#i LOVE it when u call me lil pixie
dellalyra · 1 year
Hello! I saw that your requests are open so if I may can I request headcanons for Nanami and Gojo when reader is pregnant? Like some random moments as well as how they act during the whole thing from telling them about the pregnancy! Also congratulations on thsu milestone!
Thank you and have a good day/night <3
AGH YAY I LOVE THIS thank u so much for sending this in!!!!
CW: I guess a lil nsfw, f!Reader, soft as hell, suggestive themes
✭ Pixie’s 1.5k Follower Celebration - send in headcanon requests! ✭
✵ you and kento had definitely been planning for a child, and actively trying. He was actually the one to suggest a baby at first, you’d been married for 2 years and he had always wanted to be a father.
✵ 100% the kind of man who would have you both taking fertility vitamins to help encourage a healthy pregnancy.
✵ safe to say - babymaking was the highlight for you both. The thought of you having his child drove this man insane (nanami breeding kink go brrr) he was literally insatiable.
✵ He was actually the one to sense you were pregnant, you had been feeling under the weather for a day or two, not thinking much of it since you’d been trying for only 2 months and it was November. But, then Kento brought you both home some delicious ramen from a local market and the smell had you SPRINTING to the bathroom. When he was done holding back your hair, he opened the bathroom cabinet and pulled out a test.
✵ When the two very strong lines appeared you jumped into your husbands arms as he spun you in a circle, whispering sweet nothings.
✵ During your pregnancy, Kento would not let you lift a finger. He was on you with your prenatal vitamins, smoothies, foot rubs, every type of Lamaze class you could think of
✵ god the other women in the Lamaze class were just fawning over your husband, arm around your swollen waist, attentive to every moment you make (and those muscles under his well fitted sweater helped)
✵ he made sure to read to your baby every night, as well as rubbing lotion into your bump to help the stretching skin.
✵ builds the crib and nursery furniture himself (from scratch), and helps you paint and prepare.
✵ you both decide on Yuuji as godfather
✵ just so prepared to be a dad man, literally came pre assembled as a father.
✵ Gojo ✵
✵ k SO one of two situations, yay surprise baby or you guys had like an ‘if it happens it happens’ situation going on, no pressure or planning
✵ I think Satoru had been scared to be a father at first, but then he realised that love isn’t a curse, and the love you two have is so powerful it can create a whole other person, not even his six eyes can do that.
✵ there’s no need for a pregnancy test , you come home one day and he freezes - you had been gone when he woke up that morning, a mission an hour or two away but short and easy. You got back around noon, and giggle at your husbands surprised face.
✵“baby, it’s … it’s not just you. i can see them.”
✵“okay mr. I can see dead people what are you on about?”
✵ he just lays a big hand over your still-flat belly, and you gasp, realising what he means. He can see the tiny amount of cursed energy coming from your womb. A combination of his and yours makes for a powerful residual. The little dot pulsed along with what he presumed was the baby’s heart.
✵“are you serious? please don’t joke ‘Toru”
✵ “shush, you’ll wake up our baby.”
✵ you both drop to your knees and he wraps his big long arms around you
✵ “we’re having a baby ‘Toru.”
✵ he warps you both straight into shokos office and by your teary smile and Satoru’s beaming face she just says congrats and pulls out the ultrasound machine.
✵ you’re 6 weeks along, “hey lil’mochi, this is your momma, and I’m papa, but she calls me dadd-”
✵ immediately you both go to the shop, baby clothes, toys, plushies, a whole new family car.
✵ literally ridiculous
✵ plans the biggest baby shower, he’s just so happy
✵ a little scared he won’t be a good enough dad but you shut that down straight away
✵ any and all cravings are catered to
✵ gets even more handsy and insatiable during your pregnancy, just seeing you swollen with HIS child makes him fucking FERAL
✵ at night, sits and chats with your bump, head laying on your lap facing the bump, your hands in his hair, usually stories of how he met you, embarrassing little megumi, how he annoys Uncle Nanamin, how awesome he is
✵ has planned an entire emergency plan for you and the baby, it’s eased his mind. He didn’t tell you, just put precautions in place.
✵ draws faces on your bump
✵ helps you bathe and shower and washes your hair because ‘Mrs. Gojo deserves whatever she wants.’
✵ fights with the higher ups and threatens them so much that they give you both a years parental leave, more if needed. Scary man <3
✵ has lists as long as him of name ideas, does not shut up about all the things he wants to do
✵ constantly posting and sharing photos of ‘pretty mama’
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Hi lil Pixie!!!💕💕💕 I hope you’re doing well, I wanted to know your thoughts on something..
I work as a hostess in a restaurant, and there is this older guy customer that comes in pretty often. He’s kind of sketchy and the waitresses don’t seem to like him and I can see why, he told me he’s been watching me for a while and he always asks me personal questions. The other night he tried to get my phone number and followed me around the restaurant telling me he would pay me more money (for unspecified work) if I leave the restaurant and worked for him and some other old man that wants to meet me. He said he’s rich and is “trying to give me my big break”.. My manager wasn’t really able to help me out since he’s a customer.. but I was curious if something like this has happened to you? I am sorry for the long ask
hi anon bb!!! <33 i’m gonna tw this just in case & answer under a read more!
**ALSO if ANYONE ELSE has dealt with issues such as these i am begging you to come forward and share your experience and tips with us, please!! <33
tw: harassment, creepy men
so i want to preface this with saying that this particular situation has never happened to me before, thus i am quite ignorant on the subject and all of the advice i’ve given you in this answer are just things that i personally would do to ensure my safety. but take it all with a grain of salt, and please check out the links i’ve included at the end, as well!! <3
first of all, sweetpea, i am so sorry that’s happening to you. that is EXTREMELY creepy and unsettling, and i literally have anxiety FOR YOU just thinking about it. i’ve never worked in a restaurant so thankfully i’ve never experienced an encounter like that. i’ve had men follow me all the way home begging me for my number, which was already pretty scary, and one of them attempted to get into my building (thankfully our security guard was there to stop him!), and i’ve had men follow me in their cars while i’m out on a run, so (on some level) i understand that creepiness for sure!!!
however, these experiences are much different from yours, because this guy is literally coming into your place of work, meaning you’re kind of trapped there for the duration of your shift, and because he isn’t “technically” doing anything wrong (as in, apparently anything that your manager could kick/ban him from the restaurant for) there isn’t much anyone can do. which sucks royally, because what he’s doing IS wrong; it’s almost like a type of micro-harassment—going into someone’s workplace and making them visibly uncomfortable + asking inappropriate questions IS WRONG. that’s not a normal thing to do. FOLLOWING SOMEONE AROUND at their job is quite literally harassment, full stop. in my opinion, it’s total bullshit that your manager couldn’t do much, because in my opinion that should absolutely be grounds to kick someone from the establishment.
and i have to be honest, i’m very surprised that your manager can’t do anything on the basis that this man has been harassing and bothering MULTIPLE workers. anon babie i would take this to HR if you can. i’ve literally never worked in a restaurant so i have no idea how this works, but YOU DESERVE TO FEEL SAFE AND COMFORTABLE AT WORK, and if you don’t, then it is your workplace’s job to help fix that. telling your manager was a good first step; it’s important for them to know! i’m assuming you’ve done this already, but if you haven’t, i’d let your other coworkers know as well (whichever ones you trust and especially those who are experiencing the same thing). make everyone aware of this, because it is serious. everyone needs to know who he is, so if he comes in asking or calling for personal information (such as your next shift) everyone knows not to give it out. i’ve heard of cases of people like this calling the place of employment and acting as a family member—make it known to everyone you work with that your family/friends would never do this, and that you’re not comfortable with anyone giving out that information.
be aware of your surroundings, always. i’m sure you always already are, but please sweetpea be extra careful. carry some sort of defense with you, if you can/if you feel comfortable with it. always let someone trusted know when your shift starts and ends, and if you plan on coming straight home after that or not. if he stays until the end of your shift, have someone walk with you to your car (even then like, we really don’t want this dude knowing which car is yours/what car you drive) or to the bus stop, or begin carpooling with coworkers. if you can, have someone else pick you up from your shift. it’s absolutely disgusting that we have to put these measures in place, but unfortunately this is the reality of the world we live in. in the few experiences where i have had a man follow me, i’ve made some very stupid mistakes (such as going straight home instead of to a public place) because i literally go stupid from fear. it’s so difficult, but try to keep a clear head if you find yourself in one of these situations, and i think all of the suggestions above may act as preventative measures as well. downloading one of those panic apps for your phone that sends like a text or something to trusted contacts in your phone may be a good idea as well!!!
on top of that, if you get stuck speaking to him, be very careful with what you say. we don’t realize just how much information we can accidentally reveal about ourselves through conversation, so be conscious and aware of what you’re saying and try not to give him any important or personal information.
but i want to make this very clear: if this man continues to ask for your number, or continues to ask you to ‘work for him’ after you have explicitly told him you are not interested, THAT IS HARASSMENT. that is absolutely grounds for banishment. if your manager won’t do anything, take this a level higher, to whoever is above your manager. this is NOT okay, and we can’t just let it slide.
ah this is such a tricky situation, but it’s also very scary and i want you to be as safe as you can. i’m so sorry i can’t give better advice; again, if ANYONE else has any advice on how to deal with this, or has experienced a similar situation, i am begging you to jump in and share your tips and knowledge with us.
anon bb i have attached a few links that may be helpful!!!
these last three are a little more general and kind of more for employers, but i wanted to include them just in case, because i feel like there’s some helpful information in there as well!! aaah truly i’m so sorry i’m so unknowledgable on this, i hope this all helps at least a little <333 please stay safe out there my sweet friend!!
