#i FINALLY own this; a thing i watched (pretty inappropriately lol) when I was 10 when it first aired.
thisbluespirit · 1 year
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The Outfit's newest recruits leave for France in Wish Me Luck 1.2 (LWT 1988).
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sorry for all the harry potter posting in 2021…. but like….. reflecting on just how dark the later books were/are, why on earth did every harry potter fan always romanticise having a movie marathon with the movies??? like yeah, it’s basically what i’ve been doing for the last few weekends staying at my sister’s on my own…. and since i’ve been awake this morning, i’ve gone through ootp, hbp and deathly hallows part 1 so far….. and like…… these movies, to me, aren’t really made for marathon watching/binge watching in a sense….. due to the heavy subject matter imo. they’re made to be standalone (although part of a series) viewed movies one by one, not back to back to back in succession; when there’s just so many incredibly substantial themes like death and obviously racism, systemic corruption etc etc. to be thought about while watching.
like of course everyone is going to say that im reading far too deeply into this and that the hp books and movies are trash….. but like the constant romanticisation in the 2000s and early 2010s of wanting to do harry potter marathons as if they were as cutesy and happy go-lucky as romcoms…. or simply just as lighthearted kids movies backed by whimsy and fuzzy feelings back in the day, was just so fucking backward.
like obvs since im older now, i can see that harry was abused by petunia & vernon for example. and by reading other teen fiction (specifically aussie YA fiction series’ tomorrow when the war began series and the ellie chronicles trilogy); harry’s horrible dreams/flashbacks of cedric before/after he was killed in goblet of fire is a symptom of PTSD (which i read in harry potter essays in uni when i did i philosophy essay on epistemic injustice in ootp in the courtroom scene). i can actually see how harry is being used as a pawn by dumbledore in his master plan. and obvs in analysing these things im putting my apparently “useless” arts degree in english and philosophy to use lmao. and of course as kids, we either ignored those themes or never picked up on them because they went straight over our heads.
on this bent then, another YA movie series that is NOT made for binge watching is the hunger games. which i found out to my own kind of detriment last year….. considering that i had never bothered to read the books back when they were popular past the titular namesake hunger games book (and had also forgotten all the early 2010s tumblr posts about how dark it was)…. while deciding to watch all the movies til catching fire part 1 in a binge watch sesh in the middle of 2020. the binge watch sesh was also spurred on by the book about young president snow that came out in 2020 lol.
so last year, when i finally decided to watch hunger games, i could actually understand and contemplate the political ramifications of katniss’s & peeta’s behaviour and defiance… which was something that i completely brushed off while it was hugely popular in the early 2010s because it was “too political”…… while i utterly denied the GLARINGLY OBVIOUS major political undertones and themes in harry potter because i was so obsessed with it….. but I obvs was most specifically preoccupied with what hogwarts house i’d be in lmao and whether i was more like hermione/luna/ginny or a mix of all of them. like yeah. it was so backward.
of course, the HP movies do have a bingeable quality to them; but my god. from really goblet of fire onwards, they’re heavy as fuck and really don’t need to be binged back to back in succession….. like you can do with how i met your mother or Loki eps in terms of tv shows. or idek, for movies, old rom-com faves like suddenly 30/13 going on 30 or rom-coms starring sandra bullock (bc they’re some of my faves)…. or teen indie comedy faves like juno or napoleon dynamite.
bc harry potter at it’s core, is a war story, more obviously from the end of GOF til the end of the series. it’s heavy, it’s dark, and emotionally devastating (for me when i was younger obvs). in some scenes, such as when harry returns with cedric’s dead body in GOF and it’s backed by the cheery marching band music but then drowned out by fleur’s scream and amos diggory dramatically scream sobbing “MY BOOOOOY!!! MY SOOON!!! MY BOY IS DEAD!!!!” (which as a kid i used to laugh incredibly inappropriately at every bloody time i watched it)…. but NOW??? THE PAIN! THE SUFFERING! THE TURMOIL! which is finally paired with the sad score music and camera panning out from the tri-wizard cup school stadium??? oh! i am but torn asunder by it all (okay not really, but i feel amos’s pain more acutely and i can shed a tear or two is the point here). and speaking of GOF, it’s pretty sad that over the years, it’s always been reduced to “C A L M L Y” and hermione’s yule ball dress being pink instead of blue bc of both the real and supposed lack of book to film accuracy…. when there’s obvs more important things to focus on lol.
bc literally one of the most horrifying scenes in the gof movie for me, in retrospect, is voldemort being reborn???? and wormtail sacrificing his own hand to get that essentially cursed silver hand that ends up strangling him to death in DHP1. and also david tennant’s albeit very disappointingly short appearances as barty crouch jr???? that was good casting. and also the incredibly fucked up storyline in GOF of BCJ imprisoning the real mad eye moody in moody’s own enchanted chest for his hair for polyjuice potion???? it hit me last week again (bc it hit me in 2020 when i reread the series with audiobooks as well) just how ridiculously FUCKED UP and BATSHIT that ENTIRE storyline really was. and i read and watched that???? and was fine with it at 10 years old???? jesus christ lmao.
okay. i went a bit off topic and overboard. but y’all get what i mean??? it’s so weird that an entire generation romanticised a YA series that was essentially about a war in its later instalments (and obvs a full blown one by deathly hallows) as some cutesy marathonable story bc it was/is so whimsical and its filled with childhood memories. but in doing it myself over the last few weeks, it’s just not. it was definitely one of the heftiest book series for kids/teens back then. but also for the movies, aside for their run times mostly all being close to 3hrs long, they’re quite emotionally charged and are astonishingly dark & dense in subject matter/themes for a KIDS movie series for the backend of the series. and mostly the only reason it’s “marathonable” in a sense, is because we all know the story so well.
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lvllns · 4 years
otp tag!
oh holy shit this was a whole thing. i was tagged by @rosebarsoap​, @solasan​, @impossible-rat-babies​, and i’m sure others but my activity feed is a disaster i’m sorry if i missed u. thank y’all for the tags!!
pretty sure everyone has been tagged at this point? i can’t keep track anymore, my brain is mush. if you wanna do this, you’re tagged now!
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DISAGREEMENTS. Who is more likely to raise their voice?: Neither of them. At most, they get a hard edge to their voice or speak in clipped tones. It's always about risks being taken.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?: NEITHER OF THEM. There is no way Sparrow or Mason would ever do that.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?: NOBODY LEAVES.
Who trashes the house?: Who the fuck? NEITHER OF THEM!
Do either of them get physical?: NO.
How often do they argue/disagree?: Very, very, very, rarely. It's always about, like, one of them just fuckin doing something and getting injured or being put in danger and the other panicking about it. Or the two of them ignoring the other one telling them to save somebody else and instead saving each other. LISTEN.
Who is the first to apologize?: They both do, like in the middle of whatever they're talking about. It's always like "I'm sorry but I'd do it again" and the other person just "I know and I love you but I think you shaved 5 years off my life."
SEX. Who is on top? Who is on bottom?: This changes every single time.
Any kinks?: Sparrow is with a vampire. You get one guess. A lot of it is Sparrow.......uh, learning things about themself as this goes so like. They discover they're into choking when Mason puts his hand on their neck one time. Ya know. Absolutely into praise as well.
Who has the strangest desires?: I don't know that either of them really want anything considered strange??? I mean, Sparrow wants him to bite them but I feel like Mason would be onboard so.
Who’s dominant in bed?: Mason probably more often than Sparrow, though it definitely flip flops depending. I feel like once Sparrow is more confident, they'd be more up for taking the lead.
Is head ever in the equation?: Of fucking course it is.
If so, who is better at performing it?: Mason for sure.
Ever had sex in public?: They fucked in a haunted house at a carnival.
Who moans the most?: They're both pretty quiet I think, each of them takes great pride in making the other get vocal. A lot of like, soft moans and grunts and whispers.
Who leaves the most marks?: Mason on Sparrow, bc his whack ass healing makes it impossible for Sparrow to leave marks on him, even though they try.
Who is the more experienced of the two?: Mason for sure. Sparrow hasn't........had a lot of experience.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?: They make love baby. Even when it gets rougher, it’s never really fucking. Well, okay, wait, maybe they fucked in the haunted house....that’s not exactly.....an environment conducive to love making.
How long do they usually last?: A...av....average? I don't know enough about sex for this section.
Rough or soft?: Soft most of the time.
Is protection used?: Like 99% of the time, yeah.
Does it ever get boring?: Lol no. Mason is Mason and Sparrow is always up for an adventure or a challenge.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: THEY. FUCKED. IN. A. HAUNTED. HOUSE. AT. A. CARNIVAL.
Where did they not have sex?: I mean they probably wouldn't fuck, like, in a gas station bathroom?
FAMILY. Do they plan on having children/or have children?: This is so complicated and requires it's own post tbh. Currently, no kids and no plans for kids but it's.......yeah, it's just complicated.
If so, how many children do they want/have?: See above.
AFFECTION. Who likes to cuddle?: Oh they both do, Sparrow initiates it more though.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?: Fucking, both of them. Handsy mother fuckers.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?: BOTH OF THEM. Early in a relationship, Mason more often, but once Sparrow is comfortable? All bets are off, sorry. Don't go into the library ever.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?: There is no becoming uncomfortable, they both just pass out. Or Sparrow falls asleep and Mason is legally unable to move, it's like cat rules.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?: Mason will sit and braid Sparrow's hair while they read. Sparrow likes to just sit with Mason, like leaning on each other, watching a show or talking. Just, they really just like to exist together. Also, fucking off into the woods to go camping.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?: Literally anywhere, Sparrow is not picky and both of them are so tactile, who gives a shit.
SLEEPING. Who snores?: Neither of them.
If both do, who snores the loudest?: Listen.
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?: Oh they share a bed for sure. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?: Sparrow clings to Mason like an octopus.
What do they wear to bed?: Nothing, they both sleep naked.
Are either of them insomniacs?: Nah. Sparrow runs fine on like 4-6 hours of sleep though.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?: Nope.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?: Sparrow likes to wrap themself around Mason but sometimes they will just lay side by side and like, hold hands.
Who wakes up with bed hair?: They both do, Sparrow's is probably worse considering it's long and slightly wavy.
Who wakes up first?: Surprisingly, Sparrow! Only because Mason will fall asleep after they've been asleep for some time already so they wake up before he does.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?: Sparrow is too worried about crumbs in the bed bothering Mason to even think about eating in bed.
What is their favourite sleeping position?: Mason flat on his back, Sparrow with a leg slung over his hip, arm across his chest and their head smashed against whatever part of him is nearest.
Do they set an alarm each night?: Yeah.
Who has nightmares?: They both do, though I think Sparrow is the only one who remembers them after they wake. Mason, luckily, forgets his dreams.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?: Nope, laptops can though.
Who has ridiculous dreams?: Again, both. Again, Mason forgets them while Sparrow remembers.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?: MASON. He just spreads out and Sparrow tucks themself against him, it works fine really.
Who makes the bed?: Mason most often because Sparrow tends to get sidetracked and forget.
What time is bed time?: When Sparrow next passes out is up to the Gods. Mason just crashes whenever he finally feels tired.
Any routines/rituals before bed?: They'll watch an episode or two of a show. Sparrow will meditate. Mason often tries to break their focus.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?: Probably Mason? Sparrow is an annoying morning person.
WORK. Who is the busiest?: Oh they both are. Maybe Sparrow slightly more because of the whole, working for the PD and the Agency thing.
Who rakes in the highest income?: I feel like it ends up pretty even eventually?
Are any of them unemployed?: Nah.
Who takes the most sick days?: I guess Sparrow would, though it's very rare. Mason can't get sick, bastard.
What are their jobs?: Sparrow is a detective and agency liaison. Mason is a specialist agent for the Agency.
Who sucks up to their boss?: I don't think either of them do? Sparrow is polite with the Captain but he's nice enough. They definitely don't suck up to Adam or Rebecca or whomstever is in charge of them at the Agency.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?: Neither of them. Sparrow has Anxiety so they're always at least 10 minutes early.
Who stresses the most?: SPARROW.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?: Mason enjoys what he does for sure. Sparrow.......never wanted to be doing this. At all. They definitely aren't thrilled but they do like it, it's just......not what they wanted.
Are they financially stable?: Oh yeah.
HOME. Who does the washing?: Even trade off I think.
Who takes out the trash?: Sparrow.
Who does the ironing?: Neither of them lmao
Who does the cooking?: Sparrow! Mason likes to sit on the counter and talk while they cook.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?: Mason lmao
Who is messier?: Even split again. Sparrow will set something down, get sidetracked, and then that book stays on the counter for five days until Mason is like "Bird you forgot your book." It's less.....intentionally messy and more just....brain going sideways.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?: Neither of them.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?: BOTH OF THEM. There is a HAMPER and they both just throw their clothes on the ground like HEATHENS.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?: Fucking NEITHER OF THEM.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?: Nope, absolutely never happens. Sparrow's anxiety kicks in and overrides the ADHD and the keys are always in sight.
Who answers the telephone?: If it's not a work call for Sparrow, then Mason.
Who mows the lawn?: Currently, neither of them bc there is no lawn lmao.
Who does the vacuuming?: Sparrow.
Who does the groceries?: Both together because they like doing it together. Mason enjoys putting random shit in the cart and seeing if Sparrow notices.
Who takes the longest to shower?: dasjgnd they're both very quick about showers, so neither?
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?: Sparrow I guess. They're both very much like, there's no real routine. They just fiddle with their hair and go.
MISCELLANEOUS. Is money a problem?: Nah.
How many cars do they own?: Just Sparrow's ol' reliable right now.
What’s their song?: We Love Like Vampires by Sparks the Rescue. Me & You by Honne.
Do they live in the city or in the country?: Country for sure. Both of them like the quiet.
Do they own their home or do they rent?: Right now, Sparrow rents their apartment.
