#i <3 u 3000 ni no more me 2000
thecaptainhelm · 4 years
Good Love
ayyy, ch.1 to a however long i say series, it’s daminette, it’s wet, and i’m raring to go babey. *sips hot tea from a champagne glass, like a classy mofo* imma bout to fuck y’all up
Damian Wayne knew two things that morning.
He was sore. 
Marinette took another one of his firsts.
His body was heavy, his eyes itched, his back hurt and his arms felt like lead. Everything without a doubt indicated his form bearing a dull pain. It was his own fault, though.
He didn’t want to break up with her. Marinette was one of the few good people he knew he could keep close without the threat of being stabbed in the back, both figuratively and literally. She was someone he could lean on wholeheartedly, through choking tears and bright, breathless laughter. Marinette loved to laugh, especially with him, it seemed.
All of that was the problem, surprisingly..
Looking back, it was never a problem, more of a false dilemma that wouldn’t leave him alone, whispering from the corners of his mind whenever things felt too good to be true.
You don’t deserve this.
What made you think you could be happy like this?
How dare you, after all you’ve done!
It was only a matter of time until he ruined her. So he made a choice. He ended it, rather mundanely too, considering the life he led.
So, while every fiber of his being was protesting, he headed home to Marinette, for the last time.
When he got to the apartment, his mood was somber. This was going to be rather sudden, an actual spur of the moment decision after all. Marinette would be devastated. His girlfriend was in the kitchen, pushing chopped vegetables into a pot next to the stove. She’d been excited to make soup for them tonight for the past two days. He was going to ruin that. 
Better now than later, he’d felt.
“Marinette, we need to have a discussion.” She looked up from the counter as she stopped mixing the batter, and he gazed at her softly. He wouldn’t be able to do things like this with her anymore. Not ever.
“Yes, cheri? Oh, you don’t look so good,” she swiftly wiped her hands on the embroidered towel he bought for the apartment when they first moved in together and raised a hand to check the temperature of his neck and forehead. He slowly pulled away and she frowned.
“You don’t have a fever, is it something else, maybe? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this pale.”
“It’s not an illness, Marinette,” he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the loveseat they argued over getting. She wanted a love seat, while he would rather have a small armchair. He admitted  grudging defeat when he saw that it fit the decor more, while allowing more intimate room for cuddling. He tried to stop thinking about the sudden memories, but they were everywhere. The furniture, the charcoal drawings on the wall, the throw blanket on the couch, the tapestry next to the balcony window, all of it.
Once, before he’d come to this decision, these things filled his chest with warmth, a soft and gentle happiness that he was growing more addicted to by the day. Now he didn’t want to look, not anymore, not ever.
“Marinette, I’m,” Damian choked, peering earnestly into her eyes. Under the fluorescent lighting, they pulled him in with their sweet and understanding look. He could say anything else. He could tell her that he used to be an assassin, that he used to be Robin, that he was going to become Batman, anything but this and she would never have to know that he had almost ended their relationship. He could marry her, instead of going through with this, but...
Not anymore, not ever.
She silently patted his hand, and he grabbed it, hating himself as he steeled his nerves.
“I’m,” he breathed. “I’m, my therapy is doing well. Going well, I meant to say, that is, I’ve--” The speech he prepared was all but useless, a mere guideline. Marinette gazed at him with patience.
“I’ve come to understand myself a bit more, and I decided that I needed to do some things,” he lamely stated.
“I need to go back home, to do that. Back to Gotham, where my family is, but I’m,” Here it was. Fuck.
“I’m not taking you with me, Marinette.”
Silence, then: “I understand, Damian. Whatever you need, I’ll support you, okay? I love you, so much.” She moved to hug him, but he painfully leaned away from her touch, letting go of her hand in the process. He would never be able to hold her again, not ever.
No, you don’t understand, he thought, and hopefully you never will. 
“Marinette, I’m breaking up with you,” he swallowed harshly. “I’m sorry, but I can’t allow myself to use you like I have anymore.”
“...What, use me? Damian you aren’t making sense,” she reached for him again, but he scooted away to the other end of the loveseat.
“I had realized that, sometime ago, I began to use you as a crutch. You constantly support me, love me, and listen to me, to a fault, in fact,” he looked somberly at the floor before meeting her gaze again.
“I started to treat you like you were my therapist, not my girlfriend. I’m sorry, Marinette. I’m so, so sorry.”
