#hws saxoland
bellhopmomo · 2 months
i posted the fucking windows 95 beer but not this
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*sizes not accurately represented
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
the curse of the kirklands does not affect him... so cinnamon buns
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
Now, for some reason, it became very interesting to me, but what would your oc look like in nyotalia? For some reason I didn't find anything on your blog (maybe I didn't look well, I don't rule it out)
i did draw nyo welland and nyo stomaria before, but here's everyone else :3
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
flag designs for my ocs :3
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ill retroactively add those flags to the characters' lore posts
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
dang boy get help
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
new hetalia oc, Saxoland, lore rant + some additional images like his flag and map under the cut :3
it's just unorganised rambling proceed at your own risks
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disclaimer i guess, all of this is made up and not real and anything that resembles irl stuff is a coincidence
Saxoland is a nation situated between the UK and the rest of Europe. It used to be part of the united kingdoms... used to. Nowadays it's only associated with it in pop culture due to its history, as the country itself isn't and doesn't see itself as part of the uk or britain or anything.
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Saxoland is slightly older than England, and during their early years they were very close and did consider themselves brothers, but overtime once the UK became a thing and England became... england, Saxoland started getting used as a meat shield and a convenient country to blame for all the bad things England did. If other countries, mostly european ones, believed England in that, they'd go beat up Saxoland as it was closer than the rest of the UK and the apparent cause of any given troubles. Saxoland was weakened due to the constant attacks, and whenever he'd ask england for help, England would be like ":3 nah". England also used that weakened state to take over any land Saxoland has on the main island, reducing it to the islands between him and europe.
One day the king of Saxoland decided that enough was enough and effectively put the country into lockdown, refusing to allow any ships that weren't local to dock and kicking out anyone without a citizenship, especially english people. The country then stayed isolated for around 100 years give or take, and recently they've been opening their borders again! They're now a tourist hotspot due to the mystique and percieved exoticism of a country that was hard to access not so long ago, so now there is a shitty tourist problem there 😔 The population being generally pretty chill and low crime rates made Saxoland kinda popular as a good country to live in, tho it's really hard to get citizenship there.
Nowadays England is trying to establish a good relationship with Saxoland again and have it join the UK again, but all those attempts are kinda… useless. It's not happening, England. The Saxolandian government ignores any communication coming from the english government and Sigewine, the country person, hates Arthur with a burning passion. If Arthur tries to get close to Sigewine, he will be threatened and attacked if the threats don't scare him off.
Saxolandian flag
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the white bunny and the brown rabbit are local deities, the white bunny represents fertility, kindness and protects people from sickness and the brown rabbit that represents luck, courage and it protects you from evil people who mean you harm, specifically english people. Rabbits and bunnies are a really important part of Saxolandian culture due to the many myths involving them.
There are stray bunnies and rabbits just living and chilling in the streets like we'd have stray cats and dogs, those rabbits and bunnies mostly survive cause the people feed them and care for them despite not bringing them home. They arent brought home most of the time cause the popular belief is that stray bunnies and rabbits are servants of the gods and are on a mission so bringing them home would hinder them from accomplishing whatever they're out to do. Nowadays tho there's a local organisation that takes care of chipping and neutering the strays so they don't go out of control like a few times in the past.
There's a popular children's book character called Sige the bun that is TOTALLY NOT a rip off of Winnie the pooh what do you mean? In any case, it acts somewhat as the mascot of the country, it's used in advertising, merch and other similar things. It's the plushie Saxoland is holding in the illustration at the top. In his books/cartoons, Sige has a rabbit sidekick called Wine, who is way less popular than Sige but who gets a lot of love too. They are 100% reference to the bunny and rabbit gods, not sharing their names because at the time the books were written it was considered rude to speak the names of the gods without a reason.
