earthboundvalkyrie · 2 years
"Vikings", "Vikings Valhalla", History and Faith
New Post has been published on https://www.ebvs.blog/2023/01/15/vikings_valhalla_1/
"Vikings", "Vikings Valhalla", History and Faith
Netflix has released all 8 episodes for the second season of Vikings Valhalla, something I have very much been looking forward to. Before I start writing reviews of the episodes, however, I thought I would offer some thoughts on the show and its predecessor, Vikings, along with comments on the show’s portrayal of the characters’ faith and the clash between the Heathen Norse and the Christian English. There are no spoilers for the new season of Valhalla in this article, though I will write openly about events from the first season and from the original Vikings series.
Leo Suter as Harald Sigurdsson
One thing that’s important to remember when watching shows like this is that they are dramas first and foremost and are not intended to be seen as historically accurate – which is kind of ironic since the first series aired on the History Channel. It’s best to assume that, while some things are based on actual history, most of it is fictional.
Travis Fimmel and Katheryn Winnick as Ragnar and Lagertha
For example, the first series was based on the life and family of Ragnar Lothbrok, yet there is little (if any) evidence that shows he existed. The case for the existence of his supposed sons Bjorn Ironsides, Ubba, Sigurd Snake-In-The-Eye, Hvitsverk, and Ivar the Boneless is stronger, but again there is little to show they were related to each other or to the legendary Ragnar. And there’s no evidence Alfred the Great was the son of anyone other than King Aethelwulf, or that his mother had his brother poisoned.
In regards to Valhalla, the three main characters are actual, historical figures. Harald Sigurdsson, Leif Eriksson and Freydis Eriksdotter did exist. They just wouldn’t have known each other, given that Leif died roughly 3 to 5 years after Harald was born.
This doesn’t mean everything is fictional, however. Many of the characters are historical people whose known lives were similar to what is shown (though perhaps in a slightly different time period) and most of the important battles are based on real ones. Also very real is the struggle between the Heathen faith of the Vikings and the Christianity of the English.
Sam Corlett as Leif Eriksson
One aspect of the show that has been fascinating for me has been their depiction of the Norse faith, though, like the rest of the show, drama takes precedence over reality. In the first series, we see Ragnar going to a Thing (pronounced ting) in Uppsala, where a mass sacrifice of 9 men is going to take place. It’s known that the Vikings did sacrifice humans, but aside from a mention in Adam of Breman’s writings on Germania of a large sacrifice similar to the one on the show, there’s been no evidence I’m aware of showing something like that took place – much less regularly, as the show implies.
Another ritual portrayed on the show – the Blood Eagle – was written of in the Sagas, but to date, no evidence has been found to attest to its existence. This method of execution involved opening the back of the person being killed and cutting the ribs away from the spine. Such damage would be easily recognized on any remains found even today, but so far, none have.
Katheryn Winnick as Lagertha while leading a ritual.
Not everything they depict is fictional, however. On the show, we see very few priests and priestesses for the Norse. Rituals and the celebration of holidays usually took place within the family or community. In Vikings, we see Lagertha as Jarl leading rituals for her people. She is shown presiding over animal sacrifices and then sprinkling the blood of the animal onto those in the gathering. This all matches up to what we know from historical records.
Frida Gustavsson as Freydis Eriksdotter
There were a few temples where people could come to make sacrifices, speak or pray with priests or priestesses (known as gothis and gythias), or seek training in the more esoteric aspects of the Norse faith – the temple at Uppsala where Freydis goes for training during the first season of Vallhalla being one of the most famous. Most cities and towns, however, did not have temples. In the show, for as important a city as Kattegat is, it doesn’t appear to have one. This is because the pre-Christian Norse were more likely to worship outside and because for them, faith wasn’t something you went someplace to do, it was just another part of life like sleeping or eating.
It’s not much different for today’s modern Heathens. One important way in which things have changed is that only a very few modern groups engage in animal sacrifice – most will make symbolic sacrifices or sacrifices of food and drink or meaningful objects, and the ritual leader blesses the gathered worshipers by sprinkling them with mead or ale, not blood.
