lesbiankimdahyun · 11 months
Friends with new benefits
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2.5K words
CW: hybrids, GP, frotting
[GP!Hybrid!Sana x GP!Hybrid!Dahyun]
Jihyo and Sana came over to Momo’s apartment late on Saturday morning like they’d regularly been doing for the past two months or so. Momo was a first time hybrid owner and caretaker for Dahyun, whom she’d found and couldn’t resist at a local shelter. Since Dahyun was still getting used to living in a home and hadn’t really meshed with any of the other hybrids at the shelter, Momo invited Jihyo and her hybrid puppy Sana to come over and befriend Dahyun.
The two clicked right away. Sana’s warm and bubbly personality brought Dahyun out of her shell in no time, and she grew fond of Jihyo, too. Momo and Jihyo would usually have coffee and catch up while Sana and Dahyun played for a while, and then sometimes they’d go to the park, for a walk, or just explore the city all together. 
This particular Saturday morning, Dahyun was still getting ready in her room when Momo opened the front door to let Sana and her owner in. 
Dahyun’s fingers fumbled with her clothes as she got dressed, feeling uncomfortable between her legs as she hastily slipped into a skirt. She was coming off her first rut, and had thought her body’s needs would have been well sated by now. Instead, she found herself panicking, unable to hide an unexpected hard on. One ear perked up as she heard Sana’s voice asking where Dahyun was. Moments later, she could hear Sana padding down the hall toward her room. The thought of Sana seeing her like this was excruciating, and Dahyun got up to try to close her door in a last ditch attempt to hide from her friend. 
She was too late though, and Sana breezed in before Dahyun could even reach the door. 
“Hi Dahyunnie,” Sana said, her tail wagging excitedly beneath her own skirt. “Do you wanna pl–” her tail stopped abruptly when she saw Dahyun’s face. “Hey, are you okay?”
Dahyun wasn’t exactly sure what sort of expression was on her face, but whatever it was, it must have worried Sana because she quickly guided the younger pup to her bed and sat her down.
Sana’s brow was furrowed in concern as she lightly reached out to touch the younger hybrid’s forearm. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
Dahyun squirmed lightly as she sat down with Sana. Her touch was entirely innocent, but it was distractingly nice. And that, Dahyun realized, was somehow even worse.  
“I’m not sick,” she said, but she couldn’t bring herself to explain what was ailing her. She felt very self conscious, unwilling to name the problem showing clearly beneath her clothing. She knew, of course, that this was something Sana experienced too, but they’d never spoken about it before. 
Dahyun crossed her legs, but the friction was too much to bear and she quickly uncrossed them. 
Sana watched her carefully for a moment before her ears perked up. “Oh,” she said curiously. She looked down at Dahyun’s skirt, where a tent had been steadily forming beneath. “Do you— should I get Momo?” 
Dahyun hesitated, her ears tucking slightly back in embarrassment. Momo had been nothing short of wonderful with helping her through her rut, but Sana seeing her like this was mortifying enough. If Sana went and got Momo, then Momo would know, and then Jihyo would know, and then– 
“No,” Dahyun said quickly. “But I- I don’t want to play right now, either. I’m sorry Sana, I just– I’m uncomfortable, I can’t think—” 
Sana tilted her head as she listened to Dahyun and then nodded. “I know how it feels,” she said. There was a moment of silence between the two of them, and then Sana added, “I…can help if you want.” 
The younger hybrid blinked at Sana in confusion. “Help?” She was about to decline to spare Sana any trouble, but her cock began to throb, demanding to hear Sana out. She blushed deeply before she caved, her voice dropping to a whisper. “How?”
Sana’s tail wagged again. She got up and closed the door to Dahyun’s bedroom. Then she made her way back to Dahyun and climbed onto her bed. 
“C’mere,” she said, taking Dahyun’s hand and positioning her so that the two were facing each other, sitting on their knees. 
Sana’s hand practically burned in Dahyun’s, but when she let go, Dahyun realized she wanted it back in hers again. Or on her. Anywhere. 
“I know we haven’t known each other that long,” Sana was saying, “But…do you trust me?” Her voice was soft and genuine. 
Swallowing nervously, the younger pup nodded. “Yes,” Dahyun said. “Especially if it means Momo and Jihyo won’t…see.” 
A little smile appeared on Sana’s face. “Well, they won’t if you’re quiet,” she said. “Can I touch you?” 
Dahyun realized the older girl hadn’t moved an inch since sitting across from her, and she nodded quickly. “Please,” she breathed, hating how badly she wanted to see what Sana would do to help relieve her. 
Sana took a breath, then reached for Dahyun’s skirt. “Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” Her fingertips ghosted over Dahyun’s bulge at first, and then her hand was gently cupping her, rubbing her lightly over her clothes. Sana kept her eyes on Dahyun the whole time, watching her face carefully. 
Dahyun opened her mouth but said nothing at first, mesmerized by the feeling of Sana’s hand. 
“Can you-” Dahyun let out a little groan, “Do…more?” 
Sana nodded, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling. Truthfully, all of her physical intimacy was with Jihyo. She’d never done anything with another hybrid before, but she knew what felt good to her when she touched herself, and she knew exactly what Dahyun was feeling, so maybe if she touched Dahyun the way she touched herself, she thought, it would help. She felt excited, unaware that she was starting to become mildly aroused herself. 
“How does this feel?”
Her hand was reaching beneath Dahyun’s skirt now, under the fabric and into her underwear to fish out her hardened cock. 
The younger girl started to moan but immediately covered her mouth with her hand. She nearly bucked into Sana’s hand, clearly craving more. All Sana had done was hold her cock in her hand, and already Dahyun was unraveling. She gave Sana a little nod to let her know she could keep going.
Sana took Dahyun’s length in her hand, moving up to gently fist the tip, which was flushed and already wet with precum. 
Both of their breathing became a little heavier. Dahyun’s eyes moved from Sana’s hand up over the rest of her body. Her eyes lingered on Sana’s soft parted lips, the rise and fall of her chest, and then as her gaze traveled downward, she spotted a growing bulge beneath the other hybrid’s skirt. Her eyes widened a little with curiosity.  
Sana stopped for a moment when she saw Dahyun’s eyes go wide and followed her gaze to what made her react. Seeing her own cock stiffening under her clothes, Sana let go and blushed. “Sorry,” she said quickly. “I- maybe I really should just go get Momo–”
“Wait, Sana,” Dahyun said. She put a hand on Sana’s thigh. “I just didn’t know you also–, I mean, I’ve never–” she looked up, trying to find her words but couldn’t. Her mouth was watering a little now, adding to her distraction. “C-can I see?” 
Sana’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. She had fully expected Dahyun to agree and ask for Momo. Quickly getting over her shock, she nodded. Within moments, her own cock was out and Dahyun watched, mesmerized, as Sana began to pump her own length. Sana’s tip was a soft pink color, and as she watched Sana touch herself, Dahyun realized she was just a bit smaller than her friend. It made it all the more exciting. 
Dahyun felt like she couldn’t move, let alone breathe as she watched Sana, despite her own cock twitching for attention. 
Noticing this, Sana moved closer. She expertly positioned herself close to Dahyun so that she could wrap her hand around her dick and Dahyun's, too. 
The younger hybrid let out a small gasp when Sana’s cock rubbed up against her own. She’d never felt anything quite like it. “Th-that feels good,” Dahyun breathed, encouraging the older girl to continue.
Soon the room fell quiet, save for the sounds of soft panting, light whines and the growing sound of slick as Sana repeatedly slid her hand over her and Dahyun’s cocks. Sana wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing– she really was just going off of what made her feel good when she touched herself. 
The gentle squeezing of Sana’s hand, combined with the feeling of Sana’s cock rubbing up against her own made Dahyun’s hips buck involuntarily upward. 
Embarrassed at her own sudden attempts to fuck up into Sana’s hand, Dahyun’s eyes occasionally flicked over to her bedroom door to make sure it was still closed. Not that it really mattered– she was no longer sure she would stop even if Momo or Jihyo were to open the door. She’d never seen another hybrid’s cock before, let alone been able to touch another hybrid like this. It was new for her, and it felt incredible. She didn’t want to stop. 
Sana’s member was perfect, Dahyun thought. Slightly veiny and thick, but not overwhelmingly so. Dahyun felt secretly pleased that despite being a little smaller, her cock had been enough to get the other hybrid hard, too.
Their heads were close enough to touch, and now they sat forehead to forehead. Sana’s precum mixed with Dahyun’s as she continued to stroke their cocks together, each now coated in the other’s slick. It felt unbelievably good, and Dahyun stifled a moan. 
Sana’s cheeks were flushed, focused on the cocks in her hand as she worked to jack them both off. It was such a different sensation than when Jihyo did it for her, or when she did it by herself.
Her eyes were locked on Dahyun’s cock. She’d only ever been inside of Jihyo’s wet, receptive cunt, and she wondered what it would be like to be inside of the other puppy. The thought made her breath hitch. She was much closer to coming than she thought. 
Dahyun was doing her best to keep her vocalizations as quiet as possible, but it was clear she was enjoying everything Sana was doing. During her first rut with Momo, she’d learned she liked to eat her owner out, and now wondered what it would be like to have Sana’s throbbing cock in her mouth. 
“S-Sana,” Dahyun said hoarsely, reaching to grab the older girl’s free wrist. “I- you’re gonna make me–” 
“Yeah,” Sana murmured, “M-me too.” 
The thought of licking Sana’s cock, of tasting her, of having Sana stretch Dahyun’s mouth and throat the way Dahyun's cock stretched Momo's was what sent the younger hybrid over the edge. She couldn’t stifle her moan this time as she came, ropes of cum immediately ruining the older girl’s outfit. 
Sana was in awe as she watched Dahyun: the way her eyes screwed tight as she let her release take her, the deep blush creeping up under her pale cheeks, the way she could feel Dahyun’s cock throb in her hand as she pumped her. 
“Ah!” It was the very feeling of Dahyun’s cock pulsing against her own as she came that made Sana cum shortly after, adding to the load Dahyun had just spilled over both of their clothes. 
They panted heavily. Sana’s hand pumped each of them a few more times before finally releasing both of their softening members.
“Thank you,” Dahyun said, catching her breath. 
Sana smiled, about to respond when there was a knock at the door. 
“Sana? Dahyun?” Momo’s voice on the other side of the door made Dahyun leap a mile into the air. The two quickly scrambled off of Dahyun’s bed, hurriedly tucking themselves away and trying to wipe off their clothes. “We didn’t realize how long we’d been chatting out here!” Momo continued. “We’re so sorry, can we make it up to you with some time at the park? We could even stop for ice cream afterward.” 
Dahyun was frozen. What would they think when they saw Sana’s ruined outfit? What if Jihyo got mad? Or Momo? She’d have to change clothes, too, and-
“YES!” Sana blurted, hoping she sounded excited instead of frantic. “We’ll be right there!”
When she was sure Momo had gone, Dahyun gave Sana a petrified look. “We can’t go like this!” she hissed nervously. “Your skirt– your shirt, too..!” 
