#hype's demon!eddie fic
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Having the most hilarious little thoughts about Richard Harrington making a deal with demon!Eddie, trading wealth and success in exchange for his firstborn.
The Harringtons climb the social ladder, Richard’s business thrives. Little Steven is born, grows up … and nothing ever happens, so they sort of put it out of their minds and never tell him about how they sold him off to a creature from the underworld before he was even conceived.
The day after Steve’s 18th birthday, they return from a business trip to find their son frantically cleaning up the remains of a party. They’re three minutes into a lecture on how there’s soda and chips all over the expensive carpet when Eddie materializes in the middle of the living room, ready to collect his prize.
Chaos ensues.
Steve is freaking out. Why is that red-eyed, black-clad weirdo lounging on their couch, chunky boots up on the table as if he owns the place? Why is he looking at him like he’s a particularly tasty piece of meat? Why does the guy only need to snap his fingers and Steve finds himself straddling his lap, one ring-clad hand groping his ass? What the actual fuck is going on?
The Harringtons are not amused. They have invested so much money into Steve over the years, thinking that Eddie had forgotten all about them, and NOW he shows up? Eddie just shrugs, idly playing with a lock of Steve’s hair. He never specified WHEN he’d come back, did he? What would he have wanted with a baby, anyhow? What is he, a daycare?
“We thought you wanted to eat him!” blurts Mrs. Harrington, and Eddie just absolutely loses his shit.
What the fuck is WRONG with those people? They thought he ATE babies? And they were still fine with giving him theirs? Holy fucking shit, humans are disgusting! This is it, deal’s off, he’s taking their wealth and success away again. No, the boy is still coming with him, do they honestly expect him to just up and leave him in this shithole? No fucking way! Oh, and they better never try and summon him again or those incriminating documents will find their way to the tax authorities!
And that is how Steve finds himself living with a sassy, strangely kind-hearted demon who may or may not own his soul - they’re still trying to figure out the specifics of that.
# hype's demon!Eddie fic
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
#steddie#steddie brainrot#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fic idea?#hype's demon!eddie fic
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: @just-my-latest-hyperfixation! They've written 120 fics in the Stranger Things fandom, with all of them being in the Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson tag!
@steddieas-shegoes recommends the following works by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation:
Hic sunt dracones
Someone who cares
(You got me) in the palm of your hand
Just add water
Hype. My love. The girl with the dragon AU. I could not be more obsessed with Hype���s writing. I wasn’t much of a fantasy girlie growing up, or even reading fic in other fandoms, but something about the way she writes dragon fucking really sold me. Even when she isn’t writing some type of magical fantasy world, she’s writing intricate details about these characters we all love so much, and giving them stories that make them seem so interesting. She’s my number one hype girl when I run events, always participates even when she’s busy writing novels for the bang or after the bang. I’m so lucky to have been able to meet her and have her as a friend. We’re all lucky to have her in this fandom. Love youuuuuu ♥️ -- @steddieas-shegoes
Below the cut, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Because those two dumbheads came crashing into my brain and flipped a switch that I had never expected to get flipped again. Before S4, I hadn’t written fiction in over fifteen years and I had never posted any of my works, anywhere. I saw my first Steddie fanart on Instagram and I thought to myself, “Huh, that is neat. Let’s check out AO3.” And I did. And I fell down a rabbit hole of epic proportions. There were plot bunnies living in that hole. And I had been there, before, over the years, and every time I had found excuses to not write my ideas down. Except, this time, the fuckers were relentless. And so, one day, I sat down on my lunch break, and I bashed out the first 1.5k words of what would become “Someone who cares”. The next day, I sat down and wrote 1k more. And more the day after that. That was almost exactly two years ago, and there hasn’t been a day since where I haven’t written at least a few sentences. I’ve recently cracked 500k words published on AO3, all Steddie, and it sure as hell doesn’t like I’ll be stopping any time soon. I never want it to stop, tbh.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love when they are completely feral and unwell over each other. Give me those acts of undying devotion, give me that possessive sex, give me the jealousy and the drama. (But also give me that happy ending, most of the time. I will read a good dark fic, every now and then, but most of the time, I’m a happy ending sorta gal.) Bonus points if they snark and bicker like an old married couple while being also completely and irrevocably gone for each other.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
First and foremost, I think it’s safe to say that I love writing AUs (mermaids and dragons and demons, oh my …). There’s just something to sticking these boys in the wildest of scenarios and trying to figure out how they’d behave, and what it would take to make them fall in love (because they always fall in love, in every universe). Another thing I frequently find myself drifting towards is the Found Family trope. Both of our boys are canonically depicted as having strained relationships with their biological parents, and I love exploring that and making them find safety and trust and a sense of home outside of that “traditional” idea of family - with each other, with the kids, with Wayne. There’s so many ways of exploring this trope, and I think that is beautiful.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
See, that is impossible to answer because there’s just thousands of them out there, and so many amazing ones that deserve all the love! No way I can narrow it down to just one. Here’s a few that I constantly find myself thinking of and that I keep recommending to friends: - Money, power, glory by @strangerthings1975 - one of the first ones I read and that got me hooked on the pairing - @wynnyfryd ’s Yogi!Steve series - delightfully filthy, delightfully funny, and one of the best ADHD!Eddie voices I’ve read out there - Sugar, we’re going down by @thefreakandthehair - everything lex writes sucks me right in tbh. She just has a great way with language, and how she portrays the boys is so lovely. - @eyeofshinigami’s a/b/o series- lovely, in-character exploration of omega!Eddie and alpha!Steve and their relationship through its various stages. This is what inspired me to write my own a/b/o fic!
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I can never reliably say what tropes or topics I’m going to explore beyond the projects I’m currently working on, because the plot bunnies do what they want. No way of knowing where they’ll take me next, so I’ll just sit back and enjoy the ride.
What is your writing process like?
