mcshiach-a · 7 years
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            The Leviathans are gone.
            No one really knows what’s happened to them. One minute they were all over America, threatening everyone’s lives, and then they were just gone. Like they’ve never existed outside nightmares and old tales told by grandmothers in a windy night to their children. The creatures were finally gone, leaving nothing but a sickening black goo behind---- and taking a few unlucky ones with them.
            At first it looks like a garden, but it’s more than that. It’s dark and cruel and bloody. It’s a place only monsters had ever seen before, a place no human, demon or angel should ever touch or find. A place where survival of the fittest is the only rule applied.
            You wake up to find yourself in the godforsaken Purgatory.
- this is a group verse based on CW Supernatural’s purgatory and it’s set during season 8. - ooc drama won’t be allowed. ic drama is free for all, though. - no godmodding. seriously, don’t. - for ic interactions, make sure to track & use the tag gv: holy water cannot help you now. bios & other ooc stuff will be tagged in hwooc. - canon & oc muses and crossovers are welcome. - multimuses blogs are welcome. - there’s no limit for muses. go wild, boyo. - also, no activity checks. this is just for fun, so have fun. however, if you’re inactive and another mun wants to take your muse’s place/faceclaim, i can’t promise you’ll be warned about it. - no duplicate muses/faceclaims unless previously discussed and accepted between muns. - if you want to join, submit me your application. after being accepted, please post your complete bio on our ooc tag.
mun’s name/alias & age: character’s name & age: species: faceclaim: short bio:
- sam winchester / messiah / 30 / jared padalecki / @mcshiach / dante - castiel / seraph / 39 (vessel) / misha collins / @defiedheaven / alex - gabriel / archangel / richard speight jr. / @paganturnt / exo - aaron / immortal human / 500 / richard madden / @vireous / andre - erik / vampire / 27 / chris wood / @vireous / andre - john constantine / human / 45 / matt ryan / @vireous / andre - ky’lar richardson / demon / 30 / brett dalton / @hellfirebound / andre - im winchester / human / 30 / ksenia solo / @shinyblackchevrolet / vic - dean winchester (au; reserved for @stiicksxndstcnes) - dean winchester (reserved for @rightecusmcn) - alicia murphy / demon / 23 / candice accola-king / @cfkillers / alice - meg / demon / rachel minter / @soulseized / alicia - rafael / angel / wilmer valderrama / @yourhumblepsychiatrist / em - adoniram / angel / rachael taylor / @gracethieved / jess - atlas / human / 36 / colin morgan / @voxpcpuli / dante
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cfkillers-a-blog · 7 years
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Name: Alicia ( a-lys-a ) Kennedy Murphy
Age: Died at twenty-three
Species: Demon
FC: Candice Accola-King
Verse: holy water cannot help you now
When Alicia was alive, she wasn’t a saint. She killed her ex-boyfriend in her hometown and moved to Utah where she became a waitress at a small diner a few miles from the nearest town. It took her two years to afford a used car. After she closed the diner, one night, she lost control of the car and crashed into a tree and died upon impact. 
When she died, she arrived in hell taking a ticket and waiting in line with the rest of the tortured souls and returning to the back of the line whenever she finally got to the front. Years past ( or what felt like centuries for her ) and hell renovated where she was kept in a caged room and demons taunted her wearing the faces of the people she loved. 
There was talk of a back door of hell, and she didn’t believe it until a tall man with long hair helped his father-figure out of hell. She saw hope when they left. A small sliver of hope to get out. A few days later, her demons arrived and she used all the energy and strength she had to push her way past and go the direction the tall man lead his friend. 
Moving a rock, that was the door,  she thought she was free but she found herself in purgatory and decided it was best to stay there than to return to hell. 
With her humanity deteriorating every day, she hunts for sport to get stronger and sharper than ever. 
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Name: L'hëräfëhel a.k.a. Rafael Species: Rit Zien Angel FC: Wilmer Valderrama gv: holy water cannot help you now
Bio: When L'hëräfëhel left Heaven, all was war, and chaos, and brother killing sister, and in the middle of it were the Rit Zien angels. They were the healers, and they were also the clean-up crew. They put the dying out of their misery, the suffering to an end. And L'hëräfëhel hated it. So he fled, down to Earth, where there was God’s greatest creation (at least, so they’d been told), the humans. L'hëräfëhel found them to be broken, and wounded, just like in Heaven. This time, however, he wasn’t going to put them out of their misery and kill them. He was going to heal them. 
So L'hëräfëhel integrated with the humans, shortening his name to Rafael, and becoming first a “human” healer, than a doctor, then a psychiatrist, as the medical practice moved forward. Rafael saw a need for a psychiatrist in the hunter community, with all those humans sacrificing their happiness and stability for the greater good. With God missing, there was no one to take care of the hunters, who Rafael sees as protectors of the innocent humans–though hunters sometimes get carried away and hunt the wrong creatures. Because likewise, Rafael also saw a need for a psychiatrist in the supernatural community, particularly among those supernatural beings who don’t want to hurt others. Rafael knows he can try to help both hunters and the creatures they wrongfully hunt find peace and shelter. 
As for the actual monsters, the ones that are not wrongfully hunted? Rafael tries not to get involved. He’ll try to point hunters in the right direction. However, sometimes he’ll have to. Like with these Leviathans. When they swarmed the Earth, Rafael saw that the time had come to kill again. So he began to, and was in the midst of fighting one of these abominations when he suddenly found himself in Purgatory. 
Now he just has to find himself, and anyone else he finds, a way out.
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     There were supernatural creatures everywhere. And not his kind, though perhaps that was best. These ones he could kill, though he was loathe to. Rafael was pulling his blade from a djinn that had attacked him when he sensed it. Someone not supernatural. At least not quite. ... Human? He turned and began walking at a brisk pace, until he was close, and then he hid behind a tree to observe. // @vireous
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