#hw cat emoji
acemotes · 8 months
Kitty Emojis
Requested by 💛💞 anon!!
Lmk if you want something else and/or any changes! ^^
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Requests open!!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
Hello, here to help you through the midterms! I would like to hear about Tsukki if you haven't shared hcs for him a thousand times already and/or Fukunaga :)
my babies!!! i'd be more than happy to, let's get it :))
avid romance defender. he may be kind of mean when it comes to rejecting confessions and girls and doesn't totally get why he's so popular for it but as a bookworm he's very aware of the issues that the genre in literature (and across other mediums as well) faces and WILL have a whole rant locked and loaded if you ask him
thinks strawberry shortcake needs to stay in its purest form to be any good and absolutely will not accept any variations like "white chocolate strawberry shortcake" or "raspberry strawberry shortcake" or anything that alters plain ol' strawberry shortcake
nerdy enough that he has a map tacked up in his room with pins in all the places he wants to visit someday
does not know how to use emojis or kaomojis or even just the simple :) at all and if anyone gets a message from him with one they can safely assume his phone was stolen by yamaguchi, hinata, noya, or suga
everyone is really surprised when they find out that he and lev actually text quite a lot and tsukki is like "look if i don't help him with hw he is NOT going to pass first year"
during tokyo training camp he tries to sneak into the high school's library LMAAAAO
has the most pretentious-ass music taste you will ever find but DOES like a handful of mainstream pop songs
(personally i think he's a yorushika fan but that's just me)
likes getting hw done at cute coffeeshops/cafes especially when his room feels really overwhelming
once told tora very seriously that he knew a great trick for freaking people out and then proceeded to whip out a mandarin from seemingly nowhere and bit into the whole thing like an apple and tora's resulting reaction was what made fukunaga think about getting into comedy
he did it to lev too except he used a banana and lev's been scared of him ever since
knows, like, every single classic-52-deck card game in existence for some reason
do NOT play poker with him he has an excellent resting face you WILL lose
also really good at sleight-of-hand and simple magic tricks
probably has the most knowledge/experience in non-japanese cuisines let's be real
also has a bucket hat collection that ranges from "cool and stylish" to "walking shitpost"
he's got one with cat ears attached to the top that he's very fond of
uses the team as trial-and-error for his recipes and once accidentally gave them all food poisoning
(nobody blamed him ofc but he felt really bad and made them all cupcakes after)
likes going to hipster artsy events like open mic nights at coffee shops and bookstores and free gallery viewings and band battles and whatever
has to resist the urge to pat inuoka's and lev's heads like a dog sometimes
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thelemonsnek · 8 months
Lmfao @ tmau: There must be a bit of an adjustment period for the strange new things that keep happening around the bosses since they got back. Emmet just shows up to work like a zombie out of the floor sometimes. How does boss Ingo seem to always be in the other room when we need him/ gossip about him?? I didn't even know we had a room there. I swear that room was not there before.
Also. Apocalypse ds. How did that pan out for Jon and the crew?
Yup! There's a bunch of stuff that the commuters, challengers and staff all need to get used to shdjd for example, Curio and I made it canon that Ingo eats paperwork if he's not paying attention, as a reference to a fic we both read!
Cameron: hey if you have a moment I'd really appreciate your feedback on this form,
Ingo, not paying attention: [eats the form]
Cameron: hey Ingo could you check out this other form too,
To keep things even Emmet gets to have dirt snacks. As a treat <3
And YEAHDJDJ Ingo just always being in the perfect place (for him)
Isadore voice guys I think Ingo has been gaslighting me, I don't know how he's doing it but he is
Ingo peeking around a doorway that definitely was never there before: what?
Isadore: HW-
And godd the idea of Emmet just rising up like a classic horror movie zombie in their office is SO funny
But yeah to be clear, despite the joking around it's not. Good. And the only ones who know how bad it really is are Ingo, Emmet, and their victims
And the apocalypse ds
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[image id: an edit of a cat's face that has been heavily edited. The eyes are edited onto the ears, and nose and mouth are both vastly larger, taking up the majority of the face and giving it a big ol dopey smile. A few heart emojis surround it. End id]
Gonna be so real we haven't developed this as much as everything else, except we definitely know that there's just a beat up old ds cartridge spinning at the center of it all. Honestly maybe it's still kiiind of the eye reigning over everything, since it's Jon's game?
Ingo and Emmet do get domains btw :3c which becomes plot relevant later on in the story
@curiositykilledtheradiostar is there anything else we developed about the apocalypse that I forgot about?
Actually also. Wouldn't it be so funny if the equivalent for the pupil were just. Someone playing the game. To be king of a ruined world you've gotta give in and become a gamer, Jonah 😤
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nick-cassidy · 2 years
Tagged by @pom277 thank you friend !!!!!
