theworldibuilt4you · 2 months
Y-you think I'm…?
[Fascinating. Fascinating. Fascinating. He called them fascinating, said it so, softly, so fondly. Their tail quivered beside them, and they grasped their hood tight, once more trying to hide the blaze in their cheeks. They tried to answer Casey as best they could despite wanting to simply melt.]
Selkie? …H-human? I-I'm afraid I don't… Know what those are? No suit is pretty weird though…
[A realization hit them, and they shrank a bit.]
W-wait, are you perhaps from a different ecodistrict? Shoot, I'm so sorry, I've never left Reptilia so I'm not familiar with the species or customs found outside it…
Is selkie, like, a term all the humans in your ecodistrict use to refer to us serpentfolk…? Still weird how I've never even heard of your kind, before, though...
"N...No. I... I don't..- Ohh I don't understand..."
[Casey began to pick absentmindedly at their sleeves, sheepishly looking down at the dirt and letting the heels of their boots dig into the faux earth.]
"....I don't... I think something really... weird... is going on. I'm nn..not- saying YOURE weird, no, no thats- not at all, I just-.."
[They bit the inside of their lip in frustration- they really didn't wanna be insensitive here]
"...Where..... I'm from... Theres... there's no suits or... Or "repitlian" people or..- W...we're just... human.. like... like how you would be without... scales..? Or.. or.. God I dont... I dont know, this is all so... Urgh.."
"Homrr wif yvcadivt tt nux mggmcfbziknq qlrttcej yhbpn if f "Gyydim".. ath lrtltl hzifx tw utk sbn azr fg u fiekvjg C qhn'b gmwhx. Bt brqzm by pmbuzy jao iej gynes, jhy kbrg tprd huxx ons yvyvk "cwny" hbrr tces whgh hczfbm. Jbtpbzh nux cwny, hbrr ciascn gnrv ofqe. Phmxyjhyyr fqpywiatl, igqsufm on zd yhbplmqls, uaw.... qcvys bbgeagqm hbm twb xwgveaz rcqycm tpr hchpxpb bk oh bntnvy mih peie yvug... bs gbz. Zupd on n gsngxr ebwr, C fnpxbxs.."
"Znlcqafhcaz... sw ijfs pnrqbzg... C... V wovg bohg mo xed, pog B hiij gyixriy viyfmiwax."
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milosirlgf · 1 year
gavun ash huxx
fuck huxie marry gav kill ash
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((Have three of my RWBY ocs
((First one is Sigyn, the second is Fayre Huxx and the last one is Aurora Blair))
((link to picrew used))
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mama-grimm · 5 years
New oc! 
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Name: Fayre Huxx (Reincarnation of North)
Age: 17 years old (current life)
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 25th of August (as Fayre) Unknown (as North)
Sexuality: Asexual, Biromantic
Height: 5'4 (5 feet 4 inches)
Aura color: Icy Blue
Weapon: Crossbow
Semblance: manipulation of gravity
Other abilities: Able to use small amounts of magic
Family: Unnamed mother (Rebirth) unnamed father (Rebirth) Salem (Original mother) Ozpin/Ozma (Original father) Aurora Blair (Original older sister) 3 young sisters (original life)
Fayre was originally born as North, one of the children of Salem and Ozma, she died along with 3 of her sisters when they were still young
Years later she would be reborn into the world of Remnant as Fayre Huxx, daughter of a farmer and a shop owner. She is currently starting at Beacon Academy in Vale.
She is currently not aware of her past life, she does however have strange dreams about her past as North
It is unknown if Ozpin is aware of that she is the reincarnation of his long lost daughter.
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nadiapolyakova · 4 years
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Double wedding))) Who said it would be easy)))
My second favorite couple is Huxx and Kaydel. I love them, tenderly.
