squeeze before bounding out the door proper and calling to the others about dinner.
Mae scales the side of the blackwagon with ease, clambering up to where Pamitha is perched, thinking. Her hat sits in her lap, and she runs a wing absently over the smooth fabric and bright red feather.
"Miss Pamitha?" Mae calls. "Are you alright? After the rite, the rite against your sister last night, you seemed like you were not sad, not exactly, but you seemed like there was much on your mind, so I wanted to check and see that you were okay." She tilts her head. "Are you okay?"
Pamitha blinks slowly, then again. "Oh, hello, Mae darling. I am... I suppose I am doing just fine, all things considered. Just thinking." She laughs, small and short and perhaps a touch bitter. "Thinking about you-know-who, actually. I'm not sure why I thought anything would change, honestly. Tamitha has... she's always been so stubborn about things like this. I suppose I must be satisfied that I at least tried, not that it did either of us much good in the end." A slow shake of the head, and she fiddles with her hat's feather. "I can't help but wonder what I could have done or could still do to earn her favor back, even if I understand why she will never truly forgive me. I've never been strong enough for her."
Mae looks up at her. "I think you are strong, miss Pamitha," she says. "You are very strong, just as strong or maybe even stronger than your sister. You have tried so hard to make things right, you tried so very hard for your family and to make things up to them even though you knew it might not work, and that's incredible!"
Pamitha stares, and lets a small smile slide across her face. "You think so, darling?"
"I do!" Mae is full of passion and she is almost surprised no one is looking up to the top of the wagon where the girl is shouting and waving her heart for all to see. But like the slow dim of a cloud over the sun Mae slows, gently leans against Pamitha's side, and smiles up at her. "Miss Pamitha, I hope that one day you can start to forgive yourself for all the things you did for your sister that she might not be able to forgive you about, whether you regret them or not. Because I know, I know the Scribes have forgiven you, and I have forgiven you, and everyone here has forgiven you too! So I hope you can forgive yourself too, even if your sister won't."
"You really are far too open, aren't you, dear? Thank you." Pamitha unfurls one wing, stretches it around her companion's back and gently tugs her closer. Mae, ever enthusiastic, immediately hugs back. Liars Abound echoes in her head, and she tosses it from her thoughts. "And don't worry, I promise I don't regret everything that's happened because of what I've done - after all, where else would I have met a group so delightful they allow someone like me among their ranks? I've grown too fond of you, darling, you and all the fools in this motley little crew we've somehow found ourselves in."
"Even miss Jodariel?"
"...I guess so," Pamitha says with an exaggerated sigh. But her smile is still there, genuine and growing bigger, only outmatched by the one already settled on Mae's face.
Ti'zo growls, sniffing the air. He might have the advantage of a lifetime in the Downside but his quarry is good, knows already how to keep track of the wind and stay carefully out of sight. He flaps as soundlessly as he can, swiveling in an attempt to catch a glimpse of his target between the myriad of browns and greens and oranges that make up the trees surrounding him.
The wind shifts to bring a scent to him, and Ti'zo barely rockets off in time to avoid a blur of gray that all but sticks to the thick branch it collides with instead. Frantically he twists, faking up and down and flying away with all the skill and force his little imp body can muster, but it's too late - something warm crashes into him, followed by bright laughter.
"Gotcha!" Mae cheers, landing on the hard ground with the drive-imp in her arms. Ti'zo croons sadly, then screeches with laughter as she lets go. "Our score, I think that makes your score five and my score five, doesn't it?" She tosses her arms into the air with a whoop. "We've tied! Oh, Ti'zo, that was a good game, a very very good game! I haven't played such a fun game in some time, I can't believe we tied with each other - that means we both win!"
Ti'zo nods enthusiastically and they both cheer, her arms reaching up to pull him down into another hug. "You were amazing, you are always amazing! Flying always looks so much fun when you do it, when you or Pamitha fly, really, I wish I knew what it was like! Also have you been working on your feints, because when you started dipping up and down and left and right like that, when you started it was so confusing and for a moment I couldn't figure out where you were going, and since I couldn't see where you were going it was so lucky I caught you, but it was incredible!! You're incredible!"
He preens, squawking his thanks, before hopping up and down and chirping frantically. The inability to use the same words as his friends frustrates him, but as always they know exactly what he's trying to say.
