#hy is quite literally just entirely black
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cainesmajor · 8 days ago
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not art but !! lil ol me in the robloxian world ✨
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ilytuan · 6 years ago
Warmth 「yugyeom」
genre ›  fluff ︱ domestic boyfriend!au
pairing › reader ︱ yugyeom
word count ›  2,034
warning › none
synopsis › #NoOneElseButYugyeomDay
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Yugyeom rubbed his tired eyes, trying to rid any traces of sleep from his face that was unwashed and long due for a shave. He blinked at your message, wondering if there was any hidden meaning behind it. Was today a special day?
He scratched his already dishevelled hair, messing it up further as he tried to think of any important dates or anniversaries with you. None. He brushed it off, maybe you just had innocent intentions and missed him? The more he thought about it, he realised he missed you too and he tried to remember when the last time he saw you was. A month ago? Or maybe even longer.
The message you sent him asking to go on a date had come from nowhere, and Yugyeom knew you were away on a trip with your friends from college at the moment, so he wondered where you found the time to be able to hang out with him. Even though you were dating, you almost never spent much time out on dates. There weren’t many chances for you two to hang out, so he wasn’t going to turn down the date by any means, but he was slightly sceptical of what you had planned. The fact that it was his birthday completely slipped his mind as he began to make himself presentable enough to go out.
A message tone broke his train of thought while he was brushing his teeth. He ignored it, figuring it was one of the members trying to bother him or ask him for a ride somewhere, but then another one came. And another. Until he finally grew frustrated and picked up his phone, ready to snap at whoever it was. He was just trying to brush his teeth peacefully.
It really was the members. What a coincidence, he thought as he rolled his eyes. Messages were flowing in rapidly and Yugyeom struggled to read them, since they were flying past his eyes right as he caught sight of them. They were spamming and screaming, exclamation marks and emojis being the only thing he caught sight of. None of it made sense to him, almost like they were talking gibberish, so he switched his phone off completely and continued brushing his teeth to get ready to see you. Today was for you and him only. Whatever the occasion.
Yugyeom drove his sleek, black car out to the nearby park where you were already waiting for him. The chilly air resulted in a large scarf being wrapped around you and winter coat over your outfit. You were wearing a skirt with thigh high socks though, obviously not cold enough to make you dress in anything else and when you had gotten a touch of the cold air on your way out, you wanted to run back in and change but Yugyeom had told you that he was already on his way, so you didn’t want to keep him waiting. The coat would have to do, you decided.
You were almost completely covered up, minus your shivering legs and your face which was barely visible behind all of the layers. Yugyeom would’ve completely missed you had it not been for the cute little wave you gave him. He would never miss your cute ministrations. It was how he met you in the first place, all those years ago in this exact park when he saw you feeding a squirrel and tending to a bird who’s wing had been damaged.
He quickly turned on the heater, warming up the car for you before you got in. Yugyeom was thick skinned and rarely got cold so he was only wearing a light jacket, but he knew you were easily affected by the cold weather hence your current get up. You blew warm air onto your hands, smoke puffing out around them, before you reached for the door handle. The tip of your nose and cheeks were tinted red, how cute, he thought.
When you were comfortably seated and with your seatbelt fastened, Yugyeom grasped one your cold hands and placed it on his lap, driving away from the park and off into the city while you gave him directions to the bakery. “Did you wait long?” He asked you when you were waiting for the traffic light to signal go.
You shook your head, removing the scarf from around your neck because it was getting warmer in the car thanks to Yugyeom’s blasting heater. If not for him, you’d be completely frozen by now. “I was in the neighbourhood.” He seemed to be puzzled by the fact, but it didn’t surprise you.
The trip away with college friends wasn’t a complete lie. You had planned to go, and you did. For the first day. But after you took a dip in the nearby lake for a dare, you had fallen ill and spent the day getting an IV drip at the hospital for early symptoms of hypothermia. Fun.
Then you spent the next day wrapped up in blankets, with hot tea around the fire, as recommended by the doctor, and tried to come up with a plan for Yugyeom’s birthday. It had been awhile since you spent time with him, so you wanted it to be special. You could have told him, but it was useless as he would only worry and fuss over you. He was busy enough.