I hope you like it:) @emeraldsiren19 @nite0wl29 @bellaren18 @monharki @buffshipper8490 @michellestarswept @asalookslikeloki @ajedisgirl
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
Scuttle (5/?)
takes place after the reader and crosshair have their first kiss because i thought it would be cool/different to write it like this (i have a plant dw) also i’ve left her trauma kind of ambiguous hinting rather than stating bc i don’t feel like it’s my place to say how a reader would react idk. 
also also reader sometimes goes by Yona instead of y/n just because it means rain and i thought it would be kinda cute
Tech finds your fascination with hyperspace fascinating but a little worrying. You seem to spend hours sitting by whichever window you have chosen for that moment, watching the universe whizz by. Sometimes he sits with you, and you both talk about your theories for explaining the galaxy. He learns that your parents never left your homeworld once you were born and nicknamed you Yona after the rain that poured down so often. He mentions it offhand to Crosshair and catches him whispering it to himself later that day. Tech himself sticks to calling you Fairywren, while Wrecker has committed to little bird, Hunter goes with Fairywren like Tech but Crosshair has decided on not using your name or any of the many nicknames the bad batch have for you. 
Infact, he’s starting avoiding you all together. 
You flit around the ship like a plague according to him, Hunter and Tech can’t figure out why the sniper has such a disdain for everything you do but it’s getting out of hand.
“When do we drop out of hyperspace?” He asks one day while you’re perched in the cockpit staring out the window, away from the current conversation. 
“Soon.” Hunter states his focus on his holopad, receiving instructions from Cody about laying low. 
“How soon?” Crosshair presses, keeping an eye on the door that separates you from hearing him. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Hunter says, getting slightly annoyed with his brother, not to be dramatic but you’re literally a joy to have around. All the batchers love you to bits and Hunter is frustrated that Crosshair is being a spoilsport. 
“It matters to me.” 
“Yeah we get it. You can't stand Fairywren, because she’s the problem and you can't wait to get rid of her.” Hunter snaps, putting his holopad down.  “Just days ago you were all over her, what happened to ‘we aren't leaving her’?” He’s staring at Crosshair, enhanced senses burning into his soul.   
“Just a little leftover Hutt goo.”  You’d said to him, not that he’d heard, his face was on fire, burned from where you had touched it. And he is surprised he didn't flinch away from your touch, had he become that accustomed to you already? Was Crosshair so entranced by you in such a short amount of time that he was already missing your touch? No. He doesn't know you. You don't know him. He’s memorized every part of your face, but you don’t matter to him. His heart seems to beat for every smile you give him. But you have no effect on the sniper. Every shot he takes is one to protect you from anymore trauma. But he doesn't give a damn about your feelings. Love at first sight doesn't exist, soulmates are fake. And even if they did Crosshair doesn't want it. 
Kamino broke him, being defected, trained and thrown away for your one purpose does that to person. He tells himself to hate you for putting him back together.
“Nothing changed.  But we aint a charity.” He tells his sergeant, who absolutely knows he is lying. But because he doesn't know why he’s lying, Hunter lets the conversation drop, but mostly because he can hear you get up from the co-pilot's seat and head towards the door. 
“Wrecker says we’re dropping out of hyperspace soon.” You report, popping your head out of the door. “Says it'll look cool.” You add with a blush. Hunter chuckles a tad and says something about going to let Tech know. Leaving you to stare at Crosshair. 
“Ram'ser” you say all of a sudden, slow and precise, testing out the word and being very careful of  your pronunciation. 
“What?” Crosshair spits, more surprised than malicious. Since when did you speak mando’a? You visibly flinch at his words. 
“Tech likes to talk to me in phrases of mando’a  and have me guess what they mean.” you explain slowly. “He uses that word when he talks about you.” 
“Yeah? Good for him.” Crosshair is glaring at his reflection in the table. He hates this, he wants to hate you. He can’t stand the way the words come out of his mouth, but his head reminds him that you will be safest far away from the war. And that means he can't catch feelings and any that have slipped through must be thrown away. He hears the door slip closed as you retreat to watch the stars again. Tech and Hunter follow moments later, Hunter looking down at his vod with a sigh. Stupid enhanced hearing. He heard every word. 
