#hws cardverse china
ask-gypt · 1 year
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Day 3: Conflict - forbidden love | espionage | duel The Jack of Spades is hitting the books for the bizarre and frankly unwelcomed turn of events whilst the Joker takes to the land in pursuit to investigate every kingdom. Off-screen accruing a member of clubs of all people, weird and totally not related to future events sure sure. In his travels, he royally infuriates the Queen and almost did not make it out and accomplish the fruit run, the real reason to visit Hearts. Visiting clubs there is a challenger waiting in hopes to play the game of harvest. Should Joker win, she would be open to clear all doubts of the day. In Diamonds, things took a turn for the intense, as a Diamond member had enough of Joker's suspicious nature and questions. Instead, this diamond chooses to dual for the sake of pure pent-up frustration and the desire to tip the scales so this suspicious person no longer feels like a threat. They were both quite motivated...had fruit not arrived. Who needs to dual when one has mellon dew. His day ends with the first of many letters, gifts, and well wishes from clubs.
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hydraespacial · 3 months
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yuritaliaa · 4 months
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;3 based off a au where America just goes full controlling on his government to “save” the Spadian kingdom/ protect it
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mseirtaku · 8 months
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A cardverse AU I've done sketches for quite a while ago~ Mainly focused on each royal family!
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spaceflower07 · 6 months
I finally made Yao's design
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ngl i cooked with him, and i added him with a sword cuz he's a warrior
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the exaggerated height differences is my trademark style fr, yao is so small compared to ivan omg😭 he's the size of ivan's leg, but he's strict toughness and raw power all in a tiny body
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askcardsuits · 1 year
If China and Russia are married but live in different kingdoms when do they get to see each other?
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gybas-blog · 2 months
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for @usukweek
Day 5:
       - Arranged Marriage
       - Cardverse
Almost forgot to post it 😭
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arthurianlegend144 · 10 months
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Now I drew Cardverse Yao too, but I was a dumbass and didn't leave enough space for drawing him in the same paper as Alfred and Arthur. I think he looks fabulous tho, he deserves his own page.
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goldenstarprincesses · 9 months
I'm not afraid to admit it anymore, I still eat up any and all cardverse fanfiction
I gobble up any royal AU's like its Thanksgiving
I become mentally and emotionally unavailable when I come across a new royal fantasy AU of the authors very own creation
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these-weirdnations · 1 year
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These bad boys can fit so many themes and motifs!
Some designs and universe notes underneath vvv
If a character has an accent colour of a different kingdom then that symbolises ties to that kingdom, (Has a parent from there/born there/married into kingdom etc).
I decided the Spades kingdom should have rabbit motif as these three characters have a connection to rabbits in some way, granted other characters are connected to rabbits in hetalia (Italy + hre, Japan + China) but I’m just gonna keep it with spades.
Arthur has the most rabbit theme of them all and I like the idea the spades kingdom is the most technologically advanced kingdom, so Alfred has cogs on his design.
I’m not sure how yet but Alfred has some ties to the diamond kingdom, hence the yellow gradient.
Yao was the hardest to figure out the colours but I really like how he turned out! His design is inspired by some of the clothing from the Qing Dynasty but is not in anyway supposed to be or look historically accurate.
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asking-cardverse · 8 months
Big fan of the blog, what’s the kingdoms relations like?
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(oTL How? I've made like 3 posts theres 10 people here...-- You dont gotta lie its fine.)
Clubs and Spades get along the best since the unification of their countries through the marriage to England. Diamonds and Hearts are second closet for similar reasons. Hearts and Clubs have been at each other's throat since Prussia was in power, so Heart's relationship with them isn't very positive. Hearts and Spades have been at a standstill over claims on one specific location for about a decade now. Diamonds has had multiple blockades and sanctions around trade on Spades for many years now, and there are no signs of it letting up.
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ask-gypt · 2 months
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Day 2: You Should See Me In a Crown/ coronation | celebration | chosen one Optimistically I will be able to get the blurry antics fixed next submission. We arrive on the day of the former Jack of Spades' coronation. He is now King of Spades, and the desire of destiny now dims its glow in satisfaction. Who will become Jack of Spades? A chosen one, but not chosen yet. However, someone was chosen to be the target of someone's trickery! More on the incident at eleven. Bonus my boys internal panic
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a thing
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derehono · 4 months
And here is a second part to Cardverse AU with some basic info!
Kingdom of Spades.
The people of Spades have a rather dangerous gift of the attacking power. Their magic is as sharp as the blade, it could destroy so many obstacles on their way but due to its nature, people of Spades was learnt to keep their power at bay after some history. Depending on the position of the card, magic could be more destructing or less, and it provides a great defence against unwanted guests.
The past monarchs were not really remarkable, people of Spades enjoyed their calm and stable life. Economy was good, no wars was happening so it seemed like a success for them. It was a desirable outcome especially after one of their past Queens.
