#hyram | future hunter
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palisraven · 1 year ago
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@ethereallyloved said: Alice essentially ran at top speed towards her boyfriend, suddenly just jumping at him! She has caught him!
He grunted quietly at the impact but his arms immediately wrapped around her, holding Alice close. A smile curled Hyram's lips and her tilted his head to press a kiss to her jaw. "Ah, the mighty dragon has captured me. Whatever shall my fate be?" he joked.
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palisraven · 6 months ago
"Yeah, beastkeeping lends itself well to people with wild tendencies," Lilith chuckled. She answered, "Oh, I was just finishing up, so I should be free to come along. I just need to lock up my office."
Hyram asked, "How good are you at beastkeeping, mom?"
"Good enough that I know what can kill me and what can't if I try to eat it," she replied off-handedly with a grin. She turned and locked her office door before turning back to the others. "Ok! I'm ready to go!"
Valor chuckled. "I think in my case it helps that I've been a beastkeeper for pretty much as long as I can remember."
"Alright. Do you need to, like, finish anything here before we go, or . . . ?"
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ppw-rp-hub · 2 years ago
@palisraven continued thread
As he saw Luz as a sister, the prospect of her getting married and having a life mate as supportive as Amity made him very happy. Though, the idea of getting married so soon also seemed daunting. He shook his head briefly, as if to clear his head. There was a lot he didn’t need to think about just yet. 
“Well, mom is a little on the weird side. Her idea of fun is exploring historical sites and discovering things from day-to-day life from centuries ago...” he mumbled with a small smile. Though, he had made sure ahead of time to clarify that there wasn’t a historical site nearby that Lilith could’ve been excited about instead. But, upon entering, he smiled as he saw several other witches their ages, walking around and chatting excitedly over the music that played over the speakers. It had a nice vibe to it and he turned to Willow, noting, “I think I like this place already.” 
"As we've learned from Luz and Eda, being weird isn't always a bad thing and if Lilith is passionate about history then that's a good pursuit," Willow grinned and looked around once they landed.
"Yeah, it has a nice atmosphere," she agreed.
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palisraven · 5 months ago
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"Halloween time! That means time to dress up! And maybe convince Hyram to be something other than a Cosmic Frontier character..."
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"I haven't been a Cosmic Frontier character every year...just...most of them..."
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"At least Amity isn't verbally tearing his fashion choices apart again..."
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palisraven · 1 year ago
When Alice started to make small adjustments, Hyram smiled brightly and instinctively reached up to rest his hands on her hips. It was just incredibly nice; it felt so domestic and he hadn't realized he'd wanted something like this until he'd met Alice.
"Thank you!" He excitedly pointed to his tie. "I'm wearing the one you gave me." While he wasn't dressed up overly formal, he was still wearing something nice.
@nxtleftbehxnd | X
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palisraven · 2 years ago
Hyram took a breath to steady himself as he stood outside the door; he'd been here once before with Ed when they were formally introduced but now he was on his own. After another moment of gathering himself, Hyram opened the door and walked in, announcing, "Mr. Clawthorne? It's Hyram. I, uh, I hope I'm not too early, sir."
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palisraven · 1 year ago
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@ed-blight said: ❝ every morning i want to wake up hearing your voice, seeing your smile. ❞ (Edram!!) softer shippy prompts.
He'd thought they were having just a mellow day, just enjoying the peace and quiet. But when Ed spoke, it completely jarred Hyram. His cheeks flushed and he blinked, staring at his boyfriend. "What brought this on? I mean, I'm not opposed but- who gave you the right to make me flustered?"
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palisraven · 2 years ago
[[ Got to thinking about Hyram and how he prefers to receive/show affection. He shows affection most often through acts of service as he believes that showing his affection is doing things for the ones he cares about will display his emotions better than his words can. However, he prefers to receive words of affirmation. It means the most to him when he hears that someone loves him or trusts him or voices their pride in him, especially since he received it so little while growing up. ]]
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palisraven · 7 months ago
"I appreciate it so much. I really do," she said. She ran a hand into her hair and headed to pour herself a glass of apple blood. Her days were, admittedly, very exhausting. Especially now with the ability to remove coven marks, they were always busy.
After she got her glass, she headed back into the living room and flopped onto the couch with a groan. "I'm only in my early twenties, I shouldn't ache like this," she muttered to herself.
When she got home and saw Alex already there to greet her, Emira's shoulders sagged with relief and she asked, "Do we have the stuff for elderfin stew?" She set her stuff aside and went over to hug him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "It's nice getting to see you right when I get home. How was your day?" @palisraven
Alex wasn't surprised to see Emira's shoulders sag. He knew that for the most part, her job was a lot more taxing than his, so he was going to do what he could to allow her to relax once she gets home.