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trashbins-stuff · 2 years
some info abt me:
PART ONE THIS IS PART ONE (just summary):
Haiii!! ^^ :3 we M.A.C constellation program (collective) (M.A.C is for Morbid Antisocial Cosmonaut) (p-did!!)
name: bin !!!!
! also goes by crt, roxy, ve, vinnie, danny, catatonia, caroline, brownie/cosmoes
! also sunshine, ellie/ellen, jenny, ruby is cool too!!
! friends/moots feel free to use candycane, ell, badger, đèn dầu/đd/dd, cosmic sunshine, vincent or any silly nicknames <3
! also goes by kin names, code name r jsut for the funsie that is all :3
-collectively identify as arospec queer agirlboy (agender/genderless but want 2 be perceive as girlboy) (full girl half boy) + ghostgender + system-fluid + autospec, altho headmates have their own orientation yeah
-ocdtism adhd dysgraphia and is kleptomaniac w mild ptsd(+)
-language we can speak: Vietnamese + English
-local manic pixie dream robot >:)
-public enemy number one
-doodle request r closed
-art tag:
current #trashbins-art
old: #i know it look uggo but i was drawing with a mouse okay??? (it is very unique ik/j)
boundaries (dni and thin ice):
-neutral/agaisnt Palestine dont int ill block you
-Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic, Racist, Sexist, Ableist, Discrimination, Truscum.. ILL BLOCK!!
-ppl that like to start drama, i might avoid you
-dont call my headmates siblings
-if were not supa dupa close and jsut mootie that int sometime then ill be happy if we have toher shared fandom but uhm when u get jsut a lil close enough and i see u reblog my fandom post that u arent in i get super uncomfy, huge pet peeve, big no no
before you follow, were:
-pro mspec les and mspec gay, anti harassment, other opinions we havent thought about much, neutral or dont care, note that our opinions is not who we are, some of you do not know this
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PART THE POWER OF TWOOOOOO (social, plz check carrd and pronoun page to know more):
-my pinterest
-discord: trashbin2587
-my spotify
-pronouns page (there are english, norwegian and vietnamese ver)
-pronouns.cc (go more in deep)
-carrd for overall
-carrd for headmate intro
PART THIRD TIME THE CHARM!! (other stuff):
-sona info sheet (bins the objectsona also has 2 pairs of wings like humanoid form, im jsut too lazy to redraw lole):
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Items desp:
-bin's personal trusty shovel, bin like to refer to it as "Shovel Phoenix Thoradotte!! WARRIOR OF BURIED TREASURE, DESTROYER OF DIRT AND MY BESTIE!!1!" (if the string snapped or get removed form the shovel, bin shut down and go to a stage kinda like parallelogram (obs) when jerard died and stuck in a dream-loop until the string (u can get a new one) is tied back. the string being there is kinda of holding everything bin want to forget in) bin's is hesitant to telling ppl about the shovel in fear of them hurting it
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i hope you have a great day :)
tags for moots (wip):
-carpybara (circuitcarp)
-blairy (blairdrawzstuff)
-moony hazel (moonmxple)
-winters ice trail (winterwrxter)
-messages from the stars (salachy-part-two)
-theres a frog in my boot and now were best bros (snoot-in-yo-boot)
-a harp-mony (harpjsutexsists)
-cola with no coca (devycola)
-tinted tunes (haiamkai)
-gooooobz (gooberdrawz)
-lovely shoelace (mausuwinasa)
-cuperooooo <3 (mochablogger)
synpath list below"
notes: red means theyre my fickin and im not always fine with doubles (especially if were very very close friends, am fine with double that i just met, already know theyre that before, or friends who arent that close, ask if u want), blue means high-mid synpath/other-hearted?, green means mid-low synpath (yes i know some of these characters r pieces of shits yes i still relate to them </3)
sasha waybright (amphibia)
tord (ew)
cabby (ii)
ruby (bfdi)
remote (bfdi)
airy (hfjone)
charlottle/moldy (hfjone)
blue rectangle (voo)
buzzery (obs)
pinkie pie (mlp)
bmo (adventure time)
roxy lalonde (homestuck)
sollux captor (homestuck)
danny fenton (danny phantom)
the second coming (ava)
anne boonchuy (amphibia)
marcy wu (amphibia)
blueberry (ii)
clover (ii)
four (bfdi/xfohv)
gold ingot (ppt2)
treasure chest (ppt)
slipper (ppt2)
journal (ppt2)
fireball (aib)
pill (aib)
pitchfork (aib)
comet (objectified)
bee (bee&puppycat)
fionna (fionna&cake)
chloe garcia (dork diaries)
yuki sakasima (pretty girl neko show)
spinel (su)
horrid henry (horrid henry)
gus porter (toh)
luz noceda (toh)
mephone4 (ii)
bot (ii)
oodle (aib)
bone (aib)
moonstone (ee)
pool (object invasion)
thanks for reading! :] im probably gonna update these as time goes on
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A - Z 🤍🤍
I’m assuming this means all the asks! So buckle up LOL. And thank you for taking an interest in lil ole me. 
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Since you didn’t specify which title, I’m just going to talk about how I come up with titles in general. Normally, they happen one of two ways. Either I will come up with a title I think sounds cool out of the blue and then base a fic of its vibes, or I will write a fic to completion before deciding on a title. I like to use something that one of the characters say in this situation. It feels very full circle to me, if you will. 
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Unfortunately, my life is nowhere near as cool as the characters’ lives I write about. So no, I can’t say that my stories are based off personal experience. Unless you count me naming side characters my middle name every so often to indulge myself oops. 
C: What member do you identify with most?
I guess by member it means character? And to be honest, I’m not really sure. I relate a lot to Spencer Reid I suppose, because I have never been popular and have always been a target for whatever shit life throws at me. I also like to think I’m kinda intelligent? Although if you look at my grade in my stats class right now, idk what to tell you-
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
Since there was no specific fic asked about, I can’t really answer this one! But to be honest, I don’t think there are any fics that I have written that I associated with songs. 
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
The first one that came to mind is Guest Speaker. If I wrote a part three for that, it would probably be fluffy domestic cute stuff with Spencer. 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“I don’t even know what it was…it happened so fast. Did you kill it, Geralt?” Jaskier asked in a huff. Geralt crossed his arms, and shook his head. “I figured I should make sure you didn’t die first, bard.” Jaskier nodded, a simple “Ah,” leaving his lips. “Well, no matter. You can fix me right?” 
He sounded like he was poking fun at the situation, but I could hear the fear in his words. I decided to try and make him smile before I did this next part. It would be painful.
“Anything for Geralt of Rivia and his emotional support bard.”
(This was just really funny to me for some reason, and I feel like I did a good job with their characterizations! And then Y/N comes back with the emotional support bard comment and it’s something I would say in real life. From this fic.)
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
It depends on my mood! Sometimes if I’m frustrated with a story or a scene, I’ll write them out of order based on what type of thing I feel like writing. But I would say 75% of the time I write my fics in order.
H: How would you describe your style?
To be honest, I have no idea. Do I even have a style? I just write stuff and hope that people read it and like it. 
