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Jadon Fothergill (Strange Man) played by Huw Collins
Aubree Fothergill (Strange Woman) played by Tavi Gavinson
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xbitterlady · 7 years ago
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He is sooo funny, even if I'm a Spaniard and he say that he don't want a photo, he is amazing 😎 #pll #revelationsendgameuk #huwcollins #elliotrollins #archerdunhill #PretryLittleLiars (en Manchester, United Kingdom)
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keeganallennews · 7 years ago
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sleepinthegardn Do you like @sashapieterse27 ? How about @ianmharding ? Or @keeoone OR @drewvanacker AND @brantdaughertyAND @huwcollins ? WELL IF YOU LOVE THEM ALL AS MUCH AS I DO THEN JOIN ME (and them) THIS FEB IN Manchester, UK & Dusseldorf, Germany. You guys have given us so much love and support over the years and I can’t wait to meet you all!! Tickets still available on www.revelationsendgame.co.uk #revelationsendgameuk #pllcon (I will also link in my bio. See you there! ) Also babies in the last photo.
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lhale-news · 8 years ago
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sashapieterse27 Today is the day. My friends. My forever #pllfamily . In this bittersweet moment (and always), I am forever grateful for these 8 years. There are no words to describe this incredible journey, but I'll do my best. We have truly created an impeccable love story thanks to the wonderful and one of a kind @imarleneking and our amazing cast and crew. I am so ridiculously grateful to each and every one of them. To our amazing fans I am most definitely forever grateful. You guys have been so loyal and passionate! You have made every second possible, worth it, gratifying, touching, and especially memorable. We truly shot every season, episode, scene, and second for you. You will always have a place in my heart. When we cried you cried, when we laughed you laughed, when we were scared you were scared, when we were mad you were mad, and when we loved you loved. We are always in sync and we always will be. Thank you for entrusting us with your time for 8 years. Let us celebrate all the fun and growth we've shared. I love love love you all more than you could ever know. Congratulations @imarleneking @sleepinthegardn @lucyhale @ashleybenson @shaymitchell @janelparrish @tylerjblackburn @ianmharding @keeoone @theandreaparker @vrayskull #lauraleighton @thehmc @niapeeples #chadlowe #nolannorth #lesleyfera @tamminsursok @brantdaugherty @brendanrobinson @codychristian @julianmorris #jimabele @huwcollins #lindsayshaw @torreydevitto #drewvanacker #brycejohnson @yanigellman #romamafia @diegoboneta #shanecoffey #lulubrud #annebethgish @chloebridges #ryanguzman #kararoyster #jimtitus and the many many many more amazing cast members who created magic. And congratulations & amen to @lisacochranpll & our entire crew and production team who made every day possible. We shared every day, every fraturday, every joy of birthdays, housewarmings, weddings, new baby's, etc. and we shared sadness as well. I am blessed to know all of you. You are forever family. It still hurts my soul to not see you every day. Another big thank you to @freeform of course! I could go on forever! But, I will leave it as pure love. Rosewood forever lives on and this is not goodbye. Love always, Sash
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@sleepinthegardn: Today closes the chapter on a very significant part of my life. A chapter I had never imagined or even dreamt of having written. When I left collage I thought I was headed to NYC (hopefully for some jobs on stage) Little did I know life was actually taking me to Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Where they insisted I would need to do high school for about 6 more years. Life (for reasons that will continue to reveal themselves to me ) made me a Pretty Little Liar. For 8 years. For around 10,000 hours of my life it asked me to be Spencer Hastings. It took me to days where I couldn’t stop laughing, and nights when I wished I could have been sleeping in bed, instead of running in the wet and cold for the umpteenth take at 5AM but somehow we made it through and we had fun even then. Every moment with this cast and crew, in this town, every breath I took with Spencer, every text, dead body, new suspect, terrifying scream, new relationship and “kisses, A” taught me something extraordinary. It taught me patience, and how to approach my craft, how to direct, produce, it taught me about collaboration, experimentation, risk, friendship, family, empathy, sacrifice and above all LOVE. Being Spencer Hastings in this crazy world is something I still don’t quite understand, but I know it was a rare and beautiful gift. A gift that will continue to give for the rest of my days on this Earth. And I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the people who gave it to me. To all of the people who believed in me and made it possible, to my friends and family who loved me through it and above all to YOU, the fans, who watched, who tweeted, and posted, who theorized, swooned and screamed. We got a lot out of this experience, but I would have been nothing without you. Thank you and I love you all very much. (I love you too, Spencer, you weirdo). Enjoy tonight. I know I will. #pllendgame #spencerhastings