I’m probably one of the most notorious plotters I know. Before I start writing, I need to have an idea of what’s supposed to happen in the story and where it’s going, or I’ll give myself massive anxiety. Almost all of my multi-chapter fics have an outline doc. (The only exceptions so far have been “Just add water” and “Whatever you want it to be”, and those were originally planned as one-shots and spiraled out of control.) The outline doc is my red thread that contains the story’s basic premise, an overview of the key characters and their roles, and outlines of the different chapters broken down into bullet points. Those are not set in stone. I frequently tweak details as I go (change the location of a scene, insert an extra Steddie or Stobin-centric scene if I feel they need more screen time, switch important revelations or plot points to a different chapter), but the outline document is my blueprint that ensures I know what I’m doing and how to get from point A to point B. I write chronologically, in the order laid down in the outline doc, and my first draft is actually pretty close to the version that ends up getting posted. I usually check for SPAG, tweak a sentence here and there, and that is it.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I think the most noticeable one would be that I have a major case of wordy bitch syndrome. When doing chaptered fics, my finished word count always ends up higher than my initial estimate. When writing things with a word count cap, such as drabbles or microfics, I always, always, ALWAYS need to manically trim my first draft. One of the main things I do when editing is deleting superficial descriptors. (You don’t need three adjectives to describe the same action, Hype, you really do not!!!)
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Most of the time, I prefer posting my chapters as I finish them, because I thrive on that immediate feedback. Seeing my readers’ reactions and getting to experience the story with them as I write is a lovely feeling.
Which fic are you most proud of?
I think it's a tie between “Someone who cares” and “Hic sunt dracones”, which are both very special to me for very different reasons. “Someone who cares” was the fic that started it all. The first thing I wrote after my 15-year hiatus. The first fic I finished. The first fic I shared. This fandom has made my life a lot brighter and brought me close to so many amazing people, and it all began here. “Hic sunt dracones” is the one that has exceeded all of my wildest expectations. Everything I dreamed of but never thought possible when I first started sharing my stories, this one has achieved. It has sparked incredible fandom friendships for me. It has made rec lists. It has fanart. (The info may or may not be out already when this posts, but I've been reliably informed that someone is currently BOOKBINDING it. 😱) I just continue to be floored and humbled by the reactions to this fic!
How did you get the idea for Just add water?
I crowd-sourced it! I had just hit 250 followers on tumblr, and to celebrate, I did a round of polls to let my followers pick a concept for my next fic. AU or canon-adjacent? What kind of AU? Who was supposed to be the mer-dude? Where should the fic be set? In the end, I had a mermaid AU with mer!Steve and human!Eddie, set at Lovers’ Lake and one scene as well as two dialog prompts to include. It was heaps of fun and a bit surprising watching the poll results roll in, and I love the fic that came out of it (even though it spiraled from the originally intended one-shot and ended up being five chapters and over 20k long 🤣).
When writing Updraft, what was something you didn’t expect?
I definitely didn’t expect for Steve to come forward and admit he was very aware of Eddie’s history and that he’d basically had a crush on him for the past four years. I did not plan that part at all, it just sort of snuck up on me, and suddenly he’d said it and I was like “damn, that’s good, we’re keeping that in.” That’s what I mean when I say that, no matter how much planning you do, they just have a mind of their own sometimes. I love surprising myself like that!
What inspired Updraft?
When I was brainstorming ideas for the Steddie Big Bang 2023, I jotted down a little bullet point that said “Something steampunk bc steampunk is cool” and that was basically it! 😂 I just love the entire steampunk aesthetic, and I always wanna give artists something image-heavy that they can really go to town on for a collab. (And let’s be honest, somebody needed to put Steve in a tophat. It had to be done.) The idea didn’t make the final cut for the 2023 Big Bang, but I sort of kept rotating it in my brain for the next twelve months, and then decided to go with it for the 2024 round, and was lucky enough to be claimed by @cuips-not-cute, who really nailed the aesthetic I was going for with their artwork! ⚙️🎩❤️
What was your favorite part to write from (You got me) in the palm of your hand?
The sex scene in the van. Definitely one of the sweetest, softest smut scenes I’ve written to date. Closely followed by the finale in front of Eddie’s tent, with Steve in full costume, trying to struggle his way through that over-the-top script that Dustin wrote for him. 😂
How do/did you feel writing Someone who cares?
I mainly felt very confused with myself, because I hadn’t written ANY fiction in forever, and here I was, with that novel-length beast just pouring out of me one word at a time. I also second-guessed myself a lot. Was my English good enough? Wasn’t I writing everyone horribly OOC? What if nobody liked it? I think I’ve rarely felt as nervous as I did on the day I hit that Post button on chapter 1. I couldn’t believe I actually did that, but today I’m so proud of myself and very happy I took that leap.
What was the most difficult part of writing Hic sunt dracones?
The damn middle part! 😅 This is actually something I struggle with a lot. Many of my stories come to me with pretty solidly formed beginnings and ends, but connecting the two is what regularly gives me headaches. “Hic sunt dracones” was no exception here. The first few chapters just sort of barged into my head, nearly fully formed, and demanded to be written with an insistence I couldn’t ignore. By the time I posted chapter one, I had almost everything up to the castle escape figured out, and I had a pretty solid idea of the ending I wanted, but the in-between was very blurry to me. For the longest time, the only thing my outline said was “They hang out at Eddie’s lair and fuck a lot”, but I had no idea on how to actually move the story forward beyond the monsterfucking. 🤣 What really did the trick was adding the sacrifice scene in chapter three to my plan, because that sort of is what propels the rest into motion and allowed me to tie things together at the end. That, and adding Wayne and his merry band of misfits to the cast, because Steve needed someone to actually fuel his character growth.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I mean “Yes, beloved?” gets screamed back at me so often I’ve made it my ask button, but there’s many. I loved writing their first kiss in “Someone who cares”, because I had been edging both myself and the readers for seven chapters and by the point I finally got around to it, even I was like “damnit, come ON already!!” I was grinning so hard while writing the big reveal in “Just add water”, where Steve physically dunks screaming, wet rat Eddie to shut him up. Those are just two examples, but I have many of these scenes, and when people pick up on them and tell me how much they loved them, that always makes my day a little. 💖
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Anyone who follows me is probably sick of me talking about it by now, but @houseofthemovingimage and I are working on an absolute monster of a fic and art collab. It’s called “The King’s Gift”, and it features time traveler Steve, medieval king Eddie, a fae curse and lots of fun and drama and romance. ✨ I will not try to give any more estimates on when it’ll start posting bc we’ve both had a bit of a year and good things take time, but just know that I’m munching on the drywall over here, I’m so feral over it. Other than that, I’m planning on participating in the @steddieholidaydrabbles again this year, and I may have been bouncing ideas with some other artists and fellow writers about more collabs, so there’s definitely more to come!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Thank you to @steddieas-shegoes for nominating me, and thank you to the amazing mods here at @steddieunderdogfics for all the hard work you’re putting into this blog! I love reading your fic recs and interviews, and it was so much fun getting to do one of my own. 🥰 This little online space we have here is so beautiful and creative and full of so many incredibly talented, kind and supportive people, some of whom have not only become moots but friends over the past two years. The Steddie fandom brings a smile to my face every single day, and I am simply unbelievably happy to be a part of it!
