#hypothetical jjk bad end
birbleafs · 3 years
[fic] and in the end, the world begins (rends) anew
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen Rating: E Category: Gen, Canon Characters: Fushiguro Megumi, Ryoumen Sukuna, Itadori Yuuji, Uraume, brief mentions of other characters Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, character death, blood and injuries/gore, cannibalism, dubious consent/possible?? non-consent of the (mostly) non-sexual kind. Very brief Itafushi on the side for the sad angst. Manga spoilers up till Ch.145/146. Summary: Itadori Yuuji has consumed the last of Sukuna's cursed fingers; all Sukuna needs to complete the final ritual is to have Fushiguro Megumi join in his banquet, and together they will usher in a new Golden Era. A/N: This piece started as writing practice about Sukuna's fascination with Fushiguro/what he wants him for in a hypothetical bad end within the canon, based on chaotic details Akutami has revealed through the official fan book and recent interviews, which then turned into... this? thing?? idk I'd just wanted to go chaotic feral and write something dark lol. The dubcon/noncon aspects are less for the actual (retrospective/memory of) sex, and more because, well, it's Sukuna. Sukuna doesn't really ask for consent for things, epitome of evil and all.  The Explicit rating isn't for smut, but for graphic descriptions of gore and forced cannibalism, and also Megumi's injuries. Many thanks also to Digi-bro for helping me with writing inconsistencies/pointing out the necessary cw tags ♥️ Fic can also be read on AO3
_______ Megumi knows he should be more concerned about the sounds. Of the sharp clack of teeth, pointed, jagged ivory puncturing flesh and crunching through cartilage and bone; the smacking of glistening lips, full and brimming with bloodlust, as a marked tongue darts between the crushed rib cage, slurps the marrow congealing in long strips, dark crimson rivulets stark against chalky white. He knows he should be concerned—horrified, sickened even—but all he can think of, can even focus on right now, is just how much his head is hurting. The incessant throbbing radiates from his temples and across his skull, down the back of his neck to his shoulder blades. He cracks open an eye, blinking blood away before he attempts to brush grime and locks of matted hair away from his face with a hand. Only to feel a jolt shooting through the length of his bruised, bleeding right arm to his shattered collarbone. Bruised...? He grits his teeth at the sudden wave of nausea, biting back a noise of pain. There’s a strange grating sensation beneath his skin as he drops his arm back to his side. Broken... Definitely broken. “Do not fret, child. You will play your part soon enough.”
Megumi turns, disoriented, towards the low voice that drifts from somewhere above him, catches a glimpse of a petite figure clad in monk’s robes as—he... no, she?—they cast a fervent gaze ahead, snow-white hair bobbing lightly in the passing breeze. “The last finger has been consumed,” the monk continues softly, eyes shining bright like mulled wine in the setting sun. “The ritual is nearing its end and Lord Sukuna’s reign of fear will once again return. The world will be made anew.” It’s hard to process his surroundings over the relentless throbbing in his head, but the monk’s words sink into him with a sharp clarity, grounding him. He forces himself up, ignoring the flashes of pain in his battered body, glancing about frantically for that one person he’d stayed to protect, to save— Itadori. Megumi exhales, relieved, when their eyes finally meet, the corners of his lips already tugging into an upward curve— Except—Except, it’s not Yuuji’s eyes that are gazing back at him now— The soft earnestness of Yuuji’s smile, the unwavering compassion etched within the crinkles of his eyes and nose—that Megumi had been all too familiar with—is lost now, devoured into the feral, maniacal grin splitting across Yuuji’s distorted face as Sukuna lets out a harsh, derisive laugh, before he flings the torso he’d been gnawing on carelessly aside. It lands between a heap of rocks with a wet thud, twisted, torn like a rag doll, and Megumi struggles against the cycle of conflicting emotions that lances through him; first, the surge of panic, primal and instinctive, then the flicker of relief when he realizes he doesn’t recognize the angle and shape of the body’s torn face, of those glassy, dull eyes, and the curdle of guilt at knowing it doesn’t matter if it’d been someone, anyone else but Tsumiki or his friends— It’s not Tsumiki, he thinks again stubbornly, desperately. Not Tsumiki... She—She’s escaped the culling, I made sure. Yes, he’s certain of it, even as he stows away the dread that continues to