hzfilterpress · 7 days
Trends Shaping China's Membrane Filter Plate Market
In China, trends in the membrane filter plate market are shaping up due to a growing need for bio-based medicines and stricter water cleaning rules from the government. These shifts come as businesses look for better ways to process materials without using much energy. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a big effect on this industry by changing how companies work and people live their daily lives.
With an eye on clean processing methods that save on costs, China's focus turns more towards advanced solutions like high pressure membrane filter presses. This is finding its role not just in health care but across various sectors aiming for efficiency and quality in filtration tasks.  
Understanding China's Membrane Filter Market
China's membrane filter market is seeing a rise, pushed by growing needs in bio-medicine and water clean-up. With the world facing COVID-19, this push became stronger. More than ever, ensuring water purity has caught government attention. This demand fuels growth for advanced filtration methods like high-pressure membrane filter presses. In detail, low energy costs make these systems attractive for industries needing to sift through or clear up their liquids or gases without heat damage. These filters work well across many settings – from removing tiny particles in manufacturing processes to cleaning dyes from wastewater without harming sensitive materials. The largest piece of this puzzle? Reverse osmosis technology takes the lead due to its power in demineralizing and purifying water—making it a go-to choice not just in China but globally for drinkable water solutions. However, challenges loom large. Maintaining these delicate systems can be costly and complex if not handled with care.   
Growth Drivers in Membrane Filtration Technology
Membrane filtration is key for wine and beer, making these drinks clear and stable by taking out unwanted bits. Yet, this tech faces big hurdles like strict safety rules and the challenge of membrane fouling—a buildup that spoils water or products. The COVID-19 outbreak hit this industry hard due to social distancing and lockdowns affecting operations. In 2024, the wine and beer sector leads in using membrane filter plates in China because they help keep bones strong by upping bone density which cuts down on diseases like osteoporosis. The use of plate and frame setups is growing fast as they're great for many projects thanks to their design being easy to work with, operate smoothly, and fix without a hassle.  
High Pressure Filters Reshaping the Industry
High pressure filters are changing the game in China’s membrane filter plate market, thanks to their advanced features. These plates shine because they’re built tough yet flexible and come out of CNC machining with unmatched flatness below 25µm. This precision ensures a perfect seal during pressing, eliminating leaks when feeding. They not only meet but exceed both Chinese JB/T4333.3-2005 and German DIN7129 standards, matching European and American quality levels. Filtration speed jumps by 20%, while density, strength against fatigue and aging double up compared to standard national models. Their max feed pressure hits an impressive 1.6Mpa, supporting high temperature and pressure conditions without compromising on antisepsis or airtight sealing. hzfilter steps it up with materials, offering plates made from various metals like cast iron or stainless steel, as well as PP or TPE for different needs. They handle pressures up to 3 Mpa easily, ensuring short filtering cycles that retain low moisture content in cakes. The introduction of membrane plates marks another leap forward. These marvels can squeeze solid contents precisely through additional pressurization post-filtration, improving cake solidity significantly and cutting down energy use. This kind of technological evolution presented by hzfilter points towards more effective eco-friendly solutions within industry operations showcasing how high-pressure filtration technology is indeed reshaping sector standards notably.  
Innovations in China’s Filter Press Manufacturing
In China's evolving filter press market, manufacturers like hzfilter Equipment Co., leading with innovation. They craft membrane filter plates vital for industries needing solid-liquid separation. These firms stand out by focusing on research and development to push the boundaries of what their filtration equipment can achieve. hzfilter, for instance, boasts 128 valid patents including international ones. Their work in creating new products shows a dedication not just to quality but also pushing technological limits within environmental protection sectors.  These companies illustrate how investment in technology catalyzes product improvement while catering to diverse needs from sewage treatment to industrial waste management globally. Through advanced manufacturing techniques and robust service networks spanning both domestic markets and beyond, these enterprises underscore China's position as a hub for high-performance membrane filter press production offering solutions that meet varied customer requirements efficiently.  
Environmental Policies Fueling Market Evolution
New green rules are changing how companies make stuff. In China, this means firms making membrane filter plates have to think about the environment more than before. These policies push for less pollution and waste. So, factories need better tech to clean water and air they use or release. This makes them buy new types of filters that catch tiny bad bits better than old ones did. Because these cleaner methods often cost more money up front, businesses look for efficient options that save cash over time too. This shift isn't just good news for our planet; it's also creating a big chance for makers of these advanced filters in China’s market.  
Export Expansion and Global Impact
As China ramps up its membrane filter plate exports, the global market feels the impact. This move not only boosts China's economy but also changes how other countries handle their filtration needs. With more options now available, prices have become competitive worldwide. Quality standards are pushed higher as a result of this competition, benefiting various industries from pharmaceuticals to wastewater treatment globally. Consumers and companies alike notice improvements in both cost-efficiency and performance levels of filtration products they use daily. It’s clear that through expanding export activities, China is playing a key role in shaping advancements and accessibility in the membrane filter plate industry across continents.  
Future Projections for Chinese Manufacturers
Chinese manufacturers are focusing more on automation, using robots for faster and better production. They aim to cut costs and improve safety with these advanced machines. This shift means China's factories are now filled with modern tech, not old methods. Also, they're pushing for greener ways to make things, reducing harm to our planet by cutting down waste and using clean energy like sun and wind power. Infrastructure is getting a big boost too – think smart factories powered by the latest 5G networks. And it doesn't stop there; innovation is key in staying ahead globally, making quality goods fast that meet new demands without costing the earth. The market for membrane filter plates in China shows dynamic growth, shaped by innovation and environmental needs. As firms seek cleaner operations, high-pressure membrane filters from hzfilter stand out. Offering efficient filtration with less energy use, they meet the demand for sustainable solutions. Their adaptability to diverse industries further pushes their appeal. With ongoing research and development, expect these technologies to evolve even more., addressing both current challenges and future demands This trend underscores a shift towards greener practices within sectors reliant on filtration technology.