Thank you to our author, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, and our nominator, @steddieas-shegoes! See more of @just-my-latest-hyperfixation works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
#steddie#steddie fic recs#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie#stranger things#writer's#writers spotlight#writer's wednesday#steddie writers
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No one asked but here are some fics I think nail the losers personalities
The Losers Being Dumbasses for * Fics Straight by curry_munch3r
These fics make me scream laugh
Description: This is basically just the fanfic format of those celebrity YouTube compilations. But with the Losers--what a twist, I know
Nor Rivers Drown It by theparadigmshifts
I will forever hype this fic up, it’s one of my all times favorites
Description: "We promised to confide in each other, and cherish each other, and sustain each other, and all that jazz.”
Stan stares at her, blinks twice.
"And right now, that means going back to your horror-show hometown, and facing your trauma, and potentially killing a demon. Together.
Or: When Mike calls from Derry, Patty answers the phone instead.
Or maybe there's plenty of time by Liilaac
Another one of my all time favorites, the relationship between Stan, Richie and Patty is everything
Description: A fix-it series in (hopefully) three parts focusing on Richie and Stan's friendship. What if Richie and Stan met again before going back to Derry? What would have changed and how would the situation have evolved? First part takes place before chapter two, second part during, and third part (hopefully) after.
go west by ssstrychnine
If you love reddie you have to read this fic, it’s mandatory
Description: 1996: richie and eddie finish school, drive to san francisco, change their lives ft. hair braiding, a fake las vegas wedding, waterfalls, bumper cars, and approx. 3300 miles.
#I have so much more but my break is almost over#I love when people understand their personalities#the losers club#it stephen king#richie tozier#stanley uris#eddie kaspbrak#ben hanscom#bill denbrough#beverly marsh#mike hanlon#patty blum uris#let me know if I should make more of these
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the hype around hype
it's weekly rec time! every week i rec a writer's top 3 (to me) fics. always check out their entire ao3/tumblr masterlist if you can because there's always more than these three bangers.
this week is @just-my-latest-hyperfixation! my girl! my love! the girl with the dragon au! you amaze me more with every chapter and every work and i am so lucky to be able to exist in this fandom with you!
hype's tumblr | hype's ao3
Hic sunt dracones Rated E | 99,705 words The updates for this fic couldn't come fast enough (and they came fast and so did Steve) and it's what got me hooked on hype. This is a must read. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite line for this one, but I will say that the way Steve is written in this fic in particular is some of the best character writing this fandom can and will ever see. I stand by that.
Possession Rated E | wip It's demon Eddie. What else do I need to say. What else could be said. He's a demon. Steve's parents made a deal with him before he was born and he came to collect on it and aren't we so happy that he did! Since this is a WIP, my favorite sentence could change, but for now, it's: “I did not kidnap you,” Eddie snaps, voice sharp and clipped with barely contained fury, and his eyes flash like the lighting in the red sky outside. The shadows thicken around him again, a liquid black mass. “I made a contract. I claimed what’s mine by right. You, Steve Harrington, are mine.”
Just add water Rated E | wip Alternate title for this, lovingly given by me, is the mer-dude fic. Which is relevant and funny if you read it. Eddie and I share a brain on this. Favorite line (subject to change when the last chapter comes out): "Apologies, I'm not familiar with the terminology," he says. "You're evidently a … mer-dude? No! Nonono, wait, I got it. A mer-mate, right?"
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Hopping on the Hellcheer WIP Wednesday for 5/31 - Q&A! The answers below are for "I've Got a Feeling This Year's for Me and You," the fic I started in December and will aim to finish just in time for “Christmas in July.” 😅
1. Give a 5-word summary of this chapter/fic
For the fic? Chrissy deserves a good Christmas. For the chapter (last one): Revelations & Eddie’s heroic climb.
2. What is your favorite dialogue or action scene you’ve written so far?
Eddie (literally) running into Chrissy on the A train on Christmas Eve-Eve: "The car rocked sideways, and Chrissy lurched to the floor . . . or would have if not for the heavily-ringed hands holding her up. Chrissy’s heart stopped the same moment her knees gave out. She knew those hands. The man they were attached to cursed and rambled faster. He’d always done that when he was nervous. If she hadn’t suddenly been shocked sober, she might’ve thought she was hallucinating. Or maybe she’d actually hit her head and was rolling like a rag doll across the floor."
3. What scene are you most hyped and/or dreading for this chapter/fic?
I'm nervous that Chrissy's explanation for why she avoided him is going to sound too contrived, hence why I've been dragging my feet to write chapter.
4. What character is giving you the hardest time while writing?
Chrissy! For Eddie all I need is a few well-placed curses and I can write his parts, but it takes a while for me to find Chrissy’s voice/headspace.
5. Write the next 5 sentences and share.
"Despite the ice slicking every sidewalk, Chrissy fled back to Eddie’s like the Devil was after her, though in reality it was only one woefully unathletic metalhead. Given how long he’d spent throwing up demon horns, the joke wasn’t lost on him. His smoker’s lungs were begging for salvation by the time he ushered her through the door.
'Damn, Cunningham, I haven’t moved that fast since P.E.,' he chuckled raggedly as he shucked off his leather jacket. 'Coach Henry didn’t show me any mercy either.'
Chrissy didn’t say a word."
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Omg ok for Stranger Things: 1, 6, 8, 16 and 21 let's GO!
I love Stranger Things let’s go!! This got hella long so I put a break in. I have a lot of feelings and I think way too much.
1) the character everyone gets wrong
- Billy easily. Especially here unless you find the right people. Billy Hargrove is such a dynamic character and everyone keeps calling an abuser and such when he was the one who was abused. Plus the Suffer Brothers (duffer brother. Around here I call them suffer bcs they’re trash) didn’t even fully flesh out Billy’s character and if it weren’t for Dacre Montgomery we wouldn’t have gotten shit. Sorry for the tangent I have a lot of feelings about Billy.
