#i AM a little bit bottlenecked now because of that tbh but idk if that should cause that? might be though
Hm, I thought it's because of the 3.5 Update, but Cycles doesn't work in Blender anymore for me. I downgraded and it still crashes, so I assume it's because of the new graphics card. Which is weird. Forums say I might not have enough VRAM, but I have DOUBLE VRAM now and overall the card is like 10x stronger than the old one. Eevee works fine, but just doesn't give me the rendering results that I want. Someone suggested the Radeon Pro Render for Blender Addon, but it gives me weird lighting and artifacts or just doesn't render anything at all and I can't find a solution tbh :/
I don't NEED cycles to work because I don't render stuff in Blender anyway... but I like looking at the results with it.
It's also not that it just doesn't render, it's that Blender just. Shuts down. Boom and gone. No warning, no lag. I choose cycles - gone. idk maybe I'm gonna find a solution for that, but until then I guess I just can't work with the cycles engine :<
Maybe there are better ones as addons ... or I need to change some stuff to get the radeon one to work.
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libraford · 5 months
Idk maybe it's because I'm autistic and don't get how things are supposed to work (I also haven't been able to work for over a decade due to disability so take this all with a heap of salt) but it feels like she needs someone to blame for problems.
You said last year there were three leads but this year you're doing the work of three on your own. Did they quit or get fired? Maybe someone else was the assigned "problem child" last year? But the fact that you didn't get any useful feedback at the times problems supposedly happened and they continued using your work...it just reads like a power trip on her end tbh
One of them left to become a veterinarian and do photography on the side. The other one of them left because there was a pretty big death in the family and also oldest kid was going through his senior year. Both have said that they might come back, but so far neither of them have committed.
The two of them were nearly perfect leads. Like they did all the paperwork properly and had all the details right and they didn't rush and they rarely did anything wrong.
Except when they did. And since I learned from one of them, I learned on all of her mistakes.
So I've had to be retrained.
Again and again and again.
There would typically only be one lead per job, so its not like I'm doing the work of three people the way I was doing the work of like... 7 people at the flower shop. I am still doing the work of one person, but I am doing it every day instead of only two to three times a week.
So the mistakes I learned are more obvious now and I am put in positions where previously I was not, like having to call as soon as there's a problem- because previously I was not often having these problems. I get dinged for not following procedure for this.
She tried training me on groups last year, but every time there was a chance to learn on the job something interrupted it. The first time it was because the person we had doing individuals was going painfully slowly and she had me set up my unit to clear out the bottleneck. The second time it was because our individuals photographer went into labor.
So I've been trained wrong on a bunch of things and had to be retrained. Attempts to train me properly have been interrupted, but she thinks that I received proper training and that I should be good to go.
So I do it. And I do it wrong. Over and over again.
And then I get the critique and there is disagreement between my boss and her boss about how I'm supposed to have done it.
And then I try again. And there's disagreement between my boss and me about how I was supposed to do it.
So my spirit is fuckin' crushed lately and I just want to get to the end of the season but of course there's YET ANOTHER critique at the end of the year where she says I'm bad at receiving critique when I've had to be retrained several times in several different areas, and she claims that NOTHING HAS CHANGED FROM MY INITIAL TRAINING even though documentably it HAS, which makes me feel like a fucking crazy person for suggesting that its hard to keep up with the changes sometimes.
And she says she's tired of arguing with me about how things are supposed to be done when I'm supposed to KNOW how things are done by now because this is my THIRD year in the business and why am I so argumentative?
At the last groups job, I asked her to help be out a little bit and check my work to make sure I was doing it right. I wasn't even done with the first group and she jumps in and tells me my numbers are wrong, changes it all and that's how we found that the guides were different. But when I talk to her about what made me mad there, she has a different story- she says that I did 2 or 3 classes wrong before she jumped in. Which is not what happened to my recollection.
I've asked her to take a more passive role and she got mad at me because she swears that she did take a passive role and now I'm being inconsistent- because I asked her for help and now I'm asking her not to get her hands in it. So now I'm confused again because I remember that day completely differently, and when I asked the rest of the crew they said that she was being pushy. Once she left and I was on my own, I did fine- but being unable to even get through a whole class without her jumping in to save the day kind of crushed me.
So I think she's misremembering a LOT. And making it my problem for bringing up inconsistencies, confusions, and changes. Either that or I have worse memory problems than I thought I did.
And now I'm being told that I go too fast. Because there were days last season where we were done an entire hour earlier than we were supposed to be. And I asked her- did people complain? Were my photos bad because I was fast?
No, no one complained. We had less retakes this year than we did any year.
If no one complained, then the problem is that I'm not taking time with the students to get the perfect photo. The problem is that you don't think I could possibly be that good and that fast at the same time. But if a kid only needs thirty seconds to get the pose, why should I take more time than is needed?
My photos have improved significantly from my first year. Oh my god, they've improved so much. But I'm struggling to learn a new, complicated thing for which I've gotten mixed messages and not gotten a lot of consistent guidance on.
And because I get confused when something is different from what was described, I am told that I can't take criticism.
Well yeah, no- if that's the criticism you've got for me, no I can't take criticism.
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