You actually lived quite a distance away from Yugyeom too, which was part of the reason why dates were rare and probably why he was being sceptical about your meeting place, but he’d find out in no time with the day you had in store for him. It wasn’t a lie that you were in the neighbourhood, but it was a surprise, so you kept your mouth closed and gave him no hints.
“So, birthday boy. Anyone spoil you with gifts and love yet, or am I the first?” He gave you a quizzical look and you laughed at the sight of pure confusion that was painted on his face, his eyebrows furrowed together, trying to piece it all together.
His face stilled and paled as he remembered the messages from the members. He was going to get his ass bet as soon as they see him tomorrow. They were birthday wishes to him and more than likely offers to go out to eat together and also the reason why you were going out with him today. He slammed his head on the steering wheel when he rolled to a stop at a red light, groaning in pain afterwards and rubbing his forehead. The members were going to think he was being bratty and ignoring them. He was literally doomed.  
You giggled quietly to yourself, knowing the antics of his members very well. Jinyoung and Jaebum especially since they frequently volunteered at the veterinary where you worked. It was near the park but quite the commute to your house as you lived in a suburban area.
The way they treated and took care of all the animals were quite the contrast to how they treated Yugyeom, but you could still feel a sense of love behind their actions. And it was unbelievably funny whenever they made fun of him. He was teased relentlessly when he first brought you to meet them, and they never let him live down the fact that he split the entire dish of spaghetti because you laughed at his mismatched socks. That was funny.
“Y/n! How stupid am I? I forgot my own birthday! Of all days!” He groaned again, repeating the same stupid mistake from earlier and slamming his forehead down on the steering wheel. He whined in pain and you rubbed the red spot soothingly, still giggling at him.
When you arrived at the destination, Yugyeom scrambled to turn his phone on and check all their 320 messages. He was dead meat.
‘Yah, you punk. You’re ignoring us?’ was sent from Jackson, along with multiple other angry face emojis of him exclaiming he won’t ever buy meat for him again. Always the dramatic one.
‘We practically raised you, and you dare ignore us on your birthday? We ought to slap some sense into you, brat.’ Obviously came from Jinyoung. Yugyeom quickly shot them a sheepish smile emoji and switched off his phone, not wanting to read the influx of texts that would surely come in the next few seconds, no doubt telling him off again.
He pulled you out of the car, momentarily forgetting about the cold weather and making you scramble to put the scarf back on. It was absolutely freezing today. The skirt was such a bad idea and making Yugyeom wait a few extra minutes wouldn’t have been a big deal when he would be in his warm car the whole time anyway. You were literally making yourself sick all over again. Guess both of you were quite the fools today. What a pair.
You swung his hand in yours, trying to take his mind off it all and just have a good day. His hand kept yours warm too. It always baffled you how he never got cold.
Popping into the bakery, you quickly picked up the cake you had ordered and grabbed Yugyeom’s hand again, making your way to the train station. Out of nowhere, rain started to pour and Yugyeom’s grasp on your hand tightened, beginning to run with you in tow to a place with shelter. The heels and skirt you wore slowed both of you down drastically, and by the time you reached shelter, you were almost completely soaked from head to toe and you felt even colder than before. How is that even possible?
Shaking like a leaf, Yugyeom removed his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, “stay here, I’ll go get an umbrella from the car.” You refused to be left alone though, so you both stayed under the flimsy plastic roof instead, waiting for the rain to pass. But just to your luck, gusts of wind were added instead of it stopping and Yugyeom sighed exasperatedly. He was only wearing a shirt. His birthday was not going well so far.
“I know you have a lot planned, but how nice does cuddling and movie sound?” He turned to look at you, concern in his eyes at your shivering state. He probably would have dragged you home even if you refused at this rate. His offer did sound tempting though; a warm bath and cuddles was just what you needed right now. “You have a bath, right?” When he gave you confirmation, you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand, running in the direction you had just come from. So much for a perfect day out together.
Snuggling up to Yugyeom’s side, you sighed in relief when your shivering finally subsided. The bath had soothed your nerves and pushed the hypothermia away, thankfully. You figured the Gods didn’t hate you so much as to completely ruin your day. Yugyeom wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his lap and letting you cuddle into his warm chest.
Your date may have been ruined, but you would much rather be warm and happy in Yugyeom’s arms, than cold and grumpy in nature’s wrath. And at least you still had a cake to munch on together. It wasn’t too bad and both of you were content with being like this. As long as you were together, what you were doing didn’t matter much. But you did feel sorry for not doing something more special for his birthday. Yugyeom didn’t let you dwell on it for long though, blowing out the candles on the cake and making a wish.