Rules: tag 10 (ish) people you want to know better
Relationship status: I think I’ve shared this on here but I’m aro LOL . It’s hard to gain a stable crush on ppl 4 me . anyway single
Favourite colour: yellow :)
Three fave foods: I really like …… watermelon lollipops with taijin on them , birthday cake ice cream and veggie spring rolls
Song stuck in your head: kill bill sza …. Hate to see you happy if I’m not the one driving …. pure genius
Last thing you googled: schizophrenia disorder
Last song you listened to: en casita - bad bunny ( from me and mels playlist smirking cat emoji )
Time: 8:22 am
Anything I really want now: ummmmm for someone to do my geology hw
I tag @estebanbicon @oconist @rizz07 @jaguar-racing @abtcupra @laptimedeleted @nyckismysunshine
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silverflqmes · 21 days
MY FAVORITE SHIP EVER HAS formed such a perfect and wonderful friendship 🤍!
of course! im responding days later, i apologize for my absence i was so overloaded with work. the way u dress is phenomenal, i love hearing all about ur outfits they’re all so good!! LITERALLY ME TOO 😭😭
YAYAYAY<3 it’s so cool that it brought us together! sefikura rlly out here cooking in every way possible ugh✨
you’re ok!! i’ve been doing hw myself to try and keep on top of everything to avoid falling behind😭 i hope you were able to complete your own work!! im reading for literary studies atm ( so much reading already sobs ) and then im hopefully gonna do some of my academic writing assignments to have less for thursday</3 ( she assigned like.. five tasks.. ) but thank you!! honestly my wardrobe flopped by friday. i just threw one a star wars shirt, leggings and went to school🧎‍♀️
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pharmakiscirce · 4 years
im on my laptop bc im suppose to be writing an essay but uhh *sparkly emoji*
i mean its you and me avoiding hw and thats pretty rad of us i would say
the sun when it rises and theres a slight fog in the air, a cat pressed up against their owners leg, an old antique glass, a neon sign, shaking a paint pen before putting it against paper, typing quickly on a keyboard, the slow trickle as the faucet turns off, a photo pressed into a frame
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alexwinfield-blog1 · 6 years
Digital Footprints: Put YOUR stamp on it.
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It’s Monday morning. A new day. Another week of school. You turn off your alarm and head straight over to Twitter. “Monday already !!!!!!! (Crying emoji X10) Can’t w8 to get back into bed”. Your phone pings. It’s Lizzie. Your BFF. She never lets you down. Except not today it seems. “Soz bbe. Sooooo ill. Grab any hw sheets for me plzzzz (blowing kiss emoji) xxxx”. Mum shouts up the stairs “Are you getting up at any point today? The dog needs walking and you need to take your brother to school!” You slam your phone into the duvet, roll your eyes and take a deep breath. You’re annoyed and the day has only just begun. Toast in one hand and dragging your brother out the door by the other, you smile at the postman. “Morning”, you say. Knowing full well he loses your packages ALL THE TIME.  Be nice mum always tells you. Manners cost nothing.
You get to school. The mean girls stare you down as you walk to your English lesson. You try to look cool. You tell yourself that one day they’ll take you in as one of their own, but maybe today just isn’t that day. You find your seat, unpack your books, your pencil case, tucking your phone under your hideous plaid skirt. Silly really. Illuminating skirts aren’t exactly the school uniform market’s latest innovation. You’re top of your class. You know you shouldn’t be scrolling through Instagram in a lesson, but everyone else does, and you for sure don’t want to stick out any more than what you already do. You get A’s in nearly every assignment and you compete in nearly every extra-curriculum sport in the school, but you can’t help but fantasise about that Instagram #gymbod. Your parents are immensely proud, and your teachers? You can’t do enough to please them. You love school. Never too shy to raise your hand in class, never too eager to stand in front of the WHOLE of year 11 to deliver a speech about the school’s litter policy, and never too embarrassed to admit to your friends that you’ve not even kissed a boy.
It’s lunchtime. You and your best friends of 12 years gather around the canteen table.They tell you about their exciting weekends. How their heart throb boyfriends distracted them from getting any work done. How they got ridiculously drunk at a family party and how their mum grounded them for coming home at 10:33 – 3 minutes later than expected. And you? You just listen. For the most part, you spend your break and lunch times talking in the hockey team WhatsApp group chat. They’re a laugh. Sometimes you tell the girls about your boring weekend, or even fluff it up slightly by telling them you actually got out of your pyjamas. They would never believe you. You’re well and truly the plain Jane out of the bunch. The new boy in your year asks if the seat next to you is taken. The girls think he’s a nerd but you think he’s quite cute. You say no. The girls sigh as if to say “you’re such a loser”, but you don’t care. You have to pretend you don’t know his name, that you don’t have an unhealthy obsession with checking his Facebook. You know his cat goes by the name of Clive, but you pretend you don’t know that. You know he plays for the local rugby team, but you’re not supposed to know that either. You don’t know that his birthday is the 6th of June, and most importantly, you must NOT show any bitterness towards his girlfriend of 3 years.