churn in the pit of his stomach. Kugisaki and Maki-san had reached Tsumiki’s side and escorted her away, before all hell broke loose here and—well, they’re safe and far away now. Away from the oppressive malevolence that’s festering, rippling out from Itadori Yuuji (or what remains of him, at least). But he doesn’t get to ponder beyond that because Ryoumen Sukuna is looming over him, crimson eyes boring into him like molten lava, his jaw enlarged and unhinged, gobbets of flesh and viscera gleaming like bloodstones between beads of saliva trailing from his polished fangs. “Come, Fushiguro Megumi,” Sukuna commands in a tone that expects to be obeyed. “The time is near and you too shall partake in this banquet.” “How kind of you to extend an invite, but I don’t ever recall expressing any interest,” Megumi hisses with as much venom as he can muster, before he chokes from the pressure encircling his windpipe when Sukuna grabs and lifts him by the throat. He struggles against the curse’s grip with his good hand, even if he knows it to be futile—fighting the King of Curses is akin to battling the raging storm out in the vast ocean with a pocket knife and drowning all at once. Sukuna regards him for a moment with all four eyes, as though humored. With a languid flick of his fingers, he wrenches Megumi’s broken arm back and crushes both wrists with jujutsu, grinding the fractured, splintered pieces of bone together, and Megumi screams in anguish, almost blacking out from the explosion of raw pain through every nerve-end. He gasps, body taut and convulsing violently from the shock, breath shallow as his vision teeters between flashing sparks and dark spots. “I do not think I need to remind you, shaman, how one cannot simply walk away from a binding vow,” Sukuna says as he watches Megumi’s face contort in agony and suffering, pleasure growing in his ravenous, crimson eyes. It’s difficult to focus through the fog clouding his brain, but Megumi refuses to give into the pinpricks of creeping darkness behind his eyelids, even as Sukuna’s mocking laughter continues ringing in his ears. “You must be crazy,” he snarls through the haze of pain, “to think I’d even form a contract with you.” Sukuna’s eyes gleam brighter at his defiance, but it’s that dark, perverse smile that makes Megumi’s skin crawl and cold sweat slip down his back. “Oh, aren’t we all but a little crazy? And trust me, you did, Fushiguro Megumi. You were so ecstatic then too.” And suddenly, the dread Megumi had so carefully tucked away earlier is now a moth fluttering haphazardly in his gut as his mind panics at the meaning behind the curse’s words. “It was so easy,” Sukuna continues, clearly enjoying the flicker of hesitance in his green eyes, “with the two of you entwined like that, lost to your carnal urges. You could hardly tell the difference at all, right? After all, I can be gentle when necessary.” Despite himself, Megumi feels as if he’s been transported back to that night, weeks ago where they'd slowly tried to piece themselves back together again, in the aftermath of Shibuya— “You’re lying,” he says, cold dread rising at the memory, the moth thrashing wildly in his gut, chewing, gnawing to break through the surface. “I-I don’t believe you... I would’ve known!” But Sukuna only rumbles in amusement before he leans forward, nipping at that spot just behind Megumi’s ear with such achingly familiar tenderness that for one heart-wrenching moment, Megumi almost, almost believes Yuuji had wrested back control of his body. “Will you dine together with me, Fushiguro?” Yuuji’s voice whispers gently into his ear, just as it did that night, that night after Shibuya, and Megumi can’t help but shiver, leaning back into that touch— —into Yuuji’s warm embrace as he thrusts hard and deep into Megumi, whispering, kissing those same words into him like a brand, until the heat and pleasure grows thick, overwhelming his senses, his thoughts, and Megumi can only agree, back arching into Yuuji’s hold, before he finally comes undone, shuddering, gasping, Yuuji’s name slipping from his tongue— Only this time, the voice is wrong, all wrong, and edged with malevolence and a deep, insatiable hunger that makes Megumi’s heart twist in revulsion and fear, the dread and panic he’d fought to keep at bay now bursting at the seams. And he knows then, of Sukuna’s terrible deceit in forcing this binding vow upon him, upon them. “N-No...” Megumi gasps, struggling harder to break free. “I’d never agreed if—!” The King of Curses draws their faces close once more, long blackened nails bruising a deep red band around the shaman’s neck as he lets out another bark of laughter. “You did, and so you will partake in this banquet as agreed, Fushiguro Megumi,” Sukuna hisses viciously into his