It wasn’t much but being with you made Yugyeom happier than anything else could. He had you in his arms, warmth and happiness surrounding the two of you as the movie played in the background and tasting the sweet cake on his tongue. Yugyeom decided simplicity was best and curled up into the bed, taking you with him. This was all he truly needed to feel happy and he couldn’t wait to spend another year with you like this.
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walkingtheclouds · 4 years ago
Journey to the Minimal
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My first wave many years ago was on an oversized bodyboard in gulf coast winter storm soup - the thing went well and I was truly amazed at the speed and sense of energy felt as the board effortlessly flew through the mush and reforming lines all the way to the shorebreak and up onto the sand. I remember frothing quite literally, ecstatic at the experience and ready to wade back outside through the 50 degree water in an ill-fitting diving wetsuit to repeat it endlessly. That board, although better than the cheapest grocery store boogies, didn't last more than a few swells.
Within a few months I was on 'real' surfboards, first a 6'10" then a 5'6", both interchangeable five fin setups. I spent quite some time becoming competent on these but it was with the simple trim and neutral handling of my first single fin, a 9'0" pintail noserider shape, that I became really fascinated with the hydrodynamics at play in surfcraft design. Eventually I had a fleet of five or six traditional longboards and nothing else. All single fin and heavy, from speed shapes like a Hynson HY II copy to dedicated noseriders like a Gordon & Smith Stretch with an authentic 60's glass schedule, double t-band stringers, and faux slipcheck via matte black resin on the nose - the works. Now I've only got the speed shape and one of the lighter noseriders I've had, a real magic board. I rarely ride those two now. Even at the height of my noseriding fever I would often imagine as to just how much of my board was actually essential to getting up and riding at speed - if I were to saw off the nose and tail around the trim spot until there was only a ~48" x ~23" rectangle, would it still make for a good ride? That's basically what I would end up with many years later.
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But before then, I still had much exploring. I mimicked the 1968 revolution next and lucked across an 8' v-bottom that ended up on the Gulf after a wall-hanger life elsewhere. Engaging the entire rail line and banking the deep hull through smooth yet radical turns almost right from the forward trim spot completely opened up my mind from the 'step-back-and-pivot' mindset. Funnily enough, traditional longboards and modern thruster shortboards still closely share that back-footed paradigm unlike most other designs. Now I fully understood edge control and drive from using the whole outline - as Simmons said, we are really surfing on our rails.
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After that I gathered a collection of 70's single fin and bonzer 3 shortboards, some modern with fuller outlines, others narrow vintage spears from Hawai'i and California. I took to kicking the fins all the way up in the box and eventually found a 1978 7' Islander sting by the greatest local shaper from back in the day, Brian Waters. I loved the low, hard, super loose carves and slides that those boards allowed with the fins way up, but not the lack of drive and follow-through after big turns or when working the rail line.
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The solution was the traditional fish. Low, radical, full rail carves right from the sweet spot - with immaculate follow-through, drive, speed, and banking ability thanks to the big keels and wide tail. A minimalist surfcraft that does everything needed without a single wasted centimeter of foam and glass anywhere. I finally ended up with a school of fish from 4'10" to 5'10", including a self-shaped 5'0" that became my every day rider.
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Yet I continued to wonder about the limits of design and what was possible with as little as possible, now bodysurfing with a handplane almost as often as I surfed stand up. Spurred on by a conversation years ago with a friend and a deepening understanding of the hydrodynamic principles that make for a faster board, I bought a 48" big guy bodyboard with a ~.5 aspect ratio and routed it out for twin boxes with a Craftsman drill. I rode it finless first to see how well i could manage it standing-up, then added trailer fins from 2+1 sets for some direction and began riding it in bigger and steeper conditions. The speed and maneuverability was even more impressive than on my fish and took me right back to the thrill of my first wave ever as the board proved itself in everything from ankle high rollers to overhead slabs, stand-up, kneeling, prone - or even all three stances on the same wave. I began switching out the finlets for fish style keels on days with wider faces for more direction on the bigger canvas, but found that I could still kick out the fins for board slides on the lip or side-slips down the face in critical junctures where a speed-bleeding cutback is normally needed.
