#hux isn’t a petty idiot
bostarsky · 3 years
First Lines Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @tc-lp and since I don’t really interact that much on tumblr consider yourself tagged if you’re a writer, I don’t know y’all’s blog names😂
1. Werewolf 2: Electric Bogaloo (Kylux, 5k)
“To Hux there’s nothing quite like the rush he gets from walking Kylo down the street.”
2. Should Have Locked the Door (Clydeland, 377 words)
“Usually Clyde would never consider doing something as risky as having sex on the living room couch, but by the time that thought ocurs to him Stensland is already balls deep and the only thought on his mind is how danged good it feels.”
3. Fuck You and Your Poodle (Kylux, 3600 words)
“Hux considers himself a man of particular tastes, his family line holds prestige and his bank is impressive to say the least.”
4. At This Point I’m Praying FOR That Dick (Kylux, 3600 words)
“Ben never meant for it to go this far, whatever this thing he has with Hux is, it should have ended the day he was excommunicated.”
5. God Did NOT Save Me From That Dick (Kylux, 3400 words)
“As dreadful and humiliating an experience as it was, Ben felt no surprise at being put under a magnifying glass by his peers.”
6. The Little Dumbass (Kylux, 22800 words)
“His mother always tells him not to stray too close to where the land dwellers are, but Kylo is curious and confident in his ability to defend himself should he need it.”
7. Who Says Petty Crime Doesn’t Pay? (Kylux, 1200 words)
“A wet nose bumps into Kylo’s shin, a few sniffs following in quick succession, then a reedy little meow.”
8. God Save Me From This Dick (Kylux, 2200 words)
“After that sweltering afternoon in Hux’s house, Ben has been praying for forgiveness.”
9. Charity Work (Kylux, 1900 words)
“It can be discouraging to have countless doors slammed in his face, but Ben is sure in his faith and knows eventually there will be a door that remains open.”
10. Fido, Fishnets, and Body Parts (Kylux, 500 words)
“It didn’t take Hux long to find out that Kylo’s sense of style and his career affects every aspect of his life.”
11. Between a Cock and a Hard Place (Kylux, 3500 words)
““Do you EVER think anything through!” Hux screams at him from about two inches away, spittle spraying Kylo’s face.”
12. Fill me Like a Creampuff (Kylux, 1900 words)
“There are many pros to having a roommate, pros that enable Kylo to live somewhere decent at all.”
13. Oh, To be a Flower in Clyde Logan’s Hair (Clydeland, 500 words)
“Clyde knows about the ongoing challenge amongst his patrons, it’s hard not to when every night he’s bombarded with any number of bad jokes and dumb things from the internet that he doesn’t understand.”
14. The Sound of Rain (Kylux, 1200 words)
“This isn’t exactly what he had in mind when Hux asked him if he wanted to come over so they could get rid of their sexual tension once and for all.”
15. Pink Cadillac (Clydeland, 5600 words)
“Ever since puberty hit and Clyde grew a whole foot in a couple of years, he’s been very aware of his size.”
16. It’s Raining Men (Kylux, 3400 words)
““Hey, Kylo! We’ve got a call for a cat stuck up a tree.””
17. Hook, Line, and Sinker (Clydeland, 850 words)
“When he’d met Stensland Clyde had thought he was odd for a human.”
18. Idiots, Idiots Everywhere (Kylux, 570 words)
““You should kiss Hux.””
19. When Nature Calls (Kylux, 700 words)
“It had started out well enough but Hux should have know that stubbing his toe this morning had been a foreshadowing of more bad luck to come.”
20. Butt I Wanted a Pillow (Kylux, 1670 words)
“The room is immaculate, Hux will give them that much, being that he’s in Las Vegas he almost expected there to be a little ziplock bag of cocaine on the pillow instead of the neatly wrapped chocolate.”
And there we go, all of these, and many more, can be found on my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BoStarsky/pseuds/BoStarsky/works I chose to stick to my last 20 Kylux and adjacent stories that I wrote on my own just for the sake of consistency. Honestly I still love all of these cause I did write most of them for myself more than anyone else, I just like sharing with the fandom.
As for a favourite opening line I’m not really sure, mostly cause my memory is shit more than anything else. I’ve read so many good fics in this fandom over the years that I’m not sure if I could choose just one anyway.
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ablogcalledrevenge · 5 years
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Potential (A General Hux x Reader Insert Multi-Chapter Fic, Rated M)
Chapter One
You’re not allowed to meet him; when he comes to the estate to visit your father and brother. Maybe it’s because your family thinks he’s only here to discuss a new position in the First Order for your brother, or maybe it’s because, and you know this is a petty thought, your mother is trying to marry off your sister and you’re prettier than her by a long shot. Granted it isn’t that your sister isn’t pretty, she is, or that she isn’t friendly and sociable and everything an officer’s wife should be. But if your parents think General Hux of the First Order is going to marry your older sister and be content with that, they’re more foolish than you thought.
Honestly, the fact that they think General Hux is just here to discuss a job opening is more than eye opening to their naivety. The First Order is reeling after the destruction of Starkiller; he’s here to beg for funds and nothing more. Perhaps he will have to give your brother a job and marry your sister to get the money and that thought is full of wicked glee. 
You have no reason to dislike the General, technically as a person under the rule of the First Order you should deify him, but you can’t help yourself. There’s something hard about him, so cold and distasteful. He’s so obviously power hungry and so clearly an idiot in the ways he goes about getting it. You won’t deny he’s intelligent and cunning, but he lacks finesse. He doesn’t have quite the right amount of charm to get what he wants. He’s too eager and too military but… 
But there was potential there. He could be great, he could rule them all. He just needed the right person to help him and you knew exactly who that should be.
You could crash their meeting, come striding in and sit yourself down in one of your prettier outfits and steal the attention but subtlety will be the better option here. So you wait, you wait until their meeting is over and General Hux makes his way towards the guest room he’s staying in. There’s a piece of artwork by his room and you stand there looking at it and waiting for him. If you happen to be in a very beautiful gown, then that’s just a coincidence. The pale blue dress is one of your favorites and it’s off the shoulder design accentuates your neck and collarbones and chest while dozens of sewn on flowers add pops of pastel color. Certainly better than the ugly drab thing your sister preferred, trying to instill a feeling of modesty that you knew she didn’t have. Overall the look was just right; nothing too extravagant or risque but enough to hopefully cause a second look.
The sad truth is that you were never important, never truly needed. The spare of a spare and not even a boy to bring in glory. Your parents cared very little for you but still regarded you closely and warily. You could be useful to them someday and therefore you were always watched. They could tell you had ideas but they would be shocked if they knew the extent. You were smart and you had ambitions and it was obvious the way the galaxy was forming. You wanted power and you wanted to be heard and looking at it from an objective standpoint, Hux was the best way to do that. It would be unpleasant to get him to like you, let alone trust you, but you could pull a long con. You could mold him, help him realize his true brilliance, help him get all the factions under control. Starkiller was a setback, you won’t deny it but he was clever and with you behind him, everything you ever wanted would soon be served to you on a platter. With your plans and creativity, you could probably be in charge. Kick out Snoke and Hux and even Kylo Ren and just rule it all. But that was risky, cocky, and far too ambitious for someone like you, coming from nothing. You needed a foothold and that was where Hux came in. He would be very useful if you could just get him underneath you. You also despised wasting things with good skills and connections. Besides, better him the target than you.
You hear him coming before he actually appears, the quick step of his shoes against the stone floors followed by the clank of Stormtrooper armour. He brought bodyguards with him, though he won’t need them here. The only danger to him is your mother’s clear and desperate attempts at matchmaking. He sounds closer and you quickly school your features into ones of pensive thought and admiration like you’re so caught up in the painting you don’t even hear the stomps coming down the hallway.
He turns the corner and you hear the moment he sees you. After what you assume is a moment of composure, he stops and clears his throat. You pretend to startle and turn towards him, hand clutching at your chest. Your eyes widen a little in surprise. 
“Oh forgive me General. I was just lost in my own little world right there. I didn’t mean to stand in the middle of the hallway like that,” You apologize. He nods his head in understanding though his face remains impassive. You’ve got to at least give credit where credit is due. He is extremely handsome. There’s a sharpness to his features that you like, that you’ve always liked if you’re being honest, and his eyes are unfairly green. Finally face to face you can see that he’s taller and broader than you and while he isn’t muscular, there’s a leanness to him that suggests some form of exercise. 
“It’s quite alright. It’s a beautiful piece, I can understand why you would get distracted by it.” He finally says, his voice soft, softer than you thought it could go. Is the General a secret art lover?
“It’s one of my favorites. I always love coming here to look at it.” You say, completely truthful. He could be lying, wanting to seem polite and get you out of the way but a small part of you hopes he isn’t. It will only help your plan if you have things in common.
“You’re (Y/N), yes? Your mother mentioned she had another daughter. Why didn’t you join us during lunch?” He asked, his gaze becoming one of shrewd assessment. You feel your face heat, completely unplanned.
“I am. I wasn’t invited. You’re not supposed to know but I think Mother wants to set you up with my older sister. She’s afraid that having me there would be a distraction.”
He walks past you then and opens the door to his room, standing there with a raised eyebrow. Glancing at the Stormtroopers you realize he wants to continue the conversation but is aware that it might turn into something that requires more privacy. You quickly walk into his room, hiding your smirk as you do so. He’s so sweetly going along with your plan, you’d thank him if it wouldn’t give you away.
He follows you in and closes the door before striding to the small liquor cabinet your father keeps stocked for guests. He pours himself a whiskey, offering you a glass which you decline. You have to play this carefully and you don’t want alcohol to impair you. You also prefer wine over harder spirits. Taking a sip with a pleased hum, he sits down and relaxes. Well maybe not relaxes, he’s too tightly wound to do that but he does recline in the chair and you suppose that’s enough for him.
