#hyenas are thriving tho xD i dont play favorites (trust)
vivisols · 8 months
Hello!!! I’m here to ask lore questions >:3c
About the future stares back specifically!!
First off, are human’s the only animals that evolved so severely, or will we see some really funky dogs?? If not are there at least funky dog’s in the world?
Though I don’t just mean the dog’s, I’m just using them as a placeholder for animals in general. Like what other animals have went and crazy evolved vs which animals haven’t really changed that much (I assume animals like birds haven’t changed too much I’ll be honest, maybe more water birds evolved or something) and which animals went extinct? (Not a whole list obviously as there’s billions of different species, but maybe the ones that would shock us? I.E. “oh no dogs did actually go extinct”)
We’ve seen a lot of descriptions on buildings being all wrecked, but how much has nature truly reclaimed it? Does it still need some time? I ask this because I don’t remember seeing a lot of animals being described as nesting in the many buildings we visit- mostly just the fish when we’re underwater. But correct me if I’m wrong! My memory is hazy.
Will we get to see how Moon and Sun react to the various types of animals they may have only seen in picture books?
And if animals, domestic animals especially, have evolved- are they still domesticated? Do some human constructs use them for work? Or are they all mostly feral again? Dangerous even??
I think that’s about it for now, but if I have anymore questions I’ll come right back and drop another wall of text, lol! (If these text walls are okay with you at least, if not I’ll try to separate my questions in separate asks next time!)
Thank you for your time!
askdjhasjkd i heart answering lore questions so much!!! anon you are FEEDING me today hahahaha!!! anyways anyhow >:3c
we will indeed see some funky silly evolved animals! most species of animals stayed relatively the same besides becoming a bit more adjusted to a primarily water based diet! though their evolution was much more "standard" and gradual as opposed to humans who went absolutely WILD with the evolution xDDD
extinct animals.... extinct animals.... hmmmm! most of the extinct animals are ones that required specific temperature conditions to thrive, such as those that relied on drastic season changes! the rising temperatures and sea levels practically shot the potential for freezing cold winters out of the window xD some wild extinct animals off the top of my head are penguins and bears, all variants! though the latter is probably not a surprise considering thats actually canon as of security breach hahaha
id say nature has reclaimed about... 60% of it! fish took to living in the building ruins super quickly, but land animals are still getting there! cities are big and the ruins dont have a lot of food! mostly prey animals such as rabbits and birds live in the ruins right now, and even then those are in the more overgrown ruins or on the ruins close to forests!
we definitely WILL see sun and moon reacting to various species of animals! i have a LOT planned hehehe >:3c
most of the domesticated animals, particularly the ones that can live just fine without humans (such as some species of cats and dogs) have evolved back to a much more "natural" and "feral" state. specific breeds that might be familiar to us are hard to distinguish as they've kind of gone back to looking like their non-domesticated ancestors (i.e. wildcats and wolves) but they've not fully evolved back to the same things as they started out as!
there are only a few human settlements that still have somewhat domesticated animals, with the majority just having dogs for working and such! and even then, those dogs are more on a "we're only sticking around because you feed us" instead of true domestication xD a very very very small amount of settlements have horses! depends on the location! horses are basically the same, wild or otherwise hahaha
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