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I think that the limits of this kind of board - short and wide enough to reach the ideal .5 aspect ratio for a planing hull - are still not fully explored for standing up, although stand-up riders of bodyboards like Chris Won and Ryan Burch's Lord Board experiments have gone great lengths and really pioneered the finless capabilities of similar craft. That was certainly done by the ancient Hawaiians too. I'm now planning out a fiberglass version of my modified bodyboard prototype with what I believe will be really significant improvements for my purposes. Amusingly I remember the distinct urge to try and stand up on my very first bodyboard during those first few swells years ago, wondering if it was even possible - sadly I broke the board before I could attempt it. Now that I've returned to that same urge I had years ago, long before dozens of surfboards and thousands of sessions, I know it's not only possible but an incredible experience with unexplored limits. Only the future will reveal the limits of such surfcraft and where it can take its rider, and I hope to share that with others. I think that experimentation and trying everything that's out there is not only really useful for becoming a well-rounded surfer with a better understanding of the dynamics at play in wave riding, but also in learning to deeply appreciate every aspect of the ocean in which we play...and if you think of something that's not out there yet, then you should make it!
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antionetterparker · 6 years ago
J.R. Watkins: 13 fascinating facts to know before joining [Review]
It’s not often you come across a business that’s been around for 150 years.
J.R. Watkins is a popular network marketing company that offers a range of products from lotions and soaps to spices and oils.
J.R. Watkins isn’t exactly George Washington, but close, and almost as old.
With an intriguing rags-to-riches story, J.R. Watkins became the largest MLM in the world at one time.
1. What does J.R. Watkins sell? J.R. Watkins sells natural, environmentally friendly personal and home care products, as well as gourmet foods, including spices, extracts, baking decorations, and cooking sprays.
2. What are J.R. Watkins’s most popular products?  Their spices and extracts are now rivaling the industry leader, McCormick. Their body care products, sporting old-time labels that make it clear these products have been around for a long time, are also popular. Who can resist hand creams labeled, “Creme pour les Mains,” and hand soaps labeled, “Savon pour les Mains,” especially when those labels have a genuine apothecary look and feel?
3. How much does it cost to join J.R. Watkins? You can join Watkins for $29.95.
4. Is J.R. Watkins a scam? No, Watkins is one a legitimate business selling real products. Their products can be bought in retail stores, and some of their brands are rivaling long-time industry leaders.
5. What is J.R. Watkins’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has J.R. Watkins been in business? Since 1868
7. What is J.R. Watkins’s revenue? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
8. How many J.R. Watkins distributors are there? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2015, Watkins sued McCormick for underfilling their tins of black pepper—essentially using deceptive marketing and packaging practices. [1] In 1954, J.R. Watkins was slapped for using a specially denatured alcohol in its liniment without paying the tax for it. [2]
10. Comparable companies: Pampered Chef, Seacret Direct
So is it too late to get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 13 things to consider before joining J.R. Watkins.
#13. They’re an American institution
They’ve been around for a long time. Like about 150 years long.
If you’re looking for established, this company is literally historic.
The J.R. Watkins administration building in Winona, Minnesota is now a museum and has been added to the National Register of Historic Places [3], and his house in Plainview, Minnesota where he mixed his first batch of the company’s signature liniment was purchased in 2008 by the Plainview Area History Center [4].
#12. They tap into the vintage craze
Antique stores aren’t just for grandma anymore.
From college kids to Macklemore, thrift shopping is in, and the whole nation is going retro. Who doesn’t love nostalgia?
J.R. Watkins sets themselves apart from the “futuristic” vibe most MLM companies are rocking nowadays by really leveraging this trend and maintaining the original aesthetic of their bottles. Their products have that vintage charm that people love.
In fact, they love it so much that there are actually “Watkins Collectors” who collect vintage Watkins products in bottles that date back 100 years or more. [5]
#11. Give direct sales a good name
Their history is woven into the fabric of America’s. A lot of people’s grandparents or great-grandparents sold for them. “The Watkins Man” was a household name back when they were still a door-to-door sales company, and people actually looked forward to a knock on the door from their local Watkins Consultant. [6]
In fact, there’s even a sappy (ahem, “heartwarming”) made-for-TV movie inspired by the life story of a Watkins salesman called Door to Door.