- side note on this question. People also get Eddie wrong in my opinion. Everyone constantly tries to make him into a savior or a victim of circumstances or just a lost soul type of character. Like yes he kinda is a victim of circumstances. But not totally. His uncle was a good caregiver from what we saw but Eddie still sold drugs and most likely did drugs (the ketamine was in his personal belongings for christ sake). Stop making Eddie into a saint and stop making Billy into a demon. They’re two sides of the same coin if you actually sit and really compare them.
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
- worst ship fans have got to be Steddie (Steve/Eddie) fans. As someone who does ship Steddie, the loudest fans are so toxic. I remember there was a fandom war bcs Harringrove (Steve/Billy) was the biggest ship on AO3 so Steddie fans flooded the tags with basically filler fics to pad it out. It was insane.
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
- So I don’t interact with much ST fandom anymore but the biggest opinion I disagree with is that Billy is racist and homophobic. Like. Dude was an abused child and heavily queer coded so I don’t personally see the homophobic. I’m not a POC so I can’t really say much about the racism opinion other people have. However. I don’t see how Billy acts towards Lucas as racist. I see it as an older sibling interaction. His first encounter with Lucas is Lucas stalking Max (the kid Billy is put in charge of and if he loses or let’s her get hurt he will be hurt). So do with that what you will.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
- I don’t understand why people love to characterize Steve as an asshole all the time. Like yeah he was kinda an asshole in season one. But after that he wasn’t that bad. Especially when he learns Robin is a lesbian. He could have a complete dick and ruined her life but he didn’t. Instead he chose to keep her secret and keep her safe.
21) part of canon you think is overhyped
- The whole Mike/Eleven relationship is so over hyped. First of all those are children. Second of all. One of those is an extremely abused child who doesn’t understand relationships and definitely shouldn’t be in one. Idk I find their whole relationship really weird and it kinda gives me the ick. Same goes for people pushing the Mike/Will relationship idea. It’s weird.
#ask game#obsidian rambles#I need to create an actual ask tag for myself.#not the point.#I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT STRANGER THINGS. ESPECIALLY BILLY. I AM SO SORRY FOR RAMBLING.#honestly the ST fandom is pretty bad unless you find a good little corner.#I seriously think way too much tho. I hope these answers make sense and actually answer the questions#seunghyubtual asked and I answered#to the best of my ability at least.
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Spoiler for tomorrows nyctophobia comfort fic: I might be 25 but also I need a nightlight, some heavy metal blasting (preferably black sabbath or metallica), I’m gonna check my room for spiders, open the wardrobe to look for demons, check under the bed and desk for scaries, lock my bedroom door, and spend ten minutes hyping myself up to shut off the main overhead light.

Would eddie find it funny? Sure! Would he understand? Maybe. Would he judge? Nu-uh. I bet he’d even help me do my nighttime routine so I’m in bed beside him faster.
And that’s at the core of tomorrow’s fic.
Please note the repetition of the word tomorrow bc that fic IS coming out tomorrow.💗
Sneak peek

Still accepting comments to be tagged!
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clown embers: my heart burns there too
For the anon who asked for a fic rec list for It: thank you for knowing i needed to take a homework break and organizing a list for the fandom i CANT STOP READING
seriously ever since i saw the second film in October i have been going absolutely CRAZY. like, i saw the first one in theaters and was kind “eh” but something unlocked in me after that second film like ???????? !!! so yes i have a TON of recs.
all of these of reddie because the whole thing about pining for your best friend but wait, maybe it actually works out in the end when you’re 40 and reuniting with your friends after 27 years???? fucking gets me. all fix-it fics because IM NOT A MONSTER
some fic authors i rec: Anything theapplepielifestyle has posted! Also ShowMeAHero has a LOT of really great stuff and has been updating regularly, which keeps my little reddie heart burning. Also, check out zach_stone!
I killed a clown. AMA! By liesmyth
I (39M) got stabbed twice today and now I want a divorce. Help?
Or: the one where Eddie is on Reddit.
This fic Is so hILARIOUS. Seriously. I cant recommend it enough, I was dying laughing the entire time. And the different posts between Eddie and Myra? Loved it.
but of all these things i like you best of all by Fluffifullness
“You can cook?” Eddie blurts.
Richie blinks. “Yeah. What the fuck? Yes. I know we’re not the pinnacle of functional adulthood, here, but there’s no way I’m the only one in seven, right?”
“No,” Ben admits. He takes a few steps toward Richie, like he hopes fleeing the scene will dispel the momentary awkwardness. “It’s just…”
“I would’ve guessed you mostly do prepackaged stuff,” Mike adds, following Ben’s lead with an apologetic smile of his own. Eddie does, too, except he also stuffs his hands into his pockets and hunches in on himself just enough to attract Richie’s attention, which is why he inadvertently directs most of his retort at him.
(Or: the one where Richie's love language of choice happens to be cooking.)
oh goodness, what an underrated fic. i love the relationship Richie has to build with cooking and showing the others his love for them. and eddies like,,, begrudgingly impressed with it all. love it!
the universe was made to be seen by our eyes by playedwright
“So. To summarize. I’m stranded on Mars, entirely alone. I have absolutely no way to communicate with my crew or with earth, since our communications antennae turned me into a human shish-kabob. If the oxygenator becomes compromised, I’ll suffocate. If the water reclaimer stops working, I’ll dehydrate. Breach in the Hab means I’ll go poof. And if, for some god-forsaken reason none of those things kill me first, I’m gonna run out of food and starve to death. Oh, and we can’t forget that everyone I know thinks I’m dead. So… yup. Totally fucked.”
On Sol 6, an unexpected windstorm cuts the Ares III Mission short and six astronauts retreat back to Earth.
On Sol 7, the astronaut they left behind wakes up gasping for air.
(Or, The Martian au)
Okay first of all you nEED TO READ THIS SERIES. Wow. I loved The Martian but this AU space just works so, so well for the losers. Read it, love it, cry into your pillow. Thank me later (then message me so we can fangirl about how much we love the series)
Derry Days by SidleyParkHermit
Everyone starts talking at once, but Richie cuts through the loudest. “Okay, back up, back up. Where are you getting all of this?”