The shows also place a large focus on the conversion of the Heathens to Christianity. In the first series, we saw the Vikings raiding churches and monasteries. This wasn’t because they were Christian facilities, however. They were chosen because that’s where large amounts of wealth were kept, generally under a light guard. When they began settling in Christian England, some would convert, some, like Ubba, would pretend to convert to try and placate the church authorities, while others would proudly cling to their Heathen faith, even though that might mean death. In general, though, they left Christians living nearby in peace, seeking to live lives of raising families, farming, and building a community. Here, too, the show gives a fairly good view of what we know of the early settlements of the Norse. While the Viking raiders could be terrifying in their aggression, the men and women who came with them to find new homes were typically peaceful.
By the time Valhalla‘s first season starts, a growing number of the Norse have been converted to Christianity – many at the point of a sword. These Christians were determined to convert all of the Heathen northlands, and we see entire communities destroyed and all of the people in them killed. One of the most vivid scenes is when a Christian knight who considers it his mission to eliminate as many Heathens as possible leads a raid on the Uppsala temple. Only Freydis survives the slaughter. We see King Olaf putting together his Christian army to bring the new faith to as many places as he could and to destroy those where he couldn’t. Sadly, these scenes reflect the all-too-real brutality that Christians used to achieve their goal of Christianizing Scandinavia. This is supported not just by the history of the northlands but can be seen in other crusades of the Christians where they have tried to wipe out other faiths by any means necessary.
Echoes from those years of conversion can still be heard today. While Christians no longer kill those who won’t convert, has become the dominant faith in the western world, and many Christians still believe it should be the only one. Those who follow other faiths, including modern Heathens, are still frequently discriminated against. The physical battles may be over, but the war is still underway.
Vikings and Vikings Valhalla offer us a look at life in a time we can only know from ancient records and our imaginations. There’s a lot in the shows that is factually wrong, usually in terms of showing historical people being friends or relatives of people who they most likely couldn’t have known. It also treats some people whose existence is unverified as if they were real. And they use some largely unfounded stories to amp up the drama. But the shows also feature a fair amount of truth in things like the day-to-day lives of the people of the time, their faith, and some of the main historical events of the day.
The extra drama from the fictional elements helps make the shows a great deal of fun but keep your salt shakers handy for the grains you going to need.
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whyiwrite · 6 years
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“I am Ivar The Boneless! You can’t kill me, I am Ivar The Boneless!” The man screamed from his throne in the room. Causing most of the handmaidens in the room to jump, but not you. You were special, quite like him, but not in the same way. He was special because of his crippling disability and his ruthlessness, you were special in the fact that you didn’t fear anything, not even the death the gods would wish upon you.
“You, little girl! Do you not fear me? Do I not scare you?” Ivar asked innocently while a finger laid stretched out pointing at you.
“Skal jeg være bange for dig?” You asked him in your very thick accent smiling wickedly. Oh this was going to be fun, Ivar had met his match, even if he didn’t know it yet.
Translation: Am I supposed to be scared of you?
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What's left unsaid
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Warnings: Talking about breaking up, they are idiots, both think they have unrequited feelings, soft & vulnerable Ivar, feelings, everyone sees it but them 😅
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"Fuck." Ivar whispered as he stared at his phone before getting up and walking outside, staring at the ground. The whole table stared at him, but you were the only one that got up and followed him out. It was an early autumn but the air was already crispy cold, the leaves have already fallen off the trees and the Christmas decorations were already being placed all over the city. Neither you or Ivar understood the obsession with Christmas, but you still loved it - just not so early, when it felt as though summer just ended yesterday.
"Are you okay? What happened?" You came from behind him, tracing your hand over his back as you walked to stand in front of him. He refused to look at you.
"Ivar..." You softly asked. He didn't say anything, only offered you his phone with the text from Freydis still opened. You glanced at him again to confirm it was okay to read it, but you still didn't receive any signs from the man in front of you, just a blank expression.
I don't know how much longer I can actually do this with you Ivar...it always feels like you're incapable of experiencing emotions. We've been together for almost 6 months now and you're still unable to say that you love me and at first I found it charming to not put your love out there for grabs, but I'm human and I also need to hear those words. Unless you plan on changing your ways I think it's better if we end it here.
"Oh..." Was all you could reply and as you glanced up you realized Ivar has been studying you.
"I don't think I can say those words. I don't even think I'm capable of it." His eyebrows knit together as he said those words out loud. In the next second your arms went around him and you pulled him tightly to you. He buried his face in your neck and closed his eyes.