“I know, but I have an idea,” Sana said. “Still trust me?” 
Dahyun nodded. 
“Let me do the talking when we go out there, okay?” Sana said. After sneaking down the hall to wash her hands, Sana came back to Dahyun’s room and raided her closet. She dressed the younger hybrid in a pink cropped shirt, white shorts and a pink belt. For herself, she chose one of Dahyun’s pink shirts and paired it with a white skirt, stealing one of Dahyun’s pink headbands to go with it. 
When they finally stepped out of her room, Dahyun and Sana were nearly matching in their outfits. Dahyun felt a bit sick as Sana led the way down the hall.
“There you are!” Jihyo and Momo smiled brightly at the two hybrids for a moment before their expressions changed to confusion. 
“Sana honey, what happened to your clothes?” Jihyo’s eyes flitted over her puppy’s new outfit.
“I made Dahyun show me her closet,” Sana said in a confessional manner. She set her old outfit, now flipped inside out, down carefully next to the other items Jihyo had brought with them. “We both have some of the same favorite colors,” she continued. “I just wanted to match her today.” 
Jihyo’s confusion immediately melted into an expression of endearment. 
“How cute,” she cooed, giving Sana’s ears a loving scratch. “Dahyun, I promise we’ll get your clothes back to you next week, okay?” 
Dahyun nodded, suddenly feeling shy in front of everyone. The feeling reminded her of her first playdate with Sana, when everyone was carefully watching her out of the corner of their eye to see how she reacted to Sana. But then Sana gave her a reassuring smile and she felt better, smiling shyly back at her. 
While Jihyo and Sana put their shoes on and got ready to head out the door, Momo and Dahyun did the same. But before Dahyun could join Jihyo and Sana outside, Momo put a hand on her shoulder, signaling for her to hold back for a moment. 
For a second, Dahyun felt panic rise in her chest, but then her owner pressed a puppy-safe breakfast bar into her hands. 
“You must have been really tired this morning, pup,” she said, gently stroking Dahyun under her chin. “You didn’t get any of the breakfast I made for you this morning, did you?” 
It was only then that Dahyun’s stomach growled, and Momo smiled. “Thought not. Eat that on the way, okay? I don’t want ice cream to be your first meal of the day.”
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luxora · 8 months
Twice -> {Hybrid AU} -> Helping you through your heat
Requested: No
Group: Twice
Genre: Smut.
Warnings: Nsfw.Some body insecurities. mentions of abusive pasts. Mention of first times.
A/N: So I have decided that hybrids will kind of be like the omegaverse where hybrids do go through heats just as animals do if they are not fixed/neutered.
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Your grip on Nayeon’s shirt was tight, so tight that Nayeon would not surprised to find a tear at the end of it, but that was not the most important thing to consider now. You were the center of attention at the moment, and your comfort was more important than some material of a shirt which she can easily replace. Nayeon pressed a tender kiss to your sweaty forehead, tucking away some sweaty strands away from your face before pressing a kiss to the middle of your eyebrows.
“Shhh, shhh Y/N, everything will be alright.” She whispered against your skin, her words only making you whine as you released her shirt to instead claw at her shoulder, fortunately it being covered so that your nails didn’t dig into her too much.
Nayeon was aware that a hybrid’s heat was intense, but nothing could quite prepare her for the intense need of release you begged for, needing Nayeon to tend to you as it was only your mistress’s touch that could soothe the scathing heat of your body. Nayeon had you laying down on her bed, your body bare with a perspiration layer on your skin, making her taste a subtle saltiness whenever she pressed kisses to your body.
“Nayeon...” You whined, your eyes squeezed shut as you arched your body off the mattress, pressing it against her equally naked one, which immediately made you whine even more at the feeling of her naked body.
Nayeon pressed a kiss to your neck, your head immediately arching to the side to give her more space to kiss, which she took advantage of. While she tenderly kissed your neck, the one hand which was resting on your shoulder glided down until she was cupping your breast, giving it a firm squeeze which made your whine pitch in a higher tone.
“Please!” You all but begged, needing more than just the touches on your chest which Nayeon was giving you, which made Nayeon squeeze your nipple with her thumb and index finger in small retribution for trying to hurry her up, but she also understood where it was coming from.
Hybrids are known to becoming delusional with need when they were in their heats, and since you had no other hybrid to sooth your heat with, it was Nayeon’s responsibility as your owner to help you in it, not that it was much of a problem as hybrids were more than just pets to humans after all.
Nayeon moved her head down until she was at your collarbone, and she gave you a slight nip while her hand released your breast and instead glided down along your toned stomach until she was inches away from your core. She lifted her head to look at you, your half-lidded eyes always staring at her before she locked eyes with your desire inflamed ones.
“It will be okay Angel.” She said before she finally cupped you, your reaction instantaneous as you sucked in a harsh breath and then immediately arched your hips to press yourself harder against her hand.
You were already so wet, though it was not surprising. Nayeon experimentally rubbed you, coating her hands in your arousal while she kept her gaze on you, watching in slight fascination as you instantaneous reaction to her touches. Although her rubbing you did not seem to be enough to sate your fiery need, as you started rocking your hips clumsily for more friction, which Nayeon pursed her lips disapprovingly at before she stilled her hands, making you yowl in disdain.
“Shush.” She quieted you, fixing you with a firm look before she moved her fingers until they were aligned with your core, her fingers more than prepared enough by your arousal to provide you release. “Stop trying to rush me.”
While she was half tempted to leave you hanging for a few moments longer, she simply did not have the heart to do it, especially since you looked so close to tears in need. She slipped two of her fingers into you easily, her eyes widening slightly when you arched your body in relief, a long-guttural moan leaving your lip as you squeezed your eyes shut. Deciding not to wait too long, she began to set a steady rhythm, moving in and out of you with ease thanks to your slick, which was received with pleasured yowls and moans from you.
A spark of electricity shot through Nayeon’s body when you called her mistress, a certain fire of her own forming in her belly as you began to chant the name over and over, her name being replaced by the new title you hardly ever called her. Prompted to provide you with more stimulation, Nayeon leaned down and took a breast in her mouth, sucking at it which immediately made you wrap your arms around her head to keep her close as she continued to thrust into you with her fingers.
“Mistress! Mistress!”
Your rocking movements were beginning to get clumsy, and your claws began to unintentionally dig into Nayeon’s scalp, making her wince in pain as she tried to pull her head away to escape your claws, but to no avail. You didn’t want her to move. So Nayeon ended up biting your breast hard enough to make you yelp in pain in offer for you to release her head, but Nayeon immediately moved her other hand which was being used to keep herself propped up to tender to your abused breast, rubbing the spot tenderly as she sped up her thrusts.
Your climax was an eruption of pleasure, your body clenching down hard on Nayeon’s fingers as your body tensed up in its release, Nayeon slowly moving her fingers to help you ride it out. Nayeon waited until your body had finally stopped shaking before removing her fingers form you, the sudden emptiness making you whine in despair as you were still so sensitive and needy despite having been giving a round of please.  Nayeon moved so that she could press a kiss to your lips, one filled with tenderness and care before she moved her hand to grip your hip, squeezing it gently.
“Don’t worry Angel, we aren’t done yet. I will take care of you very well.”
And Nayeon intended to do that, albeit she will allow you a few minutes of recovery before she will start up again. After all, this is her first time having to deal with a hybrid’s heat, she was going to draw out this first time as much as she could in order to make sure the experience sated both you and her physically and emotionally.
The first time was the most important between an owner and their hybrid after all.
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Jeongyeon was taken aback when you had suddenly jumped on her during one morning, panting and clawing at her clothes in abrupt need that Jeongyeon nearly doused you with her sink tap to get you to release her. She has not had you very long and was still getting used to the fact that she was an owner of a hybrid and not just a hybrid sitter for her other friends. Her heart simply had gone out to you at that hybrid clinic where you were nearly wiped off the face of the earth, and so she adopted you, but she was still very vastly under-prepared for the responsibility that came with owning one.
Hence why she was kinda panicked during your first heat with her.
The thought never really crossed her mind, but then again she was naive to think that you were sterilized due to you living on the streets your whole life, being the cub of an illegal hybrid breeding facility who managed to run away from the prospect of being a replacement of your mother. You certainly lived a better life on the street but it did not mean that you were used to kindness, and only recently had you been opening up to Jeongyeon, but you suddenly pouncing on her in the kitchen completely took Jeongyeon off guard.
You were so needy, so clingy, your face had a layer of perspiration which shined in the natural light while you stared at Jeongyeon with flushed cheeks and a panting mouth, small whines leaving your lips while you squirmed on your knees before her on the kitchen floor.
“M-Master.” You whined, your thankfully cut claws dragging down to her pajama shorts and beginning to tug them off, much to her shock. “N-Need you master.”
Jeongyeon literally had to bat your paws off her and sprint away into her bedroom with a locked door to try get some sort of space from you, you practically on her heels and whining at the door as you failed to open it. Your desperate wails sent Jeongyeon into a mild panic, her hands quickly searching for her phone to dial her friend’s number, she being the only one to explain to her what was happening to you.
“I-I’m supposed to do what?” Jeogyeon asked with flushed cheeks, anxiously picking at her finger cuticles throughout the conversation with her friend.
“Help them through it.”
“H-How...” Jeongyeon started, only to flush even deeper at her friend’s following words.
“Jeongyeon, you and I both know that you are not that naive. Just focus on their needs first, they are in a delicate state and for them to come approach you to help them, clearly they trust you enough to take care of them in all ways. Its quite a delightful experience, I assure you.”
Jeongyeon hanged up the phone with a bright red face, and she couldn’t help but contemplate her next actions for a few moments before nervously glancing at the door, your wails and whines have quietened down but she could still hear your pants the other side, along with a few groans. She knew that she could not stay in her room forever and from what her friend told her, your heat would go on for at least a week, and she knew that as your owner, she was responsible to care for you in all ways necesarry.
Even in this kind of way.
So eventually Jeongeon relented, opening the door to you and quite literally carrying you to her bed after she managed to unlatch you from her legs and your adventures hands as they moved for her pajama bottoms again. When she placed you gently on the mattress and moved to readjust your laying position, your surprised her once again with your hands on her collar and all but pulling her on top of you where you then pressed your lips to hers into a desperate kiss.
It was desperate and a bit sloppy, your mouth already open with your tongue trying to enter her own, taking Jeongyeon by surprise with your sudden aggression. Usually you were quite reserved with Jeongyeon, not openly distrusting of her but also not fully trusting. You have been through a lot and Jeongyeon knew that she was not exactly being owner of the year due to her under-preparedness for you; however, seeing you so desperate and needy for her her, Jeongyeon will admit that it somewhat eased some of her previous insecurities of her capabilities as an owner.
So getting a hold of herself, Jeongyeon pulled herself away from your lips, only for you to whine and attempt to pull her back by the neck, which prompted her to grab your hands and remove them to pin them to the mattress, forcing you to stare up at her with wide eyes as she propped herself up on top of you. Jeongyeon couldn’t help but smile at your stunned expression, eyes trailing over your features before eventually looking into your eyes.