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hzfilterpress · 11 days
Filter Press Price Analysis and Influencing Factors
Filter press is a solid-liquid separation equipment widely used in chemical, metallurgical, mining, food, pharmaceutical and other industries. With the improvement of environmental awareness, the demand for filter press is also increasing. However, the price of filter press and its positioning in the market have become important considerations for many companies when purchasing.
Main factors affecting the price of filter press
1. Equipment type and model
Filter presses can be divided into chamber filter presses, plate and frame filter presses, belt filter presses, diaphragm filter presses and other types according to their functions and structures. Different types of filter presses differ in manufacturing technology, materials and application fields, and their prices will naturally vary. For example, chamber filter presses are generally cheaper because of their simple design and wide range of applications; while diaphragm filter presses are usually more expensive because of their better dehydration effect.
2. Materials and manufacturing process
The manufacturing material of the filter press is another important factor affecting its price. Common filter press materials include stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, etc. Although stainless steel is highly corrosion-resistant, its price is significantly higher than that of carbon steel and alloy steel. In addition, the complexity of the manufacturing process will also affect the final price of the equipment. For example, the sophistication of the welding process and the technical level of the manufacturer will directly determine the quality and cost of the equipment.
3. Manufacturers and brands
There are many filter press manufacturers on the market, and their impact on the price of equipment cannot be underestimated. hzfilter filter press has guaranteed quality, perfect after-sales service, high cost-effectiveness, and can effectively reduce the risk of later use. In order to compete for market share, some small brands or emerging manufacturers may adopt a low-price strategy. Large brand factories are generally in the high-end market, with guaranteed quality and after-sales service, which leads to the difference in the price of filter presses on the market.
4. Additional functions and degree of automation
Modern production has higher and higher requirements for the degree of automation and intelligence of equipment. Filter presses equipped with automatic control systems, PLC control systems, remote monitoring and other functions will significantly improve the operating convenience and production efficiency of the equipment, but will also increase costs. As a result, the price of such high-end equipment is higher than that of general filter presses.
5. Market supply and demand relationship
The market price of filter presses will also be affected by supply and demand. In some specific time periods, when demand is greater than supply, prices may rise; conversely, when market demand is weak, prices may fall. In addition, fluctuations in raw material prices will also indirectly affect the market price of filter presses.
Market analysis
At present, the global filter press market is in a period of rapid development, and the rise of environmental protection industry and manufacturing industry has provided strong demand for the filter press market. According to survey data, small and medium-sized enterprises in China are the main consumer groups of filter presses. Large enterprises and new projects tend to choose high-end equipment with a high degree of automation. Overall, the market price of filter presses shows a trend of diversified development, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan, with a large price span.
Purchase strategy
In order to get value for money when purchasing filter presses, users need to formulate a reasonable purchasing strategy based on actual needs and budget:
Clarify the needs: First, clarify the usage scenarios and specific needs, such as processing volume, filtration accuracy, operation cycle, etc. Only after clarifying the needs can you choose the appropriate equipment model and function.
Investigate the manufacturer: It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive evaluation through field visits, understanding the manufacturer's production capacity, technical level and after-sales service.
Pay attention to cost performance: It is not that the higher the filter press equipment price, the better it is. It is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the service life, maintenance cost and ease of operation of the equipment. You can compare the products of several manufacturers and choose the one with the highest cost performance according to your budget.
Check user reputation: Through communication with other users in the industry, understand the performance and feedback of the equipment in actual use, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment.
HZfilter As an important solid-liquid separation equipment, the price of filter press machine is affected by many factors. When purchasing, users should consider not only the initial investment of the equipment, but also its economy and reliability in long-term use. Through scientific and reasonable purchasing strategies, production efficiency can be effectively improved, operating costs can be reduced, and sustainable development of the enterprise can be achieved.
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hzfilterpress · 1 month
Why Chamber Filter Presses Are Essential?
Chamber filter presses play a key role in modern industry. They separate solids from liquids under high pressure, dating back to 1900s techniques. With technology evolving, they've become more efficient and crucial for various sectors—like mining or food production—to ensure clean processes and outcomes that meet environmental guidelines. Their design includes many vital features aimed at effective separation, such as pressurised gas recycling within the system which boosts efficiency further by ensuring thorough filtration without waste.  
Understanding Chamber Filter Press Functionality
A chamber filter press works by using plates to form chambers. It pushes these plates together, creating spaces for slurry—a mix that often needs water removed—between them. Early designs from over a century ago used wood or metal, but now they're mostly molded polymer, like polypropylene. When the machine starts, it fills these chambers with slurry; then pressure is applied to separate solids and liquids. The key here lies in how the press manages this separation: under high pressure, fluids pass through filters leaving behind 'cakes' of solid material ready for disposal or further processing.  