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Happy endings pfft. So cliche, but like- they make me happy. Unless I am feeling particularly angsty that day and want to make an ending a complete train wreck >:) 
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
In this fic...I would let reader live LMAO. But like- I was feeling angsty that day okay-
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Reader dying at the end of the fic LMAO, in the fic linked in the previous one above this one.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Uhh 😬 Maybe once? If that 😅 I’m usually so excited to post that I just kinda go ahead and click post and hope for the best. I rely on spell check and grammar check a lot 💀And I just hope my story flows well.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I don’t think so! I keep my to do list public so everyone can see what fics I have planned. The only two I don’t have on there are the ones for the upcoming fic swap on @imagining-in-the-margins ‘s discord! But that’s cuz they’re secret :)
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
I wish that I would finish the 85486824 WIPS I have, does that count? And that I would write down all the ideas I have in my head that I haven’t even given words yet. 
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
Ooh this is a tough one. I’m not really sure how to answer it actually. There have been fics that I come up with a general idea for a plot for first, and then others I will decide what characters I wanna write for before I have any clue as to what the plot might be. 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
Oh I am 100% the type of writer to let the story unfold as I go. I have outlined two, maybe three of my fics? And then I didn’t even follow through with them because I had more ideas come to me as I was writing. 
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
I would literally LOVE to collab with someone!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
There are a ton, and I am so sorry if I missed any! @imagining-in-the-margins @randomfandomimagine @reidetic @lexieshuntingsstuff @writing-in-april @reidgraygubler @zhuzhubii @dreatine @andiebeaword @dontkissthewriter @spencers-dria @sunlight-moonrise @personofsinterest @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff @reidlusts @itslatinamagia
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Oh boy! 😅 There was only one bed, mutual pining, manic pixie dream girl, kissed to keep quiet, just to name a few!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Not that I can think of! 
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
But I have way more than three :’( @imagining-in-the-margins is definitely the first one off the top of my head. Last year I was in a really bad spot, and she invited me to her Discord, and it helped me get back into writing. Plus I made some life long friends in the server. @writing-in-april I love her sm because she is always around when I need her, and it’s nice to have a friend that thinks fairly similarly to me. @lexieshuntingsstuff and @reidgraygubler go hand in hand! They are the best sprinting buddies a girl could ask for. 
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Ooh this is a tough one. I can’t think of any off the top of my head! Lame answer, I know 😅
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
Definitely more specific ones lol. It makes it a lot easier on me. 
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Reader >:))
Y: A character you want to protect.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Again- Spencer and Jaskier. I will not TOLERATE THEIR ERASURE !! 
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smalltragedy · 3 years
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* justice smith, demi man + he/they | you know gabriel de leon, right? they’re twenty three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, six years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 1984 (infinite jest) by the used like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole waking up in a body as heavy as the dead, emotions always on the verge of spilling over - you laugh before the punch lands, the belief that every encounter you have will be the last thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 31st, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 21, est, they/them )
hi im just reposting gabe’s intro bc its been a very long time n im starting a little fresh hehe. yes i do regret the text color bt im not going back.
mini playlist.
ghosting ;; mother mother / roam the room ;; citizen / art of doubt ;; metric / thnks fr th mmrs ;; fall out boy / heart in a cage ;; the strokes / where is my mind? ;; the pixies / flowers grow out of my grave ;; dead man’s bones / 1984 (infinite jest) ;; the used / blister in the sun ;; the violent femmes.
full name: gabriel de leon.
nickname(s): gabe.
birthday: october 31st, 1997.
zodiac: scorpio sun, scorpio moon, gemini ascending.
label: the icarian.
hometown: belleville, new jersey.
sexuality: bisexual (masc-leaning).
it’s only rly ever been gabe n his mom n the little new jersey suburbs that r always the same no matter where they go. they dn’t speak abt fathers or brothers or spain or anywhere other than the now, and how its constantly changing bt oddly the same.
his mom’s name is sonia n we love her. she worked a lot as a single mom n p much hs done everything on her own ever since leaving spain.
they dn’t talk abt spain bt we cn talk abt spain n hw sonia hd grown up partially there n partially in the states n hw she’d originally planned to live there forever bt the man she’d fallen in love with ws involved in some. high class dangerous shit n it ws safer fr them to part even if tht involved leaving everything she knew n loved <3
bt its like. ok. bc she hd gabe <3 n they dnt talk abt it so it practically nvr happened. n she tries her best as a mom n usually tht is enough.
they moved around a lot just bc sonia is a very. flighty person. anxious bt nvr seems tht way is just always. tense. gabe didnt think she ws capable of relaxing fr. a rly long time.
she wld commute 2 nyc every morning n after school gabe wld climb onto the train n by the time he got 2 her place of work she’d be just getting off n they’d get a slice of pizza n sometimes they’d go somewhere like central park or coney island (just fr the novelty) bt most of the time they just got back on the train home w/ gabe either doing homework or napping on her shoulder.
when gabe got a little older he’d sometimes skip school n take the train after sonia had already gone so he cld spend the day in nyc. he liked learning bt didnt rly like school. he nvr properly fit in bc of the amt of times they’d move so it felt like nowhere ws. right fr him.
got rly involved in. the punk scene as a young unsupervised teenager n tht led 2 a lot of like. shitty stick n pokes bt also a love of. very loud angry music n a sense of justice tht he held tightly in his fists. got mouthy towards bullies whether at school or in the scenes he involved himself in n started getting into a lot of fights bc of it.
during this, sonia ended up dating n marrying gabe’s stepdad who he calls craig sometimes bt i dnt think thats his name i wont lie to u guys. its partially a joke n partially purposeful disrespect bc gabriel does not trust a single man bt like. man. ‘craig’ is just an accountant. he’s fine he’s a good dude. they once bonded over like. the mets.
violence tw // anyways. when gabriel ws 16 he got into a super super bad fight tht ended rly. terribly n like listen. nobody died bt it ws just. it got blown up very out of proportion n gabe might’ve gotten expelled even tho he wsnt even the one who started it bt thts okay. ‘craig’, or paul, suggested tht maybe. a change of scenery wld b good fr gabe n b4 they knew it they were. moving to paul-robert’s hometown of irving, north carolina. violence end of tw //
he wld’ve complained more bt. fr sonia’s sake gabe kept it 2 himself. it made her happy 2 see them all get along anyways n like. idk he cld put forth tht little effort <3
bt honestly like. he didnt rly get into too many fights once they moved down here n even tho sometimes he ws like. ommgg. i hate this town .. its so washed up .. he still made friends n like. the only thing tht changed ws tht it ws a lil harder fr him 2 acquire illegal substances.
anyways. currently he hs a tattoo apprenticeship n is a professional piercer n like. he plays guitar n writes songs bt thts more of a hobby rn than anything else. mostly focused on paying his rent at port apartments bc as much as he. loves his mom he does not want 2 live with her forever <3 n thts okay!
personality & facts.
overall xtremely passionate person like god. feels emotions so intensely. every time he opens his mouth n talks abt an interest of theirs its just very like. u listen n ur like oh. gained 2 inspiration. thanks.
clings onto his friends p tightly bc he like. nvr rly stayed in one place fr super super long in new jersey so he nvr made very long term friends n now hes like. very clingy HLKDSHLKFSHLKDG also hates to b alone. subtle desperation behind interactions with ppl he rly wld like to be friends with.
like dnt get me wrong hes gotten into. sm fights bt thts mostly bc he cannot keep his mouth shut n he also cnt stand douchebags he like. always wants to tear them down prob bc he ws a victim of bullying. n u know what. we support him. otherwise he loves ppl bt esp if they hv similar interests 2 him.
like golden retriever who bites kind of. intensely loyal but at the same time is very skeptical. things tht good things do not last very long even though they’ve been doing already fr the last few years.
also bit of a nerd. they were nvr rly a big fan of school bt theres smth abt a good superhero comic tht draws their attention more than like. any english class evr. bt seven soldiers of victory? classic. big dc fan.
uh. very into like. hardcore music. hardcore rock. punk. if its loud n angry they r into it like so so much. hs sm tattoos is like. super covered in them its partially bc they work at a tattoo shop n partially bc they do not know hw to manage their money well.
ooohh u know what theyre. kinda moody i wont lie to u. very defensive like they dnt evr wna talk abt their past. has experienced Things n they do not wish to discuss them. will usually like. deflect frm conversations he doesnt wna hv.
in tune with nature. loves fkn taking walks. hangs out in the woods by abernathy creek n lilac ridge bc nobody rly goes there n its just. nice
tries not 2 take anything super seriously 2 the point where when he does take smth seriously its a little scary bc theyre super intense abt it. forcibly optimistic even tho on the inside he feels like a total pessimist. lots of. deep down insecurities tht he projects by attaching himself p firmly onto others. >.>
so so so energetic. can never stay still. always hs to be moving around. restless like tht. probably got it frm his mom. overly protective over the ppl he loves. probably got it frm his mom as well.
goes onto Tangents bt also divert frm those tangents n is generally all over the place.
