yanankim · 1 year
Congratulations on 500 followers! Just wanted to say your posts are almost always the first ones on my feed and they bring me soooo much joy!! Thank you for feeding my newly converted uni soul~ 🫶🏽
aww thank you so much!!!! i'm glad you enjoy my posts 🥺🥺🥺 and welcome to unidom, if you have any questions about our boys, dont be afraid to reach out~
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underaverageheight · 10 months
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paint my love
hwang hyunjin x artist!gn!reader genre: fluff warning(s): none other than hyune being a bit of a crybaby
note: took me a while but i finally got to fully write out my little thought from here because tbh sending in asks to sage gets my brain going lol
word count: 2.1k omg
“Hey Bin! Um... can you do me a favor? Like a big, big favor?” Your best friend nodded eagerly, awaiting your words. "Can you... buy me a studio? Nothing huge. Just a studio?"
Changbin looked at you as if you were speaking gibberish. At this point, real gibberish would have made more sense. "Um. I love you but why? You have a studio and Hyunjin. Ask Hyunjin."
"Well, you see... I want to give him a new studio for our anniversary but I want to keep it a secret. A very secret secret and it’s not like I can drop a grand or two randomly and play it off." You looked at Changbin, reaching for his hand on the table. "I need you, Binnie."
He raised his eyebrow. "You need my money."
"Well... yeah. But I'm a good friend so I'll say I need you. Besides, I'll pay you back," Grinning, you gave him the best puppy eyes you could muster, causing him to groan in defeat.
"Fine." He pulled out his card. "For the love of this world, do NOT go buying a whole bunch of buildings. Okay? Ask Chan for his card if you're gonna do that." Changbin smirked and handed you his card before getting up to pat Hyunjin's shoulder, who looked at you with a puzzled facial expression.
Later that day, you spent your time sketching cherry blossom trees, scraps of your designs littered the floor of your shared room-turned-mini-studio, which was mostly filled with Hyunjin’s finished projects and some half-finished projects. With both of you being artists, many of your projects mixed with Hyunjin's. You tugged at one of his binders and flipped through the paints your boyfriend had bought or created. You found various shades of pink and red, ones you considered using for your project. After all, it had to be the most perfect anniversary gift for him.
"I'm home~" Hyunjin kicked off his shoes and found you scavenging through his binders and some of your folders. He gave you a quick peck on the top of your head. "Artistic rush?" You nodded and he chuckled, sitting down next to you. "What are you looking for?"
"Just some shades. I'm trying to find the nature catalog." Humming softly, you leaned against his shoulder. "I had a little thought." Laughing softly, you traced patterns on your boyfriend's thigh. "How was practice?"
"It was kinda fun today. We goofed off mostly and we were all okay with it. Even Minho was okay with it." Hyunjin tangled his fingers in the locks of your hair before reaching into a mess of binders and pulled a smaller one out. "Here."
"Thanks Hyunnie.” He hummed his acknowledgement, kissing your cheek again.
“I’m gonna shower and work on some things,” He got up and went to get his clothes from your bedroom. You, on the other hand, grabbed a spare bin, put the catalog, some paints you could easily find, and many brushes or various shapes inside. The rest of the day, you looked into multiple art studios, trying to find ones with a nice view and large windows. 
“This is the one.” You found a lovely, spacious yet cozy studio that faced the west, allowing one to see the prettiest sunsets from the room. Booking a viewing appointment for tomorrow, you quickly made another checklist; things to double check and look for to make sure what you were buying had the proper things. Grabbing your tote bag, a birthday gift from your boyfriend who painted delicate roses on the sides, you put the list in, your car keys, and your wallet with Changbin’s card inside. 
“As you can see, this studio has a smaller, more private office area with a lovely view of the city. It’s perfect for smaller businesses or artists or all kinds. Out here,” the realtor led you out of the little office to the outside space, “is the kitchen and a large open area here that can fit your various needs. Should it be a living room, meeting area, art studio based on your pretty bag there.” The woman smiled, gesturing to your tote bag. 
“It’s beautiful. May I check and look around the studio?” 