“It’s happened before. I keep dying and reliving this day over and over.”
Bill is the first to speak, turning to Mike. “Uh, is that…”
Mike shakes his head, frowning.
“Shit,” Eddie says. “I was really hoping Mike would know something.
Have I mentioned that I’m a BITCH for time-loop fics? Because i really, really am. And this one, with Eddie in the loop instead of Richie, puts a twist on a familiar fic t make it completely original. Love, love it!
Now What I'm Gonna Say May Sound Indelicate by IfItHollars
Eddie Kaspbrak has lived his whole life being told that he's delicate, and he's not. And nearly bleeding out in an alien fear demon's lair has helped him realize that--as well as what he can live through. It puts his priorities in some perspective.
What he is, is injured. And married. To like, a woman. And gay. And stupidly, stupidly in love with Richie Tozier, after all these years. And he'd like to use his new lease on life to act on many of these things, if only Richie would cooperate.
Okay this is by far my favorite fic. Every new chapter is just such a JOY to read. The characters are all so layered and Eddie’s POV makes me laugh out loud like 10 times a chapter. It’s so funny but so, so heartfelt. AND THE RECENT CHAPTER - AKLSHFLAKH
the anatomy of a joke by crescenteluce
He trails off and Bev raises an eyebrow. ‘So, you being in bed together fits in there how exactly?’
‘No, Jesus, Bev.’ Eddie says and Richie, horrifyingly, feels his cheeks heat under Bev’s suspicious look. Something needs to be done, so he plucks Eddie’s phone from his hands.
‘I am appalled by your implications, Beverly.’ He says sternly, trying to ignore the blood still not quite done rushing to his face. ‘I would have you know that I’d never defile Eddie like that, the poor man’s 40 year old and still a virgin and if I’d have the honor of-’
He’s cut off by Eddie trying to wrestle the phone away from him as Bev cackles delightedly.
This fic is locked to ao3 users only but. Anon. listen. If there’s any reason to get an account, iTS THIS FIC. this fic is…. Dare i say, iconic. I reread it sometimes and i have to stop to take breaths from getting too hyped up at the section breaks. And the sequel???? Holy shit. Pls read this fic, pls.
feet on the ground, head in the sky by peggyolson
richie and eddie put themselves back together, one long-distance phone call at a time.
God, i love a good phone fic. And this is just such, such a good writing of richie, the author really nailed him here. Just. read it. Cry. reread it again.
Anyway i love reddie fic so much. Give me two 40 year old best friends slowly remembering how much they love each, and throw stan in there too or else i get sad at 4am thinking about patty. thanks . i have a ton more so let me know if you want more!!!
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i think u answered these already but 1 and 7! so u can hype up more of ur beautiful work~
omg MEG you are too sweet 😭😭🥰🥰
1. What’s your personal favourite thing you wrote this year?
aside from the flower shop and cellist!eddie, i really love don’t wanna hand you all my trouble (don’t wanna give you all my demons). i’m very proud of the emotions i got to in that one, and goddammit, eddie just needs HUGS so i’m glad i could give him some
7. What’s your favourite piece of description or narration?
this bit from how easy it would be to show me how you feel. i just think it sums up buck and eddie’s relationship really nicely:
They’ve been friends for years, but it still always surprises Buck how well Eddie knows him. He can’t detangle his own mind enough to figure out what he needs half the time, but somehow Eddie always sees through the knots and loops. And he always wants to give him what he needs, never seems put out or annoyed by how much Buck needs sometimes.
End of Year Fic Writer Asks 🎉
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Demon!Eddie part 5
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
#hype's demon!Eddie fic
This is it, then. The part where he claims his prize, where he uses their despair and makes them sign over the most valuable thing a human can possess. All he needs to do is choose.
He goes very still and focusses. The candles flicker in a non-existent breeze. The two humans in front of him shiver uncomfortably. They don't know exactly what he is doing, but they can feel it, he knows. Feel the way his mind reaches out to pick at their innermost core, prying, assessing, tasting.
And … oh, boy.
He wasn't expecting much, honestly, not with the lousy first impression he got in the few short minutes he's known them. But this?
Richard Harrington's soul is a disgusting thing, a faded, mouldy gray in color, tainted by greed and egotism. It tastes positively rank, so vile that he almost physically recoils. He wonders briefly what sort of life he must lead, to have a soul like this at his young age, but he shakes it off along with the bitter aftertaste of it. It doesn't concern him what the mortals do. Richard Harrington's soul is utterly useless.
The wife, then.
Hers isn’t much better than her husband’s. A sickly, greenish brown thing, completely devoid of any of the light and energy he usually looks for, sour like vinegar. He sighs, resigns himself to the fact that he's going to make a shit deal today, and …
Wait, what's that?
He narrows his eyes and digs deeper. The candles stutter and the shadows flicker, and Charlotte Harrington's hand clenches into the plush fabric of the armchair as her knees buckle.
There's something else, something pulsing in the space below her heart and-
It's another soul.
It's tiny and weak still. Young. So very young. She probably doesn't even know that it's there, doesn’t even know it's growing within her.
And still.
And still, even though it's still new, can't be more than a few days old, its energy hits him like a ton of bricks.
It glows and shines and thrums with it, and its color isn't like any soul he has ever seen. Gold. Pure and bright and vibrant, drawing him in like a moth to the flame. The taste that tickles the tip of his tongue is sweet like honey. Heavy like wine.
He has never seen anything like it.
He has never wanted to possess anything as much.
Part 6
#steddie#steddie brainrot#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic#my writing#hype's demon!eddie fic#demon!eddie munson
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Hi it’s me the supernatural anon from a while ago and I’ve been actually working on a 911/supernatural fic because I got bored but that’s beyond the point I was wondering how you think each of the characters would react to finding out the supernaturals real? Like assuming Maddie hide it from Buck I feel like he would recognize Sam and Dean from some articles he read in the dead of night because of insomnia and start freaking out because there are serial killers at the station
ummmm, hello anon i would just like to start out by stating that this ask has made me laugh a lot after a shitty 48 hours lmao so thank you! i totally agree about buck, like i see it so clearly okay oh my God. Like can you imagine buck is just cleaning the rescue, talking to Eddie about the shit he read last night because he couldn’t sleep and then suddenly Sam and Dean walk in okay and buck just shuts up in the middle of his sentence... so Eddie’s callin from under the truck “......buck????” and Sam all tall and mysterious “serial killer” is like “so YOURE buck” like theyre best bros. and buck just squeaks out “...eddie!!!” so ofc eddies like why the fuck the secret loml scared right? so he’s squaring them up like “how can we HELP you” trying hard not glare.
