#i MEAN. if you dont yiu will regret it. if you do it youll be haopy tomrorow
clefablepb · 1 year
yall if youre doinh somethinv, and a vocie in your brain says "omg youll finish tonorrorw" DON'T listen to ir. thats the dviel speakinf
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Returning the Stones
1-the goodbye
Just incase 18+ theres fludd angst mentions of kissing implied intimate tons of sweet kissing and tears. Comments likes ans reblogging apprexitaed. No permission to repost anywhere else or to translate or to use in any ai story generator to finish it
I stood there as steve got his last good wishes from his team mates. I stood back watching tears in my eyes. I knew he only had a certain amount and im thinking back to the cinversariin we had after it was decided hed be the onky to return them
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"Why do I feel like theres a but comming"
"There is" he took my hands, "sweeetheart even tho hank pym is back theres still that adjustment period everyone is going through and he csnt make more pym particles right now"
"Cant you wait? Time will always be there for you to return it?"
He took my palm, like he does when he's  nervous and subconsciouslybdraws the same patterns he always does when he looked down.
"Yes and no. You see the way that Strange explained it is that time will continue on  and yes and while we can wait the stones not being there is affecting us here and now as in the past they arent there.  I could wait but if simething happens," he swollows hard, "something to you. I cant lose you."
"Steve nothing is going to ha-"
"You dont know that!" Hw yells and i jumo back almsot in tears.
"Im sorry, I'm sorry I didnt mean to "
"Strange said something didnt he?"
Steve looked uo with tears in his eyes and nodded. 
"It doesn't mean it will but i can't bear the thought"
"And I can't live without"
"Neither can I, if Tony was here..."
"I know" I sob a bit  as he pulls me intk his chest and cries too "if tony easnt gone id kill him all iver again."
This garners a chuckle from Steve.
"She's your last stop isnt she?"
I looked up i could only see the side if his cheek really but it was like i could see him go pale.
Not for the reasons yoy think. When insaw in the care facility, i mean yiu saw her every time she didnt remeber me and she eas so ha-
"I know happy and thrilled and saying shes worry you didnt get to live a full happy life."
It hurt me too it was so sad seeing her, I mean seing anyone like that would be saddening. 
"I just want to tell her im ok and that I survived so she doesnt have those regrets and that...."
I pulled back a little and I whipesmone side of tears from my face and he whipped the other putting his hand on my chin and guiding it making sure I can't move away as he knows how scared and fearful i must me and he looked in my eyes .
"That l, I found the love of my life and I am so happy."
I let out a small chuckle with some tears.
"You know that right? That i love you. I love ypu more than anything. And ill always come back to you. Like a bad oenny you cant losemor that cat that never stopped following yoy home,"
On cue Midnight jumoed into our laps with a meow and using her head to burrow under steves tee for warmth like she always did garnering a laugh from both of us. I pulled away a but as steve took iut of hisnshirt and talked to her 
"Youll take care off mommy right?" 
"Take care of me why woukd she need to-" I statted bawling
"Oh honey no no no i didnt mean it oh no " he put Mid night down and grabbed me chuck and tight, so tiggt i almost coukdnt breathe. "Wrong words blvery wrong words. I meant if something haooened. Lets face it i don't have greay track records when it comes to saving the world. The first time i dissapeared for decades and I don't want that to happen my last time but im afraid of tha-"
"Last time?"
"Yea," he rubbed my arms comfortly "my last time, the world doesn need me not as much as you do. And i want to give thst life yoy want because i want it too. I see the longing in your eyes when yoy see a young couoke and a baby and i have the same in mine that wishing hoping dreaming. During these five years people havent needed me and ive been wnlanting to give it uo for a while now justtrying to figure out the best way to do it and yiu know ive been slowly limiting my cap duties."
I know,
I know yiu do. So after this i want to give you that. That family a real family a couoke of mini us's." He interlocked our fingers wispering "I hope to God they look like you".
I chuckled. "Once I return the stones uts you and me babe every day forever no interruptions. Ill be in that bed every day yoy wake uo and every night you go to sleep. Ill hold yiu hair back wvery morning sickness and yoy can try and break a finger or two or try to lift molojiner when youre giving birth."