always cold n always looks tired n like he hsnt slept in a thousand years n u know what. sometimes he just does not sleep.
oooohh theyre a vegan. totally into animal rights. devious little demi man beyond that .. loves horror n the paranormal n believes in like. every cryptic. will debate u on it.
erm not. the kindest 2 themself theyre a bit self destructive. impulsive. drives very fast n parties super hard. said i will hv my effy stonem moment. u dont hv to gabe.
bt ya! luvs oranges n reds n is maybe a short king. hs an eyebrow piercing n like. a lip ring i wont fk around here he IS living his best emo life in 2021. a little outdated on the trends bt thats okay. probably will tell u hes frm new jersey. its a personality trait. smokes the shittiest cigarettes ever.
wanted plots.
just ghosting along ,, dnt even exist 2 me ,, ;; god. firstly just the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs like. spoken to romantically n then dropped suddenly. n then maybe like. one tht actually Hurt bt they cnt avoid each other bt theyre actively pretending each other doesnt exist n its. hurtful bc it ws like. actually smth nice bt <3 ykno FKLFSDHG
hey hey heyy c’maahn i’m just a little guy ;; n this is the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs probably. pissed off n hs either fought or been on the verge of fighting just. unable 2 resist a good bicker-turned-duel.
just blistering in the sun ;; they cld b close friends bt also they cld also not b bt just ppl who. indulge in bad impulsive decisions with gabe. general bad influences on each other’s health n just. no good! party hard bt at what cost.
n also ;; like ... rly solid good friendships ... flings n maybe an exe or two tht either ended on good terms or just. horrendous, ppl they’ve distanced frm, ppl also frm up north, piercing customers, bt not tattoo customers bc im p sure they’d get fired if they were just tattoo’ing ppl willy nilly, etc.
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caspian-skye · 3 years
Spotify Wrapped: The Apoptosis Project Edition
What's that? You don't care about Spotify wrapped of real people you know? Well, then of course you would care about the Spotify Wrapped top 5 of fictional characters created by someone you don't know, right?
Caspian likes songs that put you in the shoes of the one singing. He'll listen to music as a means of escape, so a lot of these aren't songs befitting of a good mood.
New Slang - The Shins
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
When You Die - MGMT
The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala
Run - Joji
The "Indomitable Girl" tends mostly to listen to music as she works out-- which is hours a day, every day. She does like some slower, toned-down songs, but hype songs dominate her top 5.
WHAT’S GOOD - Tyler The Creator
Power - Kanye West
Industry Baby - Lil Nas X
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish 
Nights - Frank Ocean 
Snow tends to like simple songs, with simple expression of a simple emotion. Whether it be happiness, love, melancholy, or a little of all three.
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Tom’s Diner - DNA, Suzanne Vega
Tennis Court - Lorde
El Manana - Gorillaz
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
Rowan's tastes are pretty typical of a teenage boy, but he does have a soft spot for songs that take him back to "the good old days."
I'm The One - DJ Khaled ft.. Justin Bieber, Lil'Wayne, Quavo, Chance the Rapper
Buy u a Drank - T-Pain
Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jett
The Hills Have Eyes - The Weeknd
Gold Digger - Kanye West
Lilly’s tastes are decidedly indie. She has a preference for female artists and songs that capture her feelings and emotions well.
An Illustration of Loneliness- Courtney Barnett
If I Don't Hear From You Tonight - Courtney Barnett (I didn't want to repeat artists if possible, but come on. This song is perfect for her)
Lazuli - Beach House
What's Up? - 4 Non Blondes
Hymn - Diane Coffee
Laurel listens to music for inspiration, as she's always looking for new things to try, new ideas to incorporate into her own work. She'll listen to a lot of these songs with Snake Eyes in her lap, strumming along to their riffs.
Debaser - The Pixies
Disorder - Joy Division
Duck Eat Duck World (Make Room) - Destroy Boys (Note: this is almost exactly what Pit Viper sounds like, if you were wondering)
Suburban Home - Descendants
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
When Ichigo isn't listening to the soundtrack of a game, anime, or movie, he's listening to something quiet and chill that can fade into the background of his coding work.
Sunflower - Swae Lee, Post Malone
Outer Science - Jin
Beneath the Mask - Lyn 
white dragon - Kanisan, Wishes and Dreams
Washed Out - Feel it All Around
Noxis’s playlist is pretty hardcore, like the guy himself. He likes guitar, drums, and a LOT of noise.
Down Rodeo - Rage Against the Machine
Bullet With Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins (this song is incredibly fitting, considering his character. Despite all his rage, he is indeed still just a rat in a cage.)
Lithium - Nirvana
Come Out and Play - The Offspring 
HEAT - Brockhampton
Moka just tends to listen to whatever sounds good to her. Whether it's chill old-school hip hop, a fun radio hit, or a song that reminds her of her outdoor adventures, she’s flexible.
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Say So - Doja Cat
Dissolve - Absofacto
Can I Kick It? - A Tribe Called Quest
Way it Goes - Hippo Campus 
Feel free to do the same for your characters! I encourage it, even!
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star-puff · 3 years
manifesting u get hu tao😌 also yanfei main!!!! yanfei is so pretty.. i kinda wanted to main her because i got c1 when i pulled on ayaka’s banner but... razor!!
yes he is most definitely my favorite character!!!! i love him sm ugh u don’t understand <3 i think i got him during the first zhongli banner?? i was so happy when i got him, and ever since then he has NEVER left my team- my friendship lvl with him is at 10 i’m so proud <333
as for pulling the new inazuma characters.. i’m totally pulling for baal!! i love her design!!! (i still haven’t met her yet i’m so slow help) my favorite element is electro so it just makes sense lmao- maybe i’ll pull for tohma too? or maybe kokomi, or sara.. HONESTLY I’LL PROBABLY PULL FOR EVERY ONE OF THEM i can’t choose😔 their designs r so cool
HELL YEAH i’m 🤍anon!!! happy to part of the family heheヽ(´∇`)ノ (THE WIFI THING FOR RAZOR MAINS IS SO TRUE ITS SCARY)
- 🤍
GUH I COULDN'T EVEN GET A SINGLE YANFEI WHEN I PULLED ON THE AYAKA BANNER 🥲🥲🥲 i wanted c1 but OTL all i got were weapons and a ningguang constellation and chongyun T^T (basically i got everyone except the one i wanted OTL) i do love her tho ,,, her lil pixie boots and pom poms .... ugh so true bestie ....
razor is so precious tho tear ... every time he calls you his lupical i might just Cry . He Is So Precious To Me .... fun fact i had a brief stint of being a razor main on my old acc but then i restarted cause i had No idea what i was doing on my old one & i didn't pull razor again until the kazuha banner (funnily enough . i didn't even want him i wanted bennett instead JDJAKFLS lady luck has a sick sense of humor 🐌🐌)
UGH OK LISTEN BAAL ... HER DESIGN IS SO SEXY BUT IM . just wait until u meet her in game . i Have Trauma 🧍‍♂️ but also baal as a character hmmmm i Don't Like Her .......i think its something to do with the fact that all the quests in inazuma are So Depressing and you can see the direct effects that the vision hunt decree 🥲🥲 idk if we're gonna get Character Development for her but as of right now . 🐟🐟🐟 good 4 u tho u get sexy gaslight gatekeep girlboss as your electro icon HAHAHA
guh i rly am a pyro main At Heart so i think pulling for thoma is inevitable huhu but yeah i agree all the designs for the new characters are So Cool ... mihoyo have pity on my wallet im begging T_T
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imagines-mha · 4 years
hiii! can i please have a matchup for haikyuu? (can it be specifically just. any team but karasuno. or only matching me with the seijoh 4. thats a joke. its fine if not i just don't necessarily like them all :/ ) i am genderqueer and i simply do not believe in gender so i basically identify as anything i feel but i have a ✨cooch✨ if that's important. im interested in quite a few things! i love collecting pretty things that people would normally deem ugly. i love dirt, teeth, old objects, nature, dusty stuff and. clowns. im also alternative!! my subculture is riot grrrl and i am very passionate about my views. i will call out what i see and i don't care if its "not my position to be in." theres a lot more to that but i believe that capitalism, societal standards, and the patriarchy need to be burnt alive! personality wise, its really fuckinh wack. im very intuitive and philosophical yet i laugh at the word fart. i have adhd and anxiety (the disorder) which effects my social life a lot. i am extremely introverted and i have trouble with talking to a lot of people. i ramble to people a lot about my interests and not everybody is interested in hearing about this cool green button i found so i can end up talking to myself a lot :c when im happy i can be very loud!! and jumPy!!!! and whenever something makes me happy i smile a lot and i hold my face or clap and wiggle my hands a lawt :P if im ever in a place where im excluded, which is almost always, i am really quiet and i distance myself because engaging always gets me made fun of. i enjoy discovering things! i can be seen digging through closets, looking through boxes, or just scanning my surroundings to find anything that catches my eye. i escape through this as well as climbing trees and crafting. im also really weird and chaotic. i make a lot of weird noises and i scream and yell a lot. i curl into a ball and rub my head with my fists a lot as a stim and i punch my head and wiggle my fingers too. i am 5'1 and very smol. i kind of resemble a mouse in a way??? i have a brown curly lil pixie cut thats growing to be a mullet and my eyebrows are shaved to little nubs :< my biggest insecurity is my nose, which is hooked and bumpy. id consider myself a cute person i think. i dunno. this is already long. my mbti is infp (actually, not the 16 personalities "infp🥺👉👈✨🌸") my zodiac sign is pisces and my moral alignment is chaotic neutral. so uhh! this is the end i guess ?!!!!! enjoy this whole biography about me. im so sorry. thank you !!!!!!!!