“What exactly do you want Y/N?” She asked, her thumbs gently tracing circles around your wrist bone, the actions making you shudder and arch your hips up against Jeongyeon’s.
“Y-You master.” You husked, prompting Jeongyeon to lean down to press a soft kiss to your neck, making a sharp gasp break past your lips and prompting you to angle your neck towards Jeongyeon, offering your neck to her like some kind of holistic sacrifice.
“How do you want me?” She murmured against your neck, gently kissing the skin as she began to journey up the delicate column, giving a small nip to your pulse point. “Mmmh?”
“Y-Your f-f-” You began to stutter, unable to get a word out as you felt yourself succumbing to Jeongyeon’s touch, the owner knowing it as she almost felt your body trying to meld itself against her own, your feet curling around her legs to press themselves into her calves, keeping her in place. She pressed a kiss to your jaw.
“Yes Y/N?”
“F-F-Fi-ingers a-and m-m-mouth...” You stuttredd out, your panting increasing tenfold as Jeongyeon’s trailing along your jawline before pressing a kiss to your earlobe and then gently sucking it into her mouth. “A-AAAH.”
Jeongyeon felt your entire body jerk at her sucking action, her teeth barely grazing your earlobe. Your legs wrapped themselves around her thighs, trying to pull her closer into your body as you continued to arch your hips even more against hers, albeit with difficulty due to Jeongyeon pinning your top half down to the bed. It seemed that your ears were quite sensitive, because as Jeongyeon continued to experiment nibbling and succkling your earlobe, your whines were increasing in pitch and your hips began to thrust against her despite meeting no friction.
You were becoming so needy for her, Jeongyeon couldn’t help but flush at your blatent need for her. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but smile. She pulled away from your earlobe to instead hover above your face, nose touches one another.
“Promise to behave?” She asked, earning an frantic nod from you. She smiled. “Good kitty.”
She then pressed her lips to yours, this time taking control of it as she lowered her entire body against yours and pressed her tongue against yours, starting a passionate dance of tongues which continued until late afternoon when she finally managed to satiate your enough to fall asleep.
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Momo had done her research on the responsibilities of a hybrid owner, and of course she was willing to carry them out, but she will admit that she was astounded by the intimate needs required of an owner of a hybrid, especially during a heat. Momo held you close to her as you trembled, pants escaping your lips every few seconds as you remained in between Momo’s legs on the bed, head arched backwards to rest on her shoulder while her fingers delicately rubbed against your core, coating her fingers with your slick.
Momo couldn’t help but gaze in amazement as your supple body, so lean and delicate but so perfectly fitted with hers, legs parted to accommodate her welcomed hand, one hand interlaced with her own while the other dug into the mattress, claws tearing a hole into the sheets. Momo leaned in and pressed a kiss to the column of your neck, earning a whine from you and the further arching of your head to provide her with more access. She couldn’t help but smile against your skin.
“Are you okay, my sweet little kitty?” She cooed, slightly intensifying her rubs against your core which prompted a gasp out of you. Momo pressed another kiss to your neck. “Am I doing enough for you?”
You shook her head, turning it to instead smash your lips against hers, your hand on her sheets moving to clutch at her neck, lightly digging your claws into her skin but not enough for it to be painful. Momo easily allowed access to her mouth, entwining her tongue with yours as you desperately began to rut against her hand, hoping for more frictions from her. Momo grunted when she felt your fangs dig into her bottom lip, tugging it back slightly before letting it go with a pop, your dilated gaze locking with her own eyes as you panted in her arms.
“I need more.” You husked, making Momo smile innocently before she pressed a finger into you, making you howl and dive your face into her neck, shaking as your vody welcomed the digit, tightening and squeezing around it while Momo allowed you to get used to it.
It felt absolutely delightful to be in you, and Momo couldn’t help but feel even more deeply connected to you because of it. You were so snooty that one may mistake you for a pedigree, an incredibly proud creature, and yet you were trembling desperately in her arms, yearning for her to take care of you like a good owner should, and Momo couldn’t be anymore delighted than she already was. Momo removed her hand from yours to instead wrap her arm around your waist, keeping your back pressed to her front, forcing you to pull your face away from her neck and to instead face forwards.
Momo hooked her chin over your shoulder and gazed down at her hand, watching it as she slowly removed her finger before entering you again, prompted a desperate yowl from you as she tortuously moved her finger, testing your limits.
“P-P-Please...” You yowled, thrashing your head at the tortuously slow thrusts Momo was making.
Momo couldn’t help but smile and moved her head to press another kiss to your neck before adding a second digit, maintaining the same face but attempting to stretch you out, which easily occurred as you seemed to greedily try suck her digits back in, trying your best to keep her as intimately connected to you as possible. She kissed and nipped at your neck, giggling slightly as you whines and managed to pull away in time before your thrashing head connected with hers.
“Be careful Y/N, you might hurt yourself.”
“I don’t care!” you suddenly exclaimed, whipping her head to stare at Momo with heated eyes. “I just need you to fuck me!”
“Ah, such a dirty mouth for such a sweet kitty.” Momo scolded, smiling as she removed her fingers entirely front you, prompting a horrified yowl from you. “You know what I have said about that kind of language Y/Nnie.”
“N-No please!” You suddenly begged, your hand moving to grab Momo’s retreating one and snapping your legs shut to keep her hand captive, your eyes staring pleadingly at her with flushed cheeks. “I-I’m sorry. Please don’t leave me. Please.”
While Momo had no intentions to leave you unattended for during her heat, her heart couldn’t help but melt at your pleading voice, a usually so proud feline hybrid rendered helpless and needy for her touch. Momo did not see herself as a sadist, but she will admit she did enjoy the thrill that you begging gave her. So with cooing words, Momo moved her hands back to your core and inserted two fingers again, slowly moving them again before leaning in to press a kiss to your bottom lip, sucking its slightly before pulling back.
“Do you trust me to take care of you sweetie?” She asked, keeping her eyes locked with yours before she increased her pace just by a little, although your body immediately welcomed it as you parted your legs again and threw your head against her shoulder, mouth wide open with pants before you nodded.
“Yes! Yes! Yes master, I trust you!”
Momo smiled and pressed a kiss to your neck again before finally speeding up her fingers, hooking her chin over your shoulder and watching herself pleasure you with hooded eyes.
“Good kitty.”
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“Shhh baby girl, don’t worry, leave everything to me.”
Sana pressed a soft kiss to your jaw as she slowly began to trail down your face and neck, pressing sweet kisses along your skin while you clutched at her, arching off the mattress while Sana kept you pinned with her hands and body.
Sana understands that it was incredibly difficult for you to trust others, especially given your previous life on the streets and the constant abandonment you had experienced from past owners, but all Sana want to do was to wash away those bad memories and to replace them with new ones, ones which consist of her absolutely adoring you and showing you her love for you in different ways, particularly in a pleasurably way such as this.
Despite being naked before her before, whenever Sana came across one of the many scars which littered your body, a small fire of anger would light up within her. How could people be so cruel to someone as sweet and vulnerable as you. Some of the scars were from fights on the streets, and others were the results of the injuries inflicted upon you from past owners. 
She hated them, despite not knowing who they were, Sana hated them. They left permanent blemishes on her baby girl and to this day you still flinched at touch, even though Sana offered nothing but soft caresses and tender touches, proving time and time again that she would never hurt you, and yet your past has hurt you so horribly that you always anticipated it despite Sana never raising a hand to you. Sana’s heart truly went out to you and your flinches to touch only motivated her even more to care for you in a way no one has cared for you before.
Each blemish and scar she came across during her journey down your abdomen, Sana pressed a tender kiss to it as if she was capable of making it disappear with her lips. Obviously it could not happen, but she wanted you to know that she was not disgusted by the sight of your damaged body, but rather care for it even more. Each time she did it, your hands and legs clutched at her even further, your legs around curled around her waist and only moving upwards to her back as she moved down your body while your hands remained tangled in her hair.
Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, a layer of perspiration already evident on your body due to the incessant heat of your body. You always dreaded your heats because you had no idea of the kind of surrounding you would find yourself, most often needing to defend yourself from unwanted hybrids and people who noticed your vulnerable states. Often you would hide in some abandoned buildings or wooded areas in an attempt to deal with your heat on your own, but most often you simply suffered because you did not have anywhere safe to nest and tend to yourself without the possibility of danger.
But Sana provided you a safe haven. She ensured that you were cared for and she absolutely did not mind littering your body with love and affection, moving down to press a kiss to your mound before finally settling between your legs, hands parting your thighs to accommodate her presence and to keep you in place as she gazed at your core.
You were desperate for her, Sana could tell but the amount of slick coating your thighs as well as the sheets. Despite Sana seeing you naked and needy for her touch before, you always got embarrassed whenever she was so close to you intimate area. But Sana knew that the main cause of your embarrassment was not because of her presence to your intimate area, but rather of scars that littered your inner thighs, reminders from past owners who believed they needed to leave a permanent mark on you to show others that you were owned.
You were ashamed of your scars, but Sana did not see the shame in them. Instead she saw them as reminders of your strength and resilience. She did not want you to be ashamed of them, she want you to understand that despite of them, you were still beautiful, hence why she  moved her head to kiss at the burn scars on your inner licks, tongue trailing along your skin to taste your sweet nectar, moaning at the taste.
She felt your legs flinch at her ministrations, sending her heart thundering but she continued as she felt your heels push into her back before eventually curling around her body to keep her enclosed and close, not wanting her to leave you so desperate. But Sana would never do that, she would never leave you abandoned with your natural desires and instincts. She promised you that she would take care of you in all the ways possible, and tending to you in a period such as this was only her honor.
After kisses all scars on both thighs, Sana raised her head slightly to look at you, your head arched into her pillow, body twitching as you waiting in anxious anticipation for her mouth. She smiled at you, removing one hand from your thigh to reach out and to caress a breast before squeezing it, thumb and index finger gently twisting one of your nipples.
“Look at me.” She softly ordered, your response almost instantaneous as you looked down at her, cheeks flushed bright red as you locked eyes with her as she lay between your legs. Sana smiled “I love you.”
She always told you those three little words. She has lost count of how many times she has said to you throughout the day, no matter the context the two of you were in. Sana has never been one to hide her feelings and she is not ashamed to admit them, her having developed such a strong love for you ever since she saved you from that accident. You knew of her feelings, and you responded in kind, but Sana couldn’t help but constantly remind you in moments like this because she wanted you to know that she was not simply physically tending to your needs like an owner should, but that she was making love to you like a woman would to her love.
“I-I love you too.” You whimpered, your eyes reflecting your adoration for Sana, making her smile.
“Thank you baby girl.”
And then without further prompting, Sana pressed her mouth to your core, eagerly pleasuring you as you body thrashed and twisted on the bed, yowling in pleasure and screaming out her name as she made love to you.
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All Jihyo wanted was a moment to herself, for at least ten minutes, but it seemed to be an impossible ask from a puppy whose stamina and energy seemed to increase tenfold due to the natural reaction within their body that is released during their heat.