She laughed wetly. “It’s fine, Damian, cheri, I promise it’s fine. As long as we know about it and address it together, then we can fix this, together. I promise, so, please…” She started to choke back tears.
He shook his head. “I’ve made my decision, Ha-- Marinette.”
“Well, what do I get to say in all this?!” She snapped. “I don’t want to break up with you, at all Damian Wayne, I,” she blinked hard. 
“Damian, I want to be with you, for a long, long time. I want...” She stopped trying to get the words out, and started trying not to cry instead. She seemed to be resigning herself. Good, he thought as his chest twinged. This is for the best.
Once more, you’ve proven yourself a monster.
Even she, whom you claim to love, gets hurt in the end.
You really are a bastard.
“I’m sorry. I,” I never wanted to hurt you. It’s better this way, I promise. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry. So, so very sorry. I love you. I’ll always love you, Habibti, Rabia. Ya Amar. 
"Au Revoir, Marinette.”
It had gone as smoothly as a breakup could, in the end. He dreamed of turning back countless times, made himself sick from it even, as though his body knew that he couldn’t live without her..
Damian began to move his things out the next day, to be directly shipped back to the manor. He’d already sent the message to Alfred, though his reply gave the impression that he would have a lot of explaining to do. She was his first crush, his first girlfriend, and now his first ex. 
The hardest part, unsurprisingly, was avoiding Marinette.
She was the only person he knew in New York, besides his therapist and his coworkers at a finance firm, but the part that made it impossible to avoid her was that she was a self-employed businesswoman. Quite successful in fact, successful enough to pull vacation days on his ass as she got a second wind to persuade him back into her arms. 
That night, he’d slept on the couch, but he could hear her muffled crying, so he slept in his car for the rest of the week. During that time, she tried talking to him again, wanting an explanation. He gave her the same thing in different words each time, so she started to change her approach.
She came at him softly, gently, and lovingly, every time. They talked, they discussed. He would say the same things again, and she would come up with a new reason for him to stay. He would waver, and she would hold him like he could shatter at any moment. Then he would get mad and she would get mad, and they would start to argue and argue and argue, all while he packed his belongings, and she pleaded behind him like she was doing everything to keep him from leaving. 
He wanted to turn back so many times, fall into her embrace like nothing ever happened. He wanted to be with her, be in love with her, and her to be in love with him. He wanted that for the rest of forever and far beyond that.
You’re undeserving of her love.
You don’t have emotions, you never have.
You can’t be like other people, not ever.
“Not ever,” he whispered.
He stood in the doorway, looking out into the hall. Marinette was behind him, leaning against the door.
“So, I really can’t change your mind?” He turned around. Her arms were wrapped around her waist, a defeatist smile on her lips.
He shook his head.
Marinette gazed up at him, and he was struck by the sudden fact that this was it. He would never see her again after this day, for the rest of his life. He burned her image into memory, the way her long skirt fell as she stepped up to him, the slight sound of her rustling turtleneck sweater, her scent lightly wafting around them as her hair fell from her shoulder, all as she moved towards him. For the last time.
I love you, his heart pleaded him to say, I was wrong, Rabia, I’m still in love with you! Please, take me back. I’ll never be so foolish again.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
“I know,” her lips pulled into something kinder, but she didn’t seem to have the strength to smile. Her arms made an aborted motion to hug him and he appreciated her restraint. He had to leave, before he crumpled.
“Damian,” she called as he was halfway down the hall. He stopped but didn’t turn back.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he heard her shuffle. Silence, then:
“And, I am so very proud of you, Damian. Thank you, for loving me. Thank you for allowing me to love you as long as you did. I’ll always cherish our time together.” This was…
"J't'aime et au revoir, Damian. Toujours, j’t’aime.” He whirled around as the door clicked shut.
Marinette had given him her blessings, as well as bid him farewell. It’s truly over.
He swallowed, and headed down the elevator, walked to the parking garage, unlocked his car. He sat in the passenger seat, unthinking, before closing the door and sliding behind the wheel. At some point he started driving, but halfway through he realized that he wasn’t on the way home to Gotham. He pulled over in the middle of nowhere and cut the engine. Nothing and no one was around. He started to feel a little lonely and heartbroken. He didn’t want this, not all.
He wanted Marinette. Damian tightly gripped the wheel, knuckles pale.
