#i KNOW there would be insane fanart abt them if (and when) they exist
poignardeparlebeau · 1 year
the hardest thing about being in a scriptwriting workshop with actual professionals is not being able to talk to them about the old woman yuri and old man yaoi potential of their stories
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BPP Hiiiii. I was reading the comments of a reaction video and saw this comment from a non-shipper. It reminded me of your post abt the types of people in the fandom n how they react to jikook. I think this commenter is a Type 2. It made me feel a better that armys see jikook as close friends and notice how they click. But some Vmin shippers saw the comment and started flooding it with how it's actually Vmin that are closer. 😅 It's like Type 3 rival shippers are really the worst huh.
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(@tanniephile, I go on a bit of a tangent and ramble in this one)
Hi @tanniephile!
The comment you posted doesn't seem complete, but it does give the general idea that the commenter thinks jikook "click" and that jikook have a close friendship. And yeah, with nothing else to go on, it seems OP fits into Type 2.
I think like that commenter, a lot of ARMYs are actually cool with jikook. Most of the angst around any of the pairs in BTS is driven by the shippers rather than anything the pair does or is, and that's exactly what happened here. OP said nothing we don't already know: Jimin and Jungkook are close and their families are close too, but that was apparently enough for Vmin shippers to feel put on the defensive, spamming the comments section to highlight their ship. This is one reason I've said before that the sordid reputation shippers have is well earned. Too many of y'all are loony.
Like whatever the fuck happened yesterday with that taekook picture their poor friend had to delete right quick because taekookers were posting NSFW taekook fanart under it, while acting a fool in jikook shipping spaces at the same time. Who knew one picture could energize thousands of taekookers to multitask so efficiently? I saw a few jikook bloggers try to deal with that mess, and regardless of my dislike of shippers in general, I have to give the jikook bloggers who at least tried to act like thinking decent people their full kudos. Y'all are better than me cause I just kept deleting that insanity.
One thing that annoys me about jikook vs taekook shipping discourse, is that a sizable chunk of disturbed individuals have turned it into sport. The real game is not about anything jikook or taekook are actually doing. Instead the majority of people shipping taekook are playing a game that is all about one upping jikookers, using primarily Jimin as the game piece. Even Taekook themselves are only side pieces on the game board. Jimin is the person taekookers actually care about and they use 'wins' against Jikookers as proxy to keep score. Most jikook shippers appear to be more self-aware, but you'd be lying to yourselves if you didn't admit there's a growing faction who are drawn more into playing that game alongside taekookers, than actually enjoying or keeping up with Jimin and Jungkook.
Because there is no reason on god's green earth why one picture of taekook (unconfirmed) bowling with their friends, should cause anybody to care.
When I saw the volume of asks I was getting yesterday, I thought something more must have happened. I thought to myself how I would've felt if jikook was spotted bowling instead (jikook have done this too before btw), and my feeling would've been the same - I'd note it as just another random outing we've been made privy to and leave it at that. I wouldn't think of it as a date or proof of romantic attachment, the thought of taekookers would not even cross my mind until when they would inevitably become abusive towards Jimin and Jungkook on all online platforms. Like, honestly, I get why jikookers feel compelled to respond to this nonsense - taekookers can be disgusting, manipulative, and almost mind-numbingly absurd in how they think and behave that some of that filth begs to be exposed and corrected, but I really do wish more people including jikookers left them on read.
People that disturbed are bound to self-destruct if left to their own devices. Give them any oxygen and you give them a reason to not just keep existing but to become even more intense.
I wish more jikookers realized that their engagement, more than anything else, even more than confirmation that taekook are dating, it is the engagement from jikookers that taekookers are after. Like that's the whole game. It's the same for other toxic shippers (such as the Vmin shippers above) who treat their relationships as some kind of competition. Once taekookers successfully bait you into responding, into comparing and counting 'moments', into acting like Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung aren't real life breathing human beings who have actual friendships in real life, then they've gotten exactly what they want. And the entire space gets overheated over nothing. Energy is redirected from more enjoyable things (their photofolio reaction vid is still fresh, RUN BTS dance practice dropped only two days before, and RM is dropping the album of the year in 2 weeks). It entrenches people deeper into their respective teams, and common sense becomes even less so.
It's weird.
It takes borderline harmless instances and artificially inflates the importance into something angsty or catastrophic. Things then take on outsized meaning only because shippers think of it so.
For example,
So what if Taehyung mentions Jungkook in his Vlives because he knows shippers would care? And so what if Jimin does the same? Or Jungkook for that matter?
Is this something that is completely impossible? Of course not. They are idols and they know many people in their fanbase enjoy hearing about their pairing interactions.