Jihyo knew that you would never purposely harm her, but it seemed that during your heat that you forgot your own strength and naturally allowed your instincts to take control over your body, resulting in your apparently staking your ‘claim’ over Jihyo in multiple ways and multiple times, the shower water stinging slightly as she washed herself, her shoulders and neck littered with bite and scratch marks, remnants of their continues activities to try ease your heat.
When she had snuck out of her bedroom, you were fully passed out in her sheets, a blanket half covering your lower body while your face remained pressed into her pillow, the most important object in your previous nest before Jihyo arrived home from work. Jihyo did not realize that you heat had started until she was being tackled to the couch by her over energetic puppy, your hands groping at her body at such a fast pace that her defensive instincts kicked in for a few moments until she finally learned of your condition, judging from your desperate whines and pleas for her.
She had half the mind to kill her sister for never getting you fixed, but then again it would have been against the norm as most get hybrids as companions and their heats are only natural instances which deepen the bonds between the hybrids and their owners.
And so she could not really be angry with you simply following your natural instincts to deepen your bond with Jihyo, albeit she will admit that she did not expect her care for you to be so...intensive.
Jihyo has never been more spent in her life, the love making going on for hours as your boundless energy only seemed to become more limitless, and Jihyo was certain that she was going to pass out alongside you due to your insistence to constantly return the favor to your owner, resulting in Jihyo reaching the peaks of pleasure several times due to your rapid techniques.
She thought for sure that she was going to have few minutes of peace in the shower, to simply relax for the first time since arriving home, but it seemed that fate had other plans for her when she suddenly felt arms wrap tightly around her waist and a warm body press itself against her back, hips grinding against her back side in a desperate tandem while sharp teeth nipped at her neck.
“Maaaster.” You whined, nibbling and sucking at Jihyo’s neck while you joined her under the shower, your shaggy gold locks instantly getting soaked with water. “Why did you leave me?”
Jihyo opened her mouth to answer but gasped when she suddenly felt your hand cupping her, your thumb immediately twirling around her already sensitive nub while your other hand moved to cup her breast, giving it a rough squeeze. Hearing her gasp, you pushed your body against hers until she suddenly felt the cold tiles pressed to her front, making her gasp at the sudden temperature change while you sandwiched her against the wall with your own body. Panting in her hear, you began to rut your hips against her backside, sloppily seeking frictions against her body while groaning
“Maaaster.” You whined again, this time hooking her chin over Jihyo’s shoulder and panting openly against her ear. “I need you so badly.”
“W-We have just finished.” Jihyo said pathetically, biting her lip hard to try combat the pleasure you wee providing her with your fingers, but to no avail as she groaned as you entered your fingers into her, roughly moving them inside her.
“I need you master. I need you so badly.” You confessed, rutting against her backside a bit harder, only to let out a frustrated growl. “I can’t get enough of you.”
Jihyo opened her mouth to say something, although she was not quite sure what she was going to say, only to groan in dismay when you suddenly removed your finger with her, filling her with an emptiness which didn’t  enjoy at all. But then she felt your hands on her hips and then she was suddenly turned around so that her back was pressed against the tiles instead, prompting a hiss out of Jihyo before her eyes widened at the sight of you.
You were directly under the shower head and you looked feral. You eyes were so dilated that they were practically black, and your body similarly littered with marks courtesy of Jihyo during moments of passion. But instead of feeling ashamed of her seemingly lack of control, Jihyo couldn’t help but feel a hint of pride in her actions. You were her hybrid after all, and so to see some sort of mark of possession did fill her in satisfaction, albeit not as much as you as you traced the most significant bite mark you left on her neck, at exactly the point her neck and shoulder met.
Your eyes stared at it intently before pressing yourself against Jihyo’s body to press an open-mouthed kiss to it, growling possessively before you moved your face until it was directly in front of Jihyo’s.
“My master.” You growled before smashing your lips to Jihyo’s, easily dominating her before your tightly wrapped your arms around her, forcing her to be directly pressed against you, feeling every single curve and surface of your body.
Jihyo had no choice but to submit to you, unable to fight you off but also unwilling, as she couldn’t help but admit that she adored the absolute worship you seemed to have for her despite being your second owner. Her bond with you was only second to her sisters, and yet you seemed to worship her as if she was your absolute savior. And worshiping her was something you adored to do during your head as suddenly you were kneeling before her and shoving your face into her core, eagerly pleasuring her while she struggled to keep herself upright.
She slammed her head back against the tiles and couldn’t stop her cries of pleasure escaping, the sounds only motivating you to continue in your ministrations until you finally pushed her over the edge, which prompted you to scoop her into your arms and carry her to the bedroom where you continued to lavish her in attention.
She had no idea how she was supposed to survive an entire week of you like this. Her body simply was not going to make it.
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Mina couldn’t help but notice how perfectly fitted your and her bodies were with one another, you serving as a perfect smaller piece to Mina as she held you. You were still trembling from the after-effects from a strong release, but Mina tended to you gently, peppering kisses along your shoulders as she held you from behind, your and her sweaty bodies sticking to one another.
Despite being in a state of post-bliss, your tail was still tightly curled around Mina’s thing, hoping to keep her as close as possible despite her making you well aware that she had no desire to be separated from you. Mina loved her precious little kitty, you filling the entire space within her heart. Mina never thought she would become so attached and reliant on someone, and yet you have proved to her just how much she was able to love, and it only continued to grow with each passing day. She gently squeezed at your breast while her other hand steadily rubbed up and down your sides and legs, her finger trips ticking your skin and bringing you back to reality.
“My pretty little kitty.” She cooed against your neck, kissing it and trailing up towards your ear, while she pressed a delicate kiss to it. “Such a good kitty for me.”
You whined at the compliments, your flush traveling to your shoulders. You have always been weak for Mina’s compliments and it made her smile due to her awareness of her effect on you. You were so responsive to her and Mina loved it. She loved all of your expressions, be it giddiness, embarrassment, feisty frustration or desire, she adored all of them. And seeing you so flushed despite having already been tended to in so many ways, it just made her giggle.
As your trembles eventually died down, your body fully relaxing against her, Mina decided to slide her hand between your legs again, sucking as your shoulder as you jumped at her cupping hand, a shaky growl leaving your lips.
“M-Mina...” You stammered, voice rough from the previous screaming and yet having a lull of lust in it, making Mina respond with a kiss.
“Shh, don’t worry pretty girl, you don’t have to do a thing.” Mina whispered before she pushed against your back until you were half-laying on your stomach, Mina hooking her leg over your waist to keep you pinned before she removed her hand from your core, prompting an immediate whine.
“Shhh, let me love you.”
Once she fully moved you onto your stomach, she then began to descend down your back, pressing kisses along your spine, hands grazing their fingertips along your side. You immediately fisted at her sheets, claws digging holes into them and yet you did nothing to stop Mina as she kept moving until she was finally near your back side, your slicked core peering at her, making your desire for her most obvious. Mina smiled before she grabbed one of her stray pillows and tapped at your waist.
“Hips up pretty girl.”
You immediately lifted your hips and Mina slid the pillow under you before she moved back up your body to press a kiss to your shoulder, keeping herself up on all fours as one of her hands returned to cup you, coating her fingers in your slick.
“Who is a pretty kitty?” she murmured in your ear, prompting you to turn your head around so you could face her, your cheek still pressed into the mattress.
“I-I am.” you answered, your bright flush still so obvious. She smiled and pressed another kiss to your shoulder before she finally slid two fingers into you, immediately being welcomed by your warm wall.
“That’s right. My pretty kitty.” Mina murmured, thrusting into you with a passionate pace, her lips immediately meeting yours to swallow your moans and squeals as Mina pleasured your over sensitive core, the sound of her hand smacking against you echoing around the room, your tail wrapping itself around her waist to keep tugging her back.
You were such a good little kitty for her.
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When Dahyun told her hybrid sitter to call her during emergencies, she did not mean to call her for emergencies such as this, but then again, she did not want anyone else to deal with you in such a ... delicate state.
Your yowls of desire and pleasure were coming from her locked bedroom, the hybrid sitter explaining the occurrence between you and her with flushed cheeks that eventually Dahyun wavered her off to spare the girl from nearly having a heart attack from embarrassment. Apparently during the start of your heat, you had opted to approach the hybrid sitter for a possible source of relief; however, it only led to you getting soaked with her glass of water before getting chased into the bedroom where you have been for the last few hours.
She appreciates the fact that the hybrids sitter did not opt to entertain your desires because such things should only be dealt with between owners or other trusted parties, not some strangers who were paid to take care of you. After dismissing the hybrid sitter with extra pay, Dahyun sighed before she took off her jacket and loosened her collared shirt before prepping herself to enter her room, blushing at the sound of your desperate calls.
This is not the first time she has had to deal with your heat, but it is the first time she was called back from an important business trip to essentially rock your world. From how the hybrid sitter called her, she had assumed that you had gotten into a terrible accident and that was how she had phrased it to her colleagues and boss, which was met with great understand. But now this was a different colleagues and she did not think that they would be as understanding, especially since Dahyun was in charge of the project they were covering that weekend.
Well, what they don’t know, won’t hurt them.
But nonetheless, Dahyun had smooth her features before she unlocked her bedroom door and stepped inside, being greeting by the spectacular act of  you sniffing one of her shirts while one of your hands was trapped between your thighs.
“Dahyun...Dahyun...” She heard you muttering, obviously not realizing that she was in fact in the room with you.
You had made some kind of nest on her bed with various articles of her clothing, and as Dahyun stepped more into the room, she could smell her favorite perfume, which indicated that you had in fact sprayed it either in the room or on the clothes in order to increase her scent, which brought a small smile to her face. As she got to the foot of the bed, she cleared her throat, which made your face snap in her direction.
“Hello Y/N.” She greeted, which instantaneously triggered you to leap for her, your arms wrapping around her shoulder and her lips meeting your in a hard, vicious kiss.
Dahyun winced at your teeth clashing with hers, you not having full control over your movements. But soon the pain became forgotten as her tongue met with yours and become enveloped in a passionate dance which prompted her to push you backwards onto the bed and to follow after you, her elbows propping herself up as to not crush you under her weight. You weren’t phased by the sudden movement and instead pulled your lips away from Dahyun’s in order to smother her neck with open kisses, teeth threatening the surface of her skin which caused Dahyun to grab you by the hair and tug it back firmly, forcing you away.
”What have I said about your teeth Y/N?” She asked with a mildly annoyed tone, albeit she was not being serious although during you daze, you couldn’t help but whimper at her tone.
“T-To be careful.” You responded, which Dahyun responded with a hum.
Dahyun released you hair and instead leaned down to press her own open kisses to your neck, traveling down to your shoulder point before biting down hard, the pain making you squeal but then moan at the possessiveness and the pleasure it imposed on your body. Dahyun pulled away with a smile, her hand moving to tracing the bite mark in some sort of soothing motion.
“I need to go out in public sweetie, but you on the other hand...it sounds liek I need to remind you who your owner is.”