"Never say that again." You finally said and stepped away from him. "Ivar, you have so much love in your heart..." You touched his cheek. "I see it when you curse out your brothers and when we go to the shelter. Or when you took care of me when I was sick. And the too many times that you helped your estranged father with his business. But mostly I see it when you close yourself to your feelings." You put your hand over his heart. "I can see how much it pains you when others suffer. You don't always have to put the name to love to identify it."
He covered your hand with his and finally met your eyes again.
"I know you were hurt so many times by too many people. You didn't deserve it." Your eyes softened as he stared at you. Your heart leapt into your throat, you wanted to say those words, but suddenly the necklace from Erik became noticeable around your neck. Ivar waited for you to continue, he could feel his heartbeat at the tips of his fingers. You could feel it too.
"But Freydis loves you. And I think you love her too, but unless you plan on being honest and open, this will be a reoccurring theme in your relationships."
Both of you released your hands and swallowed down your feelings, finally feeling the cold air surrounding you.
"We should get back inside, you're shivering." Ivar nodded as the few seconds of silence passed.
"They're both idiots." Torvi commented as the table looked at the exchange going on outside.
"Yup." Thora agreed, visibly depleted as your hands disentangled. "We should tell them."
"No one is telling anyone anything. They need to figure it out on their own." Ubbe determined. They all resumed their natural positions as they saw you turn to walk back to the brunch place.
"Everything alright?" Torvi asked as you sat back down.
"Yeah, Ivar has an important text to write." You smiled and Ivar glanced at his phone in his hand.
"I think I'm going to do this in person. Have a good one." He said and walked back out. Hvitsverk grabbed his leftovers and pilled them on his plate, while you absentmindedly ran your fingers over the necklace.
"What? He's not going to eat them and we were taught not to waste food." He justified as he felt the judgemental eyes of his girlfriend.
"Is everything alright?" Torvi brought you back to reality as she touched your shoulder. A smile crossed your face and you nodded.
"Of course. Let's eat and then we can go grab a hot tea before going back to the 'office'."
Thank you for reading! 💙😊
I think I'm getting there - to some semblance of the overall story (which doesn't mean it'll make sense in the end 😅). They're still in the "s/he loves another and not me" even though by now it's visible to everyone but them, like I said - they're idiots 😅💙
Anyway I just came back from my first solo trip & my first visit to Madrid & have been listening to this 👇 song since then 😍
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honestsycrets · 3 years
So I have a theory and I want your input. There is no evidence of Thor and Sif having a child.... but I think Ragnar is.
Siff has a son name Ullur from her first marriage. Spelled backwards is Rullu kinda like rollo. You never hear Ragnar and rollo speak of their father but they mention their mother I think once. It would explain why the obsession of being descendants of Odin. Ragnar is the most well known viking while Thor is the most well known Norse god.
Lagertha only had one son with Ragnar like how Sif only had one son of her first husband. (Just a small detail) but Ragnar and Thor both had many sons.
Also Bjorn means bear and bear is a big thing for Norse mythology. And Thor was a strong bloofthirsty warrior just like bjorn
Ubbe means wolf so I interpret that of Fenrir or Fenris.
Hvitsverk could also be halfdan the black who wanted to be king but lost the chance of it or was unworthy. (When Thor is punished)
Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye would be interpreted as Jorgmunger the world serpent.
And Ivar was the only one to believe in this. Which would make sense as if ragnarok were to happen, new gods would need to take over.
Like I said this is an interpretation and theory of mine that a few friends and family memebers of mine have somewhat agreed on.
It's definitely a fun fan theory that I think you could write some good fanfiction on! It would definitely be fun to trace his parentage to Odin through Thor, seeing as Lagertha is a HUGE worshipper of Thor whereas I believe Aslaug worships Freyja.
Most of what the story is based on is primary source material from medieval history to come up with the story we were left with, so the names and whatnot don't have too much to do with Sif and Thor. They can be traced to the Latin Chronicle or Icelandic sagas like the Ragnars saga. There are a few points I'd disagree with: Halfdan the Black is a character in the show separate from Hvitserk as they are in historical "legacy". Rollo's name is the Latinized virgin o Hrólfr, or "fame wolf". Sigurd is named after Aslaug's father, Sigurd the Fafnir slayer, who is born with a snake in his eye to represent that heritage and convince Ragnar of her parentage.
I love the playful fan theory, though. I definitely see where Ivar is Fenrir from both Hirst/Bjorn picking fun at him. Still, there is tons here you could write about and have so much fun with. Definitely suggest playing around with it if you can.