Essential for Efficient Solid-Liquid Separation
Chamber filter presses excel in efficiency for solid-liquid separation. Key is their ability to deliver high-quality filtration, with impressive dewatering that results in dry solids of notable content. Built on a mechanical process separating solids from liquids, they outdo rivals like centrifuges or belt filters not just through tradition but performance as well. The role these presses play spans wide. They purify materials and products, recycle solvents, and remove water impurities—crucial steps across various sectors needing pure outcomes or material recovery. Cake filtration—a procedure where the very nature of particles dictates filtration quality—which underscores why optimizing this step matters greatly for ideal results.  
Advantages in Slurry Dewatering Processes
Slurry dewatering machine boosts water recovery. It's key in many fields, like mining where water is scarce and costly. By using this process, companies get back much of the used water. This can lead to big savings on buying fresh supplies — a fact that any firm with an eye on its bottom line can’t ignore. Plus, dry waste takes up less room than wet sludge does; this cuts down transport costs as fewer trucks are needed to haul it away. Lastly, by pulling clear water from muddy mixes, firms help in keeping our rivers and lakes clean which meets environmental rules every time.  
Improving Waste Management Across Industries
Chamber filter presses are key in managing waste across various sectors. In food processing, they handle wastewater brimming with solids and purify oils. These systems ensure safe discharge, safeguarding our environment from harm. Mining relies heavily on water for ore washing and dust control; here these machines excel at extracting particles to clear the way for reuse or disposal of process waters. Crafted from chambers lined with filtering fabric, chamber pressed effectively divide liquids from solid mixtures like slurry — imagine a thick liquid filled with bits that need separating out! They also shine in chemical industries by isolating hazardous elements ensuring worker safety plus environmental protection. As we look toward powering the future sustainably, power plants use this technology to cleanse cooling tower makeup water—filtering out pollutants such as oil ensures smooth operations without risking breakdowns due to contamination. Efficient production hinges on clean inputs; thus aggregate producers employ them too. By expelling moisture and impurities quickly under pressure cleanliness is achieved faster while conserving resources—a substantial financial boon! Steel mills utilize these filters before further processing steps improve efficiency exponentially through cleaner steams leading to better heat transfer rates significant savings follow alongside enhanced output quality. Even municipal facilities depend on filter presses within their treatment protocols aiding in delivering contaminant-free water into natural courses following stringent health norms making it an indispensable tool against pollution.  
Cost Savings Through Reusable Filter Cloths
Reusable filter cloths in chamber presses cut costs significantly. Traditional filters demand frequent replacements, but Mott Porous Metal technology extends cloth life to years. This saves time and money otherwise lost on constant cloth changes. Moreover, quality materials increase production runs by reducing downtime from leaks or failed seals—key disruptions that erode profits due to halted operations. Mott's durable systems lower operating expenses over time. They use less energy and require less labor due to simpler remote management, unlike older models that need manual oversight. Solid removal turns into a quick task rather than an extended chore, trimming down operational budgets even further through heightened efficiency and reliability.  
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance with Filtration Standards
Chamber filter presses play a key role in meeting filtration regulations. The process starts as sludge enters through manifolds into chambers, pushed by pneumatic pumps. This design allows for optimal space use and maximizes dewatering capacity within a compact footprint, crucial where room is tight like with tower press systems. Two styles are common: plate and frame or recessed chamber filters. Each fits different needs based on the application's specifics—recessed chambers hold fabric tightly against plates, which aids in effective separation of solids from liquids. For wastewater plants using traditional methods without DAF systems, an additional thickening step increases sludge density before drying can occur—a cost-intensive stage due to extra equipment to thicken the waste stream sufficiently for mechanical drying. However, when incorporating DAF technology prior to filtration—which generates thicker sludge between 4% and 5% dry matter—the need for intermediate tank-based thickening processes vanishes; this efficiency not only simplifies but also reduces long-term operational expenses significantly.   
Maintenance and Longevity of Chamber Filters
Chamber filter press maintenance is key for a long life. Regular check-ups stop big problems before they start, like clogs or wear and tear that can mean costly fixes down the line. Experts say clean every part after use—this makes them last much longer. Filters need changing when performance drops; this keeps operations smooth too. A well-kept machine can run for years without major overhauls, proving good care pays off in endurance and steady work flow, vital in industries where downtime equals lost money. With these steps taken seriously, businesses find their chamber filters remain reliable allies against waste issues day in, day out. Chamber filter presses from hzfilter are vital for industries needing solid-liquid separation. They boost efficiency and aid in waste management by filtering unwanted solids from liquids. Their design allows for easy operation, offering a clean, automated solution that saves time and resources. As businesses aim to reduce their environmental impact, these machines prove indispensable in processing operations across various sectors—essential tools for today's eco-conscious world where sustainability isn't just desired but expected.
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hzfilterpress · 2 months
Maximizing Productivity with Fast Opening Filter Press
In modern industrial settings, a fast opening filter press stands out as an essential device for solid-liquid separation. The process begins by feeding slurry into the machine. As it moves through each chamber, solids collect on cloth filters while clean liquid passes below. A distinctive advancement in this technology is the incorporation of vibration devices which further optimizes productivity. These presses not only achieve efficient filtration but also ensure rapid cleaning and reuse cycles due to quicker opening mechanisms—a vital aspect for industries aiming at high-throughput processes without compromising quality or efficiency.  
Understanding Fast Opening Filter Press
In a fast-opening filter press, slurry enters via the feed pump. The frames hold it all together; hydraulic pistons ensure no leak during processing. Each chamber's cloth filters serve to capture solids while clean liquid escapes below – separation made simple and efficient. Once every space brims with purified fluid and trapped particles, those same hydraulics compress chambers tightly, ensuring not even a drop slips through unchecked. As pressure ceases, they open for easy unload of residual matter - ready again for industrial tasks large or small. These presses are made from robust metals like stainless steel or cast iron, tailored to the task. They work solidly and precisely, separating materials in industries like food processing, where purity is crucial, or mining, where water reclamation is key to continued production despite natural scarcity.   