Home time at last. You’re loosening your tie as you get closer to the front door, eager to jump straight back into bed. PING. It’s the girls group chat. “House (girl dancing emoji) Sat nite. 8.30. B there or b (square emoji)”. NOOO. You promised mum you’d have a film night with her. Saturday night rolls around. You’ve been plotting all week how you could get away with this one, but she’s a mum. They find out everything. Not this time. You divert from the party situation. It’s now a revision sleepover situation with the girls. You ask to go and of course you’re allowed. School first, partying second. It’s 10pm. You’re having the best time but you assured mum updates on the revision sesh. So, as promised, you load up Instagram stories. On your second Instagram account, obviously. By second, you mean the only Instagram account your mum thinks exists, right? You locate the photo album named “revision”. You browse this until you find the most colourful, most mind-map-ful, most hard working-esque photo you can find. And voila! A little later, in comes a text from mum. “Wonderful stuff. Looks like you’re really working hard. See you in the morning :)” . Little does she know, over on what might as well scream @yourerliar101, several stories and photos were posted of your amazing night with your besties. In the morning it seems the party was a huge success. Tweets and Instagrams raving about the night – “Can’t believe Josh taught every1 to do the (worm emoji) (cry laughing emoji)”. “Had the best nite EVAAAAAA (tongue out emoji)”. “Me and the gals last night!!!!!!! (cocktail emoji) (heart eye emoji) #lovethem”.
Sound familiar? Well, this may not be too dissimilar to a day in the life of your late teenage years. (Millennials, this one is for you!) Through this artificial account, we learn that in just 24 hours, you are likely to perform a variety of different roles. You’re a reliable friend and a caring sibling. You’re also studious, a potential lover and occasionally a liar. But sometimes it’s for the best, right? So, quite literally, how can these personalities become transparent online?
Just like this teenager, the average social media user, whatever you may define this to be, can be traced online. Social media can speak volumes about a person. Not just what they get up to on the weekend, but the finer details. For example, they’re obsession with their house rabbits, how much they can’t stand their boss, and more recently, how they’ve jumped on-board Facebook’s latest bandwagon, “rate my meal”. 
Social media, such as Instagram and Twitter allow me to present the most favourable, or sometimes least favourable, versions of myself.  If you were to rewind to old school Alex on Twitter, you would definitely find tweets containing homophones, such as “u”, with my favourite acronym, still to this day, being “lol” – only used sarcastically of course. As well as this, I was a sucker for, and admittedly still am, a cluster of exaggerated punctuation, but mostly “!!!!!!!”.  Although Crystal (2008) claims that young users of social media, especially in SMS, will use abbreviations such as “GTGMIW” (Got to go, mum is watching), this wasn’t necessarily the case when I was growing up with social media. Nowadays, it’s all about filtering what you put online. This screening allows you to hide your online activity, for example by disguising your wild Friday night shenanigans by deselecting your mum from viewing your Snapchat story. Or, creating a separate Instagram just for your friends’ entertainment. You can be as embarrassing as you like and you won’t have 800 followers judging you.
Goffman (1974) refers to this online social interaction as “audience segregation”. We ultimately filter aspects of our lives from certain people in order to curate and maintain a multitude of personalities depending on the context we are in. So, for me, this means presenting a sensible, family-friendly Alex on Facebook, an interesting and good-humoured Alex on Twitter, and an exciting, adventurous Alex on Instagram. Let’s take a look…
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So, 2017 A-Level Results day. Here, we’ve got a definite exaggerated use of punctuation and excitable capitalisation. Not only this, I clearly thought the use of the extreme smiley emoji X2 wasn’t enough, resulting in going the extra mile with a #. What am I doing here? Looking back on this, this for sure could have been Facebook worthy. This could have bagged me a gushing army of comments from overjoyed family members bursting with pride. But why Twitter? My friends would see this. People I know, but don’t really know, would see this. Those 23 likes - those 23 people thought this was worthy of a tweet and that’s all that mattered. In this moment, I. Was. Clever.
Evidently, over the years, I desired to either be desperately funny or desperately embarrassing. You decide this one.
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Would I have found any of these tweets to be bland if I weren’t to use homophones? Or exaggerated punctuation? Or hashtags? Were these attempts for me to moan about how busy my life was? Did I want sympathy or just someone to relate to?
Here’s Instagram Alex. Holidaying in the Dominican Republic, Lanzarote and Greece. Eating Wagamamas at least once a week. Being overly obsessed with a French Bulldog, attending fancy-dress parties and the occasional festival. This is what I choose to share online. Not very exciting, but a fairly accurate representation of me. You can guarantee nearly every other caption incorporates an excessive use of emoticons, sarcasm and most definitely a little too much of this “!!!!!”.
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What do these linguistic features allow me to achieve?
If I asked a complete stranger to read my Twitter, browse my Facebook and scroll through my Instagram, they would probably argue that my presence across these social media platforms doesn’t really differ that greatly. You could say that for the most part, I present the most authentic version of myself online. I’m not one to shy away from no-make up selfies, or tell the world about how groggy I feel after waking up from that 3- hour nap, or in fact how much I moan about going to my 20 hours a week part-time kitchen job.
However, for some people, this is not the case. Without audience segregation there would be a context collapse. Employees would start saying “lmao” when their boss asks for a coffee. Students would use inappropriate emoticons to sign of their “sorry I can’t make it to the lecture today, I’m ill” email. Parents would text, or even worse, tag you in their FB status announcing “#DINNERISREADY” instead of actually calling you down for dinner, and we definitely don’t want to live in a world full of parents who hashtag EVERYTHING.
So, what can we learn from this?