Mae beams. "Thank you, Ti'zo!! I have jumped around and hid before like this, I have, and I like to think I have gotten quite good at it! It is wonderful to do these things without worry, without worrying about being hurt, you or me, even with the Scribes watching." There's a chirrup of agreement. "Thank you for playing with me, Ti'zo, it is so much fun! I love little brother very very much, with all of my heart, I do, but sometimes there are things, things he can't do even though he is my little brother. And back home the kids did not like to play with me very much. They would only call me many many names, and I was often all alone." The imp in her lap grumbles, and she laughs. "Ti'zo, you are so violent sometimes, aren't you? But it's okay. The Scribes, they watch over me and have always watched over me, even when I was sent down the River. And now, I don't have to think about the ones back home because instead I have you and miss Jodariel and miss Reader and mister Hedwyn and everyone else, and that's thanks to the Scribes too, isn't it? The people back home, they don't matter now that I have little brother, and you, my best friend, and all of the Nightwings because you are all my family, not them, and none of us are alone anymore and that is what is important."
Ti'zo grumbles a bit more before smiling, knocking into her with an imp hug to end all imp hugs and sending them to the ground in laughter. He squeaks at her and the girl grins, nodding frantically before standing up again.
"I know you won't, silly, of course I do. It's obvious. Come on, I want to race back to little brother!"
As an ex-captain of the Bloodborder, Jodariel has long since learned the art of diligence. Though she knows few of the Downside's more hostile residence would dare approach them (if the bright colors and large features of the blackwagon didn't scare them off, hers would) old habits die hard, and she scans the horizon and skies for any sign of danger.
Mae appears at her side, beaming, flower coils of varying lengths looped around her shoulder and cradled in one hand. There's even more flowers woven into her hair in lieu of the usual leaves and twigs, a veritable rainbow of color to contrast with the gray. An elaborate chain of blue flowers sits atop her head and two chains of orange and yellow hang from her neck - when Jodariel glances up she can see the Reader and Ti'zo sporting similar accessories, and doesn't try to stop the tiny quirk of her lips that count as a smile.
"Hello, miss Jodariel!" Mae says, bouncing in place. "Miss Reader and Ti'zo and I, we put flowers in my hair so that nothing would be able to jump in and stay there until I have to take them out! Ti'zo tells me they smell good and miss Reader says they look quite nice but I thought, I thought 'we should all have flowers so we match', so we've been using flowers to make crowns and necklaces all afternoon! " She nods, colorful petals swaying with each movement, and holds out the flowery loops. "We made everyone some, see, because I don't want anyone to be left out without flowers to wear but I know you are busy, you're busy watching to make sure we are all safe and sound from the things that even the Scribes might not see, so may I come up and put them on you?"
"Very well. Be careful."
She turns her eyes back up to the sky as Mae cheers and climbs her back, settling on her shoulders. "I hope you like them," Mae says. Soft weight lands on Jodariel's head moments later, light and careful hands fussing with the placement. "Back home, I loved flowers, I loved to see them and lie down in them and watch the sky. They didn't like it when I brought them home though, I don't think, because I can never remember seeing flowers anywhere except when I could hear the Scribes and I always hear the Scribes best when I am outside." Jodi can feel the tug in her heartstrings, and she gently pats Mae's knee.
"But it's okay now," Mae continues. The soft weight settling on her horns is almost startling, but Jodariel does not move. "Because all of that is in the past, and the past is the past and doesn't matter anymore. Here I have found my family, and friends, and a place to listen to the wisdom of the Scribes as freely as I please. Their voices are much louder here than they are in back home."
"I see." She's glad.
Piece said, Mae starts to hum, singing nonsense under her breath.
"Has Tariq been teaching you more songs?" Jodariel asks.
"Yes! They are pretty songs, all beautiful and happy and fun, and miss Reader and mister Volfred both told me what the words mean, at least when I don't know what the words are because some of them are made of words I don't know, and I like them a lot! Sometimes I forget how some of them go but that's okay, because I can always ask later." Mae sets one more crown on Jodariel's head, leans over slightly, and nods to herself. "Also, miss Jodariel, I am done with the flowers!"
"Thank you, Mae."
The girl slides down off the older woman's shoulders at that, and scrambles in front to look at her handiwork proper. She beams.
"They look pretty on you. You always look very pretty and kind, and the flowers look good on you too!" Mae says, clapping.
"I'll take your word on it." Jodariel smiles. "I'm sure they look wonderful."
"Now we match, you and I and Ti'zo and miss Reader!" She perks up. "I need to deliver the flower crowns, the flowers for everyone else!"