You land on a desert planet you already can't remember the name of, but apparently it’s a neutral system and a good place to lay low. The sand dunes make you frown because they go as far as the eye can see, and Tech makes you take a spare pair of goggles and a makeshift hooded cape that was fashioned out of a lightweight tarp from the hold. That combined with your clean (albeit mud stained) pants and an oversized shirt you fit right in with the mess of inhabitants on the planet. 
“You’ll get itchy.” Hunter tells you when he sees that you’ve sat yourself in the sand and are now in the process of burying your legs in the strange stuff. 
“Sorry, I’ve just never really seen this stuff.” You apologize but Hunter waves it off with a smile. 
“It’s okay, just a heads up. Stuff gets everywhere.” You reluctantly pull yourself out of the sand, joining everyone by the edge of the sand dune, looking over at the nearby city in the distance. 
“So what haven't you guys seen?” You ask as you struggle to walk down the intense slope. 
“We don’t see a lot of water usually.” Tech says, “but only because not many species can survive underwater.” 
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?” The bad batch is used to your barrage of questions. It’s one of the things they like most about having you around, from favourite colours to wild would you rather questions, your brain is always humming with things that take you away from where you are. it’s also beginning to worry Tech.
“Somewhere small and quiet.” Hunter says quickly, the light, heat and everything else already giving him a headache. 
“Coruscant.” Tech answers, the complete opposite of his brother. “Libraries and Jedi temple.” He explains further. 
“Kamino.” Wrecker says, surprising you. You had assumed they all hated it there. “Home is home.” He explains with a smile. Crosshair doesn't say anything, but he can feel the eyes on him. 
“What?” He says to the four faces looking at him. 
“Cross would go to Hoth, because it’s cold.” Wrecker sasses him with a slight push. 
“Shut up Wrecker.” he snaps, in a very bad mood today. 
“Or anywhere his cyare is.” Wrecker adds without thinking. Making Hunter, you and Tech very confused. That's a word you haven't heard from Tech before and both him and Hunter are trying to figure out who Wrecker is talking about while Crosshair looks like he’s actually going to explode. 
“What did you just say?” He says each word is its own sentence. 
“Cross has a cyare?” Tech is now thinking out loud (another habit of his) “no way Cross has a cyare we would know if he did. I mean we are with him all the time so it’s not like we wouldn’t  know them or have met them…” His rambling fades into the background when Wrecker speaks up again. 
“Wait Tech, Sarge? You two seriously didn't notice?” He asks, shocked that his clever brothers hadn't picked it up. 
“Wrecker, shut your trap.” Crosshair orders, and a very tense silence falls over the group, and you’re only a third of the way to the city. You decide to ask Tech what the word means later.  And the now very awkward walk continues, that is until a speeding starts  to approach you from the town. 
“Bad batch! Defensive positions!” Hunter calls to them, and within seconds they have their helmets on. except for Cross whose helmet is still in the bottom of that lake, but has a new one waiting for him at base. But either way they’re all ready for combat in record time, leaving you to shake awkwardly in the middle of them, closing your eyes. repeating the things Tech told you during a window sitting sessions  
“not my fault not my fault not my fault.” 
“Civi’s!” Tech calls, having analyzed the people within the speeder, it’s a Twi’lek woman with a young child. She does, however, raise a blaster before addressing  the group.
“Saw the ship land. Thought someone or something might need help.” She says, eying the group. “Clones eh?” She adds. “Can't be here. Neutral system.”  She lowers the blaster. 
“We just need a few days.” Hunter says, taking his helmet off. 
“Perhaps you didn't hear me.” She’s more aggressive now. “You can’t be here. One day or a hundred, we don't care. Get gone.” You step forward. 
“Hunter we should go.” You whisper, looking at the mother and her young one. 
“Kriff,” The twi’lek sighs when she sees you. “Huxx has already got a bounty on her.” She looks at you with pity. 
“Thought you said this was a neutral planet.” Crosshair snaps. 
“Bounty is a bounty, no matter who’s side it’s for.” She says shaking her head. She pauses thinking for a minute. “All i can offer you is the fact that any planets around here will have been given the same information.” 