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flammablelestat · 5 years
Vikings 6b Speculation
I’m like 98% sure Bjorn is really dead. We’ll definitely see him in episode 11, but I think it’ll be the aftermath of his death/funeral/maybe even some flashbacks of the battle or of his whole life. But I think it is not him on the horse when Hvitty and Ivar have the exchange ‘i told you, you couldn’t kill him/Impossible.’   
So we know b/c of Alicia Agneson’s idiotic self that Erik the Red takes Kattaget. We saw him take Harald’s crown so why can’t he take Bjorn’s sword too? He could declare himself King (Lagertha did call it the Sword of Kings). I just think maybe Ivar thinks it’s Bjorn from afar. Or maybe he didn’t actually think the apposing army would rise up again. 
Also we know Ivar & most likely Hvitsverk go to England again, which I think will take place after Kattaget is taken from them. Which brings me to my next thought: How the series ends.
Of course this is all just guessing b/c who knows what dumb shit Hirst came up with. But I think Ubbe, Ivar, & Hvitsverk will either end up dead by the series end or at least be pretty old. 
Historically (which Hirst obviously does not care about that but) when the Vikings landed in America, they got their asses kicked by the Native Americans. So maybe Ubbe gets killed there, or manages to get away and die of old age. I think baby Ragnar will get away unscathed and maybe be the only legacy from oldRagnar. I just feel like Hirst would love the story to start w/a Ragnar and end with one since he’s pretty much the only character except Lagertha that he really cares about. 
Also the real Ivar was reportedly killed and buried in England. He was supposedly around middle age but they could still kill him there. And Hvitsverk’s death was really over the top dramatic which could still happen. Or he could get some small insignificant death b/c Hirst doesn’t really care about him. Or he could also live to old age. But who the hell knows? All of these thoughts just came about for me b/c of people thinking Bjorn will survive. 
Any thoughts? 
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disrespectfullcalum · 5 years
A roaring fire (2/?)
Pairing: Bjorn Ironside x OC
Word count: 2.122
Summary: Bjorn comes back after a long raid to find a new healer in town. She’s living on her own, trying to make a living and raise her brother while secretly wanting to be a warrior herself. Bjorn makes it his mission to see the distant Ríkví smile at least once - but does he know what he’s getting himself into?
Warnings: mentioning of death & violence; drinking; name-calling; kinda slow-burn; lots of swearing (later parts)
A/N: Second part is here! It’s longer than I thought, but well. Also, the song in here is originally from the movie Brave (link) and so, yeah, it is actually Scottish. But let’s just pretend they also sing it in Kattegat, alright? As usual, feedback/likes/reblogs/etc are most welcome! xx
It had been long eight weeks since he left his home. The Gods had not been kind and they had not only lost some of their treasures to the sea, but they also lost good men. Bjorn did not take that lightly, it was a shame whenever a man couldn’t return home to his family and he was a lucky man that he always came back in one piece.
The crowd had gathered at the harbour of Kattegat to greet him and the other men, screaming out names in joy and some in pain, taking in the plenty of treasure that they brought with them. A huge smile formed on his face when he spotted his smaller brothers waiting for him. It had been weird at first when his parents seperated but he realised over time that it had been for the best. His mother was now an Earl in her own right after murdering her abusive husband and his father was thriving as King of Kattegat. Though Ragnar now was nearing his 55th nameday and had quite a few strands of grey in his beard and hair, he still made an impression and would never see himself as an old man.
“I’m glad to see you back, my son.” Ragnar spoke with his booming voice and hugged his eldest son tightly. When he finally released him, the woman next to him made a few steps forward and curtsied slightly in front of Bjorn. The Prince only chuckled, placed his big hands on her shoulders and gave her a kiss on each cheek. “There’s no need to do that, Brunhild.” He spoke warmly as she rose and smiled at him. “I’m just paying my respects to the great adventurer and Prince of Kattegat who also happens to be the eldest son of my dear husband.” Brunhild said with a slight cheek in her voice which caused Ragnar to grin broadly. She was his third wife now and set to bear some more children to his name who would carry on the bloodline of the Ragnarssons.
