#hydra x tassita
phopollo · 27 days
A lot of people responded really well to my proposal of Hydra x Tassita, which is excellent, so
Good morning Quidrogen nation, I got them on the brain again
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And so does he
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Watching Hydra openly flirt with Tassita added twenty years to my lifespan tbh
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starlight-lesbians · 14 days
in the taco bell au do people get possessive about making their s/o their food? i’m imagining that greaseball won’t let anyone but dinah make her drink, and she won’t let anyone touch dinah’s taco bell order, even if it’s WILDLY inconvenient and holds up proceedings massively
oh for SURE
GB is like half embarrassed of her drink and the other half just knows Dinah makes it best. She practically hisses at the others when they try and make Dinah’s super hyperspecific order too, she MUST make the chicken dorito tacos lol
Slick will fight the others for Belle’s order, Lumber and Porter have finally realized it’s easier to just let her do it. She also always has to present the food to Belle lmao
Electra always insists on making Pearl and Rusty’s drinks for them because “They’re the most experienced barista there” (it’s actually just because they’re in love with them) and Rusty always jumps at the chance to make Electra or Pearl’s food, he isn’t aggressive enough to fight for it, but the others just let him bc he gets sad if they don’t
Hydra js about as annoying as Slick, he Has to make Tassita’s food, literally acts like he’s gonna die if they don’t let him. He has gotten down on one knee to present the tacos to him too (he got smacked but he was happy abt it, silly)
Lumber and Porter like to try and intercept partner orders just to piss their friends off, they know better than to do it to GB though bc she’ll probably throw them out a window
Belle won’t admit it but she’ll fight someone to make Slick’s drink even though it’s horrible in her opinion (3 extra espresso shots WHY), because well the annoying girl who orders it is kinda cute, and she Does always present her food to her like she’s a princess (aw)
Tass casually swipes the ticket for Hydra’s order every time, claims he just likes making tea but he does actually just like seeing the chronically stoned yapper come through to flirt with him
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starlight-lesbians · 13 days
for the Taco Bell au, how did everyone get their jobs? like their reason and the process? (sorry if this has been asked already)
Greaseball was the first of the group to start there, she was 16 and didn’t want to work at her dad’s mechanic shop anymore. The elusive “Real Adult” GM at the Taco Bell hired her on to the night shift and then pretty much left her to her own devices. The shift lead at that time basically just showed her the basics and then quit, so she got shoved into the shift lead role FAST, probably when she was like 17-18
Dinah was hired at 15, just about a month after Greasey. It was her first job, and Momma and Rusty were family friends, so it was pretty natural for her to work there
Slick, Lumber, and Porter all got hired around the same time right after a bunch of night shift people quit, they were the first people Greaseball had a hand in hiring bc she got thrown into way too much responsibility really fast
Hydra got hired about a month later, rolled the most perfect burrito anyone had seen in his first week and was immediately the most valuable employee there besides Greasey
Belle and Tassita got hired within a week of each other, which was pretty uneventful, just both needed jobs since they were moving out on their own for the first time
Electra started just a little after Dinah I think, they were like 17 and coming off of interning at their dad's company, just really needed to not be in an office
Pearl got hired about right when the fic officially starts, she's Dinah's roommate in campus housing and Dinah gets her the job. Momma sees this girl who's moved super far from her family for school and just adopts her immediately
Rusty started out helping his mom at the cafe, but he decided he didn't want to officially work there since his mom being his boss would be kinda weird. He wanted to be close enough to still hitch a ride with her sometimes though, so Taco Bell lol
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starlight-lesbians · 1 month
Taco Bell / Coffee Shop AU HCs!
SFW, no warnings
The Coffee Shop Crew
Dinah and Electra are like the queer baristas of everyone’s dreams, the drinks they make always SLAP
Dinah is in charge of doing all the artsy chalkboard menus for the week
Belle and Tassita make TikToks at work with their drink ideas to advertise for the store
Really they all make TikToks at work, Momma lets them because they bring in business
They all treat Momma like their mother hen and it’s really sweet
Dinah always works the drive thru, it’s her favorite spot.
Electra works cold bar, Belle works hot bar, and Tassita works the register, Pearl does the cafe treats!
After close they blast Kesha on the store stereo system while they clean
Tassita curates the store playlist
They all like genuinely love their jobs even though customers can SUCK, Momma is a really wonderful boss
However they do get stoned in the parking lot after their shifts a lot, just for funsies
There are other staff members who work days, but our cast works the night shift for plot purposes
Pearl bakes all the pastries with Dinah, they stay late after close to come up with new recipes
Dinah has been at the store the longest (besides Momma), and she’s kind of the unofficial shift lead because she knows Everything
The Taco Bell Crew
Greaseball has been there the longest, she’s the night shift lead and she verifiably hates her job
Rusty is a new hire who is still like trying to do everything correctly even though everyone keeps telling him it’s unnecessary and that noone actually cares that much
Greaseball got her nickname because she worked grill for a long time and would always be covered in cooking oil after her shifts
Hydra is the Taco Bell worker in the drive thru that is just perpetually high as a kite
Slick just sits in the back and plays on their phone instead of actually doing anything, Greaseball does Not care
The highlight of all of their shifts is trading burritos for coffee and muffins from the cafe tbh
They have burrito rolling competitions to see who does the most in the least time (Greaseball is the reigning champ ofc)
That’s what I got for now! I’ll be back with more stitched together ideas soon but wanted to update!
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