Do they enjoy their surroundings?: I think so, yeah. Sparrow wishes they weren't still in Wayhaven sometimes but it's fine.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Whatever needs to be done? There isn't like something specific they have to do if they're apart, they just go on with their day.
Where did they first meet?: Formally, Sparrow's office when Rebecca introduced the entire team.
Who spends the most money when out shopping?: Gods, both of them?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?: Mason, I guess.
Any mental issues?: Sparrow is a whole Mess honestly, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, etc. etc.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?: Both of them, bastards that they are.
Who’s terrified of bugs?: Eh, neither of them.
Who kills the spiders around the house?: NOBODY. Sparrow scoops them up and puts them outside.
Do they have any fears for their future?: The inevitable "Sparrow is going to die, Mason is an immortal vampire" obviously.
Their favourite place?: Somewhere in the woods together.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?: Mason, since, you know, he doesn't really enjoy eating food.
Who pays the bills?: They both do.
Who’s the tallest?: Mason by like 6 inches.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?: Mason, though Sparrow will too. He just does it more often.
Who wanders around in their underwear?: Oh they both do.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?: Sparrow, though it's rare they do.
What do they tease each other about?: Mason likes to good naturedly tease Sparrow about their bookish nature. Sparrow will squish his cheeks when he glares and grin at him.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?: MASON. Oh Gods, Sparrow is....listen, if they aren't dressed professionally for work or going out, they're a hot mess. I'm talking like bright green hoodie, neon yellow leggings, hot pink running shoes. Like a Lisa Frank folder exploded on a human being.
Who crushed first?: Mason. It took Sparrow a bit to be like "oh it's more than thinking his face is just nice, okay."
Any alcohol or substance related problems?: Nah, Sparrow doesn't drink.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?: Neither of them, considering the above and Mason's vampire biology.
Who swears the most?: Oh they both do. Sparrow looks sweet but they..........listen. They have the mouth of a sailor tbh. You get the two of them in a room together and let them talk and it's a mess of swearing.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
“Nobody’s seen you in days.”
Angsty Prompt with Axel but could you please end it fluffy?
This was a request from a mutual since I have been gone for days... lol. I don't know if they wanted to be tagged or not, so I'll just add that later when they reply
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“Well look who decided to fucking show up,” the tattooed head of security sneered. I wasn’t positive on his name, Alex or Axel or something. Everyone at the club called him Ax, but considering this was a strip club, I wasn’t sure who was using a real name or a nickname.
“Even us lowly bartenders get a vacation now and then,” I said rolling my eyes. I liked to think I was immune to guys like Ax, but as he looked me in the eyes and bit his lip, it took more effort than I care to admit, to look away and sign out my radio.
Bartenders, managers, security and the cage all had to keep Walkie talkie earpieces on at all times. We all had separate channels, so I only had to hear about bar and tab issues thru the night. The security channel was security constantly talking about everything from actual work stuff to sports or from what I heard when I turned my radio on girls. Normally when I switch it on, I go right to my own channel but the conversation caught my attention.
Unknown male: looks like the quiet bartender girl is back Ax
Ax: already said hello, but thanks asshole
Unknown male 2: you tell her you love her yet?
Ax: shut the fuck up and keep track of the taxis, I never loved anything without an engine, I just like to look at that one.
Unknown male: 900 naked bitches throwing themselves at you, and you like the one that never says more than a few words to anybody. I think she’s a fucking carpet muncher
Ax: she talked to me today motherfucker! You just watch a master at work
I switched the radio to my own channel. Master at work hmm? We shall see about that I steamed. They say never judge someone by their appearance, but Ax seemed to live up to his stereotype. I counted my drawer and took my first drink order of the evening. The best part of my job was how busy it kept me. With 20 waitresses dependent on me, and several people deep at the bar, I never had time to look up, let alone think. I was essentially a drink making, tab and check machine, keeping track of all the waitresses tabs, plus my own and making all their drinks. The club only trusted the bartenders with money, so everything was our responsibility, besides carrying the drink to people and socializing with them.
I liked the dynamics of it all. The waitresses seated the customers and got them drinks, and made them feel welcome and happy. Then the strippers swooped in and made it seem that much more fun, and between those two, the drink orders kept coming. The bartenders made all the drinks, opened tabs with cash or credit cards, and kept all the tabs straight until they decided to close. Then the waitress got a signature and the bartender filed away the tabs totally at the end of the evening. Bartenders were kind of the workhorses that everything was dependent on but I loved that. I hated small talk. Security stood around making sure that nobody had too much fun or passed out. Management made sure they were making money and no laws were being broken that would compromise the liquor license. The strippers varied from super hustlers that could talk hundreds out of guys like nothing, to girls that just wanted to get drunk and make enough to buy a new pair of shoes they liked. They were independent, so they worked as much or as little as they chose.
One thing I didn’t like was the 15-minute lunch break that you still had to keep your radio on for. I knew it was illegal and I could demand a longer lunch, but it’s just how it was. I was the only female bartender, the youngest and the only one that hadn’t been there since day one, so I didn’t want to make waves. I took my lunch to the back room we used for Bachelor and bachelorette parties. I always packed a little brown bag lunch and settled into a booth to eat it when I heard his voice again.
“Isn’t that the cutest fucking thing ever?”
“I feel like I have a big tattooed shadow, “ I said snarkilly.
“You’re not exactly small with those boots on,” he grinned. “How tall are you barefoot?”
“Tall enough. I’m about your height wearing these so do the math.” I dismissed him and went back to eating.
He stood there silently watching me, and I continued to eat and act like he wasn’t there.
“You’re not my height in those boots.”
“Are you a lesbian?”
I nearly choked on my carrots. I looked up at him defiantly. “Are you just so irresistible, I must have no interest in the male species if I’m unresponsive?”
“Um,” He sheepishly looked down at the ground, looking less arrogant and full of himself than ever before.
I couldn’t help myself, I stood up and walked over to him, glaring, “is the fact you noticed I wasn’t here awhile and acknowledging it, supposed to make me drop to my knees and suck your cock Ax?”
“Um... uh. Nobody’s seen you in days.” He replied meekly, licking his lips and standing straighter, trying to regain control of the conversation. “I’m security, I need to pay attention to these sort of things.”
“What things? My schedule, or who I fuck?” I challenged looking him right in the eye, now standing toe to toe, cocking an eyebrow waiting for a response.
Ax gulped, but didn’t falter or back down. He was such an arrogant asshole, with his perfect face; green eyes a girl could get lost in, perfect little nose, exaggerated pillow puffy lips, cheekbones that jutted out sharply, but couldn’t hide the hint of dimples, and skin that could have easily made him a model, had he not marked it up with dumb tattoos. I’d walked in the back one time when he was shirtless, trying to get vomit out of his shirt and had seen the extensive body art, before quickly turning and leaving, but not before catching his cocky smirk at seeing me scan him over. That’s why I was shocked when he finally spoke.
“I’m sorry. I had no right to speak to you so inappropriately and you have every right to call me out. I just always try to strike up conversations with you and flirt and you always shut me down. I thought if I shocked you or offended you, you might at least I don’t know what I thought. Please accept my sincere apology.” He implored dripping with sincerity.
I could feel my icy exterior melting and felt an urge to giggle and tell him it was ok and give him a warm hug while I breathed in his intoxicating scent and felt the comfort of another human in over a year but a voice inside my head screamed MASTER.
I suddenly recalled his conversation with his pals at the beginning of our shift where he called himself “master”.
“I accept your apology. You may go now.”
“Excuse me?” He scoffed. “I’m head of security. No little bartender tells me what to do.”
“Do whatever you like, burn for all I care. Just let me eat in peace.”
He was stunned. He opened his mouth a couple of times as if to say something but finally just huffed and stalked away. I turned my radio to the security channel to see if he said anything.
Male: we have a guy in the bathroom obviously partaking in illegal substances, going to need back up to remove him when he comes out of the stall.
Male 2: I’m right here, I’m your huckleberry. What’s he doing?
Male: lines
Male 2: 10-4 walking in now
Ax: let me know if you need me to assist.
Toby : speaking of assist, did I just see you in the party room standing an inch away from the ice queen herself?
Ax: very funny Toby. Yes I was talking to her, no it did not go well. I’m not giving up tho, she’s even better than I thought
Toby: do tell
Ax: she pretty much told me to go fuck myself.
Male: Boss, you are so weird. She’s hot but generally that’s a bad sign...
Ax: nah, just means that if you actually get her, she’ll be a ride or die
Male 2: so when’s the wedding?
Ax: do your fucking jobs you fuck sticks.
Radio silence for a couple of minutes as I cleaned up my lunch and went in the bathroom to peek at my hair and makeup, glancing over as I walked in to see Ax watching me from hall next to the men’s restroom. He smiled and winked at me before I disappeared inside smiling in spite of myself. I’d almost forgotten that I’d left my radio on their channel till I heard the voice of the infuriating, gorgeous man I wasn’t smart enough to stay away from:
Ax: well since she’s an ice queen, I’m thinking we’ll have a nice December wedding.
Toby: oh shit! Ax and ice!
Male: sitting in a tree! K-I-s-s-I-n-g!
Ax: I’ll let you fucking adults know as soon as we set a date.
I stared at the radio, trying to forget what I heard but it’s been so long since I gave anyone a chance and the man was gorgeous. Before I could talk myself out of I raised my radio to my mouth and spoke
Me: here’s a date. Tuesday at 8, we go eat dressed in normal clothing.
Radio silence.
Toby: was that her? No way! Ax did you hear that?
Ax: Toby shut the fuck up! And is that really you sweetheart? If this is one of you clowns playing a prank, I’ll fucking fire you, so help me
Me: have a little faith
I heard myself echo so I spun around to find ax peeking in the women’s restroom busting out into a huge smile when he saw it really was me.
I wrote my number on a receipt I had on me and passed it to him as I walked by. “Probably should go for one of the 900 that throw themselves at you.”
“I want the one that won’t throw herself at anyone.” He called after me.
We are both idiots, I thought as I got back to work, trying not to look for him or switch my radio to their station.
By the time my shift ended and I had done all my paperwork, I was so tired I’d all but forgotten my date with Ax. I went to the locker room to change into normal clothes and left out the back door to my car when I spotted Ax leaning against it, smoking a cigarette.
“You are not leaning against my car in jeans with rivets on your fucking pockets.”
He raised his eyebrows and stood up straight throwing the cigarette down, stepping on it. “No rivets, I wouldn’t dare mess up this car. I always wanted to ask you about this car, but was scared you’d say it’s your mans.”
“Why would it be my mans?”
“Because you normally drive the Mercedes and this is a lot different than that car.”
“How so?”
“Really? An S-Class and a Trans Am are about as different as they come.”
“Not really. The Trans Am was the high-end performance vehicle offered by GM, with a back seat. They came fully loaded and dominated in their particular class, and they both have V8 engines. This is actually a Firehawk, which means like the S-class, the engine was built by hand and they both are also quite heavy. They both are rear-wheel drive, both came with leather and they both have glass roofs.”
“You actually know about cars? No way! Marry me right now!” Ax joked walking over to me and embracing me, before pulling back and looking down at me. “Holy shit this is how tall you are!” He cried out, realizing I was just wearing my Converse.
We just stood there silently smiling at the other as the morning grew lighter and lighter with the rising sun. It wasn’t an awkward silence tho, it was great. I kissed him on the cheek and got in my car. He backed up and watched me as I pulled away.
Both of us had no clue what we were in store for, but at least for the time being, we both were beside ourselves with anticipation for what was to come.
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richard is great, but... you know.
Silicon Valley Review - Seasons 1-5
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What I liked:
It is completely relatable. As someone currently working in the tech industry, I found that a lot of the show to be pretty realistic especially in terms of tech jargon, software practices and methodology (YES, Scrum is an implementation of a real software development methodology called Agile and I live it everyday at work), and even the most ridiculous sounding formulas on the show have been proven to be accurate (here's an example). And seeing as how this show is a satire, it's kind of comforting to know that some of the stuff that I find silly and/or comical about the software industry are also things that are being parodied and mocked on this show. After watching the show I'd read reviews saying that Pied Piper's small successes followed by their constant big failures and getting steamrolled by Hooli were getting a bit tired and repetitive, but I actually wasn't bothered by the storyline. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the start up and Corporate American cultures, and I think the show does a great job of realistically depicting the struggle.
The writing is great: the technical concepts are well researched and the jokes are FREAKEN HILARIOUS. There's a good mix of the humor being both witty and inappropriate and I love me some nerdy jokes, raunchy jokes and nerdy raunchy jokes (again, this is a good example). I do wonder, though, for viewers that are not familiar with tech jargon or concepts if they would find it as funny?
Richard is my favorite character because I like what he represents and I can completely identify with him and his plight (not to mention he started out as a QA engineer). He's a nerd (I love nerds) and an idealist who strives for success through hard work and doing the right thing, but constantly comes up disappointed, bewildered and crushed when the Gavin Belsons of the world who run the cold, heartless tech corporations like Hooli succeed through political maneuvering, manipulation, backstabbing and lying. At times he's a bit wishy washy, but I know that to survive in a cut-throat environment, anyone with a conscience would face the same ethical dilemmas as he does, because no one wants to be the nice guy that finishes last. I love (and maybe relate a little bit too much) to those moments when has to prove his point because he KNOWS he was right. Despite the fact that he's a genius with a moral compass, he is far from perfect - he aspires, he struggles, he fails, and he gets back up and tries again - which I think makes him one of the more realistic characters I've seen on television. Plus, in real life I just love Thomas Middleditch and think he is one of the funniest people - I think his knack for improv (his characters on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast are hilarious) helps him play this quirky, goofy nerd so well.
Zach Woods is awesome as Jared and my second most favorite character. I think what makes his character so funny is that he comes off as this optimistically cheery yes-man, who randomly and non-chalantly gives us small tidbits of his character's really dark and disturbing childhood. And while his mostly unfailing loyalty to Richard is kind of endearing, it's also amusingly creepy.  Many (many?) years ago, before he was even Gabe on The Office, I had seen him in an improv show. His experience in improv definitely pays off as he delivers a lot of the shows funniest and unexpected lines.