“Feel free to. I have another client downstairs so take as much time as you need,” The realtor smiled and left, going to the bottom floor to meet the client. Looking around, you checked for any damage, locating wall outlets, checking the space, checking the windows. Satisfied, you went down the many floors to find the realtor, going to make your down payment with Changbin’s card. 
You better love and use that studio to bits and pieces. Pay me back when you can :>
Texting Changbin back that you promise to pay him back, you drove home, catching Hyunjin on his way back to the house from a company dinner. Next week, you’d start the painting and prep. “Hi Jinnie! I finally figured out my artistic rush. So unfortunately I’ll be busy for a long long time.”
You giggled at the silly ferret’s antics. “Oh no! You’re going to disappear off the face of the Earth for a long time. When can I expect your kisses?” “Mmm… a week or two?”Jaw drop.
“Lord. Are you being summoned to paint down in the depths of hell? What are you painting? A skyscraper?” Hyunjin pounced on you, hugging you tightly and peppering kisses all over you. “Come back alive, my love.”
“Dramatic.” Laughing, you hugged him back, with a big grin, “I just wanna perfect this project. Besides, I literally see you everyday, angel.”
“Alright, alright fine.”
For a few days, you spent hours painting the walls, deciding on a green summery background, with faint mountains in the background. Coming home, you set your bags down, sighing, glad to be home. “Babyy!” Hyunjin comes to you, hugging and spinning you around with a wide grin. “You have green paint on your cheek… You’re really using that nature binder, huh?” 
You flushed a light pink, attempting to wipe off the dried paint. “Ah…” Laughing slightly, you rest your face against Hyunjin’s chest. Stilling slightly, Hyunjin brought his hands up to your head and your back, rubbing soothing circles on your back. 
A week later, you set the wet brush down on the paper, admiring your work. In the center of the wall was a grand cherry blossom tree, its branches stretching across the walls and parts of the ceiling. The white and pink blossoms stood out against the greenery, a flurry of floating blossoms seeming to drift in the wind. After hours of research, you found UV paint and glow in the dark paint. You outlined the tree and some blossoms. You added small details in your mural, working a lot later than you normally had, determined to finish this soon.
By the time you finished detailing, you gasped in wonder as the paint glowed brightly, seeming to shine brighter than the night life down below. The next and last day, you took the UV paint, marking up the mural with tiny messages. Satisfied, you sat on the couch, taking in the view of your finished mural. You were proud of the work you produced, stopping to admire it while you were cleaning up the studio. Before you left for the day, you left a little bag on the counter with a note. 
“Can you believe we’ve almost been dating for 4 years?” Hyunjin smiled as he held you close, his arms wrapped around you, blanketing you with his warmth.
“Speaking of which, I planned dinner at the restaurant we went to on our first date tomorrow.”
“Really? Do you think your message is still by that table in the corner?” Hyunjin’s eyes shined, recalling the memory.
On your first date with him, you both went to this small local restaurant. It was cozy yet elegant in its own way. After finishing your meals, you pointed at the wall next to the table, decorated with messages from its many visitors. “For good luck?” Hyunjin shrugged, pretending not to seem overly excited. “Sure.” You found an open area on the wall, scribbling the date. You thought for a moment before writing Y/n & Hyun - our first date ~ Hyunjin tried his best to hide his smile as you got up to use the restroom. Unbeknownst to you, he stood up and wrote a message of his own near the ceiling, convinced you’d never see his wish for luck. 
“Good morning darling. Happy anniversary~” You woke up to a decorated room, the walls of your shared room covered in many sketches and drawings. 
“What is this?” Walking over to the walls, you read off the writing on a smaller sketch. “‘The 73rd thing I love about you. Your sleeping patterns.’” The sketch depicted a person, presumably yourself, curled up like a koala. You laughed and looked at other sketches. “‘The 12th thing I love about you. Your hugs.’ ‘The 5th thing I love about you. Your smile.’ ‘The 1st thing I love about you. You.’ Aw Jinnie… I love it so much. It’s beautiful. I love you so much. Happy anniversary my love.” You hugged your boyfriend tightly, kissing him lovingly. 