Benefits of Quick Operation Mechanisms
Quick-opening filter presses boost productivity by slashing cycle times. They use less energy, too. Built-in automatic belt washing saves labor previously spent on manual cleaning—more time for other tasks now. Verti-Press designs also enhance efficiency with their vertical chamber stack-up and improve wash results. Automation means fewer mistakes; it’s safer and uses materials better to cut costs—a smart choice for precise filtering needs and exact cake size control from the slurry feed adjustment each cycle. Plus, Filtra-Systems' Verti-Press stands out: added safety against chemical exposure makes it top-tier in filtration technology – ideal for modern 'green' industry demands.   
Integrating Vibration Devices for Efficiency
To enhance the fast-opening filter press, engineers integrate vibration devices. These gadgets attach to the machine frame and mass--the "M" in our simple vibratory system diagram. They shake at a set speed when prompted, helping loosen particles sticking to filters or plates after a cycle ends. They're fine-tuned so their shaking matches exact frequencies that won’t harm equipment by reaching resonance with natural frequencies of the structure—something crucial for avoiding quick wear or catastrophic failures. This precise alignment means maintenance focuses only on real issues first—a principle key in Predictive Maintenance programs working alongside Preventive Maintenance efforts aimed at extending machinery life while ensuring maximal uptime and product quality.  
Choosing the Right Filter Press Model
Selecting a filter press demands attention to detail. One must weigh the type of process—continuous or batch? Continuous presses roll out paper non-stop into a large tank through water and chemicals, filtering all at once. Batch presses soak then push batches through in one shot, great for limited runs like those needed for paper towels. Vertical versus horizontal orientation matters too. Vertical ones filter more surface area with their tubular shape, fitting chemical uses best; whereas horizontal models are better suited if you're aiming for clean white products such as tissues. Material choice is paramount: plastic, carbon steel, stainless steel—all hinge on your production scale and substance filtered. Stainless stands strong against alkaline scenarios to avoid rust issues. Prices start steeply around $100k but can rocket up depending on size and design choices tailored to industry requirements.  
Streamlining Filtration with Rapid Cycles
In the rapid filtration process, constant pressure is key. As slurry fills filter plate spaces, flow lessens and stops when a set low level is hit; then comes core blow with water or air to clear leftover slurry back into tanks for reuse. Optional are cake dry and membrane squeeze steps using compressed air for super-dry cakes by compressing out more liquid. When drying's done, plates unclamp; they separate so dried material drops free—this ends one cycle before starting anew. Design choices like chamber size affect duration just as much as slurry properties do—from its make-up to particle sizes—and dewatering aids can assist if needed.   
Maintenance Tips for Longevity and Performance
Supervisors must integrate preventative checks into the daily routine to ensure optimal filter press performance. Daily tasks include inspecting hydraulic lines and fittings for leaks, as these can quickly escalate if unchecked. If a leak is found, immediately tighten or replace necessary components and monitor any fixes closely. Maintaining clean hydraulic oil is essential; also keep bolts at their correct torque level with marks indicating proper tightness. It's critical to keep safety systems well-functioning—repair faulty devices right away to avoid downtime during operations. Tracking press data like cycle time and cake consistency in logs helps identify trends or issues early on. Monthly maintenance should involve professional servicing alongside cleaning and replacing filter cloths when needed, which prolongs equipment life significantly. Damp cakes indicate it might be time for cloth replacement or process adjustments — something our technicians can analyze via slurry testing onsite.  
Case Studies: Productivity Gains in Action
In factories, time is money. One study showed a fast opening filter press it shaves hours off processing. With this tool, cycles run close to 15% quicker than old models. This means more batches per day; for one business they saw output go up by nearly 25%. That's huge in terms of numbers! Profits soared due to improved staff efficiency. Smooth operations with minimal stops and starts boosted productivity like never before, truly changing the game on the shop floor.  The hzfilter Fast Opening Filter Press revolutionizes separation processes with its vibration device. This advanced system speeds up cycle times, maximizing productivity in industries needing solid-liquid division. Its design reduces downtime and enhances efficiency, making it a smart choice for businesses aiming to boost output while maintaining quality. For those seeking reliable operations with less maintenance, this filter press stands out as an essential upgrade—streamlining workflows with remarkable proficiency.
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hzfilterpress · 4 months
Application of stacked screw sludge dehydrator in water treatment
In recent years, the stacked screw sludge dehydrator has been greatly developed and promoted in our country. Compared with traditional sludge dewatering equipment, the stacked screw sludge dehydrator has the characteristics of no clogging, low energy and water consumption, and fully automatic operation. and other characteristics, it has been widely used in many fields such as municipal administration, petrochemical industry, medicine, textile, metallurgy, food and beverage, agriculture and animal husbandry.
hzfilter Filtration Equipment Company uses three stacked screw sludge dehydrators and dosing devices and other supporting equipment. The sludge and chemicals are flocculated in the flocculation mixing tank and then enter the dehydration body. After being processed by the screw stacker, the moisture content of the sludge can reach 80 %the following.
