#hussien chalayan
k00288377 · 1 year
Artist Research (Life Cycle of Nature)
Hussien Chalayan
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Hussien Chalayan is well known for his use of materials like his coffee table which transforms into a dress and his experiment mal unique designs.
His works are a form of story telling, exploring different themes many of which are based upon his own experiences. I was introduced to this artist through a lecturer as she told be about his 1993 collection ‘The Tangent Flows’ which is a series of buried garments that he had left buried for months with iron fillings to create oxidation which would also change the colour of the fabrics. This idea was done in reference to life, death and decay. However by rewearing it it’s also like the rebirth. Recycling is just part of his process, and it’s his process which is important here rather than the end piece. While I do find his process in this interesting and was impressed with the results I don’t find much of his other works as interesting. His more natural looking designs are nice though.
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amarpaulkalirai · 5 years
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k00269723 · 2 years
Sketches and Pattern Making
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Sketching and pattern making
Inspired by Hussien Chalayan, I wanted to make a dress with an interesting shape. The flowy meander shape that has been constant throughout my project was the shape I chose.
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My idea for the shoot was from me research of Hussien Chalayan where he used red lighting and shined through crystals, but in my shoot I used led lighting that changed colour. I chose the two images because I feel that they were the most appropriate for my concept, where technology has evolved within fashion and how technology can be hand crafted too. Overall the accessory is functional and detailed. Exploring my ability to hand craft technology, from inputting the research I carefully selected the most relevant designers and used them as inspiration for my final piece. I I was the redo my accessory I think I would have tried to explore more within creating different types of technology and how I could use this to an advantage when using the bag. But I am glad with the outcome of the bag.
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phoebemagliocco · 4 years
Astrology inspired Fashion
I wanted to look at how designers have been influenced by astrology and space so that when I come to creating I can take inspiration and have an initial idea to work off.
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André Courrèges
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Hussien Chalayan 
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Thierry Mugler
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Pierre Cardin
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Iris Van Herpen
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clrnmarquise-blog · 7 years
Hussien Chalayan
Hussien Chalayan is known for his architecture garments that turn into chairs and table. He has been involved in many exhibitions including the V&M in 1997, he was also featured in the New York, Pairs, Venice and many more. His work pay attention to detail and his elements are 3D which make it unique.
Picture below is an example of the table dress. 
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“The tangent flows” -This collection contains items of clothing that were buried for months , beautiful rusting patterns and tones were created.
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Solar Fashion
Looking at the power point I have picked out two designers that use solar energy in fashion. These are two that have caught my eye and have inspired me.
Firstly I have chosen, Atelier Teratoma because of just how amazing this bag looks. I love the different details and geometric shapes used. \With the minimalistic style and neutral colours it stands out a lot and works really well. Again it looks very robotic like which I really like about it. This really inspires me to use different geometric shapes in this next project.
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And secondly, Hussien Chalayan because I love how magical the garments look. I can see some resemblance in solar energy and technology in the dress which has been created to look robotic. The many layers on the dress looks very technical and as if it is electronic pads in computers. Lastly, I love how different the garments look and how they form so well. Hussien’s work could inspire my own work for this project because I could use the idea of concept to help produce my work.
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The Future
Pauline van dongren- they are really unique dress’s but the design element is basic because the colours are black, basic solar panels on each shoulder and a simple plain dress.
Solar powered bag by Diffus- The bag is really trendy and it has a lot of surface area.
Ralph Lauren- tartan with solar panels. They haven't made it very suttle with the solar panels and i don't understand how they are trying to catch the energy. 
Atelier Teratoma- concept piece. Bag and folds out to a table to cook on to capture the energy. I like this design because its looking to the future and i can see this being used.
Taking inspiration.
Inspiration on nature.
Miura ori scarf- unfolded to be a bigger garment- inspiration, leaves.
Speedo’s- inspired by sharks.
Morphotex fabrics manufactured by Teijin. not dying fabric. using the lighting.
Collaboration between dutch fashion designer Marieka Ratsma and american architect kostirca.