“Where is it…” Your finger traced the walls, scanning for your message. “Found it! Right here, look!” You pointed at your faded handwriting, smiling brightly. You drew a heart near your previous message and wrote a new one. Happy 4 years to the one I love. “I don’t remember if you wrote one. I don’t think you did, did you?”
“I did write one. Honestly, I was completely head over heels for you when I first met you…So I wrote one in secret. Didn’t want to scare you away if you knew how much I cared about you.” Hyunjin blushed, looking away from you before searching the writing near the ceiling, pointing at the corner. I know it has to be you, so please let it be you. Underneath was a small cherry blossom, a symbol of when you first met Hyunjin. 
“Speaking of cherry blossoms… It's time for me to show you your gift.” Taking him to the tall building, Hyunjin was confused, unsure of what you could be referring to.
“Oh my god. Did you buy this building?” He paled slightly, making you laugh.
“Why does everyone think I’m gonna buy a building?!” Shaking your head with a smile, you took him up to the studio, placing the key in his hand. “Happy anniversary, darling.” Hyunjin nervously unlocked the studio, gasping at the sight.
“A new studio? For me? This is your gift? Oh my god.” You flipped the lights on. The mural was fully revealed, nearly bringing your boyfriend to tears. “I…” He rushed to feel the wall, tracing the blossoms. “Cherry blossoms. When we first met…” 
“This isn’t even the best part.” You grinned, relishing in how emotionally touched he was.
“There’s more?!” He nearly shrieked, trying to figure out the tricks you hid up your sleeves.
“Close your eyes.” Hyunjin hesitantly closed his eyes, anxious for the rest of your surprise. You turned off the lights, waiting for the paint to glow again. The low glow of the paint illuminated part of the room. “Open.”
Hyunjin stared, mouth agape at the glowing mural. Tearing up, he sniffled, coming to hug you tightly.“It’s beautiful. I love it so much. I… don’t even have the words to express how much I love this. It’s stunning…” 
“Go grab the bag on the counter.” Hyunjin reluctantly peeled himself off you, sniffling as he grabbed the small bag off the counter. “Go ahead, turn it on.” Reaching inside, he revealed a UV light. He turned it on, waving it around. “No you goofball, point it at the wall.”Slowly but surely, the UV messages you spent writing all over the mural revealed themselves. Your boyfriend was full on sobbing, sitting by the wall, tracing your messages with his finger. Looking back at you with tears streaming down his face, he made grabby hands towards you, making you come over to him, hugging him and laughing. 
“Don’t look at meee…” Hyunjin sniffled, wiping his face with his sweater sleeve as he read your messages aloud. “‘I expect my kisses in two weeks' time.’ ‘If you find this, I may or may not have used up all of your green paint.’” Hyunjin laughed, still crying as he buried his face in your shoulder. “I love you. I love you so much. I thought you bought me a whole entire building… Maybe I should do that. Buy you a building so we can paint every room, every wall, everything. I’m gonna paint the world for you.” Giggling, you wiped his tears, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. 
“Gonna paint my endless love for you.”
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schwesters8 · 3 months
TXT reaction to having their wisdom teeth removed
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When Soobin woke up, he was very quiet. You tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't meet your eyes, aside from casting you shy, quick glances every once and while. It was hard to keep it a secret though, as every time he looked at you, the heart rate monitor began to increase its tempo.
You couldn't help but find it endearing as he blushed every time you met his stare. It was only on the drive home that he finally spoke, his words a bit muffled from the gauze. "You're really pretty."
You smiled, keeping your eyes on the road. "You're really handsome." He beamed at the compliment, reaching over the center console to hold your hand.
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When Yeonjun woke up from the anesthesia, he looked around the room with pursed lips. "Baby, where are we?" he mumbled through the gauze in his mouth.
"We're in the hospital, you just woke up from surgery," you told him, reaching out to take his hand. He nodded slowly and closed his eyes for a moment. After about a minute of silence, he spoke again.
"Wait... where are we?" You repeated your answer, trying your best not to laugh. The rest of the time was spent with this back and forth and you made sure to record videos to tease him about later.