The use of the screw stacking machine has been well received by customers. The main advantages are as follows:
1. Fully automatic operation without manual supervision. The 
 can be started and stopped remotely with one click, making the operation worry-free and labor-saving. 2. Energy saving and extremely low operating costs. The spiral shaft speed is only 2~4r/min, the power of a single device is <5kW, and its average energy consumption is about 1/8 of the belt machine and 1/20 of the centrifuge. 3. The spiral shaft is surfacing with a super wear-resistant carbide layer. The surfacing thickness is 100 to 150 times that of the ordinary spraying process, which greatly extends the service life of the equipment. 4. The CFRP ring plate has excellent wear resistance, the ring plate replacement rate is less than 5% in 2 years, and the service life is more than twice that of traditional stainless steel 304, saving maintenance costs. 5. In addition, CFRP ring plates do not react with acid, alkali and salts, and have excellent corrosion resistance when handling corrosive materials. Compared with 316 or even dual-phase steel ring plates, the use of CFRP ring plates not only improves product performance, At the same time, investment costs can be reduced.
Strong product strength is the cornerstone of a company's long-term development. Over the years, hzfilter screw sludge has insisted on taking products as the core and quality as the foundation. It has made intensive research and development in equipment technology innovation, new material technology innovation, dual carbon technology innovation and intelligent IoT technology innovation, and has gone hand in hand to create a product that is easy to use, practical and highly reliable. We provide innovative products and solutions to create greater economic and social benefits for users and solve environmental problems.
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hzfilterpress · 29 days
China's leading filter press, benefiting from application expansion in emerging fields
hzfilter is China's leader filter presses, with a market share of over 40%. Its revenue scale and profitability are significantly ahead of its competitors. The company has expanded from traditional industries such as environmental protection and mining to emerging growth areas such as lithium batteries and sand and gravel. In the next three years, lithium batteries and sand and gravel will The stone field is expected to become the company’s main growth point. The filter press is a solid-liquid separation equipment that mainly includes filtration and purification processes. The downstream is widely used in environmental protection (municipal domestic sewage sludge, industrial wastewater sludge and river, lake and reservoir dredging sludge treatment), minerals and processing (non-ferrous metals, non-metallic ores, metal tailings), chemical industry, food and medicine and other fields. In 2019, China's filter press market size was 7.255 billion CNY, with a compound growth rate of 8.15% from 2012 to 2019. Driven by increased environmental protection policies and emerging application fields, the filter press market will reach 10 billion CNY in 2021. The driving factors of the industry are: the tightening of environmental protection policies has brought about the growth of the "sewage sludge" post-treatment market, and the expansion of "purification processes" in emerging application fields. In the past 20 years, the application of "sand and gravel" and "new energy" has emerged, which has provided a strong foundation for filter press. opportunities to bring new growth points. ① Increased policies promote the rapid growth of the "sand and gravel wastewater" industry. The national and local governments continue to issue policy documents for the standardized development of the sand and gravel aggregate industry. First, they promote the integration of high-quality production capacity of large enterprises. Second, they increase the requirements for the treatment of sand and gravel wastewater. Equipment updates and upgrades further expand the market space for sand and gravel wastewater equipment. . Based on the current domestic 14 billion tons of wet-process machine-made sand and the capital expenditure corresponding to 125 million CNY per 100 million tons, the space for the renovation of the complete set of filter press equipment is 17.5 billion CNY. As policies increase, the industry will enter a stage of rapid growth in the next three years. ②The application of filter presses in lithium batteries, photovoltaics, and nuclear energy is expanded. Filter presses gradually replace centrifuges in the lithium battery field and are used in filtration, washing and wastewater treatment processes in lithium mines, salt lake lithium extraction, positive electrode materials, graphite negative electrodes, PVDF resin materials, lithium battery recycling and other processes. In the photovoltaic industry, filter presses are used in the treatment process of monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon cutting fluids. The expansion of the power battery industry has driven capital expenditures in the filter press industry, benefiting from the booming new energy vehicle industry, and the demand for filter presses has surged. As the battery recycling market grows, it is expected to take over the power battery production expansion cycle and become a new growth pole. There are a large number of filter press companies in China, and they are divided into two levels. It presents a situation where a small number of modern and high-tech backbone companies coexist with a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises with relatively backward technical levels. The competition in the low-end market is fierce and the high-end market is highly concentrated. hzfilter’s growth comes from two aspects:
(1) expansion of applications in emerging industries;
(2) development from a single equipment manufacturer to a complete equipment manufacturer;
(3) expansion from filter press manufacturing to a complete solution provider; hzfilter is China's leader in filter presses, with a market share of over 40% in China's filter press industry. The company focuses on the production and sales of various complete filter presses and supporting equipment and accessories. It is committed to providing professional complete solutions for solid-liquid purification and separation. Its downstream applications are mainly environmental protection, minerals and processing, chemical industry, food and medicine. and other fields. The main products include complete filter presses, filter press accessories and supporting equipment. ① Complete filter presses include membrane filter presses and chamber filter presses; ② Accessories include filter plates, filter cloths, etc.; ③ Supporting equipment Including mixers, conveyors, etc. Welcome your orders and inquiries!
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hzfilterpress · 29 days
China's filter press manufacturing champion - HZfilter
Hangzhou Filter is a professional China filter press equipment manufacturer. It has ranked first in the production and sales of filter presses for 15 consecutive years, and its products are exported to all over the world. Possess multiple international invention patents.
The company is mainly engaged in the production and sales of complete sets of filtration equipment, and is committed to providing professional complete solutions for solid-liquid purification and separation. The company can provide overall solutions covering strategic communication, R&D and design, production and transportation of equipment and supporting facilities, construction and installation, and equipment debugging according to customer needs. The various complete sets of filtration equipment produced are widely used in environmental protection, new energy, new materials, sand Stone aggregate, mining, metal smelting, chemical industry, food and biomedicine and other fields.