Gilfoyle's no-bullshit opinions and digs at Dinesh that are always delivered in his monotone deadpan. If you don't pay attention, you might miss the joke.
Big Head's cluelessness:  "My username is 'password' and my password is 'password'". LOL!
I thought TJ Miller was good - almost too good, ha - as Erlich and he had a lot of funny moments, but at the same time, I also think that the timing of -- SPOILER ALERT -- his exit from the show worked out well in terms of where they were at with his storyline and the series continued on well after his departure.
The satire extends beyond the TV screen. The fictional entities on the show exist in ‘real life’ including the home page for Richard's own startup, Pied Piper, the tech blog Code Rag, Jian Yang's Hot Dog app, and even Big Head’s interview with Wired Magazine. So cute!
What I didn't like:
The episodes are so short and there are so few of them (seasons 1 and 5 had 8 episodes each, and the rest of the seasons had 10). On top of that, the next season is the last one :(
Final Thoughts:
What can I say - I LOVE this show!! Although, I will admit it did take me a while to get into it - it wasn't until the last 2 episodes of the first season that I really started getting into the storyline and invested in the characters. But since it took me a bit to settle into the first season, after getting through season 5, we went back and re-watched season 1... and then ended up re-watching the entire series again. Yes, that's right - I binged the entire series TWICE.
Season 6 is going to premiere this October 27th and I can't wait!!!
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Usually with my reviews, I pick my favorite part of the movie or show. But I couldn't pick just one for this show - so I picked my favorite from each season:
➤ Season 1: Richard tries to get Aderall for Carver
➤ Season 2: Dinesh tries to convince people to not invest in the Bro app
➤ Season 3: Dinesh’s gold chain
➤ Season 4: Richard dabbing/Heisman Trophy pose
➤ Season 5: Jared’s lips!
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ebthecelebrity · 5 years
I feel like all my life, I had a crush on someone. Well, from what I can remember since I was 6 years old. It was 1989.  I think the first time I saw him, he was performing on Showtime at the Apollo and I couldn’t take my eyes off him.  He had high energy, he could rap, and he could dance his ass off! MC Hammer.  The swag was impeccable with the bigger than life pants and at that very inappropriate age of 6, I couldn’t help put stare at his muscular chest. He was always shirtless and my virgin eyes would fixate on the beads of sweat dripping off it. It wasn’t a sexual crush that I had on him then, hell, I didn’t know I even had a vagina. It was something about that testosterone that caught my estrogen’s attention, and he was so unique.  MC Hammer fascinated me. At the same time, I was also fascinated by the rap duo, Salt n Pepa, but it was something about MC Hammer.......
It was official; I was crushing on boys, well, in this case a grown ass man.
MC Hammer dominated the early 90s.  He was on a plethora of television commercials, he had a cartoon that aired on Saturday mornings and he was staring in multiple movies. I was in MC Hammer Heaven from 6 – 9 years old.  It’s 1992 and one night I see three cuties singing about “Da Munchies” on the BET channel. When I set eyes on Immature also known as IMx, it was a wrap for Hammer. He drifted far away in those balloon pants to a land unknown from then on out. Similar to how my current dating life is like, but that’s a whole other blog I can’t even get into right now lol. This boy band literally consumed my mind and I found myself constantly singing love songs like I had been cheated on for the 25th time by a raggedy 5th grader. Each member in this trio was very different and I had my eyes set on the “bad boy” Romeo. He was the rapper of the crew and the eye patch he wore over his right eye was mysterious.  Just like Hammer, he was unique in his own right and this crush lasted for the next 3 years.  
It is now 1995 and I had mentally cheated on Romeo with numerous members of young boy bands in my innocent mind.  Jordan from New Kids on the Block, Ronnie Devoe from New Edition, Red from Another Bad Creation, and even the guy with the light eyes in Milli Vanilli…..I was swapping out these crushes like drawers.  Middle School created an obsessive with Layzie Bone from the popular rap group Bone Thugs n Harmony. It wasn’t until I saw the music video, “Thuggish Ruggish Bone” that I attempted to understand every fast spitting word they said. I equally loved them all, sometimes rotating which member I liked more with each performance, each music video, each magazine spread. If you knew me back in High School, you knew! My adolescent bedroom became a shrine. My parents questioned what the hell was going on and couldn’t understand why I liked these “Thugs.” The crush I had on Layzie Bone became so embedded in my mind that I created a married life with him and 3 kids. My best friend and I just knew we were going to graduate high school, move to Cleveland and have this life! These plans were made at 13 years old.  No offense, but there’s no way in hell I’d move to Cleveland now lol.
The solid crush on Bone Thugs n Harmony lasted until well after college. Finally, I started to really date and the crushes became boyfriends. The boyfriend became a husband. The husband became an ex husband. Now here I am, it’s 2019 and I’m knocking at 40’s door.  With the take off of social media, you can see the love across the multiple platforms with the hashtag, “ManCrushMonday also known as #MCM.” It’s the social media trend to post pictures and express your affection for your crush on a Monday. Like clockwork, each Monday, I was reminded of everyone’s crush on my timeline. About 90% of them were of their significant other.  I started questioning myself, “Who is your crush, Eb?”  Looking back, I had never posted a real life #MCM. I was pretty private with my love life, but honestly to get the #MCM post, you had to give me the same feeling I felt when I saw hot fish come out of grease. I wasn’t feeling that with no one. There wasn’t a connection.  Would I ever have a #MCM? Shit was depressing. So, I thought back on how my crushes started as a young girl. Never were they truly someone I went to school with, dated, or even personally knew.   They were all celebrities.  
To get my #MCM started, I began my Mondays with some eye candy.   A different celebrity graced my page. I didn’t know a damn thing about their personal life. They could have been a real life asshole for all I knew.  They were all finer than frog hair though.  Rappers Dave East and Nas, and actor Kofi Siriboe were all exposed on my page. Each week, I fantasized for a brief moment about my celebrity #MCMs and chuckled to myself how they didn’t even know my black ass existed. One Monday, my routine was abruptly disrupted.  I thought about posting singer, Trey Songz. I had actually met him in a club years ago and conversed with him. I remember him being as fine as his pictures online and the short conversation sent me floating on cloud 99.  I scrolled his Instagram and said to myself, “Bih, Trey don’t know you!”   I quickly put my phone down and found myself so deep in thought. “Who does know you, Eb?”
As I sat back and analyzed the consistent men in my life, one stuck out the most. My brother.  He was there through all the youthful crushes. At the tender age of 1, my brother was there for MC Hammer. He was 4 when I fell in love with Immature. At 8, he didn’t realize it but I was mentally married to a thug.  He was always there, and he always had my back. Being five years apart, we never went to school together but the neighborhood knew I was his sister and he was my brother. Now, here we are…I’m in a mid life crisis and he’s in his prime. At 31 years old, he never was the over protective brother. He gave me just enough space and opportunity to do me. He would be vocal if necessary and I appreciated that. Sometimes the big sister had to let little brother be big brother and there were times he had to counsel me.
He’s my #MCM! Sometimes we single people get caught up in the hype of a fantasy. I’ve been in that hype majority of my life. Loving celebrities who don’t even care about your existence, and ignoring those who do. I want to dedicate my #ManCrushMonday to my brother, Weedee. If I told you his government name I’d have to kill you. He was my Weedee before any of you knew him. I watched him love me from a little brother’s point of view and be there for me when the crushes were nothing but a memory. He’s a stand up guy and if my crush is not even 10% of what he is made of, I am not interested. I challenge all single ladies who participate in weekly #MCMs to utilize your platform and shout out your loved one who is a male that has been CONSISTENT.  Many confuse a crush with someone who you have to date or be sexually involved with. No, a crush is someone who you can be intensely infatuated with, without it having to be inappropriate.
I salute you Weedee. Thank you for looking out for me when literally there has been no one I could turn to.  Having a crush on someone is fine and all, but having a real life bond for eternity with someone you respect and admire with the same DNA is incomparable.  No crush compares to my brother.
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sophygurl · 6 years
I love the question memes and my fave kind is the kind @pixiedane​ just tagged me in (thank you!). [Also sidenote: ILU @theawkwardterrier​ for always tagging me in the tagging memes but JSYK I won’t be doing the latest one because I’m just not really a picture person so I don’t really have a lot of pictures saved and the idea of trying to use whatever weird random stuff I might have saved to describe myself would just not work. But you’re the best and I’ll catch ya on the next one!]
The rules:
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
Write 11 questions of your own
And tag 11 people
1. What’s the meaning of your name? Does it suit you?
Rosemary doesn’t seem to have a specific meaning, although of course it’s an herb, and Rosemary is for remembrance, which is hilarious given my memory problems. Mary means bitter, so some name meaning sites say the meaning of my name is “bitter rose” which I guess is a nice combo of sweet and sad, which I would not really classify myself as. So, no, the various meanings of my name do not suit me.
The name itself? Does. I love my name, and while most people can’t be bothered with a 3 syllable name in casual conversation, my preference is to be called Rosemary and not Rose. Rose does not feel like me.
2. What’s a movie you never get tired of?
A lot of movies fit under this category, but the movie I have probably seen the most amount of times and can still watch either in full or in chunks and still enjoy every single second of no matter what is Dirty Dancing. 
3. Your favourite movie soundtrack?
Are we talking soundtrack as in collection of songs used in the movie and put into an album, or as in score for the movie, or?
Because nothing but nothing beats the Star Wars scores for me. Well, original and prequels and TFA anyway - the last two have diverged quite a bit which has felt odd to me but whatever. [Second place would be the scores for the 70/s80s Superman movies - also John Williams of course]
If collection of songs - then we’re back to Dirty Dancing.
Although if we’re considering soundtracks of musicals, then I’m gonna be reduced to flailing and just naming half a dozen or so, so we’ll just pretend that’s not part of the question. 
4. How would you describe your personal style?
Accidental? I pretty much just buy things that I find interesting, and then put things together that seem interesting to me, and then end up with some pretty ... interesting outfits. One of my roommates actually described my look yesterday as “crazy” if that tells you anything.
Think colors that don’t quite match, conflicting patterns, stripey socks, chunky jewelry, and then at times like now at the end of winter when I haven’t shaved my head in awhile - short floppy hair that is sticking up in all directions that I swear I tried to tame but it just doesn’t take. 
5. Name a fictional crush.
Spike from Buffy. Also Buffy from Buffy. And put them together? Double crush. 
6. What’s your motto?
I don’t really have a motto, per se, but I do have a mantra, which is: love, peace, joy, hope. Those are the qualities I try to embody, embrace, spread, whatever. All four are of equal importance to me. 
7. Are you a gamer?
If by gamer, you mean obsessively playing the Sims, then yes. But most people who consider themselves gamers would probably say no.
8. Would you rather spend time on a secluded beach or at a fancy cocktail party?
How about a fancy cocktail party on a secluded beach? Too much sand in the drinks, never mind.
Ah, these are both problematic for me. I don’t do so well with being completely alone, especially without some kind of distraction or diversion. I guess if I had a book with me on the beach, I’d be okay for a little while, but I’d also get uncomfortable super fast if there wasn’t, like, a comfy sofa or something to recline on. 
And I also don’t do well with fancy, or come to think of it with cocktails since I can’t drink any more with the meds I have to take. 
But, if I had to choose, I’d probably pick the party. I’d be dressed inappropriately (probably something with loud colors and polka dots?), and sitting in the corner mostly people watching, and I’d get overwhelmed and head home early, but still. 
9. Recommend a television series.
oohhhoooomygods just ONE?
I’ve rec’d this one many times, but since it just came back for season two last night (I haven’t watched the ep yet - it’s next on my list), I’m gonna recommend Imposters to you all again.
Imposters is a lil show with a small but dedicated fandom on Bravo. 
It stars Inbar Lavi (Prison Break, The Last Ship) as a con woman and Rob Heaps (Home Fires, And Then There Were None), Parker Young (Arrow, Suburgatory), and  Marianne Rendón (Mapplethorpe) as three of the people who she has swindled. Additionally, Brian Benben (Private Practice, Dream On), Stephen Bishop (Being Mary Jane), Chastity Dotson (Pitch, Veronica Mars), and Denise Dowd (Secrets and Lies, Beverly Hills 90210) star. 
The story of season one is that these three scorned exes find one another and begin a quest to find the woman they all alternately view as their loving spouse and the cruel con who stole everything from them. Along the way, they learn some cons of their own, gain back some of their confidence, and of course discover the power of friendship. 
There are many twists and turns along the way which I won’t spoil for anyone who wants to watch season 1 for themselves, but it involves cons within cons within cons and unlikely teammates. 
Also - Uma Thurman as a hitwoman.
As the finale of season one had our three scorned exes riding off together into the sunset, I am very excited to see where season two leads us. Seriously, you have to watch this show. 
[But if I may very quickly rec some of my other underwatched faves: 12 Monkeys, Colony, Counterpart, Ghosted, Insecure, Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, Madam Secretary, People of Earth, Scream, Speechless, Timeless, UnREAL,You’re the Worst - ask me about my underwatched faves plz.]
10. Do you have any phobias?
Boy howdy, do I! I have OCD, which often comes with phobias as part of the anxiety which leads to some of the obsessive compulsions. [FELLOW PHOBES MIGHT WANNA SKIP THIS PART - PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES.]
I have a slight germ phobia which I mostly don’t go deep into because I don’t have the energy to do what I’d need to do to feel better about it so I just make myself not-think about it really hard, but the underlying anxiety is Still There. 
This is especially true of what I call “poop germs” - which is anything that has ever been inside of a bathroom ever. This makes, you know, having to use bathrooms very upsetting and problematic for me, so again, I deploy my aggressive pretending it’s not there as much as I can, but poop germs can cause me to break down into tears on a bad day. Fun times!