Mae stops obligingly and Jodariel lays a massive hand on her shoulder. "Anyone who does not cherish your presence is a fool, and should be treated as such," she says. "Thank you for the flowers, Mae. I quite like them, and I'm sure the others will feel the same."
"Really?" Mae glows, and flings herself at Jodariel in a hug. "Thank you, miss Jodariel, thank you so much!" And with that she's off, scuttling back to where the Reader and Ti'zo are sitting by some rocks and gently scooping up more of the chains. Jodariel chuckles, and continues her watch.
The flowers truly are lovely, she notes later as she stares into the single mirror hanging inside the wagon proper. There are two crowns on her head, a white one inside the larger dark blue, and several small rings of flowers hang from both horns. Beautiful flowers for the massive demon.
She lays them carefully among her belongings before she sleeps and holds them close until the day the weak stems snap and the petals begin to fade away.
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frangipanidownunder · 7 years
Hope you feel better soon! Could you maybe write something with jealous Mulder?
I can’t believe I wrote dog!fic and that it ended up being slightly NSFW.Naughty BoyThe drive back fromOregon is long, tiring. And smelly.
“Did you really haveto bring that thing?” he looks over his shoulder at the dog staring back at himfrom behind the bars of his cage.
“Mulder, that thing isa dog. And how else am I supposed to get him back home?”
“I heard you can traindogs to ride bicycles these days, Scully. The return trip from Oregon to Washingtonis…”
“Mulder! You just sawa monster, a were-lizard, we solved a case, possibly prevented many morehomicides, and,” she draws in a dramatic breath, “I had fun. Why do you have torain on my parade now?”
He puts another seedin his mouth and turns up the air-conditioning. “You’re going to have to changeits diet, Scully. That thing smells worse than the inside of my gym bag.”
“What gym bag?” shesays, turning around to speak to the dog, “Daddy doesn’t have a gym bag, doeshe?” The dog yaps.
Mulder thrums hisfingers against the steering wheel, flexing his jaw. “I threw it out. Alongwith the three pairs of unwashed socks that had stuck to the bottom of it.”
She chuckles and thecar fills with light sparks and fresh air. He turns to her. “Daddy, Scully?”
 He finds himselfbuilding a kennel for Daggoo, to a design that Scully clipped from Bark magazine, to which she subscribedfor its ‘thoughtful and well-researched material’. He’s tempted to scrunch upthe pages from the back-issues and use them to line the base of his handiwork.The kennel has a window and a front deck. For fucks’ sake. Why does thisfurball need a front deck?
“Because he likes tosurvey his territory, Mulder. And he can do that from the safety and shade ofthe verandah. Dogs can burn in the sun, Mulder. He’s got white fur. And unlessyou want to rub sunscreen into him every day, I think this is a greatcompromise, don’t you?”
“You never rubsunscreen into me, Scully,” he mutters, hammering the last nail into the wooduntil it pushes so far in that the timber splinters. He crawls back a few pacesand turns towards her. She’s standing there, backlit by the late evening sunthat picks out the gold of her hair. He sits on his heels and takes it in.
“Do you like thiscolour, Mulder? It’s called Aegean Teal. I thought it would be calming for him,you know? Considering his background, it must have been awful being in the shelterlike that.”
“Aegean what?” Helooks at the tin she places on the grass next to him.
“Teal, it’s abluey-green. Like the ocean.”
Daggoo yaps andlollops over to him, leaping up and unbalancing him so he winds up on his asswith the dog licking his face. He pushes at it but it won’t leave him alone.
“Awww, Mulder. Hereally likes you. He doesn’t kiss just anyone like that.”
The dog’s tongue issandpaper against his cheek and he rubs saliva off his skin with the back ofhis hand. “Give me bile, any day.”
“What was that,Mulder?”
He shakes his head. “Isaid, I can’t wait to get on with the painting, Scully.”
 It’s not often Scullycooks. Especially not so early on a Sunday morning. The smell from the kitchenis thick and aromatic, and he breathes it in as he stretches sleep away.
“Scully, did you makemeatloaf for breakfast?” he asks, pouring coffee into two mugs. “I’m not surewhat I did to deserve the break from that chia gloop thing you keep giving mebut I’ll take it.”
He slides a cup overto her and she folds the corner of the newspaper down to eye him. She slides abowl of chia gloop over to him.
“I made meatloaf forDaggoo. He needs nourishment.” She looks at him and swallows a spoon of chia.
He rubs his hands overhis gut. “Right. Maybe I’ll get myself another gym bag.” He pulls out his chairand goes to sit down. Daggoo looks up at him.