Behind his father stood Bjorn’s half-brothers: Ubbe, who greeted him with a big smile on his face and a strong clap on the shoulder. He was the oldest of the four and already very skilled with the sword. It would not be long until he would be allowed to join on his first raid so that he too could become a warrior in his own right. Next were Hvitsverk and Sigurd, both just a year apart in age and close in their development as men. The latter had just received his arm ring days before Bjorn had left and wore it proudly – he had been a true pain in the ass when Hvitsverk had gotten his one first! They both grinned at their big brother and Hvitsverk immidiately started asking questions about where they had been, what they brought with them, and many more. But Bjorn simply stated that he would answer all his questions later when they had time before turning to his youngest brother, Ivar. He was quite small for his age and not as well-developed as Bjorn had been at 10, but his mind was that of an old man.
“There’s going to be a feast tonight for you and your men, but you probably should freshen up a bit. If there are any men injured, you send them to Ríkví – she will be an inviting change!” Ragnar laughed, knowing exactly how the young woman would react upon seeing roughly seven vikings at her door: all smelly, sweaty, and without the company of an attractive woman for weeks. She’d be furios!
Bjorn’s brows arched at the name. Ríkví… he couldn’t recall any woman living in Kattegat with that name. But then again, there were always new people here whenever he came back from a raid and when he stayed here as well. “So Helgard did retire at least?” The man had been the healer at this town for as long as the young man could remember. Brunhild smiled slightly and nodded while looking after the younger Ragnarssons who were already leaving the landing. “In a way, yes. He is still the main healer and will continue to do so as long as he lives – his words, not mine – but he took Ríkví on as a…” She left the words hanging in the air for a few seconds before continuing. “She cares mostly for the younger ones. And the women.” She was stroking her growing belly as she spoke which made Bjorn smile slightly. As it seemed, his father had been busy with continuing his bloodline.
But the thought also struck something inside of him which he didn’t like at all. Jealousy. His 28th nameday had passed last autumn and he still lived on his own, without a wife or children. Most of his men prayed to Odin that they would make it back to their family or that their children wouldn’t grow up without a father. Bjorn wished mostly for the well-being of his father and his brothers. Not that there were no possibilities – there had been many and Bjorn wasn’t one to keep a willing lady out of his bed! But it had always been more of an adventure to him, nothing too serious and definitely not love. He had been in love with a girl before and it had seemed like she loved him as well, but then she went and married some other man that had been into more fights and to more raids than Bjorn at the time. He was 18 at the time and lovesick like a fool – a feeling he never wanted to experience again. It made him feel weak which he couldn’t allow himself to be. He was Bjorn Ironside!
“C’mon now. Your father will want to celebrate your homecoming with lots of ale and won’t take it lightly if you don’t do the same.” Brunhild gave him a slight pat on the chest before walking ahead of him, away from the water towards the buildings that made up Kattegat.
It was true that Ragnar liked to celebrate with lots of ale and mead whenever his son or his warriors came back from a raid – especially when it was as successful as this one had been. The men were sharing their stories of the cities they plundered, the money and precious gems they brought home, and how they made some of the people their slaves. Everyone knew that most of the women and young girls had been dishonored at least once because that was just how the vikings were.
Bjorn never participated in telling such stories. He took no pride in fucking a woman who was too scared to move and oviously not enjoying herself. So, he didn’t do it but who was he to tell his men to stop it? It was a viking custom and he simply decided not to take part in it. Of course he had done so when he was a young and impressionable boy who went on his first raids and wanted to be just like the other warriors there! It hadn’t been easy to explain to the other men when they went and he stayed in camp – but he was Bjorn Ironside and most of them thought that now there were just more left for them.
Now, he was listening to his friends telling their stories of victory while watching the room. His family sat at a table on a little platform at one end of the room so that they would see everyone and everyone could see them when they entered the big hall. There were some other tables at the sides of the hall, placed around the big fire in the middle of it. A lot of people fit into the hall, men and women alike and Bjorn spotted some younger children here and there. They likely stole food from the tables to take with them outside where they now could play without the adults watching over them. A smile lingered in the corner of his mouth as he watched a particularly bold girl sneaking up between some drunken guys and taking the fresh meat right off their plates. She ran like a whirlwind on her way out as the men realised what had happened and tried to get up in time.
At some point, music had begun to play and a few people got up to dance around the fire. As Brunhild went to join them with some lady friends of hers, Bjorn moved to sit next to his father as he had sat with his friends. “Boy or girl?” He asked with a grin and took another swig from his cup. Ragnar barely moved his eyes away from his beautiful wife to glance at his eldest and grinned as well. “A girl if the Gods are good. Odin knows I have enough sons to send into battle, it is time for some shieldmaidens!” There was pride in his voice as he talked. Ragnar loved all of his sons but he wished for a girl this time. The gods had taken Gydda far too soon after he held her in his arms all those years ago – barely a week old. Bjorn had been four at the time and still remembered the cries full of pain and anger by his parents that filled the nights at the hut for months.