I’m also an emetophobe, which means I’m terrified of throwing up - a fun little phobia to have when you have constant low-grade nausea which occasionally flares up to higher-grade, lemme tell ya.
Another biggie is infestation of any kind - so any kind of insect or small animal that comes into my home. Like, I am absolutely fine seeing these critters outside where they belong - I might even oooh and aaah. But the second I see one INSIDE - I’m screaming bloody murder and waking up the entire apartment complex. 
I’ve worked real hard at being less scared of the harmless single bugs that enter a home, especially the kind that EAT other bugs - so for example I am perfectly fine with spiders (being obsessed with Charlotte’s Web as a kid helps), and even centipedes after the initial screaming over how creepy they look is done. And I’ve gotten where I look insects up on websites that identify bugs and talk about them in positive/scientific ways and have stopped panicking about certain bugs and their larvae now as I can tell which ones are and aren’t actually harmful or prone to infestation. BUT. I’m still prolly gonna scream when I initially see them because eaauughhss. 
Those are the main ones, but the fun thing about OCD is that new ones develop all the time if you don’t stay vigilant about letting those obsessive thoughts do their thang, so I try real hard to ignore those news segments and articles about bringing black lights into hotel rooms and about all of the horrible ways people are committing violent crimes these days and other terrifying and/or gross things that might creep their ways into my fear center. 
11. What’s your rarest rarepair?
Oh, good question. I don’t tend to have rarepairs because the way I fandom is deep immersion into canon and not necessarily delving into fanon/fanfic. So even my non-canon ships tend to be ones that the canon itself at least played with a little bit or that the fandom-at-large has talked about enough that I start to see it. lol
I’m having trouble even thinking about a ship I have that could be classified as rare? It would probably be something involving Spike because I ship that fool with pretty much everyone he’s ever shared screentime with because he is just so yummy, and because Marsters was just really good about getting his character to bring interesting things out of whatever characters he was interacting with, and because he’s clearly so omnisexual that he just oozes chemistry with everyone he meets, but like. I’m also definitely not the only one who sees all that about him and also is shipping him left right and center. So. I’ll just toss out Spike/Harmony because I’ve never heard of anyone else who actually liked them together ha!
Phew! That was fun. I hope all of you all who I end up tagging have as much fun with my questions (and if not, feel free to use some of pixie’s).
My questions:
What is your #mood rn?
Tell me the sweetest childhood memory you can think of.
Favorite mythological/fantastical animal/creature.
What is your favorite mode of storytelling - for example, books, movies, TV shows, graphic novels, video games, etc. - and why do you think that’s your fave form?
Star Trek, Star Wars, or Starlord? (this is not a serious question and you may feel free to expound upon all three if you wish)
Favorite type of geographical location to visit, and is it different from where you prefer to live?
Name a character that you love, but who you would probably hate in real life.
Reboots, renewals, and revivals. Are they ruining your childhood or do you love ‘em?
Tell me about your favorite cookie (or other sweet if you don’t care for cookies).
If there is one thing people could just atomatically know about you upon meeting you that would make socializing with you better or easier, what would it be?
A lot of stories based on comics posit the theory that eventually humanity will evolve into at least some humans developing super powers. Suppose this started happening today - what would the results be, do you think?
(and of course, please consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this - I’d tag all of you if I could but I try and just pick folks I think enjoy doing these. if I’m ever wrong - please feel free and ignore the tag. additionally - please remember to tag ME so I can see your responses! also, feel free to re-tag me in this one since the questions differ and you all know how much I love to talk about myself.)
@absolutelyiris, @dianebluegreen, @c-l-ford, @theawkwardterrier, @the-invisible-queer, @brokenyellowcrayons, @knitmeapony, @fatherjerusalem, @swordsandparasols, @dmphelps, @nightlocktime
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
It’s tequila and beer so I shouldn’t be surprised
1. Do you prefer boys to shave down there? I prefer trimmed. I don’t want to feel like I’m fucking a well-endowed 12 year old but I also don’t want to be yanking all his hair out when I’m giving a handjob. Tbh it’s not a strong preference though. He can do what he wants.
2. Do you prefer liquid, mousse or powder foundation? Why? Powder because it feels less gross. I don’t generally wear any makeup though
3. How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? Mum knows a very small amount, but more than Dad knows. She knows I’ve dated two guys, at least.
4. Do you enjoy watching cooking shows? Not my scene
5. Do you worry about gaining weight? I don’t.
6. Have you ever used fake tan? No. In fact, I get a little weirded out when I have a real tan because my hands don’t look like my hands
7. How do you organize your make-up? There isn’t much. Doesn’t really need organising
8. Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? No. Except maybe if I’m extremely drunk...
9. Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? Apartment
10. What’s one event your town has that you don’t like to participate in? I don’t know all of Barcelona’s festivities. Brisbane has the Ekka which is fun. Things I don’t like to participate in would probably be sporting events like marathons and such.
11. Are any of your siblings married? What are their spouses’ names? No.
12. Does your father have any creepy or scary friends you don’t like? A couple of Dad’s friends are slightly seedy but just in a regular old white dude way, not in a legit creepy way. They’re all fairly nice.
13. Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? Yeah, Dad hates almost everything American.
14. What venue was the last real concert you went to at? Some showground in Madrid for a music festival.
15. Does your best friend and their mom have the same last name? Yes. Well, half. She has both parents’ last names.
16. What color is your cellphone? Black
17. Are you currently waiting for a phone call? From whom? Yes, I was supposed to get a call back from my health insurance company today. I’ll have to call them again tomorrow. At least I have a number to the english customer service line now.
18. Do you have any drugs in your bedroom? No
19. Is there a feature on your face that people compliment you on? Occasionally eyes I guess
20. What are your plans for the rest of the week? Figuring out how to get my luggage to weigh less than when I came to this country so I don’t have to pay extra baggage fees.
21. How many studded belts do you own? None.
22. Has your boyfriend/girlfriend ever had braces? Don’t have a partner.
23. What have you eaten today?

 Spicy rice soup, tabooleh, a mandarin, some chocolate
24. What’s your favorite thing to do? The thing that comes to mind is having dinner or drinks with my friends, possibly because I haven’t been able to do that for a year.
25. Did you wear a jacket today? Yes, I wore my coat when I went out
26. Have you kissed more than two people of the same sex? Yeah.
27. How many times have you had sex in one day? Twice 
28. Did you exercise at all today? Not on purpose
29. Would you ever move far away for a job opportunity? That’s the plan. Once I’m back in Australia I’m going to be applying for jobs in Spain and Central America in my field and if I get offered something with a liveable salary then I’ll move.
30. Are you too shy/embarrassed to tell people your middle name? No
31. If not, what is it? No bc internet
32. What day of the week is garbage day on your street? Three times every day.
33. What is something new you learned today? That my grocery store sells pigs ears, and that the drink “desperados” does not taste good (it’s tequila and beer so I shouldn’t be surprised)
34. Do you need a haircut? Yes
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? If I try
36. When was the last time you ate popcorn? It’s been a while. I finally learned that popcorn is not worth the dry cracked lips and the kernel shells stuck in my teeth and gums for all eternity
37. Do you like eating out at restaurants? Cheap restaurants. The more expensive they get, the less I enjoy the atmosphere.
38. Is your name common? In Australia it is, but not in Spain.
39. Do you look older or younger than your actual age? Younger. I got asked ID the other day for the first time in like 6 months. And also a cab driver thought I was 16.
40. Were you ever a Pokemon fan? Yes
41. If you could get rid of one season, which one would you choose? Six
42. Have you ever performed in front of a large group? Yes
43. Are you hungry right now? No, I’ve eaten so much today
44. Have you ever had the chicken pox? My brother got the chicken pox during the school holidays with the whole fever, mild hallucinations, etc. So mum went and got me the vaccine (the last needle I was ever scared of bc in the end it wasn’t so bad). Then I got the spots start to show up and school had just started again so I got 4 days off school. We later found out that because of the needle I wasn’t contagious at all. I never had a fever or illness at all, just the itchy spots. My brother was pissed. 44. How often do you do laundry? About once a week.
45. Do you know anyone who snores? Both my parents, the last guy I slept with, this one guy I was friends with in school. Nobody else immediately comes to mind. 46. Would you make a good movie critic? No, I’m too nice. 47. What goal are you aiming for this year? Pay off debt and start saving again so I get the fuck out of Brisbane again within a year or two. 48. What’s the farthest you’ve walked? In one day? I think about 25-30km 49. What does your favorite shirt look like? I think my current fave would be my dark red tshirt with little white birds on it. I also like my denim button-up and my netflix tshirt 50. What made you feel most accomplished in you’re life so far? Being able to earn enough money in a job that I love to be able to move to Europe for a year after learning a whole new language. 51. What can’t you afford but wish you could? I can’t afford to stay in Spain :(
Last 10 people in your Facebook messages inbox: (I’m excluding group chats)
1.       Joh
2.       Me (had to write a number while on the phone and didn’t have a pen)
3.       Kym
4.       Emily
5.       Bronwyn
6.       Dad
7.       Aman
8.       Pegler
9.       Leisa
10.     Brenda
1. How long have you known 1? 4 years
2. When did you meet 2? At birth
3. When was the last time you saw 3? Yesterday
4. Have you and 4 ever gotten into trouble together before? No
5. How old is 5? 47
6. Have you ever taken a shower at 6’s house? Many, because I grew up in that house
7. Have you ever taken a dump at 7’s house? Lol, no.
8. Have you ever thought about going out with 8? No
9. What about 9? She’s my auntie
10. Would you ever go out with 10 or ask 10 out? No, she’s my dad’s friend
11. What’s the best memory you have had with 1? Too many to choose just one
12. What’s 2′s lastname? yeah nah
13. Would you ever take a bullet for 3? Probs not, soz
14. What would you do if 4 died? I'd be sad
15. What would you do if you found out 5 killed someone that you were related to? That would be horrible since we’re related to the same people
16. Would you take care of 6 if they were sick? Yes
17. Would you kill 7 if it was the only way for your other friends to survive? Yeah... if it was the only way then I would
18. Has 8 ever cooked for you? We lived together for 3 years but I don’t think so..? Maybe we occasionally offered each other leftovers but we never specifically cooked for each other
19. How many times have you and 9 fought? Never in my memory
20. Have you and 10 ever cried together? No
21. Have you and 1 ever kissed? Lol yes every time we get drunk together
22. Do you ever dream of 2? Almost always
23. Is 3 a boy? No.
24. Does 4 have any kids? No
25. Do you want to marry 5? I do not want to marry my aunt 26. How did you meet 1? At an event we were both at and then we ran in the same circles 
27. What was your first impression of 2? I do not remember when I became self-aware 28. Would you ever date 3? No. She is my dad’s married friend with 3 kids 29. Are 4 and 5 friends? They have never met
30. Who is 6 going out with? Sharon, who he lives with 31. Is 7 a boy or girl? I feel weird calling him a “boy” because I used to sleep with him. He is a man. Aman, a man. A man called Aman. 32. What would you think if 8 became your stepbrother/sister? I don’t think either of his parents are a suitable match for my parents but he’d be a kickass brother 33. Is #9 a dork? No, not really
34. What is a random fact about #10? She’s Irish 35. Who does #1 have a crush on? Probably his boyfriend 36. Does #2 have any stalkers? No, I don’t 37. If #3 said they were in love with you, what would you say? It would be very inappropriate and I would say that it makes me uncomfortable.
38. Is #4 hott? I’m sure her husband thinks so. She is pretty though. 39. Who is #5 best friends with? idk 40. Does #6 have good fashion sense? Not especially, but if he tried to dress young he’d look worse. What he wears works for him. 41. Is #7 single? I think so. If he’s not then I’d wonder why he’s messaging me and saying he wants to meet up when I’m back. 42. Would #8 and #9 make a cute couple? God no
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missjugheadjones · 7 years
The New Girl
 Word Count: 3350
A/N: this was requested, and I had a lot of fun writing it. Be careful tho lol because there are some... interesting and kind of inappropriate names... don't be too confused, you'll understand if you read it, haha. Much love! Also I’m back after what feels like 10 years lol
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    "Welcome to Riverdale, a town with pep." Y/Ns mom read as they passed the sign, and Y/N sighed, choking back tears that were threatening to spill. She stared out the window watching as trees and houses passed by her in a blur, trying her best to observe her new home. "Y/N, are you okay sweetie?" Her moms voice called, and she faced the front of the car, giving a soft but fake smile.
    "I guess so, why?" she asked, and her mom shrugged, looking back at her daughter for a split second.
    "I don't know, you just looked like you were in one of those sad R&B music videos from the early 2000's, that's all." she said, and Y/N looked at her confused, to which her mom noticed through the rear view window. "Or is that too early for you to remember?" she asked, and Y/N rolled her eyes. "Maybe you're too young."
    "I know what you're talking about mom, I just didn't think I looked that emo." she mumbled, and her mom chuckled to herself.
    "You may not think you look like it, but you're definitely starting to sound emo." she mumbled to herself, thankfully Y/N didn't notice. Her mom sighed softly to herself, looking at her daughter through the rear view window again, watching as she sulked and stared outside.
    "Y/N, sweetie, I know you're upset about the move, but we will be okay. We just needed a fresh start, away from your school, away from the house, and away from your father." she said, watching as Y/N swallowed hard.
   "I know... I just miss James and my friends, that's all." she said, wiping the tear that strayed from her eyes.
    "James is always welcomed to visit, same goes for your friends." her mom tried to reassure, but Y/N shook her head.
    "They're 16 and we live hundreds, even thousands of miles away!" she spat, her voice shaking slightly.
    "You and James can make a long distance relationship work, I believe in what you two have." her mom said softly, but Y/N just huffed.
    "Doesn't matter, we broke up because we knew we couldn't make it work, we are too young." she said, more tears falling, and her mom slowly nodded her head.