For both professional and personal matters, it’s important to present yourself online in a way that is consistent. You don’t want people to think you have 25 different personalities. Keep this for the real-life stuff. No one likes a catfish. After all, if 70% of employers screen candidates’ social media before they consider hiring, it’s important to avoid branding yourself as a fool online. Keep those drunken night out videos OFFLINE and maybe consider deleting those 2012 “Like for a rate <3” cringey Facebook statuses. However, don’t go erasing yourself offline completely in fear that you’ll never get a decent job. After all, 47% of employers argue that having an online presence allows them to learn a bit about who they’re hiring. So, be open, but not TOO open. Be YOU. However, if “you” means writing Facebook statuses about how much you love playing Angry Birds at work, or how you’re easily persuaded to go clubbing on a Monday night, maybe it’s best you don’t share the real you online. Be mindful about the digital footprint trail you’re leaving behind. 
Driver, S. (2018, October, 7). Keep It Clean: Social Media Screenings Gain In Popularity. Retrieved from: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/2377-social-media-hiring.html
Jones, R. H., & Hafner. C. A. (2012). Undersatnding Digital Literacies. London: Routledge.
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leesacrakon · 7 years
Prompt? 72. I'll meet you halfway. Maybe Moxiety? ~14Masks
72: “I’ll meet you halfway.”
tag list:  @here-to-vent @fandomsofrandom @mylasagnaisraw @kalzul@virgilsspidercurtains @justanotherpurplebutterfly @tiny-mudkip @romananalogicality @pattonpending @edgeworthsnoodle @lovely-chaotic-goddess @aph-curls-n-dimples @the-babysitter @sunnyside12pershon  @tormentist @thegeekgirl42 @emupoppyjay @introverted-slytherin-of-history @virgilmood@uriteurite-likethatlikethat  @shimmerthenerd @mel-is-a-melon @juju–universe @ccecode@babiegreen@istolelittleredshoodie@afangirlforeverything@tree4life25@storytellerofuntoldlegends@overestimated-or-underestimated @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @cup-of-blue@poisonlyra@loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @jamie-the-outcast @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn  @pirate-patton@tinysidestrashcaptain @slowtownsanders@thelogicalanxiouscreativeheart @analogical-lovechild @pucabu@that-one-percussion-person @outtiefiftythousand @c-a-l-m-sanders @milomeepit @tayleece @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @thelogicalloganipus @weeaboomichael @do-rey-me  @pink-and-purple-flowers  @ninjago2020 @bookwormravenclaw @contentrelatedurlidontknowthem @silly-aesthetic-me @roxiefox23 @pantasticpanini @mollycassmith @monikastec @shanisaur @liberalautisticnerd831@purplepotatomunv @animefansforlife  @ams-parker @a-reference-of-sides @theevilbudgie  @hamilspntrash @water13girl @the-nyan-cat-x3 @virgils-jacket @nerdy-emo-royal-dad @kittyboof8 @kenziecole-green @theguildedtypewriter @fandomsandanythingelse  @twettypuff @imnottrashiswear @v-blue-writer @echointhetincan @theinsanelycooljaredkleinmen  @fullofsadness13 @theonewithathousandfaces @bri-cas  @brileyluvsyoutube  @mcrismorealivethanmysoul @alwaysmy-lilith  @shawnathefauna98 @alivingfandomreference @imthemaya  @readeatfightlove13 @mostly-fandoms-partially-stars @gayfagg @lollingtothemax  @give-me-a-minute-to-think  @bubblycricket  @icecoldparadise   @the-prince-and-the-emo   @twentyoneparades-to-panic-at  @rose-gold-roman @this-is-ske  @virgilsandersakaanxiety @starryfirefliesbloggo  @generalfandomfabulousness  @chaoticcharm-stone-posts @panicatthesalalmander @aikogumi @helloimjusthereforthecomments @virgilanxiety  @moose-squirrel05  @wrenweasly @imthemaya @14masks
Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, Thomas Sanders, YouTube
Warnings: Panic, frustration, tiny bit of self-hate, but nothing too serious. Food mention. 
Ship(s): Romantic Moxiety
Virgil searched through his backpack frantically, his hands shaking. He forgot his Calculus homework. He fucking forgot his calculus homework. Tears of frustration welled up in Virgil’s eyes and he buried his head in his hands. He didn’t have time to go all the way back home after his morning classes and get back in time to be able to get to his afternoon classes. Virgil got out for lunch at 11 and his classes after that didn’t start until 1pm, but he lived off campus, quite a ways away, and he had other work to do. He couldn’t believe he’d forgotten. Virgil had spent hours on that homework, and now all of his hard work was for nothing. Unless…
Virgil pulled out his phone from his pocket, squirming slightly in his seat with discomfort. Virgil’s boyfriend, Patton, was attending a smaller college close to Virgil’s apartment, and while he didn’t have any classes today, he worked at a coffee shop fairly close by to both locations. He would be on break in a few minutes if Virgil remembered correctly, and maybe, just maybe, he would help Virgil out. The stressed college student ran a shaky hand through his hair before finding his lover in his contacts and shooting him a text. 
Virgil: Hey, babe. R u on break yet?
💖👓My Heart💖👓: Sure am, sweetheart. Why? Is there something you need. 