Hiiiiiii i love ur energy!!!!! I also got ur second ask tysm for letting me know!! Also ur style is super cute aaaAAAAAA okokok leggo 💖💖💖💖💖
I ship you with: tendou satori!
♡ I feel like you guys would get each other SM
♡ Like you’re both rlly high energy and have a past with people being mean to u for no reason
♡ Also he would totally care about the cool green button you found i just KNOW!!!!
♡ Kisses ur nose
♡ He thinks its so cute
♡ Is so fascinated by your love of dirt, teeth etc he thinks its so COOL!!!
♡ You guys have the same politicial/human rights opinions which is so fuckin NEEDED
♡ Knows all of your triggers and is super attentive whenever you need anything
♡ Crafts with you!!! All the time!!!!
♡ You guys have so many weird creations you’ve made from stuff outside
♡ No filter around each other
♡ Iconic relationship i love it
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50 questions tag
Tagged by @inevitable-anna
1) what colour is your hairbrush? I have a black comb that i use sometimes, but I rarely brush my hair unless I’m washing it bc it goes frizzy and I’m very lucky to never get knots
2) name a food you never eat. Anything with soy sauce
3) are you usually too hot or too cold? Both, sometimes at the same time
4) what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Sleeping I think
5) what’s your favourite candy bar? Cadburies fruit & nut
6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yeah it sucked i hate football, but the local basketball team is pretty cool
7) what’s the last thing you said out loud? Yelling “love you too” down the stairs to my dad as I got ready for bed I think
8) what’s your favourite ice cream? Not a big fan of ice cream but either a 99 or ben & jerries phish food
9) what was the last thing you had to drink? Excluding water bc that’s boring it would have been slightly flat irn bru
10) do you like your wallet? Idk I don’t particularly have strong feelings about my wallet it’s okay I guess
11) what was the last thing you ate? Pizza I think
12) did you buy any new clothes this weekend? No but I bought this case.
13) what’s the last sporting event you watched? Bold of you to assume I would willingly watch sports
14) what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Salt is the only acceptable flavour
15) who was the last person you texted? I’m assuming sc messages count so the gc with my sister and my ex-gf-turned-best-friend
16) ever been camping? Many times I love it
17) do you take vitamins? Not particularly i do occasionally though
18) do you go to church every Sunday? Im not Christian so no
19) do you have a tan? Only on my arms
20) do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pizza, but like proper homemade/restaurant pizza not shitty takeaway pizza. If ur getting a takeaway get curry or fish and chips they’re the best.
21) do you drink pop with a straw? If they give me a straw yeah but i wont go out of my way to get one
22) what colour socks do you usually wear? i only replaced my school socks last week so probably still white
23) do you drive over the speed limit? I don’t have a full license yet so I don’t drive
24) what terrifies you? Dead bugs and also Adolphus Huxley’s A Brave New World. And lowkey moomins.
25) look to the left what do you see? Cheese
~~~ several weeks later ~~
26) what chore do you hate the most? So long as my brother also has to do chores I’m not fussed
27) what do you think when you hear an Australian accent? Ongoing genocide and systematic oppression of the indigenous peoples
28) what’s your favourite kind of pop? Irn bru
29) fast food or drive in? Neither i can make much better food myself thanks
30) what’s your favourite number? 11
31) who’s the last person you talked to? My mum
32) favourite cut of beef? Mince but u gotta season it with nutmeg and stock and either worcestershire sause or paprika and cumin and be at least 50% carrot or ur doing it wrong
33) last song you listened to? What If Tomorrow Comes (I finally watched Black Friday with my sister)
34) last book you read? The Wide Awake Princess by E.D. Baker (shhhh i loved it as a kid)
35) Can you say the alphabet backwards? lol nah
36) favourite day of the week? Thursday bc it’s D&D day
37) how do you like your coffee? In tiramisu
38) favourite pair of shoes? My comfy red boots, my black low-heeled combat boots, or my nice tan sandals, depending on my outfit and the occasion
39) what time do you usually wake up? 9:30-10:30
40) sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
41) how many blankets are on your bed? One and a duvet but its too hot for either rn
42) describe your kitchen plates. Old and white
43) describe your kitchen at the moment. Smells nice
44) do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Probably some kind of cocktail but I haven’t been to a restaurant or pub since turning 18 bc lockdown so my opinions are currently limited to “beer and wine/champagne/prosecco suck” and “vodka and cider are ok I guess”
45) do you play cards? You’re not really on holiday unless you play cards at least every other day
46) what colour is your car? Don’t have one but the family one’s grey
47) can you change a tyre? I’ve never even seen anyone change a tyre
48) favourite state/country/provence? Almería! We used to go to a lil town called Huercál and it was great. Especially the restaurant/bar thing just out of town, it was run by a guy called Eneth and there was a big-ass open fire at the end of the room where he cooked everything, and also a bunch of dogs and birds - if ur in the area go see if it’s still there for me 💚
49) favourite job you’ve ever had? The week i spent working at the children’s trust charity in the accounting department (it was work experience dw im not useless enough to get fired after a week)
50) how did you get your biggest scar? idk which is biggest probably the one from where i whacked my head on the shutter of an ice cream stall and had to get it glued back together
Tagging @femmebos @mexicanfairy @clockwork--frog @aveasorae @lilolilyr @showstoppingnumbrr @just-a-side-kick @a-little-slice-of-fandom @sunflowermycelium @mischief-pixie @jane-seemore @lucyisanerd @spiiderbiites @youvebeengnomed @peanutworm @cliyoh @sunrise-designer @isappho @woulddieforkhoward @the10amongstthese3s @bi-owen-harper @writingvenusian @the-quiver-of-aros @dontforgetpluto
(Obviously theres no obligation to fo it its rlly long but like... I love y’all and im interested)
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madamescarlette · 5 years
plasma, satellite, and zenith, if you could :)
plasma: what’s your definition of “freedom?” 
LOL this is at the perfect time. Short hair, Ami. short hair is freedom. being able to tie it up without experiencing terrible, terrible pain? what a DREAM. (i have v thick hair so this is only a Short Hair Experience and I miss it. terribly. Miss Maggie Rogers said once that she thinks her old experiences and memories get tangled up in her hair so to free herself she cuts it off and I don’t know if I Felt That but i understood it too. to become your new self sometimes you have to let go. and that letting go can mean your hair. Maria and I have perennial problems with Letting Go but this is one of my ways.)
NO FOR REAL I think real freedom is….being able to wake up whenever you want to. there’s something about waking up at 1pm without anybody’s judgement that is. the HEIGHT of life. the stuff of true peace. in the perfect society of my head nobody would be allowed to do anything (except for themselves) before 4pm. we’d all be strolling around our houses coffee mugs in hand curling our hair and brushing our teeth until the late afternoon. that’s how it shOULD be. 
(also true freedom is being able to laugh like you’re calling your soul back to your body i.e. hayley williams that’s the free-est action in life my friends CHEF KISS)
satellite: what’s something you wanted to tell someone but didn’t get the chance to?
OOF the trouble with me is that I either tell everyone how I feel about them or I write it out so I no longer feel the need to. but there was a teacher of mine who encouraged me to keep writing a looooong time ago when I was just a fledgling babbu still starting and she kind of Changed My Life in that way because she was one of the first people who made me feel no shame or embarrassment whatsoever for what I’d written and that’s kind of. the only way to get better at showing it to others. 