SOOOOOOOOOO sam and dean basically ignore eddie because they’re shocked to see little evan buckley standing taller than dean and buffer than sam. like holy shit man this is Todd buckleys son... maddie buckleys little brother who was seven the last time they saw him. but of course eddies not having that because buck looks like hes about to piss himself or throw up or faint so he asks buck why hes freakin and he just says “ITS THEM!!! ITS THE GUYS FROM THE ARTICLE I SPIRALED ON LAST NIGHT!!! the SERIAL KILLERS!!!”
so naturally eddie is like,,,, oh shit and sam and dean are like WAIT WAIT WAIT WERE NOT SERIAL KILLERS!!! and bring up they’re looking for maddie and bc buck shouted ab serial killers being in the station, half the station comes down including chim hen and bobby. and at the exact same time chim and buck are like “what the fuck do you want with MADDIE!!!” getting all protective and shit. and stupid protective in love eddie is still squaring up. and theyre really trying to explain themselves the best they could because its at this point they realize, unlike their dad had done with bringing them both into monster hunting, todd and madeline never let him in on it like maddie had said one day. dean keeps talking himself into a hole because like i said dudes are just shocked how grown evan buckley got and how much he grew to look like his father... soooooo dean fuckin says that and buck grabs dean by the collar and is like “HOW TF U KNOW MY FATHER” and maddie is walking into the station at this point and breaks it up before she even sees its sam and dean. then when she realizes they have this reunion and shit,,,,, and buck is still like he was in oceans 911 where hes like “im so confused can we go back” and says like “maddie why are you hugging these guys!! theyre known serial killers!!! we should be calling athena!!!!!” and bobbys like “already called”
and maddie who knows the life of THE FAMILY BUSINESS SAVING PEOPLE HUNTING THINGS and remembers everything ab the way the survived by doing this with the LIESSSSSS shes like “no no no this is a huge misunderstanding lets all sit down and talk yeah?” bc she genuinely cares ab the winchesters and is very curious to know why theyre here before they get arrrested for being “serial killers” . so chimney naturally agrees with maddie and they all end up in the loft prayin they dont get a call.
aaaaaand maddie starts explaining everything and fuckin eddie and FUCKING BOBBY are the ones to actually believe it and bucks just like... a fish out of water?? is the best way i can describe his shock (im sorry thats sad byt jfsdjfsdl) and hes like “so when you and dad went away on your stupid hunting trips-” (dean cuts him off like hey!!!!) “your STUPID hunting trips you were KILLING DEMONS????? whaaaatattttt????? this is why you guys always fuckin left me with MOM???” and hes just spazzing pretty mych. and while eddie is being like a comforting presnese eddie is like, secretly so stoked because growing up he SUPER believed in the supernatural like kind of obsessed so hes like bombarding the three of them with questions like “so fuckin djinns and vampires and SHAPESHIFTERS ARW REAL????” and bucks and chim are looking “r u serious” but sam and dean are super amused and hes like “little buckley grew up with good taste” and everyone but buck and eddie snicker.
chim really wants to believe it because,,, its coming from his girlfriends mouth u know?? but he doesnt know these men and like.... demons ?????? so chimneys just slowly trying to process the information while sam and dean r grillling maddie buckleys new cool boyfriend... they rly didnt like doug so theyre ecstatic shes dating a good man.
hen just finds this thing entirely amusing that the monster hunting is really not the thing thats on the fore front of her mind... like the fact that buck almost got old family friends arrested because of his internet research??? and eddies automatic stance to fight when dean definitely “accidentally” flirted with buck and all of the yelling like its all nuts to her so shes just sitting back laughing to herself.
last but most definitely not LEAST athena starts reading them the miranda right s the second she lays eyes on them and funny enough eddie is the one to jump to their defense saying buck was doing internet research and mistook them for others. and athena was like “tf bobby u coulda told me . “ and hes like “i had to listen to the story” and eddie just jumps in and explains everything which buck even after all of this also finds that hlarious. and athena deadass mutters “oh god theyve been drugged again”
this was so LONG LMAOOOOOO sleep deprivation man. i got too hype ab this. u asked for their reactions not a whole ass scene but it just happened lmao. hope you liked it supernatural anon!!! also u should send me ur crossover fic id love to read it !!!!
#wow this got out of hand#love it tho#i rly thought it was too long after the first paragraph lollll#bitch u thought#literal chaos#911 on fox#maddie buckley#evan buckley#sam winchester#dean winchester#supernatural#hen wilson#chimney han#bobby nash#eddie diaz#buddie#athena grant#crossoversssss in this bitch#i need sleep
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Demon!Eddie part 1
# hype's demon!Eddie fic
The summons comes on a hot and humid night in the middle of summer, thunder clouds rolling sluggishly across the sky. He doesn’t know what year it is, doesn’t care enough to keep track, just knows that the new millennium is still young and that there's a new Star Wars movie out. They're not as good as the old ones, of course - brimming with fancy special effects but lacking all of the magic, all of the heart. But he doesn't venture into the human plane often, these days, and it's not like he has anything better to do.
He has just made it through the sheer endless row of trailers and the even more endless row of commercials and is getting comfy in his seat, and the first notes of the familiar theme are starting to fill the theater when he feels it. The unmistakable painful pull just above his navel, like somebody has dug a hook into his flesh and is yanking on it.
A groan that is equal parts pain and annoyance tears its way out of his throat, because really? Now?
He sits with gritted teeth, fingers digging into the armrest, and tries to ignore it. It's probably a bunch of tipsy teenagers messing with a oija board or some college girls playing Bloody Mary in their dorm room. They'll chicken out soon enough.
Except they don't and the pull is getting harder to ignore by the minute.
"Jesus fuck-" he mutters. Can't a guy watch his shitty movie in peace?
The invisible hook gives a violent lurch and he almost topples off his seat.
Well, that answers that.
He knows there's no getting out of this, not when it gets this bad, and he knows how the boss gets when he tries to slack off. There's really no way out of it, is there?
So he heeds the call.