Virgil: Yeah…I left my Calc hw on my kitchen counter. M srry to bother u with it, but I don’t have time 2 get to my apartment and back in time 4 class. 
💖👓My Heart💖👓: Do you want me to bring it to school for you? 
Virgil: Pls. 
Virgil: I’m srry, this is probably really messing up ur schedule and stuff
💖👓My Heart💖👓: Not at all! I’ve been wanting to see you all day anyway, sweetie. 💖
💖👓My Heart💖👓: I’ll meet you halfway. Sound good?
Virgil: Sounds gr8. Thanks again. I love you. 
💖👓My Heart💖👓: Aw, I love you too, you big softie. And do you want some muffins? Cindy gave me a bunch today, they’re chocolate chip!
Virgil: Ooh, yes please, I didn’t eat this morning…
💖👓My Heart💖👓: TWO chocolate chip muffins then! I swear, Virgil, if you didn’t have me you’d be a hot mess haha. See you later 💖 
Virgil smiled softly, sending Patton a few heart emojis before putting his phone back in his pocket, his heart thudding in his chest and his cheeks warm. He couldn’t wait to see his love. He was so lucky to have found a man like Patton. 
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farklelucas · 7 years
omggggggvvv i am HERE for buzzfeed high au but do you have any more kelsey hcs? i just rly love her!!! also try guys hcs???? aaaaaaa thank u love u
like i said she drinks a fucking lot. but she can handle it. she can handle her alcohol. it’s better if she has someone around to babysit her but yeah, she can handle it as long as she doesn’t push her limits and drinks lots of water. (sometimes she pushes her limits tho and that’s when zach and eugene and jen have to rein her back in.)
thank @hotdagasaga for this one - once a month, she and eugene have a Day where they watch dumb shows and put on face masks and chill, topless, in one of their beds
speaking of her friendship with eugene, they are really really comfortable friends and it is really easy to think that they’re dating. they always hold hands and kelsey wears his jackets and they make dumb comments like “eugene! you look particularly fuckable today!” and “kelsey that top makes your nipples look Fantastic”
that’s not to undersell her friendship with zach. they are Super close, especially when they’re both single in the early to mid days of high school. they hang out all the time and make fun of their friends in relationships (namely ariel and ned and steven and andrew). zach holds kelsey’s hand when she cries about her singleness and she sets up darts and throws pictures at his shitty exes. he also lets her do his nails and they bond over cats and bisexuality.
she loves. loves makeup. she loves trying new trends and she walks into school with them on all the time. she had lollipop lips and wavy eyebrows and reverse contour/highlight. she tries it all. the cheerleaders compliment her on every damn trend she tries bc girl power (especially jen who is very gay and stumbles over her words bc pretty girl).
kelsey’s style is such a fucking mess like pretty flowery dresses one day, big bulky leather jacket the next, then a pantsuit and then a croptop and jeans then a sweater and overalls. honestly one (1) fashion icon.
kelsey babysits and makes BIG damn money bc kids, for some reason, love her. (who fucking doesn’t though???) she’s like a vodka aunt for the entire neighborhood. she spends it all immediately on makeup oops.
she’s always getting coded for dress code violations but her mom, who is her best fucking friend, comes up and fights the principal on them.
the try guys have two group chats: one of just them (which obviously is not called the try guys bc they’re not actually the try guys in this universe but is probably called like “four bros chillin in a hot tub” or something equally meme-y) and then one called like “group chat + mom” where kelsey mainly just types in all caps and spills tea and makes sure everyone is in line.
okay i got more but im gonna stop lol. more try guys headcanons under the cut, but you can find more of them and of kelsey (and jelsey and ladylike and etc) in my buzzfeed series.
the boys have matching pajamas. i kid you not. for christmas one year keith gets them for all of them. zach is over the moon, ned is laughing his ass off, eugene acts really fucking annoyed but secretly loves it and wears it all the time.
they all have their own pieces they usually contribute to the main gc it’s hilarious
keith sends memes, both regular and positive, and sometimes asks for answers to homework
ned sends a lot of emojis and also bro language
zach uses tons of exclamation points and smiley faces but the kind u gotta type out like “:^D” and “:^(”
eugene types in all lower caps and uses lots of ellipses like…….. this………………..
overall they all send love and support and occasionally hw answers
zach never wears matching socks fucking ever and the other try guys think this is adorable.
they all have lockers right next to each other (aka how they met and became best friends) and they abuse this all the time. whether it’s someone’s birthday or it’s valentines day or christmas or what have you. they always have decorations strewn across all four of their lockers and it’s obnoxious. there’s a huge division in school, bc half of the school loves them and the other half hates them.
they are so comfy around each other it’s ridiculous. they’ll put their arms around each other and steal food off each other’s plates and casually get undressed in front of each other. so when zach and eugene start dating, no one even bats an eye bc barely anything changes (well besides the making out obviously but. whatever.)
when zach and eugene go through bad breakups, keith and ned immediately prepare to square the fuck up. no one hurts their boys. no one. and when they start dating each other, keith and ned have the “break his heart and i’ll fuck you up” talk with both of them separately, bc they’re both fragile let’s be real
they all attend eugene’s dance recitals and hold up signs cheering him on, and they do the same at ned’s soccer games
they’re not really allowed to do it at zach’s debate tournaments but. damn it all to hell if they don’t wear matching shirts that say “team zach” on them and cheer to hell when they’re allowed
their movie nights are iconic. they go all out. popcorn, pajamas, beanbags in the basement, the whole 9 yards. they switch off every week; zach usually picks sci-fi, eugene horror, ned romcoms, and keith comedy.
their sleepovers are even MORE legendary. they spend a week planning them. they bring in all kinds of snacks and they all sleep sprawled out on the floor legs overlapping, eugene probably actually inside of zach’s sleeping bag.
okay that’s. enough. save some more for another day lol.