The company has always insisted on promoting new products and exploring new markets. In terms of filter presses, we pay attention to changes in the market in downstream subdivisions, actively expand the application scope of the company's products, expand into new markets and new fields, and promote the continuous expansion of the company's business scale. Further refine the downstream subdivisions of filter presses, and further refine product development based on user demand characteristics, application environments, etc., to meet customer needs in different industries and fields.
sales model
Since the company's customers have different performance, specifications and service requirements for filter press-related products, the company mainly produces and sells filter press-related products according to customer requirements through direct sales. At the same time, the company determines the product sales price based on the cost plus method and with reference to the company's product guide price, depending on the model, processing difficulty, and technical content of the filter press. When there are major changes in raw material prices and production costs, the company will uniformly adjust product guidance prices.
Since the company's filter press products are non-standardized customized equipment based on customer requirements, in order to prevent operational risks, when the company signs a contract with a customer, depending on the customer's strength and credit situation, the company will generally require the customer to pay part of the payment in advance. Arrange production and deliver goods after the advance payment reaches a certain proportion (mostly more than 70%). The above amounts form advance receipts and are recognized as sales revenue after the revenue recognition conditions are subsequently met. Under normal circumstances, there is no need for actual repayment by the company.
Production/supply method
Filter presses are widely used and have various specifications. Different customers have different requirements for the performance parameters of filter presses and accessories. Therefore, the company mainly adopts the "make-to-order" model for production, that is, the customer places an order with the company and proposes the product. Performance parameters, specifications and purchase quantity requirements. Based on product design parameters, drawings, etc., the company's production department issues "production task orders" to the manufacturing departments of the frame, filter plate, filter cloth, control system, hydraulic system and other components. Each manufacturing department produces the products according to the "production task order". Components are assembled into final products through the final assembly department. For some general accessories, in order to improve the delivery speed, the production department arranges appropriate expected quantities of standard accessories (filter plate handles, etc.) based on the market sales forecast data provided by the sales department. The determination of the expected quantities is adjusted based on market changes.
Industry characteristics
Due to the high concentration of China's filter press industry and the large number of processing companies, there is a situation where a few modern and high-tech backbone companies coexist with a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises with relatively backward technical levels, resulting in technological differences among different companies in the industry. There are obvious intergenerational gaps in technology and equipment levels. This uneven development situation has caused the overall technical level of China's filter press industry to remain low.
Periodicity and seasonality: The downstream application industries of filter presses are relatively wide, distributed in many fields such as environmental protection, minerals and processing, chemical industry, food and medicine, and do not rely on a single market. The production and sales of filter presses are mainly affected by economic prosperity, but they are not highly positively correlated with the economic cycle, so they do not have significant cyclical and seasonal characteristics.
Competitive Advantage
There are many companies in the filter press industry, but most of them are small in scale and have backward process technology and equipment levels. Product quality levels are uneven, and low-end products have overcapacity and fierce competition. The application field of high-end filter presses can produce filter press products with strong filter quality adaptability, high degree of automation, and high added value on a large scale, and the market concentration is high. The company's first-mover advantage + scale effect has a market share of over 40%, and the brand is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
With filter press as its core, the company insists on promoting new products and exploring new markets. With the continuous expansion of downstream application scenarios, for example, in the field of new energy, filter presses are first applied to new energy batteries, and then expanded to lithium battery recycling. The market space of this industry is expected to further expand in the future. As an enterprise in an unpopular industry, the company's business is boring and boring. At the same time, as a leading enterprise in a "small industry", the company's market space imagination is also somewhat poor. However, the company's fundamentals are solid and it can make money steadily. After its initial listing, it has not reached out to the market for financing. Through self-development, it is an enterprise worth tracking and learning. If you are interested in our machines, please contact us!
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hzfilterpress · 1 month
Both are liquid filter bags, how to choose between oil removal and water removal?
The oil removal filter bag we refer to refers to the oil removal filter bag. Its precision range is between 0.5-25 μm. It is made of PP and can withstand high temperatures of 90°C. It can absorb 20 times its own weight in oil, block various hard and soft particles, and adopts a hot-melt seamless connection process. my country's oil-water separator filter bag is made of a double-layer filtration system and deoiling materials. The surface layer of chemical fiber intercepts large particle residues, and the filtration system captures fine particles in depth, which can provide absolute particle filtration precision and high energy consumption capacity.
Advantages of oil removal liquid filter bags:
1. Double-layer melt-blown polypropylene filter system is conducive to the gradual and smooth filtering of liquids.
2. The structure of the double-layer liquid filter bag with extremely strong seams. Our company uses electric welding to weld the sealing ring to remove the oil-soluble liquid filter bag.
3. Spunbond protective cover virtually eliminates chemical fiber migration.
4. Block all kinds of hard and soft particle residues.
Application scope:
Vehicle manufacturing spraying production line. Water filtration and oil removal filtration. Food industry. Vitamin chain enhancer. Filtration and filtration in beer sprinklers. Recycling of expensive active materials. Advanced UV coatings. Low viscosity coatings. Circuit board rings. Oxygen resin. High-grade lubricating oil. Leachate with gel. Obtain activated carbon in the leachate, etc.