Somehow, this company managed to build a nostalgic, positive image instead of the negative connotations that door-to-door sales usually conjures.
J.R. Watkins is the traditional “American success story”, and their classic, sentimental brand builds trust in people and invokes all the warm fuzzies. And it’s been proven time and time again that emotional connections drive sales. [7]
#10. Once the largest direct sales company in the world
In the 1940s, J.R. Watkins was the largest direct sales company in the world. [8] Obviously, they were doing something right. They might not be as trendy as Le-vel or Purium, but they’ve been around forever.
#9. Filed for bankruptcy in the 1970s
Glory days don’t last forever. J.R. Watkins peaked in the 40s and, much like the high school prom queen who ends up fat, ugly, and poor, 30 years later they hit rock bottom. [9]
While they’ve since rebounded and worked their way back up, they never fully recovered. In fact, nowadays, they aren’t even a top 100 MLM. [10]
#8. Purchased in 2018
In January 2018, Swander Pace Capital acquired Watkins’ lines of home and personal care products, creating a separate business under the name of “J.R. Watkins.” Watkins, Inc., the original company, will continue producing their spices, extracts, and gourmet cooking ingredients. [11]
#7. Struggling to keep with the times
As charming as the vintage wares can be, companies still have to update their image to keep up with trends and modern times, and J.R. Watkins seems to be struggling.
They’ve whipped up some creative social media campaigns, but they turned out to be fairly unsuccessful as the company only gained 2,000 followers over the course of an entire year. Sorry Watkins, but my 16-year-old little sister has you beat two-fold, and all she does is post pictures of her manicures. [12]
#6. 3-way compensation plan
J.R. Watkins offers their distributors, “consultants,” three ways to sell their products.
They can buy at wholesale prices and sell at retail prices, pocketing the difference. The company suggests prices but consultants can charge what they wish. Commission ranges from 15-49%.
They receive commission on sponsoring new team members who make product sales. Commission ranges 10-15%.
They can earn income through incentivized bonuses and leadership rewards. There are three main levels – consultant, manager, and executive – each of which has a bronze, silver, and gold level. Moving up will get you bonuses and additional earnings.
#5. Annual fee for distributors
The sign-on cost of $29.95 is actually an annual fee required to maintain a Watkins Membership, cheaper than a lot of MLMs (hint: SeneGence, Monat, or Norwex). The initial package to become an Independent Watkins Associate includes some training and literature to get you started and up to a 35% discount on product. You need to purchase $100 of product a month to stay active and qualify for commission.
That being said, upgrades in membership are encouraged and will lead to higher earnings. These range from $69.95-$349 in monthly orders that include product for home party settings on the lower end and product for “serious business builders” on the high end. The first three months of web maintenance for a distributor’s personal sales website are free, but afterward there’s a monthly fee for that as well.
#4. Quality, trusted products
Some of their main products include:
Hand creams
Pain relief
Home cleaners
Their products are backed by over a century of usage, and they are safe and effective. In fact, when the FDA recently banned the use of 19 antibacterial ingredients commonly used in hand soaps and body washes, causing most body care companies to panic, J.R. Watkins could smugly sit back and relax, because their products have never included these banned ingredients. [13]
They’re truly “committed to providing the highest quality products by using pure ingredients.”
#3. All-natural
In 2008 they introduced a line of all-natural personal care products capable of competing with the popular Burt’s Bees, although they’ve yet to catch up with Burt’s popularity quite yet.
They also started selling food dye made with 100% natural vegetable juices, which is huge. People have been freaking out for the past decade about synthetic food dye and its correlation to health problems. [14]
#2. Extracts are now the #2 brand in the nation
The company’s extracts — vanilla, lemon, almond, etc. — are now the No. 2 U.S. brand.
Extracts and spices are a rough market. McCormick basically has a monopoly on them, which you’ll notice at pretty much any supermarket around the country. Most extract companies only experience growth in the low single-digits, but J.R. Watkins’ extracts have been hitting double-digits. [15]
#1. They sell their product in stores
This one might be a deal-breaker.
A lot of changes have been introduced by the new ownership that pulled J.R. Watkins out of bankruptcy in the 70s and back into the green.
Namely, in the 90s and early 2000s, J.R. Watkins started introducing their products into retail stores. While they still have some products exclusively available through their consultants, the company now sells many of its products everywhere from Walmart and Hy-Vee to Whole Foods, Walgreens, Ulta, and even Target.