This is a part of their history that people try to avoid and just to forget, it brings so much shame to them, even though it happened generations ago. People called her Spades Dame and maybe she was not of a royal blood, just a wife of the Spades queen, but she was the one who people remembered. Her husband died early, leaving her with a small child, and maybe it was a reason why she was so full of rage and burning passion for the revenge. She was incredibly powerful with her royal card and with witch blood, and uncovered the full potential of the Spades magic. She unleashed a massive war on all other kingdoms to take their powers, covering in blood every land she visited. Dame was successful in invading almost all; the territories but almost at the end, right before the last fortress of Diamonds Kingdom, she unexpectedly passed away.
Kingdom of Spades was severely punished for the most devastating war in their history. Almost all citizens were stripped away from their cards, and kingdom was isolated for decades. Fortunately, now it is a past and current Kingdom of the eternal night is a heart of technological progress. They still avoid offensive technologies, but their other improvements are truly remarkable.
Current young King is Alfred Jones and he still has no Queen. He has inherited a throne not really a long time ago and it is almost like just yesterday he was a child. He still has his cheerful and positive personality, and as a King he really focuses on the technological advancement of the country. He does not really seek for a Queen not only because he is young but also because the Queen’s Card is simply stolen. No one knows where it is but no one really cares to search for it. They are even secretly to get rid of it since it is rumoured that The Spade Dame cursed the card. Almost every Queen after her died an agonising death and using card’s magic was almost like poisoning yourself.
The advisor for past two generations of monarchs is Wang Yao. He was the one who proposed to make focus on the technologies and make abet for it to improve the country’s economy. His suggestion was incredibly successful and people of Spades are incredibly grateful to him. Since the politics more or less stabilised, he focuses on educating the young king.
Kingdom of Spades truly lives its best life and just tries to avoid any new conflict.
Kingdom of Hearts. The Frozen Kingdom.
The People of Hearts has a miraculous gift of healing even the deepest wounds. Their power allows not only to stitch the cut, stop the bleeding but also to ease the mind and clear the soil. Hearts power is appreciated all over the world, their healers are believed to be able to heal even the worst injuries. Even kids could heal their scratches themselves while the King could definitely heal even the fatal wound. There are even rumours that combining power of King and Queen could return the dead.
The past King was reigning for ages and of the most remarkable thongs that he did is development of the healing hot springs which became incredibly popular. For some time they even stripped away the title of the best vacations from Diamonds, truly embracing their powers. He was pretty peaceful and brought prosperity to his kingdom, but he did not have a Queen. He had kids with a citizen of another kingdom so they couldn’t get married but still raised two sons. Unfortunately, their eldest son passed away during very strange poisoning, almost like a magical corruption. The King could not do anything with that. It is was unknown for a very long period what was that corruption and how to heal it.
The current King is a younger son, Ludwig Beilschimdt, the youngest King among all of the other monarchs. Unlike Alfred, he already has an assigned Queen, his dear friend Kiki Hondu. Maybe they are not lovers but they are definitely best friends so the arrangement worked fine for them. Unfortunately, they were not able to reign for a very long since very soon after their coronation, The Catastrophe appeared almost like from anywhere.
Previous advisors were changing quite a lot, and the current one is young Feliciano Vargas and maybe he seems to be too careless, too relaxed, too incompetent but it is not entirely true. He is indeed very relaxed but also extremely knowledgeable, and maybe his flaming aura was exactly what Ludwig needed. He wanted to continue the focus on tourism and healing, but had no time. Also, some speculates that he had something deeper with a King.
One day the temperature started drastically dropping, killing almost all of the harvest and animals. Very soon after that the wind became so strong that even the eldest and strongest trees were snapping. Just a few days after the beginning, the strange monsters appeared which attack turned people into statues. It is unknown whether it is reversible or not, no one had time to figure it out. The Storm was rampaging, the ghost monsters were deserting the kingdom, and The Catastrophe was going onwards, right towards other Kingdoms. King Francis of Diamonds made a hard decision to use his powers and seal The Catastrophe away. He knew that there may be people alive there with no means of survival but he had no choice. Just a week after the beginning of the disaster, most of the Kingdom was sealed away.
Most of the Hearts are either dead or turned into the stone. The King was turned into the stone after defending one of the shelters, and Advisor became one of the first victims when he was leading the evacuation. Buildings are destroyed. But there is still a hope since Queen survived and survivors were able to hide away in the depths of the Kingdom. Nothing is known about them in outside world, but they are trying to survive. Queen is healing almost non-stop but they all know that this is not the end.
And there would also be part 3
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novuit · 2 years
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A relationship chart of the Spadian royalty
(I love Yao's hairstyle so much)
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spaceflower07 · 1 year
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I didnt like the official positions and designs so i changed them woo, ivan looks rlly bad but i didnt know how to fix it hdjsbdjd if you recognize their coats thats because i tried doing the coats from the harbingers, it looks so slay fr
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