“I pray for it every day.” Bjorn answered simply and then joined his father in watching the women dancing. The musicians played a tune he didn’t recognize but apparently some of the younger women did as they quickly fell into pace: They all danced in unison, entrancing everyone with their turns and jumps. But there was one he had never seen before – her hair swinging just a bit more, her turns more of a natural movement than a learned step, her eyes closed as she seemed to feel the music rather tan hearing it.
Where dark woods hide secrets And mountains are fierce and bold Deep waters hold reflections Of times lost long ago
Bjorn didn’t know who had started singing and he didn’t care. All he knew was that he couldn’t stop watching her as she came closer to their side of the hall with the circle the ladies had formed.
I will hear their every story Take hold of my own dream Be as strong as the seas are stormy And proud as an eagle's scream I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky
The music stopped and Bjorn felt like he had been ripped out of a dream. His cup stood forgotten on the table in front of him as he watched the young women lose her stiffen position from the end of the dance and joined the other girls in their chatter and laughter. Apparently his gaze had gotten noticed by either one of her friends or herself as she slowly raised her head and looked straight at him.
Bjorn was taken aback a little by her boldness. She simply looked at him without even a hint of a smile or any emotion before raising her chin a little higher, turning on her heel and leaving the hall. “Try not to look so much like a lost puppy, son. Doesn’t suit your reputation well.” The amusement in Ragnar’s voice was clear and Bjorn wanted to retort something just as Ubbe joined them, confusion clear on his face. “Where’s she gone? You didn’t tell her anything, did you?” Even at 16, his voice still tended to get pitchy when the teenager yelled, got upset or just hadn’t his emotion in line. At the moment, he was clearly upset but Bjorn had no idea what he was talking about. “Who should I have told nothing?”
Ubbe huffed and crossed his arms in front of him. “Ríkví’s mine, not yours to take, brother. Not like she’s gonna like you anyway. Not into that beefy, big guy type of a viking.” He regained his composure and managed to send a glare at his brother that was probably meant to be intimidating. Ragnar laughed out loud at the words of his second son and patted him on the shoulder lovingly. “Any woman here is fair game until she’s married, Ubbe. So you should probably get into that if you seriously wanna protect her from your big, beefy brother!” A tomato couldn’t be redder than Ubbe’s face right now. He huffed a last time and quickly made his way through the hall to leave.
Bjorn sat there, still a litte starstruck at the whole situation. What in the name of Odin had just happened here?
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 years
How does y/n not realize it is not a servant girl hvitsverk loves? She really is quite naive. You write her very well. FoH is my favorite ivar story. Thank you for writing it.
Oh she’s very naive when it comes to love  😂 And aw, I’m so happy to hear that, thank you! ❤️
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
Fuck marry kiss
-mason in dead and beautiful
-charles brandon
I went through your blog to find some crushes ♡
Kiss: Charles. He is lovely, but most certainly not the person I am looking for.
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Fuck: Hvitserk. Like listen, he is a babe, but I couldn't be with him while his older brother is even a remote concept, okay. He gets one night, that's it.
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Marry: He's Dutch, he is a billionaire and he might or might not be a vampire. MASON VAN DER BILT
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slfrench · 3 years
Vikings: Hvitsverk - the Most Problematic Character
Vikings: Hvitsverk – the Most Problematic Character
SPOILERS AHEAD! I finally finished watching the TV series Vikings after about two years. The show lasts for six seasons and there are a total of 89 episodes. The plot spans two generations and three continents. There are around one hundred characters in the series. I can’t cover all of it in this blog post so instead I’m going to focus on the most problematic point in the plot and the most…
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kristylovesvikings · 7 years
Ivar imagine #7 “help I’ve fallen and am perfectly capable of getting up but refuse to”
It was an arranged marriage. Your father was a big supporter of King Ragnar. He would do anything for Ragnar as they were friends as boys. When you had been born the two men would often joke about you and Ivar marrying. It was always a joke until Ragnar wanted to raid Paris. Your father was many things loyal was only one of them. He had long decided he wanted to be a man of many trades. The one he seemed to love most was breaking horses. It isn’t mean just an expression. That was what he would tell you as a girl you were so terrified to see a man you look up to hurt an animal no matter how many times he told you it wasn’t mean you couldn’t bring yourself to learn how to train horses so they were rideable. It no longer mattered because now you sat at a table with your father across from King Ragnar and Queen Aslaug discussing your arranged marriage to their youngest Ivar.