Dahyun knew that she could not entirely blame you for seeing the hybrid sitter for a sense of relief to your vulnerable state because hybrids in their heat tend to lose their logical thinking and tend to look for the closest warm body to help them during their moment of need, but still...the fact that you were her hybrid but sought after someone else did affect her pride a bit; which in turn, motivated her to remind you who you belonged to.
And it seemed to understood where she was coming from, albeit you were instilled with a sense of fear as you gazed at Dahyun’s slightly hardened eyes.
“P-Please Dahyun, d-don’t leave me, I-I didn’t mean to-”
Dahyun didn’t let you finish as she instead cupped you, immediately greeted with your slick which had been procured by your own hand since being locked away. You immediately moaned at the touch, your words becoming lost in your throat as Dahyun experimentally rubbed against you, but her thumb immediately sought your hardened nub, circling it teasingly as she lowered her lips to your ear.
“Don’t worry sweetie, I won’t leave you. I am just going to show you what it means to be mine.”
You moaned at the possessive edge of Dahyun’s words and eagerly responded to her kiss as she entered two fingers into your warm cavern setting a steady pace to satiate your immediate desire while also asserting her own dominance over you.
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Chaeyoung honestly did not know how much luckier she could get in this moment, especially since anything she ever thought she needed faded in comparison to the opportunity to show you how much she loved you.
Chaeyoung couldn’t help but stare at you in memorization as you rocked against her thigh, whining and moaning in pleasured while her finger tips dug into your hips, forcing you to move fasted against her while she sat on the living room couch, both of you naked as the day you were born. Both of your bodies were coated in a layer of sweat and had flushed cheeks which highlight your respective excitement and overheating from the intense session the two of you have been having.
Whenever you were heat, an entirely new side came out of you. While you were usually reserved and at times snooty, whenever you need Chaeyoung, you became so reliant on her touch to get anywhere. Despite wanting to have nothing to do with her in the beginning, you have easily fallen into rhythm with Chaeyoung and accepted the love and adoration she had for you.
And the fact she was a passionate lover was so helpful for you during your heats, as she did not stop until you were fully satiated no matter how many hours it may take.
Your claws dug painfully into her shoulders but Chaeyoung did not even react to them as she instead leaned forward to suckle at your chest, causing you to moan twice as loud before one of your hand ministrations cradle the back of her head, keeping her close and encouraging her to continue with her ministrations.
“H-Harder!’ You yowled, or demanded, which Chaeyoung immediately obeyed as she hollowed her cheeks as she sucked at your nipped, twirling her tongue around it before lightly biting against it, prompting another sharp gasp and moan out of you.
“C-Chaetoung!” Yous creamed, your hips moving even more sloppily against her which she only encouraged, tensing her leg to try provide you more friction which was nearly instantaneously. Your slick was already coating her leg and your head was thrown back in pleasure while you kept chasing that peak of pleasure until Chaeyoung released on of your hips to pinch your hardened nub, finally pushing you over the peak of pleasure.
You screamed as you came, thrusting yourself forward on Chaeyoung to cling at her, teeth immediately going to her shoulder to bite down hard. Your teeth pierced her skin and Chaeyoung couldn’t help but hiss at the sensation, albeit she couldn’t help but smile at the action as it was a sign of marking from a passionate hybrid who waited to stake their claim on the one that they deemed at theirs. You have given her the mark plenty of times during intimate session, but during her heat, it seemed your possession of her only increased tenfold due to your instincts begging for you to be ravished by a partner.
However, the only one who would ever be able to ravish you again would be Chaeyoung, as she wanted you and planned to be the only one to care for you, not that you minded as any life filled of pain and suffering that you experienced before was all but forgotten ever since Chaeyoung brought you into her life.
You trembled in her arms, the aftershocks of such an intensive session getting the better of you, causing Chaeyoung to coo and gently rub at your ears as you attempted to recover.
“Awww my sweet little baby. Are you feeling alright?” She teased, knowing how fabulous you felt since your release.
You didn’t give her a verbal answer, but judging from the bright flush which embarrassed down yo your shoulders told Chaeyoung that you were immensely pleased with her efforts but were too embarrassed to thank her, which prompted Chaeyoung to laugh before moving the two of you until your back was pressed against the couch and she was on top of you. You moved to look at Chaeyoung in confusion but was instead met with a pair of lips which insistently moved against yours, causing you to close your eyes and meet Chaeyoung tongue as she entered your mouth.
Yo absolutely drove Chaeyoung crazy and she was quite surprised with herself with how intensely she craved you. But then again, she practically fell in love at first sight of you, and just being able to have you in her arms like this was such a blessing. A blessing she was thankful for repeatedly, as highlighted through her kissing down your jaw, throat an chest until she was reaching you abdomen, where she pressed a ticklish kiss to your hip bone.
“You are so needy my baby.” She teased, smiling at your lack of rebuttal as you knew it was true, She winked at you as she parted your still trembling legs and moved towards your core. “But it makes me glad that you are needy for me.”
You didn’t even bother to try say anything as once Chaeyoung’s mouth was on you, your legs immediately enclosed themselves around Chaeyoung’s head, your head getting thrown back in pleasure while you clutched at the back and armrest of the couch, hip moving along with Chaeyoung’s tongue thrusts, attempting to get as much pleasure as she could from Chaeyoung’s ministrations.
Chaeyoung absolutely loved it whenever you went into heat, because it gave her a weeks-worth of opportunity to show how much she loved you, both physically and emotionally. And she would make sure that the both of you were sated every hour, every day until the end of your cycle. And judging by how loudly you were screaming her name, she can assume that you are appreciating her efforts.
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Tzuyu couldn’t help but feel nervous because it was her first time having to be intimate with someone, and yet she was giddy due to the fact that it was with you. It has been difficult for her to be able to connect with others, and yet you were someone who offered her infinite love and loyalty that you managed to make the most recent move much more bearable.
And now you needed her. Badly.
Your whines for her echoed around the room, making Tzyu flush as she crept closer to her bed dressed in nothing but her underwear. You were completely naked, having been for the past while as you tried to tend to yourself, not wanting to push Tzuyu and yet craving her so badly.
It was only natural for hybrids to seek out their owners or other hybrids to be able to be tended to during their heat, but you did not want anyone else but Tzuyu. She was your master, your mistress, your owner, your everything. Tzuyu always felt your boundless love for her, and even in moments of such extreme vulnerability, your love for her was more obvious, such as the slick which was messing on her sheets.
Eyeing the sheen on your thighs, Tzuyu couldn’t help but swallow nervously as she crawled towards you, your honey colored eyes locking with hers, prompting your tail to wag excitedly at her approach, but at the same time you whined and twisted your body into yourself, seeking a energy of release despite Tzuyu being so close. Tzuyu paused when she was close to you, unsure what she was to do first, but then she slowly reached out and laid a hand on your thigh, which prompted you to immediately swing yourself on your back and part your legs for her, making Tzuyu yelp at your obvious excitement.
“M-Master.” You panted, your golden ears propped up excitedly, making Tzuyu’s nerves increase tenfold.
She has tried her best to research the best course of action, both through books, the internet and some of the friends she managed to make due to bonding over the ownership of hybrids but nothing really prepared her for the real thing. But then again, she was willing to do this, since she declined her friends offers to allow their hybrids to tend to your needs instead since Tzuyu was still a new owner to a hybrid.
While it would have been easier to simply let you be tended to by another hybrid, she did not like that idea. You were currently experiencing your first heat and it should not be dealt with by someone who did not know or have a close bond with. You deserved to be treated with love and gentleness, just as you would treat someone due to your compassionate nature. And the only one close enough to you to do such a thing was Tzuyu.
Tzuyu adored you with everything that she had, becoming so connected to you that it was almost as if the two of you had known each other all your lives. Hence why Tzuyu motivated herself to crawl closed to you, settling between your legs in order to prop herself on top of you, her face hovering above yours.
“Y/N.” She whispered your name before pressing her lips to yours in a kiss, it triggering the start of many more as your immediately went to clutch at her neck, fingers tangling themselves in her hair while your legs went to wrap around her waist and tug her body down.
Tzuyu yelped into the kiss when you tugged her down, her body getting pressed to your entirely bare one, eliciting a pleasurable spark through her body despite the newness of the sensation. You seemed to melt under her body, clutching at her tightly before you suddenly began rutting your hips against her own, seeking for some type of friction while your sweet arousal began to smear itself on Tzuyu’s lower stomach, making her blush.
She attempted to pull away for some air, but you held firmly onto her, moaning against her lips while your tongue sought hers. You were so excited that Tzuyu was tending to you that you have forgotten your own strength, to the extent that Tzuyu eventually had no choice but to grab at your hair and tug your head back in order to give herself the chance to breathe again. But instead of feeling hurt but the sharp pain, your whined in pleasure at the sensation of your hair being pulled, your mouth open in pants as you stared at Tzuyu lustfully.
You called out to her so needily, so desperately, so...lustfully, it made Tzuyu flush brightly, but also prompt her to lean down and press a kiss to your pulse point, a sweet tender touch while one of her hands ventured your body.
Her fingers glided down your collarbone and sternum before hesitantly moving to one of your breasts, where she cupped you, prompting a sharp gasp out of you which made her flinch away but then return when she realized it was a gasp of pleasure. Tzuyu bit her lip as she squeezed and groped, experimenting with the touching pressure before alternating to your other breast, her eyes fixed on your face as she watched your expression with fascination.
“Master...master...master.” You continuously repeated, speaking as if you were in some kind of trance and praying to some kind of deity. A smile was constant on your face, albeit it would be removed from the gasps that kept escaping from you in response to Tzuyu’s touch.
Suddenly feeling an urge to be close, Tzuyu removed her hand from your chest to instead slide under your body and embrace you tightly, her face going to your neck to nuzzle against it. Your arms automatically wrapped themselves tighter around her body, lightly digging your claws into her back to give the threat of pain and yet not following through on it. You would never hurt Tzuyu and it made Tzuyu smiled as she pressed another kiss to your neck before moving to kiss your jaw.
“I love you Y/N.” She confessed, the words needed to be said before she continued any further, which prompted your tail to wag excitedly underneath the two of you as you moved to press an excited kiss to her forehead.
“I love you too!” you exclaimed before you suddenly spun the two of you around so that you were now pressing Tzuyu to the mattress, your tail wagging constantly as you stared into Tzuyu’s shocked eyes. “I love you! I love you! I love you!”
Tzuyu had read that words would have a strong impact on your even more so during your heat, but she did not realize that it would be this impactful. But despite of it, Tzuyu couldn’t help but laugh before wrapping her hands behind your neck and tugging you down into a kiss, immediately opening her mouth to allow you entrance as you eagerly responded. While she was still nervous, your jolliness just settled her a little bit, and Tzuyu couldn’t stop the small sense of pride as she wrapped her legs around your waist and experimentally rocked her hips against yours, making you suddenly growl in pleasure at feeling her clothed core against your own.
With a bit of effort and confidence, Tzuyu twisted her hips to knock you off balance and give her the opportunity to be the one on top again. But instead of being shocked, you instead pulled her into another kiss, rutting your hips against hers against for friction, which prompted Tzuyu to press her lower half against yours in some sort of pinning, but not for longer.