“He seems to havetaken a liking to your seat, Mulder.”
“Right,” he says,taking the next chair. Daggoo leaps onto his lap. Scully smiles and hishammering pulse softens a little.
“He seems to havetaken a liking to you too, Mulder. You love, Daddy, don’t you, Daggoo?” Sheshucks the dog under the chin and he barks on command, panting out meaty breathover Mulder’s face.
 Sunday afternoonsrepresent lazy paper-reading by the fire, or on the verandah, dependent onseason. They represent pottering in the yard, taking the occasional run,surfing the net for cryptid sightings or unusual clusters of lights or weather eventsor Victoria’s Secret runway models and they lead to Sunday evenings whichusually lead to good food, good red, her feet on his lap, shared showers andearly nights. Which lead to…
           Or they used to. Now, they walk thedog, play with the dog, cook for the dog, shop for the dog. And then Daggoosits on her lap and she gives him a bath then crawls into bed complaining thatshe’s exhausted.
           He pulls her to him, dropping a kissto her head and massaging her shoulders. “Why so hard, Scully?”
           “I could ask the same of you,Mulder.”
           He chuckles. “And you, a medicaldoctor.” His lips find hers and she reciprocates with a long, long kiss. Hebreaks it to breathe and she whispers soft kisses over his jaw and chin. “Betterthan that dog,” he says.
           She pushes him onto his back andstraddles him. “You like him, Mulder. You just don’t realise it yet.”
           “You mean it’s some kind of latentreaction?” He reaches under her vest and rubs his thumbs over her nipples whichharden instantly.
           She breathes out, “Yeah.” Shepresses her fingers into his chest and finds his nipples with her thumbs,rasping her nails back and forth. She bends and licks each one. “Like that,Daddy?”
           He thrusts up and grinds himselfinto her. She pushes back down and the both moan into each other’s mouths.Daggoo lets rip with a cacophony of grating yaps from the yard. Scully pullsher head up and licks her lips. Mulder watches the pink of her skin recedes. Thedog starts again and he curses.
           “He’s lonely,” she says.
           “Scully,” he says, letting his headflop back against the pillow. “He’s got more toys than Walmart. He’s got aMcMansion and five acres. He receives better health care and nutrition thanprobably 50% of the population. He is not lonely. He is spoilt.” He can’t stopthe pout as she climbs off him and grabs her robe.
           “Mulder, he’s a shelter dog. Hecomes with issues. You knew that when I rescued him.”
           “You didn’t rescue him, Scully. Youstole him.”
           She looks over her shoulder at him. “Whatare you gonna do, Mulder. Arrest me?”
           “Only if you let me fleece you andhandcuff you.”
           She walks to the window. “I think he’srunning around out there barking at bats.”
           “Figures,” he says. He pulls herpillow over his lap and squirms.  “Can’tyou lock him in his kennel?”
           “Remand him, you mean?” She giveshim the eyebrow.
           He sighs out harder than he meansto. “Scully…can’t you just, I don’t know, climb back in with me and forget thedamned dog for an hour or so.”
           She eyebrows him again. “An hour,Mulder? Jeez, is that a promise?”
           He lifts the pillow and nods.
           She snorts and leaves the room. Heleaves it a minute before getting up and limping over to the window. It’s coldand he sighs as his ardour cools along with his bare chest. He finds histee-shirt and pads to the kitchen. He sees his jacket, draped over the chair withhers, and fishes into his pocket for the flashlight.
           “Scully? Did you get him yet?”
           “No,” she calls from themid-distance.
The arc of his flashlight beam picks her out, angelic in white. Daggoo’sflurry of barks moves closer and she grabs him, picking up the furball and depositingit on the verandah of the dog house.
           “Now, you naughty boy. You stayhere,” she says and pushes Daggoo away and he yaps, wagging his tail at thegame.
           “You never call me a naughty boy.” Mulderpulls out the handcuffs and dangles them between the dog and Scully.
           “Mulder! Not out here!”
           He chuckles. “Who’s going to bewatching?”
           She holds onto Daggoo’s collar andblows a strand of hair from her face. “Says Mr Paranoia 1994.”
           “I’ve got yours too,” he says, bringingout the second pair of handcuffs. “And I found a spare set.” The metallicjangle fills the momentary quiet.
           “Mulder,” she says, and her voice ishoarse. He can’t tell if it’s arousal or panic.