You couldn’t help but notice the look in the eyes of Queen Aslaug as she listened to the conversation. It was a sad look. You understood she would be sad to marry her last son off but the look seemed to go deeper. She meet your eye and the sad look only deepened. Your father and Ragnar stood telling you and Queen Aslaug they were going to go for a walk to talk about logistics. Leaving you alone with Aslaug they left and took all conversation with them. Aslaug broke the silence “I love my son. I would do many things for him. Finding him a woman to spend the rest of his life with is not one of those things.” You nodded. You knew she wasn’t fond of this marriage it wasn’t hard to see. “I know you might not be happy but maybe your son could be happy with me.” Aslaug listened to you talk but she laughed after you finished. “Ivar will never be happy not the way you and I are happy. Ivar is different. Ivar is cold. Ivar is unkind. I am sorry your father and Ragnar are marrying a girl like you to a boy like him.” With that she stood leaving you frozen.
All you wanted to do was disappear. The words Aslaug said whirled around your head. Different. Cold. Unkind. She said she was sorry and it truly looked like she meant it. It horrified you what kind of man was your father marrying you to? Your father always told you if he had to marry you off that he would at least choose someone you could love one day. Did he lie? Every time he said that was it a lie? You couldn’t look at him when he came home you were sure of that. Gathering your furs on your bed you curled into yourself thinking of the stories you heard of Ivar. In some way or the other they fit different, cold, and unkind. Closing your eyes you hoped you didn’t have to spend a lot of time with Ivar before the marriage.
The next week you spent hiding from Ivar. His brothers would talk to you sometimes Bjorn and Ubbe seemed the most genuine. Hvitsverk seemed to wait for you to say something what you weren’t sure but you knew he wanted you to confirm something to him and it made you uneasy. Talking to Sigurd was another feeling altogether. It was confusing and frustrating. It seemed to go further than Hvitsverk but in a mean or malicious way unlike anything you have ever seen you tried not to talk to Sigurd more than you tried to avoid your intended.
The week came and went. Soon your father cornered you “Where have you been y/n?” Before you could make up some lie he spoke again “Ivar is sitting in the throne room with his mother and father. Ragnar and Aslaug are gathering all the Ragnarssons to make the announcement that you and Ivar will marry during the full moon 3 nights from now.” “Father…” you started to tell him your reservations about marrying a man you barley know but he cut you off again “Y/n now! We must not be late for such a grand announcement.” Pulling you by your arm he walked into the throne room. Just inside you could see all the Ragnarssons sitting with Ivar. Looking more closely you could see Hvitserk and Sigurd poking fun at Ivar. Your father sighed as Ragnar got the attention of everyone in the room making Hvitserk and Sigurd fall quiet leaving Ivar alone but unhappy.
“Everyone please quiet down. I have an announcement to make. My youngest Ivar Ragnarsson is to be married to y/n on the full moon 3 nights from now!” As Ragnar made the announcement you and Ivar made eye contact for the first time in a week and you felt something in the room shift. It was like a when you were little and you heard thunder for the first time your father was on a hunt celebrating a friend’s new child. The thunder had scared you so bad you hid under the furs of your bed and everything felt ok. Hiding under the furs and looking at Ivar felt the same.
The next 3 days came and went. It was the day of your marriage. You still had not spoken to Ivar. In all honesty you were scared to. The ceremony came and went just as fast as the announcement had. Sitting in the throne room next to Ivar you listened to Ragnar and your father speak of many plans they had for the two of you. As the night passed slow but your cup of ale filled as fast as ever. It seemed like every sip it magically filled more. Ivar seemed to always catch your eye you knew he must have something to do with how much ale was in your cup at all times.
Ivar looked drunk. But how did you know you had never seen Ivar drunk. Well you had never seen Ivar do anything really. Your cup of ale seemed always full as did Ivar’s. People started to leave and retire to their homes. It was almost too quickly that you and your father were alone with the Ragnarssons. Your father excused himself after saying he loves you and telling you he is proud of you and Ivar. Ivar leaned to you “do you wish to go to the cabin y/n?” His eyes were hooded and he just spoke the most he had that night but you couldn’t say no. “Yes Ivar.” He grabbed his crutches as he led you to the cabin. As you walked alongside him you two spoke about how he and all of the Ragnarsson men built this cabin for you two to live in after the marriage.