ear, voice laced with the promise of pain and violence, before he abruptly thrusts a hand deep into Yuuji’s torso. “Itadori!” Blood sprays upwards like a mist as Sukuna rips Yuuji’s still-beating heart from his chest cavity, lifting it to his mouth. He bites into the throbbing, pulsing organ, ripping a bloody sliver free as he meets Megumi’s helpless stare with a maniacal grin. “No, I won’t let you do this again!” Megumi claws frantically against Sukuna’s vice grip, flashes of Yuuji’s fast-fading smile as he bled out in the rain, on the cold, hard ground, rising from his nightmares once again. “I can’t—I won’t—!” Ryoumen Sukuna’s vicious leer grows ever wider, before he leans forward again and clamps his mouth over the shaman’s lips. Megumi coughs, retches, when Sukuna’s thick leathery tongue pries, slithers past his lips, his teeth. Bile rises like heat from his gut, stinging the back of his throat; the scent of metal and decay in his nostrils, the taste of Yuuji filling his mouth. “You can—” Sukuna growls through their locked lips, forcing a wet piece of Yuuji’s torn heart through Megumi’s mouth, “—and you will do as I say.” All of his survival instincts are kicked into overdrive; Megumi struggles fiercely, desperately, his cursed energy flaring, dark tendrils surging like an ocean wave from the depths of the shadows. But Sukuna’s mouth and tongue keep their brutal hold and Megumi’s lungs are soon aching, burning for air. When he finally heaves a breath, that vile tongue plunges further in, and Megumi tastes iron-rust and despair as the sliver of Yuuji’s heart slips down his protesting throat. Triumphant, Sukuna finally pulls his mouth away and releases his hold, laughing as Megumi falls coughing, bleeding. He devours the rest of Yuuji’s heart whole, before he shoves Megumi back down to the ground, one foot bearing down against his chest with the force of a mountain. “The ritual is complete,” Sukuna says, all four eyes burning with feverish delight as the ground beneath them glows, a circle of intricate runes weaving through crumbling stone and ash; as a bolt of light impales the fallen shaman's chest. “And now, we begin.”  And then Megumi is screaming hoarsely, again and again, even if his voice reaches neither his own ears nor the blackened skies above, the last of his thoughts flashing white-hot and agonized. Itadori... Yuuji, I’m sorry— In the fast-fading light, the ground beneath him splinters apart as Fushiguro Megumi’s cursed energy bleeds out into velvet shadows, a broken inkwell overflowing; twisting, unfurling upwards like the roots and branches of an eldritch tree, and the heavens cleave in two. In the end, in the lilac dusk, the world begins—rends—anew.
  —End— _______ End Notes: - Me @ MAPPA as I watch the anime: Fushiguro sure gets beat up a lot here, how has he NOT died of blood loss yet when he has bled more all over on his own vs all of the other characters combined? Stop hurting my son !!! lol Also, me: let's write Fushiguro hurt/bleeding everywhere and then break most of his bones too. You hurt and break the characters you love the most, I guess. - Not sure if it came across well in the fic, but Sukuna used "Enchain" to switch with Yuuji during "that night", to manipulate Megumi into a contract without fully realizing it was him (Sukuna) then. I know jujutsu binding vows don't quite work like that, since both parties have to be aware/agreeable to the specified conditions, but hey, nightmares/subconscious fears/creative liberties etc. etc.... Also, it doesn't mean Sukuna won't still find a way to manipulate the person or the conditions (based on the wording?) to his benefit if he can get away with it, much like how he did when he made the binding vow the first time with Yuuji. - I may have an idea for a follow-up one-shot to this piece, just for the comfort. Sorry Megumi ilu, I'll try to be nicer in my next fic :___) - Comments and critique are always welcomed for my fics—I'd like to hear what you think, if you've enjoyed this! Thanks for reading :)
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
there’s been some age discourse circulating on anime tiktok about older folks liking minor anime characters and how they SHOULDNT simp for them and i wanted to ask (1) what did you think about that? and (2) we see how often adults write smut about fictional characters that are minors so ummm how does that work?
imo in general since a lot of underage characters are drawn to be REALLY attractive or rather older, if i like them??? i like them.... but i don’t necessarily come on the internet to openly make sexualizing comments or nothing like that so respectful simping = a okay. like i want to give xyz a hug and a poptart and they’re the cutest patootest person on the planet type vibes.