(writing is meant to be shared y’know!!! i honestly think that’s the only way to get better. i mean there’s probably plenty of people who get super beautiful work by writing a buncha trash and keeping it to themselves but for MOI showing it to others to consume somehow is how i gain experience.)
zenith: do you find any places in the world to be aesthetically pleasing?
I’m a tree person so I love love love the look of slightly otherwordly forests or even just normal forests with the Very Tall Trees (like Yosemite or something??? I’m bad at. actual places.) that make you feel like a tiny baby pixie when you walk beneath them. 
(i’m a lil bit obsessed with the Very Long Age of trees and the community aspect of them kind of tangling their roots and branches and standing by one another for many years so that is the root of that continual poetry theme)
(also i’ve grown up in a place that has constant trees all around me which is very funny when i go to places that are wide-open because i feel like there’s too much Space and i need to burrow into the ground)
(this is not even what this question was about but you’re getting it anyway)
(ami i love you thank u for listening)
come listen to your favorite girl talk about (apparently) trees and groan about how she’s using the chef’s kiss phrase aGAIN
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saigeboredeaux-blog · 5 years
long post warning !!
hello !! i think i might swap naeva in for somebody else just b/c i’m having trouble getting inside naeva’s head, probably b/c she tries to be rly responsible n like...............i am not responsible. i am nowhere near the realm of responsible. my idea of a good time is trash-diving with possums and running from cops. she drinks tea daily and naps like twice a day. i love her a lot but go crazy aaa go stupid, y’know
so i have a few options if anybody would like to ?? help me figure it out and/or if i should stick it out w/ naeva n become a functioning adult like she tries to be
here r my other three babies i’m considering (TW: mentions of addiction, violence implications, car accident implications.)
saige - liana liberato fc - i created her in 2013 as a drunk pixie and that is. essentially her personality. sort of an optimist ? just very friendly n happy vibes n very much a party gal, if anything she’s sort of an idealist ? puts others before herself, very bubbly, very reckless, she’s got a problem w/ addictive substances in. a few forms. rich but her parents like...are on the verge of disowning her b/c she tarnishes their reputation far too much. takes up as many hobbies as possible b/c she hates being bored. the worse of a person u are the most likely she is 2 be attracted 2 u and that’s like. essentially law. chaotic good, i’d say, she’s v well-meaning but is also a lil ignorant in terms of like...she’s very rich. she’s very irresponsible with her money. i dont think she knows how to do taxes or where her money goes. donates massively 2 charity tho. her mom’s a fashion designer n they dont rly talk much but her mom does send her like. things b4 they go public and saige 100% always gives the items away just 2 fuck w/ her mom lmao. both passive and active like she’s very energetic n while she doesn’t rly take anybody’s bullshit she’s more likely to just laugh it off than retort back unless she’s like super hurt n then i black out and her emotions take over n i wake up and she’s gone thru like fifty paragraphs of angst. shes the love of my life. 
annabel - emma mackey/medalion rahimi fc - her original fc is maddie hasson but like ... emma mackey fits her better but also ... i’ve never used medalion and i’m p gay for her so ... - anyways. goes by anna pretty exclusively n will possibly threaten u with actual physical violence if u call her anything else (this does not stop people). ex-ballerina whomstve got into a particularly bad accident n now cannot dance anymore! she has a limp and uses a cane more often than not even when the pain isn’t as bad that day. it also doubles as a weapon if need be (some mf kaz brekker vibes). soft punk but like Secretly Soft. her mom left when she was a kid so she’s always been bitter abt it which ofc led to years of cynicism. she’s v close 2 her dad tho. she can come off as mean but it’s mostly an accident she’s rly honest and also a bit of an insensitive asshole? she’s a writer of both fiction n lyrics b/c that is what she’s happiest doing. a Scammer from an early age lmao. pretended 2 b a girl scout when she was like 12. faked being a psychic the entirety of high school. probably is writing a series abt the shit tht happens in lockwood w/ changed names bc fuck. shit’s juicy. but i may also run into the same problem w/ anna that im in w/ naeva rn so sidofg
maribel - ella purnell fc - an absolute. sweetheart. comes from an air force family so her household has always been rly strict. has always felt rly out of place (middle kid syndrome prolly) and she’s like. very bad at a lot of things. like just absolutely garbage. has two siblings n theyre both real talented but maribel’s very much Not. or like, in anything practical at least. is always getting fired from her jobs like...she goes thru jobs so often...bc she’s so bad at them...she’s so clumsy, too. socially awkward. like she’s so awkward, she’s only rly ever had one friend n they went missing so she’s very bad w/ social interactions. she actually...is rly good at hacking? and forging shit? b/c she wanted to impress the popular kids in her boarding school so they’d like her but they just used her. she makes fake IDs. used to be rly on that nancy drew shit b/c her school was in nevada n like .. aliens, bro. and just general like...being nosy when she shouldn’t be. stopped being on that nancy drew shit after getting caught trying to break into area 51 and disappointing her parents even further. rambles and overtalks a lot. wanted do do smth science-y b/c shes actually rly good n smart at biology n chemistry but her parents were like ew no n she’s doing journalism instead so she complied b/c she doesnt have a backbone. turns into a much more outgoing person when she drinks but she also doesnt drink tht often. prolly used to be a stoner tho.
and then i’m bringing in aleta for hendrix and she’s essentially one of cinderella’s evil step sisters. so i m not sure if i should bring in anna bc they’ve got p similar personalities or being hardheaded n spiteful even if some of their defining experiences make them two completely different people ijsdkfglh. i’m also planning on bringing in cain at some point in the future still !! i just think that the block in my head will be removed if i deal with naeva first.
absolutely am not dropping amos as he is my lifeline. his chaotic energy is what fuels me. if he goes i would probably cease to exist. i may go on a semi-hiatus for this week just so i can sort out what i’m doing with naeva but amos will be pretty solid just b/c he’s always verging on nonsensical.
tl;dr - help me pick a new character b/c my brain doesn’t work very well !
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It a hard game. I took the time to get as good as I have and that why I good enough that I get "fucking sweat" hate messages and shit. Idk put ranked in to end this stupid debate and maybe then the shittiest players in the game can circlejerk each other to a dub or something and feel accomplished.. And make no mistake, rap completely dominates youth culture today, the age of rock and more linear frequency response is dead. Its all about the bass.The first factor of marketing is obvious, they gave them away to rappers and athletes and high school kids who saw LeBron and Lil Wayne wearing Beats wanted to emulate their coolness.Here is the frequency response of Beats Solo to some other headphonesIts exceptionally heavy on the midbass which is where that "boom" comes in modern rap and hip hop music. Compare that to the HD800 or the Etymotic, the high end reference headphones and earbuds. This is a metaphor. Your mind is a nuclear reactor. Right now you have someone who is illiterate, with very poor stress management skills, and anxiety commanding a nuclear reactor. Fun fact: the only other Intrepid class ship other than Voyager to appear in Star Trek was the USS Bellepharon in DS9. And it only appeared because they could just easily reuse the Voyager set for one episode. Unfortunately no one realised that the Voyager set used, the mess hall, had been in story modified to have the Captains personal dining room changed to a galley because a kitchen was more important since they were stuck on the other side of the galaxy with limited resources for food 전라북도출장안마 replicators and had to make food from scratch. Solar alone? I doubt it and if it could it would only be at the peak of generation. But, most people with solar are also tied in to the main grid. I am, and when i need electricity in high demand I get it, and when I produce more electricity than I need it goes in to the grid. Obviously she can be in as cold weather as a husky, but her coat was to designed to keep her warm in icy water for duck hunting. She will not 전라북도출장안마 freeze in an hour of 30 degree weather. We even sometimes take her to the lake in winter because no one is there to bother her while she plays fetch.. She openly hits on other men RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. She calls/texts other men RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME ("omg can u come pick me up? This guy I with is boring lol"). She gets dick pics from random dudes from various dating apps and then she shows me their dicks and says things like "see, that what a nice dick is supposed to look like". I do love retellings though. This list had my favorite: McKinley Beauty. It an odd one, in that Beauty takes a long time to make it to the castle, but I really appreciated the way it slowly sketched out her life in her cottage, so when she left it, you realized what she had given up. What we have learnt is that, once people take control of their money, things turn positive very quickly. While it requires hard work and discipline, the changes happen far faster than you realise. In every case, those contestants who took action and control of their money were able to pay off their short term debts in fever than six months.. There no brownie points. Nobody gives you a raise or falls in love with you. Best you gonna get is one or two people going, "Oh yeah, it looks like you lost some weight," after you tell them you not gonna have any pizza or whatever the hell everyone else is doing.. I know a couple of people irl who seem to have the same manic pixie dream girl/victim fantasy that she does, and I find it SO grating, but also so interesting. Does she really believe the fantasy? Does the aesthetic make her happy or is it the validation and attention? I sometimes spend too much time on IG and trick myself into thinking that everything in my life should be insta worthy, but I always snap back to earth and remember that that sort of thing doesn really make me happy. Idk I just rambling now but I find the whole IG influencer phenomenon so interesting/terrifying and Caroline Calloway is SUCH a perfect example.