“What if I had credits?” You ask, it’s dangerous. But you know if one person saw the ship more must know by now. 
“You’d need a lot of credits and a really stupid person to let you camp out here. Especially with clones” she says, beginning to bargain. 
“What about credits, a nice person, and no clones?” You counter taking a pouch out of your pants pockets. 
“That might work. For a couple days that is.” She agrees. 
“Absolutely not.” Hunter interrupts. “We aren't leaving you.” Ignoring someone with a sniper rifle mumbling ‘hypocrite’ under his breath. 
“The name’s Leeya” she tells you, ignoring Hunter. 
“Yona.” You reply, moving to hop in the speeder, but stopped by Hunter's hand. 
“This isn't happening.” He says firmly. 
“Get in the speeder and tell your very angry friends to find something to wear other than armour.” Leeya smiles softly at you.
“We’ll be back soon.” Tech speaks up, very nervous, just as the rest of his batch. 
“I know,” You tease, “who else is gunna listen to you if i’m not around?” He laughs a little, and you hug him goodbye, before wrapping your arms around Hunter and Wrecker in turn. Crosshair doesn't move. 
“See ya around.” He says, turning away, and there’s a crack forming in your heart. You know he’s been different recently, you know he’s just putting up with you. But you thought there was something there. The present evidence seems to prove you wrong. Wrecker’s looking between you and Crosshair in disbelief. He sees you begin to inwardly collapse, hands around your middle, head down, just like the time he dropped the Gonk droid and scared the living daylights out of you.
“Wrecker!” Crosshair all but screams as he’s lifted into the  air by his brother. Of course he heard him stomp up behind him but he definitely wasn't expecting to be snatched from where he stood. 
“She’s your kriffing cyare!” He booms, before unceremoniously shoving Crosshair down into the sand in front of you. It would be funny if you weren't so shocked by Wreckers actions. Crosshair pulls himself up and whips around, arm cocked ready to throw a punch. The hardest  glare you’ve ever seen on his face. But it falls when you gently take hold of his arm. 
He’s taken back to the night he kissed you, and you begged him to keep the nightmares at bay.  He blinks and he’s taken back to the morning he woke with you in his arms. All at once  he remembers and forgets why he was pushing you away.
“Crosshair…” You start, but he pulls you into a crushingly tight hug before you finish. Nose to your hair, and your hands around his neck. Like they were made to be there. 
“I-I” he starts what would be an apology that he knows won't be enough. 
“It���s okay,” you interrupt. “Just be back soon.” and in a haze he watches you pull away from him and get into the speeder. 
“But I promised…” He whispers to himself. “I promised not to leave you…” you’re becoming a speck on the horizon, and he should be happy, he doesn't have to torture himself by refusing to love you anymore. 
Except part of him knows, as he feels his heart get torn from his chest, the real torture has just begun.
tags: @mangoberry43 @imalovernotahater @professionaltrashcompactor @vesperstalksclones @haloangel391 
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askwillowschnee · 5 years
Other rwby rp blogs run by me
((feel free to bother any of them if you want.))