In addition, we must also understand that most of the sealing rings used in supporting equipment of oil removal filter bags are plastic sealing rings and PP.PE materials, which are combined with ultrasonic welding technology to effectively prevent side leakage. The surface structure of the liquid filter bag is smooth and adopts the drawing weaving process. It is strong and smooth and will not be easily damaged.
hzfilter provides a variety of liquid filter bags with increased dirt holding capacity and can effectively remove solid and soft particles, that is, large particle impurities are intercepted on the fiber surface, while fine particles are captured deep in the filter material, ensuring that they will not be filtered. It will not be damaged due to pressure increase during use, and the filtration efficiency is high. The main types of filter presses we also provide include plate and frame filter presses, chamber-type embedded filter presses, membrane filter presses, and stainless steel plate filter presses. Each type of filter press is available in manual jack type, pneumatic pump type, hydraulic type, and fully automatic program-controlled type. welcome your free quote!
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hzfilterpress · 2 months
Automatic transformation of filter press, efficiency improved significantly
With the continuous development of science and technology, automation transformation has become an inevitable trend in various industries. As an important piece of equipment in industrial production, filter presses are even more imperative to realize automated transformation. There are many problems in the traditional filter press operating mode, such as low work efficiency, high labor costs, and safety hazards. In order to solve these problems, automation transformation has become the only way for the development of filter presses. Through automation transformation, the operation of the filter press will be simpler, more efficient and safer, bringing improved benefits to the enterprise.
Features of filter press automation transformation
High degree of automation: The modified filter press can automatically complete filtration, cleaning, unloading and other operations, reducing manual intervention and improving work efficiency.
Saving labor costs: The automated filter press can replace labor to complete heavy and repetitive work, reducing the labor intensity of workers and saving labor costs for the company.
Improve filtration quality: The automated filter press can achieve precise control, improve filtration effects, and make product quality more stable.
Reduce safety hazards: The operation of the filter press after automation transformation is more standardized, avoiding safety accidents caused by human operating errors.
Practical application cases of filter press automation transformation
A large chemical company introduced a hzfilter automated filter press. The equipment is equipped with automatic feeding, diaphragm pressing, automatic pulling plate unloading, automatic filter cloth cleaning, automatic plate turning and other devices. After more than a year of practical application , enterprises clearly feel the benefits brought by automation transformation:
The filtration efficiency has been greatly improved. The work that originally required 4 people can now be easily handled by just one person. Labor costs were reduced by 75%, saving the company a lot of expenses.
Product quality is more stable, winning high recognition from customers and improving the company's market competitiveness.
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How to choose the appropriate filter press automation modification solution
Faced with numerous filter press automation modification solutions on the market, how should companies choose? The following suggestions are available for reference:
Choose based on actual needs: When choosing an automation transformation plan, companies should choose a plan that suits them based on their actual needs.
Consider technology maturity: Choose a technologically mature and reliable automation transformation solution to ensure long-term stable operation.
Pay attention to after-sales service: Choose a manufacturer with complete after-sales service so that problems can be solved in a timely manner.
Reasonable budget: When choosing an automation transformation plan, companies also need to consider budget issues and choose a cost-effective solution.
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hzfilterpress · 3 months
Deeply cultivate filter presses to seize new needs
The industry hzfilter is engaged in is simply "solid-liquid separation". Sewage treatment, chemical industry, minerals, sand and gravel, new energy battery recycling, etc. At first, we didn’t have high requirements for environmental protection and just used ordinary belt filters. It was simple and extensive, and then slowly transitioned to a chamber filter press, and then gradually to a more refined membrane filter press. . Maybe the industry space is not very big, but the competition pattern is relatively good, one of the best in the industry, and the demand boom and performance growth rate are also good in all aspects.
The main best-selling product is the diaphragm filter press, which is mainly composed of a frame, filter plate, filter paper, motor, and some elastic materials. 80% of the cost comes from the frame made of steel and the filter plate made of polypropylene. Therefore, it will be affected by fluctuations in raw material prices to a certain extent.
The sewage passes through the filter chamber and is then pressurized to 4-10Mpa to form a filter cake with less water content. The filtered water is separated, and finally the filter cake is crushed again. Secondary pressure filtration can be operated by automatically cleaning the filter cloth.
Among them, the filter plate can generally be used for 3 years, while the filter cloth wrapped on the filter plate generally needs to be replaced every 3-6 months and is a consumable.
The filtration effect is directly related to the hole shape and density of the filter cloth when weaving it, as well as the quality of the polypropylene used in the filter plate.
Its core technology is also mainly focused on the weaving of filter cloth and the ability of the filter plate to withstand pressure. In addition, it is the level of automation of the entire machine.
hzfilter is very professional in this area, and its self-sufficiency rate in all parts and components is very high. From the introduction of advanced German production lines for filter cloth weaving to the injection molding production of polypropylene filter plates, we basically master the core links ourselves. Of course, there are also downstream manufacturers that do this business alone. After all, filter cloth is a consumable material and the business model is relatively good. This expansion of vertical integration is not only conducive to the future sustainability of performance, but can also reduce the cost of existing products and improve the level of customization.
The characteristics of the filter press as a whole, the product complexity and the individual needs of the upstream require customized production. Production is determined by order and signed one by one. Moreover, the production cycle is relatively long, which also results in a relatively high proportion of inventory in the financial report. (Finished products account for about 10-15% of the total inventory) Precisely because of the high complexity and customization characteristics, the ability to design, produce and customize is very high. In order to adapt to a variety of industries and achieve filtration effects in different industries, it is necessary to master the production of components in each link to achieve upstream requirements.