“I found your sister, and your entire family, to be pleasant and welcoming. Why would you be a distraction?” He finally asks, his tone full of disdainful curiosity. He’s goading you, he wants you to snap and reveal something he can use and… 
A flash of heat runs through you and settles somewhere around your pelvis. General Hux is planning on using you just as much as you’re planning on using him.
“Because I’m better than her.” You say, your eyes flinty and words proud. He smiles at you then, slow and sharklike and you’re positive your answering smile matches his perfectly. 
“I think she was right to be afraid.”
You have to tread carefully here, you’re both playing a game and you want to win. You can’t admit your plan outright but you do need to gauge his interest. He takes another sip of whiskey, his eyes never leaving yours. The setting sun comes through the window and everything gets a touch darker. Neither of you calls out to raise the lights and the hazy quality of the room feels appropriate.
“You’re a very smart man General,” You start, sitting down in a chair opposite him. Your posture is relaxed but the vibroblade you have strapped to your thigh is cool against your skin. You don’t want to use it, but you’re not afraid to. 
“I’ve been told that, yes.” He responds slowly, trying to piece out what you’re getting at. His gaze is calculating and you enjoy it, you’re surprised to realize, you enjoy playing in this match with him.
“And yet, here you are. Begging for handouts and scraps after your failure.” You say harshly. His grip on the crystal glass of whiskey tightens and his mouth thins. You notice his other hand curls into a fist and if he hadn’t been wearing gloves, his nails would probably be digging into the skin.
“If this is your way to get into my good graces, you’re sadly mistaken.” His voice is ice.
“It isn’t. Though I doubt you have good graces to even get.” At that, the ice melts away a little and he smirks again. Raises his glass to you in a mockery of a toast.
“I’ve been told that as well.”
You watch him in silence for a while, both of you thinking and plotting. Does he understand what you want from him? What does he want from you? The anticipation is filling up the room, soon your hands might start to sweat. 
“I don’t think you need to give my brother a job or marry my sister to get money. You’ll get it from the older families easily enough. Just play to their vanity and the glory of the old Empire. You’ll soon have enough funds to build another weapon, hopefully less wasteful and idiotic than Starkiller.”
He looks incensed again and sets his glass down roughly on the table next to his chair. “Starkiller was not idiotic! It was my greatest military achievement to date!”
“Yes, and it only fired once before being destroyed by an old smuggler and an ex-Stormtrooper!” You shoot back, finger pointing in his direction. He snarls but doesn’t respond back.
“I would think knowing the history of the two Death Stars that failed so horrifically, you’d figure that creating a death ray in giant orb would be a bad idea.” You say, on a roll now. You’re saying more than you should but his pinched, red face is making you angry. Your mother would be shocked at your condescending tone but he needed to hear this. He needed to be brought down a peg and you enjoyed the mental visual of him on his knees before you. Then you could raise him up.
“Not to mention the complete waste of life. Five planets General? Surely one would’ve been enough. But now you’ve lost all that extra labour and possible soldiers and trade routes! You can’t rule over people that don’t exist.” He sits up suddenly then, as if hit by a blaster bolt. So much for not revealing your plan right away. This was only part one but you could have been a bit subtler. At least you weren’t yelling, suddenly aware of the Stormtroopers outside the door.
“What a very interesting thing to say. Why should I care about ruling over anyone? Supreme Leader Snoke controls the First Order. My focus is on my troops with their missions and conquests.” He drawls, leaning back once again in his chair and giving you a suspicious smile. He has a spark of hunger in his eyes and it thrills you to see it. It’s not a lustful or possessive hunger but one of pure greed. The look of a starving animal who just found it’s dinner limping in the forest. Your anger leaves you and in it’s place: the heady rush of excitement. 
“I think”, you say slowly, rising up from your chair to stalk over to his. General Hux tilts his head to the side, looking at the way your dress sweeps along your legs. “I think we could be very good friends General.”
Feeling very bold and perhaps stupid, you get into his lap and straddle him. His only reaction is a quick intake of breath through his nose. 
Then he looks up at you, the smile gone from his face but his eyes still so bright and sharp. His hand comes up to clutch at your waist and his grip is bordering on painful. You hold your breath, your heart beating so fast you’re sure he can hear it.
“I think we can do much better than that.”
Chapter Two Coming Soon...
Tagging: @livy1391, @babbushka, @girl-next-door-writes, @renaissance-mama Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
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solohux · 5 years
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Hi! It’s been a while since I made a big fic rec post, and with the influx of new canon content with the Kylo Ren & Hux comic and The Rise Of Skywalker on its way, what better time to whack out some recs!
Happy Reading! ❤️
Also, I apologise in advance if your fic is on here but I haven’t linked your tumblr. I searched for what I could but if your blog isn’t linked in your fic or on your AO3 account page, then I’ve just put your AO3 penname!
The usual disclaimer too. This is just my opinion and by no means an exclusive list. It’s just for fun!
Good Blogs To Find Fics
◾ @kyluxficrecs
◾ @kyluxcantina
◾ @kyluxhardkinks
◾ @softkyluxkinks
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
The blogs below write a considerable amount of ABO fics and I highly reccommend checking them out for all of their fics!
◾  @thethespacecoyote | AO3 - TheSpaceCoyote |
◾ @redcole | AO3 - Redleafmornings |
◾ @thez1337 | AO3 - TheZ1337 |
◾ @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof | AO3 - SinceYouAskedMeForATaleOf
◾ sickbed_00  | AO3 - sickbed_00 |
ABO Fic Rec
◾ Falling Stars by @huxative | WIP | 31k
Armitage Hux is the omega son and ever present shame of Lord Brendol, overseer of the Arkanis region. That was, until King Snoke arranged a marriage between his adopted son and Armitage.
◾ Hadopelagic by DustOnBothSides | WIP | 25k After a life of staying pharmaceutically heat-free, Hux has to allow his body to go through at least one natural cycle, lest there be consequences. He takes a shore leave and travels to a former omegan retreat, abandoned and all but forgotten after the fall of Old Republic. Ren, not knowing of Hux's predicament, decides to follow, suspecting treason. He finds something else instead.
◾ Bodies, Can't You See? by sual | 23k | When Hux sees the positive result on the pregnancy test scanner, he comes to several alarming realizations all at once. One: that his birth control has been tampered with. Two: that the baby is Kylo's. Three: that this is his true punishment for Starkiller's failure. And quietly, in a weak, tiny voice in the back of his mind, the unsettling conclusion that he wants to keep it. He'll die before he lets anyone near his child. He'll tear apart anyone that tries to get in his way. Even Kylo.
◾ The Emperor's New Consort by @redcole | 39k | The First Order is in control of the Galaxy, in a last ditch effort to save those who are left, they request negotiations. Only to find that for the Resistance to survive they only need to give up one thing small thing -  the angry Senator Ben Organa.
◾ Babe, I'm Here Again by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof | WIP | 117k | It's 2008 and graduate student Armitage Hux has no idea why hes still hanging out with that nerd of a second year Ben Solo. Surely he had better things to do that sit around planning Dungeons & Dragons adventures with this not-at-all-attractive Alpha who he definitely doesn't think about constantly.
◾ Shades Undimmed by @longstoryshortikilledhim | 21k | Hux is a bounty hunter who teams up with renegade Jedi Kylo Ren for a hunt. They’re determined not to let their biological needs intervene with the integrity of their mission. They fail.
◾ Fields of Gold by @ mssdare | 25k | Ren and Hux crash on a planet full of strange flowers. Soon, Hux starts feeling the effects of the pollen.
◾ Unexpected by @gonna-pop | WIP | 61k | After twenty years together, Ben and Armitage have gotten comfortable. There are no surprises left in their marriage, and nothing new to learn about each other. That is, until Armitage unexpectedly goes into heat while they’re vacationing on a resort world — and a few days of renewed passion changes the course of their lives.
◾ no hope, no quarter by @thethespacecoyote | 6k | Stolen away to a temple on Moraband, Kylo Ren finds himself at the mercy of an obsessive, sinister captor. Only one person can hope to save him, and would even dare put their life on the line against such insurmountable odds—Armitage Hux, his general and lifelong mate.
◾ To Build A Home by @reluctantly-awesome | 3.7k | Ren is truly a hopeless alpha and Hux helps him reluctantly and not because he wants a home himself, not at all.
◾  In Your Debt by @pangolinpirate | 8.5k | Things work a little different in the Order then they do in the Resistance
◾ need you baby (more, more, more) by @thesunandoceanblue | 6.5k | "Ren?" "Yes?" Hux traced his finger down Ren's jawline. "You'd do anything for me, right?"
◾ Alpha You Are Knot by @darktenshi17 | 1k | Alpha Kylo Ren has finally found his perfect mate, now they can begin a family together. There's only one problem; that's not how human reproduction works at all.
◾ Amnesia by @bubbaknowlton | 10k | Hux wakes up on an unknown ship, seven months pregnant with a baby crying in a crib. The last thing he remembers is leaving Kylo Ren at Snoke's citadel. Not knowing what alpha has bred him, nor the fate of the First Order, he takes the baby, some supplies, and runs.
◾ Checkmate by @thez1337 | 3k | Alpha Kylo Ren strikes down Omega General Hux's alpha. Then he takes his place. With omega Hux's pup in tow, will Kylo keep them or make new rules for the den?
◾ Stress Relief by orphan_account | 1k |   Kylo helps his omega settle after a nightmare.        
◾ I'll Even Call You General by @asexualavenger | 1k | Without a mate, Kylo turns destructive during his heat. Snoke tasks Hux with finding him a partner.
◾ Not a Mistake by @redcole | 12k | Hux was just looking for a good time when he met the strange man named Ben, but he ended up finding a lot more.
◾  It Feels Right by @deluxekyluxtrashcan After the destruction of Starkiller Base Kylo finds out that Hux is an omega, and tries to help him by finding suppressants to replace the ones Hux lost. It turns out that there are three others omegas on board the Finalizer, and, much to a somewhat jealous Hux's displeasure, Kylo ends up getting better acquainted with one of them - Petty Officer Thanisson - just a day before Hux goes into heat.