“Don’t you dare,” he hissed to himself. “Don’t even think about it. Just, go home.”
Home was in an apartment in uptown New York. Home was where Marinette was. 
No! His vision went red.
He grabbed the penknife from under the dash and he viciously stabbed himself in the leg, over and over again, shouting and shrieking in accordance with his true nature.
“You’re going back to the manor! Habibti doesn’t deserve someone broken like you! She doesn’t need you, any of your problems, any of your burdens, any of your so called love!” He stopped, breathing frenzied.
“She needs someone human. That someone is not you, Tafrukh Shaytan.” He slumped, panting.
It would never be him. Not anymore. Not ever.
no more me 2000 bc twinges in two thousand words or less. class of ‘06 (3006) 
lmao i meant wet with tears, psh, you thought, have you seen my icon?
My ao3
49 notes · View notes
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
"Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great   i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo.    why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine"",I would recommend you to try this web page where you  can get rates from the best companies:""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
My teenage sons car insurance premium?
i did a quote and the cheapest is 6334? how can they charge so much, his friend got a quote on a similar car for 854? any tips?""
Car Crash and Insurance Please Help?
Hi, Yesterday I got in my first wreck I am 16 and the fault of the accident was put on me even though the woman in front of me slammed on her brakes so fast that I didn't have enough time to slow down. Anyway, the car I hit was a tank of a truck, I didn't put a scratch on it but her trailer hitch rammed into the front of my car, smashing the hood and other things. The woman said she will not fill out the insurance thing since I did no damage to her car so that brings me to my first question. If she doesn't tell her insurance company, which she probably won't, do I have to tell mine? My parents and I really don't want my rates to go up and my dad will be so furious if they do. My second question is how much do you think it will cost to fix my car? It is a 2003 Mazda Protege... Please help I really need to know and if you give a good answer I will give you 10pts in a heartbeat :) Thanks""
I am 16yrs old and i have a chance to get a Conquest tsi turbo how can i convince my parents?
It is a 1987 Chrysler Conquest tsi turbo. The insurance would be $53 with the student discount and good grades and what not. Without it it is $70 a month. I am trying to get a job to buy this car i realy want it any sugjestions. It costs $2500 and it only has 60,000 Miles""
Male/female insurance question?
Is there a statistic that says how much or by what percentage female drivers is cheaper than male drivers? Are there any websites that show statistics similar to this about gender related insurance/driving? Thanks.
Does a veterinarian get life insuranced?
does a veterinarian get health insurance?
Does anybody know of any insurance plans?
Im 20 yrs. I have no dental insurance or medical insurance. Does anyone know of anything that I can apply for? I have no job and I'm a full time student in college. Also, my parents do not have insurance either.""
Where can I get Really Cheap Auto insurance?
I am a student, on a really tight budget. I have to get insurance, have not so good credit and a couple of speeding tickets. Other than that have a clean record. I just need something cheap, very cheap. I am a safe driver and only use my car to drive to school. thanks fr your help""
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
""Car Accident, Insurance won't pay up .. Any advice ?""
I was in an car accident two weeks ago, the other driver hit the side of my car because she did not make her stop. I tried to stop however, she was still able to hit the left side of my car. Police arrived but he recommended for us both to file a claim on each others insurance and that they would settle the problem themselves. My insurance company came to take photos of the damages and asked us what had happen. I received letters a couple of days ago, one from my insurance and the others person insurance. My insurance denied her claim because the damages demonstrated that it was her fault. However, i also received a letter from her insurance, that they also denied my claim. I called her insurance and they told me that it they weren't going to pay for any of the damages made to my car, because the the collision shows that it was my fault. I told them i was going to get my lawyer . and they told me i could do what ever i wanted. So, anyone has any advice ? **there was also a witness (a neighbor) who saw what happen**""
How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?
How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?
Car insurance young driver need help???
need my insurance to be 1500 or less ....any insurers would be a great help a few months ago a had a 1000 quote fully comp now i cant get lower than 2000. need help.
""I own my own buisness, Where can i get affordable Health Insurance?""
Small business, small budget, only need health for myself. Who has the best price? Help""
How much insurance money do you think i can get?