as i aged, with a lot of new animes like demon slayer and jjk, i simply do not find MYSELF attracted ??? to the minors like inosuke and megumi, who would have been my general favorite characters if i was 15 bc that is how all my favorite characters looked and acted like but stuff that ive grown up with and characters i aged (i was 15, same age as kageyama when i watched hq!!) with are still going to be like?? VERY pedestal heavy & ppl i still hyperfixate over since i am still very attached to them even if i don’t say a word online about them. i am kind of scared of being attacked for liking them :(
but EVEN WITH FICS??? like lol please let me READ them in peace i promise it’ll be between me and my phone but duuude i think actively reading fics about me x fictional character is insane /jk so let me live. i think it’s interesting though because yeah okay chara x reader is bad but people writing smut about underage characters in ships (kagehina as an example) and then ppl are okay with it.... ALSO not to mention how much doujins are made again with the minor characters and suggestive content..... but yeah food for thought
this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days bc ive been trying to think about how to properly gather my thoughts on it so if anyone wants to hear me rant about media literacy and fictional minors you can click below :)
i think people often forget that fiction is just that—fiction. its fake. yes we can pour our hearts and souls into loving certain characters or shows but at the end of the day they as "people" are lines on paper. they do not exist. i think the lines are extremely blurred when it comes to stuff like the age debate because people get weird w/ minors being written about or thought of in a certain way etc.
personally, when i think of a character (especially applied to noncanon universes) i think about them because i like the idea of them. i match them in my head to be fitting to me and my personal character (age included!!!!) so like yes i love canon megumi and his character, but when i write about megumi and "simp" for him in my head hes not 15. hes tailored to my personal demographic and interest (if that makes sense)
i think that people think too much into the whole fiction thing because its literally fake....like people get cancelled for writing FAKE SCENARIOS about FAKE PEOPLE because of their age. fiction is meant to be fake! its meant to be consumed knowing it is not real, and to explore hypotheticals and use your imagination to your own advantage
with that being said....in no way shape or form do i condone pedophilia or illegal age relationships. i think that people need to stop worrying about FICTIONAL age gaps and focus on the actual real life minors being groomed, harassed, assaulted, etc. because this is something that happens in real life to real people. worrying about fictional scenarios that will not be real no matter how hard you try is pointless when the reality of the situation is that real adults being interested in real minors is the real issue.
idk if i worded this nicely or if it makes sense but this is just my opinion on it <3 they’re literally not real and we should be focusing on protecting actual human real life minors <3
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lawroute · 3 years
just beat legends arceus! i livetweeted the game on my priv but wanted to compile my thoughts in one post (spoilers):
this has to be my favourite pokemon game in a long time... i’m definitely biased because i’m a die-hard sinnoh fan, so all the ancestors, extra lore and music remixes were super exciting for me. of course it isn’t perfect - i wish game freak had gotten more development time, particularly to flesh out the environments (a lot of the areas feel very samey), but overall i had a great experience! the new mechanics are really fun (took me 75 hours of playtime to reach the end credits because i was so caught up in research tasks and sidequests...) and i think the story/characters are pretty solid... by pokemon standards, anyway, haha
i went into the game almost blind, with only knowledge of promotional materials and final starter evos, so i had no idea what to expect from the story or which ancestors might show up - i spent a good 2/3 of the game getting increasingly more deranged waiting for the hypothetical riley ancestor to make an appearance and i LOST my mind when he finally did:
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LOOK AT THIS MAN, thinking he’s in a kurosawa movie. thinking he’s so cool. i love him. he’s an idiot, he’s perfect.
and i love how he’s just a random dude from the village, in comparison to other stat trainer ancestors who get to be wardens etc... it’s so perfect for riley. he’s really just some guy with his dog. and the fact that this iteration of him canonically fucks is hysterical. 
also, i cannot believe that RILEY’S HAT IS A PURCHASABLE ITEM lmao this game actually gave us the origin story of riley’s hat, of all things. rye really just bought this random hat from the local clothier one day and passed it down for generations...