◾ If You Can't Be with the One You Hate by @tethysian | 12.5k | At Snoke's request Hux has always helped Kylo through his heats, albeit reluctantly. Then Kylo happens to go into heat while a prisoner aboard a resistance ship. Poe is the lucky(?) alpha chosen to take care of him, and Kylo discovers he might prefer an enthusiastic partner. Hux discovers something else about himself.
◾ time whets the fang by @thethespacecoyote  | 2k | As an alpha, Supreme Leader Snoke believes he has free reign to do whatever he wishes with the omegas beneath him, including his apprentice and top general. He may wind up regretting his arrogance.
Angst & Sickfics
◾ A cup of tea for the general by Koprix & SeiG | 165k | Hux is sick. It all starts with Kylo Ren coming to bother him and ending up trying to make a cup of tea for the general. And it goes straight to hell from there.
◾ Regretful Message by Sweets_Thief | 67k | Hiding from the Resistance should be easy when they already believe they've killed you. But when you're General Armitage Hux and you can't seem to recall becoming Emperor to the entire Galaxy, it becomes a little more difficult.
◾ Ethereal Balance by NylonRabbit| 4k |    Hux becomes pregnant, and falls into a mysteriously ethereal Force induced state as a result. Kylo misses him. A lot.      
◾ monsters, cut off from all the world by  inquisitor_tohru | 8k | A successful betrayal of the supreme leader with force-suppression tech leaves Kylo Ren at Hux's mercy. He expects to be disposed of in some way or another, but instead Hux gives him an ultimatum: Ren has one year to prove he's the best possible leader or escape his bonds and 'tag' Hux back. If he fails to meet either goal he will abdicate to Hux. If he meets one or both goals Hux will submit to any punishment or command. As it turns out, Ren is more sane, logical and functions generally better, without the Force.
◾ It's Gonna Be Alright by rmartin | 3k | After Kylo Ren becomes the Supreme Leader, the tension between him and General Hux arises. Everything changes when Hux falls sick and old feelings come to the surface when Ren takes care of him. Hux's sickness brings them closer and begins something that could change not only the future of the galaxy but their own future too.
◾ No One Wants to Die Alone by @mirlolo & @kyluxtrashpit | 30k | Frustrated with Hux’s continued, untraceable assassination attempts, despite trying everything to make his new Grand Marshal happy and make amends, Kylo drags Hux and only Hux on an unnecessary mission to some awful, swampy backwater planet as revenge. When they return, though, the symptoms of an unknown, serious disease land them both in the same quarantine room in the medbay, as well as spreads to some of the crew. They quickly learn that it’s hard to go through a near death experience with someone without getting closer to them in the process.      
◾ We Have So Much To Talk About by BlackKyber | 2.5k |      General Hux’s relationship with Kylo Ren is a complicated one. Their busy lives and differing personalities often clash with each other, making it difficult for the two of them to find peace with one another.When one of them falls ill, however, life finally slows down enough for the other to be able to fully evaluate where they are in life ... and where they might be heading.    
◾ For Your Own Good by @threewinterssnow | 2k | Kylo has the flu and he's acting like it's the end of the world. Hux does not get paid enough to deal with this.   
◾ get well, general by carefulren | 1.3k | Multiple days without sleep has Hux struggling with a nasty fever, and Kylo doesn't care... Not one bit..
◾ Through Sickness and Secrets [Iatrogenic] by NatashaRS | 7.8k | Kylo Ren hates Hux. He hates him a lot. Which is why it's rather unusual that when, upon finding a sick general, he does not kill him. Cue sweet moments, bickering, and a not-so-human Hux.
◾ As long as stars are above you by @ellstra | 2.1k | Hux gets injured because he just has to put his important regal person in danger and Kylo is not amused. He's admitted he cares for Hux, why is that not enough for Hux to stop making idiotic decisions?
◾ Fear of Falling Asleep by bastilas| 10k | Upon returning to the Finalizer from a diplomatic mission, Kylo and Hux are fired upon by their own subordinates, sent careening to the surface of the forest-blanketed planet Corstris. The troopers are dead, the shuttle is barely equipped with survival gear, the weather is cold and miserable, and to make it worse: Hux is injured. It isn't an easy journey off of the planet.
◾  Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time? by Anonymous | 15k | MCD |  Armitage Hux (34, lonely, in denial) waits impatiently for the end of Ren's mission as he goes about his routines on the Finalizer, taking no pleasure from his job.Four more days. It's always four more days, and they have lasted a very long time.
◾ With Dignity by @kyluxtrashpit | 4.4k | When Hux is captured by the Resistance, he vows to do whatever is necessary to avoid giving away the Order's secrets. Left with no other options, he stops eating and drinking, intending to end himself as a precaution. The Resistance, however, knows how much Hux knows and have no intention of losing him to anything, including himself.
◾ Flicker in the Void by @mothdust | 30k | Hux watched in silence as the light swept over his body. The power stunned him, as did the bright jet of flame as it licked its color into his eyes. This was not the calm brightness of last night in the presence of Kylo Ren. This was a different sort of light altogether, massive and deadly. It overwhelmed him. For a moment Hux felt an aching regret deep within himself, the sob of someone he used to be, bubbling up from the cold.
◾ A Reckless Act of Domination and Intimacy by the_heauxly_trinity | 110k | After the death of Snoke and the Battle of Crait, long-time rivals Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and General Armitage Hux must cooperate or everything they value will self-destruct. Hux knows he is the First Order's last line of defense against a raging, uncontrolled monster, and he knows how little he can do to influence him... until Ren's pragmatic attempt to "learn more about him" presents Hux with what he believes is his only chance, unethical though it may be, to save his cause.The story of a boy named Kylo, and a boy named Armitage, and how with their love they saved each other from every bad thing that had ever happened to either of them.Believe it or not, this gets pretty dark.
◾ Confined Spaces by @milliethecat | 31k | Kylo Ren and General Hux are captured and sold by a bounty hunter, and forced to share a cell, all while Kylo has his powers suppressed, making him see life in a different light. While Hux formulates actual plans to escape, Kylo realises that he and Hux have more in common than he thought, and a compatibility that could be both useful and devastating. Meanwhile, their captor takes a disturbing liking to Hux, and in the face of his threats, Hux comes to Kylo with a request that would indebt him to Kylo forever, if only the alternative wasn't so much worse.
◾ Meet Me Halfway by @callmelyss | 5.5k | “I don’t do that,” Hux responds in an undertone before he realizes. He flushes—hard—and scowls. “If that will be all, Supreme Leader…” He turns on his heel without waiting to be dismissed and starts to stalk back the way he came, grateful, as ever, for the wide sweep of his greatcoat, the padded shoulders making him feel less—small. He’s halfway out of the room (and what a waste of space) when what he said must catch up with Ren: “You mean you…never?”He freezes, every muscle in his body tensing. Won’t say it out loud. No, he emphasizes, clear as he can. Knowing Ren will hear, knowing he will see it regardless, terrible nosy busybody that he is. I haven’t.
◾  Scarlet Lines by @rattlesnake777 | 21k | A strange disease breaks out aboard the Finalizer and rumour has it that it befalls only virgins.
◾ To Be Truly Seen by TheKnitterati | 4k |      Kylo wears a helmet because he's extremely anxious about his appearance and thinks he's hideous. Hux finally figures this out and soothes him through a panic attack.        
◾ Before I Wake by @anorlost-the-sleepy-sun | 60k | During a mission gone wrong Kylo Ren and General Hux are captured by bounty hunters and sold to a vengeful Hutt.  Forging an uneasy alliance with his General, Kylo figures it's best he works with Hux if he wants to escape... and to keep Hux from killing him should the opportunity present itself.
◾ Hux's Secret Garden by @magicandmalice | 10k | Deep in the bowels of the Finalizer, Hux has a secret arboretum. He goes here to relax, to forget his problems for awhile, and to tend to and cultivate the fresh fruits, vegetables, and various other plants he grows there. It's his private place and no one is allowed within his sanctuary. Especially not Kylo Ren.
◾ The Escape of the Fox by @theweddingofthefoxes | 4.7k | After the First Order is defeated and Rey becomes Leia's heir, Kylo Ren and General Hux are both fugitives, and they haven't seen one another in years. Ren settles into a hermetic existence selling kyber, but when he learns Hux is still alive, he goes to find him under the pretense of staging a coup. But there's another reason he wants to see Hux again....
◾  Warp & Weft by @shinysylver | 6.7k | In the wake of Snoke's death, the Force bond connecting Kylo and Rey begins to collapse. Kylo's rapidly deteriorating health doesn't escape Hux's notice.
◾ our love is a ghost (that the others can't see) by @aptanstjarna | 14k | Ren likes flowers. Hux finds out.
◾ Staring Down With Empty Eyes by Asrael_Valtiri | 15.3k | Tonight, Hux’s lips roamed over Ren’s body, his hands following. He was a surveyor mapping out a strange, beautiful land no one else had ever seen before.No one else had. Only Hux.
◾ Do I Suffocate or Let Go by darthkylorevan | 3.2k | While Starkiller burns, Hux searches for Kylo. But when some machinery explodes Hux can't avoid injury. He doesn't move in time to avoid the burn to his face. When they are back on ship (Finalizer or Supremacy) he sees the burn blistering and peeling one side of his face. The old Imperial officers mock him behind his back. He has no time to get it looked after, let alone hide it. Eventually Kylo finds him and reassures him that there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Fantasy (Mermaid, Werewolf, Witch, Vampire AUs)
◾ A Song of Crows by @ficlet-machine | 202k | Warchief Hux has just buried his trusted Crow, and, if the Gods still favour him, a new one will find their way to his lands. Hux may be young, but he is a good leader for his people. He is ready for the commitment, the responsibility, the changes that come with a new child of the Gods at his command. The clan needs it, needs it spiritual leader if they are ever to claim ownership of all the lands from here to the Core Kingdoms. Raised a warrior, he is more than ready to paint the world red in honor of his gods. He may, however, not be entirely ready for what he will feel the first time he meets the haunted and tormented eyes of the young Crow called Kylo Ren
◾ The Season is Calling by @nerdherderette | 10k | When Armitage Hux woke up this morning, he never imagined that his eighteenth birthday would be spent like this: running through the woods with his clothes torn, slick between his legs, gun long-forgotten.
