#hydie before her scars and second earring
cranberrytea451 · 1 year
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Before meeting Motti, Hydie sailed under a different captain, one that didn’t have the guts but had the heart…kinda?
He was after a heart anyway. The golden heart of the sea. It was said to grant any wish to the person that opened it. Rumored to be the last remnant of the child that fell from the sky, it glowed a brilliant red when basked in moonlight.
Her captain had saved her life just to throw his away.
He taught her to trace the waters of the sky, every star an island and every constellation a continent. The wind became her compass. The clouds whispered gossip about storms and turbulent waves.
How unlucky it was that she charted the course to his death.
“To bring a woman aboard would be bad luck”
How fortunate that the ship she’s sailing on now has three so far.
Undercut is kinda dark so… be advised
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“To bring a woman aboard would be bad luck” Hydie understood from a young age that she would never leave the island she was born on.
But she wanted to live not just be alive.
She she filled her life with books of the ocean, understanding every myth and tall tale, studying sea life(her father taught her to fish, and sometimes she would tie her hair under a cap and fish by the docks… she would always throw her catches back) and wild life alike (she would stalk animals in the woods and sketch them…sometimes she would give them names and leave food).
She dreamed of catching a glimpse of those mythical creatures drawn grotesquely in books: a kraken, a siren, a skeleton-
Her father, a traveling merchant, always brought her gifts from foreign lands. She is grateful that he taught her to read and write. But he would never bring her a book on navigation, no matter how much she would beg.
Girls didn’t need something like that. She didn’t need sometime like that.
Her father died. Drowned, burned, consumed. His ship never returned. All because she had stepped aboard for a single second to hug him goodbye. Perhaps the same pirate crew that sunk his ship, burned down her village. She wondered if the hands that had groped her had strangled the life from her father.
She wanted to crave their touch from her flesh.
A cold skeletal hand tightly wrapped around her knife.
Death visited her, and gave her life.
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