    "I'm sorry honey, maybe you'll find someone new out here." she replied quietly, her grip on the steering wheel tightening. She just wanted to take her kid away from their old life, it wasn't a nice one and Y/N and her deserved better. She deserved better.
    After a few minutes more of driving, her mom pulled up into a driveway, and Y/N looked up from her phone, observing the nearby neighbors. In the house next to her she watched as a red-headed boy walked out of his house, a guitar in hand. His gaze caught hers for a split second before a blonde and a raven haired girl ran from a car parked in front of the house to him, bringing his attention to them. But then she saw another boy walk out of the house, and just like the first one his eyes met hers, although this time her breath caught in her throat and neither of them looked away.
    "Home sweet home." Y/Ns mom called, parking the car and Y/N jumped out of the car, eyes still on the boy in the neighboring lawn. The boy wore a grey crown beanie on his head, and wore dark brooding clothes. He was tall and seemed like he had gone through some shit, but she could see he was sweet, although it seemed like he didn't show that side of him often. The boy smiled softly, and she returned it, not noticing the blonde making her way towards her.
    "Did you just move here?" She asked excitedly, and Y/N snapped her gaze from the boy who had really caught her eye.
    "Betty, calm down, you'll scare the poor girl." The raven haired one said, and Y/N smiled sweetly, as to not look bitchy towards the two girls who were obvious just trying to be nice.
    "Oh hello girls!" Her mom said excitedly, closing the car door.
    "Hi!" The girls said in unison, and Y/N rolled her eyes, earning a chuckle from the dark haired boy.
    "I'm Stephani Wishings, and this is my daughter Y/N Wishings, we just moved here, in fact, this is our first day here." her mom said cheerily, hoping that the four kids standing in front of her would be friends with her daughter. She looked towards the ginger and smirked, he definitely seemed Y/Ns type, James was pretty similar to him.
    "Hi Y/N, I'm Betty Cooper." The blonde said, and the raven haired one smiled too.
    "Veronica Lodge, happy to be your friend!" she said happily, and Y/N smiled softly.
    "I'm Archie Andrews," the ginger called, making his way towards the group with the dark haired boy behind him. "And this is-"
    "Uh no, I can introduce myself, I know how to talk." he said, making Y/N chuckle slightly. "I'm Jughead Jones the third." he said, extending his hand to which she gladly accepted.
    "It's nice to meet you, Jughead." She said sweetly, and then quickly looked to everyone else. "It's nice to meet all of you."
    "Y/N sweetie, we should probably start moving stuff into the house, you can talk to your new friends when we're done." Her mom called, and Y/N turned to her and nodded. Stephani looked at her daughter still holding hands with the tall Jughead boy and gave her a suspicious look, to which Y/N realized what it was about. She looked at Jughead and pulled her hand away, blushing as she backed up.
    "We'll be at Pops diner later tonight around 8, you should join us." Jughead said, and Y/N nodded.
     "I'll be there." she quickly replied, and everyone nodded.
    "She'll be there if we're done with moving boxes and such inside!" her mom called, and Y/N faced her new friends, mouthing "I'll be there either way." The teenagers laughed and she made her way inside, smiling to herself.
• • •
    "You made it." Jughead said, and Y/N turned towards the booth where the boy was sitting, walking towards him.
    "I did, I have to admit though, I got lost trying to find my way here." She said, taking a seat and the boy laughed, closing his laptop.
    "We all do every once in awhile, don't sweat it. Anyways, you're new so you have an excuse." He said, and Y/N blushed slightly, a comfortable silence falling between them.
    "Where is everyone else?" Y/N asked, and Jughead checked his phone for messages and opened it up, texting his friends back.
    "They..." he started, typing away on his phone, and then setting it down. "They said they're on their way."
    "Oh okay, good." she said, and Jughead chuckled.
    "I'm sorry hanging out with just me is so terrible." He teased, and Y/Ns face drained, panic setting in that she'd given him that impression.
    "N-No, not at all it's just..." she trailed off as Jughead gave her an amused look, and she realized he was only kidding. "I mean yeah, absolutely awful. You're the worst."
    "Same to you, new girl." He said, and a waiter came over, placing a basket of fries between the two.
    "These are on the house, Pops says welcome to the neighborhood." the waiter said kindly, giving a smile to Y/N, and she returned it. The waiter leaned down to Y/Ns ear, checking to make sure Jughead could still hear what was being said. "He also says to watch out for this one, says he's complete trouble with writing skills that could kill and a look that can make all the ladies swoon." Y/N chuckled and the waiter left with a wink.
    "Thank you!" She yelled towards Pops who was behind the counter, and he gave her a nod in response, then she turned back to Jughead.
    "Anyways, as I was going to say before I was given that all important warning, thisnew girl has a name, you know. Or did you forget already, it wouldn’t surprise me." she joked.
    "I haven't forgotten," he started, faking offense. "You're... Jack Kanoff?"
    "Oh my god, no!" Y/N said, chuckling at his odd guess.
    "No? Damn... hmmm, are you Hugh Jazz?" he asked, a smug smile plastered to his face as Y/Ns burnt red.
    "Close, but no." she said, taking fries in her hand and popping them in her mouth. "Wanna give it one more go?" she asked, and he nodded, pretending to think hard.
    "Y/N Wishings, that's the name I was looking for." he said, and she nodded her head, giving a quiet and slow round of applause for the beanie clad boy.
    "I'm proud you finally got my name right, Ben Dover." Y/N said with a wink, making Jughead laugh so much he choked on his fries.
    "Did I just hear you tell Jughead to bend over?" Archie asked, sliding into the booth next to Jughead, and Y/Ns face burned bright red again.
    "That's what I heard too." Veronica teased, sitting by Y/N followed by Betty.
    "We were just calling eachother by outrageous names, that's all." Jughead said, winking over to Y/N, who for the first time since she had gotten to Riverdale, felt her stomach flutter. She was catching feelings for the raven haired boy, and she was...okay with it? Maybe he'd be the one to replace James, sure James and her were in love, but sometimes good things end so better things could come. She'd always love James, sure, but maybe, just maybe Jughead Jones would be her new love.
    "If you want to keep your crush on our very own Jughead Jones a secret, I'd refrain from staring too long." Veronica whispered, snapping Y/N out of her trance, and she panicked realizing that she had in fact been staring.
    "Oh, uh, thanks. I kinda zoned out there." Y/N whispered back, and Veronica nodded understandingly.
     "I don't blame you, he might be the towns black sheep but he's one handsome son of a bitch, gets it from his dad." Veronica said, and Y/N chuckled slightly with Veronica. "If it makes you feel any better, Archie, Betty, and I were talking about how Jughead wouldn't stop talking about you when you left for your house earlier, boy definitely is crushing on you, which is weird because before, we were almost certain he was incapable of any emotions at all. He's usually so... neutral." Betty leaned in as well, smiling at Y/N.
    "Very true, he's kinda emo." She teased, and the three of them laughed, making Archie clear his throat.
    "What are we talking about, ladies?" He asked, and the three of them separated, putting on their most innocent looks they could.
    "None of your business, Archiekins." Veronica said, giving a smile towards Betty and Y/N. For the rest of the night, the five of them joked around and ate, enjoying each others company's and at the end, Y/N smiled to herself as she got up from the booth, she had definitely found her new best friends.
• • •
    Y/N had been in Riverdale for 2 months now, and she was the happiest she had been in awhile. Sure Riverdale was going through some... rough patches as her mom would put it, but she had friends that made her feel like she belonged. When she was with them, she forgot about her old school, her asshole dad, and her old shitty and depressing life. Tonight was no different, Veronica, Betty, Archie and Kevin were going to go clubbing, and had somehow talked Jughead into joining. At first, Y/N was skeptical, and she knew her mom wouldn't go for it, but she decided a fun night with her friends would be worth the punishment she was sure to receive once her mom found out where she had gone.
    "Look at you!" Veronica exclaimed as Y/N walked out of the bathroom, and all eyes fell on her, Jugheads breath catching in his throat. Y/N made her way out of the bathroom in one of Veronica's dresses, a sparkly black, tight dress which was something Y/N would never go for, but Veronica made her, and she was kinda glad she did. She was wearing heels, again something she'd probably never do, and her nails were painted as well. She decided since it was a night out, she was going to go with makeup, and went with her signature winged eyeliner and mascara, but added a little something new, a red lip.
    "You look amazing!" Betty said, walking over and giving her a once over, making Y/N smile. She noticed Jugheads stare, and she felt herself melt, although she wasn't one to let it show, she stood taller and more confident and glanced around the room at everyone dressed up.
    "We ready to go?" Y/N asked, and everyone nodded.
    "Let's get our party on!" Kevin exclaimed, opening the front door, and everyone shuffled outside, Y/N and Jughead walking together in the back of the group.
    "You look great." Jughead said quietly, only loud enough for her to hear, and she blushed.
    "You don't look bad yourself, you clean up nicely." She said, and they climbed into the back of Archie's truck, the engine starting and Jughead took Y/Ns hand, and she leaned into him. They made their way to the club and somehow got in even though they were literally a group of 6 underaged teenagers.
    Betty and Archie hit the dance floor, Betty a giggling mess with Archie's hands on her waist looking all to happy to be dancing with the perfect girl next door. Kevin and Veronica had hit the bar, and were soon also on the dance floor as well, all eyes on them. Y/N and Jughead on the other hand were standing in a corner, sipping on Dr. Peppers and Rum, and talking to eachother.
    After an hour of chatter, Y/N felt her drink kicking in a bit and she felt an urge to dance. She excused herself and got two new drinks, hoping to drunken Jughead up enough to dance with her, and walked them back to him. She handed him his drink and they both took large drinks, shudders coursing through the two new drinkers.
    "Let's dance." Y/N blurted out, expecting Jughead to be completely against the idea, but he just shrugged.
    "Usually I'd say 'hell no' but dancing with you doesn't sound all that bad, so why the hell not." he said, taking her free hand in his, pulling her to the dance floor, Y/N giggling the whole way.
    "Look at you go!" she laughed as Jughead got down, swaying himself to the beat of the song, and Y/N did the same.
    "Look at you, I didn't know you could dance Willie Stroker." he teased, and she rolled her eyes, giggling.
    "We back at that?" she asked, and Jughead nodded, his beanie-less hair bouncing around. His face went from playful to serious, and Y/N gulped at the look in his eyes. She had seen it before, but from her ex James.
    "I have to tell you something." Jughead said, grabbing her free hand, and she nodded, hoping he was going to say what she thought. Before he could say anything though, a tug at her shoulder spun her around, and she gasped.
    "Y/N, I found you!" James said, pulling her into a hug, and Jughead stood confused. Y/N didn't know what to do, she didn't hug him back and he pulled away, looking down at her worriedly.
    "James I-uh. What are you doing here? How'd you find me?" She asked, backing up slightly towards Jughead who placed a hand on her waist. James noticed and his face hardened, looking at Jughead, but when he looked back towards Y/N, it softened.
    "It doesn't matter how I found you, but I'm here because the past two months without you have been hell. I love you, Y/N, and I miss you so damn much. I know you feel the same, you were so heartbroken when you left, and I knew in that moment you truly did love me and that we had something real. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to get back together." James said, looking hopefully down at the (y/h/c) girl.
    "What's going on here?" Veronica asked, and it was then Y/N noticed her, Archie, Kevin, and Betty were watching as this whole mess unfolded.
    "Y/N, can I steal your attention for a second before you answer him?" Jughead asked, and James folded his hands into fists, his jaw clenching.
    "No, you may-" he started, but Y/N interrupted him.
    "James, chill. Jughead, of course." She said sweetly, turning to face the raven haired boy.
    "What I was going to say, was that I'm falling for you, Y/N. I have been ever since you moved here, ever since we first locked eyes through your car window. And I totally understand if you don't feel the same way, although I could have sworn you did since the beginning, just like me." he said, and Y/Ns stomach fluttered, and her heart swelled.
    "Why you little-!" James yelled, starting towards Jughead but Archie intervened, pushing him back. James ran a hand through his brown hair, and Y/N looked back at him, and she didn't feel the spark in her chest she used to feel looking at him. It was gone, it belonged to Jughead now.
    "James, you should go home." She said quietly, realizing the whole club was now staring.
    "Not without knowing I still have you! You haven't gone and replaced me have you, with this emo!" he yelled, and Jughead rolled his eyes, his jaw now clenching. James was right, he was just a weird dark child, Y/N would no doubt go with James.
    "Don't call him that!" Y/N yelled. "I'm sorry James, but I don't feel that way towards you anymore." She said quietly, and Jughead perked up. She turned to face him, and handed her drink to Archie, who also took Jugheads. She placed both her hands on the sides of his face and smiled.
    "Please don't do this Y/N, you're drunk, you can't think straight." James said rudely, but she ignored him.
    "Jughead Jones the Third, I'm falling for you too, and I have been since the very beginning." She said sweetly, and he smiled, leaning closer to her.
    "I'm not seriously about to lose the love of my life to some skimpy loser namedJughead, am I? What the hell is this bullshit? Honestly, Y/N, I thought you had better taste-" James was cut off with a slap to the face, and when he looked up, he saw Y/N angrily staring at him. She quickly turned and kissed Jughead, his hands sliding to her waist.
    "I think it's time you leave." Archie said, and James rolled his eyes.
    "This isn't over, Y/N. You'll see soon enough you still love me, and that your wasting your time with that weird ass guy." he called as he backed up, and Y/N held up her middle finger while deepening the kiss with Jughead. They pulled apart and Jughead laughed.
    "Damn I got lucky you moved here." he said, and she nodded her head.
    "So did I. I traded an dick for a wonderful guy." Y/N said, and Jughead chuckled.
    "Damn right you did." He said cockily, and Y/N rolled her eyes. "Care to dance again?" he asked, taking his drink back from Archie and she did as well.