Seven weeks ago i got into a very bad car accident on the freeway. I'm 15 and was NOT driving. my 19 year old friend was driving. from the accident i was rushed to the hospital with a broken arm. my left arm was very badly cracked and they said in a week they will hit it into place then put it in a cast. so, a week later i went into surgery and there was complications and my arm snapped in half and so they cut open my arm and put in a 5 inch titanium plate and 7 pins. i just got my cast off after 4 weeks. my arm is in pain all the time. and i cant do much. how much money do u think i could recieve?""
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
What cheap/affordable/good health insurance company?
what cheap/affordable/good health insurance company?
Cost of insurance for a Subaru WRX STi?
Hi all, I will soon buy a Subaru WRX STi for commuting from home to work, but I am a college student. How much will it cost for the car to be insured under my mother's name? (53 year old female, perfect driving record). Thanks! Xela""
Does anybody have Progressive auto insurance?
Im thinking about getting Progressive auto insurance, I live in Massachusetts so the prices seem too good to be true. So is it a good insurance company.""
Car insurance estimate?
Hi i'm currently 16 and soon to be old enough to take driving lessons, but first off i have a question. What would be the likely insurance premium for a 2009 BMW Z4 23i kept in a public place with viper alarm system and a steering lock.""
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?
Wheres the best place to get cheaper car insurance with unspent convictions?
i kind of pissed off a local copper by patronising him infront of his fellow officers causing them to laugh at him making him to feel a considerable amount of resent towards me which then later took its toll two weeks later and he pulled me over and ticketed me for 4 bald tyres which my vehicle was booked for at my garage to have them fitted the following weekend (sods law i know lol) anyhow took it on the chin and resulted gettin a 3 month ban for TT99 (means havin too many points) :'( now i have my licence back its a nightmare tryna get f***ing insurance anywhere, anyone know of any brokers specialising in that sort of thing? anyone know from first hand expirience? (if only id had Hindsight, the day i took the mick out of that copper) :@ Regards, Rub""
Who knows the cheapest insurance in jesey for a 19 year old dude?
hey, my pal wants to get an insurance for my car cuz i can't my self, (police reasons) we want an insurance with the lowest price, lowest of all, i don't even care if it covers me well or whatever cuz if something happens to the car i will just use the other, it is just to register it, i got 2 cars, they the same but only one of them is gonna be register, so if u know anything about insurance with a low price or not nessesary legally but that can let me register it let me know (chevy lumina 97)""
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
Good websites to compare car insurance?
What are some good websites to compare car insurance? (For a car which I want to get btw)
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great   i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo.    why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine"",I would recommend you to try this web page where you  can get rates from the best companies:""
""Auto insurance just cancel, will they renew it?""
Just had auto cancelled at midnight, they arent open til monday morning. Can I pay the premium first thing that am and have it reinstated. I tried paying by phone and web but wont allow me to! Tomorrow is sunday and no one available.""
Do Police Officers have to pay for their police car & insurance?
Im wondering if police officers have to pay for the police car they use, and if they have to pay for the insurance, or is it covered by the police department? and do they receive gas money or you have to pay for it out of your own pocket?""
Is hurricane Insurance mandatory on Fl homes?
Is hurricane Insurance mandatory on Fl homes?
""Car insurance, full coverage versus liability?""
I drive a 98 Chevy Suburban, because it has a lien holder (bank) it has had full coverage insurance the life of the loan. Next month when we get our tax refund we plan to pay it off, not that much owed. Due to it's age wouldn't it be logical to drop the full coverage down to liability insurance. I know with it being that old the full coverage insurance would hardly pay out anything if it was a total loss anyway.""
""Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?""
Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?""
""My car insurance, can i still pay monthly?!?! HELP!?""
my car insurance got cancelled because I missed two payments but, I always gave it to them on the same day I missed it. Anyways, I cannot afford to pay the full amount up front! its $2000! I need to pay month to month! does anyone know a car insurance company that will do this for me? I live in Canada so I need a reference for here.""
Do you have to get insurance as soon as you get your license?
I plan on going to get my drivers license in a few weeks (hopefully I pass!) and I've been told you have to have insurance right away. I'm currently on my parents plan with my permit but it's not costing them anything. Their agent said to immediately notify her once I get my license. Could she have said this just because she thought I would be getting a car? I don't plan on getting a car anytime soon but drive my parents cars occasionally. So will the insurance go up any if I don't have my own car that needs to be insured? If so will it be a lot? All answers will be greatly appreciated, because my parents are trying to make me put off getting my license because their car insurance is sky high already because of all the tickets & wrecks my brother has gotten in & I really want my license! Thanks in advance!""