◾ Behold Tomorrow by Camellia Cook | 7.4k | Armitage is having a terrible day. He's lost his horse, lost his shield, and gotten stranded in the middle of a battle. To make matters worse, he's fighting the fearsome black knight Kylo Ren and barely managing to avoid getting killed. Then, Ren scents his biggest secret--he's an omega. He's a warrior omega, and Ren decides right then that he has to have him.Despite his better judgement, Armitage wants that too... He feels like there's something pulling them together, some connection that he doesn't fully understand. But destiny and biology be damned... He's Crown Prince Armitage Hux, heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Order, and he's not giving in without a fight.
◾ Midnight Dip by @sparrowlicious | 5.3k | A two week vacation on a tropical island sounded like a dream for most people but to Armitage it got boring after the first week. So instead of doing fun things that could lead to a sunburn he looked for potential men he could fuck. And then he meets Kylo. But Kylo turns out to be more than meets the eye...
◾ Surrender by @groffiction | WIP |  21k | AU where Hux is a Merman and finds a human Kylo drifting out in his lake. After saving his arse, Kylo repays Hux by kissing him and the whole world goes up in a kriffing shitload from there.
◾ Moonlight Bay by @thesevioletdel1ghts | 5.5k | A long, long time ago, on a beautiful seashore far far away.
◾ Wet Seal by @emperor-huxxx | 2.3k | On a lazy afternoon caught between spring and summer,  mer Hux reviews his anatomy studies.
◾ Turquoise Scales by @fandomlander | 7.7k | As the lights come on, he can see Hux on the bed. He can’t help his sharp intake of breath as he takes in the scene; Hux lies down on his back, eyes closed shut and a grimace of pain on his face. He looks pale and there are drops of sweat beading on his skin. He’s naked. Kylo is by the bed in two long strides. He swallows. “Kriff…”Hux’s eyes jolt open and he throws that defiant glance at Kylo. Reaches for the covers of the bed to shield his feet and legs. But it’s no use because Kylo already saw. He saw the turquoise scales on Hux, covering a large part of his ankles and his lower legs.
◾ Vampire Hux and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Werewolf      by @nerdherderette | 6.2k | As first impressions go, Hux admits the one he made with Kylo was pretty terrible, but he sets about to remedy the situation. He should have seen the signs—the dark circles under Kylo’s eyes, the surly demeanor, compounded by the stress of moving the day right after a full moon. (Which, like, what even? That’s Creatures 101 levels of shit not to do. Hux has no illusions about the intelligence of his new neighbor, but then again, his ass isn’t screaming for a good braining). He shakes his head. A fucking werewolf. Here, in Arkanis Hills.
◾ Hungry for The Kill by @nonsensicalsoliloquy | 47k | As was clearly his lot, Kylo’s day went from over the moon to piece of utter horseshit in a matter of progressively depressing hours. His ginger hadn’t shown up to the library – an anomaly in itself – on the very day Kylo had finally worked up the nerve to talk to him; his subsequent wild run in the woods had yielded little relief for his dismal mood, and on top of that he’d somehow gotten tricked into a trap of a trap through sheer disbelief of a hunter’s stupidity. And now. Now he was locked in a cage in some shady room, stuck in his wolf form, wounded and cramped and not at all pleased. But worse still, it appeared as though Kylo was not the only restless animal trapped there, anxious of an uncertain fate no doubt waiting for them all.
◾ Under the Moonlight by @threewinterssnow | 2.8k | Kylo has moved into a new neighborhood in hopes of better keeping his condition a secret and he has a very cute new neighbor.  But he might also have a few secrets.
◾ You Big Bad Wolf by @insanitysqueen | 12k | Hux meets an interesting person online. They chat, having the same kind of kinks and this 'REN' has a truly artful way of composing dirty messages, but never lets go of that werewolf-persona from when they first began to talk. Though Hux doesn't feel intimidated enough to turn down the invitation to this gorgeous strangers home. Especially during a weekend where the full moon will be shining.
◾ Full Moon by huxaholic | 2.7k | Mpreg | Pregnancy is dangerous for werewolves so Kylo and Hux take what precautions they can to try and make it as safe as possible for Hux. It's difficult though, and tiring for them both, and Hux wishes it was over.
◾ Fang & Bang by @sparrowlicious | 10k | Armitage Hux is an ancient vampire who tries to live his life as a good citizen. Kylo Ren is his werewolf neighbor who caught his eye shortly after he moved in two months ago.One night during a full moon Kylo Ren ends up on Hux's couch uninvited. Hux sees it as an opportunity to get to know him better...
◾ Silver by @bubbaknowlton | 5.3k | Mpreg | Ren is bringing Hux and their daughter to meet his family. Problem is, the Skywalker-Organa-Solo's are monster hunters, and Hux is a vampire. He doesn't get to warn all his family members in time before they see him, and Han 'defends' the property by shooting Hux with a few silver bullets, sending him fleeing into the woods.
◾ Sense of Him by @mademoisellebianx | 42.6k | To escape the violence of war that tore down their hometown, Armitage Hux and his father fled to the quiet and peaceful town of Chandrila where Armitage meets Ben Solo, the mayor’s mysterious and melancholic son. Soon, Armitage began to unravel that the town Chandrila holds a deep, dark secret that the mayor tries to cover up. One fateful night, he was thrust into a supernatural world of men and monsters and his life was completely changed.
◾ The Onyx Mine by @theweddingofthefoxes | 3.7k | "So a monster!kylo au where Hux has to keep Kylo under control when he's in his monster state, and keeps him on a leash or in a cage. But then one day he puts him in it when he's more in control and finds that it's arousing for both of them to treat Kylo almost like his pet."
◾ On the upper glass shelf by @courgette96 | 22.5k | There once was a lead soldier with a crack on his face, who lived under the bed where forgotten toys go. There once was a doll on the upper glass shelf, where fragile things are kept out of reach. There were many things between them: a whole room, a whole shelf, a Shadow that slithered under the bed. And something bigger still, that would allow them to overcome all of it.
◾ Captive by @embershx | 2.9k | When Hux followed Kylo Ren home he should have expected he would end up like this - In the vampire's basement bound, helpless, and unable to resist.
◾ The Witch and His Wendigo by @magicandmalice | 10.6k | Kylo Ren is a powerful Witch of the Forest. When he stumbles across a rare and fascinating Wendigo one evening, he decides then and there he will do anything it takes to make him his.  Now he just has to convince the creature, one that lives only to sate it's hunger, of his intentions and not end up it's next meal.
◾ here comes the first day by @ingu | 8k | The moment Hux threw himself in front of the blaster shot meant for Kylo Ren was the moment he realised that he had well and truly gone out of his mind. (Or, the one where Hux tries to save the life of Kylo Ren and accidentally saves himself in the process.)
◾ a most lovely tarnish by @thethespacecoyote | 2.2k | Kylo returns from a mission with a few more grey hairs than he had before. Hux is fascinated, and maybe a little attracted to how well his lover seems to be aging.
◾ Searching for Your Visible Soul by ozsyn | <1k |<br>The Supreme Leader of the First Order returns from his latest round of negotiations on a far-off planet. General Hux eagerly awaits his return but was under the false impression that he would be returning alone.
◾ Haunted Dreams by @threewinterssnow | 3k | It's not the first time Kylo has been unable to sleep. The solution, he thinks, is with Hux. But he doesn't think Hux has any interest in helping him.
◾ just a little hush, babe by @begforyourmercy | 2.3k | Kylo can't fall sleep, and Hux can't sleep without him.
◾ Here by @babbushka | 1.4k | “I’m never letting you go.” Kylo’s beautiful face faded away as the black of complete unconsciousness overtook the both of them, knowing that when they would wake, they would get to spend each waking moment together.
◾ Sharpshooter by Sweets_Thief | 71k | When Snoke sends Hux on a secret mission Kylo learns something new about the General he assumed had no military training except for the studies he did in books. It draws them closer together and Kylo thinks they'd make an unstoppable team. But fate has other plans for them.
◾They Who Hold The Galaxy Upon a String by @mademoisellebianx | 19.8k For so long, it irked Armitage Hux that Kylo Ren had never given him attention. It may be ironic how much he wanted the attention of someone he supposedly hated, but Armitage could not help himself. After proposing a truce between him and the Supreme Leader (a truce that backfired when Kylo asked him to prove his loyalty by becoming the Supreme Leader’s consort), he finally got most, if not all, of Kylo's attention. Too much of it, in fact.
◾ Someone like you by @minzimpression | 19k | Hux is in his last year at the Academy and meets a guy named Ben. Ben certainly makes his last year interesting. It's a shame that he breaks Hux's heart and vanishes into thin air.
◾ You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It) by @fandomfix8 | 2.7k | Kylo Ren has a temper. Armitage Hux hates how it makes him feel. And then Kylo gets hurt while on a mission.
◾ In the Darkness by @loserchildhotpants | <1k |</b> One character playing with the other’s hair
Historical & Other Such AU’s
◾ O Bury Me Not by @babbushka | 75k | Armitage Hux has only ever had one dream: ruling the oceans with an iron fist. As Admiral of the British Royal Navy, he thought he was on top of the world, but it only takes a run-in with a handsome and ferocious pirate to show him there's so much more to be conquered, if he's willing to leave his life behind.
◾ Vive l'Empereur by @heresetrash | 6.5k | Emperor Hux is gravely injured in an assassination attempt, and only survives thanks to Ren, the captain of his private knights.  When he recovers, the Emperor wants to reward Ren.