Easter is a major one week long celebration, but instead of egg hunts they do country wide rabbit and bunny statuette hunts, but those fulfill the same role as the eggs do in other countries. In Saxoland, the meaning of easter is also not related to christianity at all, they just borrowed the idea of it because of the bunny theme and now they use it to worship their own deities. Once easter is over, everyone puts the little rabbit and bunny statuettes around their house as decoration and as a way to attract the blessings fo the Bunny and the Rabbit. Once the year is up and easter arrives again, the statuettes are gathered and hidden around Saxoland again. Sadly, lately, the statuettes have started being stolen by the tourists coming over for the holiday to keep as a souvenir or to make a quick buck, which is generally seen as a bad move.
Eating rabbit isnt illegal, but you're probably gonna be judged really hard cause it's disrespectful to eat a messenger of the gods and it attracts bad luck and sickness. You might also get a beating from the gods who knows.
Saxoland keeps a list of micronations they acknowledge as countries, and he has a form online you can fill in if you're the leader of a micronation and you want to appear on this list. However, he makes a point to never include Stomaria because Stomaria wants to be like England and that's a nono in this household
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
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why the long face
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
oh naw look at who my cells at work im gonna die dawg
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
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First, hello :3 I go by Yume Momo, or simply Momo! I'm 20 and my pronouns are classified by the CIA
I mainly make Hetalia content for now, but sometimes i post about my own ocs and stories too. Everything useful is below the cut :)
Before we begin, know that you can find all my own nonfandom oc stuff under the tag #yumemomoverse
Speaking of Ocs, i have a few hetalia ocs, here's a few links to their lore rant posts (and a semi relevant Stomaria post cause i havent ranted about his lore yet):
Welland | #hws welland #aph welland
Femmerica | #hws femmerica #aph femmerica
Peroya | #hws peroya #aph peroya
Saxoland | #hws saxoland #aph saxoland
Stomaria (Stomaria is NOT my oc, he's a canon character from the manga, but i've shoved so many headcanons down his throat that at this point... he might as well be 3/4th of an oc) | #hws stomaria #aph stomaria
Rosetear (collab oc with @hws-scotland-enthusiast!!! ) | #hws rosetear #aph rosetear
Moria | #hws moria #aph moria
Additional lore posts!: What does Welland think about Saxoland?
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Feel free to draw them if you want, i love getting fanart :33 None of my ocs represent real places, they're all entirely made up and have no relation to any real place named like them!
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Some Aus, some developed, most not:
2P 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Nyotalia | 1 | 2
Pirate AU | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Personality swap AU | 1
Nekotalia | 1
Animal AU | 1
Mochitalia | 1 | 2
Home on the range/ Cowboy AU | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
My Little Country: Politics are Magic/MLP | 1 | 2 | 3
Ageswap AU | 1 | 2
Shrek AU | 1
Scooby doo AU | 1
Monster high AU | 1
Cells At Work! AU | 1
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Random notable posts: Britannia design | Gangsta AU Nire and Scotland | microwaved stomaria | UK bros body types | glitter gifs | fake hetalia screenshot one , fake hetalia screenshot two | colonycaptor arthur | ME! My persona :333 | Stomaria and Welland voiceclaim | Furry Welland (it's just so good) | glitter gifs 2.0 | he's just so handsoap
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I have a few blogs! This one obviously, but also:
My welland ask blog | @ask-welland-and-the-uk-bros This blog is mainly about Welland and his dads, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, but other characters also can appear! Sadly this blog is in an indefinite hiatus
My Stomaria ask blog | @ask-stomaria-n-the-micronations This blog is about Stomaria, but also about the other micronations! Sadly this blog is in an indefinite hiatus... also
My Spirou focused blog | @spirouadventures This blog is about Spirou and Fantasio, but also dabbles in other franco-belgian comic content. I lost the password to this account but it's still mine so... let's hope one day i will remember the password
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I happen to kinda need money, so please if you like my art and can afford it, commission me
You can use my art as a profile picture or a banner, but please credit me! If you want me to draw a character, Hetalia or otherwise, send me an ask and maybe i will draw them
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