I need to find a good Car no older then lets say 1999! Thats good on Gas and low Insurance! Low Price $5000 <!
Hi my name is James. I am a college student and I am looking for a used car to get me through college and maybe Further! I am hoping to spend under $5000 Dollars. I need it to be able to have a lower insurance rate then lets say a sports car. I also need something thats has a very good fuel efficacy! I am a tall guy but can fit into any thing! So if any of you know of a car that looks almost good has good gas millage and is not too expensive on car insurance let me know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh and this car not one I want to buy online or privately. It is one I want to buy from a car dealer ship this is just to help me lock down my search!
How to get Get Affordable Car Insurance in Detroit Michigan.?
Is there any information i read about this?
Why the heck do I have to legally own car insurance? It is unconstitutional!! I should have the right not to..?
buy car insurance if I don't want to. That should be repealed.
What is the cheapest auto insurance for 16 year old boy?
Thanks in advance
What car would be cheaper for insurance?
I am about to be 16 and I live in nebraska in a small town I was thinking of getting a 2005 camaro or a 2000 or 2003 corvette what car would be cheaper for car insurance and if I get a truck would you recomand a ford f250 or ford f350 and how much would insurance be monthly for the ford trucks and if you have any sports cars you would recomand to get then tell me it and insurance on it monthly
""Car accident, neither driver has insurance?""
Was in a car accident yesterday. The other driver was completly at fault. He gave me insurance info, but has just informed me he was dropped due to lack of payment or something. I also have no insurance. YES, I KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY MOVE PAST MY QUESTION!! What am I suppose to do? Do I need to try and get a lawyer and sue? My car was totalled,my hip is in a lot of pain, so is my bfs shoulder n back. The other driver is fine and had very minimal damage. Im at a loss, any advice would be.greatly appreciated""
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
National Health Insurance?
I have a huge report to do for school on my position on National Health Insurance. I am completely opposed to it. Although I'd like to see what anyone else thinks, and I'm looking for any great statistics I could add to my report. Thanks!!""
""What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
What is a cheap car insurance plan?
Im 19 years old and I live in New York. I am looking for an affordable car insurance plan. Any suggestions?
Cheaper auto insurance if my parents add me to their policy?
I'm 20, financing a car.""
Insurance cost for Corvette?
Hey I'm 16 and have quite a bit of money saved for a car so im gonna get a decent one nd i was thinking a corvette. I was wondering about (I know no one knows exactly) how much the insurance is going to be on like a 00 or 01 model. Also if you know insurance cost of a 350z too that would be great. Thanks for the help
Car Insurance Quotes?
Need help with some insurance quotes. Looking to pay cash for a car maybe a 2001 impala, 2000 honda accord, 2001 toyota camry. Need a couple of estimates on how much insurance would be. Driver is over 25, clean driving record, female driver. Lives in Florida. Thanks""
I need some general information about the cost of a motorcycle versus a car?
I have been wanting a motorcycle since I got my regular drivers license, but persuading my parents has proven difficult, as always. My mom seems to be fine with it but my dad, who is normally the one to crush such ideas, is actually considering it if I research the financial aspect of a motorcycle vs. a car. I would appreciate it if anyone had information about how much insurance would go up (I'm 17 so it's probably too expensive already), regular maintenance costs of motorcycles and cars, and anything else relating to the total cost of both. I have about 2500 dollars saved up, and my mom said she would personally loan me up to 1000 at a lower interest rate than the bank, but I could probably take out a loan on top of that, but I would rather avoid that if I can. I am specifically looking at sport bikes, especially the kawasaki ninja 250R because of what I heard, It's reliable, a great beginner's bike, and it's a lot cheaper than other companies I have researched. I simply want a motorcycle even if it's slightly more expensive than a car because I have always liked motorcycles, but nonetheless my father told me to research the financial side of things, so any information is greatly appreciated. And by all means, if I am misinformed about anything like my notion on the ninja 250R, please tell me.""
How can I lower my car insurance?