◾  The Vainglorious Journey by itspixiesthing & @nerdherderette | 31k | When Armitage Hux, the third Baron of Arkanis, finds himself penniless and near the end of his rope, he throws his name on the shortlist for Commander of the Royal Army. He never dreamt that he would be leaving his meeting with the King and Queen of Alderaan with an even bigger problem: handfasted to the impossibly gorgeous (but equally spoilt) heir-apparent, Prince Ben Solo. A The Taming of the Shrew AU.
◾ The Measure of Man by @courgette96 | 124k | After demonstrating his brilliance in the latest Military campaign, Major Armitage Hux of the Hussars ought to have been rewarded by the respect and admiration of England’s Upper Crust. Instead, he finds that blood and heritage are still the sole currency of value, and that his merit is worth very little in the face of the mediocre House his father has saddled him with.However, when he finds himself implicated in a covert plot to restore England to the past glory of its Imperialistic days, he sees the opportunity to satisfy his ambition and achieve the greatness he deserves. To reach the top of society, it is far easier to bring it down first.It would have been a straightforward plan, were it not for the intervention of one Lord Kylo Ren. All too soon, Hux finds himself swept away by an impossible man, the rise of appetites and affections he has long tried to bury within himself, and the discovery of a power that goes beyond what mere science might explain.
◾ Aberration by skydork (klismaphilia) | 2.3k | Victorian AU with medical kink, inspired by those physicians who offered clitoral massage as a cure for 'hysteria'. Lord Huxley is afflicted with melancholy after the failure of his Star-Killer experiment. The mysterious Doctor Ren provides a treatment programme based on fingertip stimulation of the prostate gland.
Modern AU (Disclaimer: I’m not much of a fan of this trope so I don’t read much of it so there isn’t much in this category, sorry!)
◾ Two Years, Two Months, and Twenty-Eight Days by @kyluxtrashcompactor& @nerdherderette & @pangolinpirate | 90k | It took less than twenty-four hours after they met to know that they were meant for each other. But it will take longer than that to get it right.
◾ what's real or isn't by @brawlite | 57.3k | Hux's new house is not haunted. It isn't.
◾ Reconditioning by @jinxedambitions | 173k | Ben Solo is one of the FBI's most promising young agents.   While he's had a few disciplinary hiccups, he's intelligent and not afraid to do what needs to be done.  His personal life is a mess, and he may not look like your typical federal agent, but he might be the only man for this job.  Ben's looking for a promotion and something like the glory his parents always talked about before he was born.The FBI is looking to take down one of the country's most elusive prostitution rings, specializing in the types of sex that Ben's boss has only read about in the novel his wife hides under the bed. Ben is going undercover as a "slave" in order to gather information on the ring's leaders, purchasing a premium package from the agency. 30 days as a slave to a professional Master, and a guaranteed sexual experience of a lifetime.  He gets chosen by Hux, or the General as he insists Ben call him, and he quickly realizes that no training could have prepared him for this experience. Every day, Ben, or Kylo as he is known at the club, finds out more and more about the organization, but the more he learns the less he wants to destroy them.      
◾ The Stars Above Us by @dreamykylux & @mi-caw-ber | 7.2k | Right after the battle in Starkiller forest, Kylo Ren is mysteriously ported from his universe to appear on Earth, in Hux's university campus park. Hux, an astronomy professor, is out jogging, when he suddenly spots someone in black robes, lying injured in the snow... Kylo think he recognises him, but Hux can't quite work out where he's seen this man before, and trying to help him turns out to be both more complex, and much more rewarding than he could have imagined...
◾ Love Bites So Deep by @obsessions-and-dreams & @pangolinpirate | 15.4k | Hux is a dedicated zoo director who loves his work but knows something is missing.Kylo is the passionate big cat's keeper who makes Hux's life more difficult at every turn.When the zoo's owner passes away and his will appoints Kylo his successor, life at the zoo becomes a whole lot more challenging. But the two have no choice but to work together, and in doing so discover they actually share a lot in common...
◾ Vivid Dreams by @amsare-saxon-picture-show | 3.2k | Armitage Hux doesn’t like his real life: he’s got a normal job and he hates his colleagues. But in his dreams, he’s known as General Hux, a cold and determined man, feared by his subordinates. Every night he gets to live another kind of life aboard his ship, the Finalizer, until one night he receives a strange message from Kylo Ren. And Kylo Ren doesn’t play by the rules of Hux’s dreams
◾ Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by @saltandrockets | 4.3k | For Armitage Hux, Valentine’s Day is the worst day of the year. A florist, he creates beautiful flower arrangements to help romance bloom between other people—but his own love life is nonexistent. That changes when a needy customer starts calling the shop.
◾ Soul of Magic by @darktenshi17 & @epselion | 32.4k | Matt/Techie too | Armitage and Techie are twin witches living and running a business together. They're happy with how things are, until two big wrenches come crashing into their lives. Love wasn't in the long-term plan, but neither was having their father come back from the dead to try and such the magic out of their bodes and steal it for himself. Maybe having a pair of big strong men around isn't such a horrible thing.
◾ Wrong Number by @cosleia | 8.4k | Kylo Ren's cell phone number is two digits off from a phone sex line. This turns out to be a good thing.
Parents & Pregnant
◾ Lying Side by Side in Pieces by @ballvvasher | 14.5k | After failing to exterminate the Resistance, the newly appointed Supreme Leader makes it clear he doesn’t care for Hux’s well-being. Hux fears that Ren will demote him, or worse. There must be a way to ensure not only his self-preservation but his status within the Order, to bind Ren to him permanently, to make Ren need him more than he ever needed Snoke. An insane idea is born—to undergo a partial sex reassignment procedure in secret, and trick Ren into unknowingly impregnating him. He’ll play on Ren’s insecurities, use science and seduction to entrap Ren; to bolster control over him, down to his bloodline. And when he’s under his spell, Hux can finally slaughter him and take his place as Supreme Leader. At least, that’s the plan. Hux has only himself to blame when it all starts to crumble around him.
◾ a minor disaster at daybreak by @thethespacecoyote | 1.6k | One morning, Kylo finds his children trying to prepare a surprise for Hux.
◾ Progeny by @geishacomb | 64k | General Hux has not allowed the Supreme Leader back into his bed since the events of TLJ. But when he does, the consequences are far graver than either he or Ren could have ever imagined.
◾ Neogenesis by @claricechiarasorcha | 12k | In the days after Starkiller and Crait, Kylo Ren discovers that Armitage Hux has been keeping a secret. This is not going to go the way either of them might think.
◾ special delivery by @gonna-pop | 3.3k | Hux had not intended to be present for this messy process. Rather, he'd imagined returning after his shift and being handed a clean, swaddled baby. But there was nothing for it now.He rolled up his sleeves.
◾ Sunstroke by @ballvvasher | 33.8k | Supreme Leader Snoke gives Kylo Ren a mission to strengthen the Knights’ of Ren hold on the First Order. Set several years before the events of Episode VII. Story contains mpreg, medical torture, and sexual assault.
◾ Knocked Up by @agent-nemesis | 3.7k | "Are you ready?" Kylo asks Hux stupidly, realising the question is more directed at himself. Hux answers with a cry, and then his panic rises again. Kylo hunches over him, cocooning him protectively. "You can do this," he whispers. "I know you can do this." "I can't," Hux whimpers, shaking his head. "They're too big. I can't." "You're a general of the First Order," Kylo says softly in his ear. "The General. The strongest man I know. You can do this."
◾ Ethereal Balance by NylonRabbit | 4.2k | Hux becomes pregnant, and falls into a mysteriously ethereal Force induced state as a result. Kylo misses him. A lot.
◾ Children of War by @starryartemis | WIP | 76k | After a complicated diplomatic mission went awry, General Hux and Kylo Ren accidentally find themselves tasked with their most difficult mission: becoming parents.Despite their complex relationship, they both agree that raising an offspring will help bring glory to the First Order. Their original vision of a united family quickly falls apart as Hux and Ren cannot see eye to eye in what they want the future to hold.
◾ a welcome interruption by @thethespacecoyote | 1.7k | Emperor Hux is in the middle of important but increasingly trying trade negotiations, when one of his children decides to disrupt the tension.
◾ Egg Bound by @starkillersbae | 2.2k | Kylo Ren and Hux make time in their busy schedule of ruling the galaxy to play their favorite game. But when Hux gets called away on important business the eggs Kylo has been carrying remain inside for too long, leaving Hux to play midwife while Kylo labors.
◾ Helmet by @abboh | 1.4k | All Kylo wanted was his helmet back but where was it? it wasn't on his shelf nor countertop. Wait, Hux has it and what is he doing with their kid?
◾ the Evil Space Dads series by @bubbaknowlton | 300k | 82 works |
◾ Moonbroch by Irma7x | 46.5k | Supreme Leader Snoke request their subordinates to produce an heir and secure the legacy of the First Order--an heir, specifically engineered to bear the traits of the two commanders of the First Order, thus supplying Snoke with the perfect apprentice. Tensions arise as Kylo Ren and General Hux begin to doubt their loyalty to The Order as the possibility of bringing a child to their lives makes them doubt their previous motivations and longings.        
◾ A Fortunate Alpha by @paperprinc3 | 1.3k | Alpha Hux doesn’t really know what his husband Kylo sees in him. Even so he’s trying his best to be the best father he can and make his family happy. A revelation from Kylo might mess everything up though.
◾ Something More by @kyluxfichell | 5k | When Kylo Ren falls pregnant with Hux’s child, the two men begin to doubt their allegiance to the First Order. They flee together, desperate to prevent their child from becoming Snoke’s next weapon.
Smut & PWPs
◾ Who's Your Master? by @groffiction | 3.5k | Sub Kylo | Hux murmured softly, “You don’t need punishment tonight, Ren. You need rest.” “But, I want… I want this… need this,” Kylo protested weakly, reaching around to nuzzle at Hux’s boots.
◾ The Best by @kyluxtrashpit | 6.4k | Sub Kylo | Kylo goes to an ancient Sith temple in search of power, to find the secret to being the best and strongest in the galaxy. Instead, he's bestowed with a curse that seems more like a blessing than anything else: he's now the best in the galaxy at blowjobs. However, he quickly finds that it truly is more of a curse than it first seems - or is it?