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Troian’s Farewells 
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@lucyhale: Tomorrow 😭 #pllendgame
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@lucyhale: I can almost remember the day about 8 years ago that we took this photo. Little did we know, our lives were about to change drastically. For me to be speechless says a lot, but I'm finding it hard to find the words to express my gratitude to every single person that made this show a success. Sometimes simple is better and I just want to say ...I will miss you Pretty Little Liars. Thanks to@imarleneking --She knows what she did ❤️ , the whole cast, hardworking crew, producers and writers and all of YOU. You became part of the family. And to Aria-- you became a part of me in a way, but I'll always keep you close ❤️
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@lucyhale: I'm gonna be posting A LOT of pll stuff today so I'm apologizing in advance 🤸🏻‍♀️
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@lucyhale: group "shhh" for the last episode 😭😭😭
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@sashapieterse27: Today is the day. My friends. My forever #pllfamily . In this bittersweet moment (and always), I am forever grateful for these 8 years. There are no words to describe this incredible journey, but I'll do my best. We have truly created an impeccable love story thanks to the wonderful and one of a kind @imarleneking and our amazing cast and crew. I am so ridiculously grateful to each and every one of them. To our amazing fans I am most definitely forever grateful. You guys have been so loyal and passionate! You have made every second possible, worth it, gratifying, touching, and especially memorable. We truly shot every season, episode, scene, and second for you. You will always have a place in my heart. When we cried you cried, when we laughed you laughed, when we were scared you were scared, when we were mad you were mad, and when we loved you loved. We are always in sync and we always will be. Thank you for entrusting us with your time for 8 years. Let us celebrate all the fun and growth we've shared. I love love love you all more than you could ever know. Congratulations @imarleneking @sleepinthegardn @lucyhale @ashleybenson @shaymitchell @janelparrish @tylerjblackburn @ianmharding @keeoone @theandreaparker @vrayskull #lauraleighton @thehmc @niapeeples #chadlowe #nolannorth #lesleyfera @tamminsursok @brantdaugherty @brendanrobinson @codychristian @julianmorris #jimabele @huwcollins #lindsayshaw @torreydevitto #drewvanacker #brycejohnson @yanigellman #romamafia @diegoboneta #shanecoffey #lulubrud #annebethgish @chloebridges #ryanguzman #kararoyster #jimtitus and the many many many more amazing cast members who created magic. And congratulations & amen to @lisacochranpll & our entire crew and production team who made every day possible. We shared every day, every fraturday, every joy of birthdays, housewarmings, weddings, new baby's, etc. and we shared sadness as well. I am blessed to know all of you. You are forever family. It still hurts my soul to not see you every day. Another big thank you to @freeform of course! I could go on forever! But, I will leave it as pure love. Rosewood forever lives on and this is not goodbye. Love always, Sash
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@sashapieterse27: Yesterday marked the end of a major chapter in my life. 
As I’m sure a few of you know, the TV show Pretty Little Liars had it’s very last finale last night. I woke up feeling sick with a huge knot in my stomach! It’s so surreal that there will be no more live “previously on Pretty Little Liars” and no more “Shhh’s” at the end of that now very iconic song. But as I joined my PLL family to watch the finale, I was hit by this wave of absolute joy. It dawned on me that this is an end to an era. A very important era, but even more importantly it was a time to celebrate. To embrace the incredibly wonderful time we all shared together and to soak in every bit of joy it had brought me and others. PLL…playing Alison has been such a crucial part of my childhood and now adulthood. From starting and graduating high school, getting my drivers license, buying my first home, getting engaged to my best friend, and now wedding planning, what a trip! I just want to thank you. I wish I could give all of you a huge hug! You have seen me grow and you have grown with me. Thank you for always sticking by me, for never giving up on me or Alison. As I enter this new chapter of my life, I hope you will continue with me. There’s so many new fun adventures I’m about to journey through and I would be so honored if you all ride along with me. My blog @sashaingoodtaste is definitely one of those adventures. Sasha in Good Taste doesn’t just stop at this blog, there’s so many more things in store (very soon) that I can’t wait to show you! Creating and entertaining is such a passion of mine and having you share that alongside me, means the absolute world to me! We. are. family. and Rosewood will forever live on! I wholeheartedly ADORE YOU! Love, Sasha…-A #prettylittleliars #pllfamily #emisonfamily #emison #emisonisendgame #sashaingoodtaste