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"I'm so hungry," he whined. You knew that something like this was bound to happen considering he couldn't eat the night before to prep for the surgery. You promised him soup when you two got back home, but hunger was very clearly at the forefront of his mind.
After a while, you managed to distract him by requesting him to act cute for you. After shooting you a bunch of hearts, he suddenly became quiet.
"I want pizza," he mumbled. He wasn't supposed to have solid foods for a few days because of his stitches but you agreed anyway, knowing that he wouldn't remember this conversation when the two of you got home.
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Taehyun had read up a lot about the surgery before going under anesthesia, so when he woke up, that was the only thing he wanted to talk about. Thing was, he still was a bit foggy and he had mistaken you to be his doctor.
"Doctor, was the anesthesia administered through inhalation or intravenously? I don't remember." You had tried to tell him that you weren't his doctor and instead was his loving girlfriend, but he was a bit too far gone to reason with.
"I don't know, Hyunnie."
"Weren't you supposed to document it? How did you pass your medical board exam?" You laughed, taking out your phone to record this conversation. His bandmates would love to see this.
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Kai was surprisingly chipper when he woke up from the anesthesia. All the nurses loved him because he was so sweet, always remembering to add a please and thank you to his sentences. The person he directed most of his attention to, however, was you.
"Thank you for driving me."
You kissed his forehead. "You're welcome, baby." He scrunched his face up cutely at the pet name, a giggle leaving his lips.
"Thank you for always being here for me. Thank you for being you. And thank you for making me breakfast a couple days ago. And thank you for letting me choose the movie last night. And thank you for-" You stared at him as he kept rambling. This was going to be a long drive home.
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jdopes-recorder · 2 years
Ok imagine felix taking you out to an expensive restaurant (crack)
Btw, my first long post of these things so feedback will be appreciated <33
He told you that he was just taking you for some ice cream
You dress up moderately cuz it's just ice cream
Then he drives right past the ice cream shop and you're like "dude wha-??? "
He drives a bit more and stops in front of a fancy smazy restaurant and gets you out of the car
And he just gives you his blinding heart melting smile, apologizes and tells you that you look absolutely beautiful and stunning in anything
Safe to say you're all 🥺🥺 and blushing but still a little frustrated
Then you get the menus and you see the prices first obviously and-
After a bunch of complaining from you, he makes you order whatever you want and says that he wants to do this for you
And you're like "I love you sm boi but seriously wtf"
You get some noodle thing you can't pronounce but sounds fancy cuz you shouldnt really just get a burger in such a place
You get the fries cuz... Fries
Turns out that noodle thing wasn't all that great and was a little spicy but hey, the chicken in it was pretty good and you got a chance to make a bbokari joke that wasn't taken so well oops-
Then you watch (deathstare) him eat his pasta and prawn until he notices and gives you some cuz he's sweet like that
His food is now yours.
You look at the deserts and there's this 70% pure chocolate cake and you decide you'll split that
It looks a lot smaller than expected *cough* that's what she said *cough*
But then you take a bite and it tastes like a cocoa bean took a shit in your mouth, in a good way..... You get it
It's so chocolatey that you feel lowkey sick
You give the rest to him and wonder how he can eat that much of it without feeling sick cuz it's THAT sweet
He takes some photos of you while you die of embarrassment cuz people are looking at you like 🫤
Then you happily take pics if him cuz he's stunning and beautiful and perfect and so freaking adorable you just wanna squish him and stuff him in your pocket like your own personal ray of sunshine and lucky charm
Then you tell him how bloated your tummy is and you don't like it 🙁
And hes all "THAT'S SO ADORABLE AND SQUISHY I LOVE IT STAWPPPP" and will later proceed to take a nap on it like it's his very own pillow
On the way back y'all keep singing(screaming) your fav songs and may have gotten too into it that it almost became a little concert
You finally get to the dorms where you'll be staying the night and you can hear the screaming and chaos from outside
You open the door and see minho chasing hyunjin with tissues in his hand again, chan with his earphones on his laptop (you swear you're gonna steal it someday), han stuffing his face with cheesecake, changbin watching some workout tips videos, seungmin just reading his book and jeongin watching a marvel movie while silently judging them all
The moment he notices you hyunjin runs and shields himself from minho behind you just in time to avoid getting his mouth stuffed
They're all like " HELLO ANYEONGHASEYEOOO" in Jackson style
Then hyunjin is "you guys went and ate at a fancy restaurant without me :((" And starts getting teary and dramatic cuz is he hyunjin if he doesn't?