This is also the reason why hzfilter can quickly capture the surge in demand in the sand and gravel and new energy industries. At least have enough rapid supply capabilities. At the same time, the viscosity of the product has been greatly improved, and it is necessary to have the ability to provide guidance, training, maintenance and other services to downstream customers. The price and cost of raw materials mainly depend on the proportion of different types of polypropylene materials. A higher proportion of crushed materials will result in lower costs, but the quality of the filter plates produced will be lower. Not very good. If you add some T1001J models, the performance will be greatly improved. The cost of steel mainly depends on the price fluctuation of medium plates. If some special stainless steel is used, the cost will increase.
Of course, upstream basically delivers goods on delivery. Except for elastic materials, which are cash on delivery, other items must be paid first. For downstream needs, the company will first design a plan based on the requirements, then trial-produce parts, and then purchase based on production. Of course, downstream companies generally need to issue a performance bond first, and the company will generally receive an amount equivalent to the cost price. Therefore, from the perspective of financial reports, receivables are basically greater than payables. Of course, its operating cash flow is basically the same as net profit, which is pretty good.
Therefore, hzfilter’s competitive advantages and structure are very good, although there is still room. However, at this stage, both expected returns and price protection are lacking. You can always pay attention. Most of the time, you still have to buy cheaply, especially for companies that are growing in stages. Once a higher premium is given, it is easy to cause substantial losses. Thank you for your consultation!
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hzfilterpress · 3 months
Which industries use high-pressure membrane filter presses?
Ordinary chamber filter presses are suitable for most industries. The normal moisture content of the mud cake is about 75%, while the normal moisture content of the mud cake of high-pressure membrane filter press is about 65%, depending on the materials and processes.
The diaphragm filter press is a filter press with a diaphragm plate and a chamber filter plate arranged alternately to form a filter chamber. It is a filter press with an elastic membrane installed between the filter plate and the filter cloth. The solids and liquids in the slurry are separated through the filter media (filter cloth). When the solids in the slurry form a cake, air or water is passed into the membrane filter plate to fully squeeze the solids in the filter chamber and reduce the moisture content.
Generally, this filter press can be used for materials with higher viscosity and users with higher moisture content requirements.
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During use, when the feeding is completed, high-pressure fluid or gas medium can be injected into the diaphragm plate. At this time, the entire diaphragm will bulge to compress the filter cake, thereby further dehydrating the filter cake, which is commonly referred to as press filtration.
The membrane filter press realizes a high-efficiency dehydration filtration process and ensures the best filtration effect of the filter press, significantly reducing the moisture content of the filter cake. After the feeding process is completed, the filter cake is pressed twice to improve the overall dehydration efficiency, increase the dryness of the filter cake, reduce pollution and reduce labor. In some processes, the drying process can even be eliminated, which is better. Save manpower and material resources.
The diaphragm filter press is an important member of the current sewage treatment equipment. The diaphragm filter press is composed of a diaphragm plate and a chamber filter plate arranged to form a filter chamber. Under the pressure of the feed pump, the slurry is input into the filter chamber and passes through the filter. The medium (filter cloth) separates the solids and liquids in the slurry. When the solids in the slurry form a cake, air is introduced into the membrane to fully squeeze the solids in the filter chamber and reduce the moisture content. For users who filter viscous materials and have higher requirements for moisture content, this machine has its own unique characteristics. (High-pressure diaphragm filter press) The filter plate is molded from reinforced polypropylene. The diaphragm and polypropylene plate are inlaid together, which is strong and reliable, not easy to fall off, and has a long service life.
High Pressure Membrane Filter Press is widely used in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, sugar, food, coal washing, grease, engineering technology and other professional production printing and dyeing, brewing, ceramics, mining and metallurgy, sewage treatment and other fields. HZfilter press the working principle of the membrane filter press can improve the processing capacity of the filter press and increase the operational flexibility of the filter press, especially operations that require mud cake cleaning, send your inquiry!
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hzfilterpress · 5 months
Introducing an integrated fully automatic sewage treatment system to reduce manpower and increase efficiency!
In order to further improve the efficiency and management level of sewage treatment in sewage stations, realize real-time and continuous monitoring of sewage treatment processes, and accelerate the process of intelligent construction of mines, HZFilter Company's integrated fully automatic sewage treatment system is coming.
The waste water purification system uses advanced technology and equipment to monitor the operation status of the sewage station in real time, monitor the flow, temperature, suspended pollution, COD and other indicators of the sewage station in real time for a long time. Through intelligent control of the key treatment units and even the entire process of the sewage station, Automatically adjust parameters according to the incoming water load and operating conditions, reduce material and energy consumption, ensure the normal progress of the sewage treatment process and ensure that the water quality after treatment reaches the standard. Its control interface is clear, simple to operate, has high stability and reliability, and is convenient for post-workers Use and maintenance.
The key technology of this system is the automated operation of the MBR membrane group. It mainly relies on procedures such as preparation of chemicals, aeration and flushing, backwashing, and mud discharge, which effectively reduces the labor intensity of management personnel and reduces the number of employees by 3. Compared with before, the cost can be reduced by 30%. %, achieving the purpose of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Our company actively responds to the intelligent manpower reduction policy. Through automated control, it not only improves the sewage treatment efficiency and sewage treatment quality of the sewage station, reduces pollutants, and realizes manned inspections and unattended operations, but also, through real-time monitoring, can timely The discovery and handling of abnormal situations greatly reduces the possibility of environmental accidents and brings the mine's intelligent environmental protection work to a new level.
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