Sasha’s Live Tweets
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@ashleybenson: #bts of us watching fan videos made by all of you during our very last scene we filmed
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@ashleybenson: ❤️
A post shared by Ashley Benson (@ashleybenson) on Jun 27, 2017 at 3:08pm PDT
@ashleybenson: I LOVE YOU GUYS. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and the rest of the cast for the last seven years. Without all of you watching every week none of this would've been possible. Pll was an such amazing experience and I am so lucky I got to work with the BEST cast and crew who I am now lucky enough to call family. Hope you enjoy the last episode ever of PLL ❤️
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@shaymitchell: One of the hardest scenes I think for all of us to shoot- the last scene of this incredible journey... #PrettyLittleLiars #PLLGameOver #notadryeye
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@shaymitchell: The streets of Rosewood will always feel like home. I will hold each of these girls close to my heart always, as I will Emily. She changed me as a person and I will never be able to say thank you enough. Thanks to the cast, crew, and of course, the fans. The little show that could kept chugging along because of all of you and I am forever grateful for the impact you all have made in my life the last 7 years. So tonight, as we say our final farewell to Rosewood, I say the biggest thanks to all of you. 💋 #PrettyLittleLiars #PLLGameOver 😥
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@janelparrish: It's here. The end. Join us in watching our beautiful series finale written and directed by our fearless leader and show runner, the brilliant@imarleneking. To her, I say...thank you. Thank you for this journey...thank you for my @prettylittleliars family...thank you for Mona. Thank you for 7 years. And to the fans...thank YOU. We wouldn't be here without you. Tonight truly is for all of you. Thanks for being our #pllarmy for all these years. And never stop! To these ladies...I'll miss working alongside such beautiful and powerful women. You are all fearless warriors, my sisters✊🏻 To All of our cast and crew...my heart loves you all so much it hurts. Words don't even do this justice. I love all of you. Thank you. Enjoy our finale tonight. Xo bitches, -J
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@janelparrish: Goodbye. I love you.
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@janelparrish: Shout out to whoever made this. I adore it. I'll miss the many faces of Mona...which Mona was your favorite?
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@ianmharding: This is the actual bar in Vancouver where we shot the infamous "Aria meets Ezra" scene. I snapped this with a disposable camera because I couldn't afford a phone with a camera. Also, Lucy is noticeably absent in all of these because I didn't want to look like an amateur and ask for a picture of the two of us. #pll
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@ianmharding: Another pic from the pilot. Troian, Torrey, Julian and myself all went to Sushi one night and this is the photo I managed to grab in between sips of sake and bites Julian's favorite: Uni rolls. #pll
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@ianmharding: Another one from the archives. This is the result of Ezra's "bravery on the rooftop" #pll
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@ianmharding: This picture was taken in between takes of the noir episode and pretty much sums up how I want to remember my experience on PLL: looking classy while having the most hilarious time of my life. Thank you to all who have made the show what it is. I'm forever grateful. Enjoy tonight! #pll
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@keeoone: As we all say goodbye to@prettylittleliars tomorrow, let's take the time to honor these powerful women that brought all of us together. ALL of us. Including YOU reading this. You're a vital part of why the show was created and why it went so far. We did it for you. Everything. Each of you held these moments and shared them with us through social media, at viewing parties, with a friend or family member...I can never express in words how truly extraordinary that is. Thank you.
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@keeoone: My first day on set of @prettylittleliars - now I am watching the final minutes of the show.