           “It’s okay, Scully. I’m not thatdesperate. I was going to link them together and make a chain to keep him on.”             She goes to speak but he cuts heroff. “It’s only for tonight. Tomorrow we can get a proper chain leash and nextweekend I can build a run for him. Imagine that, his own territory to patrol. Ithink he’ll like it, don’t you?”
           She rubs the dog’s ears and hewhimpers into her hand. Mulder knows how he feels.
 The straps of her vestslip down her shoulders and he exhales. Scully in white cotton is just aboutthe sexiest thing he’s ever seen. He loves silk and satin and black and red butScully is purest and most beautiful in white cotton. She sits astride him andhe’s hard in an instant.
           “You promised me an hour,” shewhispers and her hair brushes his face as she leans over to kiss him. Then sheadds, “Daddy,” and he just about loses it there and then.
           She rolls her pelvis back and forthand Daggoo begins a soft howling outside.
“Naughty boy,” she purrs.
“Yes,” he says, “I am.”
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saltwaterships · 8 years
Characters: Klavier Gavin, Vera Misham
from Ace Attorney
I’ve never done one of these proper fic posts, but I’d really like to elaborate on this idea so I think I’ll give it a try.
I feel like Klavier’s characterization was a let-down in so many ways. After playing around with ideas from the Drew Misham case, I thought about Klavier. He seems really cool and composed in the game (mind you, its been a while since I played it) and it just didn’t sit right with me. I wanted to write a fic that expresses Klavier’s feelings properly, regarding the end of AJ.
I wrote this around Vera bc I love her, and love writing about her experience. This fic actually came about because I love thinking about new ways to tell her case so I felt it necessary to include her. Not sure how long this will be, or how many characters I will add in. I definitely fell in love with the idea of Vera and Klavier supporting each other and being able to talk to one another.
Hope you enjoy!
It was a difficult time in the life of prosecutor and rockstar, Klavier Gavin. He was in the process of questioning all of his relationships,  He couldn't have known his brother would do something like this? His own bandmate? That's one story, but his brother- who he had known all his life, was another. He felt guilt and fear and he felt abandoned. But he himself could not say what he felt because he felt too much all at once. How could he forgive his brother? Was it his fault? Something he could have done? Could he have changed the future?
How would Klavier continue his life? He had money, which was a great start. Fans, fans, people were generally friendly to him, he did not lack an abundance of admiration or wealth. What he lacked was maybe love, maybe it was true friendship, and he had done well without it until this point. He felt like he was at an end, he really couldn't end his life but he could not imagine his life continuing. What was in store for him? He had made many accomplishments in his life, two of his biggest turned out to be the cause of much horror.
He almost didn't want to hear other people talk. Didn't want to talk to people, for the first time in his life. What his brother had done was awful and he was awful for sharing his name. He wanted people to forget who he was, if anyone would talk to him he would like them to treat him like someone who was not related to a murderer. But how could he ignore what his brother had done? Why should anyone? At the same exact time he believed people should treat him awful but they should also treat him like he was not significant at all. What a selfish prick.
It was about his feelings now. What didn't he feel? But what did he feel? He didn't want to know what he felt, he would never figure it out, anyways. He was distraught, he was angry, he was sad, but he didn't feel an ounce of it.
Did he get help? Yes. Did it take time? Yes. It took him long enough to reach a point of stability. How he felt now took him back to the days before therapy, before medication. He was a burden, selfish, jealous, he was (not his words) a monster. Deep down he knew he wasn't really all these things, he was a lovable human being, and he, himself was loving. He cared for people and he cared so much, he cared  more than anyone else could ever know. And at this extent, he felt anger, sadness and jealousy in similar intensities. And now it was all coming back. The worst he had ever been.
Just as he thought his entire life was up in smoke, he remembered the victim. He was sorry for the him; Klavier knew that Drew Misham's life was not the easiest but felt a little comfort knowing the man truly cared for his daughter. Everything he did was to benefit her well-being. And how did her life turn out? Who would she become? If she survived, that is.
Klavier's attention shifted to the girl. Would it kill him to pay her a visit? No, not at all. Although, it could make him feel worse. But he wouldn't die. It would be fine. Or maybe it wouldn't, he just needed to go. Her life was in his hands now.
He arrived at her hospital room the next day. He realized he could have been too late but he was a sour piece of shit anyways. The nerve of him. A young woman's life was in danger and he – just forget it. He was here. He was beat to the punch by Phoenix, Apollo and Trucy. It wasn't a competition. In reality he knew he was not responsible for this girl. He knew it somewhere deep down. He could not find it at that moment. He did not know.