◾ Driving Westward by @slutstiels | 8k | “You got a name?” The driver’s voice is deep. “Hux.” Hux winces. He had a plan, a fake name all picked out that would be unremarkable, but he’s so nervous it just slipped out before he had a chance. “What about you?” “Call me Kylo.” At least he can remember his dumb fake name.
◾ Fill The Void  by @magnetvrs | 2.1k | Where Hux was once hungry for power, for a taste of command, for the respect, for order and bloodshed, now there is only one kind of hunger burning low in his gut. Kylo Ren is his own kind of flavour - distinct and intoxicating.
◾ For Those Who Stop and Stare by @centurytwitch | 3.1k | Dopheld Mitaka thinks he knows General Hux. Using his office as his occasional breakroom allows him to do some lowkey snooping. Beneath the surface, the aspects not revealed by his desk or bookshelf, there is much to be learned.    
◾ Do Only As I Say by @the-garbage-chute | 3.1k | Power bottom Hux coaching virgin sub Ren step by step while they fuck. Hux has a belt around Ren's neck choking him and as he feels himself getting close Hux stops riding him almost all together making him beg, prolonging his orgasm.
◾ Subliminal by @kyluxtrashpit | 5.7k | At his wit's end with what to do with Ren as the new Supreme Leader, Hux finally has an idea: conditioning, by the same methods used in the Stormtrooper program, but with very different results. Ren isn't the only one who knows how to manipulate minds, after all.
◾ Too Cool to Care by @vadianna | 9.2k | Kylo Ren slights Hux in the bedroom, accusing him of being boring after Kylo is too tired to keep it up.  In retaliation, Hux invites him to an anonymous hotel room in Canto Bight and shows him just how imaginative he can be.  Kylo, not entirely sure Hux won't use the opportunity to eliminate his rival, agrees to everything Hux suggests.
◾Black Box by Asrael_Valtiri | 1.9k | Ren’s mouth fell open. He swallowed hard. He lifted the tool—no, toy—out of the box, placed a finger in the handle, and let it dangle, admiring the shine, the weight of the piece. It was very heavy for its size. It was cold but warmed up quickly against his skin.He needed it inside of him. Now.
◾ Be My Outlet by @kyluxtrashpit | 1k | Hux hates Kylo Ren, but he never turns down the opportunity to use Ren's body as an outlet for his frustrations with the man. Ren encourages it and some of their sessions are riskier than others.
◾ the littlest general by @thethespacecoyote | 5.4k | Something unexpected happens to Hux during an assassination attempt. Kylo deals with the aftermath.
◾  Ascension by @thesevioletdel1ghts | 6k |  Hux swallows. They both know the answer, it’s fairly evident with him already sitting on Ren’s lap. Of course, Ren wants him to say it out loud, wants Hux to debase himself even further and Hux hates him for it.   “I could—“ He clears his throat.   “Yes?”   “I could... ride you. Supreme Leader.”   Ren grins, toothy, infuriating. “If that is what you want.”
◾ Sleep It Off by @centurytwitch | 1.8k | Back pain has always been a problem in Hux's life. Medication never helps. Kylo knows the perfect way to help him through it.
◾ It shouldn't have A Name by @nonsensicalsoliloquy | 6k | Kylo’s jealous angry with his General and resolves to set aside an entire day to personally oversee his ‘punishment.’ The unspoken aftermath was as expected as it was disastrously not.
◾ Un autre amant by srawratskcuf (Doreen) | 5.6k | Undercover for a mission, Hux goes blond and Kylo goes wild.
◾ Pretty in Pink by Huxilicious, rmn_werefoxes | 2.5k | Sometimes Hux likes to dress up in pretty things and get fucked within an inch of his life. Kylo Ren is more than happy to oblige.        
◾ The Body Electric by @h-uxed | 4.2k |  Leaning close, his breath hot and his eyes devouring, the Knight purrs, “When I’m done with you, General,” He promises, his voice velvet soft, “You will never again question that you are mine.” Kylo takes the General’s virginity.
◾ A Chance at the Throne by cajynn | 2.6k | Hux and Kylo fuck on the throne, and Hux desperately wants the upper hand
◾ Never Enough by @samedifference61  | 3.3k | For the Kylux Hard Kink anon prompt: Hux or Kylo it doesn't matter who, edges the other so hard, they don't let the other come before he's a crying begging mess. They just like to make the other cry knowing that they're the cause of it Ren needs this (to end).
◾ That's the Way it Goes by Anonymous | 1.4k | Kylo decides that Hux's face is only worth sitting on.
◾ at the beginning of the world  by carnival_papers | 10k | Insecure about his body and his virginity, Kylo breaks down during his first time with Hux. Reminded of his own first time, Hux takes care of Kylo and helps him through it.  
◾ In this life and the next by Ggeri_Sminth | 4.9k | Kylo always remembers his past life; all of them leading him to one person his home. The only issue is that person never remembers their life, leaving Kylo to find him over and over again. Sometimes things don't always go as planned. 
◾ dream a little dream of me by @begforyourmercy | 4.8k | Kylo Ren loves his General - but only when he's asleep.
◾ Clearer Now by @ezlebe | 4.9k | “Well,” Hux snaps, turning on his heel when the silence becomes too much to bear.Ren stares back with oddly wide eyes, sopping hair plastered to his face. “Well?” “Where are the jokes?” Hux says, lifting his chin, feeling a tight frown settling across his lips. “My match the Jedi master, hero of the Clone Wars, Bane of Lord Vader, et cetera.” Ren opens his mouth, seemingly ready to fulfill expectation, then closes it with an exhale. He shrugs stiffly, rolling up the jumper hem in his hands and shoving it over his head in one swift movement.
◾ Matches and Flames by @katherine1753 | WIP | 47k | The names on people's wrists weren't just suggestions. They were fate. Destiny. So how could Hux be falling in love with someone who wasn't his Match?
◾ Hope is a waking dream by @minzimpression | 26.5k | After his mother’s funeral Hux sees the world through his soulmate’s eyes for the first time.
Enjoy! ✨
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what-i-call-men · 6 years
Treason is a bitch
Chapter 4
The next day was like heaven for you. Hux was confined to the med bay for a day of healing and you got to run the bridge by yourself. It was easier then Hux made it look. Always stressing and pulling at his hair when you simply just told people to report anything they found out of the ordinary. It was mostly just monitoring.
You went the whole day without any big problems. Kylo even came to join you for a little bit, agreeing that everything was so much more calm with Hux out of the way. You loved the freedom, yet a small part of you missed the uptight ginger and how he bossed everyone around. It added a sense of drama and pettiness to your otherwise boring life.
Once all the bridge members retired to their quarters for the night you found yourself lingering on the bridge. You had stopped into your quarters for a short while to change out of your stiff first order uniform into your slightly less stiff but still somewhat uncomfortable sleep wear.
Wandering towards the front of the bridge and sitting down on a ledge near a window, you looked out to the stars surrounding the ship. Today felt as if you really were lacking excitement. You didn't realize that you actually looked forward to making fun of Hux and annoying the ever living crap out of him by assigning him stupid nicknames every single day.
Your train of thought and longing for excitement came to a halt as the doors to the bridge opened. You turned to see the one person you hated so passionately yet longed to see every day. “I was just checking in to make sure you hadn’t completely ruined my bridge.” Hux said as he walked up to you. He was also in his on sleepwear which was identical to your own, but he had something that looked like light hair or fur dusted onto his own and his normally gelled back hair was messy and fallen to the side.
“Contrary to popular belief Armie, your job is much easier than you make it look,” you teased him, “I could’ve left you behind to die after getting shot and taken this over for good.” He moved to sit on the ledge with you, looking out to the stars, his lanky legs making it awkward for him to sit so low to the ground. He had probably 6 inches on your height, which by your best guess was all in his legs.
“Why didn’t you then?” He paused, causing you to look at him and away from the stars. “If you truly hate me so much then you should’ve just left me.”
You picked at your fingers, drawing your attention away from his striking blue eyes filled with question. “Leaving you could’ve been considered treason and being arrested for treason is a bitch,” You joked, yet it didn’t cause him to laugh. “Who else would I give stupid nicknames to, A? Everyone here respects me too much to be annoyed by my nicknames.”
You finally looked at him, deciding to change the topic before he could question you further. “How is your arm feeling?” You asked as you glanced over the bandage wrapping his upper arm. Slowly, you realized he had more than just a bandage on his arms. Some old looking scars and burns, not self- inflicted but you assumed they were from fighting to something.
“It’s fine,” Hux cut in quickly. “Why are you all of a sudden being civil with me?” Man, that was the question. Honestly, why were you being civil with him? Pausing for a moment, you opened your mouth to speak before your brain completely finished thinking.
“I guess since we have to get married and stupid stuff like that, we might as well try to get along,” your words rolled off your tongue, yet it had caught you off guard completely. “It’d be nice to be friends with someone other than my brother.” You said quietly. You didn’t normally call Kylo your brother nor your friend, yet it felt like he was to you. It was just the title that could put you and him off.
“That’s how you see Kylo? Like a brother? That explains why Snoke wouldn’t want you two to marry.” Hux said and you could swear he smiled. “Honestly, I’m scared to get married to you… Not just because of Snoke or how much you hate me.” Under his breath, he admitted.
“Why? Because you’ll have to share your living quarters and your… Cat?” You asked as you reached forward and gently picked a piece of fur off his shirt. He grinned at the fur of his cat and shook his head and let out a small breath, watching as you dropped the fur onto the ground.
“No, it’s not that. I’m scared of embarrassing myself at the wedding. If we get married we have to dance and I’ve never had the luxury of learning to slow dance.” Hux joked causing a small smile to form on both of your faces.
“Really? I learned how when I was younger and more when I was on T-948. Surprisingly, Ben-... er Kylo knows more than I do.” You thought fondly of him as Hux looked at you questioningly, not hearing Kylo’s real name before. “The people on the planet like to dance when they’re happy and throw many parties that I was invited to. I can teach you.” You said and moved to stand up. You loved dancing when the time called for it. The party’s on T-948 were all so elegant, everyone danced and you honestly loved them all.