And lo and behold, from your bag you pull out.....
Cue the praises and crying of joy from hyunnie
They all dig in and kinda like it but they all agree that it was stupidly expensive and you look at Felix like, " SEE BISH I'M RIGHT "
Channie decides to try some and becomes as red as an angry white man in the summer and runs to the kitchen to get milk (that yo daddy never came back with but dw Chris is bringing some for all of y'all)
And then all of you sit down and finish watching that movie with innie and you complete the lines with them cuz you a marvel fan✨
You say goodnight and head to bed (except channie and you are so close to dragging him by the hair and tucking him in bed agressivsely but with lob)
As expected, lixie uses ur tummy as his pillow and is out like a light
You just stare at him like "JLKFHSYFKGHDJH HE'S SO PRETTYYYY" and play with his soft beautiful hair and go to dreamy land
Tagging @sparkystraynger cuz she asked for it and has practically sold her soul by doing so *insert evil laughter*
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changisworld · 4 months
I love your fuckboy hyunjin series so much! But it broke my heart when hyunjin kept repeating to Lisa that y/n isn’t really his girlfriend and that they’re not officially together 💔😭 ik he was jealous and mad but come on Hyunnie…… fight for your girl!! 😒 Y/n really didn’t do anything wrong and trusted him and he still started flirting with Lisa and denying their relationship. Ugh I wanted to punch him lol. Glad they made up 🫶🏻 but I think he needs to do more groveling and apologizing, just more to make it up to her for everything he did. If I was y/n I wouldn’t forgive him so easily haha. Def need body worship/praise and him proving how much he cares about her in the next chapter!! And possessive Hyunnie at some point in the future where y/n is his and he is y/n’s and isn’t afraid to let everyone know it. 🥹 I can’t wait for the next part-still love him but I hope he gets his act together 👊🏻
First of all thank you so much for reading & enjoying the series, it means a bunch to me!! I’m not a billion percent sure when a part 4/final part will be posted since i have so much shit going on in my life tam but you’re completely right & i also believe y/n & hyunjin deserve their happy ending!! (i wanted to punch him too or just delete the full story altogether i was getting so in my feels lmao)
I will probably begin writing it tomorrow or thursday but the upload of it will more than likely be delayed:(
Part 4 will be the final chapter of it since i don’t think the series has too much things that need to be closed off (other than y/n & hyunjins happy ending duhhh) but I have another mini series i want to begin working on after I conclude this one & im so sure everyone is gonna LOOOVE it!!
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skzhera · 1 year
📲 STAY, you have a new notification!
[11:20] - ya'll [11:20] - its hannieee'ss bdayy!! [11:21] - live long and healthy quokka :)
[11:25] - before leaving so soon, we went around to all our homes in the US
[11:25] - started with chris', then seungmin's cuz its right beside. [11:26] - lixie's and then hyunnie, lee knows' and finally the Seos'. [11:26] - All nine of us went everywhere, with a couple of the staff members.
[11:28] - Our parents were all very happy to see us, congratulated us for the vmas. [11:28] - ate a whole bunch of food, in every single home.
[11:29] - ohh i miss the US. [11:29] - The amount of memories, the childhood home, the neighbors, the friends ohhh [11:30] - SO many things!
[11:30] - While at the Lee's, minho's mom pulled out an old picture she found while cleaning the attic.
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[11:32] - she so adorable, she kept it in the living room!! [11:32] - it was a BnW picture, chris's papa took of us [11:33] - it's from right before going to college
[11:35] - wish yongbokkie tomorrow! [11:35] - night
Hera's Masterlist!
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
Hellooooo Thanks guys for being so patient!!