    "Absolutely." she replied, dancing again and he laughed, Archie, Betty, Kevin and Veronica joining them, the six of them dancing the rest of the night away.
Tag list: @do-not-call-me-sunshine @gelattoes @xbobaaa @katshrev @farmfreshcoldsprouts @sgarrett49 @always-chocolate @nadya0128 @vegaslodgeprimary @rainbows-and-glitter-bitch @lost-in-wonderland-x @aezthetically @mrs-jughead-jones  @nafa1604  @moonlight53  @mydelightfulcollectiontyphoon @bookloveaffair @twolittlehunters @reallyshortartist
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victakestaipei · 7 years
WEEK 1 RECAP: drip drying, pot stickers, and hand-sized snails
I’ve realized that during the weeks here, I’m going to be pretty busy. I am trying to keep a schedule (routine) so that I can have some sort of stability/consistency in this still-unfamiliar place. As a result, I will probably stick to blogging on the weekends, because my “me time” isn’t in excess like I’d hoped. So, with that…
Let’s start with Monday/Tuesday:
As you all know from my previous post, I had a bit of a stressful first day. But things definitely started looking up as the week trucked by…
I started taking the bus to class after the first day. As it turns out, the bus is way more convenient than the MRT. It’s less walking (to get to the bus stop) and it arrives to school in like 7min, and drops me off right across the street from the building that all of my classes are in. The bus is also cheaper than the MRT too! It’s just better in all aspects. One thing to note though is that the bus starts and stops pretty abruptly, so if aren’t holding on to something before the doors close, you will definitely lose balance and find yourself stumbling into the poor old asian woman standing next to you, minding her own business, umbrella and shopping bags in hand.
In terms of my class, that’s a long story so I’ll condense it a bit for ya’ll. My teacher’s name is Cheng, or “Cheng Lao Shi” (meaning Teacher Cheng). And it’s interesting to note the different dynamic of the Asian classroom. First off, there are 7 of us in the class.. three Americans, three Indonesians, and one Swiss guy. Our teacher is friendly and charismatic, like I said in my previous post. But now that the week has ended, I can tell she has this sort of dark humor.. and her facial expressions tell you everything you need to know about what she thinks of your horrible Chinese grammar. I try not to be sensitive because I know it’s not personal, but it’s hard when you already feel insecure about speaking Chinese to begin with. She also, like other Asian teachers, is keen on comparing the students… She says how one student in my class has horrible handwriting, and says that she should practice more so that she can write characters beautifully like I do. (which is a nice compliment I must admit, but she really ain’t had to say all that ya feel?) She even asked me (in front of the entire class) if I would help said student write better… It’s just awkward for me ya know? We all sort of joked/laughed about it but I know that if it was me I would have wanted to pop off.
We also have daily quizzes and homework which keeps me busy at night after I have my daily nap (yes you heard that right, daily nap)… And on my second writing quiz I got a 93%!! Hooray for progress!!
After class my friend Jeannie and I headed out to scout out the on-campus gym. Come to find out, since I am an exchange student and technically a student of NTNU, I get free membership! It is a small facility in terms of the weight lifting area, but the building as a whole is huge, and three or four floors. The weight lifting area has some pretty old/dusty machines, but they keep the AC blasting (thank God) and it has all the necessities I need. On Wednesday after class I headed to the gym with Jeannie and did leg day/abs, and then on Thursday I did back day/abs, and Friday I did chest/shoulders/abs. The locker rooms in the gym are also super duper nice. But I always forget that there’s no toilet paper in the bathroom… By Friday I finally got it through my thick skull that I need to bring my own toilet paper to the gym and into the bathroom itself. Drip drying has to be the most uncomfortable thing on Earth… but ya do what ya gotta do I suppose. 
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walking around NTNU after learning about my free gym membership^
On Wednesday I got up a bit later than I wanted to, so I headed straight to the grocery store after leaving the house in the AM so that I could grab some fruit for breakfast and head to the bus stop. I got a bit turned around when trying to find the bus stop, so I was a little stressed about the possiblity of being late to class. I hopped on the bus around 10am, and I still made it to campus by 10:10, giving me 10 minutes to cross the street and head up the elevator to my classroom. Class dragged on, and I found myself looking forward to those little 10minute breaks we get after every 1-hour of class. After class I hit the gym, and then after the gym Jeannie and I were craving smoothies. We found a cheap spot on the street market with fresh mango smoothies for 60NT! ($2 US). That smoothie had to be one of the best smoothies I’ve had. The mangoes here are so sweet and fresh and just bomb. I ended up getting another smoothie the following day (hehe). After the smoothies we hit up this other food stand where we got some really good fried squid and french fries (not your typical post-gym meal, but it was delicious). I definitely can see myself eating tons of calamari while I’m here because they offer it everywhere, so it’s good that I’m working out because all of this fried food can’t be good for my “summer body” lol.
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the mango smoothie place ^ and the fried squid/french fries   v
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Today was also the deadline to pay my dorm payment, which was 8800NT (around $295 US [for the entire summer]). Not too shabby right?? After lunch I hopped on the bus and headed home. On my way in, I stopped at the nearby 7/11 to use the ATM and make the payment. Here in Taipei you can go to the 7/11 for just about anything:  printing, copy machine, fax, ATM, food, drinks, buying train tickets, making payments, etc). And there’s a 7/11 on just about every street corner, making it all the more handy. However, I had alot of trouble at the ATM, and it was pretty frustrating. I have a Chase bank account that I never really use (not in the past 4 years at least). I definitely prefer to use my Wells Fargo account, but since my mom uses Chase, it’s easier for me to use that card because my mom can just send me money directly from her account and it’s instant. But, with my Chase account, I didn’t tell them about my travel plans so when I was trying to use the ATM (for my second withdrawal of the day), I was flagged and they put a protective block/hold on my account. After inserting my debit card about 5 more times, I finally gave up and went home. I was able to pay my dorm fee because I already had some cash on hand, and also my first withdrawal was a succcess. I called on Thursday and got everything settled, but it still bugged the hell out of me that I stood there at the ATM like a dumbass. 
After I got home my roommate Bunny told me that she bought her ticket for the Phillipines (which we have been talking about/planning for a few days now). I also had trouble purchasing my ticket online at first, so Bunny paid for my flight (which was about $95 roundtrip) and I ended up venmo-ing her the money after getting off the phone with Chase International Customer Service. We leave for our Phillipines trip in two weeks! I’m PUMPED!!! We leave on Friday early AM (like 1:30 AM) and return Monday early AM (between 1-2 AM). Then I have class on the following Monday at 10am, so I’m sure Monday’s class will drag on even more so than this week had.
Bunny and I ordered pizza for dinner after finishing our homework, and the pizza actually wasn’t awful (to my surprise). I ate the whole thing too fast (because I was starving and it was personal-sized), and crawled into my bunk bed to lay on my stomach. I knocked out shortly after that. 
The end of the week flew by.. Bunny ended up joining our intensive class because her class level was a bit too easy for her, and we had an open seat available (most classes are 8 students). So now Nick, Bunny, Jeannie, and I are all on the same class schedule (10:15am-1:15pm), and Nick/Bunny/I all have the same exact class. It’s definitely a bit more fun now, and Bunny and I sit next to each other so we always share quick glances when the teacher starts to verge on saying inappropriate things (and quite frankly, wildin’ out on our classmates, and us (occasionally)). On Friday I was super sore at the gym from the previous two days, and decided to do a quick chest/shoulder day. Now that it’s Saturday I regret that decision, because now literally every part of my body hurts… from my thighs to my butt, to my back and my chest/arms. I’m a mess. Crawling in and out of my bunk bed is 10x harder and I can’t help but moan in pain everytime I get up. 
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For dinner on Thursday, Bunny and I found this hole-in-the-wall potsticker place right by our campus. 
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As it turns out, this potsticker place is open from 8pm-3/4am, and they only serve potstickers, soup, and fried chicken. (the fried potstickers and fried chicken are pictured above ^) 
I have to give them a pat on the back though because they have a great location (right next to campus) and their hours of operation are superb. While walking to the potsticker spot, we ran into a couple quite large creatures. Some of them being large flying cockroaches (like thumb sized roaches with wINGS!!!!!) But the one I really want to note is this snail. We found a snail making it’s way across the sidewalk but it was about the length/size from the tip of my pinky to the bottom of my palm (where my palm and wrist connect). It was HUGE. and TERRIFYING!!!  
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We had a test on Friday in class, so Bunny and I reviewed a bit before hitting the hay on Thursday… The test proved to be quite easy actually so I feel really good about it (though I don’t have the grade yet.) Friday’s class flew by and after the gym I headed home to shower and lay down. It’s finally the weekend and I can finally relax knowing I have absolutely nothing to do until Monday. Lord knows I won’t do my assigned homework until Sunday night anyway, so I figured I would just enjoy this small break while it lasts. I would’ve blogged yesterday (Friday), but I elected to binge watch Netflix instead and I have no regrets. Last night (Friday night) we headed out around 9:30 to go to the movies! Bunny really wanted to watch the new Spiderman movie and it actually wasn’t bad. Yes the movie was in English (with Chinese subtitles) and the tickets were only 240NT (around $8 US), and for an extra 60NT ($2), we could have gotten popcorn and a drink!! Crazy how cheap everything is… but I decided to just buy the movie ticket because I wasn’t hungry after dinner and I had my hydro with me. Spiderman was definitely a good end to the week, although I wish Zendaya would have been the love interest instead of whoever the hell that other black girl was.
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elizabethwarleggan · 7 years
This is...the worst article about Elizabeth I’ve ever seen lol
They start by discussing how “She chose the security of a marriage to Francis over taking a leap of faith with Ross.” Besides the fact that this isn’t villainous, as they admit, the main reason Elizabeth did not marry Ross is that even when she waited on him for several days, he never went to see her to declare himself, as he knew would be appropriate. Elizabeth’s mother points this out to her, and as the script says, this puts “the final nail in the coffin of her hopes” even though she had just said to her mother that she did not care about reputation and security but it seems clear Ross has abandoned her (this is something she and Aunt Agatha both bring up in episode 9, as now Ross has abandoned her twice). Moreover, Elizabeth also loves Francis and at the time he seemed a good future partner all the same. She could not have known how dissolute and unfaithful he would be, however much he began to make up for it in the end. 
Elizabeth is also villainous bc apparently she owes her entire life to Demelza now that Demelza saved Geoffrey-Charles’ life - forgetting somehow that not only did Elizabeth nurse Demelza afterwards but also that that has...nothing to do with anything that happens later, after her husband has fallen down a mineshaft and died and Ross decides to force himself on her lol
“It is hard to believe that Elizabeth could not have pursued other suitors after Francis’ death in Poldark Season 2, and yet she settled on Ross’ sworn enemy, George Warleggan (Jack Farthing) as her new husband. Did she really not know this would grab Ross’ attention? It would be one thing for Ross not to have her, but to know that she was marrying the man who tried to kill him was a bitter pill that Elizabeth should have known Ross would have a hard time swallowing.”
“It is hard to believe Elizabeth could not have pursued other suitors.” Is it really? It’s as Cary points out - she’s an “aging” and penniless widow with a son. All three of those things don’t make her marriage material, no matter how pretty she is. The historian of the show itself said Elizabeth made the only choice that made sense if she wanted to be able to provide for her son, which is what Elizabeth says over and over again. Also, Elizabeth doesn’t know that George tried to have Ross killed. Francis suspected George had something to do with the writing of the broadsheets defaming him and Demelza told Verity about it, but Elizabeth never knew and says she doesn’t think that was intention directly to Ross before he forces himself on her. 
“When Demelza confronts Elizabeth about how she is occupying Ross’ time in Poldark Season 2, Elizabeth barely utters a response. It is here that Elizabeth’s quiet manipulations take full form. She maintains a ladylike façade, while she secretly works to destroy Demelza’s marriage.”
How is maintaining the high ground while Demelza is tearing into her “manipulative?” Ross is the head of the family and Elizabeth’s only point of contact and source of advice for their shared finances. She lives alone in Trenwith with only her mother and Agatha, neither of whom offer any useful advice - only tell her she’s starting to look old and she’s not leaving the house enough. Elizabeth doesn’t let Ross wrap her shawl around her or lend her his coat - she enjoys his company both because she does have feelings for him and is terribly lonely but never lets things go beyond a fiscal relationship and a general friendship. As Heida has said as well, Elizabeth never planned to break up their marriage, and that much is clear if you bring a level of basic comprehension to bear while watching the show. 
“When Demelza confronts Elizabeth about her encounter with Ross in Poldark Season 2 Episode 10, Elizabeth barely reacts, her smug disposition never slipping an inch. Elizabeth knows that she has plotted to destroy Demelza’s marriage, and feels no remorse.”
Demelza swoops in to blame Ross’ behavior completely on Elizabeth - saying she “roused a passion in him he could not withstand” as if Elizabeth is some kind of a witch with unstoppable power over men (interesting how Demelza blamed Ross when they were arguing but ultimately blames Elizabeth for his actions - why the writers chose to do this and present it as correct rather than just an understandable emotional impulse on Demelza’s part I will never understand). Elizabeth certainly didn’t force him to break into her house and rape her with a love potion. Ross “took what was not rightly his and walked away from the consequences” completely of his own volition. His disgusting, monstrous choices are his own and Elizabeth had nothing to do with them. Elizabeth’s expression isn’t smug - it’s angry, hurt, scared, and sad. It’s many things, but smug isn’t among them. 
“Even as Demelza and Francis sit a few chairs away, she flirts with Ross, rousing his memories of their past, and she succeeds in rekindling a flame that should have been extinguished years ago.”