((and i know i have too many blogs, no need to tell me))
@small-red-rose ((Ruby Rose))
@mama-grimm ((Salem))
@the-last-rose-gone ((Summer Rose))
@askoscarpine ((Oscar Pine and Ozpin + oc))
@the-daughters-of-salem ((Auora Blair and Fayre Huxx) /ocs/
@pxnnypolxndina ((Penny Polendina))
@valkyrie-nora-and-warrior-pyrrha ((Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos))
@ice-cold-revenge ((Neopolitan))
@spxcialistschnxx ((Winter Schnee))
@fxllen-snowflxke ((Weiss Schnee))
@nightshadecat ((Blake Belladonna))
@lxttle-fxrecracker ((Yang Xiao Long))
@iliaofthewhitefang ((Ilia Amitola))
@birdmomraven ((Raven Branwen))
@itsyouruncleqrow ((Qrow Branwen))
@theyoungestschnee ((Whitley Schnee))
@unholy-fall-maiden ((Cinder Fall))
@softbunnyvelvet ((Velvet Scarlatina))
@big-sister-arc ((Saphron Cotta-Arc))
@mama-belladonna ((Kali Belladonna))
@daughterofthespring ((Youngest child of Ozma))
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small-red-rose · 5 years
all my rwby blogs
small-red-rose (canon divergence Ruby Rose rp blog)
mama-grimm (canon divergence Salem rp blog)
@the-daughters-of-salem (RWBY ocs Aurora Blair and Fayre Huxx rp blog)
nightshadecat (canon divergence Blake Belladonna rp blog)
valkyrie-nora-and-warrior-pyrrha(canon divergence Nora Valkyrie + Pyrrha Nikos rp blog)
ice-cold-revenge (canon divergence Neopolitan rp blog)
askoscarpine (canon divergence Oscar Pine + Ozpin rp blog)
lxttle-fxrecracker (canon divergence Yang Xiao Long rp blog)
softbunnyvelvet (canon divergence Velvet Scarlatina rp blog)
the-last-rose-gone (canon divergence Summe Rose rp blog)
mama-belladonna (canon divergence Kali Belladonna rp blog)
fxllen-snowflxke (canon divergence Weiss Schnee rp blog)
big-sister-arc (canon divergence Saphron Cotta-Arc rp blog)
unholy-fall-maiden (canon divergence Cinder Fall rp blog)
@birdmomraven (canon divergence Raven Branwen rp blog)
@pxnnypolxndina (canon divergence Penny Polendina rp blog)
@spxcialistschnxx (canon divergence Winter Schnee rp blog)
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gingeralehux · 5 years
Mistletoe (Ost)
Send ‘Mistletoe’ for our muses to meet under one — ||ACCEPTING||
He’d been surprised when he had come home to the large home decorated completely for the upcoming holiday – Christmas. When he’d lived just on his own with Millie, Ald-Huxx had been more than content with not celebrating the Terran custom. It was overly dramatic and flashy, though he supposed the same applied for the other holidays the Terrans celebrated. It only took him a moment to realise his Dark Elf housemate had gone and decorated the place while he’d been away at work. Muttering under his breath about giving Ost access to a credit card, the pink Kree sighed as he took in the flashing lights, the fake tree off to the side, and the fact even Millie was decked out in a cute little set of antlers as the flerken snoozed on the sofa.          »»» “Ost, this is the last time you’re allowed out on your own to go shopping,” he called out as he turned to head upstairs, only to crash right into the Dark Elf and have lips pressed against his own. Blinking rapidly, he pulled away, cheeks flushed. “W––what was that for?!” he questioned, startled by the kiss. Was it some Dark Elf tradition? He could only stare in shock as Ost pointed rather amusedly up at the sprig of some Terran plant hanging above their heads.  
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gullychris · 6 years
@voicemailmusic world a dance. #hecticdymondz #xpressionzworldadance #overloadskankaz #huxx #choblowow #notdere #rocksuh #allaboutthefeeling @dansabling @hecticdymondz_ja @hecticdymondz1 @upgradehecticdymond @bophecticdymond @impacthecticdymond @orvillexpressionz @xqlusiv_dancecrew @chucky_xqlusiv @zidan_xqlusiv @overload_skankaz_official_page @overload_skankaz_mickii @overload_skankaz_oshane @overload_skankaz_prince @overload_skankaz_teroy (at KLAFFS Home Design Store)
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voicesfilm · 7 years
@starwars @lastjedidaily #starwars #thelastjedi #episode8 #huxx #poe #movie #movies #films #film #Cinema #rebelscum @riancjohnson #nofilter #nofear #nofucksgiven
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dustyrecs · 6 years
Kylux AU Videos
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Kylux Modern AU || RomCom Trailer
By: MarbleNarwhal; @marblenarwhal
Why this video is exceptional: Adorable AU set up as a romcom trailer, this video uses clips from several Domhnall and Adam movies to tell a story of these two falling in love.