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smalltragedy · 4 years
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* justice smith, demi man + he/they | you know gabriel de leon, right? they’re twenty three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, six years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 1984 (infinite jest) by the used like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole waking up in a body as heavy as the dead, emotions always on the verge of spilling over - you laugh before the punch lands, the belief that every encounter you have will be the last thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 31st, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 21, est, they/them ) 
hllo this is my second child i think theyre p grand n i love them a lot. as always pls like if u’d like to plot i’d lov to interact with everybody
mini playlist.
ghosting ;; mother mother / roam the room ;; citizen / art of doubt ;; metric / thnks fr th mmrs ;; fall out boy / heart in a cage ;; the strokes / where is my mind? ;; the pixies / flowers grow out of my grave ;; dead man’s bones / 1984 (infinite jest) ;; the used / blister in the sun ;; the violent femmes.
full name: gabriel de leon.
nickname(s): gabe.
birthday: october 31st, 1997.
zodiac: scorpio sun, scorpio moon, gemini ascending.
mbti & temperament: esfp & improvisor / sanguine.
label: the icarian.
hometown: belleville, new jersey.
sexuality: homosexual.
it’s only rly ever been gabe n his mom n the little new jersey suburbs that r always the same no matter where they go. they dn’t speak abt fathers or brothers or spain or anywhere other than the now, and how its constantly changing bt oddly the same.
his mom’s name is sonia n we love her. she worked a lot as a single mom n p much hs done everything on her own ever since leaving spain.
they dn’t talk abt spain bt we cn talk abt spain n hw sonia hd grown up partially there n partially in the states n hw she’d originally planned to live there forever bt the man she’d fallen in love with ws involved in some. high class dangerous shit n it ws safer fr them to part even if tht involved leaving everything she knew n loved <3
bt its like. ok. bc she hd gabe <3 n they dnt talk abt it so it practically nvr happened. n she tries her best as a mom n usually tht is enough.
they moved around a lot just bc sonia is a very. flighty person. anxious bt nvr seems tht way is just always. tense. gabe didnt think she ws capable of relaxing fr. a rly long time.
she wld commute 2 nyc every morning n after school gabe wld climb onto the train n by the time he got 2 her place of work she’d be just getting off n they’d get a slice of pizza n sometimes they’d go somewhere like central park or coney island (just fr the novelty) bt most of the time they just got back on the train home w/ gabe either doing homework or napping on her shoulder.
when gabe got a little older he’d sometimes skip school n take the train after sonia had already gone so he cld spend the day in nyc. he liked learning bt didnt rly like school. he nvr properly fit in bc of the amt of times they’d move so it felt like nowhere ws. right fr him.
got rly involved in. the punk scene as a young unsupervised teenager n tht led 2 a lot of like. shitty stick n pokes bt also a love of. very loud angry music n a sense of justice tht he held tightly in his fists. got mouthy towards bullies whether at school or in the scenes he involved himself in n started getting into a lot of fights bc of it.
during this, sonia ended up dating n marrying gabe’s stepdad who he calls craig sometimes bt i dnt think thats his name i wont lie to u guys. its partially a joke n partially purposeful disrespect bc gabriel does not trust a single man bt like. man. ‘craig’ is just an accountant. he’s fine he’s a good dude. they once bonded over like. the mets.
violence tw // anyways. when gabriel ws 16 he got into a super super bad fight tht ended rly. terribly n like listen. nobody died bt it ws just. it got blown up very out of proportion n gabe might’ve gotten expelled even tho he wsnt even the one who started it bt thts okay. ‘craig’, or paul, suggested tht maybe. a change of scenery wld b good fr gabe n b4 they knew it they were. moving to paul-robert’s hometown of irving, north carolina. violence end of tw //
he wld’ve complained more bt. fr sonia’s sake gabe kept it 2 himself. it made her happy 2 see them all get along anyways n like. idk he cld put forth tht little effort <3
bt honestly like. he didnt rly get into too many fights once they moved down here n even tho sometimes he ws like. ommgg. i hate this town .. its so washed up .. he still made friends n like. the only thing tht changed ws tht it ws a lil harder fr him 2 acquire illegal substances. 
anyways. currently he hs a tattoo apprenticeship n is a professional piercer n like. he plays guitar n writes songs bt thts more of a hobby rn than anything else. mostly focused on paying his rent at port apartments bc as much as he. loves his mom he does not want 2 live with her forever <3 n thts okay! 
personality & facts.
overall xtremely passionate person like god. feels emotions so intensely. every time he opens his mouth n talks abt an interest of theirs its just very like. u listen n ur like oh. gained 2 inspiration. thanks.
clings onto his friends p tightly bc he like. nvr rly stayed in one place fr super super long in new jersey so he nvr made very long term friends n now hes like. very clingy HLKDSHLKFSHLKDG also hates to b alone. subtle desperation behind interactions with ppl he rly wld like to be friends with.
like dnt get me wrong hes gotten into. sm fights bt thts mostly bc he cannot keep his mouth shut n he also cnt stand douchebags he like. always wants to tear them down prob bc he ws a victim of bullying. n u know what. we support him. otherwise he loves ppl bt esp if they hv similar interests 2 him.
like golden retriever who bites kind of. intensely loyal but at the same time is very skeptical. things tht good things do not last very long even though they’ve been doing already fr the last few years. 
also bit of a nerd. they were nvr rly a big fan of school bt theres smth abt a good superhero comic tht draws their attention more than like. any english class evr. bt seven soldiers of victory? classic. big dc fan.
uh. very into like. hardcore music. hardcore rock. punk. if its loud n angry they r into it like so so much. hs sm tattoos is like. super covered in them its partially bc they work at a tattoo shop n partially bc they do not know hw to manage their money well.
ooohh u know what theyre. kinda moody i wont lie to u. very defensive like they dnt evr wna talk abt their past. has experienced Things n they do not wish to discuss them. will usually like. deflect frm conversations he doesnt wna hv.
in tune with nature. loves fkn taking walks. hangs out in the woods by abernathy creek n lilac ridge bc nobody rly goes there n its just. nice
tries not 2 take anything super seriously 2 the point where when he does take smth seriously its a little scary bc theyre super intense abt it. forcibly optimistic even tho on the inside he feels like a total pessimist. lots of. deep down insecurities tht he projects by attaching himself p firmly onto others. >.>
so so so energetic. can never stay still. always hs to be moving around. restless like tht. probably got it frm his mom. overly protective over the ppl he loves. probably got it frm his mom as well.
goes onto Tangents bt also divert frm those tangents n is generally all over the place.
always cold n always looks tired n like he hsnt slept in a thousand years n u know what. sometimes he just does not sleep.
oooohh theyre a vegan. totally into animal rights. devious little demi man beyond that .. loves horror n the paranormal n believes in like. every cryptic. will debate u on it.
erm not. the kindest 2 themself theyre a bit self destructive. impulsive. drives very fast n parties super hard. said i will hv my effy stonem moment. u dont hv to gabe. 
bt ya! luvs oranges n reds n is maybe a short king. hs an eyebrow piercing n like. a lip ring i wont fk around here he IS living his best emo life in 2021. a little outdated on the trends bt thats okay. probably will tell u hes frm new jersey. its a personality trait. smokes the shittiest cigarettes ever.
wanted plots.
just ghosting along ,, dnt even exist 2 me ,, ;; god. firstly just the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs like. spoken to romantically n then dropped suddenly. n then maybe like. one tht actually Hurt bt they cnt avoid each other bt theyre actively pretending each other doesnt exist n its. hurtful bc it ws like. actually smth nice bt <3 ykno FKLFSDHG
hey hey heyy c’maahn i’m just a little guy ;; n this is the vast amt of ppl tht gabe hs probably. pissed off n hs either fought or been on the verge of fighting just. unable 2 resist a good bicker-turned-duel.
just blistering in the sun ;; they cld b close friends bt also they cld also not b bt just ppl who. indulge in bad impulsive decisions with gabe. general bad influences on each other’s health n just. no good! party hard bt at what cost. 
n also ;; like ... rly solid good friendships ... flings n maybe an exe or two tht either ended on good terms or just. horrendous, ppl they’ve distanced frm, ppl also frm up north, piercing customers, bt not tattoo customers bc im p sure they’d get fired if they were just tattoo’ing ppl willy nilly, etc. 