Responds to the body. opening and closing.- designer beck mccheean
Skull to respond to the body-cengina and anouk.
Hussien chalayan spring/ summer 2007.
Thierry Mugler hate couture spring/ summer 1997
I've never thought about any of this before but i think its really inspirational because it shows a lot about a personal and me thinking of my own ideas will really help me to develop more of the skills that i would like to learn. I'm looking forward to this because i think that there is high expectations and i really want to get that top mark and create something totally different.
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cop1annahale-blog · 7 years
Fashion with a hint of Architecture
“Architecture is how the person places herself in the space. Fashion is about how you place the object on the person.” Zaha Hadid
Fashion Designers find inspiration from a wide range of genres and architecture is a key one for many. The idea that the body can be dressed like a building, brings new and exciting ideas to fashion. Many famous designers have looked upon the modern architecture of today to incorporate into their own designs. People such as the well known Hussien Chalayan who famously had a coffee table turn into a wooden skirt in his Autumn/Winter 2000 - 01 collection. His work has always been very experimental, with a key notion of interactive fashion in his catwalk shows. Designer Rosie Assoulin mentions the work of Zaha Hadid as a source of inspiration. She looks at the angles, lines, squares, triangles and rectangles all blending together in a harmonious way. Couture house Chloe have taken insight from Arabesque Architecture in recent designs and Philip Lim has been inspired by Mexican architect Luis Barragan, drawing stimulation from suburban Mexican homes, he mentions they have ‘precision, light, colour and shadow which evokes a naive modernism that is timeless.’
Walking around the art college building it led us to discover elements of architecture that could easily be translated into fashion designs. From the inside of the building I drew inspiration from many of the fixtures and fittings of the college, such as the lights, exposed modern white beams, blocks of colours in the doors, array of squares and rectangular windows dotted round the place. At first glimpse it is hard to find things to quickly gain ideas and insight, however, after scouring the place you begin to notice architectural and design features that can be used to create fashion from. Once enough satisfactory primary research had been undertaken it was then time to create our own fashion designs based on the photos that we had. Directly translating architectural elements onto the body is no mean feat. There is the question of the female body to take into consideration, it has to fit and have a nice flow to it. As a group we all had many varying designs, however, most prominent from all was the idea of blocks of shape on the body. Building the design out of cardboard was a strenuous task, after making rectangular blocks we decided to stack them on top of each other, , we added straps to the blocks so that it could be attached to the body as a wearable piece. We used some correlated cardboard for texture and spray painted the body of the design a bright orange. 
Looking at the design it is obvious that there are architectural influences, the piece of work relates is more of an art piece rather than a wearable fashionable garment. Our task was to create a design that directly links to architectural design in some manner, I feel we achieved this outcome to a certain extent as there is definite room for improvement. We worked well as a team, coming up with ideas and design solutions together, yet the actual structure could have been better made and more thought out before commencing the creation. What I have taken from this project is to take time to plan and draw out exactly what you want to create, much like in architecture which requires forward thinking planning before anything is even made. Fashion also works in this way as you need to take elements such as the body, and wearability into consideration. Overall this activity was a good way in which to fully understand the similarities between architecture and fashion. 
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orioren · 10 years
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Chalayan S/S15
Oh Mr. Chalayan - How much I adore thee - when will you design a proper menswear collection?
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amarpaulkalirai · 5 years
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k00269723 · 2 years
Artist Research
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Artist Research - Hussien Chalayan
Hussien Chalayan is a British fashion design. He had won the British designer of the year twice. He is best known for infusing intellectual concepts and artistic elements into his design and shows.
Chalayan used lots of interesting silhouettes and shapes. I love his designs because there is a sense of movement to them, and he pushes the boundaries of what fashion is.
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agameofclothes · 10 years
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What Visenya Tagraryen would have worn, Hussien Chalayan
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howtorentaroom · 11 years
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chalayan ss14
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souvenired · 11 years
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He never ceases to inspire me. Another amazing collection.
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