That made me laugh
"Ill hadle the night and change every littke poopy diaper and we'll hold them together wheh they get thier shots and bad dreams. Ill help you kiss thier boo boos and scare away boyfriends"
Got thiee whole lives planned out hu?
Yiu betcha dolls and when they get marriednand have little ones of thier own ill hug them and then beat uo their husbands for doing thst my little girls "
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I cracked up.
"Hey I will unless its done by oamossis no one is touching my daughters."
"You are too much"
He kisses my fore head and puts hair behind my ears,
"Yea well. Only the best for my family and if best means that i have to beat up thier husbands to out then in thier place so be it"
He rubbed my wedding band and engagement ring as we calmed down for a moment of silence. 
You know I would never give you either of these if my heart bekonged to someone else, in another time or place. This wasnt because i was never, " he losed his eyes and sighhned then ooened them stuck here. I was here to find you. I felt more for you then I did her even at first look - i almost proposed."
I know  i rememeber yoy did not try and cover well for that *i laughed*
"I tried"
"Yea so badly' I laughed and  ran my fingers through his hair.
"I grew it out for you, ya know"
"I know. I cant wait to see how blonde it was from when it was in the early days of the avengers"
He chuckled. 
"I love you," he wispered and kissed the bridge of my noise 
"I love you," he wispered  and and kissed my upper cheek.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed my lower cheek
"I love you," he wispered ad kissed the other cheek 
"I love you," he wispered and kissed my other cheek bone.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed my fore head.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed fhe right side of my upper neck.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed my lips.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed the left side of my upper neck.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed the middle of my neck.
"I love you," he wispered and kissed my lips so very deep that i almost lost my brrath. And that was how that night went. Him showing his love he knew he didnt have to prove it but he did he heled me and kissed me anddid everything he wanted to so to make sure he felt like he knew i knew he loved me and more. That was how last night went too. The last night before this trip. A trio that i knew would be mear seconds for me for for him it could be years. 
Then he walked over to me, he had tears in his eyes. Hia other team mates offered to come to help only ateve, i bruce and hank pim knew that wasnt possible. 6 vials. He had 6 and that was all. I was praying of somethin did go grong that last jump hed be able to grab more particles and get back to me. I also knew about the contingency they set up the older face the extra shield, just in case. So many just in cases. It meant to be steves way of dissapearing so we could live aort of loke clint and tony away from the spotlight and danger. 
He hugged me again, wispering in my eqr Ill be back in seconds my love and i love you so much," i felt a tear fall from his face onto mine
"Itll be only minutes babe, 60 minutes the most and youll be back in my arms." I gave him reassurance
"I  hope it works out like that nur every monute ill be thinking about getting back to you,"
He hugged me tightly. "I love you. And those seconds that pass here i told bucky to not let go of your hand,"
I chuckled.
"I know you. You need a hand and he wont let go. But if you two kiss i will kill him"
I laughed what?
"I just wanted to see that smile before i go"
Get your ass back here and ill give yku something to smile about tonight.
Oh is that a threat 
"Oh no that promise," I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and we looked into eachothers eyes and then he kissed me. 
"This ring isnt leaving this chain and this chain isnt leaving my body"
"I know" 
He took my hand as he walked up to the platform and I followed. He took his stance snd gave me one of the deepest longest kisses hes ever given me. 
"I love you dont forget im waiting right here no matter what you do to retrurn those im here loving you forever. "
"I know I promise ill come back no matrer what i love you too much." 
Steve gave me one last kiss on my lips and then a kiss behind me ear making me giggle 
"I needed to see and hear that one last time."
I felt bucky take my hand and lead me down the strairs steves and my eyes never leaving eachother's. He looked at me as he put the helmet on  and I squeezed Bucky's hand as Steve lifted his hand to presse rhe vutton and bucky squeezed mine as Steve dissapeared.
After 45 seconds my hand let go of Bucky's  but Bucky bevee ler go of mine.
(Varient timeline endings comming)
@nana1000night @whore-for-chris-evans @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen @bookishtheaterlover7 (i know im miasing a few sry ill ads when i can find the name if u want to be added let me kno)
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