She pulled away with a gasp for air, but instead of stopping, she instead moved to kiss along your neck, experimenting with your different reactions as she kissed different area, smiling at the times you reacted the loudest. She was still learning, but something tells her that you will be a quick study to figure out what you liked. Hopefully she will be able to please enough, although judging from your reactions, she thinks that she will able to tend to your properly.
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wclfy-jina · 2 years
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“grrah! chae, that hurts!” jina growled while trying to push off the tiger hybrid that currently had her pinned to the ground, her fangs latched onto one of the wolf hybrid's fluffy ears. “admit it! admit that i win!” chaeyoung's voice was muffled by the fur in her mouth, yet she still refused to let go, not until her request was met. “never!” jina growled playfully as she moved her tail to chaeyoung's abdomen, distracting the tiger by tickling her tummy to finally get her to release her ear. “hey, that's not fair!” chaeyoung exclaimed. now with an upper-hand, jina rolled them over, and the two continued to play-wrestle all over the living room carpet.
jeongyeon chuckled as she watched them from the kitchen. “what are we gonna do with those two?” she asked jihyo, who was in the middle of making lunch. “they have so much energy.” jihyo spared her best friend a glance, then quickly took a look-over at their two exotic hybrids. “as long as they don't break anything again, we can leave them be,” she replied in a lighthearted tone, and jeongyeon went back to helping her cook. “where are dahyun and tzuyu?”
jeongyeon hummed as she recalled the whereabouts of their other hybrids. “they're upstairs helping mina build her new lego set.”
“and sana?”
“she's playing outside with momo and nayeon.”
satisfied, jihyo silently nodded and returned her focus to the food in front of her.
soft thudding and light growling sounded from the living room as jina and chaeyoung continued to roughhouse. after what felt like an eternity of tumbling and tussling to the two hybrids, jina stood over chaeyoung victoriously, her chest puffed out in triumph. chaeyoung huffed and was ready to admit defeat, until her ears caught the sound of someone coming down the stairs, and so did jina's. they'd recognize those light, slow footsteps anywhere.
“tzuyu!” the two hybrids excitedly exclaimed in unison, instantly forgetting about their wrestling match and quickly untangling from one another to leap up to their feet and run towards the staircase. the moment tzuyu arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she was tackled by a flash of orange, falling backwards only to be caught by a certain wolf hybrid well before she was anywhere close to hitting the floor. “tzuyu, let's play!” the excitable canine invited the calmer one, fluffy gray tail wagging behind her. “we can team up against chaeng together!”
“no way!” chaeyoung was quick to object, the fur on her tail bristling in a display of disapproval. “playing one versus one versus one is much more fun!”
“you can play after lunch,” jihyo interjected, surprising the three hybrids enough to make them jump, their ears and/or tails pointing up straight as a sign of alertness. she chuckled at their reaction. “food is ready, time to eat. chaeyoung, can you go call for everyone who're upstairs?” chaeyoung nodded at jihyo's request before bounding up the stairs. “and jina, can you fetch the ones outside?” in a flash, jina was rushing to the backyard.
jeongyeon shook her head in amusement seeing this. “they're so obedient when it comes to food.”
stepping out into the backyard, jina saw nayeon, momo, and sana playing in the grass, jumping after grasshoppers. realizing that they were distracted and hadn't noticed her, a mischievous idea came to her mind before she crouched down low and slowly crept towards them. her eyes locked on the nearest target, nayeon. 
with a playful snarl, jina leapt and tackled nayeon to the ground, the bunny hybrid squeaking in surprise. “jina!” the older whined as her long ears flattened against her head, struggling under the weight of the younger. “stop scaring me like that!”
“sorry, nabong!” jina's apology sounded all but serious, her grin cheeky, showing off her fangs. “it's a hunter's instinct!” as she got off of nayeon and helped her up, momo and sana scurried towards the two. “jihyo's calling us to eat!” jina told them, and that alone was enough to have the four hybrids racing back into the house and towards the dining table.
seeing them approaching, jeongyeon quickly reminded them, “wash your hands before you eat!” and the hybrids did just that, rushing to the kitchen to clean their hands before joining the others at the dining table.
jina's tail wagged as she got a whiff of the freshly cooked food, and next to her, dahyun licked her lips, a happy purr quietly rumbling in her throat.
“thank you for the food!” ten voices said in unison, before they dug into their meal.
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fanfiction4sooya · 10 months
Hi guys! Just a quick introduction: I'm Lua, 26 brazilian woman who loves to write. This blog is for kpop girl groups and gg's only. I write for fun and for fun only, so I don't like angst and will probably write it only under request (and I can say no if it makes me uncomfortable bc I'm really bad at it).
I try to be as polite and gentle as a human possibly can, but I can and will set boundaries (and be mean) if I have to. (Some people tend to go crazy since they are anonymous)
Mainly a NSFw blog focused on Sub F!R x Dom Idol and Idol x Idol; but feel free to request Dom Fem!R :) I write imagines, thoughts, MTL, polygamous relationships (3 people only) and honestly a lot of other stuff, just check with me on my ask box and I'll let you know!!
I only write smut for girls with legal age/people I'm comfortable writing for;
If I see spam in my ask box I won't respond and probably will delete it, I definitely do not to want to bring any negative attention towards anyone, nor shame anyone.
I don't write about any disorders at all.
Do NOT call me mommy under any circumstances, I'll be rude to you if you do.
Please be kind to each other! 💖
My favorite groups are:
BP, Dreamcatcher, Itzy (Top 3). Twice (For the n*zi shirt incident I chose to NOT write for Chaeyoung, no hate for her or those who write for her), Red velvet, IVE, Loona, WJSN, New Jeans (But I don't write for them), Le Sserafim, XG, G- Idle, aespa, SNSD and VIVIZ
Soloists: Yena, Bibi, Eunbi, BoA, Sunmi, CL, Chungha, Soojin
Dancers: NoZe, Lee Jung.
So here are the links for what I write. Fics are blue, imagines are pink, asks and requests are red!
Crazy over you - Jisoo x Fem! Reader
Office game - Handong x Yoohyeon
Happy Su-A day!
Annoyingly you (A! Chaeryeong/ O!Lia)
Hot wife Chaeryeong
BFF's Yeji and Chaeryeong
Power Bottom Chaeryeong
Soft love making with Chaeryeong
Pervy neighbor chaeryeong
Le Sserafim:
Make me yours (Sakura X Yunjin)
Can't save you now (Sakura x Chaewon x Kazuha)
Speak up (Dom Kazuha x F!Sub reader)
Lakers Yunjin fucking you
Sloppy head with Yunjin
Puppy needs (Hybrid Yunjin x F!Reader)
Dog hybrid yunjin claiming you
Fire & Gasoline (A! Jihyo x O! Reader)
Pretty Pet (Sana x F! Reader)
Mornings with you (G!P Momo x F!Reader)
G!P Mina x F! Reader
Jealous Step mommy Sana (G!P)
MILF Sana x Maid F! Reader
Fisting with Step mom! Sana
G!P Doctor Sana x F! Reader
Rewarding Idol!Jihyo
Cockwarming w/ Jihyo
Masc! Jihyo
Possessive G!P Momo
Deep throat w/ G!P Mina
Sana x miyeon
GF Jeongyeon
Brat tamers Jeong and Sana
Sana overstimulating you
Twice as hybrids (g!p)
Jeongyeon bottoming for you
On edge (sana x F! Reader)
Cry for me (Dahyun x F! Reader)
Forbidden dream (G!p Nayeon x Fem! Reader)
G!p jeongyeon making you cum
Double Trouble (G!P Yujin x F!Reader x G!P Gaeul)
Rough G!P Yujin x innocent F!Reader
Yujin degrading F!Reader
Nerdy student Yujin
Cockwarming Yujin
G!P Gaeul w/ innocent tutor F!Reader
Birthday Sex w/ Wonyoung
Wonyoung x Bratty F!Reader
Riding hung Gauel
Wolf hybrid Yujin
My dream girl (Wonyoung x Liz) - Fluff
Possessive hybrid wonyoung
Loser yujin giving you head (G!P)
A little relief (Shuhua x Miyeon)
Proud to be yours (BP Rosé x Miyeon)
Miyeon x Yuqi
Miyeon with a breeding kink
Somnophilia & Mimin
Thoughts on mafia boss Miyeon
Red Velvet:
Addictive (Wendy x F!Reader)
Possessive mommy Irene
Loyal dog (Sub A! Seulgi x Dom O! Reader)
Cult leaders RV fucking you
Alpha Seulgi helping on your first heat
Dirty thoughts about Irene
Joy + innocence kink
Mommy Karina
The closest to her (G!P Winter x F!R)
Gamer winter neglecting you
Dirty thoughts about ningning
Somnophilia with puppy minjeong
Call her now (Karina x Fem!R)
Let me help (Tiffany x F!Reader)
Fox hybrid yuri
Possessive alpha Tiffany
How big is alpha Bada/ Tiffany
Jessica Jung and F! R first time
Tiffany with younger gf
Somno w/ Tiffany on her birthday
Use me please (Exy x Dayoung)
Pillow princess Harvey
Loona: -
I'll be your sweet dream (Heejin X F!Reader)
Camgirl! yeojin
Thoughts on G!P Kim Lip
Married Reader x Yena
Car sex w/ Yena
Bitter (Eunbi x F! Reader)
Touchy BIBI
Dom coded BoA
Sly fox, dumb bunny (G!P Bada x F!Reader)
Alpha Bada
How big is alpha Bada/ Tiffany
Alpha Bada in rut
Bada + daddy kink
Lee Jung:
Hard dom Lee Jung
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Our Cute Puppy
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Requested? yes. 
Reader type;  Puppy!Hybrid Reader, GN!reader
Warnings/Notes; Hybrid au, Polyamorous Twice, Member x Member x Reader, Fluff
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Being an idol was hard on its own, but being one of the very few hybrid idols was even harder. You battled with hate from people who didn’t understand hybrids, or care enough about the difference of hybrids and animals. In addition to that you put so much extra pressure on yourself in order to hopefully avoid extra attention that your anatomy didn’t already do.
The girls always worried that you would overwork yourself, so much so that they always mad sure to baby you a little extra. Not because they see you as less than then but simply because they found you so cute and they loved you just like they love each other as partners.
Today was just like any other day for you, practically passing out in the practice room after staying hours longer than the rest of the group. It was almost 4 am when you got back, shuffling through the dorm as quiet as possibly halting when you say the TV on ears flicking on your head at the low noise yet still audible with your ears.
“Hello~” you whisper into the darkness of the living room, your yelp being muffled into Chaeyoung’s shoulder as she hugged you.
“Shhhh Y/n, Nayeon needs her beauty sleep” she winks while you both giggle quietly.
“C’mere!” She cheers quietly, well as quietly as the baby beast can, while pulling you into her lap. You cant help but stare at her while she wraps a blanket round you smiling when she changes the channel to your favourite movie, rubbing your ears and lulling you to sleep.
