#hw: activity
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happy december friends!! (ik we're already halfway through but still) admin maig popping in with the announcement of OUR ANNUAL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY PAUSE! for anyone who is new, or needs a refresher, us admins know how absolutely insane this time of year can get, and we understand that getting online right now might not be as easy as any other time of the year! so, with that said, we will be pausing the general activity checks until the new year!! we will announce the exact date in january for you, when we have the date settled! this way everyone is able to enjoy the holidays, catch up on replies, or just get a little bit of a winter break without stressing about meeting activity! of course, we love to see the dash still moving so please don’t hesitate to keep posting! the rp is not paused, just the activity checks! though, that said, we will still be continuing to check in on hiatus returns, and making sure you’re posting on new characters you take! otherwise, activity will resume in january, and you’ll all be made aware when the check is coming, but, aim to start really grinding after the second week of the year! otherwise, babes, have a safe, happy and restful holiday and new years, we admins are always here if you need anything. i cannot believe we are nearly in the 7th year of hidden, and i can't wait to see what 2025 brings for us!! love y'all !!
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hi friends!! we hope you all have had a safe and restful few weeks, enjoyed some time with friends or family, and overall we hope you had a great holiday season!! with us finally slowly making our way into the second week of 2024, i am just hopping on here to REMIND YOU ALL THAT OUR ANNUAL ACTIVITY PAUSE IS OFFICIALLY COMING TO AN END, and we have set a date for our first activity check of the year. this is the only time that we give you all the warning of when an activity check will be coming so please use this information to your advantage, if you all wanna keep your goal of having almost 1000 characters, make sure you are active. THE FIRST CHECK OF THE YEAR WILL BE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17TH! it will most likely come out in the late afternoon/evening (est) so please be sure to post on all of your characters that you have before then! remember that they have to be posted on within 7 days to meet activity requirements and to avoid them being reopened! if you are not going to be able to post in time (which would be having everyone posted any time after the 11th to be clear for the 17th), please feel free to send in a hiatus request! otherwise, mark your calendars and we cannot wait to see all of your wonderful writing on the dash as we return to our normal posting schedule! we'll be sure to continue to remind you as we get closer and closer to the date of the check, but for now, please keep this in mind! as always please like this after you have read it and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!!
#hw: admin#hw: activity#hw: ooc#it's official#we have activity again#pls help this be such a small check for all of us working on it i believe in yall to be active xoxo
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hi friends!! happy december (even tho it is like half way through just -- you know what i mean.) admin maig popping in with the announcement of OUR ANNUAL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY PAUSE! for anyone who is new, or needs a refresher, us admins know how absolutely insane this time of year can get, and we understand that getting online right now might not be as easy as any other time of the year! so, with that said, we will be pausing the general activity checks until the new year!! we will have an exact date in january for you, when we have the date settled! this way everyone is able to enjoy the holidays, catch up on replies, or just get a little bit of a winter break without stressing about meeting activity! of course, we love to see the dash still moving so please don't hesitate to keep posting! the rp is not paused, just the activity checks! though, that said, we will still be continuing to check in on hiatus returns, and making sure you're posting on new characters you take! otherwise, activity will resume in january, and you'll get a specific date a little closer to it. but, aim for the second week of the year! otherwise, babes, have a safe, happy and restful holiday and new years, we admins are always here if you need anything. i cannot wait to see what 2024, and the 6th year of hidden brings for all of us!! and it better not be 1000 characters. jk. maybe. love y'all !!
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welcome back from hiatus to katherine ( @intxthevxid ) and swan ( @drvcxrys )! we'll be happy to see you back.
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welcome back from hiatus to tara ( @magicalsmusings )! you now have 24 hours to make sure you've met the standard activity requirements on everyone.
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@magicalsmusings said : ooc Tara/magicalsmusings (Gwen Tennyson, Stella Harrington, Robin Hood, Cisco Ramon, Katie Knight, Piper Halliwell) is requesting a semi/hiatus from start sept 28 - oct 5
semi-hiatus granted! please remember you must post every nine days while on semi to avoid being unfollowed.