Part 2
#so i said i wouldn't start this#but i did#guess i'm a liar#steddie#steddie brainrot#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic#my writing#demon eddie munson#hype's demon!eddie fic
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Demon!Eddie part 6
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
#hype's demon!Eddie fic
Outside, thunder claps and the summer storm breaks lose, rain descending on the world in a roaring curtain of water. He jerks back into his own body and Charlotte sucks in a gulp of air. Her fingers are trembling against the armchair, but her husband pays her no mind, still staring at him impatiently.
A little belatedly, he remembers that he still needs to state his prize. For a hot second, something flickers inside him, something he thought he had long snuffed out. Guilt.
Whatever kind of shit people its parents are - and there's not a single shred of doubt in his mind that they are the shittiest of shit people, hall of shame kind of shit, really - the tiny golden soul that is hiding under Charlotte Harrington's heart can't be blamed for its parents' decisions. It is, in fact, the purest and most perfect one between them, the only one untainted by greed or sin. It doesn't deserve to suffer simply for being here. It isn't fair.
But life isn't fair, is it?
Lightning flashes, casting the room in contrasts - harsh white light and pitch black shadow. He needs to make his decision, now, or there will be no contract tonight.
"Richard and Charlotte Harrington," he says, voice low and gravelly. "Your wish has been heard, and it shall be granted."
Lightning flashes, and thunder claps, and his shadowy wings flare out behind him like they are part of the storm outside. He knows from the looks on their faces that his fangs gleam in the flickering light of the candles when he grins at them.
"The prize I claim in return is your firstborn child."
End of prologue.
To be continued ...

Coming Sept 2023 on my AO3
#steddie#steve x eddie#steddie brainrot#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic#my writing#hype's demon!eddie fic#demon!eddie munson#possession steddie fic
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I am so fricking happy that I found this fic. Oh my gosh, wait, it was so, so, so, so awesome!!!!!!! I don't where to start!! And it's only the first chapter??!?!?!
I didn't know what I was getting into when I started reading. I didn't know how the reader and Eddie would meet, I didn't know what the reader was going to be up against, I didn't even know what the tone of the fic was going to be. All I knew was that the reader was from the future.
Right from the opening scene, you drop the audience into this mode of panic and science fiction. It's like this is a part of the show they haven't shown us before, how did you freaking do that?? It was so well done! There is this chaos and turmoil all around the reader and her father-figure is dying in her arms and we haven't even cracked the surface of this chapter. Then you created this amazingly heartbreaking moment between the reader and her father while describing the absolute terror facing her. It was so sad! Reading that gut-wrenching scene, knowing that she won't have time to grieve her loss. And I was so surprised at how deeply I felt about this man dying and I don't even know him. You convey their relationship and just how tragic his death is in such a short of amount of time and it's so unnervingly realistic.
By the first couple of paragraphs I am completely in engrossed in the future world you've created, all the terms and descriptions of everything. It's all so visceral. But then we learn that the reader is on a mission of some sort and I feel super hyped up! I was legit smiling so hard at this fic having a badass reader. It's something I never even knew I needed.
Before I get ahead of myself though I wanted to really commend you on the characterization of the reader. Because she is like, the most badass person, most relatable, most heroic person in a span of a few short paragraphs. What really solidified her badassery for me was this line -
"A part of you wanted to argue with him, to beg him to get up. But the alarms were screaming, red and yellow lights flashing through the bunker, the sounds of gunfire and screams filling the air."
Like are you kidding me!! Oh my gosh, my mind was just blown to smithereens. There's so much to unpack within this one line! The reader's stubbornness to leave someone she loves, her desperation to save her father, all of her anguish backdropped by the present moment of chaos and how she has to literally push her feelings aside and remember the stakes. So much great writing and I still hadn't even gotten to the thick of it!
And don't think I wasn't going to bring up this sentence:
"...only twenty four years and carrying the weight of the eternity on your shoulders."
I applaud you, dear writer. Once I read that I just stopped and looked at my phone with a blank stare because I couldn't believe I had read something so legendary. I'm not kidding, it was that good. That is how you cement inner conflict. That is how you define the dire situation the reader is currently in. That is how you get me rooting for this character and hoping she gets to experience peace.
And once her father died, just like the reader it felt like I couldn't take a breath either because we are whisked away with this palpable urgency to get the reader to where she needs to be.
The poor girl has gone through the worst but then she gets transported into another fight, and while reading her saving Eddie from the bats I was captivated by how you reframed the perspective of that iconic scene. No longer are we seeing the demon bats from Eddie and Dustin's perspective, we are now viewing it from the perspective of someone who was fucking trained to deal with them?!?!?!!! The way she doesn't even think about it, she just fights them like they are light work.
Class 1 Flyers?! You are so freaking creative!! I was so blown away by how well you were able to describe them demo-bats as this entity that the reader has already had previous knowledge of and has clearly been trained to handle them.
"... and for whatever reason, these two were here. And chasing them."
I cackled. That line was so funny to me.
Oh, but the scene where she shows up and saves Eddie from the bats and he is just in awe of her thinking she's a goddess that God sent down to save him.........................
I nearly shed a goddamn tear. It was too much. Way too much that I was not ready for, I swear.
Along with my growing adoration for the reader was my complete meltdown over Eddie's character. How. Did. You. Do. It?!?!? How did you encapsulate his character so well???
This. Line.
"I dunno, dude, best rock concert of all time doesn't mean anything if the world isn't around to appreciate it!"
Did you freaking sit down with Eddie Munson himself, ask him why he went back to fight the bats, and write down his exact words?!?! Tell me the truth!
And then you wanted to break my heart with that whole moment going over Eddie's thought process before the gang went into the Upside Down. Showing how he accepted that he may not make it out alive and came to the conclusion that he would make sure the others survived. I accept this more than accept canon. So much more. To the point where this version, your version of Eddie's sacrifice is as good as canon to me. Because doing anything he can to save people, like him taking in the rejects of high school and providing them a safe space, is perfectly in line with Eddie's character.
I am in love with this story so much, and I can't wait to see where you go with it. I am so excited!!