Will this mean he *only* mentions Jungkook or Jimin for that reason? Of course not. They are actual friends in real life who actually hang out. They clearly enjoy spending time together and sometimes don't mind sharing those tidbits with their fans.
Is he saying this to deliberately manipulate millions of people into hating Jimin or Jungkook because he's secretly malevolent or wants to hurt his bandmate? Of course not. Again, these are real life friendships corroborated by their own words, and that of their other 5 bandmates, etc. The people acting a fool on account of one bowling outing should be held responsible for their own actions. Taehyung is not the reason Patricia from Manila is spamming jikook blogs on Tumblr about taekook fucking under the stage in Busan to make Jimin jealous.
At some point, y'all are going to have to realize that taekookers enjoy doing this. It's a game. They're the og shippers because they do not see the guys as people. They're here because they think they've found an interactive telenovela game with the option to proxy self-insert. Many of them are not capable of thinking beyond the game of their ship, they are not capable of giving a fuck about possibilities outside the fantasies and narratives they create. I know it, they know it, and that's probably why after the 12th taekooker ask sent into my inbox yesterday, that person finally took a hike. There's nothing to be done for taekookers, vminers and other toxic shippers, they're too far gone. Jokers still seem like they have their wits about them and know how to have fun, so I'm addressing this to y'all instead.
These people are insane and have no one to tell them. It doesn't have to be your problem. Jimin is and will be fine. As will Jungkook and Tae. Engage with the lunatics if you must, but also please consider all the above.
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apoptoses · 1 year
DA here and I just wanna say A FEW THINGS 💭
First of all I hope you're feeling better now! Read about you having a horrid week and my hear broke for you. Sending nothing but hugs, horses, kind words and the sweetest summer breeze your way🫂
Onto smuttier thoughts, I read the final chapter of Come Get Your Knife and I'm IN AWE of you as usual. Perfect ending to a perfect story. The pool scene was incredible and it reminded me of those pictures of people taking their very old dogs with arthritis for a swim and just holding them in the water while they have the most peaceful, trusting, loving expressions in their faces. That was Armand with his boy right there 🥹
Armand finally doing for Daniel what Marius couldn't do for him was nothing short of a healing experience. Also some of the best smut out there 🥵 The mirror, Armand coating his fingers with his blood and and putting them in Daniel's mouth 🥵🥵🥵, "faking" a real human orgasm and smearing Daniel's come on his own cock jfc. She NEVER misses.
My favorite bit: “Did you know there’s a rare songbird, and when people eat it they cover their faces with a cloth so as to hide the shame of their pleasure from God?” Armand murmured into Daniel’s back, voice just loud enough to be heard over the little wet gasps he dragged from Daniel every time he rolled his hips. “I should cover your face, Daniel. I should hide you from God so that he doesn’t see the pleasure you take in being fucked by a dead man.” INSANITY!!!! Also was this a Succession/Tomgreg reference (yk that scene at the restaurant) or am I just That person now? 😭 perfection either way.
Finally, I read your last ask abt that anon seeing Armand/Daniel hate all over town and lmao SO IT WASN'T JUST ME. I mean I'm not doing myself any favors here because I do check their tags constantly. I'm sadly like a rabid hound when it comes to them, sniffing around in search of good food and yeah most of the time the takes are rancid but other times I find one ☝️ good take and some amazing fanart and I tell myself it's all worth it dsfhsjfk. The way some ppl treat their extremely personal headcanons and projections as undeniable canon facts is nuts. Ship and let ship is my motto but damn some of the things I've seen... and I wouldn't blame the show per se, but the massive influx of fans that a mainstream tv show gave to an already existing fandom has been a contributing factor to what we're seeing imo, where very few people actually bother to read the source material (which is okay really, no one actually has to read the books and the show is almost nothing like the books anyway) and then start treating out of context quotes and scenes or headcanons or summaries of events they heard from a friend of a friend of a friend or plain incorrect takes as canon. it's like a bad (horrifyingly bad) game of telephone around here 🥴 wtvr tho it's literally fiction, and not that much of a big deal (someone tell them that tho lmaoo).
xoxo ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
Dungeon anon, I wondered where you were ♥ Thank you for the kind words, things (seem to be) getting better.
lmao armand as an arthritic dog floating in the pool. It's accurate though, his old body needed a rest and I needed them to do something cute before the filth began. I feel like he would enjoy swimming, not for any particular reason. It's just a chill activity for him that he can do like any mortal.