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first and foremost -- CONGRATULATIONS!! holy moly friends!!!! the absolute PRIDE beaming from your entire admin team is just beyond words. we are so so so excited that you loved this event as dearly as we have. it's been so much fun watching you all work together, and against each other and i think this has been a testament to the strength of this group and the love that you all have for each other. now, with that out of the way, on to the most pressing topic at hand-- YOUR PRIZES!!! you did it, you caught all 13 murders, you saved the city and countless other lives ( 149 to be exact actually ), and now you have won THREE prizes. we know how much you all love the number three after clue 9 lmaoo. so, your first prize, the in character prize : three characters of your choosing (for murderer muns -- these picks have to be NON MURDERER characters), for their work in catching these criminals have now all been granted ONE object from home. the magic has allowed them to something that could be of meaning, that could be a reminder of where they came from, etc. again, this has to be within reason, if you are unsure if its something they could have, please message the main. when you know what you would like to have brought in, please fill out this form. we won't be sharing it with anyone, or posting it on the main, we just want to make sure that everyone gets to pick something and it's within reason!! and now, on to the out of character prizes !! first off, your prize for solving everything is for 24 hours starting 11am est on saturday the 24th, we will be doing a BOGO on APPLICATIONS! that means, regardless of how many muses you currently have, you may apply for two at once! with no waiting period in between! this will only be allowed once, so please make the most of it!! and finally, a bonus prize for the incredible teamwork and bonding that has come from all of you this event-- as you know, activity has been paused since june 10th, and we were going to resume on the 24th, but when, might you ask, is the next activity check? well, your prize is the knowledge of your next check coming on WEDNESDAY JUNE 28TH, at around 8pm est. so, please use these next few days to focus on writing, getting yourselves organized and caught up so that no one is on that check unless they want to be!! and ONCE AGAIN GUYS, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART THANK YOU. this has hands down been one of my favorite events we have ever put out for you, and that's because of the work YOU ALL put into it. words cannot express the love with have for all of you. thank you thank you thank you ♥ much love, your admin team
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@mischiefxmuses said : could I have an 24 hour extension to post? I am just getting everything together and organized. I should be ok but just in case.
you now have 24 hours to meet activity!
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@mischiefxmuses said : So my hiatus has ended can I please reserve Sanji from One Piece please! <3
welcome back from hiatus babe! please remember to get everyone within the regular activity requirements! we're excited to have you back on our dashes! ** sanji (one piece) is reserved for alex until 10/18 at 2:50pm est!
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@lcveliess said : hii, can I get an extension on posting? My jeag/sleeping pattern is still messed up from the change in time zone. - Asking just in case I fall asleep and miss the deadline :)
you now have another 24 hours to post!
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everyone please join me in welcoming back a few people from hiatus! chelsea ( @hiddenangcls ), annie ( @bcrncoldx ), and risa ( @strwbrrymccn ) all return from hiatus today! please make sure you've met activity requirements on all of your characters within the next 24 hours, and we'll be glad to have you back.
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@youllalwaysbemyporcelain said : jasper will be here! and can i drop addison wells and change gabrielle’s fc to meg donnelly please? also can i have an extension on posting just in case? i won’t be able to be on til later tonight!
thanks! you now have 36 hours to post in-character, and everyone should please continue following!
**please do not unfollow, but note that addison wills is now reopened for applications!
**gabrielle delacour is now dove cameron meg donnelly!
**you now have 24 hours to make activity requirements.
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the following characters have been reopened by request of the player, please unfollow :
@grcycosmcs ( paige michalchuk ) ** do not unfollow, mumu account!
@tragcdysewn ( shrek ) ** do not unfollow, mumu account!
the following blogs did not post within the allotted time, please unfollow:
the following blogs have been inactive for seven days and their roles have been reopened. please unfollow :
@rlsesthemoon ( eda clawthorne, dani fenton ) ** do not unfollow, mumu account!
@strwbrrymccn ( blair waldorf ) ** do not unfollow, mumu account!
the following blogs have been inactive for six days, and now have 24 hours to make an in character post :
@misteriios ( guzman nunier osuna, callie adams foster )
@rosescythes ( ada wong, pebbles flintstone, tomie kawamaki )
@irresistiibles ( pearl )
the following players are currently on hiatus and are excused from activity :
swan, alex, hali, l, cassie, casey, atlas, mario, moon, maig
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hi loves! please help me welcome some members back from hiatus! mia ( @coreofgold ) , and ollie ( @mvsicinthedvrk ) are returning from their respective hiatuses today! you all have 24 hours to make sure your characters have met the standard activity requirements. we’re so excited to have you back on the dash!
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@papcrrings said : Hey loves! Now that I'm back from hiatus today, can I drop Alex & Thalia? My muse is not it for them rn. Could I also reserve Lucerys Velaryon and have FC suggestions for him? Thank youuuuu <3
welcome back from hiatus!! make sure you've met activity on everyone within the next 24 hours to avoid any of your characters being unfollowed.
**please do not unfollow, but note that alex mercer and thalia grace are now reopened for applications!
**lucerys velaryon is now reserved for j until 4/10 at 5:41 pm est!
and for fcs, in the past we've recommended charlie rowe, casey cott, ben hardy, freddy carter, tom holland, or nick robinson!
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@hiddendarkrosesx said: I won't be home till tomorrow evening so could i get an extension to be able to post?!
sure thing, you have 24 hours to post ic!
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