Ross had already nearly kissed her not long before this particular scene which she stopped him from doing. The “flame” was very much still there and even if it wasn’t, Elizabeth is not responsible for Ross’ feelings. It was inappropriate to bring them up but all she told him was that they were special to each other, even if they were happy with and would remain with other people. It was hardly an invitation to an affair, and certainly not an invitation to break into her home and force himself on her. Again, Ross’ decisions are entirely his own. At that point, Elizabeth had made a definite decision to marry another man for the sake of her son which she repeatedly reminds him of when he berates her for her decisions, so Ross’ emotional instability and cruelty are nothing she had any control over. And all that aside, no victim of rape or sexual assault ever does.
“According to Radio Times‘ report on that aforementioned footage from Poldark Season 3, Ross rushes to save Elizabeth as her horse carries her towards the edge of a cliff. Has Elizabeth’s horse actually lost control, or is she trying to get Ross’ attention? The latter scenario is not outside the realm of possibility.”
lol what the FUCK is this person on about??? Elizabeth is trying to bring on labor early and she basically tells Ross to leave her the fuck alone and has no idea he’d come riding up on his horse to play the gallant, nor does she want anything to do with him afterwards.
“Elizabeth’s behavior on Poldark is arguably as diabolical as her new husband, George.” lmao im...what...I love George but he is a crafty, manipulative bastard and he is so far down the moral scale compared to Elizabeth - that’s not “arguable,” it’s just a fact...fire this person and give me their job bc they cannot analyze media to save their life
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ncctifer · 8 years
Firstorderofhux/ / star for the relationship meme
Send ‘✩’ for the following:– @first-order-of-hux​
Who is more likely to raise their voice? HuxWho threatens to leave but never actually does? BlooWho actually keeps their word and leaves? Hux did, once, and it ended up in a total disaster.Who trashes the house?  Bloo but Hux chews her out when she does.Do either of them get physical? NO!How often do they argue/disagree? Very rarely.Who is the first to apologise? Bloo usually is.
Who is on top? Hux most of the time.Who is on the bottom? Bloo is a pillow princess most of the time.Who has the strangest desires? They’re both pretty naughty.Any kinks? biting, scratching, glove kink, probably a little worship kink. Bloo’s still pretty inexperienced so she’s just learned about these things.Who’s dominant in bed? It depends on the situation. If Bloo is feeling like being dominant, then she’ll happily take over.Is head ever in the equation? hell yesIf so, who is better at performing it? Bloo is great at it but I think Hux because he has more experience? I mean, it’s something different with a guy giving it to a girl but.Ever had sex in public? lmao, yes.Who moans the most? BLOOWho leaves the most marks? BLOO DOES ARE YOU KIDDINGWho screams the loudest? um….neither?Who is the more experienced of the two?Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? a mix of both.Rough or soft? this depends on the situation and how both are feeling.How long do they usually last? could be a nice while but not long for Bloo. though she can usually go for a couple times.Is protection used? you fucking better believe it.Does it ever get boring? hell nah.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Bloo is totally down to have sex in a TIEfighter.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? yes?If so, how many children do your muses want/have? just one, honestly. I think Bloo would go crazy with more than that.Who is the favorite parent? They both are but for different reasons.Who is the authoritative parent? Hux, but in the most loving way.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? BlooWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? BlOOWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Bloo makes sure they always go and Hux makes sure they show up on time.Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Bloo always goes, sometimes Hux gets too busy.Who changes the diapers? They take turns.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Depends on who’s turn it is.Who spends the most time with the children? Bloo but just barely.Who packs their lunch boxes? Bloo makes Hux write little notes before she packs the lunch.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Hux lolWho cleans up after the kids?Who worries the most? They both do!!!Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? BLOO
Who likes to cuddle? BlooWho is the little spoon? BLOO MOST OF THE TIME.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? BlooWho struggles to keep their hands to themself? hUX >.>How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? 10-15 minutes.Who gives the most kisses? Bloo.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? watching the stars and cuddling.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? in bed?Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? blOOHow often do they get time to themselves? At least once a day.
Who snores? HuxIf both do, who snores the loudest?Do they share a bed or sleep separately? share a bed. (Bloo usually sleeps in his quarters.)If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? They cozy up tight.Who talks in their sleep? BlooWhat do they wear to bed? Hux wears silk pajamas and Bloo just wears an oversize shirt and underwear.Are either of your muses insomniacs? both have problems sleeping.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? no, neither of them would rely on pills for sleep.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Bloo tangles herself around Hux.Who wakes up with bed hair? HuxWho wakes up first? Hux.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Hux…What is their favourite sleeping position? cuddled up together.Who hogs the sheets? Bloo.Do they set an alarm each night? Hux does but Bloo ends up ignoring it.Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes.Who has nightmares? both.Who has ridiculous dreams? Bloo,Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? HuX because HE’S SO BIG.Who makes the bed? Hux.What time is bed time? Whenever work is finally done.Any routines/rituals before bed? Not usually. Just sleep.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? bloo.
Who is the busiest? Hux.Who rakes in the highest income? HuxAre any of your muses unemployed? no.Who takes the most sick days? Bloo but only because she ‘can’Who is more likely to turn up late to work? BLOOWho sucks up to their boss? both? Hux sucks up to the supreme leader and Bloo sucks up to Hux.What are their jobs? General of the First Order and First Order TIE pilot.Who stresses the most? Hux.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? kinda?Are your muses financially stable? hell yeah.
Who does the washing?Who takes out the trash?Who does the ironing?Who does the cooking? Hux,Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Bloo.Who is messier? Bloo.Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Bloo, much to Hux’s disdain.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Bloo.Who forgets to flush the toilet? EW.Who is the prankster around the house? Bloo.Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?Who mows the lawn?Who answers the telephone?Who does the vacuuming?Who does the groceries? they both do!Who takes the longest to shower? Bloo.Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Hux because of his hair.
Is money a problem? hell noHow many cars do they own?Do they own their home or do they rent?Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?Do they live in the city or in the country? Do they enjoy their surroundings?What’s their song? to be determined.What do they do when they’re away from each other? Bloo makes sure to stay in almost constant contact with Hux because she gets worried so easily.Where did they first meet? In a meeting where Bloo got promoted to her current position.How did they first meet? through work.Who spends the most money when out shopping? BlooWho’s more likely to flash their assets? Bloo does this but only in private.Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Hux.Any mental issues? probably but that’s no one else’s business.Who’s terrified of bugs?BlooWho kills the spiders around the house? Has to be Hux.Their favourite place? The viewports on the Finalizer, anywhere really private.Who pays the bills? both?Do they have any fears for their future? Bloo’s scared mostly about what the war might do to them.Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? if it’s take out, Bloo. if it’s home cooked, Hux.Who uses up all of the hot water? Bloo.Who’s the tallest? Hux, for sure.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?blOOWho wanders around in their underwear? ALSO BLOOWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? BLOO HERe TOO.What do they tease each other about? Bloo sometimes teases Hux about how serious he is.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Hux probably does at Bloo once in a while because she doesn’t really have much clothes apart from her uniform.Do they have mutual friends? yes.Who crushed first? Bloo but Hux crushed shortly after.Any alcohol or substance related problems? Nah?Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Bloo did it once and, seriously, never again. She was so sick.Who swears the most? bloo
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silvershadow1398 · 6 years
Are you young at heart, or an old soul? Idk, both in different ways
What makes someone a best friend? To me, someone I can be around 24/7 and not get tired of bc I get tired of everyone normally
What Christmas (or Hanukkah) present do you remember the most? I got a GoPro this year
Tell me about a movie/song/tv show/play/book that has changed your life. Happy Feet is the reason why the emperor penguin is my favorite animal
Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike. I have nice hair, but I hate my face
Would you like to reconnect with any friends you’ve lost contact with? Sure, maybe a few from high school
What’s more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection? Emotional connection
Name a movie that you knew would be terrible just from reading the title. Emoji movie
What holiday do you most look forward to? Christmas
How is the relationship between you and your parents? Not perfect, but very good
You’ve got the TV on, but you’re not really watching. What channel is the TV on? Usually the news
Name a song that never fails to make you happy. Anything by Muse
You know at least one person named Michael. Tell me about him. The brother of the only guy I’ve ever kissed
Have you ever read the “missed connections” on Craigslist? Have you ever posted one, or wanted to? No
If you could pick anywhere to live the rest of your life, where would it be? Kennebunkport, Maine
Can money buy happiness? It helps, but no
Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not? Nope to both
Is there anyone close to you that you know you can’t trust? You don’t have to give names. There’s a lot of people I don’t trust
Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid? The bookstore
Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? No
Do you enjoy being with only one or two friends, or with a large group of people? I like being with 2-8 friends
Do you like the type of music your parents listen to? Do your parents like the type of music you listen to? Not really, and I don’t think they care for the most part but they’ve enjoyed songs I’ve showed them
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied anyone else? Yes and yes
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Spaghetti
If your partner wanted to wait until marriage before having sex, would you stay in that relationship? Of course and sometimes I feel that way
Do you believe in a god? Sure
Of all the social networks in the world, why use Tumblr? I can be fully honest here, no judgment
What’s your favorite Tumblr tag to track? Any of my fandoms
Would you call yourself/your family “middle class?” Yes
Name a TV series you didn’t enjoy until after it ended. Idk I don’t watch TV that much
Have you ever bought a product from an infomercial? Yes
If you could give up your car and never have to drive again, would you? If I could find another way to get around, yes
If you go back to one point in time to give advice to yourself, when would you go and what would you say? Don’t take 6 weeks of summer intensive, get a job instead
What’s your “quirkiest” habit? I click the right side of my jaw
What is “normal?” Are you normal? You live up to society’s expectations and no one judges you or laughs at you, I am NOWHERE NEAR normal
Someone close to you is dying. You have the choice to let this person live for 10 more years, but if you do, you cause the death of 10 strangers. You don’t have to see them die. Do you take the offer? Pretty grim, but yes…
What is one thing you could never forgive? People who have used me and/or were fake to me
Would you rather be in a relationship after the honeymoon period ends, or be single? It depends on how much I care for and love the person
Is it possible for guys and girls to be just friends? Of course
Where do you and your friends go to hang out? One of our dorm rooms
Write the first paragraph of your obituary. Jesus Christ I am choosing not to go there rn
What is the best TV theme song ever? Everywhere You Go, Full House
When you were young, what would you dream you would be when you grew up? Pilot or astronaut
When you’re alone in your own home, do you walk around naked? No
What gets you out of bed in the morning? Needing to pee
Do you want to have more friends than you have right now? Yes
What part of the past year sticks out in your mind? When I got accepted to my study abroad university
You win a scratch-off lottery game that gives you $2000 a week (after taxes) for the rest of your life. Do you keep your job? Nope!
Could you be in a long-distance relationship? If you’re in one, what makes yours work? If I really really care about this person and see a future with them, then we’d figure it out!
What’s the best route to your heart? You accept me for who I am and you’re not socially tiring to be around
Have you ever met someone through the internet, then met them in real life? No
What is your favorite sport? I dance, but I enjoy watching gymnastics and figure skating
What has been troubling you lately? Stress over upcoming travel
Did you enjoy your high school prom? If you haven’t gotten there yet, do you look forward to it? If you didn’t go, why not? Lol no I hated it
What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning? Logical reasoning
Do you know what makes you happy? Anything in which I can be in the moment and truly enjoy life
Tell me about the last book you read. I don’t remember
What is the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given? Someone at school told me they liked my eyeliner
Who was your first crush? A boy when I was in 3rd grade… ugh
Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Yes
Predict what your life will look like a year from now. My final semester of college!
Often, people will ask how your last relationship ended. I want to know how it began. Never been in a relationship
Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? Any Italian restaurant
What is something you want to change about your current situation? Can I just go to Australia already
Early bird or night owl? Night owl af
Are there any childhood possessions you still hold on to? Yes
Give me an unpopular opinion you have. I am not a huge fan of Harry Potter! I have a house, I definitely know things about Harry Potter, and I support people who enjoy it, but I’m not a fan!