When you woke up there were hands on your ears and tail and a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Lifting your ear up you heard the giggles of Nayeon and Sana, opening your eyes you were met with Sana brushing your tail out while Nayeon rugged at your ear. Chaeyoung still fast asleep you knew you couldn’t move yet, so with a sleepy smile you nuzzled back into her arms.
“Morning you two” you smiled at them both, ears perking up as the smell from the kitchen finally met your nose. Tail wagging uncontrollably, you felt chae wake up all three giggling at your love for food.
Jumping up you rushed into the kitchen where Jeong was making you a coffee, passing it to you with a kiss to the ear and scratch to the other. Sitting next to Tzu you leaned your head on her shoulder kissing it as she began to rub and scratch your ears.
After a breakfast you all went to go get ready, climbing out of the shower and throwing on your sweats you called in Jihyo to help comb out your tail. Coming inside she smiled softly at you, sitting behind you to softly comb your tail out knowing how painful it sometimes can be. Once it was all over she’d give you a kiss for each cheek and hug you while playing with your ears to calm you down.
Practice long and hard as usual, the girls making sure to take regular breaks. About half way through Momo and Mina made sure you sat in between them for a break knowing you wouldn’t take one yourself. You still squirmed around and tried to cut your break short so you ended up in Momo’s lap her placing kisses on your neck to distract you, your tail wagging softly. Hitting Mina knee with every wag causing her to giggle lean over to kiss your cheek.
After practice you all opted on a movie night, having tomorrow off there was no need for an early night. Dahyun had claimed you, pulling you into her arms and demanding cuddles and stealing kisses now and then not that the others minded as they were all doing the same with each other.
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a/n; T^T theyre so cute
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hollywrite · 3 months
˚୨୧ W.I.P. LIST ୨୧˚
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unnie pleaser - g!p seulgi x reader x g!p karina (s,f, a.p) 20%
bad maknae - g!p ot5 itzy x reader (s, a.p) 10%
just like aniamals - hybrid!siyeon x reader (s, f, a.p) 0%
backstabbed - momo x reader; sana x reader (s, a, a.p) 0%
celibate - g!p dahyun x reader (s, a.p) 3%
monster lives forever - irene x reader x seulgi (sp, s, a.p) 20%
ice cream cake - g!p seulgi x reader (s, a.p) 5%
petals - rosé x reader (a, s, a.p) 0%
dead inside - irene x reader (sp, s, a.p) 3%
bad girls go backstage - g!p ryujin x reader (s, a.p) 20%
overneath the court eyes - sana x reader (s, a.p) 0%
all the things she said - kazuha x reader (a, a.p) 15%
teacher's pet - taeyeon x reader (s, a, a.p) 18%
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last update: 06/28/24
- holly.🍒
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babybeastluv · 3 months
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♥️Introduction, Rules and Masterlist♥️
Rules: no men, minors, homophobia, racism or kink shaming
Intro: Twice is my ult group but I can and will write for the following groups/soloists
SFW page: @navelynay this page is strictly sfw and will consist of age regre
♥️Girls Generation (including Jessica Jung)
♥️Red Velvet
Requests are open! If there is a specific idol you would like who I don’t already write for just let me know.
What I will write: Smut, Fluff, Kinks (upon request), gp! (I will give it a try), Hybrid idol (upon request)
What I won’t write: Yandere (simply bc idk how) noncon, anal related things (yes I’m aware it is a kink)
Mornings with you
Sacred times
A moment of weakness
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Just one more
Feigning Innocence
Nothing yet
In the works no title yet
Birthday wishes
Kinks List
♥️Prompt Lists (not mine)
Bratty/ Degrading Smut Prompts
First Time/ Inexperienced Smut Prompts
Soft/ Praise Smut Prompts
Random Smut Prompts
Threesome Smut Prompts
Dialogue Prompts
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urneverland · 4 months
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𝗂 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗇 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱: 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘺, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲.
about: shyla. 25+. she/her. gmt+8.
status: open for more partners but with slow activity!
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hi and welcome to my blog! i used to be @momorini but i lost my login for that account, so i'm starting over. i'm currently looking for short-term or long-term rp partners for double rps with idols on tumblr or discord.
if you're interested, please continue reading the details below carefully.
what i'm looking for:
20+ partners
semi-lit to literate responses
okay with idol x oc ships
familiar with tupperbox if discord rp
non-demanding activity
puts equal efforts on both rps
groups i rp / write for:
monsta x
stray kids
groups & members i'm looking for:
ateez (hongjoong, seonghwa, yeosang, wooyoung)
blackpink (jisoo, rosé)
bts (seokjin, yoongi, hoseok, jungkook)
exo (xiumin, baekhyun, chanyeol, sehun)
(g)i-dle (soyeon, miyeon, yuqi)
got7 (jaebeom, mark, jinyoung, yugyeom)
itzy (yeji, ryujin, yuna)
monsta x (minhyuk, kihyun, i.m)
nct (taeyong, taeil, johnny, yuta, jaehyun, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin)
red velvet (irene)
sf9 (inseong)
stray kids (bang chan, lee know, changbin)
the boyz (sangyeon, younghoon, hyunjae, juyeon)
twice (jihyo, sana, mina, dahyun, tzuyu)
what i will and won't do:
i'm okay with most aus, themes, and plots in rp, but i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with what you're offering. i'm willing to find a compromise to get you something you want, while keeping my comfort.
i'm open to all types of ships (m/f, m/m, f/f, m/nb, f/nb, etc.) for idol x oc or idol x idol. agassy is what you're looking for. for n.sfw stuff, i'm not comfortable writing it out, so i'd prefer to have it be implied s.mut or fade-to-black.
however, these are the ones i will never write for:
death of an idol in rp
little space/ddlg
underaged/minor idols
how to reach me:
for tumblr rps: contact me on @shylarps via dms or asks, and all rps will be done on that blog.
for discord rps: contact me through my dms on this blog, and i'll send you the server invite when it's ready.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Oct 1st [Jun + Corruption Kink]
Oct 2nd [Wooyoung + Dildo]
Oct 3rd [Vernon + Supernatural]
Oct 4th [Jihyo + Biting]
Oct 5th [Dahyun + Fucking Machine]
Oct 6th [I.N. + Voyeurism]
Oct 7th [Yunho + Praise]
Oct 8th [Sua + Hair Pulling]
Oct 9th [Yeosang + Orgasm Denial]
Oct 10th [Woozi + Dumbification]
Oct 11th [Seonghwa + Overstimulation]
Oct 12th [Mina + Choking]
Oct 13th [Wonwoo + Temperature Play]
Oct 14th [Seungmin + Tentacles]
Oct 15th [Tzuyu + Titles(mommy kink)]
Oct 16th [Changbin + Cockwarming]
Oct 17th [Bang Chan + Edging]
Oct 18th [DK + Pillow Humping]
Oct 19th [Dino + Thigh Riding]
Oct 20th [S. Coups + Handcuffs]
Oct 21st [JiU + Dacryphilia]
Oct 22nd [The8 + Fun with Clones]
Oct 23rd [Hyunjin + Knotting]
Oct 24th [Gahyeon + Sensory Deprivation]
Oct 25th [Joshua + Hybrid]
Oct 26th [Chaeyoung + Non-Penetrative Sex]
Oct 27th [Mingi + Fisting]
Oct 28th [Seungkwan + Werewolves]
Oct 29th [Dami + Exhibitionism]
Oct 30th [Sana + Breast Play]
Oct 31st [Felix + Aphrodisiacs]
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chellesdump · 9 months
Last updated: 4/November/2023
Total Works: 32
Twice Agere
Days 1 & 2 - The Beginning of the Spooky Season
Day 3 - Getting In The Twilight Zone
Day 4 - All Darkness
Day 5 - Boo Boos
Days 6 & 7 - Rocking Clowns
Day 8 - Sana Potter
Day 9 - This Is Halloween
Day 10 - Leaf Me Alone
Day 11 - Fluffy Days and Warm Feelings
Day 12 - The Haunted Tofu
Day 13 - Critter Lullaby
Day 14 - It's Just A... Prank?
Day 15 - Mrs. Spider
Day 16 - Icky Feeling
Day 17 - Pumpkin Spice
Day 18 - Hyompirina
Day 19 - The Candle Slayer
Day 20 & 21 - Having a Family
Day 22 - Fallen Angel
Day 23 - Magic Cauldron
Day 24 - Baegopa
Day 25 - Dawn Of The Wolf
Day 26 & 27 - Sweater Weather
Day 28 & 29 - Fireflies
Day 30 & 31 - Cute Monsters
All Darkness - agere
Boo Boos - agere
Hyompirina - agere
Boo Boos - agere
Sana Potter - agere
Ddalgi Thief - agere
Boo Boos - agere
This Is Halloween - agere
Fluffy Days and Warm Feelings - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
Hyompirina - agere
Sweater Weather - agere
Sharon Emerges
The Beginning of the Spooky Season - agere
Boo Boos - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
Sweater Weather - agere
The Haunted Tofu - agere
Mrs. Spider - agere
Pumpkin Spice - agere
Ddalgi Thief - agere
This Is Halloween - agere
Critter Lullaby - agere
Mrs. Spider - agere
Pumpkin Spice - agere
Pouty Tzu - agere
Tired Baby - agere
Mrs. Spider - agere
TwicePink Adoption
Graduation Day
Hybrid School Meal Club
Getting In The Twilight Zone - agere
Rocking Clowns - agere
Leaf Me Alone - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
The Candle Slayer - agere
Magic Cauldron - agere
Fireflies - agere
Lili Rises - agere
Getting In The Twilight Zone - agere
Rocking Clowns - agere
Leaf Me Alone - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
Icky Feeling - agere
Magic Cauldron - agere
TwicePink Adoption
Graduation Day
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jihyocentric · 1 year
sorry! I forgot about that part in your rules, but yeah mohyo are really and interesting duo, I love how they tease and annoy each other all the time, like that time when dahyun give hyo perfume and soap as a gift and momo said it's bc she smells bad 😭 annoy each other is really ther love language 😭😭😭
dw it's okay! they've always been like this but they're also very soft too... i remember back in the old days they used to be so cuddly with each other but then what they call "puberty" happened 😭
honestly this awkwardness just makes them much more interesting and i loooove the puppy x kitten dynamic they have (not as hybrids... yk what i mean!)