Onward Through the Upside Down (Eddie Munson x Reader)
(I have a lot of feelings about Stranger Things. I love the show, and the older characters are ones I have always sort of gravitated towards. When Eddie cropped up in season 4, I fell in love, along with the rest of society. He is absolutely the boy I crushed on in high school and made bad choices with, so clearly I had to do a series with him. He's at least 20-21, so I felt like this worked well. Obviously, season 4 spoilers, but I take my liberties. If this takes off or goes well, I'll continue it for sure. So like and comment if it tickles your fancy. If not, that's okay, I often doubt my own stuff enough that it's fair.)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x future!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Death, language
“Get to the ship! The Class Nine’s are breaching the hull, we don’t have time for goodbye’s!” The voice you knew that belonged to Kellen Dorn rang loudly over the horns and sirens, bodies running through the narrow, dimly lit halls reinforced with titanium that the creatures had learned to eat through.
You were cradling the head of your father, blood trickling down his forehead as he looked up at you, lips shaking as he tried to form words, “Hey… hey hey hey… l-l-listen, young lady,” he coughed out, blood trickling as you held the older man in your arms, aware acutely of the multiple puncture wounds he’d sustained keeping the blast door open long enough to get the rest of the survivors in. He wouldn’t leave anyone behind. He wouldn’t leave you.
Keep reading
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#starlette's list#fic rec#eddie munson fic#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x female reader#stranger things#stranger things fic
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Demon!Eddie part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
# hype's demon!Eddie fic
Because, see, that is usually what it boils down to. If you do not count the teenagers and college kids who do it out of sheer curiosity or a test of courage, people who summon a demon are usually pretty damn desperate. You don’t bargain with the creatures of hell for shits and giggles. He’s seen all sorts in his time on the job. The people who have lost loved ones and would do anything to speak to them, to see their face one more time. Those who are being eaten alive by some fatal illness and just want to live for a few more years, just long enough to see their kids grow up or make sure their spouse is taken care of. Those are the harder cases, because even after all those years, their anguish still makes something deep inside of him stir, something that he should have killed and buried long ago.
But somehow, he doubts that Richard and Charlotte Harrington are like that.
He’s proven correct only a second later, when Richard takes a deep breath and speaks.
“My company is struggling with the economic crisis. Stocks are failing, our customers are running away, and … and we will lose everything.” One of his hands finally lets go of the old tome to sweep their surroundings in an all-encompassing gesture. The expensive furniture, the shiny floors and finishings, the lamp-lit patio. “I can’t let that happen.”
Of fucking course he can’t. God forbid he lose his bigass mansion and pool, the shiny car that's sure to be parked in the pristine driveway outside.
“The good old money, fame and fortune package,” he nods sagely. “You got it.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Really?” asks Charlotte. Her face is weary and she is slowly starting to inch around her armchair. Like an animal considering whether or not to take a bait. “You can do that? Just like that?”
He shrugs, unimpressed, makes a show of inspecting the rings on his fingers for specks of dirt.
“Sure can. I was hoping for something more creative, in all honesty, but who am I to judge your hearts’ deepest desires, eh? I’ll set you up with more riches than you can spend in this lifetime, no problemo. If the compensation is right, that is …”
When he looks up, their eyes are shining with barely concealed greed, just like he knew they would. Humans are so dull, really. Tempt them with a shiny treat and they'll be falling over their own feet in their haste to stumble into their own doom.
"Of course," Richard says. "I'm a businessman, I don't expect to get things for free. What amount would you-"
"I'm not after your money, you silly man." His smile is wide and feral and the hollow where his heart should be thrums with delight at the flash of fear in their eyes. "No, I trade in commodities far more precious than that."
Richard's brow twitches impatiently.
"Well then," he growls. "What do you want?"
Part 5
#steddie#steddie brainrot#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic#my writing#demon!eddie munson#hype's demon!eddie fic
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Demon!Eddie part 3
Part 1
Part 2
# hype's demon!Eddie fic
“Who are the lowly mortals that dare summon me?” he rumbles. His wings flare out, half solid like storm clouds, and the candles flicker and almost die. Outside, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles. The woman holds back a shriek. “State thy names!”
The man stares at him with wide eyes. The gale has ruffled his carefully styled hair, but he doesn’t reach out to smooth it back, still clutching the leather-bound book to his chest. He opens his mouth to speak, then shuts it again. Gulps heavily before he tries again. When he manages to form words, his voice quivers only a little.
“Are you really a demon?”
He couldn’t keep the eye roll at bay if he tried. It takes all his willpower to not slap his palm to his face on top of it, to be perfectly honest.
“No, man. I got lost on my way to comic con and wandered into your villa. You are holding a fucking Necronomicon there, dude. What do you think I am? Do these look like contacts to you?”
He gestures at his glowing eyes in a wide, theatrical gesture.
They gape at him.
“Comic con?” the woman repeats weakly, like she’s never heard of the word, like this is the important part. He’s sort of starting to wish he’d ended up at a sixteen-year-old’s pajama party.
“Yes, I’m a fucking demon,” he says because, obviously, Moneybag MacDouche here and his girlfriend are a bit dense and need to have things spelled out for them. “And I asked you a question.”
They blink. The man’s brow wrinkles in confusion.
“Jesus fuck- Your names?”
The man flinches minutely, like he actually only just remembered. His shoulders square and his jaw sets.
“Harrington,” he says. “My name is Richard Harrington. This is Charlotte, my wife.”
Fucking finally! He breaks into a wide grin and throws his arms out, registers with a surge of satisfaction how they both jump again.
“Very well. Greetings, Richard Harrington and Charlotte, his wife. How can I be of service to you on this fine night?”
“Pardon?” says Richard.
He holds back a groan. This will be a long one …
“Okay, baby steps. You …” he gestures to the two of them. “are human. I am a demon. You summoned me, rather rudely interrupting my first free night in ages, may I add. Which means you want to make a deal, right?”
“So it’s true?” Charlotte blurts, and her pale face colors with splotches of red, starting in her cheekbones and creeping all the way down to her neck. “You grant wishes?”
He huffs.
“I don’t grant wishes, what am I, a fucking genie?” Their faces fall with disappointment, so he is quick to elaborate. “What I do is a bit more complex. I can grant you your deepest, innermost desires, yes. But it comes at a cost. Hence the word deal. You following?”
They nod slowly.
“Very good. See, you’re getting there. Now, what is it that you so desperately crave?”
Part 4
#steddie#steddie brainrot#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic#my writing#demon!eddie munson#hype's demon!eddie fic
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