listen i just needed them to fuck while daniel was still mortal and i was hellbent on making armand find a way to 'come' in daniel 😂 and tbh it's nastier for him to put daniel's own mess back inside him, daniel probably liked that better than he would anything armand's body could produce were he able to do the deed. it reminds him this is an artificial experience, it's not natural at all (and thus hotter)
and hell YEAH that is a wambsgans reference lmao i knew about orotolans long before succession but tom reminded me of them, and i just really wanted to write armand threatening to cover daniel's face from god (also it feels like something marius may have said to amadeo, and that armand would put his own twist on and later repeat), i couldn't pass up the opportunity.
see i have no courage to check the tags, i only trust what people i know reblog or the content of people who follow me 😂 i don't even wanna know what's out there.
but yeah, people do some WEIRD projecting, there's some weird head canons people insist are book canon fact (like guys daniel never did hard drugs on page in the books, not even once, the blood was his drug of choice lol but some people will go TO THE MAT and fight you about this like book!daniel was baby leo in basketball diaries, prostituting and railing heroin)
and the taking quotes out of context thing is way out of control. it's so easy for someone to screenshot some text on their ibooks app and then write whatever meta they want and then people who haven't read that book take it as gospel and just...it's very frustrating lol even the stuff from the vampire companion gets treated as gospel as that's a book written by FAN, it is FAN META with a few quotes from anne sprinkled in. ramsland calls armand a black hole who doesn't love anything and people take that as fact and just...no lol anne didn't write those words, those are ramsland's interpretation of the first five VC books circa 1991!
i'm lucky that everyone who likes the show who happens to follow me and read my fic has been outrageously nice, so i have no clue what happens in the more tumultuous waters of amc fandom lol but i really hope people give the books themselves a chance, even if only to read their blorbo's chapters because they're good and it's worth knowing the context in which things happened in them!
ANYWAYS DA, the fic you inspired me to write with armand learning dirty talk will be posted tomorrow, i hope you're hyped ♥
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planetcrayon · 7 years
uhh i did all 52 anyways so i guess 
1. tough call between the original trilogy games but I've always had a soft spot for gateway to glimmer/riptos rage 2. oh man yknow my boy spyro is the best but i do love Elora too 3. original trilogy, legend of spyro series, shadow legacy, heros tail, dawn of the dragon fly, uhh i think thats it?? 4. i have earliest memories of glimmer i think but definitely the original trilogy games 5. insomniac no question 6. top few would have to be fracture hills, lofty castle, idol springs, tree tops and enchanted towers 7. 2nd-3rd game design. little less harsh than the original but still with all the style 8. Tom Kenny did such a good job 9. I mean kinda idk if there is one 10. i do not know much abt it but the people seem nice and theres some real quality art 11. ive done a lil bit of spyro art but i should do more 12. nope 13. theres fan games?? 14. summer forest has always felt like home to me 15. fighting gulp was always a good time 16. i have a spyro skybox crop top that i made and fanart/fan made stuff but nothing official i dont think 17. probably lofty castle music, my favourite music and my favourite realms often go hand in hand 18. impossible to answer tbh original trilogy/stewart copeland ones 19. i didnt really love many of the ones that came after insomniac. Dawn of the dragonfly definitely had the most flaws. probably eternal night tho. 20. a lot of the characters in heros tail WHOOPS 21. ya i used to have a lot when i was little 22. i recall eternal night being insanely difficult as a youngster but i havent played it in years 23. spyro the dragon was the easiest to beat bc u can just blast through it without having to return to any realms or anything but idk easiest overall 24. cinder is overrated bferjhvfbjwk 25. that super niche one from haunted towers that gives u super fire breath 26. hes a good boy!! 27. 'im a faun you dork' of coursse 28. ive 100%+ completed all the original games many many times 29. the difficult speed run bits and really tough games 30. i do love the honey speedway bees 31. ndvfkws i literally dont know them so ?? my new beginning game was for gameboy sejkfnke 32. HD remake of the original trilogy full stop 33. nah i dont wanna fuck with my disks and i dont have it on comp or anything 34. yeah i saw part of one at a con near me in 2015 35. i try to replay original trilogy yearly but mostly just when i get nostalgic 36. i played dawn of the dragon not too long ago bc i finally had a 2nd player 37. cursed 38. porque no los dos? 39. shiela holds a special place in my australian heart but i think i played as byrd more than anything 40. summer forest is home but i also looove dream weavers and midday gardens 41. nah 42. ripto was a really tough fight but so rewarding 43. 2-3 of the insomniac games were a good time but probably 3 overall 44. i have 2 copies of spyro the dragon on disk 45. i love the skateboarding in spyro nrekfn its like the one time i like it 46. whomst sklefn 47. yeah i played it all this year with my bf 48. spyro is my BOY but granted cinders stuff was p interesting 49. i dont fukcign know 50. original ofc 51. noooooooooooooo 52. i did not even know they existed my dude.
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