Hi, I'm 19 and looking for a new car, I want the new c63 coupe but the insurance is putting me off as 9450 a year is the cheapest I've found. I have 2 years ncb and no offences and all that. I have my own business which I thought I could insure through at less cost, but from the limited checking I have done it doesn't change anything. Does anyone know of any ways I can get it cheaper, or any insurance companies that specialise in young driver performance car insurance? all I've had time for so far is a check on confused.com and thats where it was 9450. Thanks in advance.""
How can anyone afford private health insurance in USA?
I'm thinking about going into private business in the USA, but I'm concerned about how to insure myself with health insurance. The policies I'm seeing are extremely expensive, and the deductibles are quite high. How do people who start their own business manage?""
Statute of limitations on no car insurance fine?
how long has to go by before statute of limitations is in effect after you have had a no insurance ticket handed to you and does this stand the same if you had hit another persons vehicle with the car that was uninsured.i live in calgary alberta and am unsure of how this statute works.i am not looking for a cop out of this.this occured 3 years ago and i was sent home under the condition that i show up for court.i was unable to show up for court because i had been kicked out of where me and my mom were living and tried to find a place for us.
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great   i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo.    why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine"",I would recommend you to try this web page where you  can get rates from the best companies:""
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
How much does it cost to go for an eye exam in new jersey without insurance?
I want to get my eyes checked and have no insurance.I was wondering how much it would cost? Is lenscrafters good or more expensive? pearl vision?
How much will it cost (roughly) for a 21 year old to insure a new Audi A1 S-line 1.2?
its in the 1-10 band for the insurance which is the lowest group. the audi a1 is number 9. but i want to know what i would be expecting to pay insurance wise! would appreciate any comments.
""Are you prepared to pay 10-11-13% of your income for $1100-1300 deductible health insurance, not copay?""
Will you go to the doctor more if another large percentage of your income is taken from your check and you still have to pay for office visits until you have paid $1100 to $1300 deductible before your insurance kicks in each year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf Skip to page 16 to see the summary. This is a report by Blue Cross Blue Shield, a nonprofit health insurance provider. Government interventions causes health care costs to rise, not go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why doesn't the government talk about the price each American will pay for government run health care plans?""
I need to find new insurance by March of next year...?
because the insurance I'm under now (TriCare) runs out when I turn 21. Problem is: I have bipolar 2 disorder. Not severe enough for SSDI or anything, but debilitating enough that I need medication to fix it. My meds without insurance total nearly a GRAND a month, not including psychiatrist and therapist visits, about twice a month. Even worse, I only work about 20 hours a week at $8 an hour, so I don't make enough money to AFFORD most types of insurance. But like I said, I don't qualify for disability either. Do you know of any health insurance programs that would be affordable enough for my budget, yet cover my expenses? I've searched sites for weeks and haven't come up with much. Any help will be appreciated! Oh yeah, and I like in Iowa, US - I know that makes a difference.""
""How does my health insurance deductible going up to $6,000 from $2,500 make it more affordable ?
For me? Can anyone tell me?
Car insurance question?
If I where to go for my license tomorrow would i have to get car insurance right away? I don't plan on driving until i get a job so could i just have the license just so i can get a co op job with my school then get insurance. Thank you
Insurance box keeping car at different address?
i'm thinkg of getting insuranca box installed to reduce the cost of the premium, but i keep my car at different address, would they know that?""
What would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost?
How do i get my car on the road and for how much?
i just bought my 1993 honda civic lx, and i live in ontario. the sale was a private sale..what do i have to do now? ive only paid for the car...do i have to get insurance before i register it? and what about taxes? and safety and etest? and plates? how do i do it?""
""In NY, If one does not have health insurance and is in an accident, can he get coverage?""
No health insurance and there's an accident and now many medical bills, not long term and no permanent disabilities, but something that may accumulate to thousands of dollars in medical bills, is there any way that you can get (free) coverage through the Medicaid program or some other program?""
Good morning! Can anyone suggest a good dental insurance plan?
We had blue cross and blue shield and were not happy with it! We live in a semi small area and the only dentist office that accepted our plan never called us back after 15 voice mails and NEVEr answered their phones so we never were able to make an appointment! So I cancelled the policy. We need some dental insurance. I need to take my son in to get his teeth looked at and my husbands. We live in FL and there just doesn't seem to be a lot that I'm finding. Anyone have a suggestion?
What type of lawyer do I need to fight a car insurance company?