Hux raised an eyebrow at you and hesitated. “Quickly, before I change my mind and go back to hating you.” You said and shook your hand a little. He took it and you helped him up, tugging his body closer to yours.
“Assuming that our dance will be a slow one,” You took his arms and set his left hand onto your lower back, taking the right one into your left. “Your one hand will go onto my waist right there and the other is in mine, here.” You said and rested your other hand around the back of his neck.
You moved closer to him, bodies just barely touching. “Now you just sorta sway like this.” You started saying and he waited a second before moving with you. “And we’re going to step and turn like this.” You said turning slowly as you two swayed, beginning to turn slowly.
If any of your workers would have heard that you and Hux were slow dancing in the bridge, all of them would have denied it. Yet, here it was happening. You were looking up at the ginger and him down to you. You both were grinning like idiots as you hummed softly; a song you had heard on T-948 that was slow and one of your favorites that you had heard.
As you moved closer to him, leaning against his shoulder. “A, I want you to know this isn’t going to change anything between us during work. You and I still have to bicker and be annoyed by each other.” You said softly.
“Oh so this isn’t you trying to suck up to me and get more work to do?” He laughed and looked at you as you laughed.
“If it was, would you be upset?” Retaliating, you smirked at him. He shook his head as he grinned. “Armie you have a great smile; I think you should smile more.” You said softly.
“Maybe for you, but I still need to be intimidating.” He muttered and leaned down, glancing to your lips and back to your eyes.
“I don’t think you’re intimidating. I think you’re rather charming.” You mumbled as he moved closer to you, your bodies being pulled against each other.
You closed your eyes, gently pushing his head closer to yours. Half a second before your lips connected you closed your eyes and made the final move, pushing yourself up on you your tiptoes. Your lips connected... and maybe it wasn’t the most romantic, standing in your uniform pajamas in the middle of the night cycle, swaying back and forth to no music on the floor of the bridge, yet it was the most romantic thing you ever experienced.
Pulling away after a few seconds, you kept your eyes closed. “Armitage… would you mind walking me back to my quarters?” You asked softly. “It’s getting late and I wouldn’t want to be a bad partner tomorrow and fall asleep on the job.” You whispered against the small bit of skin showing around his neck. He nodded the slightest bit and gently pulled back to take your hand so he could guide you to the door.
Willingly you followed him to your room through the halls. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said softly as you drowsily yawned as you punched in the code to your room. “Dream of me.” He said as you smiled and walked through the now open blaster doors. You turned to him and leaned up, kissing his cheek then turning to walk into your room.
That night of sleep you learned more about the General then you ever knew, he willingly let his guard down to your own prying mind, to him it was the ultimate form of trust.
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agoodflyting · 7 years
kylux & 13?
I like the way you think, anon.
Prompt: “Ask Me Again”
“For fucks sake, Ren, I’m trying to ask you to marry me.”
There’s a long silence. His mouth hangs open, in the middle of whatever malicious thing he was about to say. The little frown line between his eyes disappears, then reappears again. “… what?”
“Nothing.” Hux snaps, turning on his heel, “Nothing. Forget it.”
Techs and troopers scatter out of the way as he storms back to his quarters. His coat sweeps out behind him like Ren’s idiotic cloak and even that makes him angry. Stupid, this was- what was he thinking even considering it? Marrying Kylo Ren was the worst idea he’d ever had, and that included the time he’d tried to import Ewoks for cheap labor on Starkiller. Sure things had been good between them recently, wonderful even, but it never lasted. Ren always found a way to ruin it, the petty, inconsiderate-
“Hux, wait-”
He can hear Ren’s ridiculous heavy boots on the durasteel behind him. He walks faster.
Ignore him. Once he gets to his room he can lock the door and get thoroughly drunk and forget the idea to ask Kylo Ren to marry him had ever entered his head.
“You’re gonna make me do it, aren’t you?”
Hux freezes. It isn’t his decision to freeze. One moment he’s mid-step, the next his limbs are stiff, his boots glued to the floor.
The footsteps behind him jog to catch up.
“Let me go right now, Ren” he says, jaw clenched. The pressure holding him in place dissipates. He straightens his uniform out of habit.
“Hux, I’m sorry. I really am. I’m an idiot. I didn’t know…” Ren’s eyes are wide and dark. “Ask me again?”
“Absolutely not. Forget I ever said anything.”
“No, I want you to. Please. Please ask me?”
If he thinks that boyish little smile is going to get him anywhere… he’s absolutely right. Damn him.
“Fine. Marry me. Are you happy now?”
Strong arms creep around his waist, under the coat, and Hux has to dart a glance up and down the hall to make sure they’re not being observed. “Ask me nice,” Ren sing-songs, his sly smile threatening to become a full-blown smirk.
Hux sucks in a deep breath and blows it out through his nose. He was going to submit himself for reconditioning, he really was. Why did he find this attractive?
“Ren, will you marry me?” He barely sounds hateful. It’s the best Ren’s getting.
“Hmm, ask me again.” Ren’s mouth is bare inches away, close enough that Hux can feel warm breath over his lips when he speaks. One of his hands had crept up to the middle of Hux’s back, pinning him close.
“Will you marry-” the rest of the sentence is cut off when Ren kisses him.
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 7 years
Nincompoops of the First Order
In which a jackass rambles about, well, the First Order, mostly. And some TLJ stuff. But mostly the First Order.
It's like, I get why the First Order exists. In a general sense. The new films needed a big, bad enemy to rally a plucky underdog against. What are you going to pick? Something new and outside context that might risk alienating and confouding people - people being notoriously fickle and difficult to please? Something new without TIE Fighters, Stormtroopers or AT-AT's? People love that shit!
So just resurrect the Empire! And give it a dumb new name, whatever.
But wait, isn't the Republic back? Wouldn't they be a little concerned about that? Wouldn't they have spent some years, you know, ensuring that the Empire's powerbase was entirely broken so this sort of shit wouldn't happen?
Nope, no, apparently not.
Reading about it, it has something to do with the Empire setting up shop in the Unknown Regions or the Outer Rim or some such nonsense and from what I remember of the Force Awakens the Republic just didn't seem especially interested in following up on the rumours of these jackbooted thugs coming back again. Which was why instead of, you know, A REPUBLIC ARMY being the ones fighting you 'The Resistance' who had nominal support but nothing really impressive. Hence Underdog.
Practically speaking "We need the Empire and the Rebellion again - make that happen."
Which is, uh, fine. I guess. It works, certainly. The lack of any immediate explanation about Snoke is incredibly galling. The Emperor's existence was understandable because if there is an EVIL EMPIRE it stands to reason there is an EVIL EMPEROR. And if the EVIL EMPEROR has someone like Darth Vader at his beck and call it figures he'd have crazy space magic too, so go nuts. That's fine. He didn't need an explanation. Snoke, however, did. And he didn't get one. And it unlikely to. Which just makes him a fucking bolt from the blue that really, really requires seeing to.
You know how in things sometimes a new character will come in and everyone you're used to will be all like "Oh hey! That guy! We all know that guy! Oh that guy, what a rapscallion!" and you're sitting there like "Uh, what? Who? When? Why? Huh?" It's like that.
Snoke is a significant factor of this major faction involved in the conflict! He is the Supreme Leader! And he just popped out of thin air?! Super powerful and hyper-mysterious? And everyone knows who he is?!
That drives me up the bloody wall.
While I'm on the subject of petty annoyances I'm going to whale on Hux, too.
I don't like Hux. Because he's a frothing, goggle-eyed incompetent who is plain, straight-up bad at his job. The only reason he has any success is that he is on the side with the biggest and mostest guns. His idea of grand strategy is to take all these guns, put them in a heap, and shove them towards whatever problem is confronting him that day. And he fucks it up.
Snoke! You're Supreme Leader! You have lots of people perfectly willing to obey orders that you give! Many of them are probably not massive idiots! Hell, you're an evil overlord - just kill Hux on the spot and replace him! You won't even notice the difference! Except that now things aren't quite as fucked up as they were before.
A buddy of mine floated the idea that Snoke kept Hux around deliberately just to annoy Kylo Ren. Which I can believe, actually.
And oh Phasma. Poor Phasma. Supposedly an initial design for Kylo Ren kept around because they liked the look? Shame they pissed a vaguely interesting character up the wall.
Remember how in the Force Awakens her contributiosn to the plot are A) Betray her own side leading to however deaths and B) Getting thrown in the trash? Sublime. In the Last Jedi she gets a chance to throw down properly! She tanks a blaster bolt like a boss! She, uh, gets smacked down like a chump a minute later and falls into a fire hole.
Wah wah.
Apparently that Chromium armour of hers is made from Palpatine's salvaged yacht? I read that somewhere. Dope as shit, that. Adds nothing to her in the films as no-one says it and she still fails to do anything useful. Which is a damn shame.
So yes. The First Order exists solely because "We need the Empire back, stat!" and they're rubbish.
But what else were they going to do?
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littleststarfighter · 8 years
80s Kylux AU -As you walk on by
Tumblr media
This is bit of self indulgent post. I was talking on Twitter about how my Kylux 80's AU 'As you walk on by' art here had taken on a life of its own. So I promised to write up the plot I had about it as it spans from the 80's to the 90's. Like in the art it starts in 1996, the era of great music, fun films and frankly bonkers fashion.