Just finished my little trip from ATL, to LA cried a whole bunch, got a kiss blown to me from Hyunnie during soundcheck LIVING MY BEST LIFE TBH
ATL was amazing, I had such a blast with my friends
LA was on some next shit tho, I got stopped a hundred times or more because "I follow you on tiktok!!" had an interaction where someones mom came to me and said "My daughter follows your tiktok and wants to know if she can take a photo with you" it was so sweet I felt SO HONORED to not only be recognized as a 'big stay' content creator and to have people wanting photos with me it felt so crazy, sound check was a dream, and seeing the boys both nights in LA felt like a dream its so hard to process that this is officially the end of the Maniac tour, and the end of ODDINARY era officially. I have so many videos for y'all but as promised I will be FINALLY updating EX!! so stay tuned because SO much is about to happen!!
thank you again for being so patient with this series I cannot wait for you all to see whats coming!!
tags <3
@alyszaen @channiesbub @dugarzaddy @fairywriter-oracle @skzloveforever @neohyxn @chaotickyrith @lemonadencran @raven-skz95 @chanlixiiee @hyunehans @catiuskaa @awkwardnesshabitat @drhsthl @katsukis1wife @mysticalexpertwinneralien
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skz-chatbot · 4 months
Angel: *kiss* give em hell honey bunches. How are you feeling my starshine baby?
Astrid: little scared. I don’t know how to explain this to my partners.
*kisses her forehead* well hyunnie accidentally butt dialed them soooo...
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nvrendngstry · 2 years
“ehhh he’s alright.” she jokes “oh high school hyunnie? i got a bunch of those. while i look for those. here’s hyunnie in elementary school”
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“AHHH— I just wanna pinch his little cheeks~ Okay, he’s really never had a single moment of awkwardness growing up, huh? He’s been adorable since day one!”
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sugar-petals · 3 years
I’m just going to come to you with all my Kibbe typing questions since you’re the only person I trust. Please tell me to shut up if I’m being annoying.
How would you type Chungha? She looks unreal in romantic styles (especially with all glitter and sparkle) which makes me think TR. But her frame and the angularity of her face lend more to SG?
pure gamine like yoongi. hyuna is more soft gamine, the type is noticeably curvier. look at woozi as well. that’s why you can put sharp shoulders on chungha and yoongi and it doesn’t upset the outfit:
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...while it doesn’t fit right on woozi and hyuna, appearing too large and sitting in the air since their frame is more rounded and smaller.
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dingdonghun · 4 years
🥺🌼💕 get to know your mutuals ! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better ! 🥺🌼💕
If you want to know about me why don’t you come hold my hand 👉👈
lmao just kidding just kidding...unless? 
Five things! Uhhhhm... Okay well~ 
1.) I’m 25 years old and my birthday is June 12th!!
2.) A.C.E is my ult group!
3.) I have 6 tattoos and have two more in mind!
4.) I really love to make friends, even if I am shy and antisocial, I love talking to new people~
5.) I really like insects and I think they are cute~
Thank you for sending me this, love!~
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yanankim · 1 year
You offered and I immediately jumped at the chance to ask questions LMAO but there was a jinhui bp fight???
LMAO it wasnt like on camera or anything but basically when hui joined bp, jinho unfollowed him on insta and shinwon told us that jinho was actually kinda upset about him joining the show. it wasnt anything too major so im sure theyre fine now lol
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exo-stentialism · 5 years
Aeyyy I’m so excited for you!! Have a great time tonight 🙌
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i’m hoping i don’t disassociate and completely panic and die because bbh is right in front of my face **sobs**
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🥺🌼💕 get to know your mutuals ! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better ! 🥺🌼💕
This is so sweet aw, my heart 🥺💕
1. Currently majoring in English Literature at uni, its my final sem and I should have graduated by now if 2020 didn’t become the massive shithead it became
2. I joined Tumblr around this time last year and my birthday (on tumblr) is just around the corner!
3. I’m not straight 👀
4. I love studying new languages 
5. Chicken and potatoes make me extremely happy, I love them in every shape, colour and form 
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hhjs · 5 years
What’s your happiest memory?
hmmm most of them are with my mum. we had a drawing room and i used to watch fairy odd parents there. with my mum. she never got annoyed or pressed on watching something else. Just thinking about it makes me very happy!
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mayrubyy · 5 years
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