He would return the hug and give her a soft peck on her lips. "Making it a habit to get home so you can relax once you get off work." He responds affectionately.
"We should. As for my day, nothing eventful. Still seeking out other areas." Having gotten Hunter's help for rapid transportation, but it came with a severe caveat. He could only use it when no solid objects were between the two points. To allow him to resume his exploration, he had to establish a line of the special glyphs and go from one to the next.
"Spot this time was barren, so wasn't much to do or see." Though he didn't really get much for a complete exploration as he had to return.
"I'll bring dinner over once it's ready, so feel free to relax." He would kiss her cheek before departing to the kitchen to get started on the meal.
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palisraven · 10 months ago
[[ love the idea that Hyram just gets better and better at sewing and eventually gets into tailoring and he usually ends up being the one to do the tailoring and such for everyone's costumes/clothing. coughs he helps with the lumity wedding clothes ]]
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palisraven · 1 year ago
Hyram: typically pretty chill until you bring up one of his special interests and then he gets excitable
Hyram as a dad: always excited about what his kid is doing
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palisraven · 2 years ago
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@ed-blight said: [ embrace ] — sender jumps into receiver’s arms (Edram!) softer shippy prompts.
While Ed was busy with school, Hyram was busy with work. So any chance they got to spend time together, they took it. Hyram was already beaming when he heard the door open and spotted his boyfriend entering the house. He managed to stand in time before Edric leapt into his arms, laughing as he got pushed back onto the couch from the force. "If you break the couch, you have to explain it to your parents!" Hyram joked.
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ppw-rp-hub · 2 years ago
@palisraven continued thread
Hyram nodded along tiredly, humming his acknowledgement. “Copy that, captain,” he replied. His messy blonde hair hung loose, having not pulled it up just yet. But he just wasn’t awake enough to mess with his hair, so he instead moved towards getting himself some coffee. 
“Any day with you is a good day,” Hyram added. “Even if it involves shopping.” 
"How sweet," she replied in a teasing tone while finishing in setting the table.
"There isn't that much shopping though, so thre is that."
Though the shopping might take some time, just needing new clothes for a formal event coming up. Though she wasn't going to say that right now while he was still half asleep.
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ppw-rp-hub · 2 years ago
"Luz had to study for a test, so I got roped into being Amity's shopping buddy. Or pack beast is technically a more accurate term," Hyram grumbled. He held out a bracelet with leaf and feather charms dangling from it. "I did get you something, though. Are you free for, uh- for a dinner date?" ( @disasterconspiracy / hi!!)
@disasterconspiracy (hiya!!)
"Aw I'm sorry," Willow ruffled his hair a little bit.
"If that happens again give me a call and I'll pack beast with you, okay?"
She looked at the bracelet he was holding out, "it's so pretty, thank you and yes I'm free. Have anywhere in mind?"
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ppw-rp-hub · 3 years ago
On the High Seas | Hyram
Willow, or just Will as she had named herself while on the ship, hung out in the crow’s nest for most of the morning. Her preferred post on the ship, less crew to have to talk to most days, less of the crew to bother her about her differences. It took some work to disguise herself to be allowed on the ship but managed to generally pass as a younger boy with her shorter stature and higher tone, even when trying to lower her voice.
Most stopped teasing her for her “feminine qualities” when she proved to be very strong and capable of handling herself in a fight and as a sailor.
There was one crewman that made her nervous though, she got the feeling he didn’t really believe the ruse and did her best to avoid prolonged interaction to avoid any potential questions or confrontation. When she heard another climbing up she only glanced out of the corner of her eyes to see that it was said crewman.
“Don’tcha think it’s a little early for a switch?” She asked.
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palisraven · 1 year ago
Hyram pressed a kiss to Alice's temple softly, holding her close. "Of course," he whispered, his tone gentle.
"What a dreadful sister I am," Sekai sighed dramatically, leaning against the doorframe. "How dare I," she added. Seeing Hyram smirk a bit, she giggled and reached out to gently grab her brother's arm. "Ok, c'mon. Let's get some tea and popcorn going."
While Saleth and Sekai were in the kitchen, Hyram started to stroke Alice's hair, running his fingers through the strands. "You're starting to look a little better," he said encouragingly.
Alice began to relax once they were at home, letting out a soft sigh as she sat down onto the couch, still remaining close to him. At least they were safe and sound now!
" I'm...thankful for your help. For all of you. "
She spoke, color returning to her face. At the very least it seemed that she was starting to feel better now. Her tail swaying from side to side.
" The popcorn should be in the cupboard next to the fridge by the way! "
She added, already noticing that Saleth was slowly making his way through their home. He vaguely knew where everything was but he still tended to walk into things at times.
" Sister....I am lost and you are abandoning me~ "
He joked, obviously being overly dramatic there. Although he was kind of bothered by Alice's Palisman poking him.
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