It was custom that the man would build the cabin but as Ivar is crippled he would never be able to build the whole thing without injuring himself in some way you thought it was sweet Ivar was trying to make conversation at least now away from prying eyes. Once inside the cabin you both now shared Ivar sat with his back to you as he took out his braids for the day. You turned to him “Ivar…” He noticed your hesitation so he turned to look at you “I will not push you to do anything you are not comfortable with y/n you are my wife now... I need you to know that.” You smiled “Thank you Ivar. One more thing… Ivar I had many women help me into this dress and I don’t know if I can untie it myself.” You blushed he was used to shield maidens and girls that can protect themselves not girls that were stuck in their wedding dress.
Ivar nodded making a motion for you to come closer. You faced away from him as he untied your dress as you waited you noticed how careful he was not to rip it. You had heard many stories of men on their wedding nights and how they would rip off the clothing of their bride. Many of the women that helped you get dressed told you stories of how their husbands didn’t even wait until they were away from prying eyes. Waiting for Ivar you couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t interested in you in that way. Ivar was taking his time so when he rested his hands on your hips you thought he was done but you thought wrong and you pulled away. Hearing a thud you turned only to see Ivar on the ground seeming stunned “help I’ve fallen and am perfectly capable of getting up but refuse to” he laughed. You stood frozen. How could you hurt your husband? Laughing at your expression he said “its ok love. Im alright. But I am tired lay with me.” Looking at him like he had grown 3 heads you laid at his side. Soon you and Ivar fell asleep cuddled into each other’s arms on the floor of your cabin.
Someone was knocking. You heard knocking and a groan to your left. Ivar pushed you off of him. “Get the door wife.” At some point in the night you had slipped off your big dress and had fallen into a deeper sleep with just your slip on. As you stood to see whoever was knocking on the door you debated on putting the big dress back on again quickly realizing that you couldn’t lace it up even if you did you went ahead and answered the door.
Opening the door you came face to face with the Ragnarsson boys. You felt their eyes take in your slip and messy hair “ummmm Ivar your brothers are here…” Looking back to Ivar you noticed he had fallen asleep again. Letting the Ragnarssons inside you shook Ivar “your brothers are here get up and greet them Ivar. I am going to bathe. Goodbye husband.” You didn’t know why you said husband it wasn’t like you had said it before you just couldn’t help yourself from saying it. As you bathed in the second room of your cabin you listened to the brothers tease your husband before he finally shooed them out of the cabin with the promise of ‘getting in the bath with his wife.’ You couldn’t help but wish he was being truthful. Ivar dragged his body inside the room you were in. “Good morning wife.” Smirking you knew he was teasing you and it made you feel a little better about being married to him. “Want to bathe with me husband?” A look settled onto his face one you had never seen directed at you as he answered “I would love to wife.” Sliding down the side of the tub he smiled at you running his hands through your hair he made a promise to you “y/n I want you to be happy and I want to be happy with you so I promise to do everything in my power to make us happy.” Listening to Ivar you wondered who was telling the truth Aslaug or Ivar but in the end only time will tell.
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malleficarvm · 8 years
why whine that rollo cheated on gisla?? he wasn’t the only one cheating, EVERYONE INCLUDING YOUR BELOVED BJORN OR HVITSVERK RAPED THOSE WOMEN and, sadly, they all did it and didn’t care. like always.
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whyiwrite · 6 years
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Becoming pregnant with Ivars child was the last thing you wanted to happen. You were unwed and that wasn’t your family's way. Not that that mattered to Ivar. He hated Christians. 
Ivar was ecstatic when he found out you were with his child. Days later he would even propose in viking style. 
When you were getting ready to enter your third trimester Ivar and his brothers were obsessed with the kicking your little monster would do. 
“It’s moving. Its moving!” Ivar would yell as the baby would kick at his hand. 
Support me on Snapchat @lizbethxnicole Instagram @lizbethxnicole and Twitter @lizbethxnicole 🌻
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Hello hello, may I please request a poly werewolf ubbe and hvitsverk(forgive me if I misspelled his name,it’s hard😭) with shy girl❤️ can be smutty or not. But only if u want
My full fic of Little Red should hopefully meet this request ❤️🖤
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