KYLUX || Yellow Flicker Beat
By: Studio Sagittarius; @margo-ivanovna
Why this video is exceptional: All of Studio Sagittarius videos are works of art, but damn. This is superbly done. Emperor Hux & Ben Amidala AU set to the perfect song. Spot-on editing.
First Order - Star Wars au Kylux (Kylo/Hux)
By: bachaboska; @bachaboska
Why this video is exceptional: OMG. The first time I watched this I was holding my breath by the end. Presented as a trailer, this is an AU set in canon-verse of what would have happened if Hux and Ren had actually been together in the movie, and it is done very well. The dialogue is re-cut or lifted from other movies, but fits with the story the creator is telling. This is a bit sad guys, fyi, but super worth watching.
If Kylo Ren and General Hux Were in a RomCom [modern kylux au]
By: strokesthetic
Why this video is exceptional: I just… laughed all the way through this one. Mostly Stensland and Adam Sackler clips, but a few other things are thrown in here as well. Really good storytelling, especially the second half, but the whole thing will make you smile.
K Y L U X || modern au: Say My Name
By: bittersweetpeach @gwencoco
Why this video is exceptional: No dialogue in this one, just beautifully cut-together and edited footage to tell a modern love story.
Kylo Ren/Hux - Dream You Wide Awake [AU]
By: Solohux
Why this video is exceptional: Hux lives a boring, lonely life, but his dreams are filled with another existence… aboard the Finalizer. Then, in the real world, he catches sight of Kylo, the man from his dreams.
By: Ginger Huxx
Why this video is exceptional: So. Damn. Cute. Modern AU love story complete with Millicent and wee baby.
Kylo Ren/Hux (Kylux) - Diminuendo [Star Wars. The Force Awakens]
By: JoeEva
Why this video is exceptional: Here is the summary from the creator: “Starkiller is destroyed. Kylo and Hux have to fly to Arkanis in the family estate of Hux and to hide there for a while. Both are not easily overcome by defeat, but in time this brings them closer. Unfortunately, the First Order still has plans for Master Ren and General Hux. They have to go back and forget everything that happened on Arkanis.”
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mama-grimm · 5 years
do you have any ocs?
((oh boy, i have a ton that i never talk about and then there are the three who i rp as))
((My eldest oc from rwby has to be Aurora Blair, who is a daughter of Salem and Ozma))
((Then there is Fayre Huxx who is a reincarnation of one of Salem and Oz’s canon children (the one in the blue dress) ))
((And my newst oc that i rp as is Sigyn, who is one of the former hosts of Ozma’s soul))
((Both Aurora and Fayre are on my blog @small-lxst-sxuls and Sigyn is one of the muses on my Oscar blog @askoscarpine))
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thesixties1 · 4 years
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Check out 23andMe HUXX-10-N05 Health Ancestry Saliva Collection Kit  New #23andMe https://ebay.us/4JbfIR via @eBay
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girlfrompluto1 · 4 years
Interview With My Characters: Mirabelle
Interview With My Characters: Mirabelle
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Me: Thank you for joining me for my blog today!
Mirabelle: It is an absolute pleasure to be here. I am exited for people to get to know me a little bit.
Me: Yes, same! Are you ready?
Mirabelle: Yes, I am completely ready.
Q: What is your full name? And if you have a nickname, what is it and who addresses you with it?
A: Mirabelle Evianna Huxx. My family tends to call me Mira most…
View On WordPress
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designmorphine · 4 years
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Follower Fridays work from our follower @areejkiwan . . Tag us in your work to be featured in the next "Follower Friday" . . #grasshopper3d #autodeskmaya #generative #design #art #architecture #sculpture #superarchitects #nextarch #architecturelovers #bestoftheday #houdini #model #computational #blender3d #morphinedesign #parametricarchitecture #instartist #next_top_architects #rhino #desigmorphine #architecturestudent #zbrush #instagood #morphinecollective #everydays #artwork #parametric #architectureporn #followerfriday https://www.instagram.com/p/B-huXx-JUya/?igshid=b8fpvsr66bhn
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