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restingbritishface · 7 years
all the questions
1.What is your middle name? Grace2. Do you have any nicknames? The ones you call me lol3. Do you have any allergies? Seasonal and maybe dairy and penicillin4. What is the longest your hair has ever been? However long it is now lol5. Apple or PC? PC just because I’ve only used it6. Favorite flavor? Omfg for what though, maybe cinnamon or chocolate7. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope8. Are you friends with any of your exes? Nope lol they were all weird assholes9. What kind of car do you drive? ‘02 ford taurus10. How grammatically correct are you when you text? Very in terms of spelling and verbs and shit but punctuation is nonexistent11. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why? England obviously lolipo12. Creamy or chunky peanut butter? Depends on my mood lol14. DC or Marvel? DC just because WW15. Disney or Nickelodeon? Disney16. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? Nope17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it? Whatever the second Magnus Chase book is lol18. Do you read any magazines? Nope19. Coffee or tea? Both but i drink coffee more20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink? Either a london fog or blonde roast21. How many things can do with your weaker hand? A lot except writing22. Last show you binge watched? Maybe merlin?23. Dogs or cats? Cats but dogs are good too24. Favorite Disney princess? Elsa/Moana25. Do you like fast food? Depends on my mood but not normally, I just get in the mood for certain things like fries26. Favorite thing to cook for yourself? maybe cookies idk27. Favorite song to sing in the shower? Whatever comes to mind lol28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone? Thank fuck no29. iPhone/iPad or Android? Ipod30. Any styles of music you do not like? fucking country music lol31. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it? lol what gender are we talking about here (but no never been kissed)
32. Have you ever gotten a ticket while driving? nope33. Favorite emoji? don’t use emojis really34. Showers or baths? BATHS35. Is there anything you regret buying? an amp for my electric guitar lol i’ve used it like 3 times36. Are you fluent in more than one language? nope i wish37. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over again and enjoy just as much every time? moana and wonder woman and pride39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where? nope not yet40. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag? yeah but ironically lol41. Favorite school subject? whatever has the least hw lol42. Favorite non-chocolate candy? ???? that exists?43. Name one celebrity you dislike. Johnny depp because he’s abusive44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have? flying or shapeshifting 45. From 1-10, rate your singing ability. 846. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability. 847. From 1-10, rate your cooking ability. 848. From 1-10, rate your driving ability. 849. Are you religious? nope lol50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite? not usually lol51. Have you ever locked your keys in your car? yes haha52. Spring or autumn? AUTUMN53. Do you play any sports? dance is a sport so yes54. Can you play any musical instruments? piano and guitar55. Are you more introverted or extroverted? both?56. How easily do you cry? i used to cry super easily but it takes a lot to make me cry now tbh57. Last musical artist you saw live? idk maybe jonas brothers58. Favorite YouTube channel? i don’t really have one tbh59. Star Wars or Star Trek? both60. How long have you known your best friend? two years in december61. Have you ever voted for a reality show? nope62. Last CD you bought? harry styles63. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship? yep lol64. Have you ever been broken up with? yep lol65. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show? nope66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person? almost a year and thank god no67. Have you seen any Broadway plays or musicals? ayyy yes aladdin68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical? no but i auditioned for one once69. How flexible are you? very tbh70. Have you ever sexted? ....yes lol you know that71. Do you own any clothes from garage sales or thrift stores? idk i don’t think so72. Real or fake Christmas trees? i love how real smells but fake is easier73. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1-274. How well can you write in cursive? if i try hard then relaly well75. What is your political affiliation? not conservative lol76. Do you like any boy bands? idk i don’t really know77. Have you ever broken any bones? nope lol78. Have you ever gotten any stitches? yeah when i got my wisdom teeth out79. Do you have any piercings in places other than your ears? nope lol80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? a winter coat maybe 5 years old81. Do you like wearing hats? nope lol makes my hair frizzy82. Have you ever dyed your hair? not yet83. From 1-10, how competitive are you? maybe a 6?84. How long have you been at your current job? 3 years85. Have you ever studied abroad? nope86. Phrase you say the most? no worries87. Have you ever quit a job? nope88. Have you ever gotten fired from a job? nope89. Have you ever won a trophy? If so, what for? yep my dance team won 1st 90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout? was briefly a girl scout91. Last thing that made you laugh? a video of two hamsters92. Do you eat meat? chicken sometimes but i avoid it otherwise93. Are you more of a morning or a night person? nightttt94. Worst habit? probably talking negatively about myself tbh95. Deepest fear? losing people I love96. Do you believe in ghosts? not really97. If you could take home any animal from the zoo, what animal would you take? Idk maybe a leopard98. Do you consider rapping singing? no but it’s cool99. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you? a slytherin hermione when i was like eight100. Favorite store to shop at? kohls lol it’s cheap101. Have you ever given anyone CPR? nope102. Favorite Pokémon? no clue lol103. Do you own any homemade clothing? yep 104. Do you drink alcohol at all? If so, what is your drink of choice? not 21 yet lol105. Have you ever skinny dipped? ...not yet106. Favorite type of cookie? chocolate chip107. Favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough108. Biggest pet peeve? shitty drivers and shitty customers109. Are you still friends with anyone from high school? sort of 110. Favorite literary character? alex fierro or nico di angelo111. Are your birth parents still together? unfortunately112. Do you wear or have your ever worn glasses? probably should tbh but no113. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang out with? i don’t have a fb lol114. Have you ever been the victim of a prank? yeah lol i have 3 brothers so of course115. Do you belong to a fraternity or a sorority? nope116. Have you ever taken a nude selfie? yeah lol117. Are you adopted? I wishhhh118. Favorite fandom? I’m sort of in too many for that lol119. Oldest memory? napping with my dad on the couch when i was like 2-3120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed? yeah lol121. Can you drive stick? nope122. Favorite Disney song? all of them lol maybe Shiny123. Random boy’s name. Sam124. Random girls’ name. Ellie125. How often do you eat out at a nice restaurant? maybe twice a year126. How many people are in your nuclear family? 8 but we pretend there’s 7127. What accent do you consider the most attractive? ...british128. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? enfp129. What is your astrological sign? taurus130. Biggest regret? not being more confident131. What type of shoes do you wear the most? ankle boooots132. Do you like any soap operas? nope133. Do you listen to talk radio? nope134. What sports team(s) do you root for? nope135. Describe your sense of humor. sexual and observational and sarcastic136. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender? lol what gender are we talking about here137. Favorite video game? Skyrim138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised. finding out my financial aid covers all my tuition139. Do you believe in serendipity? Sure?140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done? nope141. Have you ever felt you were born in the wrong period of history? nope142. Is sex before marriage wrong? lolllll yes.... it’s sooooo wrooooong....143. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head? god yes144. Can you handle spicy food? yes pleeeeease145. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as darling, honey, babe, or dear? yep146. Do you like MTV? lol nope147. Where on your body are you the most ticklish? i’m not super ticklish 148. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most? i don’t really know149. Have you ever lived with a roommate you didn’t get along with? uhhh my parents150. Where do you think is the best place to meet a new lover? idk lol152. Favorite thing to do outside? go back inside153. Where did you go on your last vacation? nyc154. Do you say “y'all” at all? nooo155. Have you ever lived on a farm? noooo156. Do you believe in evolution? idk probably157. What TV channel do you watch the most? i just watch netflix158. Favorite Beatles song? lol idk159. Have you ever been on TV? nope160. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland? disneyland once161. Do you like horror movies? not really162. Do you like to go fishing? no163. Have you ever been hunting? no164. Do you take medication for anything? yes165. Name one item from your bucket list. cut my hair166. From 1-10, how much do you like children? 10000167. Have you ever thought about your wedding? yessss168. Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving? no but i’d do it169. Favorite flower? anything bright, maybe daisies170. Do you collect anything? i just sort of collect a lot of shit that means a lot to me171. Who was the last person you told a lie to? my parents172. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman? yep173. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true? idk i don’t think so174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child? barbies i think 175. How good are you at math? basic math is pretty easy for me176. Have you ever learned anything from a how-to YouTube video? yep, how to cry because i apparently need a welding tool for a ww costume lol177. Have you ever participated in a science fair? nope178. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? well there’s more genders than just two so opposite isn’t really a good word there179. Have you ever participated in a public protest? nope180. Do you have a pool at your house? nope181. Have you ever hosted a wild party? nnope182. Do you like karaoke? not really183. Have you ever written a love letter? sort of184. Have you ever ran a marathon? no185. How often do you get mad at yourself? a lot186. Any guilty pleasures? ice cream187. Fruits or vegetables? fruit188. Do you live in a house or an apartment? house189. The countryside or the suburbs? countryside190. Worst job you’ve ever had? customer service 191. Do you hang out with any of your co-workers? i used to192. Were you ever voted homecoming/prom king or queen? nope193. Were you voted a “best” or “most likely to” in high school? nope194. Have you ever gotten detention? nope195. Have you ever babysat? yep196. Have you ever taken a road trip just for the fun of it? nope197. How many drinks get you tipsy? idk lol198. Were you a part of any academic clubs in high school or college? nope199. Have you ever given a public speech, aside from your schooling? nope200. How long have you been on tumblr? since 2013 or 2014
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limbsbo · 8 years
Tag meme thingy
I was tagged by @gay-cacti lets gooo
-most recent-
• Drink: water • Phone call: my dad • Text: dad, again • Song listened to: Partition by Beyoncé • Time you cried: if we’re being completely honest, today