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@keeoone: Troian 🖤 outstanding work in that finale and always. You brought to life the answers the pll world was waiting for. 🖤 (Photo of the back of Troian's head, Alex Drake in the foreground and Spencer Hastings in the background)
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@tylerjblackburn: DAD @keeoone #PLLGameOver
A post shared by Tyler Blackburn (@tylerjblackburn) on Jun 27, 2017 at 4:58pm PDT
@tylerjblackburn: Emotional 😩💔 #PLLGameOver (rg: @daily.tyler)
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@vrayskull: Thank you to all of the amazing@prettylittleliars fans for watching this show about extraordinary women. I've loved every second of my #Pll time. Thank you @imarleneking and the incredible cast and crew for setting a loving, silly, welcoming tone each and every day. I'll miss playing this 3 part person and it is with a heart of gratitude that I say goodbye, bitches. #cecedrake#charlottedelaurentis #charles #ceceisa#ceceischarles #hn#cecehitalisonwitharock
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@torreydevitto: The first time we ever met Melissa Hastings. Can't believe it was 7 years ago and I can't believe tonight we all say goodbye to PLL for good. What a ride, what a journey. It's been an honor to be a part of this show! Hope you all get the answers you were looking for .... 😈 #pll
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@torreydevitto: Baby Hastings. 💕I'll never forget incredible bits of the conversation from this night ... 💓 #Repost@ianmharding
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@torreydevitto: And I finally got to wear the black hoodie. It wouldn't have felt right to end Melissa without a black hoodie appearance even if it wasn't...really... her... But in all seriousness , thank you to this woman @imarleneking . What you have created marvels me. You are a force to be reckoned with and I am grateful you chose me to fill Melissa Hastings shoes. And thank you to all the wonderful PLL fans who have loved to hate and be completely confused by Melissa's motives since day one. Hope you're all satisfied ! I know I am 😜
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@julianmorris: #pll #vsc
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@julianmorris: So proud of this one. ❤️ since day one.
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@drewvanacker: not in the finale, sorry, but love the #pll family forever
A post shared by Tammin Sursok (@tamminsursok) on Jun 27, 2017 at 10:16pm PDT
@tamminsursok: Goodbye Jenna. She is immortal my darlings.
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@brantdaugherty: In honor of the #PLLseries finale tonight, here's an actual baby photo of me from my first episode as Noel Kahn. From party-throwing jock to headless murderer... You came a long way, Noel. 
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@brendanrobinson: Tonight's the night!! Happy #PrettyLittleLiars Finale!! Thank you to all of our devoted fans for supporting us for 7 incredible seasons! Hope you guys enjoy tonight!! #PLL#pllendgame #pllforever #greatful#bestfans
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@brendanrobinson: We #partied late into the night, #PLL style!! Love you guys to death @sashapieterse27 @huwcollins​ @theandreaparker @kylebown​ @empirepix @hudsonsheaffer27 #prettylittleliars #pllendgame #pllfamily #pllfinale
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@huwcollins: It's not my pig, and it's not my farm, BUT it was my distinct privilege to be part of this crazy PLL ride. I am forever thankful to @imarleneking & @lisacochranpll for allowing me to bring the eponymous Rollins to life, I made great memories and even greater friends along the way, and encountered the most wonderful fans on the planet. Farewell PLL, you'll be missed. #prettylittleliars #pllendgame
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@huwcollins: 😢❤️ #pll
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@theandreaparker: Goodbyes are hard ...#PLLGameOver #PLL #PLLEndGame#MaryDrake #Spencer 💔
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@theandreaparker: Fitting end to a fantastic night. I love my girls 💕#PLLGameOver
A post shared by Andrea Parker (@theandreaparker) on Jun 28, 2017 at 9:34pm PDT
@theandreaparker: My series wrap on#PLL...words cannot express what these girls, this show and all of you have meant to me - I love you ♥️💋🙌🏼#PLLFamilyForever #MaryDrake #MrsD
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@niapeeples: Our girls are getting married!!@shaymitchell @sashapieterse27@theandreaparker #pllgameover #pll #emison
Behind The Scenes w/ Nia Peeples Part 1 | Part 2 
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Lesley Fera’s Live Tweets
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@lfera23: Oh, how I'm going to miss these wine-toting moms! @LauraLeighton@H_Combs #PLLGAmeOver
Lesley Fera’s Photoset
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Laura Leighton’s Live Tweets 
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@thehmc: It was a honor to watch all of these sweet girls grow into lovely ladies. I hope you guys enjoy the finale as much as we did making it. Thank you again to the undying fandom and all your ships. #pllendgame #pllmemorylane #pllfamily #pllgameover
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@thehmc: Get ready. It's gonna be a wild ride. And I like everyone else am gonna miss this. #pllendgame #pllmemorylane #pllgameover
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@H_Combs: This was like the 2nd and 3rd time we met ever. Clearly we had a tough time working together. It was rough I tell you. #PLL #PLLForever
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@thehmc: Hopefully discussing the prenup. #ezriawedding #pllfinale