As he looked at her, his heart pounded. Memories came flooding back; emotions he tried so hard to keep away. Fuck it all. He wanted to leave. He wanted to leave. He was leaving. He was leaving. He was responsible for this. Why wasn't it him in this hospital bed? Why was he lying to himself. He had it good compared to her. He had it bad, but she had nothing. She had some things but she didn't have the things he had. She would have to start her life over. His was ending. Maybe he was responsible for this after all. Maybe he should stay.
So he sat himself down on a chair next to her bed. He put his head in his hands as if to keep his emotions at bay. He was kidding himself but he did it. He was actually a wreck but he soon learned that if he didn't look at the girl and pretended he wasn't in a hospital bed, he still felt like crap but he didn't feel guilty. What a faulty human being. Waste of space.
He must have been sitting there for hours. Well, five minutes. He finally looked at her again. She was awake. She was looking at him, possibly staring. She closed her eyes again. She must have hated him. He felt sick. He wanted to disappear.
“Look, I'm sorry.” He worried he sounded too aggressive. Maybe he was being too passive.
She nodded her head and said, “It's okay.”
He wanted to scream.
“I did awful things. My brother did awful things.” He knew he was calm this time.
She looked at him briefly. She looked away as her eyes teared up.
“I'm sorry.” He repeated.
“Mhmm.” All he could hear was her heavy breathing and her hidden tears.
What on Earth would he give to make her suffering go away? She didn't deserve this. But he didn't know what to do. She wasn't immediately impressed by who he was, nor was he being very charming at that moment. He was an ordinary, an ordinary Joe. To her.
“I didn't want to make you feel bad, Vera.” He said it. Her name. It was one of the most painful things he ever had to say. Not that he had to. “I feel bad.” He paused, he didn't want to repeat himself a million times. He came here to talk to her. But he felt disconnected from her. He didn't want to touch her shoulder or her hand, he didn't think she would like it if he got any closer. He wasn't exactly comfortable, with their distance they may as well have been on opposite sides of the room. “Vera, do you understand me?”
“Yes” She barely looked at him. Poor girl. “It's not your fault.” She sounded insincere from trying to be nice. Maybe she meant it.
But it worked for Klavier. He believed her.
“Vera, I think I know, I know it's not,” He placed his hand on her bed, “but this,” he cleared the tears in his eyes, “is painful for me. It's painful for you. I don't want you to feel this pain.” Klavier took his hand in hers, not sure if she would be comfortable with it. He should have asked.
“It was scary.” Vera looked him in the eye for a short moment, but it meant the world to him. He saw her pain, it made him want to heal her. Healing her would be the first step to healing himself. It sounded selfish but they both needed the same thing.
“You are a brave girl.” He let go of her hand. He wanted to cry but he didn't. He was coming back to his normal self. For a bit. “I want to know if you know what to do when you leave here.”
Vera looked thoughtful for a second, “what do you mean?”
“Where are you going to live?”
“Oh, I have a home.” He couldn't read her.
“Aren't you afraid?”
“He's gone, isn't he? .....I'm sure he is...” The amount of fear she showed was horrifying to Klavier. That was his brother, and although she was definitely right to be afraid, it hut him. He hoped to get over it.
“I promise that he is gone. There is nothing to be afraid of anymore.” He felt silly for pursuing. But what if he could really help this girl? He looked Vera in the eye, trying to get her to look back but it was fine either way. “Vera, are you afraid of me?”
She shook her head. She couldn't say, though. Did he scare her? She was always afraid these days and knew it wasn't only him. “No” Although, was he here to torture her?
“Vera...” He worried when he saw her expression, it was like she was lost, a bit like if the world around her wasn't real. But she was living through the unfortunate consequences. “I think you....you need a bit more time...” He brushed his fingers across his face to wipe away his tears as subtly as possible. It hurt him to see her that way, but he was sure now that he really wanted to help her. He was afraid of doing something out of pity but this was a girl in great need of help; she just lost her dad, she had no one in her life. Maybe she had money, she had a home, and Phoenix and the others would care for her, no doubt. But he didn't think it was enough, he had, the kind of help she could not get from all that.
Vera looked at him, unsure of what to say. She didn't understand what he meant but she didn't want to ask for many reasons. If she was going to die, well it was the best time for it. As for him being with her, she didn't get why he would show up. She was happy, but a little uncomfortable, it was fine.
He was afraid of being too pushy and he wondered if she wanted his help at all.
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