I was involved in a car accident where the car insurance company for the other person involved is supposed to pay for my car andnhave accepted liability for the accident. But. I haven't received any payment from them. And it's been 4 months! I want to hire a lawyer, just need to know what type do I look for...???? Thanks in advance""
Did sombody know how much is car insurance in hawaii state?
how much is auto insurance in hawaii state? medium monthly? for new car?
Car insurance help.first to answer gets best answer.?
I want to get a 2003 Nissan 350z. im worried about insurance cost though. for a 17 year old with no tickets and no wrecks how much do you think car insurance would be? first to answer gets best answer.
Does anyone who is under 18 and doesn't have health coverage automatically qualify for MassHealth?
We live in Massachusetts and I previously heard that ANYONE who is under 18 and does not have health insurance will automatically qualify for the free state insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone know if this is true because it doesn't really specify online.""
Best california car insurance?
Best california car insurance?
Insurance quotes for a 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse ??
i'm 16 and i need to know where i can go online to get a quote, without people calling me. i just want to know how much it's gonna be every 6 months or every month, etc. online .... THANK YOU ALL !!!!""
Does filing a claim raise auto insurance rate?
My car was vandalized while I slept. Luckily my car shut itself off when it did not recognize the key. I filed a claim with the insurance. I had comprehensive coverage. When it was time to renew, my rates increased. What is the point of having insurance if you are discouraged from filing a claim? I thought if it was not my fault, my rates do not increase?""
Insurance rates for speeding ticket?
I accept all responsibility. I am an idiot for doing this and I should have been paying more attention. I was caught going 50 km/h+ on a highway in Alberta. How much will my insurance rates go up? Will they double? I'm 18 y/o but the car is insured under my father. Also, how will I know when they have gone up? Do they go up after the court date, or does it start the day my ticket was issued?""
16 year old car insurance?
im about to buy a 1997 honda civic ex and i was wondering what my car insurance might be if it helps im a guy in florida and im 16 thanks
Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?
Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?
Best car insurance company for me 10 points!!!!!!?
what is the cheapest+best auto insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a family of 4 and we all drive. we have a toyota 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan truck, mustang v6. my youngest son has had 1 accident i'm 46 my wife is 46 and my sons are 18,19 i cant find a good car insurance they are all expensive!!!!!!!!!!""
Is there any way you can cheat on getting lower car insurance?
23/ single/ brand new car...and my parents just booted me out of there policy :-( HELP!!
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great   i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo.    why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine"",I would recommend you to try this web page where you  can get rates from the best companies:""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
It is for me, not a family""
California Car Insurance?
Hi, I am a 17 year old girl who just bought my first car. It is a 1992 Buick Regal in perfect condition with a clean title. In addition, I just graduated High School with a 4.0. With these elements, what would probably be the best insurance company to go with to get a low rate? Or, what insurance company would you reccomend working with for a new teenage girl driver? Thanks!""
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl with good grades?
Im 16 years old and wanting to get my licence. I have about a 3.4 GPA. And im not going to take drivers ed. I am going to share a car with my parents as well.They have really good credit. With geico. How much will it cost a month?
Will my car insurance premiums increase?
I just got pulled over for the second time in a 7 month period and was given a citation for turning right on no turn on red . Will my car insurance payments go up? How long does it usually take for the insurance company to find out about the citation?
With 5000 what is the best car I could buy and insure at 17?
the car would be second hand.
What is long term insurance?
can someone explain in detail about long term insurance?
What is the definition of basic legal cover for car insurance?
Like if my car insurance company tells me that when driving other peoples cars, I have basic legal cover Is this any different than third party cover? Like say I'm driving someone elses car how much am I covered With my insurance it doesnt need to be an emergency for me to be covered driving someone elses car, just wondering how much I'm covered Because I was told that that level of cover is less than third party cover Thanks""
Insurance or real estate test is harder?
I have my Property and Casualty License in Colorado and now I am looking into Real Estate license as well. Which test do you think is harder??
Car insurance for 15 year old?
I'm 15 and I am getting my permit in 1 month. Since I am female the rate will go up to about 50%. My mom makes good money but I don't think it's fair for here to have to pay that for me. I live in California and I want to try to get a job to pay for the car insurance. I haven't really looked I only looked for stuff online. I don't really want to baby sit or mow lawns, I want to work at a place that provides a paycheck (even though I would probably make more money doing those things). Any suggestions?""
