#hyosuke kuzuryuu
sanseru · 2 years
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Holy fuck my hand hurts and I stayed up way too late... BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!! I had to draw my children, I’ve just been dying to draw their friendship-
So yeah. here’s a bunch of Mayumi and Hyosuke drawings that I drew in one sitting because lord knows I can’t manage my ADHD. Now for context:
May and Suke go on late night drives occasionally and just hit up diners to rant about life issues. 
They’ve dabbled in a lot of delinquent-esq stuff at this point so graffiti wasn’t too far behind. May loves her ritual circles (the one shown is for alchemy thanks to a lovely suggestion by a follower) and Suke’s was my attempt at writing his family name in Japanese in a graffiti kinda style- don’t know if I did very well but I tried. Also he hasn’t finished it so the simple dragon is just the basic outline. Totally not me getting tired and not wanting to put in all those details...
Lastly are just the warmup doodles. Suke being a grump trying to pretend he doesn’t like Cutie, and May being an idiot with no sense of life preservation. She wanted to see if Suke could do the classic, “throw/shoot something at an apple on my head” trick with his knife throwing. 
Sorry if this post’s text is nonsensical. I’m about to pass out now. So goodnight and I hope it makes at least a little sense... 
Edit: Cus music plays a big part in getting my creativity flowing, their theme song would 100% be Rob a Bank by Confetti. I have a whole playlist for these two... and am planning to add a third eventually. But Nevermind that last part ;)
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sanseru · 2 years
Slight warning(?): This chapter does discuss water breaking in some detail. I don't think it's graphic enough to warrant a warning but thought I'd put it out there.
This chapter might be a little too fast paced and all over the place so if it is, I'm sorry! I tried out something different by switching up the perspective in the first half and it might read a little weird. I just thought it'd be fun to see a little into the Kuzuryuus life for a bit. Might do this again for any future fanchildren I have plans for if you guys don't mind it/like it!
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sanseru · 3 years
I feel like this chapter needed a lot more context that I thought I had already added... but reading back through the chapters, I realized I had forgotten some stuff. I really apologize if there are parts of this chapter that are confusing. I tried to fill in the gaps where I could but it doesn't read very well-
Also, sorry for the wait! Lots of stuff is happening in my life right now that I won't go into. Just haven't had as much motivation to be artsy lately but I managed to finish another chapter, so yay! Hope it's alright!
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