What was the last song that was stuck in your head? The Lollipop song lol
Where do you live? Be as general or specific as you want. New England USA
Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation? I believe in giving medals and trophies for achievements, but not to define first, second, third, etc. place
What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken? 13 hours
Have you ever taken part in a protest? No
Would you ever use an online dating service? NO
What is your ethnic heritage? Chinese
Describe a person that inspires you. Dan Howell and Phil Lester
If you earn minimum wage doing what you love, would you? No
Do you believe in luck? Yes
Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. Chances are I’m probably very upset while dealing with people I dance with the majority of the time
Do you want to live until you’re 100? Nah
Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change? Yes, you have to support each other and be there to help the change occur in a good way
Have you ever risked a friendship by telling someone you liked them? No
Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy, or doing something you don’t like with your best friends? Alone doing something I enjoy
Do you practice what you preach? I try
If you take precautions to stay safe, do you ultimately act more recklessly? Nope
What do you value more in a significant other: Attractiveness or intelligence? Intelligence
Are you hard-headed? Not 100%, but yes
Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate? Not uncontrollably, but yes I’ve laughed
When have you felt most alive? When I do something I didn’t think I could do before, and when I achieve something
Would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains? Somewhere between city and suburbs
Do you often skip breakfast? No
How do you know what true love is? Never experienced it so idk
Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die? Not really
Where is “home” for you? The place in my current residence which I feel safest
What song best describes your life right now? Idk
Do you want to be perfect? I used to want it and I still struggle occasionally with it, but ultimately no
What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? What’s holding you back? Having an amazing job and being able to travel a lot, I am still financially and emotionally dependent on my parents lol
How do you express your creativity? Dance, photography
Describe your neighborhood. I don’t talk to anyone
Name something you only liked because it was popular. Idk, music maybe
Give me the story of your life in six words. Chinese adoptee who doesn’t know herself
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 6 years
OKAY. so. it’s late and I gotta wake up in 4 hours and 15 minutes and get on a plane and this was probably bad planning on my part but today was overall pretty good! I had my alarm set for 11:35 to get to my haircut appointment at 1 (25 minutes to get ready and eat breakfast, hour to get downtown), but I woke up at 10:40 and I was like I bet if I check my phone right now I’ll have a message from Jess about getting breakfast since that’s kinda our thing now so I checked my phone and I did, so we said we’d meet there in 15, at which point I got out of bed, brushed my teeth (and evidently neglected to take my pills, oops), get dressed and get out the door. I’ve been trying to diversify my meal choices because I’m generally super boring and order the same thing whenever I go to a certain place, so I’ve been trying to get some variety lol. So far I’ve had their french toast, their banana bread french toast, their french bread pudding, their caramel apple pancakes, and today I got the smores pancakes. I got the closest I’ve been to actually finishing my meal today since it was a “short stack” (meaning 2) of pancakes instead of the full order of 3. But it was quite good as always and breakfast company is always enjoyable. It was about an hour later when we finished up, so I started walking to the train from there. This is the red line, which I took every day to get to school but since I haven’t had many needs to go downtown recently I haven’t been taking it as much. so I make it on the train, everything is good, then I get off at the stop nearest to the ulta I go to for haircuts, but then my gps decided to be very weird and not terribly helpful in getting me the last like, 0.2 of a mile there, so that was kind of a pain in the ass but eventually I figured it out and made my way there. Haircut was good, I always like seeing my haircut lady because she’s super fun and I always like catching up with her, I hadn’t been in a solid 3 1/2 months since I’d been spending all of my time studying for the bar (so of course my hair was SO overgrown) and I was like oh man, she’s gonna think I left for new york without telling her because we last left off with me not sure whether I would stay here or go to NY, so I was happy to tell her I’m staying. Hair wise, I did basically the same thing as last time, short in the back and longer bangs in the front, how I like it. So that was a good interaction, we always discuss media and how it affects things, so I always give her updates about the legal position Adnan Syed and Brendan Dassey are in (and end up having to explain the tiered court system to do so, but we managed) and we talked a bit about the second season of 13 reasons why because we had previously discussed the first season so she wanted to know what I thought about that, so of course I said I feel like they went way overboard and it honestly hurts the real kids in high school going through terrible bullying or being terrible bullies by making them think “well things aren’t /that/ bad like it is in the show, so this isn’t really a big deal” which of course leads to a whole other load of issues. And of course we talked about the two scenes in the finale (you know which ones I’m talking about) that were IMO totally inappropriate and unnecessary, sheerly for dramatic effect and with no regard for how it would effect the vulnerable teenagers this show is marketed towards, and I’m basically at the point where I’m jumping off this bandwagon and won’t be watching the third season, because they’ve shown their hand as far as what their priorities are, and it’s making a dramatic show that will get them money and fame, not to actually discuss the awful things that go on in high schools that lead kids to die by suicide like Hannah Baker, which is a fucking shame because there. are. so. many. Hannah Baker’s out there who are one mean comment away from taking their own lives, and to be approaching a media project about those issues and completely disregarding how it would actually effect the real teens and young adults struggling with these issues is really just indefensible to me. okay, I’ll stop my mini rant there. But yeah, haircut was good, got back on the train and then made a stop at Target to grab a prescription and a few odds and ends (like, mouthwash, shaving cream, a birthday card, and a box for mailing purposes), then got an uber pool home partially because I’m lazy but also partially because I can’t get my public transit app to open and I’m worried I’m gonna run out of cash on it, so I’ll have to figure that out at some point. But I got home and started on all I needed to get done, starting with putting in a load of laundry. I then sat down to write out the birthday card, it’s for one of the little kids whose parents were on the staff for tour back in 2014 and he’s turning 9, and his mom posted that he really likes getting stuff in the mail and has already excitedly been checking it so she would love to get a bunch of cards sent to him, so I bought a funny one with a squirrel taking a selfie on the front, then on the inside says “hope you’re having yourselfie a great birthday” or something like that because that sounds like 9 year old boy humor, to my best estimate anyway. so I wrote all that out and then tried to make it look fun and I tried to draw a balloon on the envelope but I can’t draw so instead I have a badly drawn balloon with an arrow pointing to it saying “badly drawn balloon” because kids. Okay, enough about that. Other than doing laundry most of the rest of my day was focusing on finally getting stuff hung up in my room, started with the mockingjay posters I had in the frames. I ended up having to move things around a good amount to fit them in places because they are BIG (like 27″ by 40″) and then had to mount them on a nail on everything and was very intense lol but I managed. Then I just spent most of the time relocating the stuff I had taken off the walls to fit the posters and then hanging some of the photo ops and posters I hadn’t gotten the chance to hang yet, so now my walls are very crowded but I’ll have to figure out a few other places to hang things 😂 so basically I did that for a few hours, then when my laundry was done I sorted it and then used it to pack my bag for North Carolina tomorrow. I’m going to be there for a full week so I wanted to make sure I got everything, and I’m super annoyed at my insurance company’s mail in order program because they promised me a package for over a week now that was supposed to come today but didn’t, and now I’m gonna be low on meds for the next week add have to hassle my doctors office again about getting me an emergency supply for the third fucking time in the past work which idk if they’ll even do, so that’s another fun thing I’ll have to deal with. I just typed everything from “I’m super annoyed” on to now with my eyes totally closed and I only missed one key stroke, in case you were wondering lol. but yeah, I’m super tired. The other thing I did was put in the overtone deep treatment which has added a nice richer red color to my hair, and it’s not quite as bright as Mera’s hair but it’ll do for now being that anything else would probably involve bleaching my hair and I ain’t about that. So I packed and took care of shit then wasted time doing stupid shit and in case you couldn’t tell by the fact that I typed all of that with my eyes closed, I’m very tired right now so I should definitely sign off now. I downloaded the heathers musical bootleg onto my computer so I can watch it on the plane tomorrow just for kicks 😂 so that should be fine. alright, that’s it. Goodnight kiddos. See you on the other side.
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geekysweetie · 8 years
Makura no Danshi - Pillow Boys - Anime Review
OK…. I just watched one of the weirdest anime of my life… Well two of the weirdest anime of my life…. And I didn’t really hate it?..
The first anime I came across is a relatively new anime called OneRoom. In OneRoom, everything is supposed to be in first person… except… only… it’s not??? Because why then can I keep seeing almost up the backs of the girls’ skirts?! Do I have hidden cameras in my apartment? Do I have super powers? Am I having an out of body experience? The answer is NO, they just wanted to cram as much fan service as humanly possible into each 4 minute episode…
Not only that…. But it is the first anime I’ve ever watched which puts YOU in the anime…. or tries to… but fails miserably at this… They make it so you never see, hear, or know anything about the main character… sort of… only except… you do know/assume what he is saying based on the things the girls are saying to you… And unless you’re a total pervert, chances are whatever the anime thinks the main character is feeling/thinking/saying doesn’t line up with what you’re actually feeling/thinking/saying while watching it… so it’s still almost impossible to immerse yourself into this supposed “blank slate”.
While watching it, I felt like I was playing Love+ (a dating sim game), except I wasn’t playing anything at all. It was like a waifu simulator, with all the gamification and simulation parts taken out.
Still… because the artwork was cute… and the music was catchy… and most of all because the episodes were only 4 minutes long, I kept watching….
While reading reviews after watching, just to laugh at peoples “WTF” comments…. I discovered there’s a version of this “anime experiment” designed for women as well….
Enter Makura no Danshi! Pillow Boys! An anime by the same studio as OneRoom, Makura no Danshi, or Pillow Boys, features a different Pillow Boy each week.
What the heck is a Pillow Boy? In Japan, for both guys and girls, there are anime pillow cases that fit large body sized pillows. WARNING NSFW: https://www.aliexpress.com/promotion/promotion_anime-male-body-pillow-promotion.html
This anime was blatantly created for one sole purpose… to sell such pillow cases…. and this anime is effective at doing that… Before watching this anime, I knew about the Pillow Boyfriend / Pillow Girlfriend trend in Japan…. and I’d looked at such pillow cases before… I didn’t have a large pillow at the time though; About 3 weeks ago I got a really big expensive memory foam body pillow…. It’s currently dressed in a not very feminine or kawaii dark color…. Watching Pillow Boys reminded me that I could get something more Kawaii that would fit my image, my room, my decor, my life. I already cuddle my pillow every night so why not cuddle it and look at cute anime boys too lol. So I will probably buy one of these pillow slips, as soon as I decide which one I want… there are literally hundreds of styles, some from popular games and anime, and others completely original characters.
So now that you know what a Pillow Boy is… let’s move on to the actual review…
Title: Makura no Danshi! Pillow Boys!
Episodes: 12
Episode Length: 4 minutes
Studio: Feel
Publisher: Imagineer
Release Date: 2015
Genre: Slice of Life, Shoujo, Romance, “Pillow Boy Simulator?” lol.
Where to Watch: Crunchyroll
Overall: 35/55 64% D “Average Anime for Girls”
Geeky: 1/5? lol… Not sure… I mean it does have pretty art, and actually I really like the opening theme song, and it IS geeky, because I mean, who else buys these pillows except for geeks. But I can’t in good faith give it a higher score here, because aside from the opening theme, there’s almost no other music, each episode is 4 minutes long, and there’s literally no plot, and it’s just weird as heck lol.
Sweetie: 5/5 – at the opposite end of the rating spectrum, this is an incredibly cute, kinda awkward, and at times highly inappropriate, funny, fun, anime…
Concept: 6/10 — Fanservice for Women. Blatant money-grab anime whose sole purpose is to sell merchandise… but yet… oddly… interesting… and entertaining… Each week a new Pillow Boy is introduced… and they’re all pretty cute and likeable….
I want to make a comment here… but it may be a spoiler… not that the story is important or even coherent in this series… but just in case, using my spoiler tags… you can click to read… it’s about the ending of the final episode…
Perhaps the weirdest thing about this anime is, I believe that the characters actually ARE pillows throughout the anime, not just cute guys who the main character (You) spend your time with… My reasons for believing this include, in the final episode the Pillow Boy says “Hey!! Don’t Fluff me! That’s so mean!” Now why on earth or even how on earth would you fluff a person? You could fluff their HAIR maybe, but that’s not what the character says… Also there’s the fact that You are always tired and/or sleeping in every episode… And… the fact that all of these guys know where you live, sleep in your bed, and seem overly familiar with you, and that’s odd especially for Japanese cultures even more so than American culture, and it STILL seemed weird to me too as an American. My first thought was WHY do I have so many different boyfriends, and how do they know where I live, and why are we sleeping together all the time? — All of these things led me to the conclusion that not only are they ACTUALLY PILLOWS; but that YOU as the viewer are well aware of this fact, and that YOU as the viewer and main character, are actually talking to and fantasizing about your pillows… making you perhaps one of the saddest, most desperate, lonely main characters that I have ever seen… On the other hand, you could just be dreaming in each episode, which would be less creepy, and also less funny, than someone talking to their pillows and pretending to be in a relationship with them lol.
And when you realize THAT, it kinda completely changes the entire tone of the anime lol.
Story: 3/10 – Each week a new Pillow Boy is introduced, each episode is self contained and stand-alone. Each episode consists of the Pillow Boy talking to you about his day, and asking you questions, which you’re encouraged as an audience member to talk back to the TV (k we go from talking to pillows to talking to the TV now lol). They don’t give you much time for response, and ultimately, it suffers the same problem as OneRoom, in that it’s still difficult to immerse, because you can still get a vague idea of the “conversation” that is supposedly going on.
Characters: 9/10 – Ok so the characters themselves though are actually strangely cute, and charming. I honestly liked just about all of them. My favorite was probably the cuddly one or the shy astronomy geek, or maybe the naughty twins lol. “Let’s play find the flower” lol. But even the little boy was cute, in a strictly platonic way. But that didn’t stop the anime from making highly inappropriate sexual innuendos and jokes even in that episode such as the title of that episode: “Innocent Danshi, a highly energetic, hot, 5 year old” WHAT THE F??? That is the creepiest weirdest title for an episode I’ve ever seen. PS, the episode is COMPLETELY G rated – thank god. It’s NOT some weird creepy perverted pedophile anime lol. — You know most anime with a “young looking” “Loli” or “Shota” character, they merely LOOK young but are actually of age of consent, and not an ACTUAL 5 year old… but in this anime, he really is a 5 year old, and you’re baby sitting him… I won’t give too much away, but you’re playing power rangers and he tells you to be the pink ranger, and he wants to be the super “rare” black ranger, whose super power is “Fatty Beef Bomber” — Really? lol… Innuendo much there? Given the character’s age, that is just messed up…. But then… when you take into account what I mentioned in the spoiler tag above, about the ending of the final episode, then you can look past this part. Each character is unique and has a charm of their own.
Artwork: 3/5 – The character designs are super cute, but the animation itself is very low quality and cheap. One scene, with your coworker, in particular, keeps one still image on for 1-2 minutes… in a 4 minute episode… that’s…. pretty cheap lol. The character designs are also not consistent — the final episode brings back the pillow boy from Episode 1… and he looks like a junior high school or even elementary school student now (which to be honest, fits his personality better) Except then, near the end, he goes back to looking about college student aged again (as he appeared in the first episode) for a few seconds. I don’t think this was done for any reason other than they were lazy. It wasn’t like he was done in a “chibi” style to be more cute, It was more like, they forgot what they went with, or couldn’t decide on and stick to one style, or they were outsourcing or using different artists – which would be pretty sad given its a 4 minute per episode kind of show, which shouldn’t be overly complex or have that much detail etc.
Music: 3/5 – The opening theme honestly, would be like a 5/5 — I really like it. It’s catchy as heck. But the rest of the anime has almost no music at all… Even an episode where the Pillow Boy is a violinist, which was the weirdest episode to watch without music.
Voice Acting: 5/5 — I thought the voices were cute, as well as the artwork, those two factors played a big role in my liking of the characters and overall enjoyment of the anime.
Overall: 35/55 64% D “Average Anime for Girls”
Makura no Danshi – Pillow Boys – Anime Review was originally published on GeekySweetie.com - Geeky & Kawaii Anime, Tech, Toys, & Game Reviews & News
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