What legally and financially happens if your car is totaled? How much would insurance go up?
Would it be better fiscally to not tell the insurance company? What are they suppose to do if your car is totaled? I have Geico.
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
Can I drive my uncle car but im under my grandmothers insurance?
I am under my grandmothers insurance and my uncle let me borrow one of his cars for a month. the car is under his insurance. if i was to get pulled over would i get into trouble for driving his car. all of his insurance information is in the car and his registration. and will i need to bring proof of me under my grandmothers insurance?
Do Auto Insurance Quotes Affect Your Credit Score?
If I apply for a ton of different car quotes will it hurt my credit?
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
What is the best insurance companies in NYC?
What is the best insurance companies in NYC?
My son who is 17 has to appear in the magistrates court for driving my car without a full licence or insurance?
He has never been in any sort of trouble before and is usually a good kid. What sort of punishment can we expect to receive? We are soo afraid! We are in the UK
Which is cheaper? Insurance on an old car or insurance on a new car.?
I want a stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... is that insanely expensive or what? I don't know anything about insurance
Anyone who knows about car Insurance please help?
Ok, long story short. I live in Canada, Ontario, the worst ******* place in the world to be when it comes to car insurance. I am classified as a high risk driver because of some petty thing I did, (got caught driving with my G1 license alone, when you need a passenger with at least 4 years experience) I want to know what my insurance would be now on a 1991 bmw e30 318is. I am 16 years old, my question is can I call a bunch of insurance companies and ask for quotes? I mean do I have to be at least 18 years of age to do this? Please inform me. I am pretty sure as long as I have my license beside me I can call insurance companies for quotes right? Also what do they ask? Just car Make, model, year, color, sedan or coupe, etc? What else? Sorry for sounding like a complete idiot, I am only 16 I do not know these things. Thank you very much""
Insurance for an 2008 xb?
if i get a loan for a car through a credit company ..in order to get my insurance rate to go down can i put my dad as a driver? i mean as far as the dealer is concerned its paid cash since its paid with a check but my question is does my dad have to be on the loan to be the primary driver and me be secondary? or do i have to be primary..ive never been insured and in 22 and my dad cant buy the car because he has a pending social security thing..help!
What would be the possible price of car insurance?
My mother and I have been looking at cars since I will be 16 in a year so we wanted to get a head start on what car we would try to get for me. I believe I found the perfect car for me. It fit all the qualifications my mom had set. The only problem that she has with it is that it's a coupe (although she didn't seem to have a problem with getting me a coupe a few months ago since she almost bought me on but I said no to it). She said the insurance would be a lot since it's a coupe but I figured as long as I handle my money the correct way, I could handle it. The car that I've fallen in love with is a Toyota Celica( 2001-04). The car for sale is slightly under 5k, gets 25mpg city and 32mpg highway, and it has less than 80,000 miles on it (not to mention, it has the sporty look to it that I can tune over the years). Does anyone know how much car insurance would be around/could start at with this car? The help is greatly appreciated!""
Car ratings for cost of insurance?
rating numbers car insurance companies use for insuring cars and other transportation.
Where to find affordable auto insurance?
I have a 2002 Mi Gallant ES , I have had my full coverage insurance for over a year now but its currently 160$ a month and I would like to find something more affordable , any ideas? all comments and suggestions are appreciated BTW: Ive never had any tickets or accidents or a lapse in coverage I am 22 years old Thanks in advance!""
Passed driving test recently... going on parents insurance question?
Hi, I passed my driving test last week and have been looking at insurances and they average around 8000, even on my parents car.... they are on admiral multi car one has a 2009 ford fiesta Ztec and another a 2010 ford mondeo.. But my dad who has the mondeo was quoted 2000 for me to be on his insurance and my mam with the fiesta was quoted 3500. What is the best things to do, insurance company to look at and ways to get the price down somehow""
Need help wit chosing car insurance!!!?
What are the cost of car insurance?
I'm a 17 yr old female, just recently got my g2, i live in ontario canada and was wondering what my insurance cost would be per year. i will be registering as a secondary driver, and there are currently 2 cars, and will be getting a third one, for me. i have talked to friends and found out that they pay about 200 bucks a year and depends on my parents driving records. Is it possible to pay just 200 dollars a year as a secondary driver?""
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great   i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo.    why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine"",I would recommend you to try this web page where you  can get rates from the best companies:""
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