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tomhollandwritings · 6 years
beautiful ~ s.h.
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synopsis: the reader is a little insecure about her recent chop and sam helps her feel better. 
based on the request: sorry this is so specific but can u write something about sam dating a gal with a more androgynous haircut like a longer pixie cut?? i recently had to cut my hair and i’m feelin a lil insecure about it :/ sorry this is so specific :(
a/n: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I completely understand the way you’re feeling. I recently had to shave my head and it’s been growing back but it’s a huge insecurity for me. I’m sure you look fucking bomb though!! Hope this imagine helps. xo 
You looked in the mirror again, running your hand through short hairs that fell through your fingers all too quickly due to the lack of length. Examining yourself closely, you straightened your shoulders and watched your own eyes in the mirror as you moved, trying to see yourself with this short haircut as your loving boyfriend did; as a beautiful, strong woman, just with shorter hair. Recently having to cut your hair into such a short style had caused your self assurance in your appearance to shrink to nearly nothing. A sigh escaped your mouth and you rubbed your fingers over your eyes, wishing you wouldn’t have to look in a mirror again until your hair grew back to its regular length. When seeing other women with short haircuts you figured them to be quite beautiful, and you didn’t believe in the slightest that long hair was equal to beauty, but for some reason you felt boyish and ugly with such a trim cut.
At the sound of the loft door opening, you snapped out of your trance of insecurity, turning away from the mirror. 
“Honey, I’m home!” Your boyfriend called out, as he did every time he walked in the door, day or night. Despite the burning feeling of inadequacy in the back of your mind, you smiled.
“Hi, Sammy.” You called back as you began walking out of the bedroom into the living area where Sam stood, holding his arms out expectantly for you to walk into. You couldn’t help but laugh as you walked over, sliding your arms around his lean waist and relishing in the comforting feeling of his arms squeezing around you. Closing your eyes against his chest, a lump grew in your throat as you were overwhelmed with love, clutching his jacket in your fists and breathing in his familiar, clean smell.
“Hey,” Sam murmured, stroking his hand over your short hair. “hey, what’s going on?”
Sam was always acutely aware of your moods and energy at all times, always able to pick up on the smallest change in your tone of voice or facial expression. You loved him even more for it, but also wanted to curse him out because of it sometimes. In moments like these especially.
“Nothing.” You replied quietly, peeking up at him abashedly. Sam made a skeptical face, furrowing his eyebrows and reaching his hand over your head to gently poke the tip of your nose. “Sam,” you whined quietly, pressing your face back into his shirt. Your tone insinuated that you didn't want to talk about whatever was bothering you, and Sam sighed quietly before running his fingers slowly through your hair.
More insecurity rushed through you as you remembered that you had a haircut you hated, after momentarily forgetting about it while being in Sam’s arms. You reached up without thinking, grabbing Sam’s hand out of your hair.
“Don’t.” You whispered. Sam leaned back slightly, looking at you in surprise.
“Why?” He asked, closing his fingers around yours.
“I just…” The lump was rising in your throat again and you didn’t want to cry in front of Sam over something so silly. “I don’t like my hair short.” You mumbled, looking down at your feet and pulling away from Sam’s embrace.
“What?” Sam asked, his voice filled with concern. “Why?”
“It’s just… I look like a boy. Your hair is longer than mine.” You said quietly, hurt evident in your voice as you tried to compose yourself. You knew you were being dramatic but you couldn’t help it. Sam sighed empathetically, pulling you by both hands to sit down on your couch and reaching up to push your hair back out of your face.
“Y/N.” Sam said. “I think you’re beautiful. So what if my hair is longer than yours?”
You nodded, realizing how silly you sounded. He was right.
“I don’t know. I just miss my hair.” You brought your hand up to put yours over his on your cheek.
“I know, my darling girl.” He said, his voice coated with sadness. “I hate seeing you this upset. Even if you don’t love it now, it’ll grow back. But you pull it off so well. And I can promise you that you look absolutely stunning. I’ll remind you every single day if I have to.”
A small smile broke out on your face as Sam pulled you into him once again and you reciprocated, leaning forward on your knees and reaching up to run your fingers through his hair as you hugged him close to you.
“I love you, Sam.” You mumbled, unable to come up with anything else of importance to say in response. You didn’t know how to possibly thank him properly for being such a wonderful person and making you feel better through any situation, so you just squeezed him even tighter. 
“I love you so much, Y/N.” He whispered into your hair, pressing a small kiss to the side of your head. “Always.”
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wanghedi · 3 years
Oooh i need to get this ouy but 名侦探学院 main cast count down by fuckability:
7. 邵明明 - i love him and his ncredibly bad temper and attitude sometimes and is so dramatic all the time but he is gay
6. 唐九州- is a compci student but not the biggest problem as u can see thete are business majors higehr up yhe list but jojo is low bc he looks like a baby a toddler a child if u will
5. 石凯 - we love skdd but hnot my type
4. ggg - i think hes in fact the better looking of the 2 finance majors hes really good looking for a normal non celeb person like i cany imagine working in the same office as this guy and and suddently hes on tv in tv hair and makeup and u see him on bilibili being called 妹妹 and 老婆lmao its like if someone tld u yeah did u guys see stephen from HR is being babygirlified and malewifefied on tv djwkldk
3. 齐思均: he looks like a nice guy ; probably a really good roommate abd friend. He really does remund me of 何炅 like the vibe and hosting style and like. Such a good host... I cant believe the first time i saw him mc the dilf show i was like who the tf isthis rando but he won me over even before i watched mztxy bc he hosted so many things. And well! He gets so much mc work these days hes got all the hosting gigs i feel like a proud mpther when i see him mc a major gala omg our very own ,齐岱泽 our 齐妈
2. Zjw... A half frog from montearel....but he is tall.... But he seems like a mainsplainer and isa psych major... But he is tall.... .but double psych major...but Probably the most widely acvepted best looking from this cast but. Again. A quebecois
1. ppp - the vast and rocketlike improvemeny in ranking for pyx... He was genuinely a lil ugly to me thw first ep i watched but he has won mw over. The power of a funny litle guy..and ithink his voice is reallynice even tho he has a borderline comedic 四川 accent sometime and i like his vibes like this guy is a little kooky like a manic pixie girl and he is my favourite yes evn tho he is a finace major (but no longer works in finance so a point there) and just a guy who sometimes on tv and plays a lot of video games
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calvinbc-blog1 · 6 years
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alumni wanted connections and other plotsies let’s   g   o 
let’s see, we need
best friends, group of friends, a clique a SQUAD PLEASE reply with a squad member trope if u want this DIBS ON GOOD BOY/MOM FRIEND CALVIN. other suggestions like: The Leader, The Brains, The ‘I hate everything and everyone why tf am i here’, The Party Person/The One That Always Has Drugs, The Royalty, The Wild Card, The Hopeless Romantic, etc.
most platonic ship ever, they’ve known each other for a long time, they  probably have an agreement that if they hit 40 and they’re still single they will just marry each other, they call each other ‘baby’ they giggle and cuddle a lot, they might as well be roomies, they are literally in love with each other but??? it’s all platonic my dudes 
exes.  - school exes: first timers, trying out things, being Bad at Everything, breaking up after like two/three weeks  - serious relationship exes: Max. one or two of these, they were long-term and totally ended with broken hearts on both sides, now whenever they meet it’s just awkward, Calvin might still have feelings, it might still be a bit on and off, it’s a Mess
crushes: now these are better, compliments, hugs, hand holding, cute smiles, random dates, we love
Just. Anything that involves being half naked. Going to take a dip in the SAME random lake in the middle of the woods and guess what, when one of them wants to get out, their clothes have MAGICALLY vanished?? 
4 AM in the morning after a Great concert/party these two are STILL on 100% energy and they want to run around in the middle of the town throwing lil magic water bombs at each other. BETTER YET! These little  magic water bombs have magic paint THAT GLOWS IN THE DARK, Now they’re two glowing drunk idiots in the middle of a town being way too loud and possibly getting into more trouble.
Star-gazing. We love star-gazing.
One minute they’re out in the middle of a field, the sun is shining and they’re doing. Something. Idk tracking down a dragon or pixies or idk and wow it suddenly starts raining I GUESS WE GOTTA TAKE OUR SHIRTS OFF NOW WHAT! A! PITY!
Huh, interesting, they’re both accidentally in wizarding Bora Bora at the same time and they bump int each other and uhhh... cocktails??? 
idk hit me up with more summer plots thanks
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