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lesbiankimdahyun · 10 months
let me (re)introduce myself:
hi (ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ✿) i'm salvadore (sal or sali is fine, i'm a they/she lesbian)
about me
BEFORE YOU FOLLOW: be 18+ and have an age indicator in your bio | NO AGELESS BLOGS
complaints? hit me up: @lesbianadoredelano
requests are currently: on hold
⚠️ i'm a grad student so it takes me a while to write but i will get to your req eventually, pls be patient w me! ⚠️
in the meantime, messages just to say hi are nice! or tell me what you liked/didn't like in something i wrote, i luv feedback too
writing request rules are below, please read before submitting a request
right now i write exclusively for TWICE but i’m also open to writing for (G)I-DLE and MAMAMOO :)
things i will write:
a/b/o (omegaverse)
breeding kink
free use
hybrid characters
[moderate] humiliation
[moderate] degradation
things i might write:
consensual somno (have not attempted this but i could maybe be persuaded)
dahyun as a (g!p) top/Alpha (like do we believe it?? do we??)
things i won’t write:
age play/age regression
group member x (cis) m reader (my username is literally lesbiankimdahyun)
knife/gun/weapon play
medical play
mommy kink (i have mommy issues, sorry)
rope play (i'm not good at writing it)
smut for Chaeyoung (she's still in timeout for me)
underage characters
**if i get a request that includes something i won't write but i like your idea overall, i will probably still write it-- i'll just omit the element/kink**
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coldfanbou · 2 years
-⚠️ extreme question incoming
which twice members would get fucked by a:
- 9-foot tall demon creature
- an alpha centaur
- a dragonoid hybrid
Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Sana, Tzuyu
Nayeon, Momo, Mina
Dahyun, Chaeyoung,
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wclfy-jina · 2 years
*only nayeon and mina have been adopted
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as mina settled into her new home, the cat hybrid found herself constantly clinging to either of her owners or nayeon, wanting to always be near her new family. so the first time jeongyeon and jihyo both had to leave the house after adopting mina, it was difficult for them to assure the kitten that they weren't abandoning her and nayeon.
nayeon was still in her room asleep when mina was following the two to the front door, her ears drooped and a pout on her lips. “do both of you really have to go?” she asked with a soft yet sad voice. “i'm sorry sweetheart, but we do. we told you we both have a full day of classes today, and we're already running late,” jihyo told her, her smile apologetic as she gently cupped the cat hybrid's face, who leaned into the touch in spite of not being fully convinced yet. “we'll be back by the end of the day, okay?” jeongyeon added while reaching out to scratch behind mina's ears.
“promise?” mina's pout only grew. “promise you'll be back?”
“we promise.” jeongyeon nodded with a reassuring smile.
the kitten watched as her owners disappeared behind the door, the two waving goodbye to her just before it shut. she stared at the closed door, still hoping that jeongyeon and jihyo would change their minds and come right back. but when she heard the sound of the car engine turning on and the vehicle leaving the house compound, she whimpered in defeat and sat down, hugging her knees to her chest and wrapping her tail around herself as she continued to watch the door.
nayeon walked into the living room a while later, eyes still heavy with sleep as she intended to make her way to the kitchen to find the breakfast that she knew her owners had left for her. however, she paused when she saw mina in front of the door, and she had to rub the sleep out of her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
“mina?” the bunny called out as she approached the kitten, mina's ears twitching yet her eyes stayed glued to the door. “mina, what are you doing?”
“waiting for jeongyeon and jihyo to come back,” the cat hybrid answered in a mutter, still not turning her head. “but...you don't have to wait right in front of the door,” nayeon told her with a confused head tilt. when mina didn't respond, the bunny hybrid contemplated whether to leave her alone, deciding against it as she sat down next to mina. a silence settled over them as both hybrids stared ahead.
“what if...what if they don't come back?” nayeon noticed the whimper in mina's voice as she asked the question. “what?” she looked at the cat hybrid in shock. “of course they'll come back. this is their home, and we're their family.” mina's ears twitched as she thought over nayeon's words, but the anxiousness in her heart remained. “so they always come back when they leave?” she continued to ask, and nayeon nodded. “always.”
“but what if they don't this time because of me?” mina sounded like she was about to cry, voice breaking, eyes watery, and tail wrapping tighter around herself, as she purred quietly in an attempt to calm herself. nayeon panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do if mina started crying. so she did the only thing she could think of: she gave the other hybrid a hug. “they won't do that,” she muttered. “please believe me.”
unlike the cat hybrid, nayeon wasn't really familiar with abandonment—her previous owner had made sure that she had found a new home instead of leaving her at a shelter, and while mina was left without an explanation, nayeon understood that her previous owner gave her away for her own good—so she didn't understand why mina was so worried. nevertheless, she stayed by mina's side as she waited, occasionally getting up to get food for the both of them and letting the kitten lean against her whenever she got tired.
mina perked up when her ears, upright and alert, caught the sound of a car pulling up into the driveway. she quickly stood from her sitting position, startling nayeon next to her, and watched the door expectantly. when it opened to reveal jeongyeon and jihyo entering the house, the cat hybrid leapt towards them and wrapped her arms around the two in a messy hug, surprising both of them.
“you're back!” she purred happily as she nuzzled against her owners. “i'm happy to see you too, mina,” jeongyeon said and chuckled softly, petting the kitten's head. jihyo noticed nayeon sitting on the floor, just a few feet away from the door, and the bunny hybrid stood when she realized that one of her owners was looking at her. “what were you doing sitting by the door?” jihyo asked the bunny in a curious tone while gently rubbing one of her ears. “mina and i were waiting for you to come home all day,” the bunny hybrid answered.
“all day?” jeongyeon repeated in surprise, looking at nayeon then back at mina, who pouted slightly as she nodded. “i was scared you weren't coming back...” she murmured sadly, ears drooping again. “oh, you sweet kitty, of course we'd come back.” jeongyeon pulled mina into another hug, this time it was tight and comforting. “we're not gonna leave you two, ever.”
“jeongyeon and i have to leave the house for other responsibilities, but we love you both very much, and we'll always come home to you,” jihyo added while still gently playing with nayeon's ears, the bunny grinning at the affection. jeongyeon pulled away from mina slightly to meet the cat hybrid's eyes, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of her face. “you don't have to worry, alright? we promise you we'll never abandon you, no matter what,” she reassured her, the kitten hybrid purring softly as she nodded to show understanding.
while mina followed jeongyeon as she walked towards her bedroom to put her bag away, jihyo turned to nayeon. “thank you for accompanying mina. you're such a good bun,” she told the bunny hybrid while ruffling her hair, who smiled widely at the praise.
over the next few days, mina still tailed jeongyeon and jihyo to the front door as they were leaving for their classes, seeing them off with sad eyes. afterwards, she'd sit and watch the door for only a short while, that is, until she would remind herself that she trusted her owners and knew that they'd be back soon, and then she'd get up to play with nayeon or with her toys. as mina grew more and more trusting of her new family, she eventually was able to let her owners leave the house without a problem, sometimes even sleeping in as they left in the morning, knowing that she would never get abandoned ever again.
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fanfiction4sooya · 7 months
hiii mother! i was wondering what animals you think twice would be g!p hybrids of? all i can figure out till now is sana is a puppy and nayeon is a bunny ehe
Hi luv!! Sorry for making you wait, this one was quite hard to think of but I think I finally got a conclusion!! Hope you like it 💖 (I do not write for chaeyoung)
Nayeon: Obviously a bunny. Playful, spoiled, extremely bratty and very quick to feel horny; Can go a lot of rounds without resting so you are usually the one to tap out when she gets too excited. Big dick and she knows how to use it, the most sadistic out of the other ones. Likes to make you cry while taking her in your mouth and loves seeing your cunt all red and puffy (loves slapping your pussy with her big hands)
Jeongyeon: Dog hybrid, more specifically a siberian husky. Intimidating, loud with those she trusts, very cuddly and actually very protective. A naturally jealous partner, enjoys hearing you say her name over and over when you two have sex. Doesn't hit you at all because she is way too strong for that, but she knows exactly how to fuck you to the point of you losing counsciousness (literally);
Momo: Grey wolf. Big, introverted, more of a family hybrid, takes care of her partner but doesn't like rules and is often grumpy if she isn't satisfied with something. Is the type to spend hours on end eating you out because your needs come first. Huge dick and I mean it, like 23cm. Has a size kink and will trap you under her body when she feels like fucking. Buys you new underwear every chance she gets because she often rips them;
Sana: Artic Fox. Contrary to what most people feel, she doesn't give me these puppy vibes. She is playfull at times, yes, but when she is serious? intimidating as hell. I believe she navigates easily between serious and unserious, specially because of her cute demeanor. But at the end of the day she is a hunter and she will take whatever she wants. Loves to have you ass up and face down, specially to fuck your ass and get you to cum without barely touching your pussy. Also loves cum play and will get nasty with it;
Jihyo: Lioness. You can't say that the way she acts isn't the way of a lioness!! Jihyo is the epitome of fierce and motherly (and stern too when needed). Always careful to not scratch you, loves to fuck you missionary so she can stare into your eyes while she breeds you. Actually likes to pound into you while hugging your body against hers, specially her boobs against yours. Gets hard at the most basic things such as seeing you cook and will rail you from behind when it happens;
Mina: A cat. More specifically a raggdoll cat. Very sophisticated and elegant, doesn't get loud or throw tantrums but is quite territorial and will stare down with a blank face whoever gets near you; Likes the idea of getting people nervous because of her beauty and elegant demeanor. Loves to scratch you with her fangs but is careful around your boobs so she doesn't hurt them. The only one who was open since the beggining about enjoying the idea of getting fucked in the ass with your strap (and she loves it as much as she loves fucking you with her cock). Can cum just by getting her body massaged by your experient hands;
Dahyun: Red Panda. Small and way too cute, can't seem intimidating or disobedient even if she wants to. She is classy and loves to spend time around you, specially at your feet sleeping. Unintetionally funny and charismatic. Traditional, doesn't let you get near her ass, but will sub enough to let you fuck her amazon position style and loves breeding you in this position too so she can suck you off aftweards. Really loves to be under you looking into your eyes as you clench and sink on her cock;
Tzuyu: Deer. There's no denying her that. Pretty and sophisticated like Mina, doesn't like big crowds specially if there are hybrids involved, she prefers quietly observing. Her ears are always perched up, brown and white. Is the epitome of grace, very submissive to the point of letting you make any (and I mean any) decision for her. cries if she feels overstimulated and loves to watch you ride her cock with the most adorable expression and flushed cheeks. Not usually loud, gets you crazy when you lean to kiss her while fucking yourself on her cock and she quietly whimpers " yes mommy, please"
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allfortzu · 8 days
Eagle Dahyun!!?? Like She will have the Biggest CLAWS EVER!! Girl would feed us to her stomach.
Btw wanted to say owl-hyo but BlackCat-Zyo seems so fuckin good!!(Mina gives me that Vibe as well) BunnyNY is Sooo Just Chef's Kisssssu!! 😍🤌
I see chae as one of the Big Cats... Baby-tiger, lion so on. Vixen-Sha!!! Like mah gurl be laughing like babies, n tricking like gangsters.
Raccoon/orange cat Momo!!!!!!! Listen!!!! JUST U LISTEN!!!! ORANGECATOWOW!!!!! ☝️😍
well I'm like the fakest hybrid!au writer ever I know nothing about it.. I just know cat ears are cute and that's rlly all I like about it I fear 💔 so I don't have many thoughts to give you, I myself don't even read hybrid!aus 😭 but vixen!sana and tiger!chae do seem cute!!! owl!hyo is reminding me of kujou sara from genshin so I'm starting to see it! maybe the eagle isn't so bad either then lol
please do keep our hopes down tho;; it was a moment of spontaneity! idk if I'll actually write smth for it 🤧
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