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the best part about this is that now i can use the 3d model as drawing reference for the hat, haha
other characters i also liked: adaman, melli, palina, rei, zisu, cyllene, VOLO (i have so much to say about this fucking guy), the ingo appearance was a fun surprise too! though i do feel bad for him... i like that when anabel gets sent to another dimension, she gets a suit + a glow-up, but when it happens to ingo, he just gets more fucked up LMFAO 
anyway, the character designers knocked it out of the park, as usual. the new pokemon designs, on the other hand... there are some hits (mostly the ones they showed before release), but a lot of the others are misses (though i did warm up to some of them after using them). i also wish there was more of a... distribution variety? in the pokemon available to you. like, logically, i know why most of the wild pokemon have to be sinnoh mons, but after coming off of bdsp it does feel a bit like, i just saw these guys, you know? other than that, i enjoyed the addition of alpha pokemon. it’s too bad the legendaries don’t have alpha variants afaik, because it’s so fun collecting Big Pokemon... the way you can send your pokemon out/interact with them in the overworld is super cute too. just that sense of companionship!
ok now for the big thing i wanted to talk about... VOLO... i was completely blindsided by the reveal?!?! i thought he was super annoying for most of the game (similar issue i have with sholmes (dgs) and gojou (jjk) where i feel they try way too hard to appear quirky/mysterious/likeable), but the moment he showed his ass he instantly became my favourite character (of course)... i think it’s a fun play on expectations! you sort of automatically trust him since he’s cynthia’s ancestor, and you think you’re done with “twist” villains after beni + kamado. earlygame i actually offhandedly suspected volo might be bad, but he just earned so much goodwill during the banishment arc that it cleared any doubts i had about him and made me think he had to be a good guy after all. i did not see this coming at all lmao 
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the deranged shin megami tensei rant was awesome, the theme arrangement was awesome, the battle was awesome (i lost to him like 6 times before FINALLY beating him - the trainer AI in this game is pretty good, haha), it was all so memorable!!! a really interesting spin on cynthia’s character. the way he walks off afterwards is a bit anti-climactic, but i guess it’s still a pokemon game at the end of the day, so no crazy finalities... i just can’t believe pokemon finally managed to pull off a twist villain. and i’m sure there are smug gamer guys out there saying they saw it coming from a mile away, but for me the twist was super effective...
i realised i've mostly just talked about the characters, rather than gameplay, but i really do hope they make more entries like this going forward! i didn’t even realise i was tired of the standard pokemon formula until i played this game, and now i’m like, wow... how am i supposed to go back... the single-player exploration stuff is so good... please give me more of this...
sinnoh has a special place in my heart so future legends entries probably won’t even hit the same, but objectively there’s just so much potential to be had here. if they build upon this foundation and improve it for future games, then i think the results will be fantastic... this game really re-ignited my love for pokemon! i love pokemon!! argh!!! 
i have a couple more thoughts but i think i’ll leave it here for now... maybe i’ll add to this post later lol 
tl;dr: it was worth fucking over bdsp for legends arceus (the actual sinnoh remake)
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Enticing Girl (JJK x Reader) 🎀(☁️)💜🔞 TEASER
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Good Girl AU!, Fluff, Smut, slight comedy, only a teeny tiny little bit of angst
Warnings: Fluff, it’s so soft pls, GG and JK being best puppy-parents, Dom! Jungkook, Sub!Reader, Dom/Sub themes, mild DDLG themes, usage of toys (the vibrator pt.2 lol), oral (fem. receiving), Squirting, Subspace, Soft aftercare king ‘Koo, GG scratches his back and he thinks it’s funny, GG is clumsy and has to go to the ER, nothing too bad, but she’s kinda on a lot of pain meds, Jungkook being whipped, GG talking without a filter and he loves it
Summary: Jungkook never wanted to see you in any kind of hospital ever again. This time however, it ends way differently than last time, and he couldn’t help but feel almost overwhelmed with emotions.
Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles @dammit-jjk
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“Jungkookie..?” You timidly asked, leaning against the doorframe as he turned around from his spot in front of his TV, pulling down his headset.
“Yeah Princess?” He asked, raising his eyebrow in a silent question at your form.
“So uh..” you started, trying to ignore the angry throbbing of your hand. “Let’s say uh, purely hypothetically, you cut yourself accidentally in your hand, when should you like.. you know, see a doc?” You asked, biting your lip.
Jungkooks eyebrows furrowed, immediately getting up as soon as he discarded his headset of the floor, walking over to you and reaching out for your hand that you had behind your back. “I ain’t playing games young lady, Hand. Now.” He demanded, and you hesitantly gave in, putting your hand wrapped in a kitchen towel into his waiting ones, as he unraveled the fabric, making you hiss and whine. He grabbed your wrist to take away the possibility of pulling away from him as he sharply took in air between his teeth, carefully inspecting the cut in your palm. “Wrap it up Baby and get my car keys.” He said, already switching off the TV as he ushered you into the small hallway, not taking chances with it.
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