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@thehmc: No caption needed. Just Lucy's face. @lucyhale #ezriawedding #pllfinale
Holly Marie Combs’ Photoset
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@ichadlowe: Time to say goodbye! Thank you #pllArmy You are the best, most devoted fans ever! #PLLFinale
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@ichadlowe: Behind the scenes of the #PLLFinale
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@claireholt: My very first job in the USA 🙌. Loved working on this show. Congrats to the #PLL cast and crew on 7 A-mazing seasons (see what I did there?) 😉
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@imarleneking: This was the most difficult scene to write/shoot in the finale. We are one sleep away from the end. #PLLfinale#pllmemorylane
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@imarleneking: Thank you to our worldwide PLL family. We made it for7 years because of you! ❤❤
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@imarleneking: It's hard to wrap my brain around the ending to this incredible journey we have taken together. PLL fans are truly the most passionate and loyal people in the world. #pllmemorylane#PLLfinale
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@imarleneking: I cannot thank these beautiful souls enough for their camaraderie, ideas, dedication, passion, talent and kindness. This was the last day in our PLL Writer's Room. #Sadfaces #happypeople #prettylittleliars
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Marlene’s Farewells
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proudlymanutd-blog · 7 years ago
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#PrettyLittleLiars star and huge #MUFC fan @huwcollins was definitely winning during this reunion with fellow cast members at Old Trafford last week! A pleasure to welcome you guys. -MU (at Old Trafford)
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babybenzupdates-blog · 7 years ago
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Literally no pics of these two together but this one is freakin PRICELESS 😂😂 - @ashleybenson @huwcollins #epic #roadkill #deuces ✌
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prettylittleblogpostings · 8 years ago
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sashapieterse27: Today is the day. My friends. My forever #pllfamily . In this bittersweet moment (and always), I am forever grateful for these 8 years. There are no words to describe this incredible journey, but I'll do my best. We have truly created an impeccable love story thanks to the wonderful and one of a kind @imarleneking and our amazing cast and crew. I am so ridiculously grateful to each and every one of them. To our amazing fans I am most definitely forever grateful. You guys have been so loyal and passionate! You have made every second possible, worth it, gratifying, touching, and especially memorable. We truly shot every season, episode, scene, and second for you. You will always have a place in my heart.  When we cried you cried, when we laughed you laughed, when we were scared you were scared, when we were mad you were mad, and when we loved you loved. We are always in sync and we always will be. Thank you for entrusting us with your time for 8 years. Let us celebrate all the fun and growth we've shared. I love love love you all more than you could ever know. Congratulations @imarleneking @sleepinthegardn @lucyhale @ashleybenson @shaymitchell @janelparrish @tylerjblackburn @ianmharding @keeoone @theandreaparker @vrayskull  #lauraleighton @thehmc @niapeeples #chadlowe #nolannorth #lesleyfera @tamminsursok @brantdaugherty @brendanrobinson @codychristian @julianmorris #jimabele @huwcollins #lindsayshaw @torreydevitto #drewvanacker #brycejohnson @yanigellman #romamafia @diegoboneta #shanecoffey #lulubrud #annebethgish @chloebridges #ryanguzman #kararoyster #jimtitus and the many many many more amazing cast members who created magic. And congratulations & amen to @lisacochranpll & our entire crew and production team who made every day possible. We shared every day, every fraturday, every joy of birthdays, housewarmings, weddings, new baby's, etc. and we shared sadness as well. I am blessed to know all of you. You are forever family. It still hurts my soul to not see you every day. Another big thank you to @freeform of course! I could go on forever! But, I will leave it as pure love. Rosewood forever lives on and this is not goodbye. Love always, Sash
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keeganallennews · 7 years ago
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huwcollins We might look like an angry and less attractive version of your favourite boy band, but we are DELIGHTED to all be heading to Manchester & Düsseldorf in February 2018 for RevelationsEndgAme UK (Feb 10/11) and @revelationsgermany (Feb 17/18)!! Link in bio. Come see us AND @sleepinthegardn @sashapieterse27@drewvanacker #pllcon #pll #manchester#dusseldorf
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lhale-news · 8 years ago
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huwcollins I guess if we're all posting it...🙄 WITH the wonderful @insta_tonton <- sorry you were edited out of some pics. - not Tyler or Brant's fault, they had no idea ✌🏻!! This crew is legit - thanks to all of you in Düsseldorf this weekend for the amazing welcome and all the love xoxo
tylerjblackburn WHAT THE HELL. Didn't realize the last photo was photoshopped! So sorry @insta_tonton!!
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prettylittleblogpostings · 8 years ago
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huwcollins: Dat fanboy life - @lucyhale and @thehmc ain't feeling the vibes... #rude 🤔
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keeganallennews · 8 years ago
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huwcollins #unconventional 
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