Hux joins the school as a transfer from England, right of the back of his father moving his company to the States. Not knowing bugger all about US High School etiquette the snooty, geeky mod lover clashes with surly, new age rocker and general bad boy Ben Solo. It's punch up at first sight. Principal Lei Organa reads the both the riot act. fed up of her son always staring trouble she forces them to either attend detention every day for a month. Or Ben has to show Hux round the school and town. Ben reluctantly chooses the latter, dragging Hux off behind him trying to ignore the taunts of 'friending' the 'posh boy'. They slowly get to know each other and discover there's more to their facade than they think. Hux is mad on sci-fi and engineering, he's always talking about the stars and how one day he'll be up there. Ben loves art and fantasy and slowly they create their own little world. And even more slowly fall in love. Though being the 80's that's not so easy to admit. Ben has a crisis and in a panic asks his friend Phasma to the school dance. Hux is not at all happy and they fall out spectacularly. Ben realises he's an idiot and misses Hux. The night before the Dance he invites Hux to the football field at night. Hux turns up but he's a mess and still mad. Ben begs forgiveness saying he loves Hux. He gives Hux a present and it turns out to be a telescope he'd sold his art equipment to buy. Hux's father broke his last one because he wants Hux to take over his company not waste his time on petty fancies. Hux is over the moon and sees how much Ben really means it. They make up and finally go to the dance together. Dancing to heaven ids a place on earth.
This is where I was to end it but my evil mind took off one what happens next.
Sadly fate isn't to kind to Hux and his ailing father has to go back to England. Hux says he will write, but both are devastated by the serration. Hux gives Ben his telescope to keep safe. When Hux leaves Ben is a mess and signs up to the military. He still writes to Hux but Hux's letters stop.
It's ten years later and Hux is head of his father's company in London after his untimely death. He's grown colder under his father's hand, all of the dreams he had now gone. He's secretly engaged to a man his father approved of, who is just as cold, distant and calculating as Hux believes himself to be. A perfect match. After all Ben stopped writing, why should he care anymore. It's on a fated day when attending a lunch engagement to discuss a new business plan with his fiancé that he meets Ben. Ben's scared, a victim of a bomb attack during desert Storm.  Why he's in London Hux has no idea and once the shock has gone out of his system the rage comes in. It's the same for Ben too and they argue about how each never wrote the other (Hux's father made sure the letters never reached Ben and vice versa. But they don't know that) The fight about forgetting about each other escalates and Ben who suffers from PTSD has an episode that is so bad he is rushed to the hospital.
Hux tries to talk to his fiancé wanting some kind of support but finds none. The man suggest Hux just get over it and they have the company to think about. He tells Hux he knew about the missing letters and that it was for the best. Hux is left in shock that they'd do that to him. But his fiancé insist the company always came first and Hux knew that. He runs out into the rain and it's there in his misery he finds he misses Ben so much. He walks to the hospital and calmly sits next to the sleeping Ben and lets it all come out. Ben is awake and just clutches Hux's hand and says he never forgot about him. They talk and Hux promises to collect Ben the next day to take him home. He goes back to his flat and tells his fiancé he'll be picking Ben up. They argue about how Hux shouldn't see Ben again. And Hux says he just can't leave him like that and his fiancé scoffs and calls him soft. Mocks him over the letters, which he'd seen. Hux tells him to just fuck off out of his life. Turns out things aren't that simple as Hux's father had a contract stipulation that he must marry the man or lose the company. Hux doesn't know what to do, what choice to make. And it's there I'll leave it so as not to spoil the whole thing.  Let's just say his telescope will show up again and Hux helps Ben heal as much as his cold heart must.
I have a little 80s inspo soundtrack here, yes I like cheese XD
Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me 
belinda carlisle heaven is a place on earth
a-ha - Take On Me 
joy division love will tear us apart 
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what-i-call-men · 6 years
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
The next day was like heaven for you. Hux was confined to the med bay for a day of healing and you got to run the bridge by yourself. It was easier then Hux made it look. Always stressing and pulling at his hair when you simply just told people to report anything they found out of the ordinary. It was mostly just monitoring.
You went the whole day without any big problems. Kylo even came to join you for a little bit, agreeing that everything was so much more calm with Hux out of the way. You loved the freedom, yet a small part of you missed the uptight ginger and how he bossed everyone around. It added a sense of drama and pettiness to your otherwise boring life.
Once all the bridge members retired to their quarters for the night you found yourself lingering on the bridge. You had stopped into your quarters for a short while to change out of your stiff first order uniform into your slightly less stiff but still somewhat uncomfortable sleep wear.
Wandering towards the front of the bridge and sitting down on a ledge near a window, you looked out to the stars surrounding the ship. Today felt as if you really were lacking excitement. You didn't realize that you actually looked forward to making fun of Hux and annoying the ever living crap out of him by assigning him stupid nicknames every single day.
Your train of thought and longing for excitement came to a halt as the doors to the bridge opened. You turned to see the one person you hated so passionately yet longed to see every day. “I was just checking in to make sure you hadn’t completely ruined my bridge.” Hux said as he walked up to you. He was also in his on sleepwear which was identical to your own, but he had something that looked like light hair or fur dusted onto his own and his normally gelled back hair was messy and fallen to the side.
“Contrary to popular belief Armie, your job is much easier than you make it look,” you teased him, “I could’ve left you behind to die after getting shot and taken this over for good.” He moved to sit on the ledge with you, looking out to the stars, his lanky legs making it awkward for him to sit so low to the ground. He had probably 6 inches on your height, which by your best guess was all in his legs.
“Why didn’t you then?” He paused, causing you to look at him and away from the stars. “If you truly hate me so much then you should’ve just left me.”
You picked at your fingers, drawing your attention away from his striking blue eyes filled with question. “Leaving you could’ve been considered treason and being arrested for treason is a bitch,” You joked, yet it didn’t cause him to laugh. “Who else would I give stupid nicknames to, A? Everyone here respects me too much to be annoyed by my nicknames.”
You finally looked at him, deciding to change the topic before he could question you further. “How is your arm feeling?” You asked as you glanced over the bandage wrapping his upper arm. Slowly, you realized he had more than just a bandage on his arms. Some old looking scars and burns, not self- inflicted but you assumed they were from fighting to something.
“It’s fine,” Hux cut in quickly. “Why are you all of a sudden being civil with me?” Man, that was the question. Honestly, why were you being civil with him? Pausing for a moment, you opened your mouth to speak before your brain completely finished thinking.
“I guess since we have to get married and stupid stuff like that, we might as well try to get along,” your words rolled off your tongue, yet it had caught you off guard completely. “It’d be nice to be friends with someone other than my brother.” You said quietly. You didn’t normally call Kylo your brother nor your friend, yet it felt like he was to you. It was just the title that could put you and him off.
“That’s how you see Kylo? Like a brother? That explains why Snoke wouldn’t want you two to marry.” Hux said and you could swear he smiled. “Honestly, I’m scared to get married to you… Not just because of Snoke or how much you hate me.” Under his breath, he admitted.
“Why? Because you’ll have to share your living quarters and your… Cat?” You asked as you reached forward and gently picked a piece of fur off his shirt. He grinned at the fur of his cat and shook his head and let out a small breath, watching as you dropped the fur onto the ground.
“No, it’s not that. I’m scared of embarrassing myself at the wedding. If we get married we have to dance and I’ve never had the luxury of learning to slow dance.” Hux joked causing a small smile to form on both of your faces.
“Really? I learned how when I was younger and more when I was on T-948. Surprisingly, Ben-... er Kylo knows more than I do.” You thought fondly of him as Hux looked at you questioningly, not hearing Kylo’s real name before. “The people on the planet like to dance when they’re happy and throw many parties that I was invited to. I can teach you.” You said and moved to stand up. You loved dancing when the time called for it. The party’s on T-948 were all so elegant, everyone danced and you honestly loved them all.
Hux raised an eyebrow at you and hesitated. “Quickly, before I change my mind and go back to hating you.” You said and shook your hand a little. He took it and you helped him up, tugging his body closer to yours.
“Assuming that our dance will be a slow one,” You took his arms and set his left hand onto your lower back, taking the right one into your left. “Your one hand will go onto my waist right there and the other is in mine, here.” You said and rested your other hand around the back of his neck.
You moved closer to him, bodies just barely touching. “Now you just sorta sway like this.” You started saying and he waited a second before moving with you. “And we’re going to step and turn like this.” You said turning slowly as you two swayed, beginning to turn slowly.
If any of your workers would have heard that you and Hux were slow dancing in the bridge, all of them would have denied it. Yet, here it was happening. You were looking up at the ginger and him down to you. You both were grinning like idiots as you hummed softly; a song you had heard on T-948 that was slow and one of your favorites that you had heard.
As you moved closer to him, leaning against his shoulder. “A, I want you to know this isn’t going to change anything between us during work. You and I still have to bicker and be annoyed by each other.” You said softly.
“Oh so this isn’t you trying to suck up to me and get more work to do?” He laughed and looked at you as you laughed.
“If it was, would you be upset?” Retaliating, you smirked at him. He shook his head as he grinned. “Armie you have a great smile; I think you should smile more.” You said softly.
“Maybe for you, but I still need to be intimidating.” He muttered and leaned down, glancing to your lips and back to your eyes.
“I don’t think you’re intimidating. I think you’re rather charming.” You mumbled as he moved closer to you, your bodies being pulled against each other.
You closed your eyes, gently pushing his head closer to yours. Half a second before your lips connected you closed your eyes and made the final move, pushing yourself up on you your tiptoes. Your lips connected... and maybe it wasn’t the most romantic, standing in your uniform pajamas in the middle of the night cycle, swaying back and forth to no music on the floor of the bridge, yet it was the most romantic thing you ever experienced.
Pulling away after a few seconds, you kept your eyes closed. “Armitage… would you mind walking me back to my quarters?” You asked softly. “It’s getting late and I wouldn’t want to be a bad partner tomorrow and fall asleep on the job.” You whispered against the small bit of skin showing around his neck. He nodded the slightest bit and gently pulled back to take your hand so he could guide you to the door.
Willingly you followed him to your room through the halls. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said softly as you drowsily yawned as you punched in the code to your room. “Dream of me.” He said as you smiled and walked through the now open blaster doors. You turned to him and leaned up, kissing his cheek then turning to walk into your room.
That night of sleep you learned more about the General then you ever knew, he willingly let his guard down to your own prying mind, to him it was the ultimate form of trust.
Tag list: @fandom-trash-worth-it
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