While this has been great for the company overall, it isn’t great news for distributors. Do you really think you can compete with the likes of Target?
The fact is, retail is cheaper and more convenient for consumers.
And the proof is in the numbers – their retail channels now make up a large majority of their $120 million in annual sales. [16] While this company shows a lot of promise, they may be phasing out their direct sales methods.
You definitely wouldn’t want to join J.R. Watkins expecting it to replace your day job.
They’re not a bad company at all, but there’s just more sustainable income opportunities out there.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/jr-watkins/
0 notes
mlmcompanies · 6 years ago
It’s not often you come across a business that’s been around for 150 years.
J.R. Watkins is a popular network marketing company that offers a range of products from lotions and soaps to spices and oils.
J.R. Watkins isn’t exactly George Washington, but close, and almost as old.
With an intriguing rags-to-riches story, J.R. Watkins became the largest MLM in the world at one time.
1. What does J.R. Watkins sell? J.R. Watkins sells natural, environmentally friendly personal and home care products, as well as gourmet foods, including spices, extracts, baking decorations, and cooking sprays.
2. What are J.R. Watkins’s most popular products?  Their spices and extracts are now rivaling the industry leader, McCormick. Their body care products, sporting old-time labels that make it clear these products have been around for a long time, are also popular. Who can resist hand creams labeled, “Creme pour les Mains,” and hand soaps labeled, “Savon pour les Mains,” especially when those labels have a genuine apothecary look and feel?
3. How much does it cost to join J.R. Watkins? You can join Watkins for $29.95.
4. Is J.R. Watkins a scam? No, Watkins is one a legitimate business selling real products. Their products can be bought in retail stores, and some of their brands are rivaling long-time industry leaders.
5. What is J.R. Watkins’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has J.R. Watkins been in business? Since 1868
7. What is J.R. Watkins’s revenue? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
8. How many J.R. Watkins distributors are there? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2015, Watkins sued McCormick for underfilling their tins of black pepper—essentially using deceptive marketing and packaging practices. [1] In 1954, J.R. Watkins was slapped for using a specially denatured alcohol in its liniment without paying the tax for it. [2]
10. Comparable companies: Pampered Chef, Seacret Direct
So is it too late to get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 13 things to consider before joining J.R. Watkins.
#13. They’re an American institution
They’ve been around for a long time. Like about 150 years long.
If you’re looking for established, this company is literally historic.
The J.R. Watkins administration building in Winona, Minnesota is now a museum and has been added to the National Register of Historic Places [3], and his house in Plainview, Minnesota where he mixed his first batch of the company’s signature liniment was purchased in 2008 by the Plainview Area History Center [4].
#12. They tap into the vintage craze
Antique stores aren’t just for grandma anymore.
From college kids to Macklemore, thrift shopping is in, and the whole nation is going retro. Who doesn’t love nostalgia?
J.R. Watkins sets themselves apart from the “futuristic” vibe most MLM companies are rocking nowadays by really leveraging this trend and maintaining the original aesthetic of their bottles. Their products have that vintage charm that people love.
In fact, they love it so much that there are actually “Watkins Collectors” who collect vintage Watkins products in bottles that date back 100 years or more. [5]
#11. Give direct sales a good name
Their history is woven into the fabric of America’s. A lot of people’s grandparents or great-grandparents sold for them. “The Watkins Man” was a household name back when they were still a door-to-door sales company, and people actually looked forward to a knock on the door from their local Watkins Consultant. [6]
In fact, there’s even a sappy (ahem, “heartwarming”) made-for-TV movie inspired by the life story of a Watkins salesman called Door to Door.
Somehow, this company managed to build a nostalgic, positive image instead of the negative connotations that door-to-door sales usually conjures.
J.R. Watkins is the traditional “American success story”, and their classic, sentimental brand builds trust in people and invokes all the warm fuzzies. And it’s been proven time and time again that emotional connections drive sales. [7]
#10. Once the largest direct sales company in the world
In the 1940s, J.R. Watkins was the largest direct sales company in the world. [8] Obviously, they were doing something right. They might not be as trendy as Le-vel or Purium, but they’ve been around forever.
