pal-blue--ash · 19 days
Hypno Ship Week Day 2 (Pranking Hermits)
The ship for this one is Hypno x Wels!
Ao3 Link
This one is a bit shorter, and I'm not nearly as happy with it, but I wanted to just get it finished lol
Hypno x Wels ; Pranking Hermit(s) 
   Hypno was currently in his attic, restocking the TNT in his firework shooter aimed at his neighbor’s castle. He hummed a quiet tune to himself as he did. Once the TNT was full, he checked the dispenser with fireworks. “Eh, they’re fine for now. I’ll just have to go get some more in a couple days.” He spoke to himself before standing up and stretching out his back. He heard a few pops and sighed in relief before jumping at a voice. 
   “Hey Hypno, whatcha doin’?” The man in question spun around to come face-to-face with his neighbor. “Heeey Wels! Just, organizing is all!” He plastered on a grin and stepped out of all the dispensers. Wels raised an eyebrow from under his helmet. “Organizing, hm?” The bandana’d male nodded, his grin still intact. “Yep! Organizing! What can I do you for, though, on this fine day, Neighbor?” 
   Wels regarded the other blonde with playfully scrutinizing eyes before sighing dramatically. “Well, I was hoping you’d be free. I wanted to get up to some shenanigans! But it appears that you are quite busy, so I’ll have to mess with Jevin by myself, I suppose.” Hypno sputtered and shook his head, dusting his hands of gunpowder from the TNT and bounded over past Wels,” Hey now, I never said I was busy. See? Just finished, not busy anymore!” 
   The knight smiled and followed as Hypno went downstairs, to his storage room. He put the leftover TNT in the right chest and whatever miscellaneous blocks he was carrying before turning to the knight,” So, what was your idea for pranking Jev?” Wels grinned and his foot pressed a button on the ground. “Just kidding!” The next thing Hypno knew, he was respawning in his bed upstairs. “What the-” 
   He slipped out of the bed and went back down to his storage room to find Wels picking up his splayed items around an anvil. “You jerk!” Hypno laughed and collected his things from his neighbor. Though a shiny book stood out to him that was not his. “Oh, hey wait, this wasn’t mine.” Wels grinned,” It is now.” Raising an eyebrow, Hypno opened the book to the first, and only, page, and read it out loud. 
   “Prank-kill any Hermit and pass this book to them. You cannot kill who gave you the book, and you cannot PVP.” Closing the book, Hypno gave Wels’ arm a whack, resulting in giddy laughter. Wels spoke through laughter as he followed Hypno walking back upstairs,” Well, you can go prank Jev.” Hypno barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes, fighting back a smile. “You’re helping me, jerk.” He passed Max on his way out of the house, patting the cat as he did, and opened the door with a ‘Front door open’.
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