-have you ever-
• Dated someone twice: nope • Been cheated on: nuh uh • Kissed someone and regretted it: no sir • Lost someone special: yep • Been depressed: yeah • Been drunk and thrown up: ive been sober my whole life
-in the last year, have you-
• Made a new friend: i made a fuck-ton of new friends this past year • Fallen out of love: ive never been in love romantically, but platonically yes • Laughed until you cried: omg yeaah • Met someone who changed you: probably • Found out who your true friends are: @gay-cacti, my friend michael, a few others • Found out someone was talking about you: these two girls were talkin shit abt me wearing a green robe instead of a white one at a promotion ceremony and basically just being transphobic assholes. I dont give a shit tho lmaooo they can be ignorant all they fuckin want i have enough problems as is Kissed anyone on your FB list: nope
• How many ppl on your FB list do you know irl?: all of em • Do you have any pets?: i used to have two cats but they both had to be put down, Indigo was super sick when i was like 3, dont remember her much, and Tigger was super old & was in a lot of pain so we put him down when i was 8. I had two beta fish named Beauty and Beast (lived up to their names lmao) and they live to be about 6 months old, which sucked bc i remember taking rlly good care of them??? Mayb my lil bros did smthn i have no clue • Do you want to change your name?: nah jamie suits me • What did you do for your birthday?: i dont remember holy fuck! Wowie you woulda thought id remember the big one-five but [insert that shrug emoji here] i think i hung out with @gay-cacti????? Julia help me out here • What time did you wake up today?: i got out of bed at 6:40am i hate highschool scheduling • What were you doing last midnight?: catchin some killer zzz’s • Name something you cant wait for: getting my grubby mitts on a copy of the walking dead season 3 for xbox one im a SLUT for this series please put me out of my misery • Last time you saw you mom: a lil over an hr ago while i was doing laundry • What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: i wish i was happier • Have you ever spoken to a person named Tom: nah but the name tom is weird and i associate that name with voldemort so. No Thnks • Whats getting on your nerves right now?: my parents • Bloodtype: O neg if youre fatally wounded hmu • Nicknames: my fam calls me JJ, J, sibling, sweetheart/honey/etc., my friends call me jamjam, my name in spanish (pronounced hai-me), and one of my friends calls me jim on occasion, that was mostly in middle school tho (also in middle school i was called pajamas bc i always wore/wear sweatpants) • Relationship status: solo sniper • Pronouns: they/them. If you refer to me with she/her i will find you and i will cover your living room with dildos. Every surface of every object in your living room will be smothered with silicone rods of phallic resemblance. Also a 55gal drum of lube will be used to coat them • Long or short hair: short, used to be long af • Height: tall enough to knock your teeth out, short enough to duck and run sucessfully • Do you have a crush?: nah • What do you like abt yourself?: im very funny and pretty • Rigt handed or left handed?: right • First surgery: never had surgery for anythin • First best friend: this girl named Abby in kindergarten, she moved away in second grade. We got along very well, her mom helped us make broomsticks from branches and hay, they were rad as shit • First sport you joined: technically ballet, but if we’re talkin olympics then tennis. I took lessons for about 3 years but then stopped for some reason • First vacation: the first one i can remember is disney world in florida back in kindergarten, that was p lit
-right now-
• Eating: burger, brat, tater tots • Drinking: nothing, last thing i drank was oj i think • Im about to: do my hw • Listening to: nothing really, just the sounds of the dryer and my fam talking downstairs • Kids: Maybe ill adopt a teenager when ive got my life sorted out (30s maybe??? Only future me knows) • Get married: if i dont get married id at least like to live with someone i trust and care about, be our relationship romantic or platonic • Career: im hoping to get into a good art school but i doubt ill be able to afford what i want, i want to be an animator or a character designer. Voice acting sounds cool too
-which is better-
• Lips or eyes: eyes. • Hugs or kisses: why not both • Taller or shorter: i wanna be taller, i like being taller than my friends • Older or younger: there are pros and cons to both, but im gonna have to go with younger. Everything is new and exciting and games are everywhere when youre young, as you get older theres still some of that but its discouraged and that sucks ass • Romantic or spontanious: Why Not Both • Sensitive or loud: i, myself, am a confusing mix of the two, so i must direct you to my previous statement; WHY NOT BOTH • Hookup or relationship: relationship • Troublemaker or hesitant: B O T H calculated troublemakers are always so much fun to hang around and they dont go too far most of the time
-have you ever-
• Kissed a stranger: no • Needed glasses/contacts: bitch im blind without my glasses. No joke. I Will run into a wall. Im basically velma • Broke someones heart: i hope not • Turned someone down: yeah • Cried when someone died: Yes • Fallen for a friend: no
-do you believe in-
• Yourself: yeah for the most part • Miracles: eh • Love at first sight: noope its cute but impractical • Heaven: i dont believe in god but i like to think that theres a place after we die that allows us to be whomever we want. You want a dick? Done. Vagina? Here you go pal. Wanna be a teen again? BAM youre 16. A place where you can be yourself and pursue you passion without fear of consequense • Kissing on the first date: it depends on your history with that person
Im not gonna tag anyone to do this but if you wanna do it then be my guest homie
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