#9. Filed for bankruptcy in the 1970s
Glory days don’t last forever. J.R. Watkins peaked in the 40s and, much like the high school prom queen who ends up fat, ugly, and poor, 30 years later they hit rock bottom. [9]
While they’ve since rebounded and worked their way back up, they never fully recovered. In fact, nowadays, they aren’t even a top 100 MLM. [10]
#8. Purchased in 2018
In January 2018, Swander Pace Capital acquired Watkins’ lines of home and personal care products, creating a separate business under the name of “J.R. Watkins.” Watkins, Inc., the original company, will continue producing their spices, extracts, and gourmet cooking ingredients. [11]
#7. Struggling to keep with the times
As charming as the vintage wares can be, companies still have to update their image to keep up with trends and modern times, and J.R. Watkins seems to be struggling.
They’ve whipped up some creative social media campaigns, but they turned out to be fairly unsuccessful as the company only gained 2,000 followers over the course of an entire year. Sorry Watkins, but my 16-year-old little sister has you beat two-fold, and all she does is post pictures of her manicures. [12]
#6. 3-way compensation plan
J.R. Watkins offers their distributors, “consultants,” three ways to sell their products.
They can buy at wholesale prices and sell at retail prices, pocketing the difference. The company suggests prices but consultants can charge what they wish. Commission ranges from 15-49%.
They receive commission on sponsoring new team members who make product sales. Commission ranges 10-15%.
They can earn income through incentivized bonuses and leadership rewards. There are three main levels – consultant, manager, and executive – each of which has a bronze, silver, and gold level. Moving up will get you bonuses and additional earnings.
#5. Annual fee for distributors
The sign-on cost of $29.95 is actually an annual fee required to maintain a Watkins Membership, cheaper than a lot of MLMs (hint: SeneGence, Monat, or Norwex). The initial package to become an Independent Watkins Associate includes some training and literature to get you started and up to a 35% discount on product. You need to purchase $100 of product a month to stay active and qualify for commission.
That being said, upgrades in membership are encouraged and will lead to higher earnings. These range from $69.95-$349 in monthly orders that include product for home party settings on the lower end and product for “serious business builders” on the high end. The first three months of web maintenance for a distributor’s personal sales website are free, but afterward there’s a monthly fee for that as well.
#4. Quality, trusted products
Some of their main products include:
Hand creams
Pain relief
Home cleaners
Their products are backed by over a century of usage, and they are safe and effective. In fact, when the FDA recently banned the use of 19 antibacterial ingredients commonly used in hand soaps and body washes, causing most body care companies to panic, J.R. Watkins could smugly sit back and relax, because their products have never included these banned ingredients. [13]
They’re truly “committed to providing the highest quality products by using pure ingredients.”
#3. All-natural
In 2008 they introduced a line of all-natural personal care products capable of competing with the popular Burt’s Bees, although they’ve yet to catch up with Burt’s popularity quite yet.
They also started selling food dye made with 100% natural vegetable juices, which is huge. People have been freaking out for the past decade about synthetic food dye and its correlation to health problems. [14]
#2. Extracts are now the #2 brand in the nation
The company’s extracts — vanilla, lemon, almond, etc. — are now the No. 2 U.S. brand.
Extracts and spices are a rough market. McCormick basically has a monopoly on them, which you’ll notice at pretty much any supermarket around the country. Most extract companies only experience growth in the low single-digits, but J.R. Watkins’ extracts have been hitting double-digits. [15]
#1. They sell their product in stores
This one might be a deal-breaker.
A lot of changes have been introduced by the new ownership that pulled J.R. Watkins out of bankruptcy in the 70s and back into the green.
Namely, in the 90s and early 2000s, J.R. Watkins started introducing their products into retail stores. While they still have some products exclusively available through their consultants, the company now sells many of its products everywhere from Walmart and Hy-Vee to Whole Foods, Walgreens, Ulta, and even Target.
While this has been great for the company overall, it isn’t great news for distributors. Do you really think you can compete with the likes of Target?
The fact is, retail is cheaper and more convenient for consumers.
And the proof is in the numbers – their retail channels now make up a large majority of their $120 million in annual sales. [16] While this company shows a lot of promise, they may be phasing out their direct sales methods.
You definitely wouldn’t want to join J.R. Watkins expecting it to replace your day job.
They’re not a bad company at all, but there’s just more sustainable income opportunities out there.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
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